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/fa/ - Fashion

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7226064 No.7226064[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Little things that make people un/fa/

-mouth breathing
-bad posture
-dragging your feet when walking
-chewing with mouth open

Continue and discuss

>> No.7226071

thinking they are funnier than they are

>> No.7226077

>being fat
>being ugly
>being short
>having any disease/noticeable flaws
>having bad skin

>> No.7226080

Using ground salt from a shaker instead of rocksalt. Its like they go to the extra effort just to be a tastless pleb.

>> No.7226087

poorly fitting shirts

grills can get away with it if they're not uggo because that can look good

but this one guy i know wears t-shirts with sleeves that almost go down to his elbows

i mean i understand there's maybe some difference of opinions about t-shirt sleeve length

but the shoulder seams are like hanging out over his arms, the shirt is at least one size too big

i guess just ill-fitting things in general if you dont mean to do it

>> No.7226091

When people hold their eating utensils like if its a small shovel. It angers me especially when they stoop really low and lit the plate to finish the small bits of food left.

>> No.7226098


little things that are fixable. cant mess with genetics

>> No.7226118

Dancing in general. Even if you dance well. I don't think dancing is /fa/

>> No.7226123

what's the point? if you tick any of those boxes then there's no point of even trying to be /fa/

>> No.7226132


then there would only be like 5 people on /fa/

>> No.7226138

>tfw learned latin/classical dancing in hs and have pulled dozens of bitches because of it while looking classy as fuck

Dont be a h8r

>> No.7226139


get out /ck/

>> No.7226142

bad posture is /fa/ as fuck

>> No.7226146

>5 /fa/ people on /fa/
that's normally how it works

>> No.7226153

>chewing with mouth open
my mom would fucking go bananas if i ever did this as a kid so now as an adult whenever i head another person doing it i get irrationally angry. I'm convinced some of my friends do it on purpose to piss me off.

>> No.7226168

YES i have none of those things

>> No.7226172

post face/body/fit

>> No.7226178

it's not hard not to be short, ugly or fat dude

>> No.7226182

>not being eloquent
>being short/pathetic
>lack of self confidence

So much this.

>> No.7226183

my sister does this, youll never catch me doing it thank god i have good habits but when she does it, it pisses me off so much, just the sound and everything

>> No.7226185

your idea of short, ugly or fat is probably a lot different to others

>> No.7226191

most people think theyre 6'1 when they're really 5'8
most people think theyre handsome when they are ugly as fuck
most people think theyre fit when they're skinnyfat

>> No.7226196

-being under 6' tall and thicker than ottermode and trying to look good

I always find it kind of pathetic.

>> No.7226270

+ everyone else in this thread

Seriously, look at yourselves for fucks sake. People shouldn't even try to dress nicely if they've been born a certain way? They shouldn't be allowed because you've somehow set a standard? You people are pathetic, of course they might never look quite as good and overweight people should lose weight but still I think fashion can be a hobby like anything else and people can at least enjoy owing nice garments and feeling nice materials can't they?

>> No.7226283

someone i know chews loudly with their mouth open and when he finishes eating, he licks and sucks on each of his fingers. fucking disgusting piece of shit

>> No.7226325

I have a friend who makes "smacking" noises when he eats, it seriously is the most fucking disgusting thing in the world. Combined with chewing with his mouth open, heavy breathing and barbaric posture (sorta hunched over like a caveman on his prey) makes it even fuckin' worse. He also licks his fingers and even LICKS THE PLATE AND BOWL. Oh god it's so fucking gross, I refuse to be in the room when he eats.

>> No.7226334

back away you ugly leper, shoo shoo

>> No.7226340


nah I agree with you, dont listen to the trolls

>> No.7226357

Thx bby

>> No.7226364

>talking about people in general
>assumes I'm talking about myself

>> No.7226378

>being an elitist prick who thinks he's better than everyone
>that guy to critiques everyones fits and scoffs at them while wearing fast-fashion erry'thang

>> No.7226403

post face ugly fuck

>> No.7226415

>tfw my dad does this and I can't tell him to stop

>> No.7226414

>being right-wing
>being bigoted
>not having at leat a basic knowledge/appreciation of literature, music, film, philosophy, history, political theory and current events
>limited vocabulary
>shit accent while speaking English like Average American, New Zealand, Scouse, Asian etc.
>square toed shoes

>> No.7226520

>>being right-wing
>not accepting that there are people who may have different views on politics than you do
>still being this childish that you have to control every ones idea of what is right and what is wrong instead of letting them develop their own opinion

>> No.7226565

how are you friends with people like that

>> No.7226566
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Meh, chubby face...

