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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 18 KB, 216x309, hume1..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7227156 No.7227156[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What college major is the most /fa/?
>pic related i'm a philosophy major

>> No.7227159

I really hope you don't live in America or somewhere else where you would be paying for that

>> No.7227175

nice, whats your field?

>> No.7227206

Philosophy of science and 17th century

Going to college to learn something that I enjoy. Philosophy majors have the second highest average LSAT scores in America, and I plan on going to law school.

>> No.7227244

phil of sci is pretty cool, but to be honest i dont get whats so interesting about the history of philosophy

>> No.7227250

Anything not STEM is /fa/ unless you're goofcore, which you means a STEM major for people to take your goofiness as a choice.

>> No.7227260

>i'm a philosophy major

Enjoy your framed toilet paper in 4 years.

>> No.7227266
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>> No.7227267

shoulda done it with econ or something bro

>> No.7227270

goofcore Cs major reportan

>> No.7227271

enjoy your 60k job you dont enjoy

>> No.7227275
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>tfw too much anxiety to apply for universities

>> No.7227277

you gonna be a philosopher??

>> No.7227308

1st year grad student - currently on track to receive PhD in Ecology/Evolutionary Biology

>> No.7227314

im not op, but im actually employed at the philosophy faculty of my university making around 2k a month, im 22 years old. i teach basic courses and correct homework and shit. if i want to i can stay in academia and work my way up to a tenure track that gets me 9k a month in like 10 years or something like that.
ill probably get a phd in mathematics and a MBA though, ill see about that in a few years.

>> No.7227337
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...you would think fashion design would be the first thing to come to mind.

>> No.7227368


Philosophy major here. I've been practicing my tailoring daily and I've been looking for an apprenticeship and making phone calls. Enrolled in college currently because of helicopter parents.

>> No.7227363

I actually study fashion and can confirm that it is not /fa/

>tfw none of your classmates know who raf simons is

>> No.7227379
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my classmate was unfamiliar with ann dem... but she intends to work in the contemporary market, so i'm not sure if it's strictly necessary.

>> No.7227392
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take a garment construction class at a trade college. no one wants to hire someone with zero experience, and home sewing might as well be negative experience.

>> No.7227395

good choice op

>> No.7227388

>tfw yale and harvard have unlisted lectures from philosophy courses on youtube
>full semester of lectures
>tfw I am actually learning from watching them
>tfw failed some of my classes cause focusing on these lectures

>> No.7227405

Yeah, I go to a state uni rn (will probably go to graduate school at a london school if I have the funds) the few of my classmates who are actually successful tend to work in mainstream/high street fashion. One of my classmates who's about to graduate just secured a really well paying job for Target, something like trend forecasting.

I don't expect everyone to know all of the dark minimalist menswear designers that /fa/ favors but when they don't even follow fashion week I'm baffled. I honestly can't understand how people can spend so much tuition money on something and then not actually try to learn about it.

>> No.7227410


You don't have to have good taste to be enrolled in a fashion program. You just have to be not retarded, have a plausible portfolio, and be willing to pay for tuition/take out loans.

>> No.7227431

Information Systems Management

$87,000 now, 6 figures probably within 5 years, and dont have to wear a suit. I love life.

>> No.7227457

i'm in med school
is a doctor /fa/

>> No.7227461

Had to wiki that, looks extremely boring but I'm jelly of yr salary bro

>> No.7227502

I study journalism in the Netherlands now.
I want to study French after this, in Paris.

>> No.7227505

I don't get why people say

>Being into business law is like selling your soul to the devil
>Enjoy doing a job you won't enjoy

I mean, seriously? You do something intellectually demanding, you help people with their business/money and you do al that while getting lot of money.

It's not like you're even into penal/civil law where all you do is divorce/defending delinquants. Heck, you probably never will have to step into court and play a rigged game where everyone not in-the-known is an idiot who has no idea what is going on.

So yeah, do Law.

>> No.7227510

art major or music is effay...if your good

>> No.7227512

To be honest, besides the series of picture of that old man wearing AnnD, I haven't seen pictures with people pulling it off. And websites like ln-cc selling sum Ann have shitty fits.

>> No.7227516
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riveting analysis

>> No.7227525


That's odd, because I see it all the time, usually just very dressed down and not very heavily layered. I mean, at the core of it, there's just a ton of simple suiting and shirting.

