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/fa/ - Fashion

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7264306 No.7264306[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /fa/ recommend for "bigger guys"? Haircut and everything...

>> No.7264318

>What does /fa/ recommend for "bigger guys"?

Lose weight.

>> No.7264321

A jog

>> No.7264322

Yeah yeah I know...

But how to pull the size off?

>> No.7264324
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>> No.7264325

diet and exercise.

>> No.7264326


Working out is modern couture.

>> No.7264330

Dress basic as fuck while you lose the weight. Dont spend money on good clothes because they won't fit you anymore after your transformation into hungry skeleton.
Good luck.

>> No.7264332

Ok, that's for the chlotes, but what to do for the hair?
Since my head is a bit wider I can't really do anything except the basic haircut (which looks like shit).

>> No.7264340
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Don't become a skeleton. Its better than fat but worse than gay.

Wear black. Alot of it. Its cheap, and when you get to the size you want, I strongly suggest you buy more black. That's just my opinion tho.

Remember that when you go mono with your style layering and patterns in your clothing are much more exaggerated, but looks hella good when done right.

>> No.7264343

>Don't become a skeleton. Its better than fat but worse than gay.

Or you know just be healthy

>> No.7264349

Grow it out, allow more complex styles when you cut it.

>> No.7264350

Short back and sides, try a 3 first, boring as fuck but looks good on anyone.

>> No.7264354

Very true. If you don't eat shit you won't look like it. Green natural foods. Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.

>> No.7264359
File: 134 KB, 300x300, hitleryouthhaircut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wanted a jugend-haircut, but I would just look silly with it.

>> No.7264360

Lose weight, their is no alternative. Or get a stomach band

>> No.7264362

How do I style my ahir like this?

>> No.7264368

Wait until you are slim, it's an easy transition from SB&S to HY.

>> No.7264372

please stop eating

>not telling him to lose weight
>not telling him to become skinny
>telling him to buy a ton of black clothes
>telling him to become a fat lard covered in darkness
>telling him to become fat-hobocore
please leave board forever

>> No.7264397

I'd recommend you cut your weight not hair

>> No.7264403

Honestly, don't bother with fashion if you're fat
You're going to look bad regardless, I'm sorry but that's the truth. There's a reason everyone on this board obsesses with being a walking skeleton, it looks good when you're wearing clothes

>> No.7264409
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either stop being fat or start a rap career where living a life of excess is cool
those are, like, your only two options

>> No.7264410

Rip your butt off ravenously. Have a shit

>> No.7264415
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Yohji Babuy

>> No.7264422

this might help http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uV19i44R74o

>> No.7264425

Personally I feel like shaven is best for fat/balding guys. No sarcasm.

>> No.7264432

Browse fit, lift every second day, do cardio on the off days, eat ~10 times your weight in calories (ie 200lbs, 2000 calories) to be healthy while losing weight sufficiently, and eat NOTHING at (after 7:30ish) to start.

Don't waste money on clothes, spend on diet and a gym membership. People will tell you that you're looking great just for being thinner regardless of what you wear.

For haircut tips, what are you as far as height and weight are concerned? Chances are the guy who said number three was right. Depending on your scalp maybe a 2 fade to 3, with a longer length on the top (similar to jugend photo) but with thicker side length to mask fat rolls n shit.

Use facial hair to make your jawline look as not shitty as possible

>> No.7264437

Will do

>fat rolls?
Umm...I'm not that fat

>> No.7264438

height and weight? It's pretty tough to gauge where you're coming from here.

>> No.7264439

You're chubby then?

>> No.7264441

Possibly body fat % if you have any idea too, that'd help.

>> No.7264459
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Well... like a non-hispanic George Zimmerman

>> No.7264460

Starve yourself for a month. only eats artificial fibres and during nighttime, eat an egg. Feel hungry, exclusively drink plain water

>> No.7264463

A month, huh?

>> No.7264465

You heard me

>> No.7264472

Sure it will work?

>> No.7264476

He'll just gain the weight back after the month, idiot.

