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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 90 KB, 450x600, 1385586189774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7318629 No.7318629[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Never Forget

>> No.7318651

hahahahahaha nice

can you shop all my fits like this

>> No.7318648

oh god

>> No.7318661

thats clearly vegeta's hair. FUCKING NOOB

>> No.7318713

Ahahahah. Is this what he actally looks like? I will never take him seriously ever again.

>> No.7318727

psssshhhhh look at this nigga. Are you the world class detective Shmurlek Helmes. No, i didn't think so.

>> No.7318768

Is that one of those machine washable diapers?

>> No.7318764

bumping so this thread hits 3hunna

>> No.7318771

seriously though you wear that shit outside?

>> No.7318836


Apparently he works in landscaping so no.

Trunks post a work fit u wont.

>> No.7318848

he spends his days on /fa/, he doesn't go outside idiot

>> No.7318866
File: 2.11 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_2555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a work fit

im pretty sure i actually labelled it as "work fit" when i first posted it

>> No.7318882

head, how many mm/inches of hairs?

>> No.7318899

1 on a clipper, which is like 1/8" i think

that might be after a few days growth tho i cant remember if i took that pic right after i shaved or not

>> No.7318894

You look like a voodoo doll made out of mayonnaise

>> No.7318919


>wearing Ann D boots to work landscaping
>they look immaculate

Youre such a cunt trunks.
Lying on the internet

>> No.7318926

that's 1mm?!
Oh wow, now I get why 7-9mm aren't cutting it.

We need to go deeper.

>> No.7318923

...those are doc martens

>> No.7318930

th r fk1g dcmtns u fk1r

>> No.7318949

another awesome trolling on the web :)
glad i could witness this one firsthand

>> No.7318970

this site has ruined him

>> No.7318967


Why are your work clothes so clean>?

Why arent your pants frayed? why arent the knees worn? why arent your boots dirty

I bet you wear light-wash bootcut jeans and a hoodie on a day to day basis trunks

>> No.7318994
File: 126 KB, 750x1000, IMG_27222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why arent your pants frayed?

frayed wear? the leg opening? cause i tuck them into my boots?

>why arent the knees worn?

cause i squat instead of kneel?

>why arent your boots dirty

they are tho?

>> No.7319013

*where not wear

>> No.7319023

lol fuckin screencapped faggot

>> No.7319025


>Actually going out in public in a first world country dressed like this

>> No.7319034

what size you get in the coat?

>> No.7319026


trunks is on /fa/ 24/7
moot might as well make him the /fa/ mod to give him a purpose to his miserable life

>> No.7319028


>> No.7319045

why is everyone such a dick to trunks?

he's one of the best posters here. Way better than that faggot seig. Fuck you seig!

>> No.7319041

42 extralong

40 extralong might have fit better but it was sold out

>> No.7319053

fuck Extreme Danny.

>> No.7319050

your ugly face ruins all your fits

>> No.7319055

thanks trunks

>> No.7319057


Because trunks is overly confrontational and tries to defend spending $1200 on geobuckets which will fall apart, even though he apparently works for $13/h

>> No.7319058

sup trunks

>> No.7319065

talk shit post face

>> No.7319069

i also heard he smells and is made of mayo
just a rumor though you didn't hear it from me.

>> No.7319071

i dont own geos and wouldnt spend 1200$ on any shoes

>> No.7319081

its his money, why do you care?

geobaskets look cool all fucked up anyway

>> No.7319085

seig is a bro. trunks, on the other hand, is an annoying shitposting faggot.

if you been /fa/ for at least 2 years you'd of known that you fucking newfag.

>> No.7319109

seig attempts to eat his own dick every night and flosses his butthole all over fits. thats why they are so shit

trunks 4 lyfe mate

>> No.7320173

buzzcut goes nice on ya

>> No.7320268

But he's fucking fat

>> No.7320291

when will you turds realize trunks and sieg are both awful?

>> No.7320295

Someone post original

>> No.7320299

what ever happened to komme? does he still post on here?