>> No.7226600

>>not having at leat a basic knowledge/appreciation of literature, music, film, philosophy, history, political theory and current events
Half the models you adore probabaly dont know what the capital city of their countryh is.

You are quite the cunt.

>> No.7226648

Yeah, because you really know that much about literature, film, music, philosophy, history, political theory and current events?

"oh hay guise I supported kony 2012 cus of wot hapend in the midle eest in the big war and stuf"
so philosophy
so histori
wow politics
such current event

>> No.7226653

seriously. the waywt thread is always hunchback central

>> No.7226659

>Not being friends with someone because of how they eat.

Kill yourself.

>> No.7226702


>Being friends with someone

N-neurotypical p-pleb

>> No.7226730

P-pleb, y-your friends aren't p-patrician like me ;_;

Funny how the reason so many people on /fa/ ARE friends with people like that and haven't gotten rid of them is because everyone else who isn't already their friend can see they're a colossal cunt.

>> No.7226741

oh god I thought i was the only one who hated that

>> No.7226756
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>tfw psoriasis

>> No.7226771

Elidel, motherfucker

It doesn't cause lymphoma or melanoma. I have inherited melanoma syndrome, and if my dermatologist says it's safe for me to use, it's safe for you.

>> No.7226878

>tfw you have a cold
>tfw you have to breath with your mouth open

Whenever I see a qt I try to hold my breath as much as I can.

>> No.7226917

all my friends eat like they weren't raised in a barn. you learn alot watching things eat.

>> No.7226931
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Unless you look like this, there is nothing to worry about.

>> No.7226937

>tfw mouth breather profile
>tfw source of my insecurities
>tfw getting it fixed asap
>tfw /fa/ makes me want to kill myself right now

>> No.7226945


>> No.7226946

Same. I have it right behind my left ear. I'm pretty self conscious about it.

>> No.7226977

At least they're not shallow, pretentious pricks on the inside.

Eating is eating. You wouldn't complain if it was someone incredibly attractive eating like a slob.

>> No.7226983

having fun is not /fa/?

>> No.7226985

>lack of self confidence
and this
biggest pleb here

>> No.7226986

Serious question. Any food eating slash psuedo psychology books or good reads out there?

>> No.7227002

>tfw /fa/ makes me want to kill myself right now
leave, you fucking loser.This is the most pleb shit I've heard all day.

>> No.7227034
File: 423 KB, 2990x1994, hqPiq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw jew nose and overbite
>dentist says my bite is perfectly fine
>be 8-9 at good angle
>bellow 2 profile
>tfw worse profile than a lot of ugly people
i try not to care about looks but i know people tread you differently. i personally like imperfections in girls such as bunny teeth because they look cute

i kind of look like pic related with a jew nose

>> No.7227036

un/fa. things:
-having no interest
-socially awkward
-cunt like behavior

>> No.7227038

being under 5' 10" and getting "swole" is pretty un-/fa/, it just makes you look even shorter

>> No.7227045
File: 57 KB, 542x602, 1372792613775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-cunt like behavior
those are /fa/ as fuck dude

>> No.7227050

Getting strong vibes whoever makes this kinda threads can't even afford nice clothes.

>trying to be nice dressed (/fa/) without nice clothing but other factors

>> No.7227057

buying things solely so you can say it's x designer when asked about it

>> No.7227075

that was an exaggeration you stupid fuck

>> No.7227077

>tfw i actually look like this guy

>> No.7227082

>those are /fa/ as fuck dude
no they're not.
/fa/ behaviour confidence while being humble

- having interests and hobbies
- not sitting in ur room all day on mr. porter

>> No.7227093

as in fashionable or the way this board comports themselves?They're shit mannerisms and you should feel bad, ass-mstr.

>> No.7227103

no shit
>basing any opinion or mannerism regarding yourself in any way on an image board
seriously?pleb as fuck, m8

>> No.7227113
File: 147 KB, 1080x720, tumblr_lml80qtnM11qg22hlo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's pretty pleb
/fa/ is a term for a stuck up and elitist behaviour. the type of guys dressed in all black with a BMI of less than 15 chain smoking and complaining about life. the people who think they are better than everyone else because they listen to weird music and wear $5k fits. this is what being /fa/ is about and not your /fit/ fantasy of buff bros with sluts left and right

>> No.7227118

post pic

>> No.7227127

Is this your profile? It actually isn't too bad, the noise is a little pointy and the ridge is concave but generally it's fine

>> No.7227174

it's just an undercut and the fact that i smoke and wear black

>> No.7227230
File: 111 KB, 720x960, swag nasty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who have a problem with smoking
Like it's cool with me if you don't want to smoke, but your faggot ass needs to stop spouting your self-righteousness all over the place

>> No.7227256

>bad teeth
>irritating voices/accents

>> No.7227262

bad teeth can be rather /fa/ if you pull it off

>> No.7227281


I dont like smokers because they smell and they always throw their butts on the ground especially when driving.

