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7300474 No.7300474[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Don't you guys feel uncomfortable knowing that your feminine body and punchable faces make you prime targets for muggings/knockout game/gay hate crimes/etc? What would happen if someone stole your geobaskets or whatever else you have with you?

>> No.7300486


>> No.7300535

Not really, as a boxer I have a thin frame, if someone so much as even made a fist as they approached me they would be counter-punched straight to hell, and rue that day for the rest of their flatten-nosed, metal-plate-faced lives

see >>7299886

>> No.7300558

so edge
much danger

>> No.7300586

Sick meme /b/ro doge sure is epic

>> No.7300595

Personally after traveling a lot, Im not too afraid.
I can smell shifty fuckers from miles away.

>> No.7300626

All I'm getting from this is that you probably open conversations IRL with "because I'm a boxer..." you autistic faggot.

>> No.7300657


but I didn't open the conversation, OP did

he asked if we were afraid, and I told him why I'm not really worried about it

you on the other hand seem quite buttflustered, did you get harassed walking past the pjs on your walk home?

>> No.7300659
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I live in New Jersey where most of these have occurred

If there is more than one Black person walking on the sidewalk toward me, I cross the street

It's literally only Black people, and the victims are almost always White

I just can't wait until the day I see it happen so I can pull out my ruger lcp and become Zimmerman the Second

>> No.7300728

much angry
such scare

>> No.7300738


Where in Jersey are you from? What parts of Jersey should I avoid?

>> No.7300761
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Newark and Camden
Look up the cities online to see what percent are Black, and then avoid those cities
I'm from an upper class bergen county town so it was maybe 00.05% Black, but where I go to college it is higher and there's a lot of poverty in parts of the city
I mean if the nig is wearing chinos it is fine, if he's wearing anything on /fa/ he's fine, if he's wearing hipster glasses he is fine, but seriously if he is wearing anything else watch out

>> No.7300803

Do you think you generally hate Black people or its just a "these fuckers have it coming kind of thing"

Just asking because crap like this makes me think "No wonder people don't like us."
Black, Male

>> No.7300810


Just curious, I'm actually moving to the NE soon. Will likely end up in Manhattan/Queens/Bk but Jersey hasn't really been ruled out yet, either.

Hasn't this (black assholes beating strangers up) been a problem since, I don't know, the 80's? My dad used to tell me about getting mugged in Michigan a LOT

>> No.7300822

Its not really the same as getting mugged. Its just really violent assault at random.

>> No.7300837

central NJ safest place in the goddamn world
>jews and italians

>> No.7300848

Implying they'll sock you from the front

>> No.7300860
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Hello Black gentleman,

I'm going to try to explicate my empathy as I see you signed your comment "Black, Male". First: if you missed out on educational opportunities when you were younger because mistakes your ancestors made (re: selling their fellow tribesmen to Europeans), or because of the genetically-determined higher rate of testosterone you had when you were a child, you have my condolences. However, that doesn't mean you get to throw uneducated comments wherever you would like without reaction. Similarly, I'd rather you not make any assumptions as serious as accusing me of racism. It isn't exactly my fault that young Black males have a SIX TIMES higher crime rate than Whites. Do you know what I'd do if I knew for certain the White guy walking toward me was SIX TIMES more likely to mug me? I'd cross the street. Whereas I have no idea whether the White person walking is this violent, I DO know for certain that the Black person is (statistically). Similarly, there's a clear correlation between how a person dresses and how they act. I am using both of these statistics, heuristically, to ensure that I don't get brain damage by an uneducated minority. I'm sorry if this offends you-- well, actually I'm not... You see, my life is more valuable than offending your feelings.

>> No.7300875


i read the first sentence and it sounded so cringy to finish

also the james dean picture christ dude

>> No.7300886
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mayb if ur parents didnt cringe whenever they saw a word they didnt no u wud b white

>> No.7300903


what the hell

>> No.7300912
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I just saw this recently.
are you in head?

>> No.7301007
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>Don't you guys feel uncomfortable knowing that your feminine body and punchable faces make you prime targets for muggings/knockout game/gay hate crimes/etc?

I'm quite a pretty boy and people cross the street to avoid me. It's all in the swagger jagger and the look in your eyes.

I've seen some shit though so probably gives me the dead eyed stare.

>> No.7301011
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>> No.7301021
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>> No.7301055

Lmao get back to /b/ you autistic fuck

>> No.7301087

You're right. Black people are, for the most part, dangerous. I'm not saying that we should put them in concentration camps (like what /pol/ would say), I'm saying that we should approach blacks with caution.