>> No.7320302

not sure

>> No.7320314
File: 59 KB, 720x540, trunks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7320317

yes he does. he just posted yesterday

>> No.7320326

holy shit...were have I seen this picture...I feel like it was on /sp/ for some reason

>> No.7320331


>> No.7320336

i've seen this posted a few times on other boards too.
it surely can't be him

>> No.7320338

fuck, you can tell everything about who he is just looking at his glance and posture

>> No.7320348

it is him it's from his facebook i think and it's clearly the same guy

>> No.7320345

which is what, pray tell?

>> No.7320350

you look like you're fleeing a massacre in the balkans

>> No.7320362


>> No.7320363

...that's his name?

oh my

>> No.7320367



His handle on another board is schurr

thats gott abe him

>> No.7320371




>> No.7320375

i ain't opening that

post a screencap

>> No.7320382

why not pussyole

>> No.7320385


Its just his banana video from yesterday or the day before tied to his G+ account.

Hes from BC

I dound 2 phone numbers in BC with his last name

>tfw trunks is getting doxed

>> No.7320389

who cares

i like the lad he is a bit of a twat sometimes and maybe a bit impressionable but he is pretty funny too

>> No.7320399

thanks trunks

>> No.7320396
File: 7 KB, 160x160, 537844_10150647184739149_576378973_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trunks' FB profile pic
>no sick fits
>just him and another guy

Trunks confirmed for homo poser

>dat fauxhawk

>> No.7320401


here you go:


>> No.7320402

no problem b

>> No.7320407

this entire stupid board

it's like staring into the sun

>> No.7320413

fuck i dont think i could do that

need to get a banana tomorrow and try it though

>> No.7320424
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>> No.7320432
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>> No.7320440

levi is gay?

>> No.7320448


>wears skirts
>posts fashun an japanese cartoon sites


Thats gay.

>> No.7320466
File: 36 KB, 805x669, erm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread

>> No.7320477

I really don't get how "fashionable" people wear shit that just looks plain old ugly and ridiculous.

>> No.7320483

it's b/c trunks is many things but none of those are /fa/shionable.

>> No.7320526

doxing trunks is just kind of pitiful

like what are you gonna do

"h-h-hi t-trunks you uhm uh d-dress funny"

and hang up

>> No.7320538


>talk to trunks about women
>tell him i'm gonna eat out a girl for the first time, curious about what she's gonna taste like
>he says not to get excited, she's gonna taste like fish
>goes onto explain that if a girl hasn't just showered, she's gonna taste fucking disgusting
>i'm like, dude, i don't think that's right
>eat out that girl
>tastes neutral, doesn't really taste fishy, it was pretty cool
>ask her for kicks when she last showered
>she says yesterday


>> No.7320547



or hes actually gay

Yeah bitches only smell like fish if they have yeast infections.

If they havent showered they might smell/taste kinda musky. Strength depends on the girl and her diet etc

If its fish -- its rotten good mang.

>> No.7320551

everyone knows stank pussy smells like cool ranch doritos

>> No.7320581

girls with yeast infections don't taste like fish.
i know because i've experienced both.

i don't know what makes some pussies smell like fish, but i've gone down on 2 girls where it did.

most of the time they just taste normal with kind of a uhh tangy? taste.

the yeast infection girl kind of tasted like paper or something.

im bad at describing flavors.

>> No.7320585


u look like a faggot.

u disgrace whites everywhere cuntboy.

>> No.7320594

danny brown confirmed for virgin

>> No.7320603

i like eating but have to be attracted to her to do it
which is rare with the women i sleep with

meh the texture of the mucus is digusting
the smell is nuetral with a kind of pungent slight fish end note
flavor is nuetral, slight copper and milk notes in the mid

but the texture ruins it

>> No.7320611


I dunno, the texture felt slippery to me. Like, not quite water, but not quite thick like cum. Somewhere in the middle. And I liked it. Especially because she was drenched. I was not expecting that much wetness.

>> No.7320623
File: 56 KB, 548x417, Screen shot 2013-10-07 at 11.03.49 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

copper taste is blood.
i heard someone joke that eating a girl out on her period is like "dirty pennies" and once i was eating a girl out she started bleeding. i could tell when i started tasting copper.


