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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 28 KB, 420x256, NutritionCalorieIntake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7284216 No.7284216[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT What did you eat today?

Oatmeal with raisins and blueberries - 200 Cal
Fat Free Yogurt - 35 Cal
Light ass sprinkle of dorset cereal - 30 Cal
Total: 265 Cal

22 Minute commute on fixie at 21 kmph average and 42 kmph max speed
156 Cal burned

Salad with tomatoes, cucumber and green onions - 30 Cal
2 tablespoons of calorie wise italian - 15 Cal
turkey sandwhich with mustard on thin 45 calorie bread - 150 Cal
GF roped me into Soy Milk cappuccino - 80 Cal
Total: 275 Cal

Salad with green onion, onion & cucumber - 75 Cal
half a chicken breast - 150 Cal
Calorie wise Italian dressing - 15-20 Cal
Half a grapefruit - 40 Cal
Total: 285 Cal

Fat free yogurt: 35 Cal
2 tablespoons of Granola: 70 Cal
half a serving of Vegan Protein powder: 60 Cal
a few tablespoons of grocery store trail mix: 80 Cal
light ass sprinkle of Dorset cereal: 30 Cal
Total: 275 Cal

Fuck I shouldn't have eaten so many snacks x.x

Current weight is 157 lbs, trying to drop another 10

>> No.7284255

full pizza thats it so far

>> No.7284262

you probably ate more calories then me in that one meal.

>> No.7284283

>two small waffles
>small bowl of musli

>ham sammich

>chicken, veg, bit of rice

>> No.7284285

breakfast (0 cals):
don't eat breakfast

lunch (390 cals):
a couple of granola bars, 190 cals
some summer sausage, ~200 cals

dinner (140 cals):
spinach, ~40 cals
ranch, ~100 cals

other shit (230 cals):
a fuck ton of tea, negligible
some milk (~1 cup), 80 cals
sugar, ~150 cals

total: ~760 cals

average day lately
i'm anemic so i'm trying to eat more meat but spinach is way easier

125 lbs, 5'8"

>> No.7284290

considering throwing up the snacks, not sure if I should :/

>> No.7284297

actually i probably drink way more tea than that
add 50 cals of milk and 90 cals of sugar

>> No.7284307

ew no wtf
throwing up is not /fa/

go run, it'll make you feel better about yourself, is actually healthy and not gross, and meh, maybe you'll throw up if you push yourself hard enough

>> No.7284322

I find if I drink some black coffee and have a bowl of oats for breakfast I can skip lunch with just a smoke which are less calories then granola bars and sausage

>> No.7284325

this discussion should really be in /ck/ .....

>> No.7284335

/fa/ as fuck

>> No.7284337

you are right and I would but its so fucking cold out right now (-4 celsius and windy as fuck)

>> No.7284345

bitch i eat a deficit of 700 calories
i'm malnourished
eating less isn't always the goal

>tfw you will never be modern couture because can't run for longer than a minute without getting dizzy

>> No.7284360

>eat whatever i like and never put on weight

sucks having a low appetite sometimes but fuck it id rather be thin than fat

>> No.7284362


70g multi cheerios - 259 kcal
70g low fat milk - 27 kcal


100g tortilla chips, 500 kcal
Glass of water - 0 kcal


0.5l Coca Cola, 210 kcal
200g minced beef, 3-7% fat, 337 kcal
2 tortilla wraps, 120 kcal
100g creme fraiche 18% fat, 193 kcal
30g medium salsa, 12 kcal

40 minutes bicycing at ~25-30 km/h - -621 kcal

Total consumption: 1657 kcal
Total expenditure: 3336 kcal

Deficit: 1679 kcal

I hate being a student, I'm starving a little.

>> No.7284355

then jog, do pushups wherever you are
just get up and around, work up a sweat

>> No.7284357
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actually you consumed about 35 more calories than me. still stuffed from my meal. hows your yogurt treating ya?

>mfw calorie counters

>> No.7284369

can someone explain to me this kcal shit

>> No.7284395

kcal is cal
you don't know what a calorie is, no one does except nerdy scientists
fags like to say it instead of cal because they think they're nutritionists

>> No.7284397


It's energy. If you want to lose weight, your daily intake of energy has to be lower than the energy you spend.

1 cal = 4184 joule

>> No.7284407


kcal is kilocalories, 1 kcal = 1000 cal.