>> No.7227520

aren't there really poor employment rates among law grads? Idk I feel like I read somewhere that law students weren't doing well, meanwhile comp sci was killin it

>> No.7227522

Don't get me wrong. I really like AnnD. But on sz, even the PH thread has more picture of people wearing and pulling off said designer. Meanwhile, on the Ann thread you only have the series on that old man (breath-taking to say the least) but I can't help but feel saddened.

>> No.7227532

Don't be a shitty student then.

>> No.7227533
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im on the edge of my seat, please continue

>> No.7227536


>> No.7227544

twerk bruh, what you should understand is post pictures of people wearing sum AnnD.

>> No.7227541

Fashion marketing nigga.

Scooping up dope merch and criticizing bitches since 1967.

>> No.7227546

#shots fired

>> No.7227547

Where do you study? LCF, FIT?

>> No.7227551

ps: dun't be so mad I only answered to ur intial post to write whatever I felt like on Ann.

>> No.7227562
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not sure how you've confused condescending dismissal with anger.

>> No.7227568

I'm a History/Secondary Education major.

I'll get a lot of time off, and I'll get to talk about something I enjoy and tell stories all day.

>> No.7227572
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ur tryin to pass ur anger as condescending dismissal. Back to the point, post pics of people wearin sum AnnD. Sz thread is shit in that regard.

>Even her taste in dogs is perfect

>> No.7227576

At a state university bro. Will probably go to graduate school at a design school just to be around the trade more.

Yeah but if you don't want to design clothes but are still interested in fashion then fashion marketing is for you.

>> No.7227592
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Given how many styles Ann makes and how long she's been around, there are chances you've seen someone wearing Ann and it just wasn't obvious. Like a shirt or a pant or something. I know I see her shoes ALL over New York.

>> No.7227601

How /fa/ is neuroscience?
Finishing my master's and then doing a PhD in Psychopharmacology.

>> No.7227608

when r u going 2 respond 2 twerks ether of u?

>> No.7227609
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>> No.7227604

>Thinkin i dun't kno my shit

Have u read the 1000 page PH thread on sz? ofc not. Dun't test me bby.

>> No.7227613

actual autism

>> No.7227617
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>> No.7227623
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>> No.7227624

This is so good. Yohji can't compete. Nah, just joking but AnnD is so good. Def in my future cops.

>> No.7227625

psychology and criminology. law school after graduation. law is /fa/

>> No.7227632
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And many people aren't wearing all Ann head to toe. A sweater here, a tank there, boots now and then.

>> No.7227643

And it shows. The more Ann, the better.

>> No.7227655

do you go to Yale or Harvard, friend? :^)

>> No.7227662
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>> No.7227668

Are you going into research or what?

>> No.7227679

Is physics /fa/? I wanna help expand humanity into the stars.
I-is having an ambition /fa/? ;-;

>> No.7227684

>Into the stars

ur stupid as fuck, stars are too hot for humans.

>> No.7227693

this guy knows what he's talking about, he should be a physicist, not u >>7227679

>> No.7227689


Currently doing American Studies in Denmark.
Basically a healthy breed of pol. sci, econ and lit. sci.

>tfw I probably know more about 'murica than most 'muricans.

>> No.7227694

having ambitions or hopes or ideals isnt /fa/

>> No.7227714

Going to school for free
>Major: Business Adminstration with emphasis on Marketing
>Minors: Art and English

I'm hoping to go to grad school for something that will help me become a Junior Art Director for TV/Film or a sweet marketing/PR direction job.

>> No.7227724

The archies are by far the most /fa/ majors at my school, even though we have a good fashion program. Then again we have the best architecture program in the US so I don't know if it's a fair representation.

So based on my experience I would say architecture is the most /fa/ major.

>> No.7227725

not /fa/
not un-/fa/ either
I'd say its neutral
most of the people dress like turboplebs ofc tho

>> No.7227732

archi that came here just to post that. archies are aesthetic as hell.

>> No.7227738
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>> No.7227743

any of the horde of useless majors which don't directly relate to your eventual field of employment
Not giving a fuck/wasting money is inherently /fa/.
Except maybe shit like architecture, which I assume sometimes actually leads to a career in architecture, but is still pretty /fa/.