>> No.7301092

lol where is this from?

>> No.7301101

all of it
well the knockout game that OP mentioned isnt getting mugged. they punch unsuspecting passers by to try and knock them out with one punch, and in most documented cases, either flat out kill the person, or the person doesnt get knocked out, then gets beaten to shit and dies. also, the victims of this so called game are almost always older, or women, and white. i have no idea how long its been going on.

>> No.7301136

I'm really sorry.. I didn't mean to offend you but what was so uneducated about the comment that made you have to attempt to trace back to my ancestors or genetics for an explanation.

It was a question of course I wanted a reaction.

In this next bit you say "accusing me of racism" and then go on to explain why prejudices are okay (That's what it looks like to me)

Black males have higher crimes rates. Of course a problem they need to deal with as a whole but since you're using that as a statistic also consider that they're profiled more often than whites males. Its a bad circle.

How do you know the minority that could potentially give you brain damage is uneducated?

>> No.7301149

Not offended btw I don't even live in America. Your first post just seemed like you were really angry/ itching to shoot a minority.

>> No.7301158

The reason most victims are white is because its original name was "polar bear hunting". Google it.

>> No.7301166

Black people are scary. That is why I stay inside 24/7, so that I can avoid black people.

>> No.7301185

Honestly man, that guy just seems retarded and very much set in his views. While psychological insight into why, that would likely be interesting, but I don't think any good can come from stimulating him any further.

>> No.7301198

Black people go "ooga booga" and throw spears at white guys. True story, I say it in New York.

>> No.7301266

Thanks for the info
Yeah. I`m just going to leave it at what`s already been said.

I don`t know why I lol`d so hard.

>> No.7301611
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>> No.7301629

I bought a Marc Jacobs watch and some nigger on the tube was eyeing it up the whole journey.

When I got home I put it back in the box and refused to wear it until I'd gained 20 pounds.

>> No.7301813

in my country even the hooligans are weedy white kids

>> No.7301925


>> No.7301937

It all depends on where you live, that's why the racism is illogical for the most part.

>higher proportion of blacks = more black thugs
>higher proportion of whites = more white thugs

To answer OP question, yeah I'm victim sized and have been mugged twice, which isn't too bad considering I've lived in a shitty area my whole life.

When I'm not scared/in fight or flight adrenaline mode I don't really care what happens to me so I don't care too much about getting bigger. Obviously it'd be nice to be more intimidating as a deterrent but I'm 5'8" so I think the difference would be negligible.

>> No.7301945

>Marc Jacobs watch
Maybe he was judging your bad taste in watches.

>> No.7302153


wouldnt crossing the street be so obviously fearful and make u more of a target to get rolled up on


>> No.7302189

>>higher proportion of blacks = more black thugs
>>higher proportion of whites = more white thugs

if youre going to make wild claims like that, you better fucking back it up with some stats bitch

present them.

>> No.7302222

/pol/ pls

>> No.7302248

>i can actually stand up for myself and fight

>> No.7302262

i have a rape fetish, may as well cross it off my bucket list.

>> No.7302293
File: 64 KB, 600x609, whities scurred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw black
>mfw fairly skinny
>mfw whiteys still afraid of me even though i wouldn't hurt a fly

>> No.7302310


i would hang out with you so hard wtf

>> No.7302303


>"mfw black"

You're already screwed up enough.

>> No.7302353

>yfw all my friends are white.

but yeah id be down 2 hang with ppl from /fa/ regardless of race. just dont be an absolute cuntnugget

>> No.7302358

didn't know anders zorn was a reaction now

>> No.7302376

it started in jersey city btw

thank got i got out of that shithole. i remember some nigger pushed my grandmother down and stole her cash/credit card one evening.

>living in NJ
>not nuking that shithole

>> No.7302443


he's not good looking and he also doesn't own a E30.

>> No.7302491
File: 289 KB, 1366x768, MBDTF_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jokes on u m8 im proud to be ugly.

im not the type of ugly like "get the fuck away from me" but turtle ugly. a turtles ugly, but you like it. Im not going to act like im somebody im not.

unlike most of you deluded fuccbois

>> No.7302499

I like you, nig, but you're still a fuccboi.

>> No.7302524

Man this is so autistic my only conclusion is that you're not him and you hate him so fucking much you want him to be seen as the biggest faggot on Earth.
If not then euthanize yourself.

