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File: 45 KB, 620x405, pspgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7227298 No.7227298[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What video games are /fa/?
I need something to pass the time on long train journey's but I need to know that it's /fa/.
Do girls like guys who play games?

>> No.7227313

No, read

>> No.7227306

>Do girls like guys who play games?


>> No.7227326


OP, pick up 'The Brothers Karamazov,' 'The Stranger,' or 'A Farewell to Arms' to name off a few.

>> No.7227330

Some like it, most of them don't.
If you don't overdo it they won't mind but it's definitely not fa.

>> No.7227336

Don't play video games in public. As other Anons has said, read instead. Or listen to something. Just don't play video games

>> No.7227369

OP read the bible, the iliad, odyssey, aeneid, and don quixote.
Most important writings ever and will give you perspective and lots to read for a while.

>> No.7227387
File: 57 KB, 959x199, St John's College.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this /lit/
Nah man, we're not tackling the St John's reading list, he's going for /fa/. Everyone knows modernism is /fa/. OP, bring along 'A Farewell to Arms' or something by Hemingway.

>> No.7227428

What's a good action RPG for the PSP?
I got given one but I dunno what's on it.

>> No.7227436

wrong board for that honey.

>> No.7227442

but /v/ is shit

>> No.7227446

don quixote is so boring tho

dry 1500s spanish translated into dry 1700s english

>> No.7227450
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>> No.7227484

dorky girls might do but I'm guessing those aren't the type of girls /fa/ are into

>> No.7227500
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>> No.7227986

Playing on your phone is probably the closest thing to /fa/ gaming. IF they can't see what you're playing you can play anything no matter how un /fa/

I think there are apps for final fantasy games now so those might be good for passing the time as well as the typical shitty app games you see like angry birds or tap tap revenge.

Games that don't make you do off movements are better though.

>> No.7228001

yeah man just been playin some cs go

>> No.7228136

>tfw playing your 3ds pokemon x in public while sipping a capri sun and downing a bag of hot cheetos

>> No.7228199

I sawa guy playing a new pokemon game in one of my lectures. He was asian-core though so it worked

>> No.7228242

>Do girls like guys who play games?
As a girl I can verify that we don't particularly give two fucks if you play games or not as long as you're giving us attention.

>> No.7229192

Ys maybe some of the Tales of games

Also the best answer for some on the go /fa/ gaming would probably be animal crossing/pokemon/mario kart on the 3ds (non XL/2ds)

>> No.7229257

dark souls
demon souls
rest is babby shit handholding edgy faggotry

>> No.7229674

Video games usually only acceptable when you play with friends.

>> No.7229680

jeanne d'arc

>> No.7229709

I see you Jordan

>> No.7229733

play runescape

>> No.7229743

get a laptop and play the pnumbra games

thank me later

>> No.7229754

Fire Emblem, Red Dead Redemption, Roller Coaster Tycoon, Max Payne 3 and GTA V

also Gamecube emulators on your Mac.

those are the only /fa/ games.

and the game that isn't out yet when you are a rabbit and you beat the shit out of other rabbits with really realistic physics.

>> No.7229758
File: 1.99 MB, 419x253, IMG_1650.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw i want to play thru a resident evil game with a girl

it's a dream of mine

i want it to be veronica x

>> No.7229768
File: 401 KB, 1920x1080, ro2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone play ro2 here

>> No.7229773

videogames are only /fa/ if you are asian and you dress /fa/

>> No.7229777

>dark souls


>> No.7229806


you'd wipe the floor with me prolly

>> No.7229823


>> No.7229836

cvx is fucking garbage with that broken ass knife

got some hella funny cutscenes and dialogue doe

>> No.7229845
File: 414 KB, 1920x1080, 2013-08-14_00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I'm godly tbh
feels good being accused of hacking every single game

>> No.7229854

shit dawg

reminds me of when i used to dominate russian surf servers in 1.6 cuz i used to play q3 a ton before

>> No.7229858

Which one should we play, I have all of them.

even survivor

>> No.7229875

all patricians prefer 2

>> No.7229907


>> No.7229912

I also happen to have the guide for 2

>> No.7230251

Asian core? Was asian or looked?

>> No.7230262

I downloaded a GBA emulator after I lost mu DS to our swimming pool. Mostly people think I am texting my friends, but in reality I am either playing Pokemon or reading the news.

>> No.7230274

CS:S isn't efay by any means but alot of qts play it.

Thats ok but if you do it the whole time it's shit as well. Not really an option for op for example.

>> No.7230300

Hotline Miami is the most /fa/ game.
Shadow Of The Colossus, too.

