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File: 176 KB, 1725x1220, 1374522044215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7218642 No.7218642 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you see a girl so fucking perfect it makes you angry cause you know youll never be able to get a bomb bitch like that

im 20 and i already feel like my lifes over. If I can't get these qts now...I'll never be able to get them... ;_;

>> No.7218652

just ask them all out itll work eventually

how do u think those ugly fat plebs have bangin gfs

>> No.7218657


great thread

i had monster energy drink at like 12am anid it made me feel sick and have headache
im not going to have monster energy everyagain its horrible

why did i buy it?

i dont know tbh, i was bored

im just going to buy lucozade from now on red bull and monster shit leave me with the taurine shitty taste

fucking horrible man, made me sick

still kinda gott a headache

night night im doing me

>> No.7218653

>not trying to talk to her at all
>not spending your spare time becoming more fit or more talented or more smart or more wealthy
>complaining on effay like any of us give a shit about your inferiority complex

>> No.7218658

You need some self-esteem nigger go read some ayn rand or something

>> No.7218668

>tfw never ask out qt white grills because autistic black guy

They find that c-c-cute right?

>> No.7218677


subscribed :^)

>> No.7218679

wtf lol

>> No.7218683
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Listen to this man OP

>> No.7218702

Well I'm going for a phD in maths and i dont really have time for anything else..what depresses me is that i am not getting to live the same "college life" everyone else is

>> No.7218707


you have time, you're just shit at scheduling.

>> No.7218709

and what am i gonna do? I can't go to parties with my workload, I have to study on the weekends

>> No.7218735
File: 36 KB, 300x451, 1380950255853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, men don't reach their physical and mental prime until 30.

Women reach their physical prime at, like, 20.

You know how it was really easy for high school seniors to pull freshmen, and college seniors to pull first years? Yeah, that's a recurring theme throughout life.

There's a reason 30 year old Roman senators would marry 16 year olds.

>> No.7218741


yeah. you scheduled too much and you don't have time for yourself to maintain your mental health.

Next year schedule less. I know graduating in 4 years is "status quo" but noone graduates in 4 years unless they go the "no life" route, and clearly you hate living that way.

>> No.7218742

You can always take less courses

Being responsible and working for a better future is always a smart choice, but is it worth it if you're not happy now? If you keep working towards prospective happiness, you'll just shrivel up into a bitter prune and wont be able to appreciate the lifestyle you worked so hard to get.

>> No.7218743



>> No.7218746

this is what ugly guys tell themself

>> No.7218747

What're your research interests?

>> No.7218749

see >>7218741

>> No.7218756

That may actually be the case, but it doesn't mean it's false does it?

>> No.7218754

i had her, /fa/...

she's gone now ;-;

no amount of expensive clothes will replace what i felt when i was with her

>> No.7218761

well its different for me because im going to work for nasa bitch

>> No.7218765


let me get this straight: you study and/or are going to class 16 hours a day every day of the week?


>> No.7218770


>implying you have the networking abilities to work at NASA when you can't talk to girls or find time to go out one night a week

You're fucking DELUSIONAL kid.

>> No.7218767

>he doesnt know what life is like for a STEM major at a top institution

>> No.7218775

shut up faggot u know NOTHING

>> No.7218777

What you said is very subjective. Any woman who gives a very slight chance of interest would be into any man if he does the right things that said women would expect. So, it isn't a law of all of that physical prime thing.

>> No.7218781

>being 30 and getting with 18-20 year olds


qt asians dont do that, only slooty LA white whores.

>> No.7218784


im pretty sure that that sort of workload is not standard at any level of academia, unless you're mind is shit at retaining information and you HAVE to study that much to compensate.

>> No.7218788

this is how permavirgins justify never having seen a vagina as they approach 30

>im just not at my prime yet ok??? it will change i swear

>> No.7218789


i know you're going to off yourself if you don't make lifestyle changes.

>> No.7218793

yeah and so what thats not ur business

>> No.7218790
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Who is able to get more ass, a 30 year old man or a 30 year old woman?
Thank you for your time.

>> No.7218801


then why are you here if not to complain? Get back to studying faggot, you can be a cunt when you're getting paid shit to launch stuff into space.

>> No.7218800

>i couldnt get laid at 20, but ill for sure get laid at 30!

permavirgin logic

>> No.7218807

yeah and i'll have done more with my life than u sitting on the internet pretending to fuck bitches but instead ur a manlet beta HAHAHAHA

>> No.7218814

Al qts are extroverted and intimidate me
If I could meet an introverted qt I would be so happy

>> No.7218815

aka youve never seen a pussy

>> No.7218824


>fucked 50+ women
>been all over the US and to some parts of mexico

keep studying nig. maybe you'll be more famous or earn more money in your life, but i'll be earning more than you in a trade profession for the next 20 years AND i'll have more free time.

Maybe you'll win in the end, but in the short game, i've got you beat.

>> No.7218829

yeah ok whatever spic

>> No.7218841

>In the short game, I've got you beat

you probably do lmao manlet

>> No.7218849


im white as the day's long.

look man, i know you've got to save some face, somehow, but it's just not happening. i've got more experience, more money and more freedom right now, and it's going to stay that way for the foreseeable future. Maybe you'll get more in the long run, but who gives a shit about post-40 life?

I'll probably have done enough and seen enough to feel comfortable settling down and raising a kid. You'll have missed everything. And you can't get that back at any price.

>> No.7218852

OP Here
That's not even me you're arguing with

>> No.7218859


>damage control


>> No.7218879

a-are you me? ;_;

>> No.7218950

it is such a bad mind frame to think of a girl as "perfect"

just because she's cute/hot and looks/acts innocent doesn't mean that's true.

if you hang out, date or deal with a lot of girls and pay attention you'll see that they can be pretty good at hiding/changing their personality quickly.

sometimes it's kind of surprising.

>inb4 someone says i just called all women sluts.


>> No.7218958

>im white as the day's long.
i take adderall and ambien.

>> No.7218969

wow another virgin misogynist PUA how surprising.
women are a lot more innocent than guys and you can always tell when a girl is a slut because she looks like one and talks like one.

if you ask her something and she seems sweet, she is.

keep your retard PUA off here gaylord.

>> No.7218976


>taking downers

>> No.7218993

You're an idiot. While I share your hatred of PUA bullshit, it I believe it is wrong to label people as perfect. Think about it, people have the ability to hide their imperfections. All what it takes is a sense of self awareness.

