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/fa/ - Fashion

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7282112 No.7282112[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw friends called me ugly

Nothing worse than the crushing realization of being ugly

>> No.7282123

being ugly means you get to be invisible in crowds

1st hand exp

steal like it's the end of the world

>> No.7282129

Oh there is something worse... It's when your entire life you thought you were pretty fucking hot shit and then you realize .. you're ugly and balding and ugly personality and just want to kill yourself

>> No.7282128

post fit fuccboi
>friends calling you ugly
is that called "friends" nowadays?

>> No.7282136


confirmed, no wonder you never take fitpics faggot

>> No.7282137

Dw you can easily groom yourself to be decent looking, unless you're grotesque. Post face OP.

>> No.7282145

>9/10 alpha male friend tells me i'm attractive
forever gonna make it

>> No.7282156
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I used to think people stared at me because I was attractive, but it's probably that I'm ugly

>> No.7282177

One of us one of us

>> No.7282186

>that feel when you first notice your friends telling ugly people they're handsome or pretty and they believe it
>that horrific feel when you realise people may have done the same to you all this time

I...I just don't know what to believe anymore

>> No.7282201

are you a girl?

b/c I only ever really see girls calling other girls pretty (even if they're abominations)

like in a group of dudes they would just say "damn fool that looks bad"

>> No.7282255

The worst thing is after they call you ugly they won't tell you what to improve on

>> No.7282273

what the fuck do you even improve on?

if you have shitty facial structure there is literally nothing you can do. game over. kill yourself and hope for a re-roll.

>> No.7282284

nigga it's not my responsibility to give you a makeover figure it out yourself. Nobody helped me I had to learn it all on my own


The good (or in your case bad) thing about being a male is you don't need to be physically attractive in order to be attractive. If you're a girl and ugly you're p much fucked lel

>> No.7282321

>tfw no friends to compliment me

>> No.7282343

I'm a guy, but I have girl friends that tell me I'm good looking and guy friends that have said I'm handsome, usually while drunk.

I maintain a healthy scepticism though and choose to believe their words, while well intentioned, are ingenuine. Mainly since very few strangers have expressed interest purely because of my appearance.

>> No.7282406

the most over used, played out, retarded response to these types of threads. where the fuck do you think this nigger is gonna get confidence? he's making a thread on le 4chan complaining about how people think he's ugly. there is no hope

>> No.7282410

>Mainly since very few strangers have expressed interest purely because of my appearance.

You know that's because you're a guy, right? You're supposed to approach them.

I'm not saying it can't happen the other way around: but you'd be silly to wait.

>> No.7282417

>rollin w/ bois
>comment on looking like russel brand
>comment on looking like side show bob

>> No.7283177
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>overhear grill friend call me ugly
>realizes I'm next to her
>"no, anon you're a lovely person"

Shoulda slapped that bitch

>> No.7283911

I don't know why but ugly is the only insults hurts me

>> No.7283959

>not being good enough friends to take the piss out of eachother

how sad.

>> No.7285505
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that's the worst part, the pity people give you for being ugly

>> No.7285574
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>tfw babyfaced
>tfw can't wear monochrome black outfits, heroin-chic, dadcore, or streetwear and be taken seriously by people

>> No.7285594

at least u have ur health
nothing like being sick for months to remind u of how trivial that shit really is

>> No.7285619


>taking the piss out of eachother =/= incredibly personal insults that only serve to make someone feel insecure

calling your friend a faggot for liking metal music is taking the piss, calling him an ugly fuck isnt

>> No.7285637

>nothing like being sick for months to remind u of how trivial that shit really is
u poor thing :'(

>> No.7285652
File: 111 KB, 616x607, 1383556164097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw auschwitz skinny
>tfw big nose/forehead
>tfw people say I look like James Franco with AIDS
>tfw people say I look like I could be the son of Bill Nye

I mean I'm starting to gain weight, but you just gotta deal with what you're given.

>> No.7285653

I'm on medication now but the side effects make me feel like death

>> No.7285658

I was being sarcastic b/c you typically act like an entitled piece of shit but I'll humor you
what are you sick with?

>> No.7285675

>>automatically -2 cha for ethnicity

>> No.7285678

seasonal depression

>> No.7285681

>you will never know what it feels like to have total strangers compliment you on your appearance

Lol. Luckily for me I do know this feel! Goodbye plebians.

>> No.7285683

wtf no
sort of close tho

>> No.7285680
File: 99 KB, 640x480, 2013-11-21 23-06-57.882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw only your Mother tells you that you look good ever since you get short hair

>> No.7285686

She can see her baby's face

>> No.7285688
File: 27 KB, 400x484, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw nicely symmetrical face but a chubbster

I even have a muscular build. There's just a layer of fat covering it. Sucks finding good fitting clothes.

>> No.7285703

lose weight?

>> No.7285714

I have been. I have a physical job that's caused me to drop like 40 lbs. And I don't eat that much. But I'm an alcoholic so I drink a normal daily caloric intake every night.

