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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 25 KB, 180x270, waywt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7242964 No.7242964 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7242969
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>> No.7242981

it makes me lol so hard when you just post tags or a cropped photo of what youre wearing
>insecure about showing himself
>still does nothing about it

>> No.7242998
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>> No.7243001


>> No.7243002
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>> No.7243009
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>> No.7243007

wow who's this.
never seen anyone wear raf better.
do you model? whats your tumblr?

>> No.7243012
File: 37 KB, 543x460, 1383951216563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even Varg?

>> No.7243011

off to a promising start

>> No.7243016

I would repost but I don't think anyone wants to see my awful fit again

>> No.7243019


don't ruin this one, see >>7243011

>> No.7243035
File: 674 KB, 2592x1456, PHOTO_20131114_103919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7243040

why are you even a namefag?

>> No.7243048
File: 199 KB, 1096x730, ss (2013-11-14 at 10.47.55).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7243045

what's wrong with it

>> No.7243050


i dont like the shoes personally but there is nothing wrong with that fit and usually he is on point.

youre probably new

>> No.7243061
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>> No.7243066
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Pls go.

>> No.7243067

all your fits are dope

>> No.7243068


those dreamboxes/geobaskets look awful on you. and you look young as fuck. young people really shouldn't be so worried about dressing well because your proportions are fucked

>> No.7243075


you think you're being ironically funny but in reality you just look like a faggot

>> No.7243092


this is a cool fit

>> No.7243090

My nigga

>> No.7243102

You look like a depressed french mime working at a cheap chinese laundromat.

>> No.7243105


Do you have a black eye or am I just bugging out?

>> No.7243135

wow tinny, you just grew so much in eyes.

>> No.7243193
File: 314 KB, 662x1461, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laundry day & its fukken cold 2day

>> No.7243204

kl jacket is it north face?

>> No.7243210

not bad rajesh
dnt like the hoodie tho
how tall ar u?
diggin the top,sauce on it?
i've yet to see a full fit from u

>> No.7243223
File: 1.84 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be harsh

>> No.7243221

>all this monochrome

it hurts

>> No.7243224
File: 185 KB, 2048x1365, 1404410_10153462412090029_1702705916_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7243227

Yeh like 3 yrs old lol, same with the hoodie its obey >>7243210
Anyway im like 5'10
I like how no 1 can figure out where im from lol

>> No.7243231
File: 222 KB, 872x3020, 111413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was a sk8er boi she said cya l8r boi

>> No.7243242

tbh it's inconsequential and is only b8 to the h8ers who cant banter properly

>> No.7243247

not feeling it eben for the sk8er look
the shoes r p.bad and ur height isnt played in a positive light here

>> No.7243256

idek why but i like it. not if you're over 20 tho

>> No.7243264
File: 833 KB, 542x930, 2013-11-14_1600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll probably remove the velcro patch from it when I get around to it.

>> No.7243267

feeeling this

>> No.7243276

Shit fit on everything. Also the black and the colour of your chinos doesn't go at all.

>> No.7243274

i fux w it bra
b-but cps..... lol all good was kinda tired of wearing button downs 3 days in a row for info seshes

>> No.7243292

excellent fit on the parka, How tall are you? Also I would keep the patch.

>> No.7243294
File: 439 KB, 1041x2501, zz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thoughts on my shoes?

>> No.7243299


too much blue mang

>> No.7243300


I concur

>> No.7243301

nice shoes fuqqboi
don't wear all blue though

>> No.7243302


>> No.7243304 [DELETED] 

really? how so? I feel it looks kind of out of place
also I'm 5'10

>> No.7243311

>that oily nose

>> No.7243312

you mean that nigger nose

>> No.7243327


yeah, I agree. Should have worn a black hoodie or something.

>> No.7243343
File: 319 KB, 391x728, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7243345

>Also I would keep the patch.
really? how so? I feel it looks kind of out of place
also I'm 5'10

>> No.7243352


>> No.7243350

that asymmetrical thing. stop it.