Nutritional information on the back of the food you consume is written as kcal 99% of the time

>> No.7284410

I get that but what is the difference between a cal and a kcal? I know how to count calories, it's pretty easy

is that it, srsly

>> No.7284438

so this confuses me, does this mean there is 1679000 cal in this guys daily intake. Wat?

>> No.7284448

>Bran Flakes (In soy milk because allergies)
>Homemade Chicken Salad Wrap with Soy Cheese
>Cereal Bar Thing
That's about it.

>> No.7284459

yes that is it
people just say calorie instead of kilocalorie (kcal) because we're all lazy fucks

>> No.7284469

I am jealous, I ate way too much today :( 1300 calories is atleast 300 calories over what I think it should be

>> No.7284470


yep. but it's easiler to write 1679 kcal, so it's always written in kcal. All of the values in this thread given up as cal are actually kcal.

>> No.7284483

oh, I gotcha. That makes sense, I am pretty fucking lazy. I need a cigarette

>> No.7284484


what's your height/weight/gender?

>> No.7284497

male, 157 lbs 5'11" and 19 years

>> No.7284499

I have a terrible diet and a fast metabolism. Most days I eat like this but when I pig out, I really pig out, I bring out the chips, burgers, I bake myself some cake etc. I'm a gross skinnyfat mess for like 1 week a month.

>> No.7284506

nothing the past 2 days purely on liquids alone
im really ill

>> No.7284507
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I fear the day when my rapid metabolism stops working and I have to pay attention to this shit

>> No.7284519

I am jealous, I am considering that soylent shit. I fucking hate eating :(

>> No.7284522

Breakfast - Oats, banana, cup of almond milk
Snack - Carrots, hummus, crackers
Lunch - Rice, broccoli
Dinner - Haven't had yet, waiting until 7

>> No.7284525

a bowl of granola with yogurt on it
a handful of almonds and dried blueberries

i need to eat dinner though idk what to get

>> No.7284531



Male, 178 lb, 6'0" 21 years reporting in.


This is my day. And I'm feeling hungry as fuck right now. I've lost like 10 pounds over the last 1½ week or so with this calorie deficit. How do you even live?

>> No.7284552

I want to lose 10 - 15 lbs :'( Why can't I be skinny

>> No.7284555

1kcal = 1cal just different ways of measuring it

>> No.7284563
File: 1.86 MB, 2680x2111, ALONE AND SUFFERING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no i feel like dying,being receptive to any light is torture just like now
i want to eat damn it

>> No.7284569

I just ate a swiss cheeseburger on a toasted bagel spread with cream cheese. Y'all can keep starving yourselves silly. I'm going to enjoy life.

>> No.7284574


You already are, you lanky faggot. When I was 16, I was 5'10", 147 lbs, and I was severly underweight. Like hollow stomach and all that shit.

>> No.7284587

Fatty, highly-caloric Chicken Caesar from Cosi.

Only meal so far, and probably all I'll eat today. I'm just not feeling hungry for some reason. I had a busy day, though.

>> No.7284592
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thats what I look like, I still look fat :/
my BMI is still like 22.4 or something, it should be under 21

>> No.7284598


Start lifting. Turn that greasy of yours into muscle.

>> No.7284612

just started SS. I still don't want to eat though, I fucking hate it. I always end up with horrible indigestion and for a good hour or 2 I have the fucking horrible cramps and have to lay down or pass out.

>> No.7284632

stop drinking soda
limit your junkfood
go vegetarian

you'll easily drop 10lbs, maybe 20 if you start doing some cardio.

>> No.7284636

>I still don't want to eat though, I fucking hate it. I always end up with horrible indigestion and for a good hour or 2 I have the fucking horrible cramps and have to lay down or pass out.
I think you may have something like IBS. go see a doctor man, you're probably allergic to gluten or something

>> No.7284656

I don't drink soda, I am OP and that is what I ate today and you are probably right about the third thing. I also don't drink milk either, only almond milk

>> No.7284679

pie with ice cream and coffee
spaghetti and meatballs
tater tots
fat ass american beef bowl with rice vermicelli
total calories: lots
height: 5'11
weight: 170 somethin (like 13 body fat percentage, pretty buff)

>> No.7284683

also I bike to school everyday and bike with a group on the weekend, I logged 1340 KM in the last 5 months or so with strava cycling which doesn't include stationary biking at the YMCA which I do fairly often

>> No.7284700

Breakfast: Didn't eat
Lunch: Healthy Choice Roasted Chicken and potatoes
Total 180 cal
Dinner: About to season an 8oz NY strip along with a mushroom/onion/garlic saute
Total: 650 cal
Gonna have a Skinny Cow cookies and Cream sandwich with some Egg Nog
Total: 250 cal
Have a daily limit of 1100 cal/day

>> No.7284701

Thats my strava. I've been slacking a bit as of late because of the temperature

>> No.7284708

>Ham and mayo wrap
>Cup of tea
>Orange squash
>Chips with cheese
>Pint of beer
>Pasta with cheese, a couple fish fingers mashed up and mayo
>Pint of milk


>> No.7284712

Breakfeast - potato
Dinner - 2 ramen packets

Life is good

>> No.7284717

Peppered grillsteak and parsnip chips.

and some chocolate because one of my housemates broke up with her boyf.