Also, music is not /fa/. A giant autist collective.

>> No.7227748

Law school is a miserable experience and has low employment rates.

>> No.7227759

>wearing a striped suit with a striped shirt

>> No.7227756

most successful architect grads i know are actually not architects. the degree is extremely versatile as are the skills learned.

>> No.7227783

Are you saying I'm an archi? I study social and developmental psychology. There's a pretty wide range in my program, but a bit more /fa/ than average I guess. But the bus I ride to campus stops at the architecture building and all the well dressed people get off. That's the only time I ever see them though because they work like 23 hours/day in their studio

>> No.7227798

Why would Law-related jobs miserable? You can do so many things with Law. From being some high-ranked cop to collecting taxes to being a judge to being a high-ranked dude in some firm to being a researcher etc.

>> No.7227794


Then you should know that in America, no one ever says "murrica"

I've lived here all my life and never heard it once. I've only ever seen it on 4chan.

>> No.7227796

no dingus im saying IM an archi. and all my classmates, especially upper years are aesthetic.

>> No.7227803

also that 23hour day thing is true. ive been up since 9 am est yesterday.

>> No.7227821

How effay is math?

>> No.7227887

Yeah, it's a shame no one ever gets to appreciate how good they look. The fashion majors and design majors both think they're hot shit. Meanwhile the archies are quietly miles ahead of everybody.

>> No.7227880

chemistry represent

weirdly enough, there are literally 3 people who dress like total fuckin spergs, and only 1 who actually acts like it.

>> No.7227883

really effay if youre a cool guy, extremely autistic if youre a nerd

>> No.7227915

There is nothing more effay than being a old researcher anyways.Those people are the most intellectual beings I've ever met. Amazing knowledge of culture whatever their actual field is, incredibly interesting people etc.

>> No.7227910

yeah dude people have a really fucking warped perception of lawyers

people in england dont understand the legal system here and think english lawyers are the same as the ones they see on tv which is bullshit anyway

>> No.7227917

most of the people who do straight maths are fcking dweebs and weird

>> No.7227953

All of those jobs are a lot of paper work and retarded politics. That is if you can get them. Law related jobs are extremely competitive in the US and unless you go to a good school and/or know someone you're screwed

>> No.7227957

Not only do they don't understand how many different fields a lawyer can work on, even when thinking of penal lawyer, they have no idea what being a penalist lawyer even entails.

>You've got no soul because you defend pedophiles and murderers

Without understanding how the system work and how it's not about the individual being defended but what him having a defense means for society as a whole.

>> No.7227971
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Finance, yo.

>> No.7227976

>you're doing law? wow, getting pedos out of prison for money, you are scum

i guess theyd prefer it if the state could just lock anyone up with no evidence, gotta get those pedos

>> No.7227987

>be undergrad me
>be finance major
>surrounded by sperrys and pastel polos

>> No.7227989

Computer science

I have a collection of 8 different fedoras and matching trench coats.

>> No.7227998

what exactly is a finance degree? is it like accounting or something

bateman is like econ at lse with IB connections £50k first year

>> No.7228000
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>sperrys and polos

You're in America?

>> No.7228020


law is dead end degree enjoy ur dead end job

its the degree people too stupid for engineering/maths/science go into

>> No.7228029

it isnt dead

>> No.7228031
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Nah, accounting is just that, accounting. Finance is about how to aquire capital and using it for investments, like buying out other companies which is what Bateman was doing (mergers and aquisitions). Both belong to business administration though.

>> No.7228032

>Can do whatever you want law-related
>Incredibly wide field

I can only wonder what you think not dead-ended jobs are. Plus Law as a whole is pretty interesting. Even if you are only doing divorces and the like. You are only limited by what you think you are.

>> No.7228043

he probabyl has atusim

>> No.7228054

i did a week in a clin neg firm and got to look through some reallly hardcore gore

like a 1.5cm pressure sore in this old mans scrotum

>> No.7228243

Yes, sadly

>> No.7228289

Most un/fa/ major yet.

>> No.7228297
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Film studies

>> No.7228354

Math is the most /fa/; It's the closest thing to perfection. Anyone who disagrees is too retarded to appreciate the beauty of math.