>> No.7227291


>> No.7227420
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I mean I guess I can see that, but you don't have to be a prick about it if you're at a party and a bunch of people "go out for a smoke." I'm not much of an avid smoker, but I do socially. There's no fucking way I'd ever smoke in my car though.

>> No.7227474

people who can't pronounce designer names
low iq's
people who can't speak their own language properly

>> No.7227648

lmao yes i would

>> No.7227683
File: 91 KB, 447x444, 1379549359798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eyelids always half open
>Mouth breather
i hate myself

>> No.7227944

tfw when slowly recovering from acne scarring

>> No.7227966

>Baggy eyes

>> No.7228636

Oh my god I want to pull there head up and make them put there food up to their mouth

>> No.7228645

whats wrong with mouth breathing? ;_;

>> No.7228647

Was this done to you as a child?

>> No.7228666


if you did it as a child, it stunted your facial growth

>> No.7228671


goddammit i've gotten 666 too many times now

>> No.7228703 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 540x326, autismal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/, I just bought these. I don't know wtf was going through my head, but I did. Out of 10, how bad did I fuck up?

>> No.7228728

Terrible posture. Like jesus christ man have some fucking control you hunchback fuck

>> No.7228732

How tho? I dont understand that?
I'm a mouth breather without most of those characters in the op pic

>> No.7228734

please tell me youre joking

for your sake

>> No.7229038


Doubt it. And most likely you look retarted when idling (ie. Eli Manning )

>> No.7229083
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>> No.7229095


>> No.7229101


I don't like smokers because I'm allergic to smoke so if you're smoking it makes my esophagus constrict over and over (basicaly forcing me to do a swallowing motion) and robs me of air and prevents me from being able to talk easily

Fucking smokers think that no one in the world has breathing problems. People still bitch about not being able to smoke indoors. To them I say, what makes you think you're entitled to preventing an entire group of people from going in any place that serves alcohol? Selfish pricks

>> No.7229150

greatest work yet

>> No.7229159
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>> No.7229160

how can people do this without being scared the food will fall out of your mouth

>> No.7229168 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 277x287, ss (2013-11-12 at 04.03.57).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend was a mouth breather as a child. I wouldn't say his facial growth is stunted?

>> No.7229175

looks like one of them jelly dudes from prometheus

>> No.7229189

Looks like he's got some severe brain weakness.

>> No.7229211

I did this when I was a kid, my mum would hit my bottom jaw with a wooden spoon every time she saw me doing it. I actually bit my tongue off doing that. Now, never chew with an open mouth...

Oh yeah, people who wear Doc Martins are not /fa/

>> No.7229220

>my mum would hit my bottom jaw with a wooden spoon
wtf?? did she use to hit you a lot? or just on that case?

>> No.7229227

Is that a he or a she?

>> No.7229232

my mum used to hit me with a wooden spoon but i built up a tolerance and eventually any time she tried to hit me with it i'd take it off her and snap it

>> No.7229235

She'd only hit me when I fucked up big time. Such as the time she caught me playing with matches, she broke that wooden spoon on my ass.

>> No.7229241

hahaha how is playing with matches fucking up big time

>> No.7229248

Live in Australia in the bush. Therefore big fuck up.

>> No.7229256

kids are not very agile with their hands. Imagine a small kid playing with matches and fire? shit can happen, really quick.

I would have probably busted your ass for that one too anon.

>> No.7229261

See, this guy has some common sense. Funny thing is I smoke now and am pedantic about making sure my matches are out...

>> No.7229267

yeah i guess so
i did it when i was a kid too but i like to think i always had it under controlled circumstances

>> No.7229270

muscle manlets
manlets who try to compensate with muscle
god damn i hate them so much

>> No.7229290

Where I was doing it was where my dad had spilled a jerry of petrol... next to a pile of dry wood... on a 35 degree day... I was a retard until I turned 16

>> No.7229297
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>/fa/ behaviour confidence while being humble

This cunt, every time.

>> No.7229312

Addiction is the sign of a weak personality bro.

inb4 smoking is /fa/.

>> No.7229317

My nigga.
Burning down my family's house is my absolute worst fear which conflicts with my love for smoking on our porch. We live in a woody area. I smother embers for straight minutes before going back inside. I also get paranoid every time I go to bed with the dryer running

>> No.7229322

Smoker here.

This is a good post.