>> No.7219016

ha anybody who thinks that a 30 year old woman gets more sex ON AVERAGE than a 30 year old man has never researched it or even thought about it.

does it mean 30 year old women can't get laid?
nope. not even close.

but they have a lot less sexual partners (and sex in general) than they didin their 20s (again, on average) and in most cases that's how THEY want it.

it isn't some crazy misogyny conspiracy.

there are a lot of practical reasons for it.

if you don't agree i'm curious why.

>> No.7219037

Why is /fa/ acting like a bunch of /r9k/ type losers!? Holy shit, keep this drivel on /r9k/. How is this even related to /fa/?

>> No.7219046

>I believe it is wrong to label people as perfect.
then youve never been in love and are a virgin as obvious by your misogny.

i once read a MISOGYNIST say "the guys who fuck a lot of women are the ones who have a hard time respecting them. the guys who don't have experience are the ones putting women on pedestals."

made me sick

>> No.7219068
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People are not perfect. Love if anything clouds your vision.

Everyone poops

>> No.7219069

>then youve never been in love and are a virgin as obvious by your misogny.

You cannot label me as misogynist, I didn't discount the opposite sex in any way. I'm just saying that people have the ability to hide their imperfections. Is this impossible?

How am I being misogynist? Holy shit, this is bait. You are baiting me. You son of a bitch.

>> No.7219077

theyre prolly crossposters i dont like it either man :(((( mayb theyll leave soon

>> No.7219091

I honestly appreciate the Rick Owens shitposting more than the "tfw no qtp2t /fa/ qt" bullshit that is spewed out day after day. I just want to see some cool fucking clothes here.

>> No.7219097

OP here is the problem:

Most modern men are desperate and will do any life-shortening self-destructive behavior if it means having access to pussy. They care more about access to pussy than pride, self-respect, dignity and their mental and physical health. Its weak. Its pathetic. Its a disgrace. And it doesn't entice women to fuck them.

If you want to succeed in ANY are of life (including women) you must first ACTUALLY GIVE A SH!T ABOUT YOURSELF. Having dignity and self-respect.. an increasingly rare quality for modern men. Not worrying about offending a woman, making her mad or "losing her".

It's said by religious people: "God helps those who help themselves". Its also true that women fuck men who love/respect themselves.

In life a man must often choose between being loved and being respected. A man who would rather be loved than respected is a faggot. Women are not SEXUALLY attracted to men they don't respect. But they LOVE their beta fag friends.

A woman can hate your guts but still have a strong sexual attraction towards you simply because she respects you.

>tl;dr don't bother with women or expect much success in anything until you find some self respect

>> No.7219105

Internet tough guy rofl. You realize anyone can come on the Internet and post shit like that? No one believes byou you're just wasting your time

>> No.7219111

This is very well put. Thank you for writing this in a succinct manner.

>> No.7219112

and yes, i fully expect that this post will be written of by losers as PUA misogyny, but they wont make a rebuttle outside of saying that and maybe calling me a virgin, or tipping their cool fedora.

that's the only thing that bothers me about getting hated on, is the people to hate have nothing to add either.

>> No.7219118
File: 50 KB, 400x400, 13452564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not underestimate the power of the feels. We make up the majority of /fa/ ("effay lifestyle") and /pol/ (Muh insecurities, nigger).

>> No.7219131

>"God helps those who help themselves"

i agree with you, but that's something non-religious folks say to religious folks who pray for everything they want and expect it to come to them with no input on their part sans the prayer.

>> No.7219138

We all have experienced these feels. I can acknowledge that. We all share these feels in common, and that is a powerful thing.

But /r9k/ is basically a board dedicated to insecurity. This board, /fa/, is dedicated to fashion. I can understand /fa/ kinds of insecurity, but these regular feels should be directed to /r9k/.

>> No.7219139

now let's see how you feel about this:

In today's world a man with any instinct for self preservation is called a misogynist.

>What?? You care more about yourself than the woman you're f*cking? You'll let her die to save yourself? You're not a real man!!!"

Think about the Dark Night Rises shooting. I remember how every chick on Facebook was applauding the guys who jumped in front of bullets to save their girlfriends (who would never do the same for them). And of course they shat all over the guy who ran for his life.
Because male life is worthless and if a man isn't willing to play cannon fodder he is not a "real man". Women are held by a different standard where selfishness is totally acceptable. Whatever is good for her is whats best... PERIOD. This is what society wants to ingrain into men's heads. Women support it because it benefits THEM of course. So what does this do for your average man's self-esteem?-
It basically makes men feel worthless, unimportant, expendable, and replaceable. It kills his ego and makes him a timid faggot around women.

Even if you feel like this was written from a hateful place, consider this:

>what does this do for your average man's self-esteem?
>It basically makes men feel worthless, unimportant, expendable, and replaceable. It kills his ego and makes him a timid faggot around women.

Maybe that's not describing YOU, but that's describing a whole lot of people who post threads like this on /fa/, and every other bored.

>> No.7219152

I'm not even religious myself, but sometimes shit from the bible is a pretty damn good quote.
Funny how it can, and is, used AGAINST Christians as well.

but that goes for pretty much all texts, not just the bible and not just christianity.

theres always two sides, and there is usually some truth to be found even in the most wrong/hateful writings.

>> No.7219175

wow good post virgin PUA
The Batman shooting was shitty and Batman was a shitty movie.

>that's describing a whole lot of people who post threads like this on /fa/, and every other bored.

fuck off misogynist i'm bored of you too.

>> No.7219189

Look, I appreciate your well thought out arguments, but mentioning the 2012 Aurora shooting was a mistake on your part.

>Because male life is worthless and if a man isn't willing to play cannon fodder he is not a "real man".

This sentence alone reflects a terrible sense of bitterness. Like, holy shit, I can taste the bitterness in my mouth.

Forget about all that, and consider this:

I believe that any self-respecting man won't let himself become a doormat. Any self-respecting man won't turn into an egotistical asshole, either. We should all be self-respecting individuals.

>> No.7219248

self-preservation at the cost of someone else has it's place in evolution.

If you run away from a situation, and leave someone else to die, you get to pass on your genes.

