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/fa/ - Fashion

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7271291 No.7271291[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I really like the whole prep style. Problem is I've never felt very comfortable in chinos and I love my jeans. Is it possible to dress down prep with jeans and still get the same effect?

Also, what would this style wear in winter? Duffle Coat? Peacoat? Parka?

Right now I'm still stuck in my college 'style' ie. Homage graphic T-s, crappy jeans (saving to replace with a pair of PBJs), and some puma sneakers.

>> No.7271704

Obviously wouldn't be wearing the tennis shoes anymore and I'm eyeing some boat shoes and some brogued wingtips.

>> No.7271711

Why does /fa/ have zero interest in workwear?

>> No.7271718

I don't know. Workwear is fucking amazing.
Borders too hard with MFA maybe.

>> No.7271721

Probably pea coat or duffle coat. Remember... keep it nautical.

And don't size the pea goat too tight. You can keep your underlayers fitted, but size the coat so you can fit a light sweater under without restricting your movement too much.

>> No.7271725

Saw denimdan in a waywt yesterday wearing workwear.

He repps the style pretty hard but doesn't post much anymore.

Slater was the king of workwear but he doesn't post at all anymore.

>> No.7271722

I like smart-casal.

>> No.7271728
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If someone has it...could we make this a workwear inspo thread? I don't have any, and I think it is such a cool concept.

>> No.7271730

because it's not a good style if you are under 25 imo
Im 18 and think it looks pretty lame/boring

>> No.7271740
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>> No.7271737
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ill dump what i have

>> No.7271738

People who like workwear generally get driven off the board by teens.

>> No.7271741

the fit on the pants is disgusting

>> No.7271746
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>> No.7271743

sieg is pretty close to it

>> No.7271751

I'm sure you didn't make that picture, but there is nothing failed about that fedoracore picture except a touch of colour coordination. It's just not the preferred cut of our time but I'd make a great outfit for a costume.

>> No.7271760

is that a carharrt jacket?

>> No.7271757

One thing that always destroys the credibility of workwear photoshoots for me, is when the clothes look too clean and brand new.

Love the denim jacket layering though.

>> No.7271758

OP here. So can I wear raws and still be prep?

>> No.7271756
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not necessarily, they're just cut in a more traditional way

obviously if you want a slimmer silhouette then those are not the way to go but they work for the look he's going for

>> No.7271762
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>> No.7271766

making yourself look smaller is not a good silhouette imo

>> No.7271767
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>> No.7271769

The cut of that suit might have been acceptable at the time, and it even fits him... but it's wrong for his body type, and even would have been at the time.

If he wanted to look good in that era he would have worn a three-roll-two with a single vent.

>> No.7271774
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>> No.7271776

well sure, but why wouldn't you just go workwear?
I mean what you could do is of course just wear prep with jeans, nothing wrong with it; brown brogues, a jumper and a white OCBD+raws should look perfectly fine, provided you get the fit right and aren't fat

>> No.7271781
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>> No.7271779
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>> No.7271783
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>> No.7271789
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>One thing that always destroys the credibility of workwear photoshoots for me, is when the clothes look too clean and brand new.
Why would they need credibility? Nobody's implying these dudes are coal miners.

>> No.7271791

I hate the look of all denim; it's overbearing to me.

>> No.7271795
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>> No.7271799
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>> No.7271804
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>> No.7271810
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>> No.7271806

Fair enough, though I personally really like dark indigo/black jeans. In my opinion every guy should have at least one of the two in their wardrobe, they're just so versatile.

>> No.7271816
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>> No.7271825
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>> No.7271842

Can I wear boots with prep?

Thinking mali desert boots for summer/spring, something more substantial for winter.

>> No.7271847
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>> No.7271851
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yeah easily
I don't think you should confine yourself to any style though if it means you don't get to wear the boots you like

>> No.7271869
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>> No.7271878
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>> No.7271881

no one on /fa/ goes outside

>> No.7271882
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>> No.7271885
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>> No.7271887
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In glorious cereblation of no more ding dong bannu i present what i will be copping for this winter, it's pretty workwear i'd say

>> No.7271890
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>> No.7271897
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>> No.7271900
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>> No.7271908
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>> No.7271917

You look ugly, wearing basic brands.
You're handsome. Wearing hi-fashion.

it isn't really about what you're wearing.

>> No.7271925

Its actually the other way around, the people that are into workwear have zero interest in /fa/

>> No.7271965

because this board is full of effeminate teenagers

>> No.7271975

OP, no it isn't possible.

Just start wearing chinos, you will get used to them. I started wearing them for my new job. At first it felt weird, now they are more comfortable than jeans.

>> No.7272002


that jacket looks super comfy, what type is it? Flanel? I can never find anything but shirts

>> No.7272056

this exactly

it looks like just a flannel layered over a hoodie
kind of hard to pull of tho, because you need to intentionally buy flannels that are too big.

w2c shoes?
>exclusively japanese brand

>> No.7272075

How do I properly pull off a shirt under a crew neck?

>> No.7272613

No but if you actually wear those clothes for a week to an office job irl they don't look like that.

All those pictures of Wolverine 1k miles? Or denim jackets? They never look like that unless they're brand spankin new.