>> No.7284718


4 slices of bread with peanutbutter
1 banana
2 glasses of milk


scrambled eggs


mashed potatoes


mixed nuts
a few pancakes
rice pudding

>> No.7284727

2x Protein Bar (at uni for 9 hours)
20oz meatloaf (cooked weight, home made)
Some rice cakes

Cuttin so hard, going to have a shake or cottage cheese before i sleep

>> No.7284734

Wow, you are all really tiny

>> No.7284737

come at me
i'll stab you with my hipbones boi

>> No.7284750


I got dem lovehandles. I have to drop something like 20 pounds to lose them before I can start gaining again.

>> No.7284755

Breakfast - Water
Lunch - Half a cafeteria chicken burger w/ taters
Supper - Big Mac extra large fries


ive been eating like this for years, 125 lbs, 5'10

>> No.7284781

>yfw you ate like 1600 calories max
>yfw you are 5'10"
"god tier metabolism" my ass
why does nobody understand how food works

>> No.7284791

i dont exercise either

>> No.7284797

That's irrelevant, you ate almost no food. No one would gain weight on that diet regardless of inactivity. Like 99.9999% of people you have a normal metabolism and eat less than you think

>> No.7284806

you're eating a deficit of around 300 calories for a sedentary male with your height and weight
you are so fucking dumb

>> No.7284811

540 cal in a big mac
560 in XL fries
220 in a Medium Cola
150 in half a chicken burger
100-200 in taters depending on amount

Total: 1670 or around there

>> No.7284816



>> No.7284818

are you the guy who posted that?
if not, you're adding a coke.

>> No.7284824

he said big mac meal, I assumed that included a pop because that's how meal deals work at McDs

>> No.7284832

>Big Mac extra large fries
can you really not be arsed to scroll up and read it again

>> No.7284839

oh. I guess not.

>> No.7284919

>god tier metabolism
nigga thas called being 16

>> No.7284964
File: 7 KB, 261x193, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Some golden grahams ~some cals
toast~ some more cals
tea and biscuits~few more

went for a swim, burnt some cals

ate a sandwich and a nourishment (straight after a swim for extra ottermode ;) )~ some cals and protein

ate some shit i brought from waitrose~few cals and some vegetables n shit

chocolate, beer and cigarettes~ some more cals and carcinogenics

total~ some food and shit

this is how you stay ottermode, you all have fucking retarded eating habits

>> No.7284973

also i'm a vegetarian


>> No.7284987

enjoy your ideological eating disorder

>> No.7285004

i dont really give a fuck about animals, i mean i do but it's the food chain, my parents were vegetarians and i've never bothered to try meat- i'm used to it.

>> No.7285007

Gingerbread Latte from Starbucks because I'm feeling festive

Lucky Strikes

>> No.7285404

breakfast: smoothie
>almond milk

lunch: soup
>lentil & spinach
>soy milk

haven't had dinner yet, but probably steam some mushroom dumplings, w ginger, brown rice and steamed cabbage

I eat pretty healthy most days, oven a frozen pizza probably once a week but don't eat fast food/soda. i usually have tea and some chocolate at night too

>> No.7285417

Its 10am
For breakfast I had some com tam (broken rice with small pork chops and cucumbers) and coffee
Will probably have a pomelo for lunch and maybe a protein shake (nothing fancy, those Special-K ones from the store)
For dinner Im going to a fancy meeting with buffet and cocktails. This will be my perdition

>> No.7285554



2 cups of coffee (double shot americano)
1 malboro cig


Tomato sauce maccaroni with sour cream
Mineral Water, lemon flavour


1 cup of coffee
1 muffin

r8 me m8s

>inb4 people call me a pleb motherfucker

>> No.7285565

sorry mate, you have the bulimia, theres no cure

>> No.7285577

dude, you eat more tortillas than me, and i´m mexican

>> No.7285584

dude, i learned about calories and joules in highschool, calories are just a source of energy, dont be a pleb cunt

>> No.7285590

ayudame con mi tarea de espanol

>> No.7285606

sure, i´m bored as fuck, what do you need hermano?