>> No.7285711


>tfw i got this

fuck winter

>> No.7285718

lose weight.

>> No.7285730

thanks for the advice m8, I'll keep that in mind.

>> No.7285742
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>tfw average looking

>> No.7285777

j to the r o c aint average looking dawg nahmsayin?

>> No.7285782

being alcoholic isnt very fashionable :/

>> No.7285791

can u get marijuana w/ a high CBD content in Australia

>> No.7285789

honestly i doubt yall are really that ugly, like how often do u actually see a person and go in your head, that niggas is ugly as fuk, only rarely and it usually only happens when the person has poor hygeine, so if your hygein is in cheque i doubt your ugly, probably just average as fuk and if thats the case deal with it and find something else other then your looks to gain self esteem, like playing a sport or art or something, fukn losers

>> No.7285817

yeah if u dress well have good hygiene and arent fat the worst u can usually look is average unless u have a deformity or flesh eating disease or some shit

when i see rlly unattractive ppl its usually acne, filth, fat, shitty hair/facial hair, awful fits, not bone structure

>> No.7285824

>The good (or in your case bad) thing about being a male is you don't need to be physically attractive in order to be attractive. If you're a girl and ugly you're p much fucked lel
Heh, yeah man, keep believing

>> No.7285846

You just realized that shit?
You must not be that ugly, then. Ugly is being told that your whole life.

>> No.7285853

>tfw people say I look like James Franco with AIDS
BOOM, fucking gold right there

>> No.7285879

all of it is, we only get indicas due to greater yield and lazy/jewish growers as well as consumer ignorance

>> No.7285888

idk what u mean
I don't want to get fried I just want to feel less anxious/ sick

>> No.7285899

You don't want to smoke weed then

>> No.7285967

>like how often do u actually see a person and go in your head, that niggas is ugly as fuk
Literally every time I go out in public.

>> No.7285985

but it's only THC that can worsen anxiety
in the past when I've smoked it just makes me feel mellow and light headed but I haven't smoked since this anxiety shit came up

>> No.7286107
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ya, right, tell that to him

>> No.7286118

Weed will not help you with sporadic anxiety.

If anything, it makes it worse.

>> No.7286139
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>tfw so ugly and androgynous I can't even dress differently without looking gay/weird

>> No.7286146

it will help w/ the nausea and lack of appetite tho
I'm keeping it as a last resort b/c I can't live like this

>> No.7286294

Real talk

>> No.7286331
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>> No.7286350

youre such a beta. i used to be like you until i got real friends.
seriously if they were real friends they wouldnt make you feel bad.

>> No.7286354


ye how much do u want

>> No.7286358

fuck yeah

undiagnosed mental instablility 4 life

>> No.7286361

na man, it kind of makes anxiety worse

>> No.7286373
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1376034412270s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you could pull stuff really well actually

but thats just like, my opinion

>> No.7286375

everything I've read about CBD suggests that it makes it better
but like I said it's a last resort

>> No.7286426
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>tfw reading online reviews for clothes

>people complaining that a shirt jacket is- a shirt jacket
>fat people complaining that it makes them look fat
>people complaining that wool feels itchy
>people complaining about button flys
>people complaining about buying the wrong size- and rating the item based on their own mistake
>people calling pleb tier mall brands "Premier Brands" or a variant


>> No.7286454

>people complaining that slim fit is slim fit

The review for the Levis Commuter trucker jacket has a guy describing it as not being normal denim and feeling stretchy and thin and that it isn't the same as his other levis trucker jacket. He also said it fit way too slim. And that this is a bad thing.

Eugenics needs to start immediately.

I saw an ad for my local childrens hospital that said "I just wanted to fly" in childrens hand writing. If my fucking kid said that after jumping off something and breaking his fucking legs I would fucking kill myself for spawning such a fucking moron.

>> No.7286617

>If my fucking kid said that after jumping off something and breaking his fucking legs I would fucking kill myself for spawning such a fucking moron
*tips fedora*

>> No.7286685

>like how often do u actually see a person and go in your head, that niggas is ugly as fuk

all the time with girls. not with guys because their attractiveness doesn't matter to me

>> No.7287432


>> No.7287494

>everyone thinks you're ugly
>everyone thinks the girls you're attracted to are ugly

It kinda works out, I just need my perfect uglyfu to be ugly with and laugh at the plebs with their warped view of beauty.

