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7263257 No.7263257 [Reply] [Original]

There are some dece escorts through various agencies, or even online.

But, how rich do I have to be/spend to just go to like Cara Delevigne's, or the equivalent, NY or Paris model agency, and ask them if I can hire any of their models for sex?

Is this even possible?






>> No.7263264

just become a coke dealer in a big city like ny, london, paris etc

model pussy on tap all day and youll never get busted probably easiest money ever id say

>> No.7263270

Most models will have signed a no penetration clause as part of their contract. Its pretty standard amongst models, actors and the like.

>> No.7263271


they're all about hookers

paying for sex isn't /fa/ and literally never will be

>> No.7263282

prostitution is illegal, op.

>> No.7263288

as in literally no penetration? so cuddling/kissing/oral sex is good to go?

>> No.7263300

Thats how it works for actors at least definitely. Shia Labouf had to get his lawyers to get him out of his for that new Lars Von Trier movie hes doing where he does full penetration on a girl. But you can obviously do the other stuff as part of a "photoshoot" or "scene" if you get me. You'd be talking literally thousands tho

>> No.7263320

So, there is no way they can tell if their models were penetrated and this shit wouldnt be like on the fucking books... contractually It 'can't' happen, but does it still happen?

how much does a model get paid for a big shoot/runway?

>> No.7263333

depends on the model as far as im aware the scale is massive could be just a few hundred could be thousands

im talking about it as part of a shoot or whatever obviously paying a model for sex is different (and probably even more expensive)

>> No.7263341

i read that the penetration in nymphomania is actually cg.

it looks cool as hell though

>> No.7263343

Please don't, we have more than our fair share of threads asking about where fuccbois can get easy pussy for cheap.

>> No.7263336

Wait I thought they were doing 3d modeling of pornstars or something and imaging the actors/actress' face rather than have them actually have sex.

>> No.7263345

wrong link

>> No.7263348

>paying for sex


u kno most models date average joes right?

>> No.7263353

I thought the penetration in nymphomania was real, but 'stunt' cocks and pussies, so it cuts away from the hollywood, and just shows a cock that looks like shia's...

It's everyone's dream that art-house tier cinema will also be full hardcore porn in the future right?

>> No.7263365

just a random one:


are we talking like 1000/hr to fuck? or like 5000/hr? Ther emust be a price that would work right?

>> No.7263362

idk what they're showing in the film but i had read his dick was irl in mia goths pussy on set so i dunno

i mean it wouldnt surprise me if that was a load of shit to hype the film tho

but then again lars von trier

>> No.7263378

This is insanely stupid; get the fuck out. They're in an entirely different profession than prostitutes. Particular ones may be willing to sell sex, like people in general, but it wouldn't be through their agency - why would they expose themselves to the legal and PR risk? - and the vast majority of them will probably refuse.

Also, agencies are, er, agents. Their job is finding models work in their profession. The models can't be forced to take a job they don't want.

>> No.7263386
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well it would be like a secret...like i'd basically be bribing the agency to ask their models if they want to make a few extra 10ks on the side right.

but def. no?

>> No.7263392

It'd be better off for you to walk right up to models and ask them, or find connections to models OTHER than agencies themselves.

>> No.7263391

i dont get why you wouldnt just get a good looking escort?

>> No.7263398

If anything, just e-mail the model in question - offer up the 10Ks of dollars you want to pay them for sex, and let them know the offer is on the table

When they're down on their luck, you just might be getting an e-mail back...

>> No.7263401
File: 321 KB, 436x656, tumblr_mre4fqJ2NZ1qznepuo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they just don't have the same look bro. plus they're pro whores, these would be amateur whores, more exciting. pic related. never seen an escort that looked like that.

like just hang around? and be like "psst..."

>> No.7263421

I really can't tell if you're serious when you think approaching one and saying "psst" is the proper way of doing things.

Approach and tell them there's something you'd like to propose and that you have a lot of money. Or email them and offer, like that other guy said.

>> No.7263430

i can dig it when u put it like that

>> No.7263449

Yes, that's called procuring, aka pimping, and it's illegal in both New York and Paris, and thus secret. I'm not in the industry, or a cop, but if some unimportant and unprotected fuccboi went through an agency to hire sex, and word got around, which it would, you can bet the pigs would be on it faster than you could say "press conference."

Why the hell do you want to do this stupid, skeevy shit anyway? There's I don't know how many call girls in both cities, and >>7263348 is right.

>> No.7263456

>amateur whores, more exciting

WTF am I reading?

>> No.7263472
File: 198 KB, 500x716, tumblr_mt1zz5hbPE1qz7lxdo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw pic related and you awkwardly laugh and both start realizing what you've gotten yourselves into together and she timidly sucks your cock, and you sort of lick her vagina, and it is the best night of your life.

>> No.7263478

>Not wanting to dominate sexually inexperienced young women

>> No.7263482
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or this:


>> No.7263488
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And you really think it'll go down like that? It seems to me you're really better off keeping this as a fantasy.

Also, I swear, NSA has to run captcha or some shit.

>> No.7263493

lmao how do you think women become models?

protip: its not by being chaste little virgins

any successful model will have fucked at least a few hundred guys for work alone, then theres guys outside of work

>> No.7263508

>any successful model will have fucked at least a few hundred guys for work alone

This is about as laughable as the OP. There's not a few hundred guys in a model's career path, let alone that they'd have to fuck to work with.