>> No.7264477

Yeah, just don't overdo it. And make sure you prepare an ambulance

>> No.7264480


this is why people balloon back up to their original weights so dramatically.
a crash diet won't solve the lifestyle failures that made you fat in the first place.

>> No.7264483

Had kidney failure at the age of 6. Got fat since I couldn't walk very well

>> No.7264487

Oh, then I suggest another regime. Eat 4 bigmacs a day plus 3 pieces of ol' colonel kentucky's fried chicken( spicy flavored is optional) every single day. By 1 year you will feel a slight drowziness. It's in the process. After 50 years, you'll reach ultimate literal skeleton mode. If you catch my drift.

>> No.7264494
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>> No.7264495

One guy went from 260 to ~150 doing this over the course of 6 months I think so perhaps it would OP, but he became extremely unhealthy for most of this time. I'd suggest something slightly healthier OP, i.e. at least 1200 calories a day (which still results in a fuckton of weight loss) or even 2000-2500 for a slower, but more maintainable/healthy loss - easing back into a normal diet after you lose the weight to maintain a good metabolism (your weight multiplied by ~15 calories to maintain your current weight).

Spread it out throughout the day as much as possible (try and eat most in the morning, least at night, never eat late (after 7pm)). Lots of water is key to flushing your system (at least a gallon a day, preferably more).

Maintaining your body through physical use is very highly recommended.

since you can't walk well, lift. Even just arms will help a fuckton (try to use as much as possible, even at a light weight.) Gyming for like 1 hour a day will change your life OP. cycling and eliptical are low impact and highly effective.

>> No.7264497

Serious cat will laugh, bitch!

>> No.7264502

I can walk well now. But when I was a kid I got fatter because I couldn't so I'm stuck with it now. But thanks a lot with the advice.

>> No.7264500

Refer to /fit/ sticky.


>> No.7264499


>> No.7264505

Yeah, just remember that you're gonna be literal dead tho

>> No.7264512

Happy to help. Honestly you can be fit and fashionable one day. It just takes a few weeks of work.

I recommend this workout with cardio (elliptical is best) on your off days and a good diet.


>> No.7265458
File: 26 KB, 250x261, bearmode3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What does /fa/ recommend for "bigger guys"? Haircut and everything...

The only 'fashionable" big guys are the ones who are strong as fuck.

Seriously. The only time that a bodyfat over 20% in a male is acceptable is if you are bulking, or if you are seriously strong.

Get fit.

Pic related is a "big guy," you sound like you're just a fat guy.

>> No.7265463

Title of OP's thread is, "chubby fashion."

Step down

>> No.7265485

>"chubby fashion."

You may as well have the title of "attractive Eskimos" but it doesn't mean that it exists.

>> No.7265491

He made it fairly clear he was fat to an extent, and you went on some bullshit tangent - that's all I'm saying

>> No.7265535

>He made it fairly clear he was fat to an extent, and you went on some bullshit tangent

Unless I see a photo, I'm going to read "fat to an extent" as just plain fat.

This is coming from a former fattie.

If you cut down the benefits are extreme.
>Better body shape (people look at waist to hip ratio immediately when they see a human form).
>Improved facial aesthetics.

Point is, and tangent is, that trying to be "chubby" or "fat to an extent" and fashionable is near impossible, and the more fit OP gets, the easier life will be in achieving that goal.

>> No.7265599

I'm fat right now, too, as a side effect from some medication I'm taking. If you want to lose weight, just cut out carbs, eat spinach and almonds, and do the couch to 5k. Besides that:

Look for solid colours. Patterns will make you look bigger. Darker colours will be more flattering than lighter ones, and be thoughtful of your complexion, find tones that compliment it. For hair, more height will elongate your face, likely thinning your silhouette a bit. You'll have to dress more conservatively but, don't be afraid to buy some really cool shoes.

>> No.7265623

>nothing tastes as good as skinny feels
any1 who sz ths is a bg fccbouy nrd
just eat something nice and u'll see lol
also you can eat pretty unhealthy and stay skinny if you just do 5 hours cardio a week ahah

>> No.7265624

don't buy clothes if you're fat, I'm fat, I'm working on it, I've accepted I won't be /fa/ until I've lost weight.

