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/fa/ - Fashion

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7307780 No.7307780[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>used to be a narcissistic nerd on /mu/ and /lit/
>try to get a life so i try /fa/
>after 3 months hate myself
what the fuck did you assholes do to me?

>> No.7307797

you're not alone
i used to think i'm an 8
i'm really a 4

>> No.7307815

The main place I see people going wrong is thinking there is a way they should dress and fa will help them find it.

Fa is only truly great when you are already at the point where you were whatever you enjoy. fa just helps you find more things you enjoy.

>> No.7307821

>enjoying things
get this pleb out of here

>> No.7307822

this. but maybe we're just imagining it??

>> No.7307828

no i asked /fa/ and they destroyed me
never again

>> No.7307837

the solution, my nigga, is not to leave and join new boards, but to leave 4chan entirely. If you can make it, run. Run as fast as you can.

>> No.7307839

lol fa is, by and large, a bunch of sexually frustrated/confused nerds trying to outdo other people in clothing because of crippling insecurity.

fuck em

>> No.7307850

Should have gone to /fit/. You'd love yourself, but also other men.

>> No.7307849

but i would have never acquired so many interests without 4chan. there is a lot of shit but the few people who really know what they are doing make this place worth staying

>> No.7307854

/fa/ berates sufu and sz but then you go realise both are better.

>> No.7307859

I was with you on the /mu/ part, the problem with that board is that people try to garner confidence from their taste in music, when the fact of the matter is that people could give less of a fuck what you listen to and with the avant-garde taste of /mu/ the average qt girl could give even less of a fuck and find you weird. (inb4 you are looking for a girl with similar weird music taste as you)

Here on /fa/ on the other hand, the board is based off passive communication via clothing. What you wear is what sends out the messages and creates the real first impression, the judgement people have of you before they get to know the real you (your personality).

The reason why you feel this way is because you spent so much time building up your e-peen downloading music files and then you realized it was all worthless because no one gives a shit what you listen to, but people will more often care about how you're dressed.

>> No.7307872

there are people who genuinely enjoy music you know? not everything is about being liked. are you a girl?

>> No.7307881

no shit

I'm talking about the darker side no one wants to bring up because it is there and it sounds like OP.

>> No.7307884


try >>>/r9k/ and you'll end up killing yourself

>> No.7307896

that's true, but if you don't think that there is significant dick measuring going on in /mu/ then you're mistaken. that board's culture is about 'proving' you have a 'patrician' taste in music.

>> No.7307898

what is r9k exactly?

i went on there a few times, every time i was there all i could find was endless feel threads

>> No.7307902

you don't have to prove yourself if you actually have patrician taste
that's where i got the image. fuck

>> No.7307903

/mu/ makes you think you're weirder than you are
/lit/ makes you feel dumber than you are
/fa/ makes you feel uglier than what you are

>> No.7307906

virgins who hate women but also love them

>> No.7307917

I've spent 1 day on r9k after realizing that I won't get together with my oneitis and at the end of the day I felt like killing myself
I'd definitely recommend this board to the people I hate

>> No.7307913

no we probably are all of those things

>> No.7307920

/mu/ never did that to me. i was happy to find people with similar taste in music

>> No.7307928

that feel

>> No.7307926

I'm fkn weird but not dumb and ugly. Speak for yourself

>> No.7307929

>used to be a narcissistic nerd on /mu/ and /lit/

So you came to /fa/ of all places? What on earth made you think that this would help?

That's like me saying that I used to be fat.

>> No.7307938

I meant in real life, not while you're on the board itself. Played my stepdad who claimed he was a 'huge Beefheart fan' Dachau Blues, nigga looked at me like wtf kid don't killurself soon :L

>> No.7307940

somebody posted ninja clothes on /mu/ and i thought it would be a good idea since it gives you a reason to go outside more often and feel comfortable in a social setting. now i just feel ugly

>> No.7308011

all of /mu/ listens to the same shit and they all act like condensing dicks
it's a very boring board overall anyway, xcept when there's ama's

>> No.7308036

this. to normal people you still might be an 8

>> No.7308048

>they all act like condensing dicks
>condensing dicks

>> No.7308065

do u like my term m8?

