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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 135 KB, 600x743, bag-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7292706 No.7292706 [Reply] [Original]

Well after months of looking i finally found the perfect backpack

Literally can't find any fault in it


I had to get the $59 one since im in bongland, but still £35 for a backpack that hopefully last until im dead and beyond is bloody worth it

>> No.7292712

looks like my $20 asos backpack, except mine is black

>> No.7292710

what color is most /fa/?

>> No.7292718

>draining energy and resources
>sustainable alternative
>our mission to be at the forefront of sustainable design and fashion


>> No.7292720

Dark Blue or Grey imo

>> No.7292790


>> No.7292794

they basicly ripped off a muji backpack, dont suppport this shit

>> No.7292805


omg so edgy, our economy is collapsing and the markets, including the fashion market, will follow unless something changes


yeah because they ripped off the most generic backpack design of all time

>> No.7292812

These look so fucking sick
I don't know much about kickstarter - did they make enough money of it yet? When will we be able to purchase them?

>> No.7292819


I personally think eco-friendly clothes and accessories are fantastic, but as far as I can see, they haven't written anything except that they'll recycle it if you send it back. Where is it produced and by who? Where do they source their materials? Etc. How are we supposed to know that they aren't produced in a bangladeshi sweatshop or that it actually will last longer than, say, Eastpak or TNF or what have you?

>> No.7292823



well theyve hit their first goal so theyre definitely going to start making them and they said theyre gonna start shipping in early january so im gueesing theyll go on sale at the same time

so want the project to hit $50,000 so i can have mine in black

>> No.7292846


>or that it actually will last longer than, say, Eastpak or TNF or what have you?

companies like eastpack or jansport have been making backpacks for years, and have plenty of time/testing backpack designs for flaws/ergonomics, the design from these established companies with the depth of knowledge and the money for research and development will be making much better quality bags for the price than anything from a kickstarter.

>> No.7292872


Exactly - unless I get to see some actual sources I'm going to write this off as empty promises, i.e. lies. The plantable leaflet is "fun", but there are numerous other companies that actually plant trees in Africa, where it is needed, instead of giving westerners a week of "ooh, this paper actually grew!".

Hell, what dye are they using? If they'd use natural, eco-friendly dyes I think they'd mention that at least once, making me believe that's not the case.

>> No.7292875


That is a good point, im just guessing they want to focus on the actual product and not clutter up or make the kickstarter too complicated, but yeah it would be a bit hypocritical if they made it in a sweatshop or something

>> No.7292882


at least you're helping a new company on its feet and expanding the market, more is better, if its shit theyll fall on their arse

>> No.7292893


Yeah, but when you're pushing a product as eco-friendly - or rather, when you're pushing a product where this is the only thing attracting customers - you cannot leave that information out. Even a "read more"-link with sources would be enough. This looks like they deliberately left it out, for some reason.

And it's a fucking shame, because what they're claiming is extremely important and something that needs to be done.

>> No.7292925


Very true, im sending them a qyestion on kickstarter now:

"Can I have more information regarding just how eco-friendly the bag is e.g. source of materials, material specifications, where it's made, how it's made, dyes used etc."

tbh tho for me the eco-friendly parrt is just an added bonus for me

>> No.7292936


But really, a quick glance at how companies are run today shows that more competition doesn't lead to better, more reliable products - it leads to outsourcing, cutbacks on material and production, the giants either crushing smaller companies or swallowing them. The few who manage to survive are forced to drive up their prices to compete and eventually outsources too, joining H&M and the likes as awful companies. The customers - you and me - gets fucked by this, the workers even more so, and especially the countries where these sweatshops are located.

>> No.7292971


thats quite a cynical way of looking at it but yes still painfully true

>> No.7292993


That's great!

>> No.7293082

not that guy, but to be fair the economy really isn't going to collapse because of where products are being made, it's mostly just for financial reasons that have to do with how the banking system works on a large scale

About the backpack I do like the design, I don't really care if it's "stolen" from something else, but the other anons have been right to suggest you thoroughly check where the materials come from, things need to be robust. The zipper's brand too, says a lot about the quality of a product. If it's YKK it's probably not that great

>> No.7293142
File: 81 KB, 500x500, 1365527981184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7293280
File: 20 KB, 300x225, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw brits call backpacks 'nutsacks'

>> No.7293311

pack your stuff in it

put it in on your back


>> No.7293418


you guys should acknowledge/ remember the "fanny pack"




>> No.7293441

ruck ur stuff into it
its a sack
B) ballsack

>> No.7293445
File: 92 KB, 400x427, Z-038lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does kinda look like they use these zippers

>> No.7293470
File: 123 KB, 700x1053, d0a8b165055273572cf37c9f0ab69f65_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not getting a tessel


>> No.7293488

>calling us fuccbois
>pushing an ugly bag

>> No.7293496
File: 167 KB, 700x1085, fd99826512124328a8cf83cf3837e39a_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this bag is way more original than that eastpack copycat lookalike doesnt bring anything new to the market besides the way it's produced i should say.

>> No.7293497

you cant even fit a sandwich and a passport in that thing

>> No.7293499


>> No.7293515
File: 38 KB, 640x426, issey miyake bao bao backpack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not getting a bao bao


>> No.7293516

I'd rather hold my shit than carry around that tiny pack.

>> No.7293519

>plebs not understanding high-quality rick jokes.

>> No.7293538
File: 53 KB, 460x587, asos-brand-blue-asos-contrast-canvas-backpack-product-4-5094604-724928448_large_flex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T.f. are these for?

>> No.7293551


strapping carabiners through, hanging hiking gear on etc

>> No.7293645

welp, wish I didin't get my backpack now, is there any reason to have 2 backpacks?

>> No.7293712


Excellent points, I also wanted more information after I looked over their marketing. While they make many eco claims, I'm especially interested in how they can back up their durability claims. Saying 'we have nice stitching!' isn't enough.

Add on the price, and I'm a bit more skeptical yet. It's certainly possible to sell a nice pack for that, but people will happily pay $100+ so companies tend to very happily go along with it.

>> No.7293744

But I already have a Jansport.

>> No.7293754

That ivory color really does not look like a very good idea for a piece of gear that is going to be banged around, used outdoors and rarely cleaned.

>> No.7293801

well I'm no expert but I recently heard it's not exactly the greatest zipper brand around. Doesn't mean the rest sucks though

If I were you, if it turns out to not fit your criteria, you should take a look at etsy dot com, people who craft shit including bags, and you could actually get feedback from people who have bought from the people who sell their stuff over there.

>> No.7293888

What are you using your pack for?

>> No.7293978

you could say the same for sneakers, but they tend to look a bit better when they get just a little dirty

>> No.7294318

>spend months looking for a backpack
>arrive at a plain white backpack

you have summed up the retardation that is /fa/

>> No.7294929
File: 63 KB, 1035x1380, rsanc501_office_natural.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does /fa/ know about american apparel backpacks?
the reviews on the website are very contradicting about its durability

>> No.7295618


>> No.7295654

( ´Д`)=3

>> No.7295656

looks like herschel but without the little logo thingy

>> No.7295889

nice try to get us to fund your project

>> No.7296696

goddamn that looks good though

>> No.7296722

Well I don't have one, but just the fact that it has nylon zippers is a bad sign. If you want a backpack for daily use, you want metal zippers. The ones OP posted uses metal.