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/fa/ - Fashion

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7228869 No.7228869 [Reply] [Original]

>girlfriend says she has a surprise for me
>she's really excited
>goes out to her car
>brings this coat back in
What do?

>> No.7228874

Give her a big kiss and a hug since she's your gf

>> No.7228875

burn gf
dump coat

>> No.7228877


call her a fucking idiot, if shes my girlfriend she must know i wouldnt fucking wear that shit, make her feel selfish and tell her to fuck off

>> No.7228883


>> No.7228902

Oh no its a peacoat and not a parka now fa won't think im cool

>> No.7228907

be grateful that you have a girlfriend and one that buys you shit

>> No.7228906
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>> No.7228926

What do?
Thank her. Hug her. Be grateful she cares about you THAT much, to buy you a fucking COAT.

>> No.7228933

>wonky buttons

>> No.7228935


Hug her, kiss her, make sure she sees you wear it occasionally.

>> No.7228942

I'm 90% certain she got it from a thrift store.

>> No.7228945

Is it warm? Wear it when it's cold outside

>> No.7228937
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>What do?

You wear that fucking jacket. Wear that jacket all the time, whether you're with her or your friends - wear that jacket.

/fa/, don't be mad at him for asking and sounding like a sperglord, because YOU did this to him.

>> No.7228954

Have a similar problem. Dad says he's gonna give me my grandfather's woolen peacoat. Closest thing we have to a family heirloom and that coat's been to the poles.

I can't say anything till I see how it fits but it's probably going to be awful.

>> No.7228973

That sounds pretty cool. Do you know what colour it is?

>> No.7228985
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Cherish it, as you grow older it will become more appropriate if it doesn't fit as slim as you would like.

Plus even bad items can often have a fit tailored around them that make them work.

>> No.7229001


He let it happen, it's his own fault for taking all of the bullshit here seriously.


Nigga fuck you, coat's been to the poles and you're sitting here bitching. Thing sounds rad as fuck.

>> No.7229016
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>> No.7229030


It's navy blue, six buttons with anchors on them. He's told me it's pretty damn high quality since he was the carpenter on a ship (don't ask me why a modern metal ship needs a carpenter).

Dad says he had it tailored when he was my age to fit him despite my grandpa's warnings not to, says he regrets not listening.

Maybe when I grow older it can keep me from the cold.

>> No.7229036
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the fedora is strong in this post

>> No.7229053
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>don't ask me why a modern metal ship needs a carpenter
it's pretty obvious.

>> No.7229103
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Looks nice op, wear it in a basic fit.
Also be grateful and give her kisses/cuddles/the dick

>> No.7229142

I fucking wish she would let me give her the dick. She's "abstinent".

>> No.7229149

Also what should I wear with it?

>> No.7229164

you poor poor man

it looks like she cares for you a lot though, so there's that

>> No.7229172

do you not do anything together at all?

>> No.7229173


>> No.7229177

I haven't tried much yet, but she said no to a BJ.

>> No.7229184

how long have you been together

>> No.7229186

are you guys 14

>> No.7229193

just don't button is up and wear it in monochrome fits or something. Make it work

>> No.7229197



>> No.7229204

I'm 19, she's 18.
About 4 months. We were friends long before that, though.

>> No.7229209

what the heck

>> No.7229213

"accidentally" burn your house down, with coat in it. Problem solved, never have to wear it again.

>> No.7229215

are you guys mormons or something

>> No.7229216

>were friends before that
i have bad news for you m8
you're still just friends

>> No.7229225

She's christian.

>> No.7229237




I used to date a christian girl, got tricked into going to a christian day camp once, holy shit worst experience of my life, you guys have NO idea how deluded these people are

>> No.7229243


you're acting as if Christians are rare

inb4 trolled

>> No.7229250

I'm Christian too. I just don't think I should wait till we're married to nut in her face.

>> No.7229252

my mother and sister are christian and i used to have to go to church with them all the time and they changed to a new church and it was one of those ones where they speak gibberish and push people over and stuff it was so weird

>> No.7229264


son you've got bigger problems than just a ugly peacoat

I'm gonna assume you're a virgin because otherwise you would see what a dilemma you're in
either that or you plan on doing this for the long haul

>> No.7229266
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One time I went to my friends church a few years ago after spending the night at his house one weekend. They performed and exorcism and it was fucking scary, this lady was seizing out on the floor and screaming while a bunch of old dudes chanted around her an shit

Shits fucking whack

>> No.7229276

She's fucking amazing, dude. If she wants to wait until we're married to fuck I'm fine with it. Because beside her questionable fashion taste, she's perfect.