>> No.7228364
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philosophy major hur

my workload rn is depressing but at the end of this semester i'll be able to drudge my way through thousands of latin authors, write down the symbolic form of nearly every formal argument, hold a conversation on the visual culture of the middle ages and calculate derivatives and velocities of various tangent approximations
And more!

>> No.7228361

I did one film studies paper and all the lecturers/tutors were such fucking circle-jerking jack-offs. The Indian bitch tutor I had would ask a question to the class and if you answered wrong (according to her idea of right when there could have been more than one answer) she would fucking flip out. Then she wondered why people stopped answering her fucking dumb questions like mid-way through the semester. She also had awful taste in films.

I ended up being in the top 10% of the class at the end of semester and was sent a letter urging me to do more film studies papers. Fuck that shit I'm not even smart and if I can be in the top 10% then there's something seriously wrong.

If anyone is in NZ DO NOT do film studies at UOA

>> No.7228368
File: 520 KB, 699x996, Ingres_Jean-Auguste-Dominique-Charles_X_in_his_Coronation_Robes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

math can be pretty subjective.

>> No.7228375

Hey i'm going to grad school for this. Nice to know there are other /fa/ LIS people.

>> No.7228377


>> No.7228390

Math more objective than math? When is math subjective?

>> No.7228394
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>> No.7228415


link them, buddy.

>> No.7228427

yeah dude linkem

>> No.7228453

Interesting read!

>> No.7228460

>tfw I left philosophy for computer science this quarter
>STEM-related stuff was easy in the past, thought I could breeze through it
>thought I would finally have time to think about the things I wanted, instead of thinking about the next topic in my philo courses
>haven't done math for a while so I'm out of practice
>on top of that, turns out I just have shitty time-management skills
>spent all day investigating watchmaking

I don't know what to feel anymore, /fa/. I said I'd stop coming here, but here I am again.

>> No.7228473

Here's Kagan's Death class.

>> No.7228479

I was watching this a year back and never finished. I wish I could stick to this.

>> No.7228510

you are not going to get an Art Directing job with a marketing major, bro. Sorry.

>> No.7228528

do you have any math background?

>> No.7228529
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I have no idea what i want to do


i am interested in so many things

>> No.7228543

post pics of that old man

>> No.7228544

>tfw the adults in your life tell you to do what you love
It's impossible because I don't know if I'm good at it or if it's a borderline hobby

>> No.7228552


>> No.7228553

no fck u. Go to sz appreciatin thread.

>> No.7228556

find something that you can love even when it makes you miserable

>> No.7228561

>Not knowing PH


>> No.7228588

what is watchmaking like?

>> No.7228594

>I'm good at it or if it's a borderline hobby
yeah. like i really like fashion but idk if i want to do that full time

i am also really interested in like fucking trade jobs, but i feel like i am too smart to do that my whole life

i know that made me sound like a dick but yah

>> No.7228597

oh its just PH, i thought that was an acronym for something

no fucking post it now

>> No.7228608
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I-is Biochemistry effay?

>> No.7228618

My grandad was a watchmaker and, like most watchmakers, a jeweler as well. From what I gather "it's not what it used to be" [which is I guess what old people say about everything]

He claims Tiffany's became shit as soon as it was bought by Zales, and that decent analogue watches are harder to come by

Watchmaking requires a dickton of patience

>> No.7228629






>> No.7228637

Been studying fashion, my general opinion is that it's a poor career choice for anyone who isn't:

1. 110% sure it's what they want to do for the rest of their life
2. Wealthy enough to live in NY/London/Paris and spend all your time on unpaid internships
3. naturally talented and ridiculously hard working

It's the most overcrowded, competitive shit ever.

>> No.7228635


Becos u kno PH.

>> No.7228640
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And >pic cos ur lazy

>> No.7228648
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is g-geology f-fa?

>> No.7228662

No but on the bright side it isn't hard to be the most effay biochem major lol. I want to do some shit with biochemical materials and make crazy fabrics.

>> No.7228677

I'm fashion major anon here, I'm actually sf jealous of people studying materials sciences because imo that's the source of most of the innovation happening in fashion right now.

>tfw you'll never have the math/science smarts to understand that shit

Please engineer cool and amazing new tech textiles exclusively for me now

>> No.7228688

Anon how would you like to be covered head to toe in a shark skin fabric grown from your own stem cells?

>> No.7228691

yeah i thought so

are there any videos or pictures of people making watches?