>> No.7243357

why does this look so bad? the individual pieces are basic and nice but everything on you looks off

>> No.7243362


The styling is bad. And I' sure he could go down a size on the tee to give the sleeve a better fit.

>> No.7243365

bretty good m8 4/5

>> No.7243374


Thank you!

>> No.7243376

We're always gonna call you fat, why keep from posting a pic? It's not like you can fuck your rep any more. If you have expensive shit like that, I would think it would look good or else you wouldn't buy it. Just post a pic or get off the fucking board nobody is impressed with just a label. If you say you're into different shit now, why not just leave anyway? What are you doing here? ..posting pictures of labels?

>> No.7243370

>The styling is bad
explain that please. this happens a lot that fits here look horrible even if the clothes itself are nice. is it because he has an ugly body?

>> No.7243371

Sorry idk.

>> No.7243384

too unsymmetrical
too transparent

>> No.7243387

i can see ur nipples

>> No.7243388

>is it because he has an ugly body?
Post body talk shit

>> No.7243392

>is it because he has an ugly body?
yes. just look at those shoulders and fat belly.

>> No.7243400


How could I turn that into a 5/5?

>> No.7243404

tricky ricky wanted you to see them

>> No.7243422

w2c boots and jeans?

>> No.7243427

Very nice, w2c shoes?

>> No.7243429

your shoes are disgusting
honestly, you look like a lesser brony

your pants are disgusting

i don't particularly like it, but i don't think there's anything off about it either

>black, unintelligible blob
>geos of questionable authenticity

this is unfunny


your fits suck, and your clothes in general suck, but you're both handsome, so you should keep trying

what's the velcro for?

pls don't wear caps

the fit is exaggerating his hips
i'm not even sure if any of the shit he's got is rick
he could be wearing some VTB, dixquare and dreamboxes

i think his body is part of it, but a competent stylist would be able to make him look 100x better

>> No.7243435

>what's the velcro for?
absolutely no idea, kind of why I am thinking of removing it.

>> No.7243438



I'm here trying to improve, what should I change?

>> No.7243444
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>> No.7243442


It's to affix your name badge.

>> No.7243452

Its not exaggerating my hips though
They're ricks.

>> No.7243453

oh well that's cool, but it still begs the question: should I remove it?

>> No.7243456

this criticism is appropriate

>> No.7243462
File: 2.25 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new

>> No.7243463

Don't get rid of the velcro patch, get a patch with your phone number and put it on there, and dare I say take it to a tailor? Perhaps the draw cord can be swapped out with something more colorful? These german parkas are everywhere and they are all the same, make your parka yours.

>> No.7243473

It is bruh.

>> No.7243489

Nah bruv

>> No.7243499

you look like if andy milonakis didn't have midgetitis

>> No.7243527
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>> No.7243530
File: 1.06 MB, 1536x2048, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for shitty camera

>> No.7243543

You'd look better wearing the luggage to your left than that collared shirt.

>> No.7243554
File: 184 KB, 816x768, dean martin scandal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweater on the right is actually blue and speckled.

>> No.7243549

take that shirt off

>> No.7243563

Not >>7243527 but seriously, comments like this are pathetic, post a fit with your comment at least, this board is shit cause instead of giving critique you say shit like this.

>> No.7243568


>> No.7243572

of what sort

>> No.7243575

w2c sweater?

>> No.7243577

haircut and socks please

>> No.7243581

They're no show socks. They make the shoes look weird if I wear normal ones

what sort of haircut, i'm open to that

>> No.7243596

Already posted my fit in the last waywt brah,

>> No.7243601

i'm >>7243527

to be fair, the critique was that he doesn't like the shirt. if he said "looks like shit" that's what you should be mad about. ignore haters mang

>> No.7243614


>> No.7243616

I can tell you're fat and greasy, can't hide it under that horrific faggy coat.

>> No.7243620

>implying I'm mad

>> No.7243625
File: 93 KB, 666x888, 20131114_112656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only my third time posting. Critique would be appreciated.

