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File: 110 KB, 1000x1000, DBs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7228672 No.7228672 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone know any good vegan alternatives to desert boots?

>> No.7228689


>> No.7228695

ahahahah faggot

>> No.7228701

No. There are none, you trendy elitist faggot.

>> No.7228698

Yeah, go barefoot

>> No.7228749


>> No.7228758

>washing your hands
That's fucking genocide right there. You are worse than Hitler.

>> No.7228799

holy christ kill yourself

>> No.7228802

>implying I don't use 100% vegan certified organic soya derived low fat halal kosher gluten free chemicals in and around my home

>> No.7228809
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all those poor bacterium and viruses. How could you. Do you even have a soul, A SOUL!

>> No.7228811

kill another 4 animals 3 times daily for the rest of your (albeit reduced) omnivorous lifespan

>> No.7228820

and I fucking love it

>> No.7228824

you don't kill 4 animals a day because an animal can feed multiple people. And there is no correlation between eating meat and dying early. You are just a autist who cares to much about animals. Not eating meat goes against human nature.

>> No.7228830

>goes against human nature

give a toddler an apple and a lamb

which will it eat and which will it play with?

>> No.7228833


lol what

>> No.7228843

More like an apple and a hamburger

Then you'll really know

>> No.7228841

I honestly don't see the point in avoiding leather due to veganism. I mean, would you rather let the cow hides go to waste? They're gonna be slaughtered anyway for their meat. It's really a far cry from wearing baby seal pelts and rubbing your skin with whale oil as you flick your ivory cigarette holder over your gorilla's hand ashtray.

>> No.7228848

you can get some canvas chukkas. Dr Marten has some. I think their called the 'nixon' but I'm not sure. do a google search

>> No.7228845
File: 22 KB, 512x362, 1366250876566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming hunting and gathering times, he would play with the lamb until the elders kill it and feel it to him. A toddler doesn't exemplify the human nature, autist

>> No.7228850

pure autism

>> No.7228856


but then there's nothing intrinsically human about it.... the toddler wouldn't recognise the connection between the cow on a farm and the meat in the patty. the truth is it IS human to enjoy meat but only because we're fed it from a young age without understanding how it got from the farm to us. look at Australians and vegemite. everyone else in the world fucking HATES the stuff but australians enjoy it because it's a taste they were brought up on. the human palette is very versatile, especially at a young age.

tl;dr - meat is murder

>> No.7228861

>what is tabula rasa

>can't grasp the concept of change from traditionalism and cruel routine
>thinks the vegans are autistic

>> No.7228867

thanks m8.

at least someone can take me seriously.

now another question; are fedoras vegan?

>> No.7228865
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OP you bette get some leaf boots, you dont want to lose those vegan powers

>> No.7228870

>never enjoying the feel of fine leathers in your life
might as well get impoverished u fkin pleb

>> No.7228873

>being poor
>not /fa/ as fvck

>> No.7228878

I got a good pair of boots made of hemp, coconut husk and mimosa trees. They look good too. Only thing is I don't think they were made to please vegan thumpers.

>> No.7228880

Doesn't the sticky link to some vegan shoe sites?
I feel like I remember seeing links somewhere and a couple of the brands made some decent looking shit.

>> No.7228891

Why is everyone in this thread so extreme? It's as if you're either an ultra vegan new age pinko hippie who has to hold a candlelight vigil to mourn a swatted fly, or a carnivore who eats meat three meals a day and will not wear any item of clothing unless at least one animal perished to make it.

>> No.7228889
File: 4 KB, 203x219, 1364511111662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no... humans like meat because they need the protein from it. When there was no such thing as a "farm" or animal husbandry/domestication, humans hunted animals in order to eat/get the protein they needed. How would we get the protein that we need? Soy? lol. Tabula rasa doesn't exist. There are certain traits that are passed down from parent to son, that tells them they need meat, because they do. Its the same reason that babies cry and laugh without being taught to do so.

>> No.7228904

Answered my own question
Not seeing DBs, OP, but there are 3 brands on the wiki that make nice looking stuff.
Brave Gentleman, Good Guys, and NOHARM

>> No.7228928

The only point I will add to this is that, until about the 20th century, ordinary people did not eat meat every day the way that people today do. Meat was too expensive. Livestock were grass fed. People did not have a problem with eating mostly vegetarian, and guess what? They were healthier. They led more active lifestyles. Obesity was unheard of. The muscles that built our modern world didn't come from eating hamburgers.

>> No.7228929


not rly

not jiving with veganism doesn't entail being a hardcore carnivore

>> No.7228962

>doesn't realise that too much protein is a bad thing
>doesn't realise that kale is the new beef

>> No.7228978

Thanks, this Brave Gentleman stuff looks p good

>> No.7228994

/ck/ shitposter pls

>> No.7229006
File: 122 KB, 1782x1701, 1365251130538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't realise that to much protein is a bad thing
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA there is so much wrong with this. (1) no, you can eat as much protein as you want, and it will not harm you. (2) Most people are either on the spot or are deficient in protein. Vegans definitely are deficient in it.
>doesn't realise that kale is the new beef
LOL kale has 2g per 100g, beef has 26g protein/100g. So no, it isn't.

>> No.7229031

good guys desert boots

>> No.7229026

>desert boots
have you tried suicide?

>> No.7229118
File: 261 KB, 1856x1046, blk_01_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're pretty comfortable too, and well made. Most of the newer designs are disappointing, but the old black mastermind and the work boots are nice