>> No.7228699

damn that guy is straight ballin

>> No.7228707

what else is it like?

what i am mainly worried about is i wouldnt really be creative enough to make good shows or interesting pieces and stuff

>> No.7228704

I just like it o-okay. . .

>> No.7228706

wtf is this Ethnomathematicians bullshit?

>> No.7228712

vaguley related, the other day i saw a student outside our engineering building throwing the most absolutely insane tantrum I've ever seen an adult throw. he was on the phone with someone (parents? therapist? anger management counselor?)


Is this what comp sci engineering does to people

>> No.7228726


My nigga.

Except history is my minor. Japanese is my major. Everyone's looking for Asian language teachers atm so hopefully it won't be too hard to find a job, and teachers get paid pretty well here in Australia

>> No.7228745

I mean, it really depends on the school you're at. If you have the money, you should go to a London school or one of the better NY schools. I'm at a state school right now and as I said in >>7227405 my more successful classmates go on to either get corporate jobs at department stores / fast fashion retailers or have their own very small lines that occasionally get stocked by retailers like Free People, etc. If you want largescale success in high fashion, you go to a big fancy fashion school like Parsons.

Contrary to popular belief, I do think creativity is something that you can learn. I think the best fashion designers are people who were interested in a ton of things and were thus naturally inclined towards doing an absolutely ridiculous amount of research and development in order to create innovative products (i.e. Margiela, McQueen.)

It's like most design majors, you get out what you put in. Anyone can easily acquire a fashion degree, but your employability/success depends on how hard you work independently.

>> No.7228748

>Ecology/Evolutionary Biology
Sadly un/fa/ but still a damn good degree.

I'm just finishing my undergrad now majorying in Botany/ Ecology and thinking about getting a PhD in evolutionary biology

>> No.7228761

law school lol

>> No.7228785

sure is. Decked out in Ann. Clothing for life.

>> No.7228797

Ann Arbor?

>> No.7228804
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ann taylor

>> No.7228819

Comp sci major here.
Gonna major in website design or database management, should be able to make 4-6k a month and be able to work anywhere in the world. Might minor in film, since i've already taken half the credits needed.

Living where u want and how u want is pretty /fa/, and I need money to do that.

>> No.7228939


>> No.7228988

Visual and fine arts

>> No.7228998

chemical engineering
>tfw i'll be able to buy out whole stores of rick with my 150k starting salary (not even kidding google it)

>> No.7229025

right here with you bro. 4-6k is just the beginning. Once you get more experience and get into architect/senior positions, CS majors make more than 100k a year.

>> No.7229029


easy there sparky, unless you get into grad school (or are getting your degree from a MIT/NYU/UT/USC/UCLA etc and the like) getting a job is NOT going to be as easy as you think

>> No.7229056

there are a ton of software development jobs out there. there are a million jobs in the US alone.

>> No.7229065

theoretical physics

>> No.7229082
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beny pls

>> No.7229130
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how 2 make career from photography?

>> No.7229146

do weddings gigs until you can afford your own studio then pull a terry richardson.

>> No.7229305

Start independently? Juniors going into their last year of highschool are always looking for somebody to take senior pictures, advertise around. Find other events you can take pictures at.

>> No.7229364

such lunarcore
many /fa/

>> No.7229387
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my nigga

>> No.7229393

I'm probably going to start my own bushiness. I'll take over my fathers website first (he pays his developer about 2k a month) and then picking up businesses from there shouldn't be that hard. If I become a Database Admin you can charge a grand for assessments alone.

>> No.7229440
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>tfw design student with asian studies minor

>> No.7229454

I have yet to apply to college at 19. I plan upon going applying to FiDM or Parsons once I feel my portfolio is decent.

At least I am the COO of an already successful and growing app company in SF.

Hope it doesn't seem like I am bragging, I feel lucky as fuck. Just wonder if I should pursue my "dreams" in Fashion, or go for some shit like an MBA and Symbolic Systems and run a fucking money printing company down the line....

>> No.7229467
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>> No.7229510

It's a pretty shit school I know. I was thinking of doing the one in LA though.

Always thought you were a cool dude twerk, if that actually is you. What would you suggest?

>> No.7229509

no but scrubs are hella comfy

>> No.7229512

>dat gif

more? tumblr?