>> No.7243644
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if you aren't going to put anything there, then i think you should
it'll just collect fuzz and shit if you don't
i could see a girl's hair getting caught in it during a hug lol

the leather looks really shitty with indigo, and i think the boots are a bit too red (something more muted would be a lot more versatile), but idk how accurate your camera and my monitor are with colors

it does
like /fa/scist said, you'd benefit from a smaller tee
the loose fabric flares around your hips, and you don't have the upper body mass to compensate for it
a smaller one probably would do the same thing, but it wouldn't be as bad
the fabric of the sweats is also expanding your hips/thighs

>They're ricks
what's the material of the sweats? where did you buy them from? they have such an awful shape in your photo

are you also 14?

at first glance, i thought this was a joke

why bother posting?

would friendzone/10

>what sort of haircut
i think the general thread is supposed to include haircuts and stuff >>7243600
anything shorter would be an improvement at this point imo

this angle makes it difficult to judge the fit of the garments
i'm guessing the jeans don't fit you, and i'm not feeling the greyish color of the shoes

>> No.7243638

don't stand like that irl
lose weight
shoes look like shit
jeans look iffy
shirt is passable, looks like sleeves are too long [hiding it by putting hand in pocket and not letting sleeve go all the way down]
don't think my critique = talking shit

just helping
good luck

>> No.7243640

>burn everything
>lurk for a few months while taking up the nudist lifestyle
>gradually buy things once you understand what looks good and will work for you
>try to give up nudism

>> No.7243651

>would friendzone/10
what do you even mean by that

>> No.7243666

it means you have a tame, unfuckable look

>> No.7243679

poplin, awful in your opinion, i like em

>> No.7243690

get a dope haircut
also them there visvims dont look too good with the rest of the fit

>> No.7243703
File: 77 KB, 426x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reporting in for some more ether today

Yes this is the only jacket I wear nowadays

>> No.7243707

i told u to start tripping

>> No.7243719

fit of the jeans is off
hate the shoes
blue jeans and a white t-shirt is so basic

>> No.7243720

>i could see a girl's hair getting caught in it during a hug lol
Could one use this to their advantage....?

>> No.7243722

Hm interesting what's wrong with the fit of the jeans

>> No.7243725

Big in the thigh. Needs a little more taper at ankles. Could be longer.

>> No.7243728

Literally all of you look retarded. Are you trying to look like yugioh characters? My fit

>> No.7243731

nice fit

>> No.7243739

w2c invisibility cloak

>> No.7243734

we don't need anymore shitty tripps

>> No.7243743

>responding to trolls
You aren't gonna make it brah

>> No.7243740

looking good dan

>> No.7243741

you should trip
best fit itt

>> No.7243744

they're actually really rigid so if they got any tighter in the ankles I actually wouldn't be able to get them on. And I don't really want them that tight in the thighs, because my thighs are muscular so it will come off looking as fat

ty tho m8
r u >>7243429

>> No.7243745

not >>7243719
but a straight looking silhouette seamlessly flowing from the thigh to the shin/calf area is preferred to an obvious break and discord in taper

>> No.7243746
File: 41 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mvh0rnR8yH1qdvfuwo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7243747

would look much better with black pants

>> No.7243752

interesting, thanks m8

ya i usually do wear my black ones but I haven't worn my blue jeans in a while so i figured i'd break em out since today it's a little warmer

>> No.7243754
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Top lol

>> No.7243755 [DELETED] 
File: 1.67 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw not a bad fit
>no good mirrors

>> No.7243765

you look like a non ginger version of conan obrien

>> No.7243766

aw come on ur hurting my feelings :((((

>> No.7243761

Oh god

>> No.7243763


black jumper

much fashion

very dark


>> No.7243768

>this is /fa/

>> No.7243769

stop posting pics of urself goddamn it do u need attention or what

>> No.7243773

Are those work boots

>> No.7243775

no they're not...?

>> No.7243783


>> No.7243780

He probably paid over 100 for them

>> No.7243800

>they're actually really rigid so if they got any tighter in the ankles I actually wouldn't be able to get them on.
Ah. Maybe the entire leg should be wider then to even it out ? >>7243745 is on to what I mean. Thighs shouldn't be TIGHT but when they bulge in certain places--bulging thats clearly not from your body but is just loose fabric--then it looks weird. You're welcome and no. I'm agreeing with lots of the advice though.

