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/fa/ - Fashion

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7307955 No.7307955[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hey /fa/ do people think youre gay?

>> No.7310602

Only women do, when I don't care for them. I don't respond to their flirting, so they ask me if I'm gay.
"A-am I not cool enough for you, anon-kun? You must be gay."

>> No.7310608

No, they think I'm a vampire cosplay.

>> No.7310635

People only think you're gay for looking good if you're in high school/live in hicksville

>> No.7310644


some people do and some don't. But I am gay so I think its more down to the way I act than the way I dress.

>> No.7310662

gay men are always asking me if i'm gay (which i suppose is a compliment)

no one else seems to

>> No.7310694

My mom once told me that I look gay.

>> No.7310726

Used to
I don't dress so metro anymore

>> No.7310731




>> No.7310757

Any time I wear a shirt with >3 buttons and a collar

>Did you have a job interview?
>Why u dress so fancy all the time?

My friends are plebs :^(

>> No.7310764

>not pretending to be gay for the free drinks

>> No.7310775

>too many free drinks
>it ain't pretending no mo'

>> No.7313184

Some arrogant kid at my school who always bashes how awful women are and why he's gay recently said something along the lines of:

Basically the gay stereotype is any guy who is fit and dresses nicely.

It's just funny because he said this at my lunch table, while I was sitting with my girlfriend, dressed in shirt and tie.

Granted this kid wears blazers and sports-coats with stone washed jeans like everyday and yesterday he came to school with the exact fucking haircut as me

>> No.7313192
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no. i dress like a faggot but i got that masculine polarity
looking angry helps

>> No.7313207


>> No.7313219

You sound like a faggot wearing a fucking shirt and tie to school. Lunch table? Are you fucking 14? I bet you own a nice collection of REAL fedoras, not that WalMart shit.

>> No.7313284

Nope but I am gay. I started to dress quite campy recently and had more guys looking at me. But don't most young guys dress like flamers?

>> No.7313294

u look like gerard way

>> No.7313301

yes, I live in a cultural shithole tho so i'm not surpised

>> No.7313308

lmao why the fuck would u think that was him, would someone like that really be posting on 4chan

>> No.7313331

my friend told me he wishes he could dress lke me
i almost cried best complement in the world.

laughed pretty loud

sharing mad feels with you bro. my dad says it all the time.

>> No.7313350


>> No.7313367


Learn the difference between

"You look like Gerard Way"


"You are Gerard way"

>> No.7313387
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>Lunch table
>Dressed in shirt and tie.

>> No.7313405

Nope. They all heard the story of how I slapped the guy who tried to kiss me while I was getting my prostate massaged.

>> No.7315577

Not him, but you're an idiot. You still implied that that was him in the pic.
Log off.

>> No.7315606
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>> No.7315607

some fedora kid asked me if im gay
he was wearing a fucking black shirt with a purple waistcoat washed light blue jeans and white converse
i said 'yeah why' and then he started telling me the stories of his gay family members
he was so punchable
but yh happened only once

>> No.7315624

Yeah, when I was 18-22 and ran alot.

Now I got a little bit of a beer belly and dont shave often. Now fags dont even find me attractive.

>> No.7315633

Dude, even my fucking girlfriend thinks I'm gay.

>> No.7315691
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If people call you a faggot just go kanye west style berserk.

>> No.7315707

Yes. Mostly because of my effeminate voice and mannerisms rather than my clothes.

>> No.7315714

I lived in a small town for a while and being /fa/ meant being gay
I got teased a little but I have bad anger issues so I beat the fuck out of people for calling me gay and shit
I live in a big city again so I don't get that any more

>> No.7316479

Aren't you?

>> No.7316625

I've been called queer and/or weird but it had nothing to do with my /fa/nness

>> No.7316972

I was at a party out of town last saturday (on my way there I saw a group of tractors drag-racing. yeah), and this guy got all up in my face and told me to leave, and take my scarf with me. I never get called gay in the city, though.

>> No.7317011

>not being bisexual master race

>> No.7317021

some people say so because of my hair. these people also tend to be complete idiots

>> No.7317040

Used to.

Then I started dressing like shit and my hairline started receding

Now they think I'm a pedophile.