>> No.7285692

just have a couple things i need to make sure are right grammar-wise before i turn a project in

>¡Tus amigos, si los tienes!
should say "your friends, if you have them!"
>Usted no será importante si usted no hace los.
should say "You will not be important if you do not do them."
>Tus lágrimas van a perderse en tu sudor.
should say "Your tears will be lost in your sweat."

no sabe espanol demasiado bien así por favor no jodas conmigo :c

>> No.7285699

apparently you didn't learn about humor in high school
>no one knows what a calorie is except scientists
that's obviously

>> No.7285705

apparently you didn't learn humor in high school

>> No.7285727

the first one is ok, i guess, it depends on how you use it, the second one should be "tu no seras importante si no los haces" you use a very formal grammar but its ok and the third one is nice, it sounds like a fragment of a poem

>dat PS

>> No.7285771

gracias baaae <3

>> No.7285797

>Tus lágrimas van a perderse en tu sudor.
>Tus lágrimas sera'n perdidos en tu sudor.

Don't fix this if you haven't learned the past participle yet though.
the apostrophe is an accent

>> No.7285804

>Usted no será importante si usted no hace los.

Don't we need a subjunctive conjugation in here somewhere?

>Usted no sera' importante si no los haga.

>> No.7285810

Or if you're speaking informally

No sera's importante si no los hagas.

>> No.7285820

the second one is wrong, it would be like "your tears will be lost in sweat" not, "your tear will be lost in the sweat"

>>7285810 (lel that sounds stupid)
you dont know shit about spanish, let the mexican correct them

>> No.7285836

Native speakers are notorious for horrible grammar though.

>> No.7285857

well, your grammar is way far from something comprehensible

>> No.7285894

yeah if you go to a doctoor and they can prove that you have IBS (there'll be a few tests for that) they can advise you to go to a dietician or something who'll tell you to try a FODMAP diet. I lost a fair bit of weight on it but I'm not entirely sure it was all fat.

>> No.7285914

why would you use a subjunctive there, that doesn't even make sense

It should be "No serás importante si no los haces" or "No será importante si no los hace" if you're speaking formally

The other two are "Tus/Sus amigos, si los tiene/s" and "Tus/sus lágrimas se van a perder/ se perderán en tu/su sudor"

Before anyone says I'm wrong, I'm a native speaker.

>> No.7285920

"No seras importante si no los haces" is way different of "No será importante si no los hace" its in a different person

>> No.7285935

>black coffee
>matcha in milk
>steamed broccoli
5'8" 119lb female

>> No.7285947

>if you're speaking formally

Do you even into Spanish?

Será and Serás are the future of Ser in the second person formal and informal. Hace and Haces are the present indicative of Hacer in the second person formal and informal. No me digas cómo hablar mi idioma cabrón.

>> No.7285963

>implying that people who speak spanish often use formal lenguage
>implying that the formal mode cant be misunderstood by the third person

and yes i into Spanish, i speak it everyfuckingday everytime because i´m a mexican living in mexico, the question here is, do YOU even into Spanish?

>> No.7286008

El post original dijo que las oraciones eran para su tarea. Probablemente, su maestra le requiere que las oraciones sean traducidas al formal. Según, dije que así se decían de ambas maneras.

Soy mexicano también, aunque vivo en el usa.

>> No.7286035

bueno, en ese caso estoy de acuerdo pero es algo curiosos del español, muchas oraciones y palabras se pueden confundir, por eso mismo no se usa mucho la formalidad cuando se habla en español para evitar esos malentendidos

>> No.7286049

naw, it can be familiar or formal. familiar would probably be best because that's what i used throughout the rest of the homework, but i wasn't sure how the grammar would change with the one i used ud. for

>> No.7286070

You guys need to learn how to eat.

Kashi Cereal
2 eggs

Collard greens w/ bacon
Cup of chili

Dinner (immediately after workout):
Chicken quesadilla on multi grain tortilla
Protein shake

Beef jerky

>> No.7286087
File: 7 KB, 228x221, 1371037953221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you dont have time and money to eat like a decent human being
>tfw you need your daily dose of caffeine and nicotine to work like a normal human

>> No.7286102

you just change the verbs to agree, that's really it. Hace becomes Haces, etc. Grammatical structure is the same, though. The only time that grammar changes according to formal/informal would be demands become requests, i.e. informal: "Hazme lo" formal: "Me lo hace?"

