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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 17 KB, 400x395, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7226927 No.7226927 [Reply] [Original]

Most /fa/ personal defense weapon? I'd say a stylish knife. Moving to a bigger city soon and though it might be a good idea to have something on me while rocking a smartphone and expensive effay clothing.

A pistol would probably be /fa/, and I do live in Florida, but I don't think it's my particular style.

Pepper spray seems gay

>> No.7226948

i want knuckle dusters but dunno w2c

>> No.7226954

Straight razor. Classy.

>> No.7226967

gun, cuz one chance is all you get and if I beat you to the draw -- that's it.

>> No.7226975


>> No.7226972

>knuckle dusters

>> No.7226978

I was thinking this too. Kind of more trashy/gangster but still quite cool

>> No.7226984

>>I don't think actually defending myself is my style and would rather get gutshot over my cellphone, wallet and most likely mediocre /fa/ approved second hand bullshit.

Guns are the great equalizer of the modern world, knives are a poor self defense choice. Let's face it with the mentality you have you'd probably hand your shit over the second you were faced with such a situation.

>> No.7226989

Eat shit pussy faggot

>> No.7227005

wow v cool n dangerous n nihlistik

ur all such rebels wow

>> No.7227007

looking on the uk amazon for something similar but cant find shit
im sure i can find some on ebay if i look hard enough

>> No.7227008

stiletto knives are actually kind of flimsy.

Don't get a straight razor, you'll just end up cutting yourself before whoever is going to mug you stomps you out.Its one of those things you actually have to learn to use for awhile before you even think about it.

Buy a tactical pen or something.

Odds are youll be walking around with no formal training with this nice weapon you buy only to get disarmed, have it along with whatever you have stolen.

Just go without a weapon, you're not edgy for carrying one

>> No.7227004

if you don't know how to use it you might as well just hand it to your attacker so he can stab you and then take your wallet anyway

>> No.7227019
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>that kid who brought a knife to school
>his name was Brandon

>> No.7227021

The best defense is having flight as your only available, full commitment option. Someone's going to fight so hard if that's the only option.

>> No.7227041

>tactical pen
Holy shit, those things hurt.

Don't think of these things as "tactical", they are just indestructible. I mean, it's a pen that's built like a tank, and it doubles as a glass breaker. It's basically a pike that you can write with.

>> No.7227115

>>G-give me your wallet and phone motherfucker!

You start ruffling through one of the many pockets on your favorite Rick jacket, desperately clutching for your 4chan fashion board approved stiletto knife; between the fact that you're shaking so badly that you can't think straight and considering the aforementioned pocket was designed for holding a fucking sandwich - your assailant starts to get uneasy and is now brandishing his throwaway Jennings saturday night special. Finally retrieving it, you remember that you've only used this particular knife for opening packages of other peoples second hand Ebay garments and nicking yourself - the ones you saved up months for, mind you; and are faced with the reality that not only do you not know how to use this tool in your own defense, but the mugger is not interested in your faggoty attire. He shoots you three times in the chest, takes your empty wallet and your family plan cellphone and leaves you to bleed out on a hot Florida night.

In your final breaths you mutter out "Raf Simons, Rick Owens usually w-w-wha..."

The news report (if there even is one) cites the incident as a hate crime because everyone assumed you were gay anyway.

>> No.7227125
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haha so glad I live in England where retards like OP can't legally carry around weapons in an attempt to be stylish

>> No.7227151


get a ccw license and a gun.

ive been to florida lots of times and its getting worse with the racist blacks.

ive had a knife drawn on me when i was just walking through a park.

dont worry about effay when it comes to this. id rather have a gun and feel safe/be safe then be effay with a little 4 inch blade.

come on kid, use your brain.

>> No.7227171

I feel u man (drake LOL)
why carry a knife you'll just get stabbed

>> No.7227321
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fucking lol

>> No.7227343
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>> No.7227348
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>> No.7227543
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Obviously if you want an effective weapon you'll:
1) Need something effective
2) Need to train with said weapon.