Likewise, if you sacrifice yourself for your partner, you're not passing on your genes, but you're making sure he/she lives, so the traits you prize in another human being are going to get passed on, and IN THAT, you've had an influence on evolution.

>> No.7219252

>I believe that any self-respecting man won't let himself become a doormat. Any self-respecting man won't turn into an egotistical asshole, either. We should all be self-respecting individuals.
And I agree fully.

On the charge of bitterness:
I plead insanity

but it isn't bitterness towards women. It's bitterness towards what you and I both know to be true: Many men hold women far too highly, and they are being lead to believe that is the RIGHT outlook.
I'm not bitter at women, i'm probably not even bitter at all. I just get sad that people will take THIS post (not anything posted prior) as me saying women are inferior to men.

I clearly didn't say that, but we are living in a time when telling a guy "women aren't perfect" is the same as telling him "women are worthless."

That's how a lot of people see it at least, and this thread is proof of that.

>> No.7219268

because it is misogynistic and gay PUA as usual.
you just confessed your bitter, virgin, and alone.

typical PUA victim complex, slut shaming.
go to hell.

>> No.7219287


not saying you're wrong, generally, but you're using too many absolutes to take seriously.

>> No.7219295

Tell me guys, what should I talk to them about?

>> No.7219302


something you like that's not video games, drugs or internet culture related

>b-but grils can like that stuff too

yes, but bringing those things up immediately make you sound like a bottomfeeder.

>> No.7219316


>at party last night
>friend brings new girl (qt)
>go to show, jump around, have fun
>she has her nose in the phone almost the entire time
>nights winding down
>everyones p high
>starts asking everyone if they go on reddit
>noone goes on reddit
>says she lives on reddit
>everyone ribs of her for going on reddit
>she looks some combination of lost and slightly depressed for the rest of the night

don't be THAT girl effay.

>> No.7219319

>you're using too many absolutes to take seriously.
examples plz.

I'm actually curious what you see.

People who say using generalizations during relationship discussions makes the point invalid (or worse: PUA) kind of get under my skin.

Like it or not generalizations are useful and we use them all the time to see the forest for the trees. It’s not isolated abnormalities in a system that we use to describe the circumstances of that system, it’s the whole. We study majorities to assess overall condition, not isolations. That’s the scientific definition of generalities, but when they refer to things that are close to us we tend to put ourselves into the generalization and cop the “not-in-my-case” menality. We’d like to think that our experiences are unique and special (and they are, to us), but in the generality we’re simply statistics. So the word ‘Generalize’ gets a negative connotation and the person using it is vilified, because it’s an afront to our “special” conditions.

>> No.7219347
File: 701 KB, 550x1862, constanzaeffay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is so sad

I came here to laugh at you but now I just feel sorry for y'all

I hope it works out, or not idc lol

>> No.7219357

When it comes to conversation it really doesn't matter what you say. What matters is how you say it.

Let her do most of the talking, and just play off what she says.

You do need to get a conversation started first though, obviously, and if you have to ask how to do that you'll need some practice.

So practice. You don't have to wait until you see some super hot girl to practice. Practice with an old ass man in the grocery store.
Just ask him something, and see if you can keep a conversation going.

What the guy said
>not video games, drugs or internet culture related
that's pretty much true.
However, I have, and in fact frequently, find myself talking about random shit i've seen a lot on 4chan.
I just don't mention fucking 4chan.

I've talked about Chris Chan to one girl (without saying the words "chris chan" haha) and about dragon dildos to another girl.
I know nobody will believe me, but i've ended up on dates with both those girls (one i dated for four months).

The point is, what you say doesn't matter.
Be confident and on your toes and you'll do great.

btw, MTV did an episode of some show (Day In the Life?) where they tried helping an autistic guy get laid. Exploitation at it's finest.
The dating coach gave him a ton of advice, and specifically kept reminding him "don't talk about video games"
When he was on the date do you know what said the second he opened his mouth?
Some shit about Wario Ware Microgames.

This was EVERY date he went on.
And no, he didn't get laid.

And no, he never stopped talking about video games.
He was given a chance to do a standup comedy set, and his jokes were about WarioWare Microgames...

>> No.7219359

it's kind of hard when most of these nerds live online/4chan and have v little experience with the outside world

no stories to tell, no interesting things that have happened to them, no cool hobbies, etc etc what can they really talk about?

how he thinks everyone around him is a fuccboi or pleb?

>> No.7219364


generalization is saying "some" or "most"

Absolutes is saying "All", or "Every"

there's a difference.

>> No.7219367

why not at least speak your mind and comment on some posts.

i'm sure you have nothing good to say, but if you do why not cite points in someones posts and say why disagree with it?

>> No.7219370

I saw that picture a long time ago and since I have thought she just might be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

Funny you feel the same way.

>> No.7219374

yea true.
Though, I can't think a single case when the word ALL and EVERY would apply unless we're talking about math or science haha.

>> No.7219383

Her nose is too big and her cheekbones are too low and her lips are too wide.

>> No.7219404

Also video games are a go to talk about if they are from your childhood and you mention them.
Not start a discussion on them.

I've mentioned playing Mario Party on N64 and the girl I was on a date with had good memories about that game. It led to a nice talk about her childhood and shit.

I guess the lesson is to think about your audience.
Don't give her a /v/ rant on why you aren't getting a PS4 because it doesn't compare to PC or whatever.

>> No.7219412

misognyst homo.

I saw an angry virgin bitter PUA say this before:
The concept of generalization is the antithesis to women’s innate solipsistic, individualist perspective. That’s not to argue that women cannot be analytical or scientific in various areas, but it is to say that in regards to personal and larger social contexts, thinking in generalities is not their native cognitive process."

what a damn fucking troll.

>> No.7219418

here's what you do m8

first you stand up and straigten your legs as to show your glorious full 6'3 stature

then you trace your fingers across your impeccable abs and look up towards to the sky to display the outline of your strong, masculine jaw

at this point she should be salivating for your dick

finally you use one finger to motion the outline of your 9 inch dick against your brand new acne jeans and wink at her in a suggesting manner

easy poon. it's what I do at least.

>> No.7219424

your such an autisic fuck.
youve never got laid or shit and i know because girls wouldnt give one single care about what you said in your post.

but at least you know your disgusting with acne stains on your damn jeans so fucking gross PUA

>> No.7219428

m8 i own at least six ferraris i think i know how to pick up girls.

