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/fa/ - Fashion

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7298346 No.7298346[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>pants too big
I don't look good in skinny denim
>lose weight
>clothes will look better
says who?
>fashion industry, and us
but others say I look like a girl/fag
>their opinions matter less, we've acquired more taste than them and spend copious amounts of time looking at silhouettes. And you shouldn't dress to impress others anyways
are you sure over attention hasn't skewed your perception of silhouette? normal people don't stair constantly down/at legs. Maybe they look as small as you want them to look to everyone who isn't analyzing them to a T
>maybe, but only skinnier silhouettes will impress us
but I thought impressing people didn't matter

A kind reminder..
being a skinny male is only attractive to fashionistas and homosexuals.
Argue about women liking skinny men? it exists as a temporary fetish, like when you had yellow fever for a month or two. it doesn't actually define who they date.

So unless you're comfortable in skinny/tapered shit, don't listen to /fa/.

>> No.7298365

*twirls cape*

>> No.7298376

Yeah I like to lift heavy things and put them back down personally, I think if you're not lifting the weights you look a bit try hard in your clothing anyway.

>> No.7298387

lucky im a homosexual

>> No.7298391

>being a skinny male is only attractive to fashionistas and homosexuals.

well I'm a homo, so hooray?

>> No.7298394

shut up you fat fuck and get on a treadmill.

muscular>otter>bearmode>skinny>skinnyfat>auschwitz>decomposing corpse>fatty

>> No.7298401

What is te use of a thread like this?
Why do you have to post it here?
Who are you trying ton convinve? Us? Or.. perhaps yourself?

>> No.7298405

>skinny jeans look a lot better when you have nice toned legs to put in them

prove me wrong skinnyfags

>> No.7298408

around the same, and comfy wearing skinny jeans

>> No.7298407

I am comfortable in slim/skinny fitting stuff
I'm also not hungryskeleton mode but people in general say that it's a good balance between being average and skinny
6'3 160

>> No.7298410
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>being a skinny male is only attractive to fashionistas and homosexuals.

yeah i bet this guy is just crawling in wet pussy 24/7

>> No.7298417


>> No.7298427

not skinny =/= obese

>> No.7298455

159.8lbs here. Ive quite big hips and thighs (t-thanks dad and 9 years of field hockey) so I will probably loose 2-3lbs to get rid of that thigh fat.

>> No.7298486

haha I can't type it's too early

>> No.7298506
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>> No.7298530


I'd say pussy ain't the market he's in.

>> No.7298534

jesus h

petition to ban australians from the internet

ps u can have a certain preference without waging war on everyone not sharing your taste for fucks sake

>> No.7298540

Yeah, skeletoncore is a thing on /fa/. Thing is, though, people go for that because it's what they think looks good, and not because of pandering to whatever someone else might find attractive. Your view is dickish and pleb as fuck, not because you don't like skinny but because you can't wrap your mind around people liking different things.

>> No.7298542


>> No.7298577

don't worry, our prime minister is working on destroying our internet access as we speak, it's only a matter of time

>> No.7298591

if you spend money on clothes and are fat and old you end up looking like sieg.

if you lose weight and are old then spend money you could look like poet

>> No.7298600

OP here
I'm 6' 150 lb (take that as you will), I don't even know why the mentality of this board jumps on the idea that someone is fat just because they think a style is stupid.
I mentioned 'losing weight'because completely healthy toned men with veins and abs get told to lose weight, because their thighs are too big.

well that's just fine, have a nice day you two.
no, I have one loyal girlfriend, and she tells me I need to bearmode.

>> No.7298617
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*tips fedora*

>> No.7298621


shit i weigh more than you while being shorter and i'm skinny, so i guess you're kind of delusional???

>> No.7298647

Skinny jeans... I don't get it. Can you even bend in those things?

>> No.7298656

hell yeah
I can do squats in them, though it is fairly uncomfortable to get up

>> No.7298660

Not if you are a fatfuck, but you probably knew that already fatboi.

>> No.7299066


>> No.7299349

I think his point that /fa/ can't do as you're telling him, in understanding that other people have different ideas of aesthetics, while I agree he is being a pleb about it.