Most effective weapon for self defense is a handgun. This is supported by FBI crime-stats.

As for fashionable, I rock a GLOCK (which is ugly as sin and only fashionable in tacti-core settings.)

A 1911 is a very sexy gun, classic too, but unless you have a large frame you won't be able to conceal it. Also it's a "pro's gun" -- harder to train on.

So I say get your self a J-frame Smith and Wesson.

Classic, available in numerous finishes, reliable, easy to train on, and generally viewed as a good-looking gun.

>> No.7227570

/fa/ handguns
Sig sauer

Played out tier

brodude tier

Disgusting tier
Modern revolvers
Stub nose revolvers

Having a knife to protect you in the US is begging to be shot.

Thank god for zim zam laying down his life for us or I would have to fear niggers.

>> No.7227579
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>implying a Derringer isn't /fa/ as fuck
Concealable too.

>> No.7227588


Fedora tier
Any of those tiny handguns with no trigger guard

>> No.7227584

Didn't mean to quote.

>> No.7227594

Fedora tier as well

>> No.7227590
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>> No.7227597

u jelly

>> No.7227598

if i lived in a country with hundguns everywhere, i'd want one too. knife < gun

>> No.7227603

But revolvers are /fa/

>> No.7227619
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Haha oh wow

>> No.7227616

Not modern looking or stub noses

they're disgusting and pointless, usually over designed

>> No.7227621
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>> No.7227639
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>implying a Derringer isn't /fa/ as fuck
Yeah, for a woman.

>But revolvers are /fa/
I agree.
A classic, simple firearm.

Also great for close-in personal defense.
Real-world fights are at spitting distance, you probably won't have time to raise the gun to eye-level, let alone aim.

Revolvers are far more reliable, and will fire when pressed up against something (ie another person). A Browning-style firearm (1911, GLOCK, Sig, etc) won't work if you're shoving it into someone's gut after they've shoved you onto the ground.

Get a gun.

Then join the fun of tacti-core (at least the concealed parts of it.)
Then you can decide which gun-belt and holster is the most /fa/

>> No.7227645

>they're disgusting and pointless, usually over designed

They don't have hammers to catch on the draw or get shit under them which would prevent firing.

They have short barrels so they conceal very well.

In what way are the pointless?

Yes, you can't hit shit outside of 20 feet, but who cares. Outside of 20 feet I'll be running the other way.

>> No.7227659
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I'm a girl, I have a cute little cat shaped knuckleduster on my keys. The cat's ears are the points that go into the person that u stab also its pink

>> No.7227657

>stub nose
m9 i think you mean snub nose

>> No.7227664

Looks stubby to me.

>> No.7227667

That won't help you at all. You're weak as fuck.

>> No.7227675
File: 69 KB, 607x416, gunfreenation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stub nose
>m9 i think you mean snub nose

AHAHAHAHA, I didn't even catch that.

Yeah, Anon can't even refer to them by the correct terms, yet they are "disgusting and pointless."

You're killing me here.

At least there don't seem to be any anti-gun faggots here.

>> No.7227678

better than ur faggy little baby knife tho

>> No.7227680

You can't deny how ugly they are though. They are disgusting.

>> No.7227682

I own guns and lift weights and was in wrestling.

>> No.7227701

Personally, if I wanted to be /fa/ about defending myself, I would say boxing might work.

Now, if you aren't good at boxing, of course you're likely to get your ass kicked. Even if you've been doing it for 1-3 years, you'd still run the risk of getting knocked off balance, or even dropped. Boxing isn't beautiful when someone is green to the sport; just as a 6th grade jazz ensemble isn't going to be anywhere near as nuanced as a group of graduate students performing a jazz piece.

Beginners often take too many punches, seldom use movement as a tool to set up combinations, and have virtually no concept of shifting between defensive and offensive modes.