>> No.7219431

>why not at least speak your mind and comment on some posts.


yeah bitches love autism

time management; you have time to go on 4chan that means you have time for other things too

>OP, men don't reach their physical and mental prime until 30.
yeah but the way things are looking for most people that """prime""" is going to be lackluster.

>Women reach their physical prime at, like, 20.
tbh I see a lot more attractive women in their 30+s than I do guys tbh, ps-why did you exclude mental prime?

>You know how it was really easy for high school seniors to pull freshmen, and college seniors to pull first years? Yeah, that's a recurring theme throughout life

yeah okay you're not going to pull anyone. Thinking "fuck i'm going to get mad pussy once I'm 30" is pretty fucking retarded

if you guys are creepy/weird now imagine how much worse it's going to be when you're 30 lel

you really distorted what that guy had to say and turned it into something completely different

I really don't understand why you guys are such pussies, like fo'real.

I'm going to explain this in a way you nerds could understand. Talking to girls is a lot like leveling a profession in world of warcraft. Of course you're going to start off with some weak shit, but over time you will develop skills that will make you an artisan blacksmith then you can make your felsteel longblades. But until then you need to practice on making copper breastplates and bronze gauntlets.

Before you know it, you'll be crafting your mithril breastplate, looking back at the past and thinking "lmao I was such a pussy I can't believe I had a hard time making those copper shortswords XD"

>> No.7219434
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>muh 2/10 elbowz to pointy

>> No.7219455
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see, that was some good advice.
it's better that way.

if you're curious about sexual market value read this to start:

one (of many) reason why 30 year old women aren't having as many sexual partners as males the same ages, is because by 30 most women have already gotten married.

If you believe in biological clocks (and why wouldn't you) then consider that by 27 many women want to be married. That want starts around 25, and by 30 it's a desperation.

A 30 year old woman won't have a problem marrying a 35 or even 45 year old guy in a lot of situations.

But a lot of guys aren't really that interested in sleeping with women much older than themselves.

Men prefer younger women, women prefer older men. Do the math.

>> No.7219462

but also i do get what you're saying.
even though there is a reason you see more attractive 30 year old women than men.

i don't know why that poster didn't mention both sexes mental primes, but when it comes to sexual attraction, intelligence isn't important in most situations.

>> No.7219508

To be honest 4chan has kind of inspired me to live a more interesting life. When you're just a faceless voice in a sea of faceless voices and everyone's shitting on eachother, its hard to find a reason not to do interesting things that would make you stand out. Its also given me a lot better sense of humor.

As long as you're not autistic or lazy it doesn't really hurt.

>> No.7220334

>Don't give her a /v/ rant on why you aren't getting a PS4 because it doesn't compare to PC or whatever.


>> No.7220363

>b-but i-i'm gonna get b-better looking when i-im older r-right mom?

>> No.7220364
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>tfw only 8 friends on Facebook
>tfw no close friends in real life
>tfw afraid and embarrassed to add old friends and girls I knew

>> No.7220426

>when you're 30 you're going to get to date the old unmarried rejects
I'm just going to be turning down women my entire life arent I :'[

>> No.7220435

you gotta do it though anon, its the only way to be a normalfag. you're re entering society, in a year you'll have plenty of friends.

>> No.7220447

>Don't give her a /v/ rant on why you aren't getting a PS4 because it doesn't compare to PC or whatever.
This is so important. People think having an in-depth knowledge of things comes off as geeky and autistic, but it's more about negative/positive passion. If you are like "UM *pushes glasses up* ACTUALLY THE XBOX IS VASTLY INFERIOR TO THE PC IN TERMS OF TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND ANYONE WHO PLAYS ON ONE IS AN IGNORANT IDIOT!" then you will come off as a cunt. Just be positive and talk about the stuff you like and why you like it, but don't make out like any single hobby is the most important part of your life.

>> No.7220463

This is such bullshit. So men reach their prime at 38, while women's prime is almost a third of the way over by the time their 15?

>> No.7220469


>> No.7220474

that girl isn't pretty, her nose looks huge comparing to the rest of her face.

>> No.7220495

>tfw when pof is full of munters

>> No.7220505

Assburger plz go

>> No.7220511

I hope so. I'm 35

>> No.7220525
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>Don't give her a /v/ rant on why you aren't getting a PS4 because it doesn't compare to PC or whatever.

I absolutely agree with you. On the topic of sedentary pursuits, I think guys should also have at least one physical activity. A physical activity requires physical exertion, and there is something manly (AoM, I know, fuck me) about that.

Most girls won't be interested in the guy who stays indoor all day and browses the internet, but they may take a look at the /b/tard who jogs 2 miles at 7:00 in the morning. You faggots need some exercise.

Oh, and another thing that girls like is artistic skill and/or craftsmanship. I guess girls like the creative type? I totally impressed one girl with my paintings and muh Gonk.

>> No.7220580

Ah trunks. Lol

SENATORS did that because they wanted to an had the power. The girls didn't even have to agree to it. Most Romans thought men reached their prime in their 20s, and pederasts thought they reached their prime around 13..pederasts were a sizeable group back then.

>> No.7220610

You should exercise because it's healthy, not because it's "manly".

>> No.7220623

I pray I get cancer soon or something else that will kill me. I feel like I've wasted my youth and that everything will only get worse as time progresses.

>> No.7220628
File: 409 KB, 1220x1356, repair droid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, I know. Forget I even mentioned the manly bit.

>> No.7220658
File: 23 KB, 284x253, i have no mouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck do you even go to meet chicks? My daily routine is home -> class -> home everyday. I don't understand where you're supposed to meet people at all. I'm too used to highschool shoving everyone together.

>> No.7220666

The chart was made by an angry middle aged man if you couldn't tell.

>> No.7220668

>no friends and lonely as fuck
>became friends with a girl which I didn't care for the time
>as time progressed I fell in love with her
>it wasn't mutual
>don't see her anymore
>still think of her every single day

>one day I met her somewhere
>we talk
>eventually we get together
>as she kisses me, I wake up
>I cried for days

>> No.7220679

You know what you must do.
Season 4 is approaching.

>> No.7220718
File: 1.47 MB, 200x150, 1382133299253.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that feel

>> No.7221121

If you're effay already you don't have to work that much.
Grow a pair.
Play with her brains by not playing with them at all.
Only talk to her friends and make them ignore her. You can talk to her to make sure she doesn't perceive you as an awkward guy. You want to believe you're superior to her and that's why you won't pay her any attention.
With everyone ignoring her she'll feel small and will crave for human interaction.
You then come in and collect your prize.
Confidence is the key.