>> No.7243801

ew no

>> No.7243804
File: 139 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just figuring out /fa/ is based around work boots advertised as fashion apparel

>> No.7243813

you look like a clown at a circus run by hottopic

>> No.7243820


>> No.7243829

cool thanks m8
i do get what you mean they actually bulge a bit in the thighs when I stand up. Honestly I'll prob just give these away to the thrift after winter but I'll pick up some new ones with your theories in mind. All of my other jeans fit really well, these are the worst though because they're so rigid. and tight in the calfs

>> No.7243876

Can somebody please explain why you'd make yourself look deformed?

>> No.7243877
File: 274 KB, 844x1266, 305807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't necessarily think they're awful
i think they look awful in your photo

>where did you buy them from?

i told you naaaaw

the red soles aren't doing anything for those shoes

the artifacts were killing me

i'd let those jeans go for a black, khaki, or olive pair
those colors seem more suited to your wardrobe

>> No.7243909
File: 79 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2013-11-14 at 14.23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Le shirt i talked about yestergay

>> No.7243917

tbh I bought them for $30 last boxing day from the bay because I needed to add something else for free shipping and i thought they looked interesting
today i felt like wearing the stuff I usually don't wear for some reason

I have a pair of black jeans, and I have a pair of dark grey, but all my other pants are too big since I've lost quite a bit of w8 recently and they all look funny
I have a pair of indigos that are too big, and another pair of blue
but I think I'm gonna go for some khakis, I've never really fucked with khaki b4
what's the best brand of khaki for value?

>> No.7243921

size down on the tee otherwise alright

>> No.7244033

>tfw called handsome ^_^

>> No.7244044
File: 978 KB, 1952x3264, IMAG0371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jackets dark grey btw, shirt too colorful for the fit?

>> No.7244053

Can I have ur shirt

>> No.7244055

cufs look kinda bad, but like the shirt surprisingly

>> No.7244059

>starcraft shirt
>in any fit

lord save us

>> No.7244061

>that shirt

oh shit nigger what are you doing

decent fit otherwise

you'll probs be p handsome when you're older as well

>> No.7244064

its my own twist to my fit I guess, defines me bitch

>> No.7244067

Ugly pants and glasses. Don't wear this shirt unless you have to.

>> No.7244072

>he defines himself through graphic tees

is this even real

>> No.7244073

thanks man appreciate it, yeah the shirt I know lol

my facial hair is slow to come but I think it will help shape my face more

>> No.7244082
File: 1.47 MB, 2250x4000, DSC_0240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought that shirt yesterday, what do you think of it /fa/?

>> No.7244076
File: 1.60 MB, 2304x3072, DSC01682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same as yesterday but muh new nikez arrived

>> No.7244084

>yeah the shirt I know lol

>its my own twist to my fit I guess, defines me bitch

are you a moron

>> No.7244090


>> No.7244096

Ditch the chain

>> No.7244098

would look better with black shoes, IMO
wearing shorts in mid November ???

>> No.7244103

You should've sized down on the longsleeve and as >>7244096 says, ditch the chain.

>> No.7244102
File: 56 KB, 721x960, 1468655_10202435325903378_2033927704_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I might need to change a couple things

>> No.7244108

i live in Brazil, its almost summer in here, 28°C today

>> No.7244117

casual /fa/ bretty gud, but, as already pointed out, shirt is little too much

>> No.7244118

your l-legs look kinda b-b-big

>> No.7244121


gr8 b8 m8

>> No.7244124
File: 63 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mw9rwl7nA01rmb9bxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

webcam game weak

>> No.7244154

m8 don't listen to these guys tht shirt is awesome

>> No.7244156
File: 200 KB, 620x842, photo 2 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first waywt post. don't take it easy on me

>> No.7244158

looks dece

>> No.7244161

not too bad, lets see the front? cant tell the fit on the jacket too well in that photo

personally not a fan of the scarf but im not really a scarf man so ????