>> No.7287521


>> No.7287545

>cute girls dont give you the time of day
>its all about personality, really!

you can't get to know someone and find out what their personality is like you don't ever talk to them

whether people admit it or not, know it or not, it all comes down to looks.

if you're ryan gosling, they'll be engrossed in everything you say and do

if you're quasi-moto, it doesnt matter what you wear, if you have top tier comedy, do all the right things at the right time, etc you'll just be ignored or at best kept at arms reach in the friend zone

simple truth

>> No.7287549
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>tfw bought NBs and now 1 inch taller

>> No.7287553


Nah. If you're attractive it will be easier but I've seen a million ugly people with gfs and wives. This dude I know that comes up to the bar I work at has no fucking nose because it was burned off in a house fire and his girl is hot as shit. She is the bartender there actually and he only goes there so that the customers don't hit on her

You just love making excuses for your problems

>> No.7287559

>tfw asymmetrical as fuck face
>only look good if in person and constantly moving around
>2/10 in pictures

dat feel

>> No.7287561
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>mfw i'm a fat ugly neckbeard with a mullet but i don't care because i'm rich

>> No.7287560

>be 8/10
>only really attracted to interesting average/below average girls
>everyone thinks i'm just using them

>> No.7287580


my sides

>> No.7287781

uh, yah

>you love making excuses for your problems

This is a word that needs to go away, or at least lose the meaning it's developed. People like you use "excuse" like it's this bad thing. It's just a legitimate reason/explanation for something.

>no excuses
Uh, yeah, excuses. Fuck

>> No.7287804
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You probably have an awful personality or no personality. You're probably the most boring person to be around. If you honestly think the only reason you can't get girls is because youre ugly then youre more delusional than this guy

>> No.7287826

lel, actually for me it started after I started browsing /fa/, I judge so much damn

>> No.7287842

excuses are shit because you can just keep ignoring and avoiding the choices that you do have (and there are far more available to you than you think). L2Sartre

>> No.7287860


Boring is pretty bad as well

>> No.7288638

>tfw you need new friends

You have pretty crappy friends if they comment like that without giving you ideas on how to look better

>> No.7288783

>ditch old friends
>never have close friends again


>> No.7288833

>Going to uni, feeling good in my clothes that day
>Girls are looking at me a lot
>Feeling fucking great
>Arrive at uni
>Take off my backpack
>It's fucking wide open with stuff nearly falling out
>fuck this shit

That day I realized that whenever I think girls are looking at me there's some kind of stupid reason like that.

>> No.7288855
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>start working at store a few months ago
>several chicks that work there that are around my age spill their spaghetti
>one girl tells me I'm "totally hot" to my face
>homofag coworker says they all want the dick
>tfw gf
>tfw no coworker orgy
>tfw I'd still only rate myself 7.5-8/10 on a good day

>> No.7288887

>these are what good looking people consider problems

There is no god

>> No.7288888

>go out dressed up for formal
>hear 'oh he sexy' as i walk past group of black girls
>dat unneeded but well appreciated confidence boost

>> No.7288884


Time to never be open with anyone ever.

>> No.7288896

nice fift'ros m8

>> No.7288902

This happened to me but the girls are all fat and gross.

Going to party tonight with the tall cute one.

Also she's kind of a bitch.

>> No.7288916
File: 970 KB, 935x1684, 2013-11-22 12.50.18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a real sign. I stopped and stared at it for a good 30 seconds in disbelief. I would kill myself if my kid was that stupid.

>> No.7288933


It's worse when they all know but avoid to tell

>> No.7288947
File: 44 KB, 800x600, 1385014131706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Feel with me bros. You get used to it but it's still pretty lame

>> No.7288954

That's kind of fucked up and misleadingly cute.

I bet a few of the kids just wanted to Die

>> No.7288959

using my drawing holy shit i laughed hard

>> No.7288969

Your art really speaks to me bra

>> No.7288985

>tfw nose slightly crooked downwards because of something that happened in middle school
>forever ugly

>> No.7288986
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>tfw friends constantly complement you on being the slimmest, most fashionable, and handsomest/ prettiest one in the group.
>every time you look in the mirror you look like ass
>inadvertently realize how ass your entire crew looks.

>> No.7288990
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W-why did you capitalize die

>> No.7288998

I spin more rhymes than a lazy susan
I am innocent till ma guilt is proven

>> No.7289006

I...I don't know

>> No.7289004

thanks man, ill do some more for my first world insecurities in the future

>> No.7289116
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>"anon is ugly"
>realizes I can hear her
>"aaw, you're just facially challenged"

>> No.7289133
File: 424 KB, 259x169, 1385002947067.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw hanging out with the bitches that talk shit like that

>> No.7289144


yep. i don't give a fuck about what you think of me unless you straight up think i'm ugly or boring to be around then it gets to me

>> No.7289151


My greatest fear.

And I am boring... all I do is work out and buy clothes and laugh at jokes on the internet. And play guitar and vidya alone.

>> No.7289154


what kind of horrid ppl do you hang out with

she could at least say "anon isn't cute" instead

>> No.7289153
File: 26 KB, 338x338, 1343398327154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw no sus gang to roll with

>> No.7289158

dude you are good 6-7/10 dont even worry about it. wear clothes that fit you well, just because you arent glamorous doesnt mean you arent attractive

>> No.7289164

Turns out most girls are like that. Go to a coffee shop and eavesdrop for an hour.

