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/fa/ - Fashion

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7240075 No.7240075[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Went on TV last week to talk about personal style, inspiration and my Undercover perfecto. Thanks for being such great company to a nervous kid


>> No.7240094


>> No.7240095

im happy bai made it

>> No.7240097

made it where? at the end of the day he works a retail job and lives off mom and dads money

>> No.7240103

Lives better than you.

>> No.7240240

Link, please man

>> No.7240247

he's 'best dressed man' in sweden or wherever the fuck

>> No.7240248

No link. OP is from his instagram.

>> No.7240258
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>> No.7240262

more liek best dressed manLET amirite fellas?

>> No.7240285

you're poor and no one likes you

>> No.7240296

Could one of our Scandi bros please upload it to youtube? I know one of you can get this video for us from that tv's website

>> No.7240321

>Be rich
>Dress in simple conservative outfits most of the time
>Buy items from there that catch your eye
>Buy the most hyped up items from each season
>Ensure said items can easily be worked into your wardrobe
>Tailor everything
>Use sufu for fit inspos when you can't work an item


Even the most mediocre /fa/ poster can do this

Its just a matter of money

>> No.7240326

how did he take that screenshot of the vid and it has a timer of 9:37

>> No.7240342

you can have the best clothes on and look like shit if you are ugly and have terrible proportions.

>> No.7240350

someone on sufu already posted vid and he talks like a little bitch lmao

>> No.7240360


>> No.7240364
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>Tfw Bai looks better than me
>Tfw he has a better body than me
>Tfw he has better clothes, taste and knowledge than me
>Tfw he has a better girlfriend than me
>Tfw he has my dream life


At least I have my height r-r-right guys?

>> No.7240383

i could take him in a fight

>> No.7240384

pfffft he's just an asian

no one likes asians

>> No.7240395
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>> No.7240402


>> No.7240417

>yfw everyone just copies whatever jap scans they can find

>> No.7240436
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u sur bout that

>> No.7240443

someone give me a fuggen link okay???

or at least a link to that sufu thread

>> No.7240454

bai is a nerd but the hate for him on here is so transparent

>> No.7240452
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>> No.7240464

OP where da link at

>> No.7240490

that octopus eye looks like a third nipple

>> No.7240499

superfuture link PLZ

>> No.7240512


hey uhhhh

you thinking of buying any cute caps

i think you should buy a cute cap

like a ralphone

>> No.7240677

Uh is a nerd but he is a nerd

>> No.7240873

Is he actually being interviewed on TV holding up a fucking jacket from an old collection of UC

...what the actual fuck

An item of clothing doesn't make you /fa/... fucccck

>> No.7241062

Well Mifune, he is like a number greater than the common denominator. Don't bother with fucking fractions.

>> No.7241149

Please, I bet you try to impress grillz with your pleb tier rick and and thom even though you dress like shit in them. y u mad?

>> No.7241170

>favourite writer is Edgar Allan Poe
Who the fuck likes Poe.

>> No.7241189

Woo I'm bouncin
Loud n lit
allen poe poe shit
I'm bout to lose
dat blue

>> No.7241194

>not having based fitzgerald
also theres no way all of that shit is true

>> No.7241204

>favorite author writes fiction
wow ahahaha

>> No.7241227

Cryptic, yet concise.

>> No.7241277

Crytic, yes wouldn't prefer so? Rather than practice the opposite of humility and anonymity. Otherwise, "fake it until you make it," fails when this unsightly shit >>7240436 blows up in your face.

>> No.7241342

Can someone just provide a fuckin link

>> No.7241363

Apprently it's behind a pay wall

I'm totally with you, but I don't even blame him. The producers thought it would be a good idea to get some internet random who bought a jacket once and hail him as the epitome of fashion.

Plebs are gonna pleb.

>> No.7241604

can anyone link the discussion on sufu?

>> No.7241620

>y u mad
why are you mad what he does?


>> No.7241617

Smeone linkit and I will pay for it right now then download it and rehost it on youtube so we can all see what Bai really looks like

Toplel plus I want to see him talking about a jacket on television

Also if anyone has the sufu link on this plz post

>> No.7241634

Okay, waiting on a link here easy e anyone?