>> No.7317041

Yeah because I'm skinny, dress nice, wear skinny jeans and have a soft voice. I keep on getting hit on by gays in bars who refuse to believe that I'm straight

Hell, people who I've known since high school started are convinced that I'm gay, maybe I should just give in and embrace the cock

>> No.7317047

and never come back, please

>> No.7317167

What's the matter, anon-kun? What's wrong with enjoying hot dickings along with boobies?

>> No.7317317

no one ever has

>> No.7317330
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Yes, do i look gay?

>> No.7317372
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I told my mom I wanted to dress like goose and scott and she told me scott dresses gay. I told her she's from kansas and my dad dresses awfully. My dad agreed and then said after you get married you just don't care.

>> No.7317371

you look like a fag

>> No.7317377

Implying I know what that is
Implying I'm a pleb

>> No.7317380

yeah, i'm kinda effeminate so especially girls tend to think i'm gay. I am bi though, so it doesn't really bother me

>> No.7317383

In high school this gay guy had a crush on me and asked to borrow my shoes once. I said no.

>> No.7317385
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>> No.7317387

lmao not him but u defo just got trolled softly

>> No.7317397

where the fuck do you live
>tfw glorious european master race

>> No.7317393
File: 137 KB, 800x1067, LVSLJK-GP-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy this puffy looking Levi's Sherpa Jacket
>people thinks it looks so "European" and "Classy"
>where I'm from "European" = "Gay"
>I look very MFA workwear-tier with this on, but some people think I look like a fashionista

pic oh-so related. It is the height of classiness.

>> No.7317408

Kansas. It's in the American Midwest.

The thing is, Kansas isn't as backwash as you might think . . . it's just that there is a large concentration of stupid fucks in this region.

>> No.7317417

not really, you just look like a nerd

>> No.7317418

Don't you mean backwarsh? And do you waller around?

>> No.7317431

You're in Kansas and people think denim jackets are gay?

>> No.7317442

They all wear actual workwear.

>> No.7317463
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I do "gay jokes" at my friends like call a guy qt/hot or touch them sort of 'sensually' etc. and there was one instance where a friend thought I meant it when I said I was gay(can't remember what the circumstances were) and there was a small 'confusion', so the other people/friends around us at the time might have taken it for truth. So there's probably some who think I am, but also others who think I'm not. Also: add the fact that I comment on fits/clothes (to my female friends) and that I've gotten a whole lot more effay in a short period of time (face cleared up, bought a lot of new clothes and effay haircut) and you have some grounds for some believing I'm gay. Truth is I sort of am, and by that I mean bisexual.

>tl;dr Yes & no

>> No.7317470
File: 219 KB, 336x448, 2013-11-27 11.08.31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carhartt and timberlands. All day.

>> No.7317469

No, I have better things to do.

Denim jackets are associated with the whole "hipster image". We can thank Urban Outfitters for this. So by Kansas logic, "hipster" = "European", which is also equal to "homosexuality".

>> No.7317483

This is same with mine. She actually thinks I choke on dicks when she's not there

>> No.7317494

gay people probably think i'm gay. I don't think any one else does. I don't care either way.

>> No.7317503
File: 282 KB, 720x686, Cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw living in the shittiest of shit tier europe

s-so close...

>> No.7317508

Yeah. But I live in Arkansas so people are as close minded as they come here

>> No.7317512

Denmark isn't TOO bad, it could be a lot worse anon.

>> No.7317513

i thought denmark was good? one of my friends is from denmark and he says its the best scandinavian country and that norway is a shithole and people from sweden are all dicks

>> No.7317521

Danish culture is utter shit though, and the people here only give a shit about either football or drinking beer. Often both at the same time.

>> No.7317535
File: 33 KB, 251x242, 1376592744497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw alcohol is literally the highlight of every fucking gathering

>> No.7317544

where u located dane brah?

>> No.7317555

Everyone thinks I am gay and I'm in denial so my girlfriend is a cover up.

Not even kidding you.

>> No.7317556
File: 63 KB, 461x523, Feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Tfw all your /fa/ friends live in Århus

God I can't wait to move there..

>> No.7317560

Swedes are total fucking dicks and they hate foreigners (muslims are their faves).

some asshole made a video of him doing it with his gf public without her permission so she took him to court only for the judge to literally laugh in her face and shoo her away.