If you don't know her and you're trying to pick her up in a club or somewhere just go there and apply the same strategy. This is where it works the best.

>> No.7221134

>im 20 and i already feel like my lifes over. If I can't get these qts now...I'll never be able to get them... ;_;

wrong. guys in their early 20s are at a disadvantage in dating girls in their age group because they have to compete with guys in their late 20s/early 30s who have money and careers.

once you hit 25 it's much easier to date girls in college because you seem older and more mature than their idiot peers.

>> No.7221148

>8 friends on facebook
lol just add ppl

>> No.7221149

As a female I can verify that this only works if you're already attractive

I will have no qualms with ugly boys ignoring me, regardless of how /fa/ they are

>> No.7221164

That's quite accurate. Date high school girls. Most of them look like they're 18 or older so you won't have a problem with that. Plus, you're older than them. Picking them up is like stealing a candy from a baby.

>> No.7221166

post feet pls

>> No.7221205

High school girls are not that pretentious. Most of them, at least.
He can workout.
Getting a job and earning some money isn't that bad of a choice either.

Ignorance is bliss for me and I get more attention than I want. Actually, more than I deserve...

>> No.7221219

Obviously though men who work out are more attractive

Also Why the fuck would you wan high school pussy, you fishin for a lawsuit

>> No.7221250

Cause I'm an edgy high school boy and I know what I want. I believe being passionate and an uomo universale also help a lot.

>> No.7221278

Picking them up IS stealing candy from a baby.

>> No.7221292

Go for walks and take pictures of interesting views.

>> No.7221344

This, if you have two kids in that theater it's biologically a good idea to jump in front of the bullets, thereby saving more of your genetics than if both of the kids where to die.
If you're with a gf with which you have no kids with in that theater, the most biologically sound option is to bring yourself to safety.
Now humans can override this with their brains, and that's exactly what's happening in today's culture.
It's not up to me to decide what's best, but the most natural option in some of those shooting's cases is to flee.

>> No.7221341

That is a good idea. You can also try that with a guitar.

>> No.7221378

Do some research.
Middle aged? Yea.

Not at all.

Read his stuff and tell me he's angry.
In fact, I bet you didn't read the link, just looked at the picture.

There is so much evidence to support that chart, and he isn't the only person writing about it.

>> No.7221418

I love when girls try breaking down the system, because they will do all they can to claim that it's wrong, without any basis. I understand why, but still.
Then they go on 4chan and see stuff like this and get paranoid about it, so they play twice as many tests on guys or constantly call her guy out when he isn't even applying "game".
Girls: Like it or not, you are emotional. When it comes to relationships you think and act based on emotion. Once you think you have a guy all figured out and you've fully "got" him, you get uncomfortable and want to test the limits.

Ignoring girls does work.
If you're really attractive it can work right off the bat but regardless, it will work down the line and is has many practical purposes.
Let's say hypothetically you ARE ugly, or had to put in some effort to get the girl. Doesn't matter if you're 2/10 or 10/10 because you have her hooked and interested now.

Pull back some of your attention.
Make her wonder where the fuck you went, why you aren't giving her much attention.
what'd i do? where'd he go?

Her insecurity will cause her to work harder to reach out to you and impress you, which will make her love for you stronger. Not just girls, but EVERYONE likes something they've worked for more than something handed to them.

Women are masters at emotional warfare and the moment a woman senses that you are wholly dependent on her for emotional support, she will remorselessly use it as a weapon against you.

Never dance to a woman’s tunes and never let her think that she is more important to you than your parents and other folk. A woman naturally admires and respects a man who shares great relationships with all his family members and behaves with them according to his feelings for them, and not according to what she tells him to do.

>> No.7221515

I didnt read the whole novel you just wrote in response to my two sentences, but if you're trying to refute my point that being fugly diminishes your chances with a girl, you're the asshat

I never said anything about whether or not ignoring a girl works. Frankly, i think it depends on who you're dealing with. I think a really outgoing girl is more likely to respond to that kind of treatment than a shy one, who might have an emotional response but not actually do anything to act on it.

If you really want to get a girlfriend or fuckbuddy or whatever, work on your looks as well as your game. And if you're going to ignore a girl, you have to do something to make her notice you first.

Yesterday I listened to one of my female classmates wax on for a fucking HOUR about how some guy she met was "such a gentleman" and "opened doors" for her and walked her home and shit. Different strokes for different folks.

>> No.7221577


If you're too shy to get a qt just work on yourself to the point that them bitches start coming at you. It takes few months to see the results, but if you're smart you'll get there.

>> No.7221583

Nope, not what I wrote so you should have just read it.

Oh well, now you wrote a long post.

>if you're going to ignore a girl, you have to do something to make her notice you first.
which was exactly the basis of my argument.
damn it really isn't even a lot to read.
to quote myself

>Ignoring girls does work.
>If you're really attractive it can work right off the bat but regardless, it will work down the line and is has many practical purposes.
>Let's say hypothetically you ARE ugly, or had to put in some effort to get the girl. Doesn't matter if you're 2/10 or 10/10 because you have her hooked and interested now.

So I did acknowledge that it's easier for good looking guys. Only retards would believe otherwise.
But the ignoring idea will work down the line once a girl is attracted to you.

>than a shy one, who might have an emotional response but not actually do anything to act on it
yea you do need to gauge it but the idea does still work, because even if she isn't acting on her insecurity she is still FEELING it.
when you go to pull her back it will have very similar effects.

>Yesterday I listened to one of my female classmates wax on for a fucking HOUR about how some guy she met was "such a gentleman"
Ha the funny thing is is that she was showing off to another girl about her great catch. What a girl says is not how she feels. the guy may have blown her away but that behavior will get on her nerves very quickly.
When that happens will she "brag" about dating a beta faggot? Nope
She'll either lie or just say a good trait about him and make it seem much better than it is.

I've been on both sides of this, where I'll hear a GF speaking about me saying how great I am even though we just had a fight and i treated her like shit.

When her friends were all depressed about their BFs, she spoke like she was too, even though at that time we were doing good.