>> No.7265632

fuck off useless newtrip your advice is bad go away u nerd B))
back to mfa don't be a shit nobody wants you to trip nobody asked you to trip

>> No.7265649
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>> No.7265860

filtred B))

>> No.7265877
File: 70 KB, 432x432, circular-reasoning-in-creationism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat less and work out

>> No.7265914
File: 187 KB, 500x333, jealousfatty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7265986

If you have high bodyfat % then you're gonna need some muscle.
Personally I think high bf + muscle can look great with the right clothes.
It's just that you'll have to figure out what to wear completely on your own.

>> No.7267573
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>you will never be action bronson

>> No.7270172


>> No.7270222
File: 417 KB, 880x586, 1375404548214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this guy is my fat inspo. Also, I'd say know what looks charming and what looks gross. I like a gut, but you have to keep it under control

>> No.7270236

Trips speak the truth.
Does that guy have any more fit pics floating around?
/fa/ really needs at least one fatty with god-tier fits to calm down this "starve yourself"-hysteria.

>> No.7270272
File: 853 KB, 1080x1920, 1371777256560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've seen more pics of his crew but not him. And there is truth the "starve yourself" theory. For one, fat generally exacerbates unattractive features. To look good fat, it actually takes far more work than looking good skinny. Also, most clothes are designed for the hungry skeleton, and when these simple rules are disregarded, you get some pretty abysmal fits.

>pic related

>> No.7270288

>most clothes are designed for the hungry skeleton
>tfw XS isn't small enough

>> No.7270294


are you a fucking midget?

>> No.7270310

Yeah, I know that there is truth behind it.
But dismissing a good fit just because the wearer isn't starvation-mode is just ridiculous however if the wearer uglyfatty-mode then I guess it's understandable.

>> No.7270320


idk xs in rick makes me feel gross

i cant size up cz then it wont cling and i'll look like im wearing a dress



lmao cringing everytime i see this
sz in a nut shell

those garms arnt made for skinnyfat middle aged white men going thru mid life crisis

>> No.7270335

>those garms arnt made for skinnyfat middle aged white men going thru mid life crisis
Well it looks great on the "skinnyfat middle aged white man going thru mid life crisis" on the right.

>> No.7270339


notice i said skinnyfat not obese

smh nigga can u even read

its funny how the only good fit is the fat nigga and first asian lmao

>> No.7270351


Wait, so who are you cringing at? The guy at the far left who looks like an amateur hacker?

>> No.7270358

I thought you were referring to the "obese" guy as skinnyfat, 'cause the others aren't skinnyfat.
They're just normal build.

>> No.7270396

>cut on carbs

Stop spouting bullshit. There is no reason to cut out carbs specifically. You just have to burn more calories than you consume.

>> No.7270405


that isn't a good thing
they look like autistic ghost in the shell cosplayers


the rest have scrawny fat dad bodies

rick ccp julius etc only look good on tall emaciated models

>> No.7270436


That's what I'm saying homie. They look quite shlumpy, sans the fat guy whom I posted the image exclusively for.

>> No.7270561

>I don't want to lose weight because if I do my Yohji won't fit anymore

Do you seriously want to drive this man to suicide?

>> No.7270679

Hawaian shirts are always a good choice

>> No.7271627

My friend is a little chubby but dresses really well. Just know what cuts compliment your frame to make you seem taller and therefore slimmer. Sherlock kinda coats are good.

>> No.7271657
File: 554 KB, 928x3246, hoursofsquats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat clen tren hard.

>> No.7272933

The two asians are /fa/ as fuck

The others probably look hilarious without the crew.

>> No.7272942

I can't see that panel without thinking ざわ。。。ざわ。。。

>> No.7272995

It's easier to lose weight over a period of one year than figuring out how to look good when fat. I went from 213 to ~155. You'll end up feeling much better when you can buy clothes that fit properly.