>> No.7244165

cheers pal :)

>> No.7244170

i don't like your hair but the fit looks fine to me

>> No.7244168
File: 142 KB, 640x480, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same jacket ma nigga

>> No.7244188
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From the front.

>> No.7244196
File: 314 KB, 960x1280, 1383969305276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god this is fucking awful

fucking keffils or whatever those neck things are called

this is what /fa/ is?

>> No.7244207

1) First time I've ever posted, ty for the needed criticism.
2) Its 30 degrees here, I ride a bike to campus, my face gets cold.

>> No.7244208

Pretty new but w2c a parka like that?

>> No.7244236

i will give you a clue: flecktarn
you will have to figure out the rest for yourself though(another tip: it's not difficult)

>> No.7244252

german flecktarn parka
any milsurp store in your area or ebay, amazon, any milsurp online store

>> No.7244259

I'm also 5'10 and thought that parka would be too big on me. What size did you get and where did you cop?

>> No.7244268

Cheers for the help. I only dream one day I can become a true /fa/scist

>> No.7244265
File: 19 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing around your neck is a little much. Maybe get a smaller one? I try to keep my look simple

>> No.7244284

No idea of the size, it was a vintage jacket on weekday though. As far as I can tell, the size isn't mentioned anywhere.

>> No.7244288

How played out are roshes? i need a new pair of shoes and i dig them

>> No.7244299

m8 i think ur in the wrong thread lel

but roshes are played out in black
go for a kewl colourway that no one has

>> No.7244312

yes m8 this is the waywt lol
i think u mean to b in the fuckboy gen

>> No.7244314
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>> No.7244308

lmao i am hahah

>> No.7244325

hood needs to be on or off faggot you cant have it both ways

>> No.7244322

i like nbs here even tho i don't like NBs

>> No.7244323


>> No.7244324

is this you?
this is awesome

>> No.7244326
File: 514 KB, 895x2047, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheeky lift fit pic
Just served like 1000 covers and still cant have a smoking break wtf

>> No.7244327

Cool if it's raining

>> No.7244333

anime shawtys we sippin

>> No.7244337

w2c that rad vest

>> No.7244343
File: 311 KB, 577x1290, photo 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go easy on me please, i'm a student and i don't have much money at the moment.

>> No.7244342
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Going to uni later for a couple of hours

>> No.7244348

7/10 brutty good

>> No.7244349

Yeah boyeee

>> No.7244351

really ugly shoes

>> No.7244356

fuck this is exactly my style lol

nice fit obviously. w2c t

>> No.7244359

What model NB's are those?

>> No.7244353
File: 306 KB, 565x1294, photo 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advice welcome.

>> No.7244361

i no
i'll post my modified fit when i get home u guys made me cry so i had 2 get changed

w2c homeniga

>> No.7244369

Link to pants>>7244323

>> No.7244378

Obvious troll is obvious

>> No.7244388
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>> No.7244400

looks good

>> No.7244419


congrats looking super pedestrian

>> No.7244413

w2c shirt

>> No.7244415


get rid of the keffiyeh because you're not an arab person, and they look like shit.

but if your neck gets cold get a balaclava or something you can easily take off, or even a neckwarmer you can pull up over your nose.

>> No.7244417
File: 158 KB, 640x680, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7244426

>posts fit
>posts second fit with a 15 degree change in angle

srs tho get new shoes, other than that fine

>> No.7244425

Don't listen to to this guys keffiyehs are cool

>> No.7244427

no they suck and look shit

>> No.7244438

Haha mb I just thought the other ones showed the color of the jeans more accurately

And thanks I'm about to get slps hopefully

>> No.7244443
File: 195 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Should I return them, boys?

>> No.7244445

>tfw smoking break

>> No.7244441

those are nice, good idea 4 sure

>> No.7244451

dont get slps they are the gashest sneakers you could get at that price point

>> No.7244457


do they fucking glow?