>> No.7229282
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I had the same pleb coat. Got bored with it and fucked around with the button placement. Looks somewhat better.

>> No.7229285

well then that's all that matters

>> No.7229289


if she's actually worth it, w/e, deal with it

but honestly you'll prolly gonna break up in 6 months and you're gonna be kicking yourself

>> No.7229299

Holy shit, those fits are terrible. Brb converting to Islam.

>> No.7229292

as long as you are happy
you should probably be honest to her about the coat though and her buying clothes for you if you dont want her to waste money on things you dont want to wear

>> No.7229293
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>looks somewhat better

>> No.7229308


dip it in latex op

your gf will understand

>> No.7229313

I've read enough of r9k to know that she's gonna dump her religion and fuck the next good looking guy that comes her way
Fuck her now or leave it m8, you're done

>> No.7229319

if you arent having sex you aren't in a relationship.
what she has is a close friend who will do a lot for her and give her the emotional support she needs, and what you have is a potential pussy to plunder in the far future.

and she'll never fuck you.

if you start a relationship without sex and continue without sex, sex will rarely ever into it.
i know people will disagree with this, but i'm right.

if you're in HS it's cool, but even still it's something to think about.

>> No.7229327

>you should probably be honest to her about the coat though and her buying clothes for you if you dont want her to waste money on things you dont want to wear

yeah, this
my gf bought me a $400 hugo boss wallet for my bday last year. it was a really thick wallet that i really didn't like at all. i took a pretty big risk in finally telling her that, and she was ok with returning it and was even thankful that i had told her.

imagine you bought something for her. you'd want to know the truth, right?

>> No.7229351

When someone is excited to give someone something, and it turns out that it isn't what the person wanted, I get so fucking sad. I've seen this happen irl so many times, and not even losing my dog compared to the feelings I felt when that happened. ;_;

>> No.7229353

hey if you can find your life long partner at only 19 then props to you but personally that shit is not tha business.

>> No.7229355

never gone on r9k but that is exactly what will happen.

Her "abstaining" just means she's abstaining from YOU.

There is a lot to this, because you don't realize how bad you are losing and setting yourself up to get walked over.
And you're already too emotionally attached to walk away.

And you can't say "have sex with me or i'm leaving you" because
1) you would never have the balls
2) even if you did have the balls that's an unfair position to be in for both of you

Negotiated desire only ever leads to obligated compliance. This is why her post-negotiation sexual response is often so lackluster and the source of even further frustration on his part. She may be more sexually available to him, but the half-hearted experience is never the same as when they first met when there was no negotiation, just spontaneous desire for each other.

From a male perspective, and particularly that of an uninitiated beta male, negotiation of desire seems a rational solution to the problem. Men tend to innately rely on deductive reasoning; otherwise known as an “if then” logic stream. The code is often something like this:

I need sex + women have the sex I want + query women about their conditions for sex + meet prerequisites for sex = the sex I want.

Makes sense right? It’s simple economics, but built on a foundation that relies on a woman’s accurate self-evaluations. The genuine desire they used to experience at the outset of their relationship was predicated upon a completely unknown set of variables. Overtly communicating a desire for reciprocal desire creates obligation, and sometimes even ultimatums. Genuine desire is something a person must come to – or be led to – on their own volition. You can force a woman by threat to comply with behaving in a desired manner, but you cannot make her want to behave that way. A prostitute will fuck you for an exchange, it doesn’t mean she wants to.

>> No.7229374

Look man, you won't have the emotional control to understand this until AFTER you've become her floor mat but do you know how common it is for guys to feel this strongly about one of their first serious relationships?

It's called oneitis, which is essentially going blind to her flaws.

I promise you there are things to her you aren't seeing.

>> No.7229372

bro all he wanted was opinions on his peacoat

>> No.7229381

shits deeper than that though.

>> No.7229389

This isn't my first relationship. It's my third.

>> No.7229396

Did starfucks leave?

>> No.7229399

So what should I wear with the coat?

>> No.7229407

I'm not the Christian guy, but I can't help but think that your novel of a response is too complicated. You're overthinking things.