>> No.7241636

aye dez fits change my life yo

japanese denim
japanese fashion

even dough im korean as shit and conisdered a race traitor

that's like the KKK wearing 2209 julius_7 while sheer sheets and rapping along side ASAP rocky

>> No.7241628

stupid question, but it would be in Danish right? I've never seen an Asian speak Danish before. It's gonna be hilarious.

>> No.7241642


>> No.7241647

C'mon danish bros give us a link or tv station and program, just anything

>> No.7241648

do you ever feel shit about your life when you see bai? like he's about the same age as you, and is getting exposure from looking great wearing most of the brands/clothes you spend all your time bitching about on an anime forum?

>> No.7241654

Not to mention he's fit, fucks models and can actually look at himself in the eye in the mirror

>> No.7241664

no i don't
i don't like any of the brands he wears
and i don't like working

so he's out there everyday working for money to buy clothes

i sit around play guitar, shoot guns i have no business owning, and cre for exotic animals and shit

while he's out there bullshitting about how a jacket "fundamentally changed his life"

it comes off as pretentious and homosexual to me

id never do anything like that

>> No.7241677
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not sure if real sieg or impersonator

>> No.7241683

haha aww :)

>> No.7241901

Aww cmon, does no one have a link, is no one from denmark?

>> No.7241916

blown the fuck out

>> No.7241921

so much this.

>> No.7241928

You will never be happy. Like honestly the rest of youre life will feel unfilled. I'm not even trying to be ironic or mean or whatever but you will always have this sinking feeling

>> No.7241945
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>this asian manlet has a qt gf and I don't

>> No.7242097
File: 31 KB, 600x450, #archive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if she's/he's unhappy w/ his life
i know the feel of wanting sum1 qt3.14 enough but godddit having gfs isnt all there is to life.my feel is i dont have enough cool female qt3.14 frens who dont want to fug all the time, but wannna exp life w/ me ,that feel can't be bought m8 rakuten or not

>> No.7242291

no sufu link

discussion never hapend

>> No.7242303

>realizing this now
fa and bait in a nutshell

>> No.7242308

wat i just woek up and read this thread

>> No.7242425

Godfucking damnit /fa/, I am obsessed with Bai

>> No.7242429

thats mine

>> No.7242453

wow back in the day when I was one of the pioneer of /fa/ in 1997 people would have bought and uploded vid on utubes
this new genration sucks

>> No.7242468

i know

>> No.7242477

I didn't know 5'11 was considered manlet?

>> No.7242481

He fucking wishes he was 5'11. According to some users, he's between 5'7-5'9.

>> No.7242494

i saw him in his town in sweden, his at least 6'1"... stop lying about him

>> No.7242505

Go to sleep, bai

>> No.7242506

were his balls salty?

>> No.7242515

is his hair receding


didnt he fuck cara


>> No.7242510
File: 354 KB, 373x639, 1369998287693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


he lives in denmark

>> No.7242514

top kek he lives in denmark

>> No.7242523


Who is this fuccboi?

>> No.7242525

lmao fycbbois

>> No.7242528

link to that sufu thread?

>> No.7242531
File: 29 KB, 460x276, Pitta-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toast a fittabread if you're so great

>> No.7242582

>good body
Fairly wide hips
Fucked up abs
No lats
The lighting makes him look more muscular

>> No.7242595

says fatty mcfat

>> No.7242619


>> No.7242655

Holy fuckin shit /fa/, how is this thread here with no vid you fuckin faggots

Don't they have 4chan in denmark? Someone buy that vid

>> No.7242661

Also someone link that vid of bai in the club

I wanna be all about that life

>> No.7242665

new 4chan user is 16-18 year old kids
i miss time when only adult people from europa when america cant care about fashion and wear ugg

>> No.7242714

i see bai everyday when going to work. Hes about 5'9 tall fellas. And theres no video of this online

>> No.7242795

where do you see me?

>> No.7242808


>> No.7242859

I can do it if you pay for me.

>> No.7242862


the entire thing is pretty shameful
who cares about being voted best dressed in a fast fash shithole like sweden anyway?
this must have something to do with him working for acne, they're swedish, aren't they?

he has sugarbabies who will leave him once they can't take the humiliation of fucking an asian beta anymore

>> No.7242870

hes from denmark and he works storefront ffs people need to understand this.... he isnt rich or famous in denmark either.