>> No.7308075

it's condescending and im not pointing that out to be a dick just to show u why i found it funny

>> No.7308078
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>every so often browse the first page of each board
>every board i don't frequent makes me realize i dont know shit about it
>tfw wish i knew more about cars, guns, animals, and politics
>too hard to frequent like 8 boards a day

>> No.7308093

one day at a time bro. I been here for 7 years and honestly things happen so fast and are 404'd just as fast, it is overwhelming to keep up with board couture. But there's not really a big reason to worry about it because no one is keeping track just focus on the current threads that are up.

One day I'll spend an entire morning on /fa/, then the next maybe I'll spend it all on /int/, /pol/, etc. I've dropped a few boards here and there because they were just middlemen to media, /mu/, /tv/, and /a/.

most importantly though, just lurk the top page and F5. thats where the most popular boards show up.

>> No.7308098

ok friend

>> No.7308102

politics are easy dude
start with "That Which is Seen and That Which is Not Seen"

>> No.7308125


>tfw no gf
>tfw small penis
>endless self pity and hopelessness

>> No.7308135

> implying /pol/ knows about politics

>> No.7308152

oh god no
the only good politically themed threads on /pol/ are economic threads, and they all end up complaining about a bunch of nazi retards and wanting a board split to /econ/ lol

>> No.7308165

N-no homo...

>> No.7308174


>> No.7308189
File: 64 KB, 599x495, 1382395352670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true. Each board has its own slang & shit

/3/ speaks in a fucking code. I swear

>> No.7308527

what are ninja clothes?

>> No.7308563

this is the gayest post

>> No.7308567

/v/ makes you hate videogames
/vg/ makes you enjoy them again

what are some feel good boards?

>> No.7308769 [DELETED] 

You should never take anything seriously on here, I'm only here for the inspo and lels.
>Enter, take the shit you came for and leave that's how you use /fa/ effectively.

>> No.7308776
File: 1004 KB, 320x240, NoShitsGiven.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should never take anything seriously on here, I'm only here for the inspo and lels.
>Enter, take the shit you came for and leave
that's how you use /fa/ effectively.

>> No.7308789


>> No.7308811

Just go with your own interests in life and pick a board from there. Then, you'll be happy in the boards you've chosen and spend more time in them.

>> No.7308824
File: 233 KB, 524x539, 1385389449189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. Everytime I visit /3/ I get so discouraged I don't even touch any new models.

OP. Just use /fa/ as a place for inspiration. That's how I am using it, while I acquire a sense of fashion that isn't too over the top and is a happy medium for me. Don't overstay your visit. Same thing happened to me with /fit/ and /a/. With /fit/ I never felt good enough even though I was my goal weight and toned. With /a/ I began to hate anime and ended up just creatively shitting on things I'm sure I would've enjoyed normally.

Don't even get me started on /mu/. Anyways, I've strayed off topic. The point is, use boards as you need them. Not as you want them. 4chan is a fucking great place to get some down to earth opinions, but it's also very up it's own asshole on a lot of things. If you honestly want to stick around longer than you should you need to step back and take a breather.

>> No.7308843

You must be a shit person to have the same taste as those Pitchfork sucking faggots.

>> No.7308849

/fa/ helped me find what I enjoy and how to do it

And that is informal workwear

>> No.7308854

I've never been rated below 5 even on /fa/

>> No.7308870

I have only gotten 2 good recommends from /mu/ ever. World is a beautiful place and junior wells. Everything else they say is consistently laughably bad.

>> No.7308880

/fa/ helped me learn how to dress and to be a man.