>> No.7229514

philosophy and poli. sci double major here

>> No.7229523

Economics, because economists do it with models.

>> No.7229526
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>> No.7229534
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I'm so confused

>> No.7229538
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oh shit i just noticed my reflec is in the window kvk

>> No.7229558

So it is!

You're in LA right? What hood you in? I lived in Silverlake for four years. Really want to return.

>> No.7229565
File: 215 KB, 493x740, 875c06f0837162928e7ee0c785f27235cdda33bf-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i live in the burbs m8

>> No.7229580

I'm studying to be an an Accountant.

>> No.7229578

That's legit tho. Have some friends who live there.

Do you go to FiDM la?

>> No.7229583
File: 37 KB, 320x480, julius-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, of course not

>> No.7229605

From the skewed and narrow view that I have picked up across this board over the past year you:
Live in LA
Middle class? Burbs
Dress flamboyantly
In moderately expensive clothes
Is the most well versed trip in fashunz

What is your aversion to design schools/people going to them?

>> No.7229612
File: 55 KB, 426x639, Main_Rick1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing? but fidm is a sham and the otis program lists rick as an alumni like some shady motherfuckers so just go 2 latt m8

>> No.7229685

im from ann arbor, annarborfag here

>> No.7229691

I feel like it isn't, I dunno. Sophisticated? I know I'm coming across like a tool but at that point why don't I just go to a community college.

When I'm back in LA we should hang :)

>> No.7229721
File: 56 KB, 560x330, Logans_Run.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

latt produced rick owens so....

neway just hmu http://amoretlabor.tumblr.com/

>> No.7229737


>> No.7229746
File: 65 KB, 612x612, 1c43aa56aabb11e2805c22000a9e0290_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, wow, you actually took that? thought it was just something you found on tumblr. the poster really looks fucking awful.

>> No.7229753
File: 116 KB, 720x480, tumblr_mdgl2hmCnP1qhbol5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ikr i love how hes wearing the school hoodie in the background i wonder if thats actually him
should send it 2 the owenscorp email and see what they say

>> No.7229782
File: 188 KB, 612x612, 9gOWoSx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, wow. didn't notice that. and it's not like it's an old photo either. i can definitely imagine rick coming back for a visit though.

>> No.7229791

>bach. architecture
>minor in sustainability
>associates in fine arts

>> No.7229811

>and then I dropped out

>> No.7229827
File: 126 KB, 480x532, nendo-cabbage-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he dropped out from otis, not latt

>> No.7229831

Rick Owens is jewish, therefore any amount of money offered for a photo he would take

>> No.7229841
File: 229 KB, 800x1204, go home seamster you are drunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a catholic of mixed hispanic-native american heritage

>> No.7229842
File: 176 KB, 1600x699, Enter-the-Void-18-31770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im gonna be turning 24 when i start uni, is that a big deal?

>> No.7229853

You'll be getting mad amount of peer pussy

>> No.7229857
File: 234 KB, 612x612, trickyrick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it the experience from his upbringing or the exotic genetic mixture that is the source of pure genius?

>> No.7229867
File: 305 KB, 686x900, Musician_Holding_Bagpipes_1632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his parents would tell you it was because he didn't have a television until he was 16, but it probably had more to do with his habit of making things combined with intelligence and ambition.

>> No.7229928

Do you go to uni?

>> No.7229961

There was some video where he said he started out working in a "knockoff" store. Girls would bring in designer clothes, ask him to make replicas, then return that shit ASAP and keep his copies. He said it was a lot more important than learning how to sketch.

I think in another interview he said he was a bit of a weird guy, like he visited a bunch of s&m sex clubs for awhile but now he just likes going to the gym.

>> No.7230076

I switched from journalism to CS and I feel you. Struggling so much with Calc II. Doing my CS assignments 6 hours before they're due. fuck me.

>> No.7230096


i dunno if it's /fa/ but i'm in school to become an electrical engineer

>> No.7230101

It's not

>> No.7230102


oh god fuck calc II

i had the worst teacher, got 37% on the first midterm, squeaked by with a B-

i'm getting an A in calc III though so i don't even know what's going on

>> No.7230126

My first midterm was even worst than that and I have decent math skills. My prof doesn't give out partial marks.