Had a norwegian exchange student in my school, she was super smart. All Norwegians I've met since have been very, very accommodating. And quite sharp too. Very kind people overall. It's a scandinavian country so how ad can it be?

Don't know anyone from Denmark, don't care about them.

>> No.7317574


Had to move to Vejle from Århus.. That.. that was a change for the worse

>> No.7317576

A lot of people in high school thought I was gay (I'm sure people in college do, too, but I don't talk to anyone anymore). It definitely wasn't my clothes because I dress(ed) like shit. I guess I have gay mannerisms, like crossing my legs when I sit and shit like that. Some guy in high school told me he thought I was gay because I'm "elegant," and this girl (that I liked ;_;) said I have a "gay walk." To this day, I have no clue what either of them meant.

I'm pretty sure my family thinks I'm gay, too, but I guess that's what happens when you're 20, have never had a girlfriend, don't like sports, etc. and everyone in your family is 50+, white, and form the Midwest.

>> No.7317578

my friend used to bug me all the time to give him advice on dressing himself. it was the fucking worst. annoying as shit.

>> No.7317583
File: 81 KB, 614x394, Baba deska?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like grills, think they're sexy and fun, don't get me wrong. But, when I'm at a city concert, or I'm massively drunk, I wish a guy would come and dance with me or hold me ;_;

>> No.7317593

what an unfortunate tern of events.
what are you even doing on /fa/? you obviously don't care how you look.

>> No.7317596

fucking dyrt mand. flyttet til en by nær aarhus så jeg har råd til at cop effay pieces.

>> No.7317611

no you look like an unattractive douche.

>> No.7317615

How effay is Aarhus? It's a split between moving there or CPH, but I don't know. I've been to CPH a couple of times and didn't feel like it was THAT great, it's also cheaper to live in Aarhus.

>> No.7317616

are you me?
all my friends think im gay now cause i hit on loads of guys when im pissed but im basically straight when im sobre, idk

>> No.7317626

It's almost 2014; you don't need to be in denial about being gay anymore.

>> No.7317638

im not even gay though i really like girls and i like boys a bit if theyre really hot when im sobre but when im drunk the polarity shifts and i like most good looking guys and only really hot girls

>> No.7317650

When you are sober you have enough denial to suppress your gayness. The real you emerges when alcohol removes your inhibitions.

>> No.7317655

i dont think so dude i sort of wanted to be gay when i was a kid, its really not an issue for me so i cant see why i would be in denial

>> No.7317660

>being in denial about your denial
You're gay, bro.

>> No.7317665

c-can we all be gay together?

>> No.7317663


When I'm drunk I like boobs and dancing more than usual. I consider myself an ass man so I don't know what that's about.

>> No.7317664


>> No.7317814

People generally are more attractive in Århus, and despite it being somewhat big, it doesn't have that douchy big city vibe like Copenhagen. People also tend to be way friendlier in Århus, and much less stuck up their own ass like people from Copenhagen.

People in Copenhagen are way more effay though, so it's not an easy choice.

>> No.7317837

>everyone is wearing shox and killing each other

>> No.7317884

fuuuuuck mane, randers er ægte pleb

>> No.7317888

er så stolt af at bo her.

>> No.7317901


>> No.7317902

>the faggot was an alcohol

>> No.7317905


>> No.7317982

>>tfw alcohol is literally the highlight of every fucking gathering
This is also true in the US.
I fucking hate my friends and family sometimes.

>> No.7317988

boede i grenaa for, heller ikke meget bedre

>> No.7318000

har fået tæsk så mange gange der ude

>> No.7318090

Relax man, sexuality is fluid not binary, you like who you like and that's it and it's good


>> No.7318103

> tfw you know for a fact your family makes fun of you and thinks you're gay behind your back

>> No.7318138
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>tfw can't relax socially with friends unless drunk because very little in common

>> No.7318178

i grenaa?

>> No.7318220

Yeah, but I always tell them no if they only ask me if I'm gay. If they ask if I'm bi then I tell them I am.

>> No.7318870

I get hit on by more gay guys than I do hot women, intact, I had someone leave a phone number for the first time ever at my job (im a waiter) was some gay dudes number. I dress very nicely and wear hugoboss shirts to work.