In most people lies the innate desire for sex. It is up to the Christian guy to dredge up these hidden desires. The next time they have a make out session or something, the guy needs to turn up the heat (A cliche, yes. Fuck me I'm a faggot). Kiss her on the neck, graze her erogenous zones, and at the height of her excitement bring up the possibility of sex.

Ta-dah! Christian boy has sex with his equally Christian girlfriend. Relationship strengthened. Order is restored to the Galaxy.

>> No.7229408


>> No.7229417

I was delighted with the way you worded that.

>> No.7229418

Starfucks64, a trip that gave girl advice.

>> No.7229435

i kind of had a feeling you'd say that.
it's still very early on in your life and you are making the same "mistakes" as million of other guys.

like i said, i know you won't understand until AFTER it's too late, but there is a ton written on it by men who have already been to that point.

Oneitis is an unhealthy psychological dependency that is the direct result of the continuous socialization of the soulmate myth in pop culture. What’s truly frightening is that ONEitis has become associated with being a healthy normative aspect of an LTR or marriage.

At some point in a oneitis relationship one participant will establish dominance based on the powerlessness that this oneitis necessitates. There is no greater agency for a woman than to know beyond doubt that she is the only source of a man’s need for sex and intimacy. oneitis only cements this into the understanding of both parties. For a man who believes that the emotionally and psychologically damaging relationship he has ego-invested himself is with the only person in his lifetime he’s ever going to be compatible with, there is nothing more paralyzing in his maturation. The same of course holds true for women, and this is why we shake our heads when the beautiful 9/10 goes chasing back to her abusive and indifferent Jerk boyfriend, because she believes he is her ONE and the only source of security available to her. Hypergamy may be her root imperative for sticking with him, but it’s the soul-mate myth, the fear of the “ONE that got away” that makes for the emotional investment.

The definition of Power is not financial success, status or influence over others, but the degree to which we have control over our own lives. Subscribing to the soulmate mythology necessitates that we recognize powerlessness in this arena of our lives. Better I think it would be to foster a healthy understanding that there is no ONE. There are some good Ones and there are some bad Ones, but there is no ONE.

>> No.7229445

Put it on, give her a kiss, and tell her do better.

>> No.7229458
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I can't get out of my head that trying to fuck a girl is like trying to solve a Rubik's cube when you have no idea how to solve a Rubik's cube
Like eventually if you annoy it enough and aren't retarded you're going to get it
>constantly hear stories of girls finally giving in after 20 attempts by guys to hook up
>constantly see it happen
>hear female friend talk about a guy coming in her room and trying to slowly take off her pants
>walking to dining hall today hear group of guys talking about the girls they brought back, "and dude they all had boyfriends"
>sleep with ex after going outside her city dorm and calling her a dozen times
>talking to girl on ok cupid, after she tells me four times she'd never hook up with someone my age and are going to fuck this weekend
It's crazy
As long as you're of average or greater attractiveness you can pretty much bash your way into any girl
Are you partying at a girl's house and need a place to sleep? Just like take her bed she won't do anything
I swear like why is this the norm now

>> No.7229473

later, say you put it down somewhere because it was hot indoors and someone stole it

>> No.7229475

>You're overthinking things.
I can't argue with that, but there is also a lot more too it than what you and I could write.

You're right he does need to make moves and keep trying, but if he keeps getting denied, there is a problem.

I am right about women using sex a negatiation tool and a relationship founded on no sex means that the woman isn't doing her part.
That is speaking SIMPLY, which is why I try to avoid doing that.

It is different if the girl is a virgin, but has he even said she was? He said she was abstaining which any guy with experience knows does not mean she's a virgin necessarily.

So if she is a virgin, then it's cool as long as he does what you say and TRIES to turn the hear up (im a faggot too apparently) but after constant rejection he needs to reconsider.

I bet that he can't do that though...

>> No.7229478


>> No.7229481

but you're already wearing them apparently

>> No.7229485

fuck off OP we're discussing your relationship

this isn't your thread anymore, go away

>> No.7229493

Would black jeans w/ black boots/chucks work?

>> No.7229494
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>> No.7229501

wow you actually know what youre saying

>> No.7229498

wear a leather jacket

>> No.7229511

Will sample in a moment.

>> No.7229507

Yes, that would work.

Now that we got this problem solved, we will now talk about your relationship.

>> No.7229513

>been to the poles
Your grandfather was in the SS?

