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/fa/ - Fashion

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7294934 No.7294934[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>For over four months [...] his eating consisted of one cup of black unsweetened coffee and an apple or a can of tuna each day (approximately 55-260 calories).[1]

I am currently a weak, pathetic, poor piece of shit and to actually have some sort of achievement before my 20th I want to try this. Maybe even blog about it. Is this dangerous? Worth it? So I eat an apple and drink a cup of coffee a day and be done? Four months? Anyone tried to reproduce?

>> No.7294967

Why the fuck would you really consider doing this?

>> No.7294959

ul b

no girl wants a guy who is skinnier than her

>> No.7294971

that is absolutely not true.

>> No.7294976

>I am currently a weak, pathetic, poor piece of shit
and if you do this, you'll be even more weak and pathetic than you were 4 months ago. if you're looking for a lifestyle change, i can assure you this isn't going to help

>> No.7294992


maybe you should just kill yourself now

>> No.7294984

>Is this dangerous?
Worth it?
Probably not

If you are seriously willing to do this, why wouldn't you be willing to exercise + healthy diet?

>> No.7294986

You forget he was getting paid millions of dollars to do this, which is certainly added incentive to get you through the hard hunger pains. I expect you to do this for a week and be done.

>> No.7294993

lmao fat fuck

>> No.7294999


>delusional virgins errywhere

>> No.7295005

i'm sure bale had more than enough doctors keeping his health in check during that time. even the craziest diets i've read aren't THAT crazy. even if it's not inherently dangerous (which it probably is) it's not worth doing. you can get the same results with 2000-1500 cal/day (depending on your height).

>> No.7295008
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>I am currently a weak, pathetic, poor piece of shit

then why in fuck would you ever want to do this? you become weak to a point of no return, it's basically suicide.

>> No.7295037

Shit nigger, people in auschwitz were better fed than this.

>> No.7295039
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>people still believing the coffee and apple/tuna story

he used drug intake managed by professionals his entire career

l2deal with it

there is NO WAY that natural dedication can do this to your weight unless bale has highly mutated genes but I doubt it

hollywood drugs all the way baby

>> No.7295073

In my opinion his aesthetics are way better than anyone else on /fit/. The true part of body building is the low bodyfat percentage and Bale nailed it. If he would go from that point to lean gains without fat gains, he would be the best looking body builder out there and nobody would be able to surpass him.

>> No.7295076

Get /fit/ nerds

>> No.7295083


Do people like you really belive
>no girl wants a guy who is skinnier than her

I'm serious here, it's all subjective, but it's amusing because all of my real life friends that are /fit/ as fuck are insecure as shit and have never seen a pussy irl.

>> No.7295093

Actually I've been told this by multiple girls.

>> No.7295095

And I'm not even lying… take it as advice or keep dreaming of the life I live

>> No.7295105


It's ok, but i really don't get it, i look like shit and i've never had problems getting girls.

>> No.7295112

But are they girls you really want? Or are they just women who were willing to sleep with you

>> No.7295118

>If he would go from that point to lean gains without fat gains, he would be the best looking body builder out there and nobody would be able to surpass him.
are you serious right now? have you ever lifted a weight in your entire life? because you seem very unfamiliar with building muscle

>> No.7295122


The latter, i shouldn't be able to get those chicks, but i am, my friends always harass me for tips but i don't have any.

>> No.7295157

Now the question is are you lying? I live with a group of girls and they all go by looks, every girl I've been with must've gone by looks since I was a virgin before I started hitting the gym. When any of the girls sleep with a bloke who isn't good looking they say how much they regret it the next day to me. Idk if you're getting into relationships with all these girls or if they're all just off their faces when they sleep with you.

>> No.7295217

I'm going to be completely honest here.
If you do this, you will be completely fucked up.

>> No.7295215


I'm not lying, it really depends on the country you're in (Slav here), also i haven't been in a real relationship for the past 4 years.

I guess it really comes down to confidence in the end, i'm really outgoing and i'm always responding thruthfully when people ask me shit, it gets some of people upset because they're not used to face facts about themselves (girls especially) but most of the people respond positively.

>> No.7295264
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No it's not a good idea you fucking idiot.

How about you go to the gym and gain 20lbs of muscle and then do a cut? Stop before you get swole and you'll have the ideal athletic/lean/model body.

>> No.7295262

Well I'm British you dirty fucking van cleaner and of course you need confidence but what girls care about here is how good looking you are and not how many paintbrushes you own.