Calc III is with vectors, correct? I have to take a 200 leveled math or stat course of my choice (on top of proofs) and vector calc actually looks interesting

>> No.7230132


Yeah, sure.

>> No.7230144


Vectors, but mostly multivariable calculus. The same sort of thing you did in first year, but functions of x/y or x/y/z.I really like it so far, but this is coming from someone who took PHYS 111 and 112 (not sure how that transfers to you) where I dealt with vectors constantly.

The course also deals with a lot of visualization and drawing, which I found easier but you may not. You get to use programs like Maple which are a little finicky but I get through it.

>> No.7230186


Just about the most contrived and pretentious post I've read on here. Typical phil major.10/10.

>> No.7230206

an /fa/ career is one that you enjoy more than anything. dont let anyone tell u otherwise bby

Yeah dude, shits hard. I did fine in calc but i'm taking elements of discreet math right now, and my whole class is struggling to stay above water.

>> No.7230219

>tfw calc/linear algebra exam tomoz and computer systems exams the day after

>> No.7230230

I got a bachelor's in Math from a public ivy, and I've been getting plenty of job offers. Satisfies a particular niche in the tech industry, plus I got to study tons of really great abstract theory without having to get involved with anything ridiculously jumbled like Kant. Happy ending for sure. Grad school applications in my field though, whew. That's been a whole other story...

>> No.7230245


I'm taking fire science classes. Are firefighters /fa/?

>> No.7230250
File: 54 KB, 599x448, BLCV1YGCYAMZVId.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, i'm a media student

>> No.7230254


firefighters are fa as fuck

>> No.7230258
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>> No.7230285
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Criminal Justice, in some countries more so than others.

>> No.7230306

>implying you can compete with my labcoat

>> No.7230359

Stats is arguably more marketable nowadays, especially if you choose not to go to grad school.

>> No.7230379

>any of those schools besides MIT
>good for CS

>> No.7230406

p sure that's engineering brah

>> No.7230412
File: 2.74 MB, 2551x3579, ECHO_Cardboard_chair_hires.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm studying Industrial Design

deal w/ it

>> No.7230414

Computer Science
Biological Engineering

>> No.7230417


I agree. I've actually considered stats quite a bit, but I honestly don't know if I would find any of the material interesting at all. I've been almost entirely focused on pure math for the last couple years.

>> No.7230420

Mathematics or go home, plen

>> No.7230520
File: 75 KB, 424x300, bitchniggatensors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should trip from now on so we can track your progress toward this

>> No.7230550

Liberal Arts major at community college
>be in Los Angeles
>English teacher says I should be a writer/Eng teacher
>math teacher says I should be a math teacher
>art teachers tell me I should become a cunt
What do after Community College fuck niggas

>> No.7230559


>> No.7230562

Why is their never love for geology on /fa/?
>all about dat nature
>hard rocks to compliment my hard dick
>history of the earth, unearthing ancient secrets, neat stuff like that
It's pretty dope.

>> No.7230584
File: 458 KB, 640x422, bowl_cut_aeordynamics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7230588

40% of my third year class is 30+
70% of the class is 25+

>> No.7230634

goof ninja and electeng, the most patrish combo

>> No.7230636

Not that anon, but I'm in calc ll right now and I had a similar score on my first midterm. I'm planning on going to office hours this week to ask my prof. for help, but what did you do correctly in order to get a B-? I had friends who have gotten A's in every math class and still got C's in that class.

>> No.7230676

>>Evolutionary Biology
Hey, me too. Just got done applying for the NSF fellowship. School?

>> No.7230679


do every prescribed question from the textbook. well not all of them, but do a type of question until you figure out how it works. if you don't understand something, don't move on, keep working at it until you understand it. if all else fails, khanacademy

>> No.7230687

hahah wtf

i'd love to major in math, seems like you kinda have to work in research though.
same with philosophy

im studying electrical engineering atm, is blows, thinking about changing major to industrial design.

>> No.7230688

Hey so my homework is on something called webassign right now. The semester ends in a couple of weeks and we're finishing up infinite series right now. Do you know what types of questions I should expect to see on a later midterm/final, and what the ratio should be like? Like how many questions focus on proving volumes, how many are focused on series and etc.?

>> No.7230692

they're gonna try to bone ya on the series

>> No.7230790

Finance. Like a bau5