>> No.7229524
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it's a navy coat you permavirgin. you don't wear it with black pants and shoes

the best thing to wear it with would be dark brown or tan chinos, or if you don't have a pair,dark (raws) indigo jeans.

then various shades of brown shoes would work.

>> No.7229541

>For a man who believes that the emotionally and psychologically damaging relationship he has ego-invested himself is with the only person in his lifetime he’s ever going to be compatible with, there is nothing more paralyzing in his maturation.
This is the most important part, because if you've ever been there you know how badly it sucks and how hard it is to change it.

Even if the girl isn't emotionally and psychologically damaging (yet) the guy still has his ego invested in it. That and the strong feelings of "love" will make it incredibly hard for him to do what he needs to do as a man in control of his life.

I know he isn't going to consider this, but I hope it's something that he remembers and it sits in his mind forever, so his feelings of regret heavily weigh on him.

It's better to be hated and called an asshole for a few months than to feel like a fool for the rest of your life.

>> No.7229543

Honestly a striped scarf works, the pea-coat is a good jacket. It's my everyday dress in winter and I get complimented daily.

This forum dresses nice but doesn't leave the house so its not like it even matters

>> No.7229555

i know right. none of and unlike that mario fucker age 6 or 4

>> No.7229567

don't be too sure XD

>> No.7229591

Mario fucker?

>> No.7229635

yea some guy who always posts threads with bunches of pics and vids of him fucking his stuffed mario collection.
quite a weird guy.

>> No.7229651

>The definition of Power is not financial success, status or influence over others, but the degree to which we have control over our own lives
hit me like a brick
I've been trying to articulate this seemingly simple thought for a long time
well said

>> No.7229683

I didn't write it, I stole it from RationalMale.com

>I've been trying to articulate this seemingly simple thought for a long time
He is amazing at this. You need to check his stuff out.

>> No.7229976

w2c pants

>> No.7230167

told me the domain was for sale
I'll google it

>> No.7230291


>> No.7230654

In America they kinda are. Or at least they fly under the radar and you never know until it gets somehow mentioned.

>> No.7230656

outside of america*
sorry fucked that up

>> No.7230668

Put it on, give her a kiss, and tell her "do better"

she said, "how bout I get you jewelry from the west end?"

how bout she hit the west end and get her best friend.

>> No.7230703


Don't let all these i'll-get-married-when-i'm-35-and-its-too-late types get to you, fuck. Just wear the coat to a family dinner or something and spill some tomato soup on it.

>> No.7230711


well then fuck nigga toss that puss.

>> No.7230731

p. good post.

>> No.7230743

Has anyone ever had sex with a christian girl?

Do they have sex or are they all abstinent 'til marriage?

>> No.7230755

sure smells like virgin in here
if you dont like the coat tell her to fuck off and then fuck her
OP dont believe her lies she's fucking other guys behind your back

>> No.7230756

your gf seems autistic

>> No.7230759

we red pill now
good to see you guys catching up

>> No.7230761
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>looks somewhat better

>> No.7230769

>are they all
please don't be that person.
it depends on the individual, just like everything else.

>> No.7230774

>being as beta as OP

>> No.7230775

Here is how it goes:
Christian girl grows up in a social circle where sex is frowned on, so of course she's not gonna have it. She is trained to say "no i'm waiting"
Most of the guys in her circle, Christian as well, are also taught about saving sex until marriage.
Since guys are conditioned to do what is best for the girl, they won't even bring it up and respect her wishes.

Sometimes they people actually do have sex and go on to live normal lives, but in most cases the girls do not let the guys fuck them.

By the time the girl goes to college she is used to using guys however she wants because she has never had to give into "her end" of the relationship with sex.
So guys like OP end up in a sexless relationship.

However, this is when things get interesting, because guys like OP have been CONDITIONED to not push for sex, and therefore won't. They'll also believe that the girl is telling the truth when she says she's waiting, but all she's really waiting for is a guy who is much more masculine, even alpha, who will fuck her drunk ass the same night they meet.

>> No.7230779

No, you don't be the guy who has to call people out for saying "all" and "every."

Anybody who believes the words "all" and "every" apply to ANYTHING related to people are retarded.

>> No.7230778

wow thisis so autistic

>> No.7230783

you're the guy who wrote this:


The last few posts he's made haven't been as good because they've been about someting else but if you really can't find truth in what that guy is saying YOU are the one who is autistic.
or female, which is what i'm guessing.