>> No.7242878

Where was he declared "best dressed in Sweden"?
Can't find anything on google

>> No.7242892

it was some random magazine no one cares about

just like this show

they must be pretty desperate for content if they're interviewing some dude who posts try hard washed out pictures on instagram

>> No.7242927

>he got a tv interview for having a "sick wardrobe"

Fuckin hell sweden, what kind of pleb-tier shit-hole are you

>> No.7242959
File: 610 KB, 712x746, 1364410747848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i stalked baizilla's sufu posts the other day, there's some p funny shit if u want 2 see his non-controlled instagram side

having sed that i still think he's gr8, hatred 4 him is kind of unjustified imo

>> No.7242966
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>> No.7242973

he's an asian manlet he deserves to be hated

>tfw on anti-depression medicine and it's taking me 5 hours just to cum

>> No.7242974

i don't hate him
i just like making fun of him
i guess a lot of people perceive that as hate

i think he's just shy of 5'9" while wearing shoes

>> No.7242978

He's not terrible, I'd prolly be doing the exact same thing if I were him
In fact I thank Bai for being helping me further develop my own vision of what I want

>Wardrobe cohesivity
>Nice cool pieces here and there
>Pieces that you can actually style very easily
>The kind of steez that sufu bros to the qt3.14 down the class can look at and say dayuuuumn
>Not stupid goober-gabber shit

Guess I'll have to be a sufu waywt slave for the rest of my life so I don't sleep on some dope hyped up items that fit into my wardrobe

>> No.7242984

>mfw disgusted by givenchy for no reason
>mfw I love that cheeky tee
I can't handle this dissonance

>> No.7242988
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he said he's 5'11, might b lies tho

yea it seems like he takes himself p seriously

yh this tbh
would b p happy in his stuation personally

>> No.7242990
File: 96 KB, 1552x890, hes tall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

assuming that chair's seat is 18" from the ground. He's about 6 foot 2 inches

aka, the perfect male height

>> No.7242994
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not enough effort

>> No.7242992

top kek

go to bed bai

>> No.7242997

saw this today too
you know, in Finland (which has about same population as Denmark, where bai lives) the style god who get's interviewed on tv from time to time about latest fashion (really, I've seen him randomly 2 times on tv already) is a FUCKING DADCORE pale nerd, bai's like 1000x better than him
yfw he can afford anything he wants, has nice apartment, nice gf and a job in fashion industry
top kek at your life regards baizilla

>> No.7243008

Please for god's sake a link, I'll pay. WHat is the tv station's name?

>> No.7243010

why are you so thirsty for bai's dick lil homie

i wouldn't even drop a time for a bitch to suck my dick

>> No.7243018

>I thank Bai for being helping me further develop my own vision of what I want
thats lame af bru
dont get spoonfed. yeah some of his shit looks good, but don't ride dick like that
develop your own taste

>> No.7243027

Not dickriding, just glad I stopped with retarded raf simons rick owens /fa/ shit

>> No.7243037

stopped? anyone who gets into that in the first place is fucking retarded. it's not even to be taken serious. rick and raf are good designers, but have nothing to do with each other. you just moved onto another person to drool over.

>> No.7243071

sorry if I gave you misunderstandings, I'm finnish and dindn't see this bai's show either, if youre asking, finnish tv is called YLE
also why you gayes want to see this so bad, you realize he doesn't speak english in it?

>> No.7243081

I will paypal 50 dollars to anyone who can producet his video

>> No.7243245

Lmao he went on tv talk about that perfecto? Goddamnit he keeps trying very hard to ruin that piece for me. Now I have to deak with extra finnish fuccbois on y!jap
Thanks bai

>> No.7243291

>mad nobody wants to bring you on their tv show to talk about your asos parka

>> No.7243834

any link yet?

>> No.7243842

kill em

>> No.7244746


>didnt he fuck cara


>> No.7244796


TV2, it's a Danish tv-station and I'm guessing the show is called "Go'Morgen Danmark"

>> No.7245286

What is this thread. Anyway, are you even trying? Counting the navy size 2 ethnic rider right now, there's been 6 on the market in the past two months. That's not counting the 2-3 circulating ebay/sufu

>> No.7247313

link plz

>> No.7247347

I've met Bai before, he works storefront.

He's not 5'11, he's more around 5'8. Keep in mind this is Denmark we are talking about, and 5'11 is slightly less than average height.

>> No.7247350

why do people glamourize his position at a fast fashion store?

with the way they talked about him, I imagined him to be some creative director/ head of marketing/PR type well paid position.

these kids dream to be of a FUCKING RETAIL CLERK?