>> No.7289165


thus don't hang out with most girls

>> No.7289182

My dick doesn't suck itself.

>> No.7289200


you don't have to hang out with shitty women to get your dick wet

well, maybe you do

>> No.7289215

The unshitty women are always gross looking or stupid. Its like;

>not a bad person

Pick two.

Stupidity turns me off more than bitchiness.

>> No.7289217
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>wear cologne
>girl I work with says "if a hot guy wore that id be all over him"
>I look at her and go back to work

>> No.7289225

Wear 1Mil - Paco Rabanne
Female friend says it's wasted on me
"Haha yeah..."
>cries internally

>> No.7289235
File: 85 KB, 500x400, 1384387696156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when girls think I'm cute like a pet

fucking put a shotgun against my face and blow my brains out fucking do it

>> No.7289243
File: 17 KB, 290x350, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw devilishly handsome and alpha as fuck
>tfw 6ft 1
>tfw /fit/
>tfw bitches after my dick 24/7
>tfw I'll never know op's feel.

>> No.7289251

>decent facial aesthetics when not smiling
>become ugly as all fuck as soon as the first hint of a smile arrives on my face
>look like an angry asshole all the time as a result

hold me

>> No.7289254
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My friends gf hates me and told me my music was bad and that fucking hurt but never has anyone just told me something like that. She listens to say anything tho so her opinion is worthless to me. Say anything is if brand new was really fucking shitty and never grew out of pop punk and jessie lacey got really REALLY fat. I walked out when I saw them live.

>> No.7289259

I felt that way until I stopped being fat. Now I love smiling. My dimples swag on people.

>> No.7289264

Even you will get old and degenerate.

>> No.7289268

He'll have a better time doing it.

>> No.7289275
File: 184 KB, 500x377, 1384083764410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female friend tells me i'm hot
>month later says i'm ugly

>> No.7289279

Here's how you should have responded.

>If a hot guy wore that id be all over him
>Well, what are you waiting for?

Ya blew it.

>> No.7289283

I don't think I'd want anything to do with a bitch like that if I where him.

>> No.7289287

>have a civvies day at school
>my time to shine
>wear tightest jeans i have
>tumblr qts mirin'
>guy says "your legs are really really skinny"
>"thank you"

and still no gf who wants a pale skinny depressed musician bf

>> No.7289290

Most of the people who are "confident" here used to be the hopeless basketcases.

its not impossible. and by claiming so you have already ruined it for yourself

>> No.7289296

no one has ever called me ugly before irl. i dont think ive heard anyone else get called ugly to their face either. where do you guys live?

>> No.7289309
File: 560 KB, 631x998, ryan-gosling-sighting-in-nyc-restaurant-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw /fit/
tfw invited to party by qt skeleton depressed musician grill

Even the hipsters want the pecs be poppin dont be fooled

>> No.7289316

If someone said that in middle earth you would probably do battle. We live on earth.

>> No.7289322

Because you have a tree house?

>> No.7289319

if i lived in middle earth id probably be an elf

>> No.7289332

>where him
Grammatical errors aside, that's not the point.

Instead of feeling defeated by her mean spirited remark, he should have been more detached, by telling a joke, or by insinuating that he himself was a hot. I mean god damn, the dude let himself get humiliated and admitted defeat. If he had kept his cool, she probably would have shown a little more respect.

tl;dr you don't have to take shit so seriously, even if it's true.

>> No.7289338
File: 435 KB, 499x750, tumblr_mifhnsBHcp1qe5i2po1_500-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also you best be railin dat sweet hobbit poon

Dat shit b tight yo

Go in the hobbit clubs

Tell them that u got that e if u into taking drugs

Then tell them to come back to your place and smoke some pipe weed and sho u ther hobbit hole

Then u go back 2 da woods in a 500 benz with no love for those niggas aint no need 2 b friends

Cause u gotta regulate and be handy wit tha steel if u kno what I mean ern yo keep

>> No.7289354
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>> No.7289360
File: 51 KB, 500x500, MN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw got an appointment next friday about my acne
>been counting down the days
>know i will look so much better without it

>see grills look at me in the street, can never tell if they think i'm ugly or dressed weirdly or i look good or what
>see friends that are grills, they look at me, say something to their friends, they all look at me then they all turn round and talk
>see friends, most are dressed plebby, they say i'm dressed like a hipster, get odd compliments on my clothes, some laugh at them and then someone compliments me and they agree
>tfw self conciousness
>tfw paranoia

d-d-don't care for plebs, anon

>> No.7289364
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Yeah this female friend is an oddball.
>Lives with this family, rents the room
>They're all tight knit now, she calls them mom and dad
>I come over a lot to hang out with the girl
>The mom really likes me
>Says the girl's next boyfriend has a lot to live up to if he wants to be anything like me
>No idea what to do
>The girl talks about all her other male friends
>She's the only female friend I have
>Symptoms of friendzone
>But I've made out with her and she played with my dick
>I'm in the Twilight Zone