>> No.7286121

que pedo cumpas no discutan somos raza :D

>> No.7286125
File: 52 KB, 500x356, northern scum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont call me raza, you fucking pleb, i bet you dress like pic related

>plebe, plebe everywhere

>> No.7286128

shut up naco.

>> No.7286135

aea ea ea (8)

>> No.7286143


one of those small fruit pouch things

pulled pork poutine
two spring rolls

personal pizza
3 wings
iced tea

and throughout the day i've been eating halloween candy. i don't usually eat this bad but i COULD if i wanted to

>> No.7286145

9:00 (Breakfast): 1 Cup Oatmeal with 1 cup of blueberries mixed in.

12:00 (Pre-Gym): 4 Eggs, 2 Pieces of Pork, Cup of Rice

4:00 (After Gym): 6 slices of Roast beef, 2 cups mashed potatoes, like 1/2 cup of Broccoli, Apple, 2 Cheese sticks.

7:00 (Dinner): Full plate of rice/ground beef mixture

10:30 (Because I'm hungry again): Full plate of rice/ground beef mixture

Drinks: I had some tea. Equivalent to like 500mL?
About 3.5 Litres of water

I'm a gym nut so I eat 5-7 meals a day, and pretty much only drink water and tea,

>> No.7286149
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just ... leave please

>> No.7286173

al chile yo sí soy raza

>> No.7286185

Callese puto o lo pisoteo con mis Ricardo Orozcos

>> No.7286198
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shut up, pleb fuccboi cunt, go back to dance shitty music and wear baggy trousers like the pleb faggot you are

>> No.7286233

lel seguro se te nota todo el pinche nopal en la frente

>> No.7286240

Jakjakjak no mames mejor mameme la verga :DDDD postea fit pelado

>> No.7286259
File: 578 KB, 520x1048, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-4 large eggs scrambled with ketchup
-4 strips bacon
-1 scoop whey protein with vanilla almond milk
-square of dark chocolate

lunch (3 hrs later)
-4 eggs scrambled same as breakfast
-1 scoop whey with vanilla almond milk
-100g oats
-1/2 cup greek yogurt
-scoop whey protein
-100g strawberries

-300g cottage cheese
- 1 scoop whey with the choc milk
-2 slices toast with butter and brown sugar
-16oz chocolate milk

Trying to leave pic related mode (2 weeks ago, already gained 5 lbs)
6'4" master race though.

>> No.7286278

Shit, I remember this. You were that faggot almost pissing himself when asking for fitness advice. How's your new diet working out?

>> No.7286283


You're not eating nearly enough and you're eating junk. Replace the protein and most of the dairy with lean meats and eat some vegetables. If you're serious about gaining weight then read the /fit/ sticky.

>> No.7286299

This is just a usual breakfast, I buy walmart protein which is cheaper and easier than chicken. Also take a multivitamin/blood work came out excellent.

My TDEE is 2800 and I'm gaining consistently at 3200.

6'4" 138
Currently 6'4" 151

Went from barely squatting the bar to squatting 125lbs srs

>> No.7286304

>try to gain weight
>not piggy out on shit all day
fuck you, I'm hungry

>> No.7286307

i eat almost 3000 calories only on snacks today! i feel like dying! not eating at all tomorrow jfc

>> No.7286308

Wow, well done.

>> No.7286322

go to sleep sieg

>> No.7286485

thought i was on /fit/ and i was so confused as to why everyone was eating so little and trying to lose weight .

>> No.7286492

your pic is fucking ant sized and i think you're a faggot

>> No.7286540

LOL ye i feel bad for /fa/norexics

>> No.7286630

Male, 152, 6'2''
no breakfast
Lunch: small bowl of leftover squash dish, dont really no what it was
Dinner: pomegranate, hot dog, boiled carrots, steamed broccoli, 2 cookies
usually eat more but today was a bit odd
Captcha: Gruyere hands

>> No.7286649

6'2" 152

You clearly eat like a pigeon everyday.

>> No.7286894
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>> No.7286940

6'3 138lbs

for bf, two gold kiwifruit, greek yoghurt and granola

two long blacks in between

for lunch, two poached eggs on wholegrain toast

another long black

for dinner, black tea and two pieces of whole grain toast with organic peanut butter

>> No.7287798

its 3pm, im currently eating 500ml tub of ben n jerrys half baked and 2 trenches of weed from my magic flight launch box

feels good man

>> No.7287802

do you live in hebden bridge?