>> No.7247379

because people on /fa/ dream of being able to do anything for acne

>> No.7247521

i dream of bombing the acne store with bai in it or elaborate plan including chloroform and robbing or burning his apartment and maybe clothes

>> No.7247527

>not sarine
blew it

>> No.7247532

How is there still not a video...

>> No.7247536

turny do you want to come to a party with me right now?

>> No.7247537

pls explain, plan must be fol prof

>> No.7247538


>> No.7247563

"heyy ;)"
"so, what do you do?"
"post f-fits on 4chan, heh get sruli reckt"

>> No.7247566

That is correct.

To clarify even further, all this isn't all that 'grand' at all. They'll invite literally anyone. The 'show', which is like a morning talk-show-thing, lasts for several hours and they constantly change subject and have like a gorillion guests talking about a gorillion things. No wonder they call in a thirsty fuccboi like the asian kid in OP. It's not the first 'fashion'-y-person they have brought in to talk about random garbage.

>> No.7247567
File: 39 KB, 218x300, 24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one am i?

>> No.7247575

Ponsonby. I'll know like 6 people there

>> No.7247582

it's 11pm man wana just grab drinks at fukumo?

>> No.7247584

I'll grab a drink with you first, where should I pick you up?

>> No.7247586

i'm cbd i can just walk down to wherever, hmu on email

>> No.7247589

>you will never party with turnleft
damn anon you're super lucky

>> No.7247601

I emailed you but you didn't email back I'm leaving in 10 mins. See you outside whitcoulls at 1140 sharp

>> No.7247605

you didn't email me

>> No.7247614

I did, twice now. Whitcoulls 1145 sharp

>> No.7247616

lol - k
going to fukumo for drinks tho

>> No.7247620

is this a impromtu drank meet up frens?

pls no maori

>> No.7247618

i'll see you there as well lads.

got my hallensteins pocket tee and elastic cuff chinos ready to go

>> No.7247625

would if i lived in town and wasn't a 6 dollar bus ride from mine

>spent my paycheck on nothing this week smh

>> No.7247628

> hallensteins pocket tee and elastic cuff chinos

fucking lmao.

THose gross elastic synthetic jean-like pants with the weird painted on fades.

I thought that minorities have to be nice to other minorities.

>> No.7247634

holy shit just witnessed the elastic jeans, shocking.

>> No.7247643

Has anyone else met people from /fa/? I've only met one of the siegs. Had jeans some black tee and ray bans on. Short, nice but he just said something like oh hey. Yeah have a nice day. He shook my hand but ignored my gf's hand that was out lol socially awkward.

>> No.7247670


A guy in my city added me from /fa/ hes the most autistic sperg you could imagine, just imagine all the negative shitposting stereotypes and fuccboi mindsets from /fa/ put into one and that's him.

Ever since I met him I don't or can't take alot of Anons seriously because I know what kind of fuccbois they are irl

>> No.7247676

how does he dress?

>> No.7247678

>Socially awkward
That sounds like our sieg alright

>> No.7247677


>Fake gothninja
>Random gothninja pieces that dont go together
>Short and Chubby, none of it works with him

He projects so much it's ridiculous I think he's one of the most insecure people you could ever know

>> No.7247680

got dam

>> No.7247839

Waited outside Whitcoulls for 10 mins then went to the party which turned out to be some weird homo meet-up or something. Mediocre night.

Fukumo on Saturday, Turny? Not going to stand me up this time?

>> No.7247859


i was sitting out for like 5mins reading and didnt see anyone
whitcoulls on queens?
actually though - hit up my email or give me a burner.

>> No.7247866

Yeah Whitcoulls on queens. I got there at 1145 and stood there till 1155 like a sap and then ran off back to my car.

I don't believe you I think you stood me up.

>> No.7247869

i actually did tho lol
i left @ like 12:30 for whitcoulls

>> No.7247874

I said 1145, no wonder why we missed each other we were almost an hour apart... Why did you head for whitcoulls at 1230 haha.

>> No.7247876

im going 2 bed
send emails nerds or thred 2mrow

>> No.7247893
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>> No.7247910

aw wouldve been cute to here how it went :)

>> No.7248057

Why is there no video? I was genuinely excited until this thread turned into a booty call

>> No.7248382

tfw baizilla on /fa/