>inb4 stop writing an essay because girls can't read

>> No.7221590

Who is that? I see her everywhere

>> No.7221593

Famous pornstar

>> No.7221607

haha funny how the girl OP used to represent the "perfect" girl is actually a pornstar...
i know that it's not exactly a realistic example, but it does a very good job cementing the case that what you see is RARELY EVER what you get when it comes to cute/hot girls.

>> No.7221606

That's not Stoya.

>> No.7221638

this guy knows whats up.

but to the anon who posted that, don't expect for her to admit you're right.

this is the part when she calls you names and misognystic but provides nothing of substance.

in girl talk she is essentially saying
"you know what, you're right. i have a hard time admitting it, but you are right."

>> No.7221637
File: 80 KB, 894x900, tumblr_lca59lkGjp1qcodspo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, I was trolling and he took the bait.

I feel satisfied.

>> No.7221639

You literally opened your first reply with something along the lines of "girls comin on muh secret club 4chan gettin paranoid about us MEN discussing our well researched strategies to acquire the pussy" even though it sounds like you didn't actually say anything that contradicts my initial post

You sound like you own a well rounded collection of trilby fedoras

>> No.7221665

why can't you just read and refute what i'm saying?
are confused or something?

definitely paranoid, like i assumed.
the thing is i am showing you, and ADMITTING we agree on a lot of things.

then giving my opinion on the things i don't agree with.

but you don't want to think.
you just want to be right.

and you are, but not fully and I have a different perspective than you.

we don't need to agree 100% but at the same time, i don't understand why you act like you are under attack.

it's ok, because your operating from an overly emotional frame of mind, but look for the stuff we DO agree on and it's easier to understand.

ha you're right.
you can't win an argument with a girl because girls don't give a shit about logic.

>> No.7221673

Ahahah I love how she actually just went into a full blown ad hominem.

(still a valid point in first sentence though)

>> No.7221698

>Ahahah I love how she actually just went into a full blown ad hominem.
that's always what's going to happen.
it's so rare for a girl to just say "ok you're right"

that's why it's bad to take relationship advice from them too.
they are able to turn anything to mean anything and serve their personal agenda.

>> No.7221699

>this is the part when she calls you names and misognystic but provides nothing of substance.
>you can't win an argument with a girl because girls don't give a shit about logic.

>we don't need to agree 100% but at the same time, i don't understand why you act like you are under attack.

>> No.7221714

what does this mean?
i can't figure out what you're implying.

she did call him a "fedora wearer" instead of refuting a pint, she hasn't admitted he was right in any form, while he had no problem agreeing with her points and she is acting like she's under attack.

>> No.7221712

He only said that after she confirmed those suspicions.

>> No.7221740

and btw, she'll either use more ad hominem or just stop responding.

she could possibly samefag "she's right and your gay PUA" or something.

>> No.7221764

>inb4ing with inb4

Can someone explain why you do this?

>> No.7221776

>I love when girls try breaking down the system, because they will do all they can to claim that it's wrong, without any basis. I understand why, but still.
>Then they go on 4chan and see stuff like this and get paranoid about it, so they play twice as many tests on guys or constantly call her guy out when he isn't even applying "game".

>> No.7221793

Why did you write all of these assumptions

>> No.7221838


>> No.7221858

i dont really understand what
>inb4ing with inb4

i know what inb4 means but what??

>> No.7221875

because he's misognist PUA
literally everything he said is WRONG in every circumstance and the only way to communicate that is with ad homonen and empty posts because hes a homo faggot vrgin and fat.

>> No.7221896

Was supposed to be
>inb4ing without inb4

>> No.7221967

You're delusional and maybe trolling.
Nobody is arguing with him logically because he's made solid points.
That's why the only thing closest to an argument is people saying "generilazations muh snowflakes" and ad hominem.

Saying its PUA is easy because it gets a reaction, but its wrong. There is nothing PUA about his view.

I think the guys who always cry about generilazations don't have much experience with girls or try very hard to convince themselves there's hope.

There is hope, but only once you stop seeing girls as perfect without getting to know them. Only once you accept why generilazations became that way: there is a lot if truth in them.

Or you're a girl

>> No.7221993

>not realizing women just want you to pay for their ten year alcohol fuel binge before they decide to become good people but realize they don't have the right stuff.

>> No.7222027

>tfw getting with /fa/ bitches that just keep breaking your heart :..|

>> No.7222033

why is it that i've seen like 30 people posting about how they're getting phd's in maths

>> No.7222191

what's her name?

>> No.7222205

Its a bit different we know women aren't perfect but we are supposed to treat them as if they were, just because anything else would be misogynist, selfish, or some other convenient slandering of male sense of self.

>> No.7222217
File: 130 KB, 665x943, Sarah Doug Douglas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c gf like this in NYC

>> No.7222236
File: 26 KB, 640x360, basedqt..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven't you been in pursuit of a qt for years? try harder nig pls

>> No.7222276
File: 64 KB, 683x1024, model-call02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

naw not rlly. im enjoying my yuth and hooking up with 7 and 8/10s every now & then.

but if i found a qt that looked like this id probably wife her up

>> No.7222302

and she would fukken destroy you

>> No.7222312

like sexually? what do you mean?

>> No.7222327
File: 70 KB, 634x476, 1358837286506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no winter gf
>tfw said last year that next year it will be different
>tfw it never is

A-at least I kissed girls and had the tip of my penis touching vag

W-we're gonna make it r-right

>> No.7222328
File: 275 KB, 852x1280, tumblr_lvw70bS9rQ1r3tsjwo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll understand one day my m8...

>> No.7222343
File: 46 KB, 800x539, feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had the tip of my penis touching vag

>tfw you didn't get it in

>> No.7222350
File: 97 KB, 683x1024, saint-laurent-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah ive never been in an actual relationship so i guess i will find out one day

>> No.7222348
File: 71 KB, 300x300, 1373394634466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it was but it was flaccid

>> No.7222355

you just posted this in the pre-motd2 thread you cheeky fucker

>> No.7222364
File: 457 KB, 249x121, 1382351843842.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your point?

>> No.7222369
File: 72 KB, 845x697, buffy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


get back in there we need bodies

>> No.7222375

m8 im transcendental

>> No.7222424


>> No.7222435

why would you take advice from a mtv show?

no really mtv is shit tv programming like fuck

>> No.7222823

Ha when did I say I took advice from it?
When did I suggest anyone should take advice from it?