>> No.7302540

god fuck it took me a while to get that
I openly say nigger here and even that made me ;_;

>> No.7302549

I don't think we generally "hate" black people. i think its more of a weary feeling. If black dude or 3 were walking by me on an empty street. I would avoid crossing him. mostly because the odds of an altercation are greater than that of crossing a white dude. i try to judge character independently but I also like not getting beat up or having stuff stolen

>> No.7302543

despite it being a fealony in california i usually have a RIA 1911 chambered in .45acp in the glove box locked

or a daniel defense .300blk upper on a jd machine lower in the trunk with the pull lever release in locked position

so if i get pulled over a cop can't legally search those compartments

>> No.7302554


Have fun getting raped in jail, fuckface

>> No.7302559

just carry a shank bruv

merk any pussole who step u

thn u will get mad blood on ur rick owens innit
make u a propa badman trust fam


>> No.7302560

you know spelling out the details of your /k/ knowledge doesn't impress the dorks on here. it just makes you look autistic trying to sound like you know more than others

>> No.7302567
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that cant be true. i dont own geobaskets or supreme

soz 2 dissapoint

>> No.7302579

*adjusts fedora, buttons trench coat, tucks in my little pony tshirt*

>> No.7302585

realistically most of you wont ever come across some lil nig nog knocking you out.

so you can keep your luger at your side

>> No.7302610
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r ye avin' a bubble m8

>> No.7302623

White people just have boring lives so they need something to be scared of because it makes them feel interesting.
It's like fat women who put napkins on their drinks.

>> No.7302633

>It's like fat women who put napkins on their drinks.
I don't get it. What?

>> No.7302637


bruv are u fukin mental m8 ur gonna get fukkkdd up round mans ends fukin nob ed is chattin bare shit

>> No.7302663

row row row your boat
im going to rape your family

>> No.7302669

They're ugly as shit and won't get spiked but like to think that they are attractive enough to be raped.
White people think they are interesting or wealthy enough to get robbed or beaten, but really are like everyone else and are too poor looking and boring to be attacked or stolen from.

>> No.7302686

its so funny last night i was with a few of my friends at the bar (who are white) were talking about this with the bartender, saying they'd do to a kid if they caught them in the act of knocking someone out. when in reality it wont ever happen. hah.

its so ppl "cant" roofie their drink ya know.

i actually know someone that got roofied. cute lil girl. luckily she was with her friends

>> No.7302691

nigger there's been several robberies in my 99% white neighborhood, almost all of the assholes involved are black (and if not, Puerto Rican)
the fear isn't just some self-perpetuated shit
that said, there are some exaggerations

>> No.7302704

where do u live where violent crimes aren't that common
I know several people who have been mugged and have come close myself a couple of times

>> No.7302709

Yo, young black males are far likely to hurt another young black male than some skinny white dude.

>> No.7302721

>some exaggerations

nigga what.

i tried to tell a lady she dropped her metrocard (payment method to use public transportation) and she thought i was trying to trick her or something and gave me the crazy eye and screamed what at me.

>99% white neighborhood
>all minority related crime
dats not how it works bruh bruh

>> No.7302738

im in Connecticut atm. suburb part too. majority is white obv.

Last time i was mugged i was living in NJ, i was 13 and i got jumped by 3 colored folk

>> No.7302741
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>i tried to tell a lady she dropped her metrocard (payment method to use public transportation) and she thought i was trying to trick her or something and gave me the crazy eye and screamed what at me.
That must have been frustrating, bro. I feel for you.

>> No.7302774

not really frustrating. you kinda just get used to it

but yeah i cant forget that she clutched her purse of course.

which reminds me of this.


>> No.7302808

you're australian right? Might be getting you mixed up with someone else, not sure.
A while ago, I was mugged by 2 white bogans with rat-tails at 10am on the train just before getting to Central Station in Sydney
I had $20 on me and initially refused to give them anything, but when they threatened to 'put a knife in my stomach' and starting counting down from 10 I changed my mind because it was hardly worth taking the chance with $20

>> No.7302802

>tribesmen sold to Euros
i believe the word you're looking for is "stolen"

>black people are statistically more violent
i would be as well if someone worked my ancestors to death for (basically) nothing, and then coyly announced "we're sorry".

bigoted fascist white people (and the system they've built for themselves) have been telling black people they're trash basically from the point they're born until they die.

and you're surprised they're upset?

when cities are more worried about restructuring modern buildings rather than help out the needy, or funding schools and education programs, that's shit.

when you have nothing you, don't really have any other option but to do what it takes to survive. and it's stemmed from the very roots of the problem: white men in power.