The only downside is now I have very expensive taste and I judge everyone I see.

My friends don't understand me anymore.

>> No.7308902
File: 126 KB, 556x876, Ronnie_Coleman_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw forced my friends to lift
Mfw forced my friends to dress better

Do as I say.

>> No.7308911

natty coleman

>> No.7308957

Ronnie "the ninja turtle" swoleman

>> No.7308969
File: 531 KB, 800x600, 1327897471258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of my interests have been influenced through 4chan, and I find it difficult to enjoy anything without the inputs from others on this site. Ive been here since I was 13, and am now 18, so its been very influential for me. What I listen to, watch, how I dress, my sense of humor, a major part of my personality, so when I go to other boards and don't know shit, it feels weird.

a lot of boards are like that and with older ones the amount of slang and older references could be lost upon someone. I've been on /g/ for quiet a while, and its a pretty quick board with a ton of information, thats always updating along with technology, which is why I enjoy it. Some people who just started browsing 4chan in general wouldn't even know what noko is.

Yeah. I don't browse /a/ any more and Madoka is one of the few recent animes I've enjoyed. I feel the boards taste has fallen off, same with /v/, I feel like even other boards, even here in /fa/, have better anime taste

>> No.7309197
File: 140 KB, 800x1359, mein_kampf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knowing politics

Most useless skill ever. Seriously, it's understanding why pretentious douches butt heads with other pretentious douches. But seriously you're not talking about /pol/ are you?

If so, only pic related will help you.

>> No.7309250

what happens if yr rated good then\
or sometimes... not even at all??

>> No.7309328
File: 46 KB, 500x446, 1377406877847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of my interests have been influenced through 4chan, and I find it difficult to enjoy anything without the inputs from others on this site. Ive been here since I was 13, and am now 18, so its been very influential for me.
why do you have to mock me??? I hate myself so fucking much for losing all sense of "self". I guess it's what happens when you value yourself as anonymous long enough on a site filled with angst and narcissism

>> No.7309337

>we are now at 780 and Titan

>> No.7309346

>tfw never happened to me

I am so narcissistic that everyone who doesn't agree with me here has worthless opinions and is clearly stupid.

Just have to out narcissist the internet.

>> No.7309349
File: 131 KB, 1168x964, i sometimes sit alone in this forest by my house listening to harsh noise contemplating whether or not i should just end it all and download katawa shoujo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck guys, s-stop, stop making me realize how full of shit I am, and how I'm spreading myself too thin with all these fucking interests.
I try to specialize/refine it by limiting myself to /mu/, /g/ and /fa/, but I really want to into guns, cars, programming, 3D modeling, animation, animu, DIY house stuff, and traveling. I'm majoring in math too, I feel like one big meme.

Thinking about ending it all fuck this autism.

>> No.7309357

Welcome brother. You'll be ana soon enough.

I generally think it's better to assume you're uglier than you are. I think I'm a five, maybe a six at best.

Generally /fa/ underrates people though, we're pretty desensitized to the average joe considering most of us compare ourselves and others to models.

>> No.7309356

I came into every board/discussion as an ultra-pleb in every aspect with little to no understanding pass surface level on everything, I didn't stand a chance.

>> No.7309370

Autistic perma virgins who blame everyone but themselves for their problems and lack of gf. Seriously the worst board on 4chan.

>> No.7309381

/v/ makes you hate videogames that were released in the last decade.

In terms of good boards, /int/ is good, well, it was, it's starting to get worse though.

>> No.7309386

I wonder how many of us are using fashion a social crutch? If guess if communication is difficult you can display your personality on your body, but it really only takes you so far. A socially awkward man with good taste is still a socially awkward man

>> No.7309407

>be a man
>in the same sentence

>> No.7309409

I don't appreciate that pic anon. Hanako is my waifu, I will not allow you to make light of her suffering.