>> No.7244465

dont listen to him they're sweet

they look aight man, should've got af1's ;)

>> No.7244480

i want avril
her 18 year old self was so based

>> No.7244477

they arent sweet, there are so many better pairs of sneakers you could get for that much dosh or even way less. they are horrible and dont look any better irl

>> No.7244484

let the man pick his shoes
inb4 u tell him to get cps

>> No.7244482

swagging so hard on these hoes

>> No.7244491

well cps would be a better option
but he could get so many things with that money
why the slps?

>> No.7244489


had to turn on my camera light on because the sun wasn't really coming in. i think it's reflecting off of them

>> No.7244496

Thanks Haha
I mean CPs are cool and all but slps definetly appeal to me more

>> No.7244497
File: 30 KB, 640x480, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dreaded my hair today. what do you think so far. will post fit in a minute. trying to grow my hair like busta rhymes when he was still with Leaders of the New School

>> No.7244495

idk m8
u could get tons of things with that money
why not SLPs?

he's better off getting what he wants than not

>> No.7244514

>why not SLPs?
they are some of the blandest sneakers on the market. not only bland but also actively ugly.

i just think that they are the kind of purchase he might regret after he has a bit more of a developed taste, it's obvs gonna be his first big purchase. a purchase that big also shouldnt be made with the pressure of wanting to replace something you arent happy with

but obviously in the end if you love the slps with your heart you should get them :) i just cant personally see the appeal

>> No.7244535

>his first big purchase

lel no I just don't have any low key sneakers so I wear chucks sometimes

>> No.7244552

soz mate i just assumed that cause you were wearing qlo you weren't *balling*

>> No.7244547
File: 878 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20131114_161904[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7244555


got any more of your sister?

>> No.7244565

strange that you knew that was my sister's room

>> No.7244573

I got u

Ya m8 everything comes down to personal opinion in the end but it was real

>> No.7244592
File: 503 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not too cheap?

>> No.7244597


where the fuck are your tits

>> No.7244610
File: 440 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hidden under the singlet.
I'm tiny, so they're always unnoticable

>> No.7244618


>geometric patterns

totally cool :)

>> No.7244622


pull them out. for scientific purposes

>> No.7244626

Np haha
I'm using the parka while it isn't too
Cold out cuz it's mad light

>> No.7244665

tits or gtfo lmao

>> No.7244673
File: 114 KB, 744x786, eff67063-5be2-439d-b8cc-9b4e4c6d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on the right

>> No.7244670


for a bunch of fags you guys sure are interested in the female body lol

>> No.7244671

Dont lose weight, gain some. Anons on here saying skellingtoncore looks good are either retarded or trolling
Muscles are /fa/ if you go ottermodr

>> No.7244682

Dont lose weight, gain some. Anons on here saying skellingtoncore looks good are either retarded or trolling
Muscles are /fa/ if you go ottermode

>> No.7244687


i was gonna diss you and call you top fuccboi and shit but your fit is actually kinda cool from what i can see

>> No.7244684
File: 1.72 MB, 2448x3264, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7244688

Im likin those sweats bro. W2c?

>> No.7244699
File: 638 KB, 1920x2560, fafa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7244705


>> No.7244710

everything is off. pants fit terribly bad.

>> No.7244720

this is so wrong. that voidthebrand tee looks like shit. the sweats are shit, fit terribly. you don't know how to wear geos either. stop pls stop.

>> No.7244732

>90 >>7243820
>File: 1384443854317.jpg-(674 KB, 2592x1456, PHOTO_20131114_103919.jpg)
ayy lmao

>> No.7244741

h&m. i could swear they were on their online shop yesterday but can't find them atm. also they're made from chino fabric and were listed as chinos on there as well. if you find them, i advise that you size down cause i usually wear w30-31 and those are w28

>> No.7244748

To all you faggots posting sideways images, learn how to fucking rotate

>> No.7244749

why thanks sir

kind sir

>> No.7244760
File: 397 KB, 920x1632, 2013-11-14_13-51-25_638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jamse perse
James perse

>> No.7244775

give up

>> No.7244784

looks good

>> No.7244819

you tagged the same pic as OK and bad.

>> No.7244825

looks great, button one up though.

>> No.7244841

nazur my nigga is that u?