>> No.7287834

living dat neet life for sure

>> No.7287851



Sent from my iPhone

>> No.7288097

One bowl of bean soup and a ham sandwich.
It's already night here so bleh.

>> No.7288355

more porridge
pepperoni pizza
6x scrambled eggs on
3x slices of bread

300g pesto and goats cheese tortelloni
protein shake (milk, yoghurt, whey, bananas, oats)

should be around 3300kcal total

>> No.7289249


>> No.7289260

wake up 10 minutes before class hungover as fuck
go to class
come home
get up at noon and eat a turkey, pickle, bacon on wheatberry sandwich, protein bar and gatorade

dinner: turkey wrap and gatorade

supper: bacardi

>> No.7289342


green tea x 1

1 Banana
slice of chicken
coffee x1

>> No.7289559
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>> No.7289572
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Coffee and cigarettes
Coffee and cigarettes
Coffee and cigarettes
>Midnight snack
Coffee and cigarettes

>> No.7289615


Holy shit didn't know Bob Dylan was so heroincore when he was young.

>> No.7289641

Breakfast: espresso + 2 cubes sugar
Lunch: espresso + 2 cubes sugar
Dinner: 150g Couscous + 100g chicken breast

>> No.7289647

smoke + full english + tea
>all day
10000 cups of tea
pizza + chicken burger + can of coke
dunno wtf happened 2 my diet
used 2 cook all my own meals but ive been eating really badly atm

>> No.7289650
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I've been on the Christian Bale Machinist diet for the past few months.

Nothing but a can of tuna and an apple a day, with a bunch of black coffee in between.

My family and friends are worried and I feel like I'm dying but I least I'm skinny now so there's that.

>> No.7289653


Kidney failure incoming.

>> No.7289705
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i havent eaten anything except sum shredded chicken the past 4 days
save me from this hell!!!

>> No.7289711

only had chicken once
no apetite little hunger

>> No.7290429


>> No.7291254

"Carrot cake" smoothie (Egg, soymilk, oatmeal, spices, carrots, berries): 220
Subway salad: 300 (website said 260 but I like to be safe)
Supper : Egg poached in homemade veggie soup. 130
Total: 650, rounding up to 700 calories just in case. Pretty happy with my day, it's low, but not too low (feel crap when I go below 500). It was also a pretty healthy day.

>> No.7291272
File: 63 KB, 630x320, Total-0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and I drank tea and "model juice" (pic related)

>> No.7291284

when I woke up 12pm : 1 pogo with a sandwich

6-7 pm: trio mc nuggets with a wrap

5 minutes ago: a bag of doritos

still skinny af

>> No.7291293

Of course you're skinny, you're not eating that much! And somehow you're still managing to poison yourself.
This person's getting much more nutrition than you are.

>> No.7291310
File: 20 KB, 560x407, 1353997916258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still glad I dont need a calculator to count every singe things that went through my mouth

>> No.7291350

Glass of milk
5 microwaved taquitos
9 cans of Diet Coke

>> No.7291355

this isn't what rick would want 4 u bby

>> No.7291359

There are 1679000 calories but there are also 1679 Calories. Calorie = kcal

>> No.7291440

>2 scrambled eggs with about a tbsp of feta and 1 1/2 slices of peasant bread (240 kcal~)
>3 large persimmons (200~kcal)
>choco squares (190kcal~)
>oj sweeteend with stevia (50kcal)

>cinnarolls (450~kcal)
>cruller (200~kcal)
>half a raw jalapeno

and nothing afterwards. I'm fat and I eat all the sweet/savory junk that I want (To a point, because I limit portions most of the time).

>> No.7291451

coffee, 3 cups
tamales, some chili, and rice/beans
waffle house omelet (ham/pepper)

>> No.7291503
File: 69 KB, 461x555, caloric intake report.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

typical week for me

>> No.7291547

Seven weetbix with low-fat milk and a glass for orange juice for breakfast

Chicken sandwich and an apple with water for lunch

Spaghetti bolognese with water for dinner

Home-baked ginger cookie and a coffee for after

Quit counting your calories

>> No.7291552

650 calories, do you actually believe in starving yourself or are you anorexic?

>> No.7292250

The fucking avatar bitch ruins this picture. Only autistic 14 year olds watch that show

>> No.7292935

Well, I ate ~3000 on sunday, I had a wine and cheese wednesday and I'm going out to eat today (day after 700 day) so it evens out in the end.