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/fa/ - Fashion

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7259714 No.7259714[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7259759


>> No.7259767

Post in fuccboi thread you stupid cunt

>> No.7259772


srs I want 1 gothninja outfit

>> No.7259771

Rick Owens, you will look autistic

>> No.7259779

but yeah this

>> No.7259781


did that; no help

ya fukfuk guy

>> No.7259804


Veroz lists what he's wearing with every shot he posts.

>> No.7259813


where does he list it?

care to link?

>> No.7259844

isnt that the ovate hoodie or something lol

>> No.7259857

dresses so username veroz

>> No.7259909


>274 total items

oh goddamnit ima havto go thru each of these

>> No.7259998

found the hoodie


>> No.7260080

found the whole listing


>> No.7260101

sweatshirt is ovate
top is julius
scarf is julius
pants look like drkshdw
dunno shoes

>> No.7260130



>> No.7260131

lol you tried man, you tried

>> No.7260133


the ovate hoodie is for girls

>> No.7260160
File: 65 KB, 683x1024, fw13ovate0924HR_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is men's version.


>> No.7260229
File: 359 KB, 720x540, 1365705969245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im so special
>i dont need to follow social conventions
>why doesn't anyone want to be around me

>> No.7260246


>implying there's not a thriving for this

>> No.7260266


>thriving market *

>> No.7260290


>tfw large is 40" chest and mine is "42

th-thanks /fit/

>> No.7260300


Who cares? It's open front anyway.

>> No.7260314


ovate's doesn't have a zipper btw

>> No.7260322


Right; we're talking about the men's version of the Valhalla that somebody asked about.

>> No.7260353

Do you have any sort of affiliation with Audrey? You seem to know quite a bit about Ovate seeing as you're always dropping knowledge whenever its mentioned.

>> No.7260384

Anyone have fit pics?

>> No.7260398


I just know that the product is out there; no more knowledgeable than you would by from browsing the webstore.

>> No.7260431

it's volga volga, since no one has answered this yet
do we have an FAQ? this should be on the FAQ

>> No.7260446


>> No.7260447


I don't think anyone answered because the source had been posted already.

>> No.7260454

how's the quality on this?

>> No.7260452


looks like you could get a similar look for wayyy cheaper

the hoodie's gona be 90$ is you get valhalla

the long sleeve jersey could be bought a lot cheaper its just basic dark grey / olive long with optional drape - less than $50, none of this $260 Rick Owens crap

the scarf is basic long scarf, no need for overpriced devoa - less than $50

pants I'm not sure what material those are but you might be able to get something like this http://m.asos.com/mt/us.asos.com/Voi-Twisted-Seam-Pants/10z1yn/?iid=3006167&mporgp=L1ZvaS1KZWFucy9Wb2ktVHdpc3RlZC1TZWFtLVRyb3VzZXJzL1Byb2Qv
black cotton pants with twisted seams basically or w/e material those are -
less than 80$

boots might be the toughest - his are reverse buffalo hide like $800, but who cares what the hide is as long as it looks right. you could find some for less than $250 im wiling to bet, for a good pair too

Add it all up= ~$530 MAX eh not too bad since every item can be used with other clothes

>> No.7260470

>the scarf is basic long scarf, no need for overpriced devoa - less than $50

Normally I'd agree, but the pointed cut on the end of Devoa scarves makes a surprising difference when you style them.


Same fit as the Volga, but made from french terry, so just remember it'll drape and fit like a standard hoodie. You're really just paying for the proportion and styling. I have no personal experience, but the fabric content tells you that it won't be exactly the same.

>> No.7260474

so it has
i just ctrl-f'd "volga" and nothing came up

>> No.7260473



>> No.7260495


>> No.7260508

sold out motha fucka

>> No.7260519

legit when you're not standing with that thing you'll look like a tard.
as soon as you walk. just watch

>> No.7260538


Just watch what?

>> No.7260539


do you know of any alternatives to the "pointed cut" ?

i couldnt actually find the devoa scarf

>> No.7260547


like it only looks good when you're standing still?