>> No.7244856

not vtb, rick unstable tee, rick poplin dops.
You're entitled to your opinion, thanks for sharing

>> No.7244860


>> No.7244903

w2c jacket

>> No.7244912
File: 48 KB, 343x878, 1384467173231-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7244916

get creative
have fun

>> No.7244921
File: 338 KB, 1920x1080, 035091e5-89af-4760-af6d-110bf983f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not near a mirror. darkwash 514 and black leather hightop chucks with a thriftstore flannel.

if I'm sideways my phone is retarded.

>> No.7244933


>> No.7244956
File: 12 KB, 300x290, niggawut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plus this isn't /b/

>> No.7244962


you literally just wanted to post a picture of yourself.

you're a faggot

>> No.7244963

lookin gucci
wanna see the bottom though

>> No.7244998

LMAO this is from nanamica's AW13 collection

>> No.7245011

why does ur face look so tight

youre going school shooter core to the max right now

>> No.7245022 [DELETED] 
File: 539 KB, 2592x1456, PHOTO_20131114_104457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shout out to the Captain.

>> No.7245026

that's a sweater

>> No.7245033

nigga delete day shit

>> No.7245044
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>> No.7245046
File: 302 KB, 786x1400, DSC_0068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this yesterday already, I know
What shoes should I get for this fit to work?

>> No.7245063


AF 1s

>> No.7245069

everyone in this thread is posting pictures of themselves.

>> No.7245073
File: 642 KB, 1936x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7245129
File: 4 KB, 136x186, téléchargement (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A picture of their clothes, not of their face faggot.


>> No.7245137


lol, fucking pathetic

>> No.7245166

post a fit

>> No.7245171


It seems like the top of the torso and the bottom aren't quite speaking to each other. If the collar is buttoned up and nice and sleek, why leave it untucked? Either undo a button and let it feel casual and easy all over or tuck the shirt.

>> No.7245170

off to mfa w/ u

>> No.7245174

post modern school shooter core.

>> No.7245183

Are you fucking serious?

Honestly what are you doing here if you won't even wear the clothes and post a picture.
It's embarrassing having you as a trip for /fa/.

>> No.7245190

I left it untucked to play better with the airmaxes. you might b right tho

>> No.7245198


It doesn't "play"; just looks like you walked out of the phone without looking in the mirror. It's fine to do the untucked shirt, just ease it up a bit up top so it looks right.

>> No.7245213


Super COOL shoes, kid!

I didn't think little boys were capable of using the internet, good on you. You better get off of here before mommy sees you've been going on naughty sites; you've got to work on your show-and-tell presentation anyhow.

What are you going to tell the other 10-year olds about your shoes? Do they light up when you walk? That would be SO c00L!

>> No.7245230

Pls respond

>> No.7245240


"excellent fit"? are you blind? terrible fit (shoulders too big for him)

>> No.7245234

Implying light up shoes aren't the most /fa/ thing you can wear

>> No.7245278
File: 2.87 MB, 320x240, Gerald, come take a look at this moronic faggot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is what /fa/ has become.

>oh, I'm wearing 300$ sneakers and skinny black pants, I'm totally /fa/!
>talk shit post fit fuccboi xD

You look like you belong in a trailer park with the rest of your sk8erbr0 friends, you fucking degenerate.

>> No.7245290

you look like you love post-rock. not bad though lol

>> No.7245310


/fa/: effeminate degenerates and skinny black pants

very black
much skinny
such unique
so /fa/
much mystery

>> No.7245336

What the fuck

>> No.7245341

I enjoy explosions in the sky :P

>> No.7245351

bleh creativity doesn't interest me.
keeping it basik and boring per usu~

>> No.7246002

the pinroll looks weird. put on higher socks and just do one cuff and see how it looks.

>> No.7246083

where from

>> No.7246208

idc what anyone says, i do like this fit, but try a pin roll w ya jeans. the shoes r pretty tight

>> No.7246703

No, seriously, /pol/tard. Post a fit.

>> No.7246982

>the white Jayden Smith

>> No.7247058

lose the shoes man
above the ankles you look baws
below you look like a 17 year old who hasn't grown out of beyblades yet