>> No.7295273

your english's kinda hard to understand bro

but I'm albo and I understand where you're coming from

I was told this pig disgusting chauffeur who was the very definition of a mouth breather and had years of plaque build up on his teeth had a pretty hot girl propose to him after having dated for years but turned her down. He was so fuckign awkward. Even if his behavior was "normal"...he was repulsive. Got this incredibly uncomfortable feeling that he was....aroused....while I was in the car. I'll take that crazy but very clean hollister fag who went cold turkey off of his mood stabilizers over him any day. eughh.

>> No.7295280
File: 19 KB, 400x300, lil b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm skinnier than my gf. She's normal and I'm skeleton mode, lyl.

>> No.7295286


Cute, i'll actually go to London in 3 months to visit a mate.




It's really not on this board, it's 4chan in general.

>> No.7295282
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Seriously sometimes I wonder if the people on this board are actually fucking retarded. Basically half of you are really sad caricatures of "fashionable people"

>> No.7295288

You fucking moron. If you wanna go hardcode, just go with keto diet. You can eat 2kg of chicken breasts everyday, you will NEVER be hungry and you will lost a lot of weight faster then with this shitty diet.

>> No.7295312

not doing things tends to be easier than doing things, in my experience

>> No.7295314

Don't go on a diet if you're weak and thin... That's dangerous.
Just fucking exercise, do any kind of work-out. Become stronger, feel better and eat more of the good shit.
Don't eat crap, you know what I'm talking about. Sugary and salty stuff. Read the damn labels and avoid anything that has glucose, fructose, any kind of goddamn-ose or syrup as one of the five first ingredients.

>> No.7295319

And clean some drains out too aye you pole cunt

>> No.7295331

This guy/s know what they're talking about

>> No.7295332
File: 98 KB, 512x948, 1384065955045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mate i'm Russian, i guess you Brits are really hating on immigrants nowadays.

>> No.7295340

Stay in Russia then you rotten toothed, grease ball. We don't want anymore of you unhygienic, tracksuit wearing, shit scoopers on our streets.

>> No.7295349


Not even for 2 weeks? Damn that's harsh, it's not like i'm gonna stab you or somethin'

>> No.7295361

I know you wouldn't stab me, you'd just come knocking at my door after cleaning my drains demanding 20p and a twix with the threat of not cleaning my toilet with your tongue for a cup of rice if I don't pay up

>> No.7295375


Now that's some repressed hate, what's the problem mate, did a Slav steal your gf / job?

>> No.7295406

most of the world consider russians to be some of the absolute scum of the earth.

>> No.7295418

russians = white niggers

>> No.7295421


On this i can agree on, even Russians consider Russians to be the ultimage scumbag forms of life.

>> No.7295424
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>mfw i can never understand slav hatred and while i get while jews are hated i've never been able to hate them as much as neo nazi

this is why i can never truly get behind hitler's moronic shit.
oh well, nigs are still the turds of this world.

>> No.7295437

this could fuck up any physical development that might happen b4 u turn 21-22

>> No.7295466

go back to /pol/ you pathetic cunt

>> No.7295490

hey relax

>> No.7295540
File: 63 KB, 600x400, 1377712078975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when normal people see Christian Bale, they like his muscular body in Batman

>when /fa/ sees Christian Bale, they like his malnourished skeletor body in Machinist
You guys are so weird it's hilarious.

>> No.7295732

OP, if you seriously want to do this, here is the CORRECT way to do it:
Drink plenty of water and eat six spoons of hemp seeds a day.

The hemp seed is the most complete food on earth. You can lose all of your fat and still be healthy. Apples and coffe do not have the nutrition you need to be healthy. Also, take multivitamin supplements.

>> No.7295849

uh, what?

the great majority of the reactions to the OP are negative. the rest of the posts in this thread are either neutral or fags debating about what women want.

also, i just scroll past this thread. likely plenty of other posters here too. OP and his one or two supporters don't represent hundreds of /fa/ posters here who don't bother posting in threads like this.

>> No.7296261
File: 19 KB, 491x404, 1353992804254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat suit exists
>for some reason skinny suit doesn't

>> No.7296323

Don't do it OP. If you are already "pathetic" and "weak", then by eating like a Jew in the camp you get yourself to a point of suicide. Or your body just crashes and you go to hospital where nurses force feed you trough a tube.

P.S. Russians are the scum of the earth, it is known. Regards Finland masterrace.