>> No.7299387
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>b8 this hard
or alternatively:
>being this fat
It doesn't really matter, you're still fucking pathetic, OP.

>> No.7299470
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>It doesn't really matter, you're still fucking pathetic, OP.
I'm glad to see you're this mad, swearing at me isn't going to change that you must look like a huge faggot in your clothes.
again, I'm 150 at 6' and I bike daily
I guess you could say 'skinnyfat' if it wasn't for the veins on my Adonis.

this is proof how horribly unfashionable and skewed this board really is. a bunch of insecure kids with eating disorders telling about of insecure fat kids they need to lose weight.
and the sheer stupidity, not to mention, how many people miss the fact that this thread was pointed in the direction of healthy, active, low fat people who happen to have big thighs and get told to 'lose weight'

seriously, fagots, get your shit together and start dressing your bodys properly.

>> No.7299512

I like you

>> No.7299650
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i am gladdened.
I'm not sure if you meant this in a 'good-problem' sort of way or an offensive 'you're an idiot' sort of way.

>> No.7299675

I dont like you.

>> No.7299785


im confused as to why someone who is skinny would hate on skinny people, i guess?

its like if a buff guy would go on fit and say people that lift are retarded

responding to a troll etc

>> No.7299819

I don't think he hates skinny people I think he's saying he hates the elitism of fa and that people only like skinny people on here

>> No.7299858

In general they feel more comfortable than baggier fits - I was kinda blown away by this the first time, but there is just something nice about just feeling pants that actually fit rather than just kinda hanging around your legs. Plus the psychological effect of knowing that you look good is HUGE.
Try it.

>> No.7299865


then whyyy would he say "being a skinny male is only attractive to fashionistas and homosexuals.
Argue about women liking skinny men? it exists as a temporary fetish, like when you had yellow fever for a month or two. it doesn't actually define who they date."

makes zero sense!!!

>> No.7299866

because the other skinny people are pompous, and think that if someone else is heavier than they are it gives them the right to look down on that person and tell them to loose weight when in reality it's the anorexic faggot with no shape and a gross Auschwitz body that needs to learn about what healthy people are supposed to look like.

and being skinny is not the same as being buff. working out takes actual hard work and dedication, as apposed to starving yourself like a fucking 14 year old girl who thinks she's not good enough because daddy didn't love her

>> No.7299919

I did say in an earlier comment that I kinda agree with op but he is being a pleb about it. Also my type is skinny guys and ima hetro grill so I don't know man. I guess he's being a general prick

>> No.7299926

Agreed bb

>> No.7299951

no you're not interpreting what I'm frustrated with
when I said
>being a skinny male is only attractive to fashionistas and homosexuals.
I was being literal. I know saying the word homosexuals can have a negative connotation, but I don't hate gay people, or people who are heavily influenced by the culture of fashion, 'fashionistas'
these people Are fine in skinny clothes. that's what works for their world.

what frustrates me is how the people that breed that culture here do it by means of defacing everyone who doesn't fit the definition of what they think is fashionable. When they don't contribute to fashion, what gives them that right?

the idea that someone with a healthy, even slightly overweight (but muscular enough to be defined and not saggy) can't be fashionable to the same degree as someone who looks like a young coked up leonardo dicaprio is total bullshit. it's literally a misinterpretation of runway fashion by uncreative pricks who invest cash in clothes for the sake of trumping one another with their 'style'.

it's popular on this board because anonymously, these same asshats are more vocal than most people, and the concept is mistakenly reinforced by what we see on the runway.
and then the whole fucking market bends to the mentality because that's what the people with money tell everyone else to buy, and buy themselves. the arts gone, it's just who'se better.
My argument really is classism vs art. this board leans far towards classism, and steals anything artistic, so long as it costs a lot.

>> No.7299956

>i can't fit into clothes
>lose weight then
>n-no i-i didn't even want to f-f-fit into those c-clothes a-anyway

>> No.7299966

I like you a lot now

>> No.7299972

Maximum cognitive dissonance.