>> No.7289366

did you post something like this before? like you didn't think girls like that liked fit guys?

my story
>talk to some girl online when I was in like 7th grade
>huge crush
>we talk for awhile
>become really close
>we don't have a "relationship" but we sortof act like it even though she lives in another state
>shes practically a scene queen geez.
>Use 4chan + the internet to gain interests and hobbies because fuck i was so fucking boring and useless and ugly

Thanks to everyboard on here. I got fit, fa, and have a shit ton of hobbies and skills.

that girl doesn't really care though. she still talks to me but isn't particularly interested in anything I do. I made like 2 bands, traveled my state entirely, climbed mountains, got rich, raced cars and motorcycles, got my own apartment in the lively side of town, dress awesome and am well read with an engineering degree(EE) and getting my masters in Mecha.

and shit doesn't give a shit

what the fuck. I can get any girl I want except for the one I want. and shes just some lonely girl with 0 purpose out in Kansas.(according to her)

>> No.7289392
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>Beaner coworkers call me "guapo"
>qt white girls are indifferent
>not sure if the beaners are messing with me
>dishwasher says "you're kinda handsome"

I have no idea if I look decent or gross.

>> No.7289415

You have oneitis dude. I'm saying that because it's just more attractive. I do things to be better than other people so I can jerk off my ego, not to impress a girl that isn't even as good as me.

>> No.7289440

This. Pretty sure what most of you people lack is confidence, if anything

Be interesting. Read, work out, expand on yourself. Clothing isn't a way to fill any void, it's a way or portraying yourself as you already are.

>> No.7289462
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>Not posting larger version

>> No.7289467

By /fa/ standards am I fat for wearing 32/30 slim fit?

>> No.7289507
File: 177 KB, 1170x923, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gyno
>tfw can't afford the corrective surgery

Might as well kill myself. I haven't taken my shirt off in public since the 5th grade.

>> No.7289520

try to act a little bit uninterested. show her that you just enjoy the sexual things, but be lovely. She will feel no pressure and will come back at you on her own, but in little steps. If she shows a little bit of interest for a relationship, a sign or something, do it as well so she isnt insecure or uncertain. Increase her interest slowly and subtle. The most important thing is that she doesnt feel obligated to make the next step just because you grew feelings and she feels kinda guilty

>> No.7289539

How do I become more fun and interesting for girls and people in general?

Im not talking about reading interesting books, and watching interesting things and stuff

I mean being interesting in that I am fun to talk to the first time we meet. I am fun and enjoyable and all those things so even if I don't share many common interests I could still be fun to talk to

How do I cop that?

>> No.7289541

yes, i wear 27/30

if you're gonna be a manlet, at least be a skinny manlet

>> No.7289545
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How do I not be boring?

>> No.7289548
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>tfw older women always say you are handsome
>tfw mother always say you are very attractive

i cant tell if these are lies or not

>> No.7289553

i need help with this too.. i have all the interests, the clothes, the body, the hair, i just need to quit being so fucking boring and autistic

>> No.7289561
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>> No.7289563

Be a person. Feel secure with who you are.

But really, just hold a conversation. Relate to shit, ask questions, be interested. Whatever comes to mind. But most importantly, be humble and don't be a dick.

>> No.7289579

i have some face fat and am worried i will lose my dimples when i cut a little more

>> No.7289586


>have long hair
>older women love it and sometimes stroke it
>they always tell me I'm an attractive young man
>even got a "If I was younger and not married l would've loved to be your girl friend"

And yet women my age are indifferent.

>> No.7289587

>tfw been far away for uni for a few years
>only seen direct family
>go home
>"wow anon you're so good looking now"
>"haha you must do alright with the ladies huh buddy"
>"i always said you would be really handsome when you grew into your face"
also dont know if lies

seriously do people compliment attractive people in other places?? i have only ever heard one person get a serious compliment about being attractive, and he is a 10/10. people around here dont tell you that shit??

>> No.7289590

is it really that simple?

>> No.7289611

>date 8/10 qt for three months
>have sex
>sniff her butthole
>lick pussy

>> No.7289616

You're only human, she's only human. Don't over-complicate things. Also don't get stuck thinking about things and being quiet mid-conversation, it's literally the worst. If you go on a thinking spree, at least express what you're thinking about

But yeah it really is that simple. You've got to be okay and confident with who you are though.

>> No.7289627

For me I met a guy who was just that way. He joined my clique and we all became better at talking. His dad is head manager of used sales at a dealership so he was brought up knowing how to banter and barter. Me and all my friends quickly adjusted and learned to control conversation better except one who we don't hang out with anymore.

>> No.7289631

yeah sometimes i talk to a girl and then it just kind of goes quite and im like shit

like what did you learn?
could you teach me?

>> No.7289642

No, but basically our conversations sound like they were scripted and everyone speaks with confidence- kind of like when dennis from always sunny talks.

>> No.7289757

Incredibly average.