That guy is pro on understanding and explaining social dynamics.
Maybe you still feel "special"

>> No.7230787

yeah i am special
so what

>> No.7230797

Btw, a girl i've been seeing is one of those girls.
Raised as Christian, but also not very social.
She says she was nerdy and read a lot in school.

She admitted to me once she got to college she changed pretty quickly and lost her virginity to a fat guy on a bathroom floor.
Keep in mind most girls understate their sexual partners and she told me she's had 18.
and i'm the first guy she's gotten serious with.

i can tell a lot of stories about how things "work" with her, but needless to say i'm not serious with her.

also this is just the first girl i've been with personally who has admitted to this behavior but i know lots of girls who fit the same exact group, and read about even more.

>> No.7230799

>lost her virginity to a fat guy on a bathroom floor.
i mean frat guy, not fat guy, but who knows about that part.

>> No.7230803

bruh we BEEN red pill but these fools hate a young trip so they had deaf ears.

now that there is an anon posting literally the exact same shit it's a lot better received.

>> No.7230806

how many girls have you slept with?
how many relationships have you been in?

i'm not making fun of you or hating or even assuming you're a virgin, i'm just wondering.

>> No.7230812

I do, I'm a poet.

>> No.7230814

ooh what a cute gf
but goddamn that's awful
idk what do. wear it once or twice in an occasion where no1 will see u (very late night movies)
then say it's only for special occasions or something
idk man, ur gf seems nice wouldnt want to hurt her :((

>> No.7230819

poet did you fuck my bitch??
tell me the truth ho did you fuck my bitch nigga?
18 guys was one of them you you little bitch?
i see you posting your gay ass astronaut shit and i PROMISE you if you fucked my bitch you gonna WISH you had a proper NASA Certified space suit to protect you when i kick your faggot ass into space.

>> No.7230816

lol yeah I was wondering

>> No.7230842
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Thank me later.

>> No.7230865


>> No.7230871

No poet post here has been real for weeks now.

>> No.7230883

i know i was just messing
it wouldve been funny if someone really did come at poet like that, and even funnier if poet really had fucked the girl.

>> No.7230953

That supreme harrington though

>> No.7230958

Well nigga, then it's fucking obvious what you should do.

>> No.7230966

>Negotiated desire
someone reads the rational male

>> No.7231333

i have never had a gf

>> No.7231352

you love her. deal with no sex. it's not a big deal

>> No.7231367

She's not equally christian if she puts out before they wed. Your manosphere websites also tell women to wait until marriage so fuck off.

>> No.7232417


>Your manosphere websites also tell women to wait until marriage so fuck off.
let's see some source that says that, please.

>> No.7232457

>Hugo Boss
top kek, she lied to you

>> No.7233012

It's like when a cat brings a dead mouse for you and it thinks it's doing you a favor

>> No.7233283

Go smoke a pole, poet.

>> No.7233446

I have a friend do this in a lighter form to some degree, while clubbing he just grabs the most unwilling girl and keeps going at it till she eventually gives in dances with him and then he kisses her, it's almost surreal

>> No.7233509

The manosphere idolizes virgins. Tells men they're the only women men should consider marrying and sometimes even committing to at all.

>> No.7233516

A good "tacit" that works (and yes i used the word tactic) is to show her a ton of interest and then find another girl(s) to flirt with.
make sure girl 1 sees you hitting on the other girls.

later one make your way back to girl 1 and she'll be all on you.

>> No.7233532

yeah, I've heard that before. I'm too nice (beta) to do most of those tactics though... Guess I'll have to wait for that oculus rift sex thing

>> No.7233540

let me see a goddamn source you stupid bitch.

and yes, i'm being rude because fuck it.

you are going to believe what you want to believe about the "manosphere" but i highly doubt you've read many active manosphere bloggers.

most likely your experience in it is anti-manosphere posts who, of course, are only going to post negative and exaggerated aspects, without citing any sources other than maybe a blog name. not a specific article, let alone direct quote.

btw, from what i've read, and my PERSONAL opinion, female virgins are a bit of a red flag in a lot of cases, for many different reasons.

>Tells men they're the only women men should consider marrying and sometimes even committing to at all.
yea... let's see a source about that.