Come on homie, think.

I was giving an example of what it's like talking about video games on a date.
Start watching this clip around :48


then imagine this is how some guys here act on dates.

>> No.7222845

"not talking about video games seems impossible since gamer humor is my specialty"


>> No.7222880

One time a girl asked if I went on reddit and I was like "naw I go on 4chan" and then she looked at me like I just told her I was autistic and into furry porn

>> No.7222881

This guy is a lady killer. Holy shit. I got sopping wet just by listening to him. . . and I'm a guy.

As a side note, the date at the bowling alley was cringeworthy.

>> No.7222885


>> No.7222923
File: 69 KB, 520x662, bush_crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw about a 7-7.5 but fucking acne and scarring make me a 6 at best

>> No.7222915

She was whatever about it after I said I just go on /fa/ and /sci/

Not that I care if people know I go on 4chan. 4chan is p much just a meaner more immature sausagefest version of reddit

>> No.7222933

Reddit is basically made for women.
I understand that it's mostly men posting on it, but the whole idea of voting for what you like the best turns it into a politically correct popularity contest, which is a girls game.

People who post on 4chan can appreciate the freedom we have here, but girls aren't interested in that because they can't get attention and "hand outs" for being girls as easy (without "lowering" themselves)
They can't bond, and make relationships to fill their insecurities.

Also it just isn't as socially cool.

>> No.7222942

I don't think that second paragraph is accurate.

They don't come because they get hounded by thirsty fuccbois every time they post

>> No.7222950


virgin detected

>> No.7222960

dead @ it isnt socially as cool, you nerds are crazy

>> No.7222956

pls post feet

>> No.7222973

it isn't though
a handful of the hottest girls at my last uni were all proud Redditors
I'm sure they would have vomited on me if I told them I posted on 4chan

>> No.7222995


I mean, trying to prove you wrong would be pathetic. In fact any response would be, but I get with plenty of girls.

Reddit is so soft compared to 4chan.
I know so many girls IRL who are always on reddit. They treat it like fucking Instagram and tumblr.

Think about ways reddit appeals to girls VS 4chan.
Even read this thread and compare the responses girls get to the ones they'd get on reddit.
There are far less white knights here, which causes girls to have to be accountable in some way.

>> No.7223000

Proud Redditors? What is there to be proud of when you are just perusing through a website? I mean, I browse the 4chan all the time and I don't feel special for doing so.

If they are self identifying with a website, then they must be shallow. Just imagine someone saying, "4chan is my life." You and I would vomit.

If you ever come across a "proud Redditor", just say that you've never heard of Reddit. And when you finally "check out" Reddit, feign disinterest.
>Me: "So you spend your time on this website?"
>Girl: "I swear, it's totally cool. Go through the sub-reddits."
>Me: "Nah, I'd rather not. This looks boring."

>> No.7222997

How do I find a gf like the one in op pic. She just looks so nice and cute. Qts dont exist do they?

>> No.7223015
File: 193 KB, 1024x768, 0544130948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Qts only exist in anime. 3d girls are fugly. I am a lonely fat neckbeard virgin with lung cancer. I like mashed potatoes. I need to clip my toenails. They look like Fritos. I need to stock up on Fritos.

>> No.7223020

Reddit humor ruined the internet.

>> No.7223026

How does one approach girls anyway?
I've been to some clubs with my lame uni acquaitances (term "mates" doesn't really cut it, I barely know them), all the chicks there were hanging out with their friends and never even looked in my direction. I can't just cleave into their conversation, can I? Yet all I keep hearing about clubs is how "easy" it is to get girls there, almost if they all are asking for D already.
I just don't see the way here.

>> No.7223021

> What is there to be proud of when you are just perusing through a website?
For girls (and some guys) it's the idea of being hip and a part of the "scene".
It's the memes and trends and all that.

Maybe you don't like it. I know I think it's funny how reddit is like six months behind 4chan, but girls don't care.
It makes them feel unique and special, while at the same time makes them part of something.

You're right about feigning interest.
I don't go on reddit, but if I did I wouldn't talk about it.

I've had girls send me meme pics in texts...

>> No.7223024
File: 78 KB, 500x208, boardtan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i work with a redditor and shes a fat permavirgin


>> No.7223033
File: 138 KB, 500x321, ass band.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying this hard

>> No.7223037

>walk up
>whip out dick
>"ay bbgurl u wan sum fukk?"

>> No.7223057

Getting girls at clubs isn't as easy as people make it seem.
It works good for certain guys, but other guys will have a very hard time picking up girls there.

and vice versa.

You need to find a place you are more comfortable in.

Read this with an open mind and you'll learn something from it:
You may not agree fully or be put off by the "PUA" aspect, but there is a lot of wisdom in it that can be applied to any relationship.

And also consider that girls you meet at clubs aren't typically good relationship material for long term, exclusive relationship:
You can take a man off the streets, but you can't take the streets out of a man.

Now apply that to club sluts.

>> No.7223081

do stimulants and walk up to bitches.

>> No.7223116

I've never read any pua stuff before since I thought it was literally just some angry guy calling women sluts but that article is...
Pretty interesting and really well thought. I don't agree with all of it but yea, good stuff. Alot of stuff I've thought about but never understood.

>> No.7223596

>never have fun at school
>work for nasa
>never have fun there
just kill yourself now

>> No.7223689

>tfw it started snowing
>all i want is a ct3.14 in a scarf to drink hot chocolate with and snuggle

>> No.7223700

that's cool

I'm working for NASA too b/c I know some dude who already works there B^)

enjoy not having connections because you're too much of a loser

>> No.7223728

i'd say this applies to the people on reddit that are sharing cat videos and artwork. This is what reddit is used for most these days.

but reddit is probably the best site for any group of people wanting to talk to each other on a hobby or interest(welding, homebrewing, talk about podcasts). I love 4chan but its really hard to use it for anything other than talking and sharing photos about things on the boards.

>> No.7224071

This is essentially why Japan is the way it is now, China to I think.

Dude's that are, as 4chan would say, Alpha(to some extent beta as well) and got their shit down and do what they enjoy are crossed off the dating spectrum precisely because of that.