>> No.7260558
File: 743 KB, 1048x1575, jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To be fair, any woven scarf could just be cut against the grain like that if you don't mind the fraying.


>> No.7260564


>> No.7260565

if the scarf was actually worn the proper way it wouldn't be that bad.

>> No.7260574
File: 166 KB, 500x627, tumblr_mp2f3fAllA1s89bf4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on the woven m8. a lot of woven's, especially the type used in scarves, will just fray endlessly from basic handling and you'll very quickly be left without a scarf.

>> No.7260591



Nah bruh. I'm talkin like around $50. I'm not at that level yet.

>> No.7260599


You could try buying a length of jersey and having someone cut on the bias and maybe even stitch it down to prevent any fraying. The drape won't be the same.

>> No.7260616

if the guy cops all that shit and then starts to walk you'll realise you're meant to be going to a cosplay show
the photo looks dope i'll admit
but as soon as you walk it'll lose it's shape (not to mention you'll have to have a hunched back the whole time)
in the end, theres nothing special about the pieces here

>> No.7260622


Bias cutting doesn't fray nearly much as cutting with the grain. I'm not sure if my original comment wasn't clear of if we're talking about different things. If it frayed that much, there wouldn't be much use to making/applying bias tape. Cutting on the bias adds more stretch since the weave has room to move and they curve when used as tape.

>> No.7260625
File: 220 KB, 596x1442, Sou Sou - Muslin Wool Reversible Cicrle Scarf Glittering Light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me a lot of Lumen et Umbra's scarf stuff.
>pic semi related cuz it's a scarf I guess.

>> No.7260638


I don't know what you mean by "hunched back". Are you referring to the hood when it drapes on his shoulder? It's more fabric than usual, sure, but it'll just be an exaggerated hood like on any hooded garment. And most people don't just leave scarves hanging free when they're actually walking around (as opposed to standing still for a photo). I don't quite understand the need to invent reasons for not liking someone else's dress, but I'm pretty lazy and ambivalent about a lot of things, I guess.

>> No.7260641


A lot of stores carry both lines together, so I see what you're saying. Benanato doesn't do that many woven patterns, though.

>> No.7260648


Might as well get a tailor to do it or something. Custom made scarf? Why not

>> No.7260659
File: 136 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_2203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stuff like this really gets me wanting to save up for a Lumen et Umbra scarf. The texture on pic related is just fantastic IMO. The thing is that I'm really torn between saving up for something that style because I really really love the kinds of scarves Dior and Saint Laurent Paris do..


>> No.7260661


I'm looking for a cheaper alternative to that same style scarf without having to cut any material

>> No.7260669


Frankly, I'd say get the Lumen stuff first because it's not like Dior and SLP aren't going to repeat something LIKE what you're eyeing at some point anyway (outside of the super collection specific styles) whereas the whole point of a brand like Lumen is to use research and fabric development to inform what gets made.

>> No.7260670
File: 468 KB, 1366x2048, Saint Laurent Scarf (FW 13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I'm off to bed.
I'll leave you with this scarf by SLP.

>> No.7260686

i dont always like leus cuts but god damn they have some of the most gorgeous fabrics ever, besides sruli of course

>> No.7260754


what was he thinking on this


>> No.7260766
File: 94 KB, 627x800, sr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


man these are cute

>> No.7260779

wish i knew, its beautiful

>> No.7260802


two words bro: skin ring

aite i just came here to find a nice cheap scarf

>> No.7260810


yeah if you want to look like a beetle's shed exoskeleton

>> No.7260818


Okay Im going to ask a serious question. Do people on this board actually think that looks good or is it just one big troll like SS on /fit/

pls respond

>> No.7260837


I think some people like it; some people like parts of it; some people like it, but would never wear it; some people like the pieces, but not how it's put together; some people don't like it at all...and os on.

>> No.7260843

what is ss?

>> No.7260916


i think it looks dope

to be honest i was looking to have an outfit like this before I realized that "gothninja" was even a thing a while back, but I had to buy some other more important things first. i saw this pic and was like "yeah thats what I've been imagining"