I started when I was ~15, and I'm 23 now. I didn't have many amateur fights, but I've done a lot of sparring. I'm at the point now where I can not only trip you up by offsetting your feet via lateral movement (and exploiting this by using straight punches and moving in before you can set down your front foot), but I can make it look pretty, too.

>> No.7227710
File: 192 KB, 600x370, 1911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how ugly they are though

Maybe, you're probably right.
Personally I'm not a revolver guy myself. I have a large frame so I can conceal a full-sized 1911/Hk/GLOCK.
I have been known to tuck a 38 in an AIWB when I am just running off to the store or something.

I don't really judge a gun by it's appearance because I view it as something that my life could depend one.

Keep in mind that the most beautiful pistol in the history of man was once called "old ugly."

>> No.7227722

Women are half as strong as men, untrained. Real fights are taken to the floor. You don't punch very easily when you are outweighed, out strengthed, and pinned on the floor. Your kitty cat won't help you unless you know the guy is there and have time to slip it on your fingers and you won't. Buy a gun. Most people have no idea how much of a difference just 10 pounds makes if you are wrestling with someone. Let alone having half the strength by default.

>> No.7227734

buy a gun phaggot.
take a knife and you could die in cold blood if you are not as strong as the person you are facing. take a gun and you have greater odds of living another day

>> No.7227767


>real fights are taken to the floor
>how much of a difference just 10 pounds make

You've never seriously grappled before if you think that an untrained 170lb'er has any sort of advantage against a moderately trained (let's say a blue belt in jiujitsu) 160lb'er. The heavier man will end up in a knot, 10/10.

Anyone who knows anything about grappling knows that even a white belt has the advantage against someone who outweighs them (even if it's >50lbs.

Hell, former marines/servicemen and collegiate wrestlers used to come in to our school all the time, and 99% of them outweighed most of the blue belts by about 30lbs, yet they literally could not do shit to anyone. Sure, the trained wrestlers would pin you to the ground, but it was only a matter of time until they found themselves on the shit-end of an armbar.

>> No.7227762
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my old man has a five seven, a walther .40, a ruger mkii, and an Italian 9m from some old company that died.

All I have is a .22/mag single action rough rider revolver. I want to get a standard 1911 and a ruger blackhawk .357

Obvs we both have many more rifles and shotguns but that's it for hand guns

My cunt stepmom didn't want me to have a double action back in hs for fear of me shooting my school up

Mfw they bought me a wasr underfold ak but I couldn't have a double action because my dads liberal cunt from jersey didn't want a teenager to have a double action handgun.

I haven't got a new gun since I was 16 and I'm 20 now.

I agree, but he wants a pretty device to defend himself and those kind of revolvers are disgusting.

>> No.7227791

Read who I'm replying to, retard.

read: wrestling

We're talking about an untrained mugger against a girl.


I fucking hate mma faggots. Fucking featherweights with napoleon complexes talking shit to me.

Weight doesn't matter brah
I train mma
I could beat up any guy in this restaurant du
Lol, hand to hand fighting is all that matters
Boxers don't even grapple I could totally beat him up

>> No.7227802

>thinking that competitive grappling has anything to do with street fighting

do you notice how in none of the examples you gave include the heavier person trying to punch you in the face?

unless you fight a lot (actually fight not train) knowing a martial art will have negligible influence in an actual street fight.

>> No.7227809

I'm the wrestler and I just put people on the ground, dominate them and ask them to calm down without hurting them. But I've only gotten in squabbles, not actual self defense fights.

>> No.7227815

This might be the edgiest post I've ever encountered.

>> No.7227812

Non-American here.

Is it really this bad over there that you have to carry a gun to feel safe walking around at night?
Not judging, just curious because I'll visit next year.

>> No.7227832

We live in arizona, every white person who isn't poor owns like 5 guns. She's a catholic liberal from jersey. You can bet an arizona kid isn't going to like her.