It's a good thing you're on /fa/ because clothes can make or break whether your closer to being attractive or whether you are closer to being unattractive.

captcha: eyebrows errtoc

>> No.7289838

SO sometimes I look in mirrors in my house and think I am quite attractive
Sometimes I look in the same mirror and think "wtf, you are like a 3"
Sometimes I see myself in other mirrors and reflections and think I am attractive
Sometimes I see myself in other mirrors and reflections and think I am ugly

Can attractive people just look bad in mirrors and reflections and stuff or what?

>> No.7289943

Nope, average people have good and bad angles.

>> No.7289963

ok, does that mean that atttractive people dont have any bad angles then?

>> No.7289972

>lose 20lbs
>lower bf%
>realize I have a big dick

>> No.7289985

sometimes i feel so happy
sometimes i feel so sad

>> No.7290029

>tfw thin asymmetrical jaw
>asymmetrical nose
>asymmetrical ears
>largish nose
>bushy brows
>small eyes

Should I cop some rick, will it make my life better?

>> No.7290038

Feeling like a pornstar.

>> No.7290085

>tfw meet up with grill roommate in new city
>tfw compliment on shoes hair shirt and pants
>tfw never see her again

>> No.7290096

>she compliments everything but your hair
i'm so sorry ugly anon

>> No.7290239

I'm going to make a couple of copies and post them around where I live.

>> No.7290281

That gave me feels I never knew I could have.

>> No.7290290

>tfw decent face
>kinda big nose, but I like big noses so it's cool
>ruined by acne

>> No.7290297
File: 126 KB, 612x246, artisticfeels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw people make eye contact with you and smile when you're out
>tfw you're paranoid so you think they're laughing at you

>> No.7290337

why do people use pleb as insult
I dont get it

they were land owning middle class citizens

>> No.7290375

>extended eye contact made
>check nose for boogy at first reflective surface
>nose clear


>> No.7290397
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>middle class

>> No.7290410

people stare at you because youre staring at them. look down the street while walking and there wont be any more problems

>> No.7290413


Because /fa/ thinks just because they spend money on expensive clothing it makes them patricians who are better than other people.

>> No.7290479

>classmates said i have a good sense of style more than once
Yes. So I can make up for being ugly by dressing nice.

>> No.7290487

How can you not realize you're ugly?

>> No.7290493

>land owning
wtf are you kidding

>> No.7291602

>No offense dude, but you're dressed like a schmuck.

>> No.7291729

Why not? Unless you actually mean you're fat instead of just young looking...?

>> No.7291741

>Made an OKcupid for kicks
>1 week later, 0 messages
>Beautiful roommate has 2,000 messages, getting more every five minutes

Ugly life is tough, nothing like strangers to pound reality up your ass

>> No.7291744

I've got all of those problems except abnormally large eyes that make me look like a toad.

>> No.7291748

>drinking alone
>looking pretty good

i'd fuck me

>> No.7291771

I'm at a party with hella people and i don't know how to fucking socialize, I need to get drunker, fuck
I'm fuckin posting on 4chan right now

>> No.7291781

>get told you look like a virgin by several different girls
>also 5'10 and i've been called tiny by quite a few girls too

>> No.7292451

>be doing no poo for about 2 weeks and a half now
>baking soda and white vinegar method
>Live with my mum
>Tell her about it like a few days ago
>She keeps telling me I smell since then
>She insists I use shampoo
>Tell her no, my hair is much nicer like this
>anon just do it occasionally
>say i don't want to, my hair will just turn shit again
>she says fine, i'll hide your pillowcases and sheets until you do and you aren't coming in the car with me anywhere, you're a disgrace, you smoke pot (i don't lol) and don't wash your hair
>tfw being called a disgrace by your own mother for wanting to have nice hair
>tfw can't move out because poor and nowhere to go

what is this

>> No.7292456

>tfw my mom thought I was weird for trying
>a week later she asks her brother why his hair is so nice
>"Oh, I don't use shampoo"

The look on her face was priceless.

>> No.7292465


>9/10 alpha male friend

he was probably gay and wanted to jizz in your ass

as a matter of fact you're probably gay, too. who the fuck describes their friends as '9/19 alpha males'

>> No.7292474

>tfw no friends

>> No.7292482


this is true


this on the other hand, is too

>tfw supa pretty bwoy, great frens, unlimited weed
>tfw still depressed

oh well it could be worse i guess :~)

>> No.7292489

lmao jealous beta nerd back off before I throw sand in your eyes

>> No.7292490


it is good to see another brethren worried about our intelligencia! when I'm sipping on my premium whiskey this evening I will give a tip out to you, good sir.

>> No.7292502

what was it b

>> No.7292505


this man LITERALLY HAS NO FUCKING NOSE. if you're worse off then him then yah please kill yourself no one cares. if you're an average person then man the fuck up you goddamn fagtron lql

not the guy who posted story btw

>> No.7292511


the reason your kid was jumping out of the window in the first place is because it rather wanted to die than live with a daddy this pleb. understandable, in my opinion. the shame is too much.