>> No.7229496

>they always throw their butts on the ground

i'd would throw fewer of my butts on the ground if there were more trash cans


>> No.7229529

Yeah, this guy gets it. Which is why you should be very fucking wary of all the time you spend here.

>> No.7229544

ahahaha faggot

>> No.7229607

Opposite is true. If you're one of those guys who says "uggh i cant dance at parties" because you are socially inept, you are un/fa/ as fuck

>> No.7229599

oh dear fucking god this. Scraping their teeth against their cutlery, inhaling things like rice, slurping soup etc. Can't people eat quietly and not sound like a slob??
>tfw most of my family does this shit


>fat cheeks
>being overdressed or underdressed
>this fucking guy at my uni who always wears a blazer and a hershel backpack and all this other shit, like he's trying to be GQ-workwear-goslingcore-combination and it's so damn OTT
>talking about politics and religion
>being totally self-righteous about religion, racism, gays, socialism, classism, sexism etc when you're a white, heterosexual middle class person
>being uncultured in regard to literature, music, theatre, film etc.
>louis vuitton anything
>being inarticulate, having poor elocution

>tfw I can't find an ashtray when I need one
>feel like a dirty slob

>> No.7229675

But I think what /fa/ is often on about is that people fail to realise that best way to look good is to improve the most expensive item of clothing you own - your own body. Overweight people are just lazy, straight up lazy. It's not difficult to eat healthily or do semi-regular exercise. It's not difficult to get a good haircut. It's not difficult to wash properly, regularly and, if needed, apply acne crap or whatever. Only about 1 in 50 people are actually unredeemable ugly, the rest are just lazy.

>> No.7229705

keep telling yourself that, m8

>> No.7229732

You sound like a complete twat.

>> No.7230061


Not being like the Japanese masterace where smokers carry personal ashtrays with them at all times.

>> No.7231821

idk but you look like a character from the elder scrolls 4: oblivion, nice face btw.

>> No.7232153

>tfw you were constantly sick/allergies flared up as a child
>tfw your was nose constantly stuffed
>tfw you slept with mouthbreathing
>tfw you kind of have the characteristics
>tfw you tried to fix as much as you could
RIP any chance of being /fa/

>> No.7232190

>tfw weakish chin, protruding nose, acne, weird shaped head
>tfw when I look 100 times better from the front than from the sides and actually am attractive looking at me head on (no, really)
>This is because of symmetrical face, big blue eyes with long lashes, nice lips, and nice smile due to braces
>Try to face everyone directly and not let them get a glimpse of my hideous profile

>> No.7232397

yes its called good parenting

>> No.7232421

>not being an autistic twat

i ash where gravity dictates except for my clothes

>> No.7232434

tfw scottish accent

cum in me bro

>> No.7232440

I've smoked one cigarette a day for 2 months

>> No.7232454
File: 249 KB, 720x1280, 1317642060937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Left nostril is partially blocked by some unknown object (Probably because I fell on it, so must've healed into a huge massive piece of flesh I have no idea how this happened I haven't even got it checked out yet, I don't know if this is a normal thing but don't be grossed out please, holy shit I just don't to be judged anymore because I am sick and tired of being constantly scrutinised by people.)
>And I breathe through my nose

what's your excuse?

>> No.7232482

apparently lesbos cant be /fa/

>> No.7232487

>Ashing on your floor
We do that when things get a little messy at its not cool

>> No.7232490

Lesbians can, disgusting man dykes can't

>> No.7232503

fair enough but the colloquialism you are looking for is butch because dyke is a so called re taken word and just refers to lesbians in general

>> No.7232567

Force em open brah.
I've fallen into the trap of looking like I'm high all the time, and qt's dont care for that

>> No.7232697

>my floor
nigga you musbe joking
i dont smoke at my place nigga

>> No.7232717

>tfw ubermensch height of 193 cm
>deep manly voice
>pretty slim
>fat cheeks
>weak jaw, weak cheekbones
>baby face
>ugly mole in the middle of the right cheek

Kill me please

>> No.7232740

post pic of mole
you're probably overexagerating and being a dramabitch

>> No.7232791
File: 257 KB, 720x1280, DSC_0068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mole isn't even the biggest concern really
I just have a very baby-looking face

>> No.7232818

Holy shit, your face is definite kill yourself tier if there is one. I'm sorry anon.

>> No.7232839

top troll
he's avg

>> No.7232851

Idk man, I fail to see a single redeemable feature in this ugly fucker. Well okay, hair colour is nice but that's just it.

>> No.7232895

just get it removed

>> No.7232928

He is pretty average imo.
Nothing special but there are a shitton of people who look much worse.