>> No.7227828

>Is it really this bad over there that you have to carry a gun to feel safe walking around at night?

this is 4chan, what do you think?

there are some areas that you (as a tourist) will never go where perhaps carrying a gun is warranted. the vast majority of people who carry a gun in the states do so for political/cultural/personal insecurity reasons

>> No.7227833 [DELETED] 


Well, seeing as I am also the poster who recommended boxing, yes, I am quite familiar with being punched in the face.

A martial art is effective in a real setting so long as you spar with high intensity/frequency(10+ rounds/week)

>> No.7227834

No, unless you're in Detroit or South-Central L.A you'll be fine. Even if your carrying a gun you're still probably gonna get your shit pushed in if you don't know what you're doing/

>> No.7227835
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>I want to get a standard 1911 and a ruger blackhawk .357
Both very large guns for CC work.

I've wrestled, I've boxed, I've done Krav.

Even if I were an expert in all of them, (ahahahahahahahahahaa), I would always worry that someone would kick me in the head while I'm rolling around on the ground fighting someone else.

Youtube is full of videos where the superior fighter was taken out by some skinny-fat with a stick.

As for guns, I've had my ass saved once by a gun. That is enough for me to be a defender of guns until I die.

>> No.7227839
File: 34 KB, 405x329, blakeface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so dominant
alpha guy
very scary
tough man

>> No.7227845


MMA? I just said jiu-jitsu

>> No.7227851

I don't see what's tough about me refusing to fight you.

>> No.7227861 [DELETED] 


Where 2 cop?

>> No.7227859

I'm going to get a little sig for that.

>> No.7227860
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i keep forgetting that the 4chan fashion board is frequented by battle hardened martial artists

>> No.7227866
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>Is it really this bad over there that you have to carry a gun to feel safe walking around at night?

Depends on where you go. Our violent crime rate isn't nearly what the rest of the world thinks it is. They see these high-profile shootings or stories about the ghetto and freak out.

Avoid the ghetto and you'll be fine. Don't start shit with people and you'll be fine.

That said, I have multiple licenses to carry firearms, so I would be retarded to not carry.

>This might be the edgiest post I've ever encountered.

In what possible way is that edgy?

>who recommended boxing, yes, I am quite familiar with being punched in the face.

Getting punched in the face by someone wearing gloves is NOTHING compared to a bare fist, or a fist with rings, or an elbow, etc etc.

Boxing is fun, boxing is better than nothing, but boxing is not a weapon.

>Even if your carrying a gun you're still probably gonna get your shit pushed in if you don't know what you're doing/

Beyond true.

Look at Zim-Zam. The gun saved his ass, but if he wasn't retarded he never would have been pinned to the ground by a punk kid.

You do understand that most bar-fights end in the bigger guy just bear-hugging the smaller guy until they calm down....

>> No.7227870
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>> No.7227894

Just avoid the black and mexican areas.

>> No.7227908
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>black and mexican areas.
Seriously, white America has crime-rates comparable to the safest nations.

>> No.7227950

I grappled ur mom last night dude

>> No.7228027

These facts are true. Black people are dangerous, and it is safe to label them as dangerous. Blacks are fucking ghetto.

>> No.7228079

>"Guns aren't my style"
>Thinking that means jack shit in a self defence situation

There's a lot of nice guns out there, go ask /k/ and they'll set you up rather nicely.

>> No.7228081

If you want something that's effective and easy to acquire, but live in a noguns for civilians place , taser's the way to go.

>> No.7228299

>that mispelling

>> No.7228332

I think something like a Desert Eagle or .44 magnum would be fitting; unnecessarily high stopping power, excessive weight and recoil, and expensive ammunition - essentially all for form and showing off, forsaking all function and practicality. just like /fa/'s style

>> No.7228330

Running Wyre Bash gives me a runtime error.

I've installed the latest c++ runetime library from MS

I've also installed the version they link to from their sourceforge

wat do?