>> No.7299991

Would you mind posting a photo of what you believe to be a fashionable, slightly overweight person?

>> No.7300015


skinny jeans look good on skinny manlets with long legs

thats it

>> No.7300042

>what frustrates me is how the people that breed that culture here do it by means of defacing everyone who doesn't fit the definition of what they think is fashionable. When they don't contribute to fashion, what gives them that right?
>My argument really is classism vs art. this board leans far towards classism, and steals anything artistic, so long as it costs a lot.

You just went straight from what the fuck is going on to pretty cool guy in my book.

>> No.7300049

but you are skinny and you claimed you had a girlfriend???


I do agree that the whole "skinny is the only way to look good" is utter tripe and all these proana, "skinny gf", whatever threads make me sick to my fucking stomach but youre doing the same thing here

dont be a dick is what im saying

>> No.7300075


I've gotten so accustomed to having them fit around my ankle rather than just draping over and being all over the place..

I have a pair of blue jeans that I don't really like. They feel like ridiculously large bell-bottoms because I've been wearing skinny jeans for years.

Also, you know how raws and acne jeans are all nice and soft in a way? The blue jeans aren't like that. They're all hard and stiff and crusty.

I don't know if I'll ever go back.

>> No.7300114

when is it too skinny? i'm talking about jeans

>> No.7300125

You're a nice anon.

>> No.7300129

u cant get bitches if u have over 12% bodyfat, fact

>> No.7300127

when it looks like it was painted on

>> No.7300132

different poster here
why the question marks? was there something about the post you referenced that contracts those statements?
also, "dick" is what you say when you don't have an argument.
and he's right.

>> No.7300144

tfw 17% bf
c-can I make it into 12% during this winter? :(

>> No.7300148

You guys have a point but when someone's chubby and posting on fa they get slated to shit.

>> No.7300160
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If I had one on my computer, I would, but they're rare.
maybe they're rare because they're fatasses, right?
no, it's because we don't tailor things anymore.
you can be built, short, overweight. with the right texture and fits that emphasize the right parts of their body and deemphasizing others, you can produce a good outfit. You don't need to conform to what somebody prescribes you in some veiled attempt to validate their own taste and superiority in anything fashion oriented.

but you asked. how about javier in the last scenes of skyfall? what do you think he weighs?

>> No.7300167

that much? i always do a squat when i try jeans on and if it feel like they are going to rip off i change them for a bigger one

>> No.7300203

Might have missed that train, m8

Winter is for bulking (unless you're australian, then winter is for cutting)

>> No.7300213


if no girls are attracted to skinny men, why would he, who is skinny, have a girlfriend?

while he raises some valid points now, the original post was pretty much only shitting on skinny guys for the sake of being a dick, just like how peeps posting "lose weight fatass" are being dicks

>> No.7300231

I have a skinny bf. Life's good.

>> No.7300377

Slimfit master race. Skinny can look a bit too "gay", straight fit's a bit bland and baggy is just awful. Slim is that perfect midpoint.

>> No.7300423

m8 I know this sounds really cliche, but if you're secure enough in your sexuality and confident enough and have the right fit, you can rock the flamboyant look.

>> No.7300460

I'm not gonna lie, if some dude was dressed really fa I would talk to him no problem but instantly assume he's gay, it's completely to do with experience tho

>> No.7300477

You need to start lifting and change your ideal size OP.
Mens 30-34 is ideal, because of the 5'9-6'1 height to waist transitions to a great V-Taper look.
>Check out Starting Strength if you're an absolute noob and you have a skinnyfat or fat body with no real muscle. After about 2-4 months of solid SS, move onto a more advanced set, like the Texas Method, for another 2-4 months, and from their work on a body split, such as push/pull or back/bi, chest/tri, legs.

>> No.7300482

Yeah of course you can rock it, it looks good a lot of the time. But it's still the flamboyant look, and it'll turn the ladies off a bit. She'd have to be /fa/ as to realise you're wearing it for fashion's sake as a straight man. And let's be honest, that's a very small percentage of girls

>> No.7300544

>But it's still the flamboyant look, and it'll turn the ladies off a bit. She'd have to be /fa/ as to realise you're wearing it for fashion's sake as a straight man
Hahahahahah what are you even on about m8?