>> No.7292523


who says fucking shit like this

this happened in america, right?

>> No.7292531


>no one has ever called me ugly before irl

good to hear supression the is workin for you

>> No.7292539

>tfw when a girl told me I walk like a virgin

>> No.7292545


>just had a v quick shower, put 3/4 of a tbsp of vanilla extract in 250 ml of water and washed my hair in that
>told her to smell it, she says it doesn't smell of grease now, she doesn't know what it smells of, it's not a bad smell though
>tell her the problem is solved
>show her webpage explaining it
>doesn't even look at it

why do i bother
can someone explain what baking soda and vinegar does so i can relay to my mum?

>> No.7292549


i feel like i'm sort of a boring person myself but for some reason ppl wnt to hang out with me

>know a shitton about music, history, politics, philosophy, literature, art, cinema, psychology
>be a talented cook, seen almost all of europe, been to india, latin america, asia, usa and a billion other countries at the age of 20 through exchange programs in school n shit
>always have a nice anecdote to tell when whenever topic comes up
>be pretty wordy

literally all i do is chill at home, do drugs, read, sit in front of my pc and work out 3 times a week. my life is about the definition of boring, it's all the packaging that counts. how you give yourself is how ppl will see you.

>> No.7292553


>And yet women my age are indifferent ;__;

you're such a fucking faggot, anon. what are they supposed to do? walk up to you telling you they're soaking wet?..

>> No.7292557

>tfw people say I look like James Franco with AIDS hahaaahaha

>> No.7292561

ur mum is a dumb fuck close minded bitch who is jaded with the world and thinks she knows best about everything because 'muh life experience'. there is a 99% chance that she also regularly claims that you are the one who insists on being right all the time, despite the fact that she is a self-obsessed slut who wont give anyone elses opinion a chance for even a second.

you cant do anything about it so just accept it or move out.

>> No.7292562


>getting high alone
>look out the mirror
>see my face
>god fucking damnit can i please fuck this man

good times, my nigga.

>> No.7292565


wow you just described her attitude in 2 sentences

>> No.7292566



>> No.7292568


>tfw lose ur virginity
>tfw start adapting a different, more confident walk

>tfw havent had sex in months
>tfw going back to normal walk

not even kidding btw

>> No.7292592

its ok anon that is what all our mums are like. it comes with the territory of lower-middle class mums who have had lives they feel are unsatisfying.

i think our mums being like that is a big part of why we're on 4chanz

>> No.7292598

>tfw never receive compliments from girls
>tfw almost every gay guy I've ever met desperately wants to fuck me

So close, yet so far.

>> No.7292607

>tfw mixed insults compliments
>girl calls me cute/hot, then another calls me ugly

I guess that makes me average

>> No.7292606

you know the difference between the two? men are expected to make the first move. gay men can be forward with their feelings because they're men. the girls all feel the same, they just don't say it

>> No.7292616

AKA every mom ever

>> No.7292620

Is this gay?
I have this too when slightly intoxicated.

>> No.7292627

I think it's more because I have a skinny twink body.

>> No.7292624


>parents literally let you do anything you want ever
>both really cultured, get me into avant-garde cinema & music
>don't mind me smoking weed
>proud of me because i lost 40kg even though bad asthma and finished school well

feels nice not to have pleb-tier parents

>> No.7292630


i'm bisexual so i can't really tell you

but there's absolutely nothing wrong with being a little self-obsessed

u shouldn't worry about being gay tho, if u were ud prolly know it by now

>> No.7292634


not all girls like the same guys anon

my sister literally told me she thoght 6packs were disgusting and didnt understand why i worked out


>> No.7292640

I guess that's true.

>> No.7292637
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It's ok 90% of /fa/ is ugly.

>> No.7292662

i hope u realise how lucky u r and are a good kid to them

>> No.7292711


>> No.7292917

>Baby faced
>Wear monochrome
ur doing it wrong

>> No.7294180

I'm ugly and proud

>> No.7294220
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I've got called 'attractive but boring to talk to'
It hurts way worse
looks aren't shit
if you have a good personality then ur set
unfortunately i'm only an eel

>> No.7294248
File: 45 KB, 255x248, 1379270971922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you go your whole life thinking you're good looking then someone calls you ugly

>> No.7294260
File: 204 KB, 281x409, b3autiful in his own weigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought Tim was attractive. He lets himself go, not that it really matters.

>> No.7294261
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>tfw you go your whole life thinking you're ugly then someone calls you good looking

>> No.7294266

You know what's worse than being ugly?

Being boring. By far.

>> No.7294283

You can change being boring, you can't change ugly

>> No.7294282

They purposely gained weight to be easier to laugh at

>> No.7294291

Most people don't change being boring.

I fugging hate boring girls.

>> No.7294327

With empirical evidence, I can kinda sorta say that I'm might be attractive to some people, but that might be a stretch in itself.