>> No.7228339

My fits are super functional
>if i ran right now no one could catch me

>> No.7228372

Try the previous version to see if the problem is specific to your computer or to the version.
You might also have to install the latest MS .net framework.

>> No.7228388
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steyr m9 pre-a1
sig p228

>> No.7228407

>tfw british
>tfw nogunz

>> No.7228422
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ASP Palm Defender with fog stream

It's the size of a mini-flashlight, fits on a keychain, and has a natural spray position. Pepper spray may seem gay, but it's still probably the most reliable item you can use besides a gun.

>> No.7228428
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>doesn't use cologne as /fa/ pepper spray

>> No.7228457

I would if it hurt nearly as much for nearly as long as OC. Military requires exposure for certain qualifications. It is the most painful thing I've ever experienced, and I've had a finger severed, broken several bones, and had a testicle kicked so hard it receded into my abdomen for a while. OC spray is a similar sensation to putting you hand on a hot stove top, but it's your face, and the pain won't do away.

>> No.7228504

you are a long way from home /k/
also you fucking autist, flick knives just snap
get off my /fa/

>> No.7228535

>flick knives just snap
They're Italian stilettos, not "flick knives" and real Italian stilettos are very high quality. The whole point them is to thrust, not slash, when used properly the likelihood of breakage is minimal.

>> No.7228713

Why is this even a question?


>> No.7229171

>no sap glove recommendations
best part if you can match them with what your wearing

>> No.7229182
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Well /fa/ you disappoint me, you want the most elegant and fashionable way to defend yourself and you go whit the most common and least elegant of ideas!!!
For shame /fa/ for shame!!!

>> No.7229284

He was blind in one eye

>> No.7229444


>> No.7229492

fuck if there's one thing i hate about you kids is how you trivialise everything in the name of your shitty image
no1 thinks ur /fa/ having a gun. i had a gun at a very early age of 10 (it was a shitty ppk replica or something that my cousin gave me)
i kept that shit for awhile, thinking i was edgy and cool 4 awhile. but it gets you in a lot more trouble when you're a fucking little kid or in your case some skinny fucking faggot with no experience with anything to do with violence
carrying a gun to b cool is so dumb. you're most likely a suburban white boy that saw "the place beyond the pines' one too many times and wants to b some sorta punk.
but if you relly need protection and ur asking /fa/ i say get a fucking glock. safest gun ever and reliable as fuck

>> No.7229500

>not wearing acronym

>> No.7229531

>not carrying a sword cane

>> No.7229533
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>> No.7229540

You type like a fag.

>> No.7229564

learnt from the best :))
thats u
bitch asssssss

>> No.7229577

wow you're a faggot. do you not do any drugs or download music?
fucking pleb. and you can buy brass knuckles as long as it says they are a belt buckle or paper weight.

>> No.7229744

like in any country?
how about nz

>> No.7229776
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>Not a P7
Jesus man step up your game.

>> No.7229882

/k/ommando here browsing among you effeminate faggots.

1911's are the staple gentleman's gun if you aren't living pre 1890's. You always see it in Hollywood. Al Capone's men, New York Mafia, anybody in a suit and wealth will always have a 1911. Anything that isn't Rock Island Armory usually runs over a thousand dollars.

If you're a gangbanger, just buy a glock and purchase the wrong ammo at the local gunstore because you're an illiterate piece of shit who can't use the sights anyways.

If you're a regular joe wearing second-hand business attire from JC Penny's or some sort of slav wearing a track suit, buy a glock 21 or a MP shield.

Saber is destroyed because of the Marines and their SUPER FUCKING AWESOME DRESS BLUES OORAH WATER DOGS. Knives are used for cardboard/Amazon packages or provoking a bunch of redguards to jump you because you bought the worthless fucking folder in your pic, OP. Tactical knives and folders are for mall ninjas decked out in their archaic MOLLE/ALICE rig and a mismatch of German Flecktarn and US M81 Woodland. Sword is for people who literally give no shits about their public opinion or HEMA groups.