It's all about execution. I rocked the flamboyant look junior year of high school. Only one person assumed I was gay, and it was another guy who was gay himself. One of my favorite fits was black acne skinny raws, a gray cardigan buttoned up, a baby blue t-shirt underneath (pretty bright, but it made my eyes pop), white vans (I know, I know), a braided belt and some Burberry's of London for men cologne.

All the girls said I was really stylish and looked really good. The word gay never left their mouths once.

No girl is going to assume you're gay if you're rubbing her leg or touching her ass.

Execution is key.

>> No.7300609

>"You look really stylish anon"
That just sounds like something a chick would say to her gay friend. Like I said, it's still a good look, but you just made it sound even gayer. And her letting you touch her could also be a "Oh it's fine, he's gay" thing.

>> No.7300717

Why would anyone care about other people assuming that you are gay? I dont give a crap about other people's opinion and I dont give a damn about people or girls thinking that I am homosexual. I am skinny, because I want to be skinny, because I think it looks good and because I feel comfortable being skinny. The same goes for skinny jeans.
Are you all still in high school where that one mean kid in class is bullying you, because he says that you look gay or are you guys really just retarded?

>> No.7300749

Calm yourself friend, I'm talking about it from a "getting girls" point of view. If a chick thinks you look gay, even if you tell her you aren't, she'll still have that bit of attitude towards you that'll hinder your progress. No need to get so insecure about it, no one's bagging on your style

>> No.7300817

Ooh I do love a closeted anon

>> No.7300845

Well, thats a different perspective indeed. I am not into that kind of getting girls thing. I was unhappy for years that I dont have a gf, but i now realized that I dont need that kind of thing. Ive multiple really nice female friends and i enjoy their company, but I wouldnt want them to be my girlfriend or anything more than a nice person to talk to and do stuff with.
Dont get me wrong though. I am not gay at all, but maybe asexual, because I am not really interested in having sex or a relationship but masturbate once a day.

>> No.7300899

Are you ugz or just not keen? To be honest, as cliché as it sounds, I'd say you need to get laid. It'll help you make a distinction between what you want and what you think you want

>> No.7300925

I mean I am interested in habing sex thats why I probably masturbate, but the thought of actually having sex in terms of intercourse with a female sticking my penis inside her bumping up and down freaks me out and is rather disgusting imo.

>> No.7300933

Ugz. Ugly.

But yeah from what you say, sounds like you just need to try it. Maybe get a few bjs as well. You might like it.

>> No.7300978

Well. I am 6'3, have amazing hair, a not that good hairline, a weak chin, symmetric face, clean skin, otherwise an okay face (6.5 on /fa/), wide hips, big thighs (working on it) and weigh 72.5kg (going for 70-71. The main problem is probably my social anxiety and a kind of depression I have (abusive mother, abusive sister, bullied in school, becaus of my mother, no relationship to my father before I moved out and in with him a year ago), but well I dont care, because I am happy with the way things are currently.

>> No.7300997

slim, well-fitting clothes will always look good. this is not some arbitrary fashion industry bullshit, it's basic aesthetics

most of the time /fa/ tells someone to lose weight its warranted. and they recommend lifting all the time, so clearly they realize some muscle is good (as long as you don't go bodybuilder status because that's fucking ugly)

>> No.7301000
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*tips fedora*

>> No.7301015

Not him but I lost my v-card to a very skilled hooker. Sex is mediocre. I was honestly thinking I could have used that money to buy some red wings during the whole ordeal

>> No.7301025

Shiiit, I suffer from the same mental problems as him too

>> No.7301060

Shit sucks, doesnt it?

>> No.7301336

*tips fedora*

>> No.7303624

You have no idea what that means I guess.

>> No.7303664
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I am a homo. But go outside and you'll see most young people are skinny or /fit/. It's attractive. Get over it fatty.

>> No.7304610

I don't know if it's always warranted. I was told to lose three stone but I'm only seven pounds over average. It's really dickish on here sometimes.

>> No.7304614