>> No.7309425

A socially awkward well dressed man who looks decent is mysterious and "quiet" a socially awkward man who is poorly dressed and average is weird and a creeper.

So, fashion is a very good crutch for the socially awkward, it makes your social awkwardness more socially acceptable.

>> No.7309442
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>> No.7309449

I'm more confident when I'm dressed better.

>> No.7309464
File: 400 KB, 664x487, 639E9F6DF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn we suck

>> No.7309474

Awh man, do I know that feeling or what. I'm 19 now and I've been here since I was 12. This website changed my life in incredible ways. Most of the ways have been positive, but I'm a huge fucking elitist and have a hard time relating to other people because of it.

>> No.7309473

Ryan Gosling in drive is a good example yes.

>> No.7309485

ignorance bliss huh now you trying to take responsibility for appearance and fine tune it then you got to deal with self doubt and you got to do things like make judgement calls but you got to be responsible and willing held accountable for actions what a trip now say in

>> No.7309486


this is EXACTLY why I started getting into fashion. I wanted people to know that I don't talk to them out of choice rather than fear.

>> No.7309491

/fa/ thinks everyone is ugly unless you are sub 10% bf and have model-level facial structure.

>> No.7309557

I though the same way, until I realized that women usually aren't as stimulated by physical attractiveness as men are. You see the evidence all around you: rich, socially successful, famous, or funny men get all of the women, not the male models. Woody Allen fucked Diane Keaton, Stacey Nelkin, and Mia Farrow all at their most attractive.

>> No.7309561

/fa/ usually tells ugly guys that they are good looking and actual handsome guys all their flaws

>> No.7309563

>I though

>> No.7309586

You're thinking of soc

>> No.7309595

>tfw someday you will have been on 4chan longer than you HAVEN'T
I will continue going on every other day to maintain the ratio

>> No.7309603


>> No.7309608

Didn't say it'd get you girls, I said it'd make you less creepy.

>> No.7309617

fa is pretty much the only boardI can relate to on a social level, we still have some hope I guess
I'm a good looking loser neet virgin etc with no self esteem. I hang out with gay guys and pretty much try to mess with all their pleb 7/10 friends while kind of leading them on. I have to listen to katy perry for a weekend just to get a blowjob from a plebby girl with no style
Most people dont know these feels bc they are themselves plebs
Just be happy you're in the know

>> No.7309621
File: 78 KB, 400x583, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ is a perfect way to destroy your self esteem

There is nothing more scary to a vain boy's ego than the fact that he may be ugly

>Oh no I am not le handsome like le Francisco lachowski!

Its like Come on ppl we need to move things along!

>> No.7309623

>/fa/ usually tells ugly guys that they are ugly and actual handsome guys all their flaws

fixed. If a guy is ugly, /fa/ just says he's ugly, if a guy is good looking, /fa/ gets more specific and nitpicky with the flaws. Hair, eyes, nose, whatever one thing they pick up on that isn't perfect. I think it's two things, one when your good looking, your one flaw stands out more, and two, /fa/ is nitpicky as fuck.

>> No.7309630
File: 148 KB, 807x572, 1384476966024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll never be as handsome as Francisco lachowski

>> No.7309643
File: 200 KB, 680x637, 776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Oh no I am not le handsome like le Francisco lachowski!

>> No.7309647
File: 32 KB, 479x699, 1385390241742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Oh no I am not le handsome like le Francisco lachowski!
right in the feels

>> No.7309657

Being uglys dope, i wish i was ugly

>> No.7309660

u r

>> No.7309666

>being good looking wont get you girls
Random girls will literally let me grope them in publc. I'm not saying I have the social confidence to even talk to them, but it definitely seems like I could get laid if I tried
Quit dressing like dad and actually get attractive

>> No.7309671

iktf man. i just want to fit in with the rest of society. but ppl like us cant. were hated

>> No.7309669

should i dress like a ninja?