Nothing wrong with pepper spray. Sure as hell beats contesting for a justified homicide in court. I also don't know of any person, be it someone who earned their strut or some punk on the street who can eat a facefull of irritant and not fall on the ground crying.

>> No.7229942


>thinking pepper spray are worth a damn
>claiming to be from /k/

fuck off. only acceptable pistol would be the 1911. big solid, heavy rounds, you don't need more than 8 rounds. there's a reason why its still in use for after a century

>> No.7229957

I 'may' have a expandable baton but with my states laws im better off being beaten into a coma then actually carrying one so I keep it near my bed.

Something cool about weapons though, not just guns. Didnt everyone have a stick or bat or something they were infatuated with when they were a kid, as if it were a stone wall of defense? I had a miniature baseball bat, was cool as fuck

>> No.7229966

>If you're a gangbanger, just buy a glock and purchase the wrong ammo at the local gunstore because you're an illiterate piece of shit who can't use the sights anyways.


>> No.7229988
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>> No.7230010


>> No.7230016

squeeze some capsaicin into your eyes and come back to me on that one.

We also agree on a general consensus that all you need is 10mm or .357 sig.

>> No.7230092
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who /situational_awareness/ here?

>> No.7230108

u just mad u couldn't get ur shitty 1911 out before the gangbangers took all ur stash lmao

>> No.7230123
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>glok boolits

>> No.7230138 [DELETED] 

the fabric /fa/ dreams are made of

>> No.7230174

congrats your trophy is in the mail

>> No.7230191

I'd just talk shit until they shot me. I argued with a mugger before and he just bitched out . But that's in Canada small city... I dunno about muggers elsewhere.

>> No.7230200

whoa I have an identical stiletto style switch blade like in OP's pic. It was my dads so its probably from the 70s or 80s....maybe earlier. It's pretty cool to have but that shit always opens in my pocket. Not cool.

>> No.7230209

OP here. Gun seems convincing. Figure I'll get a stylish revolver.

I'm a white male in Florida, so I really have nothing to worry about with legality of my actions.

>> No.7230221

What big city are you moving to in Florida? you can drive to get around Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Orlando and Tampa.

>> No.7230232
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The Walther PPK, James bonds gun, the PPK/S is the same with a slightly larger grip.

It's a .380 Auto, quite snappy to shoot, but its small, classy, and will kill someone dead. I carry a Browning Hi-Power myself, its heavy and full sized, but guns are very up to individual taste, and as I tell everyone who asks me what gun they should buy: buy the gun you are comfortable to carry all day. For most people this means smaller framed pistols.

>> No.7230233
File: 614 KB, 2272x1704, 13408212368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a Rhino if you want a stylish revolver.
Not saying it's gonna be practical though.

>> No.7230235

California is such a dick about guns, buncha liberal goddamn pussies
Don't they realize how /fa/ a sleek, powerful handgun is?

>> No.7230244


>> No.7230252


Chippas are totally practical, and they shoot like sex too. the recoil is really strange to get used to due to the low as shit bore axis, but every revolver guy i know swears by them now for carry.

>> No.7230281


i wana get my gf one of those

>> No.7230290


lady im sorry but your delusional as fuck if you think you can hold off a grown ass man with a kitty cat keychain.

Even if you stabbed him in the eye it would just enrage him and he'd overpower you easily.