>> No.7302824

lmao polar bears aren't even white

>> No.7302836

you sicken me. i wish this was 'bait' but there are no doubt people this stupid on /fa/

>> No.7302866

I was mugged before, it really just opens your eyes. Honestly, like anything else if you look like you don't know where you're going or you look like you're "asking for it.

I don't think it matters too much nowadays, because almost everyone is a swagfag, and they're more into robbing phones and macbooks, which only a fucking moron would walk around flailing about.

>> No.7302862

what is wrong what he said.

not him just wondering what makes you think some black people are just violent for no reason.

>> No.7302874

yeah I'm from Sydney

>> No.7302888

>i tried to tell a lady she dropped her metrocard (payment method to use public transportation) and she thought i was trying to trick her or something and gave me the crazy eye and screamed what at me.
do you live in south florida m8?

>> No.7302884

you fucking australian/new zealand pieces of human detritus are going to have to come to terms at some point with the fact that the whole world does not operate like it does on your sex criminal prison island

or maybe u dont cause ur just going to marry the first "bogan" bitch u get pregnant and have a bunch of australian kids that will end up working the same low-wage jobs as you did because you couldnt afford to send them to a good university (outside of australia) and thousands of generations of garbage are just going to live and die in mediocrity on the same rotten fruit smelling island hoooooly shit whichever britbong came up with the australia idea was a fucking genius hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhaha

>> No.7302906

naw this happened in NYC man.

in grand central station

>> No.7302907

>south florida
It's NYC m8.

>> No.7302909


>how dare they think we're primitive and violent so I'm going to talk about how I fantasize my primitive, violent urges
grabbing your purse: disgustingly racist and evil
wanting to beat the living shit out of a woman for doing so: justified battle against evil racism

>> No.7302916

why dont you go have some incestuous with your cousin

>> No.7302917

Ah, it's a city thing I guess then. I told my out-of-state of friend about it and he knew nothing of it, so I assumed it was a south florida thing.

>> No.7302918

Ur too mad about a video m8.

>> No.7302937


>> No.7302947

fair enough

>> No.7302974
File: 37 KB, 443x483, this-nigga-look-like-a-wii-avatar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I can't help but find niggers adorable

They're just so extroverted and brutally honest

>> No.7302998

I was mugged by a white guy in Kansas City. He looked disheveled and he smelled like vomit. He just approached me, with his hands in his jacket pocket.
>Give me your money. Now.
>I've got a gun in this pocket, and I will fuck you up. Gimmeyermoneh.
>Okay. Whatever. . .

I handed him the only cash money that I had, $35. I also gave him the Timex Weekender watch that I had. It's not like he asked for it, but I was just being a cheeky fuck, and the watch was shit.

Thankfully, he just ran away to the back of some industrial building. I'll bet you this guy was just looking for some beer money.

Strange thing is, I wasn't scared, I was actually kind of annoyed and frustrated. It's the kind of feeling that you get when you're pulled over by a cop. Getting pulled over is frustrating, getting ticketed is annoying. Being accosted by some thug was frustrating, handing over the money was annoying.

So, yeah, fuck that shit. But I like to think this low-life tried trading that shitty Timex for some crystal meth.
>I g-got this watch. It is p-probably worth $50.
>Whatchu talking about, dawg? Get that faggot ass watch out of my face.
>Come onnn. You can pawn this.
>I want money, motherfucker. Get out of here!

>> No.7303016

>carrying money

>> No.7303017

Nino Brown 22 hours ago

lmaoooooo bruh u cant be doin that shit in front of white folk that's how they justify zimmerman

>> No.7303021

that's because cops are stealing from you just the same

>> No.7303024

Jesus, read a book for once.

Maybe look into King Ghezo and others like him, and how they were balls deep in the whole business from the start, and even dragged their heels and kept clandestinely trading slaves even after the British tried to abolish slavery.

Then come back and apologize

>> No.7303027

What's wrong with carrying money? If I didn't have the money at the time, what would I have given the guy?
>I don't have any cash, but here's my debit card, a Best Buy gift card, some coupon for Quiznos, and a novelty ID card.

If I didn't have any cash at the time, I probably would have been in more trouble.

>> No.7303031

would lol again

>> No.7303119

what he said was the equivalent of believing the planet earth was a giant square made out gineys and u ask me why i think hes wrong.