>> No.7263511

>this whole fucking thread
what the fucking fuck am I reading

captcha: what rclikey

>> No.7263513
File: 99 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mvwtiuswAs1qb5t88o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO. no. shut up. stahp.

captcha must be an absolute nightmare for schizophrenics

>> No.7263522

i legit meant to type few dozen but whatev

i have a hard time believing that any attractive girl would even make it to 18 with her hymen in tact

>> No.7263527

You don't really imagine it to be that way, do you? Sex for money is probably one of the worst experiences that exist in this world, for both parties. She will hate to do it and you will notice. You won't be able to enjoy it, because you know you're doing that to her.
It's not funny or awkward or innocent or anything like that.

>> No.7263536

even going to a strip club is shit and i say this as a dude who likes titties a lot

its just sad af

>> No.7263550

>has to run captcha
The human brain is capable of amazing things. Things you couldn't possibly imagine. A couple years ago a way to "download" your memories direct from your brain was proposed. There's even artificial limbs that can by controlled by brain waves.

I was once reciting this phrase in my head and suddenly, this song comes on containing that exact phrase. a song which I'd never heard before. That one song out of a possible 4,000 others.

Explain this to me. I've experienced so many similar incidents since that I've just ceased to find them unusual.
Depends on the types of delusions they entertain.

>> No.7263547
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what if I'm a huge asshole and a narcissist and just want to shove my hard cock down an 18 y/o models throat while holding her hair out of her face? only then i guess?

>> No.7263565

I assume the average model has about the same amount of sexual experience as the average urban woman. Being attractive, which we can translate to being wanted abstractly by more people, doesn't mean being attracted to more people.

>Sex for money is probably one of the worst experiences that exist in this world, for both parties

I have no first-hand experience, but read some writing by prostitutes.

But a random model who's agreed to OP's proposal, who probably would not exist, would probably be as icky as you say.

>> No.7263558

just become the next terry richardson

>> No.7263572

The universe is strange, and I think it's some background strangeness responsible for this kind of stuff, not the NSA or any gaggle of humans. I'm very much anti-tinfoil-hat. Stifles real politics.

>> No.7263762

What about this.

i have a lot of ppl that think i suck, and i don't do anything but stay in my basement and have failed at life.

and im shallow and super petty.

can i hire models who are fairly famous to pose with me for my fb? and make it look like we're friends? They'll say "hmm what is Anon up to these days? omg, in paris with these girls?"

>> No.7264106

what the FUCK man. if you have all this money, go and do other shit.

>> No.7264158

This whole fucking thread is just creepy.

here's a tip though, if you want models on tap.

be worth 50 mill plus...

I hung out with some rich arse motherfuckers over the weekend and the women they were with... ballerinas (actual ones), models (actual ones) and fucking actors (actual ones).

by actual ones I mean real dance companies, known agencies and people you'd recognise from tv.

A shit ton of money will always get you money.

>> No.7264224


>> No.7264238
File: 133 KB, 500x378, 1383977104376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

legit laughed aloud

>> No.7264249

>A shit ton of money will always get you money.
ur snaps r qt

>> No.7264269


Never trust an aussie

>> No.7264281

lol why not?
his snaps seem honest enough and if not,that's his prerogative

>> No.7264297

i think you mean a shit ton of money will get you honey

you're overthinking it, he just meant never trust us in general. Especially not with your women

>> No.7264341

this whiteboy fantasy needs to stop
i fucking hate how ever since hell hath no fury came out every kid is like "yea i get my clothes cuz i deal coke"
actually fuck right off. you'd all be shitty dealers because you haven't worked a hard day in your life and theres many better dealers than you.

>> No.7264342

>with your women
8 legged ones or black legged ones

>> No.7264405
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ITT Supporting human trafficking

>> No.7264426

ahaha ikr

>> No.7264429

I hope they suck peniseseseseseseseseses too

>> No.7264430

>The human brain is capable of amazing things.

not yours by the looks of things

>> No.7264431

How about young 'kekders' eh?

>> No.7264433


>> No.7264434

>yung lelders *B.H.A* *SttB* ~*#BuCkEtBoiZ*~ -Hymen Buster Helders- [#ether gang] !!Ckr8T299qdM
Ultima autismal

>> No.7264436

im just joshin

>> No.7264445

whats his sc

>> No.7264449
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>> No.7264473



do not add

self serving 'here i am getting coffee' 'here i am at a party with a few lawyers #wow' crap

>> No.7264481

>this thread

Oh wow, and I genuinely thought /fa/ was one of the least autistic boards in 4chan.

>> No.7264493

>do not add
then why did you give it out?
>self serving
what else did you expect?

>> No.7264507

mif is hilarious, actually had a life to show on sc

rickowens is the worst. that's a definite DNA/Block

killertrill is a neck beard arab who just wants people to validate him

>> No.7264509

Simultaneously the least and the most. incase you cant tell, we get a lot of cross overs. More than nearly every other board. Just floaters from other boards coming to ask advice/ look/ laugh/ etc. Its in threads like this, or /fit/ related or etc that it really shines through that the majority of the board is not #based regulars but dweebs from /fit/ and /r9k/

>> No.7264521

Are that lanky, dorky-looking british kid whose collage is spammed all over the board?

Why are you trying to sound ghetto?

>> No.7264594

this thread isnt that dumb,im learning yo
>sort of lick her vagina
>sort of
tbh u must be new here
what do u look for in a qt3.14 snapchat