>confirmed for pathetic blue state liberal slut

>> No.7230313

>grown man
>liberal slut

>> No.7230307



>> No.7230341

Guns are not /fa/.
They are not an accessory.
They do not look fashionable.
They are not an accessory.
They DO get you killed more often.
If you were living somewhere fashionable you would not/could not carry a gun.
Y'all posting in a /k-pol/ thread.
Those are not cool boards.
>inb4 muh james bond
fuq u dadcore fuqr

>> No.7230375

shouldn't you be on /k/ ranting about ur freedoms and hating on cops

>> No.7230402

lol ur negging him I bet hes falling 4 u
its pretty brave to be openly misogynistic on the internet - you can't be very self conscious

>> No.7230766

>calls someone weak
>admits to voluntarily having other men on top of him without sexual gratification

>> No.7230976
File: 28 KB, 440x440, legal brass knuckles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carry a rock climbers carabiner (so it won't bend) and use it as brass knuckles, Anon. Or you could carry a common pocket knife (not a stiletto as pictured) which isn't legally a weapon in the eyes of the florida justice system. However a pocket knife is far from an ideal self defence weapon because it lacks a guard which will stop your hand from sliding up and cutting your fingers while stabbing.

TL;DR rock climbing approved carabiner brass knuckles

>> No.7230987

*is legal
A folding pocket knife is legal in Florida.

>> No.7231016

so tru bout the carabiner tho

>> No.7231043
File: 5 KB, 300x300, RBB_Urban_300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have this fucker

>> No.7231131

Aim for the eyes.

>> No.7231168

Thankfully I live in Australia and don't have to put up with this gun worshiping bullshit IRL.

>> No.7231186

>implying any one of you faggots would be able to defend themselves should the situation arise
10 to 1 the thief steals your 'classy' knife because it's better than his. You'll always be the fagoot that got mugged with his own knife.

>> No.7231245
File: 81 KB, 624x759, 1371921492596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The news report (if there even is one) cites the incident as a hate crime because everyone assumed you were gay anyway.

>> No.7231254

>being submissive to some chav stabbing your face for a $2 wallet with only $10 in it to get your smokes and coffee
>not the saddest fucking thing ever
but hey, guess you're still effay by being completely defenseless, that's what it means to be effay amirite lol

>> No.7231294

yh u can get ur own words
>also being aggresive to some "chav" and getting shot because everyone can have a gun
I think that's sadder

>> No.7231422

>bigger City
lel, where? Just curious.

>> No.7231462


>> No.7231474

Well I hang in downtown Orlando between the corporate buildings and clubs with a few of my skinhead friends and I've been stared down by what appears to be street thug niggers but nothing ever happens because it's Florida, people here are too chill. For the record, I keep a machete in my car because I'm a bad ass.

>> No.7231486

i don't understand why people think carrying knives for self defence is a good idea. pull it out would just escalated the situation and everyone involved would get stabbed

>> No.7231512

Lol. I've seen a couple skinheads when I'm downtown. I think I saw a couple outside of Latitude a while back. Maybe it was you ?

>> No.7231528
File: 198 KB, 1920x1040, The Big Lebowski - Il Grande Lebowski (BDrip ITA-ENG 1080p).mkv_snapshot_01.19.38_[2011.03.06_09.24.38].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>considering the aforementioned pocket was designed for holding a fucking sandwich

>> No.7231539
File: 57 KB, 600x801, evan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7231555

Haha, used to know two guys here in Moscow, one was 23 and another 18, both carried knifes, posted that shit on facebook etc, were quite tough. The one who was 23 pulled it out in a fight and got killed by it, the other one got his right arm broken and was beaten really badly. Guess you really got to know how to use that shit. Never carried a knife since 15 or 16, I'll lose in a knife fight, won't do any good if I'm threatened by a gun and most certainly won't use it if it's a fist fight, so what's the point.

>> No.7233991
File: 592 KB, 1280x960, 1319699743795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your pick

>> No.7234001
File: 124 KB, 1500x987, Benchmade 9051 AFO II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only these were 1/10 the cost

>> No.7234114
File: 207 KB, 1600x1077, Heckler &amp; Koch USP9SD w. Brügger &amp; Thomet Impuls II-A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or one of these

>> No.7234929
File: 295 KB, 479x376, 1379826797515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do not speak for /k/

If you were a true /k/ommando you would know that the differences in handgun cartridges are negligible for the most part.