>> No.7230325

problem aren't necessarily the games but gaming itself.

>> No.7230346

tripsk bby who'd u pick for ur starter

>> No.7230351

pokemon x and y

>> No.7230360
File: 56 KB, 588x588, IMG_20130413_181653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have a news app that updates everyday before your train ride (Reuters, NYT, BBC, Bloomberg + local news + any special news you care about), you've already knocked 45 minutes off your trip and can use games to unwind or get your mind started


>> No.7230366

my nigga
some of my favorite books right there

>> No.7230386

shadow of the colossus

thats about it

>> No.7230389


>> No.7230401

was that supposed to be funny

were u trying to make a joke

>> No.7230403

Is it just me or is Dostoevsky's writing really febrile? I've read The Idiot and Crime and Punishment but it can be really tedious.

>> No.7230467

never read anything he wrote but a friend who read both of those said hes kinda famous for combing interesting philosophies/moral questions ect and shit storytelling.

>> No.7230877

It may not be effay, but I just got Chivalry: Medieval Warfare and it's probably the most fun game I've played in years.

>> No.7231672
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>> No.7232227
File: 205 KB, 1480x1117, colossus13_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The obvious answer is Shadow of the Colossus, Okami, LIMBO, Journey, VVVVVV, Flower.

I think there's a handheld version of VVVVVV.

>> No.7232253

i fucking hate chaucer so much

>> No.7232260

i fucking loved vvvvvv
played it at least 4 times since the beta
so good
best platformer of all time

>> No.7232261

never let them leave your place

never have more than one game console in your room/dorm/house/apartment/ect at a time. keep your games and spare consoles in the attic. say you use it to play music and blu rays unless you have nintendo or something just say mario.

most grills are alright with mario

>> No.7232262

Any old skool jrpgs with gr8 spritework like golden sun
actually any jrpg

>> No.7232270

Have you played Mother 3 or Earthbound?

>> No.7232275

played like half of both but never got round 2 finishing them
same with p3
got 3/4 of the way on p3p and p3fes and just stopped playing

>> No.7232280

persona 3 is shit fuck that
mother 3 is the best jrpg of all time

>> No.7232277

Hiding who you are isn't /fa/
Unless you autist-
>not autistic
Yeah, better do what everyone else said.

>> No.7232289

i'll get round 2 finishing all of them eventually
golden sun 1 is my fav game ever
>sprite art

>> No.7232290


Sometimes hiding ones power levels is necessary in order to lead a normal life.

>> No.7232297

playing video games is never /fa/. I mean, it transcends this stigma that overweight fedora wearing neckbeards play video games - do you really have NOTHING else to do with your time that you have to waste time with that shit? You cant think of anything else you could do with your time and money that can actually better you and the world around you?

Video games fucking blow.

>> No.7232298

i've never played golden sun i thought it was all block puzzles
whats good about it?
fuck i should have brought my psp cable away /w me need to find mini usb asap

>> No.7232304


ye mate i bet ur sick

>> No.7232311

There is an extent to which you SHOULD hide your power level. (I don't do it at my house because I live with my parents so at that point who gives a fuck?)
But a couple game consoles isn't gonna make a girl look at you in disgust or anything. For the most part, it is social norm.
The number one thing to anything is just keep it clean and nice. If your consoles have cords and games everywhere, and your TV remote is covered in dust and cheetos, yeah you are fucked.

>> No.7232316

lol anyone who uses the term power level prob has a problem
i'm just honest who's wants a grimey house anyway thats nothing to do with games

>> No.7232317
File: 40 KB, 240x160, golden sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whats good about it
its not a 10/10 jrpg but its comfy af
the general atmosphere
reading npc's minds
hunting for djinn (little creatures that give u more moves + summons)
it'll keep u occupied for ages
the sequel is p.good as well but the third one was godawful
its just one of those games u get lost in
i dunno if number 2 works on gpsp tho
oh also theres TONS of words but i personally liked that aspect of the game

>> No.7232344


I agree. It's one of the most fully-fleshed out stories in a (not-so-recent) RPG that doesn't feel contrived or silly. There's actual quality to the writing, plotting, etc. The combinations and customization options give you tons of flexibility in playing, and it's just a beautifully done world that's executed from start to finish very well. I really wish they would make a full console version where it could be really lavishly drawn/animated.

>> No.7232363

sounds dope will download

>> No.7232407

Yes, but not necessarily because of it.

>> No.7232494

girls love kingdom hearts so play that

>> No.7232536

No joke I started BBS today and it's actually p fun