>> No.7233555

i didn't say you HAD to use tactics, i'm just saying that you can, and that is an effective one.

at the same time, you say you are "too nice" which is sort of weird because once you understand WHY these "tactics" work, it's really just a matter of common sense when you use them.

i think when you say "too nice" you mean "too emotional"

>> No.7233579

maybe it's nice wasn't the right word, more like, I just want to find a girl that works and doesn't rely on trickery. It feels so illogical and wrong even though I understand that it might not be be either, you understand? Maybe too emotional too.

>> No.7233647

i understand exactly what you're thinking, but you're thinking wrong.

see, it isn't that the girl "relies" on trickery, and in many cases "game" isn't even about tricks.
in a lot of ways it's like modeling:
you could see a shirt hanging up on the rack and think it's cool, but when you see a model wearing it with a proper fit you start to realize the potential that shirt has.

you should check out Book of Pook. it may open your eyes.

i guess to sad sensitive betas like you it may come off as abrasive, though it's slightly sarcastic, but put your feelings aside and read it with an open mind and i bet you'll learn a lot and even gain hope.

>> No.7233681

also i think a problem guys have with accepting these "tactics" and learning game is because they are afraid of the truth.

think about:
something simple like i posted here
works very effectively.
when you do that and other tricks you start to pick up patterns and realize how easy it is to get girls.

it can be scary to accept because that means that your belief of "girls being special" and "love at first site no BS" is wrong.

but those things can sort of exist too.
and when it happens it's good to know how to get it.

>> No.7233693

I know, but old habits die slow, I'll work on it though.
My posts where exagerated to make for a more lighthearted conversation so i'm not a hopeless kissles virgin as you might think I am.
I'll give the book a look.

>> No.7233718

>if you genuinely dont like peacoats than just let it sit in your closet
>if you dont like peacoats cuz /fa/ told you not too, than you take the coat cut it up into strips tie it together and hang yourself with it

I remember when /fa/ liked peacoats

>> No.7233782


>> No.7233791

>and in many cases "game" isn't even about tricks.
It is. The first trick is tricking yourself into believing what you just said.

>> No.7233832

even if you were right, and i'm not saying you are, what is the problem with that?

in a lot of cases "game" simply is knowing what NOT to do.
is that a trick?

>> No.7233844

>let me see a goddamn source you stupid bitch.
The fact that you even need to ask for a source shows how deeply out of touch you are with the cultur, stupid bitch. Read a comment section for once--no, you don't even need to do that most of the time, stupid bitch.

>> No.7233856

>Read a comment section for once
ha but that's the comment section, not the content of the article.

good articles though.
i'm a big fan of heartist.
dudes my hero

>> No.7233865

3 years ago???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

>> No.7233870

>what is the problem with that?
You don't respect somebody who you trick into a romantic relationship.
entire idea is encouraging sociopathy.

>> No.7233886

Good links, really.
Never read dalrock but the other two i read all the time.

but none of those agree with what you say that
>Tells men they're the only women men should consider marrying and sometimes even committing to at all.

all three of those articles are actually what i was talking about: how there are pros and cons to dealing with virgins.
there isn't any answer to which is better, and there is a big gap between virgin and slut.

>> No.7233918

>You don't respect somebody who you trick into a romantic relationship.
but what i'm saying is that it isn't "tricks" though.
that's where we disagree, clearly.

i believe that no amount of tricks will make a girl love or respect you.
HOWEVER understanding different ways to get her interest can work in your beneift.

i don't believe in "the one" but even if i did i wouldn't be dumb enough to think things would just fall into place. i would want to be prepared to approach and deal with her to ensure i didn't miss my opportunity.

if anything i've learned more of what i was doing WRONG than tricks to do better.
i could think of a million metaphors to compare it to, but it won't have any affect since it's clear we are just going to disagree regardless.

but look, if someone said "anon why do you always have your hair like that?"
>i like it like this
"but it'd look so much better if you did this"
and then you try a new style which you end up loving, and people give you a lot more compliments and notice you.

is that a tactic?
is that no respectable?

>> No.7234883


>> No.7237201

Tell her that you appreciate that she bought it for you, but that it's not quite to your liking, and you would like to go shopping for another coat with her.

Don't you think she would do the same if you gave her something she finds ugly?

>> No.7237839

The point being?

>> No.7237845

Top Kek!

>> No.7237848

>Autumn 2014
>"my GF gave me a parka, what do?"