>> No.7309674


>> No.7309689

Girls want a man

>> No.7309695

I fucking care how you dress
imo it's best to dress for sex and not what the internet tells you is cool

>> No.7309702

Girls want to fuck

>> No.7309703

and a man wants pussy, money, and weed

>> No.7309720


>> No.7309736

This nigga knows whats up

>> No.7309894

You're alone
I used to think I was a 4.
Now I'm certain I'm a 9.

>> No.7310080

nice trips Satan

>> No.7310090

ew where are they condensing?

>> No.7310100

Girls want experience, and they're happy to live it vicariously. It's a social status thing they're largely unconscious of.

You'll get bitches wet by doing things outside the norm, traveling, being someone than you will using pick up lines.

If you're of average or above looks and you can offer an anecdote or a perspective or an experience that your normal girl hasn't had before you're in.

This is why accents work, the exotic.

This mysterious man you speak of generally fucks it up for himself by opening his mouth.

>> No.7310154

ive been lurking /mu/ a bit recently im in a feel thread and this ugly motherfucker just posted his picture

like i just wanted to laugh at him nobody eelse really did it was a weird experience maybe im just a dickhead but they got some weird clture stuff going on there i just wanna talk about feel msic

>> No.7310174
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>> No.7310185

/fa/ made me realize there are pretty people even on 4chan and that I might be one of them

>> No.7310219

This is so naive it hurts. You know what women go for when drunk? Good looking guys. They instinctively want the hot guys to fuck and impregnate them and then they use the betas and rich betas for financial support

>> No.7310226

/fa/ made me realize even attractive people can be beta losers
/fit/ made me realize even muscle bound jocks can be beta losers

4chan really teaches you a lot of shit about people and stuff.

>> No.7310240


there r sum real hotties lurkin effay u kno

source: i am 1


>> No.7310306

I used to love /mu/ because they preached about discovering new music and giving it all a chance, but that's bullshit mainly.

Ots a good board for a few weeks until you find better ways to expand your taste

>> No.7310566

Well if you consider that the most beautiful celebrities are 10, and most supermodels are 8-9, an average joe is gonna be somewhere in the middle.

>> No.7310588

/fa/ is a mirage on the horizon. You're never quite there. There's always something missing, no matter how many pleb bitches mire you. I wish I could turn back the clock and never discover this board. I'd be wearing Vans and 514s in bliss.

>> No.7310597

>get into guns
>browse /k/ and realize how bullshit gun laws are
>realize you have to jump through flaming hoops while climbing a mountain of dicks to own a gun where you live
>kill self

>> No.7310619

Or it's just a haven for beta losers...

>> No.7310630

I like that idea of never quite being there. Doesn't it give you something to strive towards every day when you get up?

>> No.7310687
File: 627 KB, 1387x1041, BrokenKneecaps2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be devastated if one day I was done.
Like, just finished everything.
Game over.

>> No.7312482

sub 10 is nothing
before I came back to swimming I was 9%
stop eating fastfood

>> No.7312507

this never happened to me, I posted my face and people said I was beautiful..

I'm still a failure in my parents' eyes though :(

>> No.7312550

>Come to /fa/
>Slightly improve dress sense
>In exchange become insecure about height and develop body dysmorphia
th-thanks guise.

>> No.7312740

Is it bad to start here early?

>> No.7313067

burn the fucking heretics

>> No.7313499
File: 38 KB, 500x357, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you say you value board couture yet dismiss mu and tv

I am a browser of fit pol tv mu fa lit o diy g sci and several others, and, from my experience, mu and tv have the most defined collective taste (even hivemind) of all the boards...

>> No.7314942

srsly it's almost 2014. use catalog already

>> No.7314965

Mu and tv have bad taste

>> No.7314975


this comment could exist on any 4chan board

>> No.7314979

>trying to get a life by moving from one 4chan board to another

I know where you went wrong