>> No.7320624


trunks is kinda right but i will side with you on this story cause trunks has been acting like a faggot on here

>> No.7320641

nah blood tastes different, like a thick heavy copper and iron taste (yes i know what iron tastes like was a welder and chips land in mouth) plus i have earned red wings, not the boots

>> No.7320648
File: 206 KB, 1101x571, mendicant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And I liked it. Especially because she was drenched. I was not expecting that much wetness.

>> No.7320652

This guy is a really successful attention whore. Not only does he probably get tons of attention IRL for dressing like a fag, but he's got 2 threads about him on the frontpage of /fa/.

>> No.7320653


yeah it's pretty hard to believe but in the real world girls don't judge you by your worst picture that gets reposted on an anime image board

>> No.7320661

Trunks stop trying to piss off /pol!!! Wtf are you doing?

>> No.7320670

what a ledge

>> No.7320666

he was licking owl pussy dude

you know owls are blind right or something right

>> No.7320683
File: 1.23 MB, 960x720, tattoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's funny because the girl i ate out has an owl tattoo on her foot

it's perfect

>> No.7320691


someone's jealous ;)

>> No.7320689


>> No.7320698

>you are now visualizing giving your tongue a paper cut.

>> No.7320705

kill urself footfag

>> No.7320832
File: 42 KB, 720x439, 1358179029339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'twas quite weird, m'lady

but also it was just weird because i wasn't getting a typical reaction from her.
i was fingering her too and then she just said "thanks but i have a yeast infection. it just kind of feels like you're scratching an itch"

>tfw i asked her if anal would be better

>> No.7320846

Fuck, another trip.

>> No.7320854


Don't worry, I don't post much. I'm just best friends with trunks and like to shit talk him sometimes.

I'm not actually going to shit up /fa/ after this thread.

>> No.7322098

and you'd of kwnon some grammar u little old shit

>> No.7322108
File: 1.40 MB, 1061x711, 1385453574835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7322162

And you would of known how to spell you little new shit.

is not a word

Is not how you spell "known"

Ever heard of Punctuation marks?

Apply yourself you shitposting tripfaggot :^)

>> No.7322192

>discussing texture of girl cum in a trunks thread,
fuck /fa/ gets better by the day,

>> No.7322199

did you really just try to correct someone's English while writing "would've" as "would of"

>> No.7322204

ive eaten out one girl, twas all clean. no fish taste, no copper taste either. tasted a little salty though, like how sweat tastes

>> No.7322235

Why, yes, I did just try to do that.
I was just about to correct myself, but you beat me to it. Eh, oh well.

>> No.7322364
File: 16 KB, 350x253, 1367293570978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"thanks but i have a yest infection. it just kind of feels like you're scratching an itch"

>> No.7322429
File: 588 KB, 217x199, mike vomiting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"thanks but i have a yeast infection. it just kind of feels like you're scratching an itch"

>> No.7322475


>> No.7322482
File: 783 KB, 1500x1796, 785865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread made me realize how disgusting women truly are

>> No.7322498

Stop fucking samefagging trunks.
Literally nobody likes you.

>> No.7322512
File: 76 KB, 600x450, Absolutely Disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7322530
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>> No.7322531

trunks will be gone soon, and this board will be much better once he is.

>> No.7322584
File: 24 KB, 500x212, 1385477805577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no case threads any more
He said he was growing out his stache the last time he made a thread.

>> No.7322591

thats a pretty Takky opinion

>> No.7322627

I hate that feeling.

>> No.7322633

He didn't say "would've" he said "you'd of"

>> No.7322636

He rages more and more everyday. He's increasingly losing his sanity. I didn't even know his dox was ever dropped. Sieg even said he's noticeably realizing how little he actually cares about fashion.

>> No.7322656

wow ur actually like a 7/10 face

grow some hair tho dat buzz...

>> No.7322829
File: 63 KB, 370x618, Tricky Rick le Trickster does it agian!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what? trunks has been on off this place for a while
idc much for this place anymore
what a shit attempt to retrick my trix on you
there can only be one TroalPost a few trollposts and there can only be many of you trolled


>> No.7322870

>tfw case is gone
Aside from dressing like a manchild, Casey is like 8/10
pls come back