>> No.7294398
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>You know what's worse than being ugly?
>Being boring. By far.
>tfw both

>> No.7294408


But you can change. it's not even that hard either.

>> No.7294437
File: 228 KB, 622x549, Selection_232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah but you could always enjoy and even emphasize undesirable traits as I do

it brings forth some much needed comic relief

bitches love comic relief. This is also how I make friends.

>> No.7294448

not necessarily true, if you look down the street then how the fuck would you notice people staring

>> No.7294452

being able to joke about your insecurities shows confidence, that you're not letting them hold you back or prevent you from being successful. that's why it works

>> No.7294484

I "joke" about being narcissistic. I just say really narcissistic things and pretend I was kidding.

>> No.7294521


I refuse to believe people actually dress this way

>> No.7294547

>all day I look at 10/10 people
>I go home and stare at the mirror for hours
>no matter what other people say, I realize I look like shit
>can't go to parties because I'm to self conscious
>drink myself to sleep regularly
Why do I even try

>> No.7294550


>> No.7295599

>At party
>I'm pretty hammered
>Asshole friend goes up to some average to below average looking girls
>"Hey you should go hook up with anon over there *points at me*
>Girls "Ewwwwww"


>> No.7295615

>tfw friend says "Damn anon your hair is sexy, I swear if I was a girl"

>> No.7295619



>> No.7295652

how to not be boring?

>> No.7295783

>tfw look in the mirror 8/10
>take 1 picture 3/10
>take another 8/10
>take from a lower angle 9/10
>take one from the side 5/10

forfucks sake I don't even care if it's low I just need to know what I am

>> No.7296761
File: 653 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mub1c7Akcx1s4fz4bo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, this has happened to me dozens of times..

>tfw i try not to give a fuck but can't help it

>> No.7296772
File: 23 KB, 541x566, 1382926130666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the difference when grills call you : Cute, Hot, Masculine/Manly, Mysterious, Unique or Interesting

>> No.7296888

Why do you care what your mom thinks

>> No.7296894

>I feel like I'm boring
>lists a bunch of shit that he knows makes him Not Boring

Go fuck yourself

>> No.7296930

They're being nice or they think you're decent looking but not sexually attractive
They think you're actually attractive and probably want the d
Exactly how it sounds, probably muscular or hairy or have a deep voice
They can't read you and its part of why they want the d
>unique or interesting
Could be good or bad, you're either actually interesting or an autist depending on context and your face

>> No.7296942



>> No.7296945


what about gorgeous

>> No.7296946


black call me cute
northern girls call me fit
indians/turkish/asian girls call me nice

>> No.7296960

u should of told them dont be mean

>> No.7296972

>tfw i need the image of Ryan Gosling from drive with the caption "please respond" but its no where on the internet

>> No.7296993
File: 8 KB, 200x198, cat_stare_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're being nice or they think you're decent looking but not sexually attractive

Not true. Calling someone cute can have different connotations. Girls I know use it to describe some baby-faced/youthful-looking.
They think you're actually attractive and probably want the d

Again, no. Girls don't think in such terms. hot could mean that they have a more "fit" build/ manly face.
Exactly how it sounds, probably muscular or hairy or have a deep voice

this is accurate
They can't read you and its part of why they want the d

Have not seen your kind around, your phenotypes are unfamiliar to them. does not guarantee mating opportunity.
>unique or interesting
Could be good or bad, you're either actually interesting or an autist depending on context and your face

Could mean many things, depending on girl. some girls are into quirky guys, or maybe they just don't want to offend someone they think isn't up to par.

Here's the deal, guys. I know it's some kinda evolutionary strategy but potentially underestimating a girls' sexual interest will not result in a missed mating opportunity. Girls may respond well to attention but if a girl's not in to it won't matter how much attention you shower on her. It's not happening.

>> No.7297015

>Girls may respond well to attention but if a girl's not in to it won't matter how much attention you shower on her. It's not happening.
There we go.
Pro post right there.

If she's not interested, she's not interested.
If she is interested you can make her MORE interested or less interested.
Showering her with attention is a fail for so many reasons.

>> No.7297772

Ahahah you are me

>> No.7297798


>> "A friend of mine's got a face like that."
>"...you mean handsome?"

She meant expressive but whatever, we laughed.

>> No.7298673

>Girls don't think in such terms

>> No.7298681

kind of like how no men are interested into your PT's ugly younger sister dressed in her brothers handme downs and poor fag coach sneaker ass?

hey bitch
you have a bigger waist than i do, i shit you not

>> No.7298751
File: 1.38 MB, 1944x2592, troll master1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7298976

>always thought I'm ugly from seeing self-pictures
>don't even have a Facebook profile picture
>one day just joking around with female friend
>take picture with smartphone
>"Damn Anon, you look so different in pictures compared in real life, like a different person"
>tfw I'm probably not ugly, just not photogenic

>> No.7298984

She thought you looked much better on photos or she wouldn't have said it