Women there still want men and since the men don't want the bs and will leave w/o hesitation once it perpetuates(or in some cases decide to hail to the digital ruler and go for digital women) they(the women) hate the things the guys do that keep them occupied and to a lesser extent computers/games because they know they can't bullshit the dude because regardless if he is okay with living w/o a woman or begin resigned to a digital one there is one thing he knows he wont do and that's tolerate dumb bullshit like this.

Talking to a girl who can admit she's wrong and she got pissed off b/c she's tired of seeing girls pushing away men who care about them b/c of dumb shit like this.

>> No.7224089
File: 251 KB, 1288x2656, Digital Ruler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image

>> No.7224101


>> No.7224296
File: 9 KB, 149x150, Dr__Mario_by_8_bit_Painter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not tripping is c00l

>> No.7224307

>I cant get girls so it must be a problem with society

Dress nice, work out, approach women ,use your body language in, don't be afraid to be a bit aggressive, and if you need to reel in her attention make her jealous.

>> No.7224313
File: 8 KB, 263x217, 1379478822270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can pull basic bitches easily
>tfw you love bad bitches

needless to say, it's a problem.

>> No.7224314

>If I can't get these qts now...I'll never be able to get them...
>implying you even have a job

You're not a woman; your 30s will be your dating peak, and it will be with younger women that have 20 year olds hang on them.

>> No.7224320

>tfw can't bring yourself to speak around attractive women

It's like my brain doesn't want me to say something stupid so it shuts down the muscles that I use to speak.

>> No.7224336
File: 172 KB, 1536x1056, C-3PO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7224332

From experience I can tell you this is one of the benefits of not fapping.
Studies has been contradictory from study to study on the science behind not fapping but ask those who quit fapping and they'll say this is the biggest benefit.
I know it was for me.

>It's like my brain doesn't want me to say something stupid
when you stop fapping your dick and brain works together more.

like, your brain wants to shut down, but your dick is saying "naw son come on! i need to get some action"
and you somehow act a lot more naturally confident as a result.

>> No.7224339

>no fap broscience

/fit/ pls

>> No.7224346

This is just a weird post.

Are you saying unless the girl is physically attractive to the point of perfection, then she's not worth your time?

I don't get where this sense of entitlement comes from, that somehow you DESERVE a cute/hot/bootilicious girlfriend.

Grow up and be a fucking man already.

>> No.7224349

haha did you read what i said about the science of it.
look it up yourself.
it seems like it's split 50/50 on whether it's beneficial but there is NO evidence it's harmful.
it's either beneficial or not, but it isn't gonna negatively affect you.

like i said, i've tried it myself and it did help me.

>> No.7224353

How long is "trying it"?

>> No.7224358


Mentions some of the benifits of not fapping but man, I just want to fap all day erry day

The Great Porn Experiment: Gary Wilson at TEDxGlasgow

>> No.7224359

It's the placebo effect, nigga. That's how it works.

>> No.7224378

That isn't the right question to ask.
It's about will power and having control over your instincts.

I've heard guys say their balls physically ache after not fapping for a week. Ha i don't get that, but whatever.

It's not about the time limit. It's about the challenge of going as long as you can.
Most likely you'll stop the second someone posts a slightly hot picture.

The point is that you feel temptation, but end up not doing it. That in itself will be beneficial.
If you can go a week, and then need to fap, fine.
That's on you.

There is a ton of evidence on porn being harmful, so another challenge is quitting porn.
Even if you keep fapping, do it with no porn.

I bet you won't fap as much.

I bet if you feel the urge to fap, but close your computer and try to do it without any visuals, you'll end up being not interested.

>> No.7224402

I think I know exactly who you are talking about.


>> No.7224443

amen to that shit, i went through a horrible addiction phase. Took me a year to clean up, porn and coke mostly but the porn was the worst just ruined my fucking libido whilst ironically the coke made me wanna nut every second. Would meet scene girls at the club, take them home, give them coke but unable to finish in their almost lifeless twats.

Fuck that was a shit time.

>> No.7224445


wait who the fuck is this? this aint gary wilson

>> No.7224460

>attractive (? keep getting hit on by gays)
>socially garbage due to couple years of depression/isolation
>virgin too obvs

So do I just find a cougar to teach me the secrets of the ancients now or?

>> No.7224536

wtf how is she hot?

>> No.7224782
File: 509 KB, 250x253, 1382895924081.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I think of all social interaction as a game
>mfw I have nothing to lose
>mfw I am not afraid to talk to anyone, because everybody's got a story, however boring it may be
>mfw qts like this interest from a good-looking stranger
>mfw I only present the very slightest amount of flirting
>mfw girls ask me if I'm gay because I don't hit on them right away
>mfw they begin to put effort into the conversation themselves
>mfw the conversation begins to flow
>mfw got that bitch's number

>> No.7224789

Dude, depression/self-imposed isolation made me a stronger person with more resolve. Now that I'm out of it, I exhume social energy, and everybody wants to be around me.
I just accidentally became the man I wanted to be.

>> No.7224795

That may be valid, but it doesn't mean you should wait until you're 30 to start trying to talk to people.
Women aren't this complicated.

>> No.7224808

Stop fapping so much?

>> No.7224846
File: 47 KB, 504x377, Screen shot 2013-11-08 at 4.30.49 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha it's so funny that some guys really would take that to mean to wait until you're 30.

There are so many opportunities to hook up with girls when you're young and a ton of stuff written about how to do it.

I know that "pua" is going to forever be viewed as pathetic and negative but a lot (not all) of people writing PUA advice are speaking about social dynamics, not just how to fuck girls.

The absolute lowest form of PUA is the "methods" you can use to pick a girl up and have a one night stand.

Too many people think that is the only goal of PUA and too many people think that is all it's about.

The best PUA writers are the guys like
mentioned here.

Even if you hate them, think they are scummy and pathetic (though i'd like to hear your reasoning citing their own writing), they know what they are talking about and you can learn a lot.
If you want to date one girl, in a long term, exclusive relationship (why???) you'll still pick up plenty of good advice from his writings.

It isn't "walk up to girl, say some cheesy line, and fuck her"
That guy has written like 10,000 words on the pros and cons of leaning forward during conversation...

People get angry at the thought of PUA for a bunch of reasons, and I understand that but I disagree with it.
haha most of the hate comes from jealously anyway...

>> No.7224875

whoa dude you got a girls number>=????

>> No.7224894

oh yea to break down some "slang" used in the screencap pic:

Blue pill/red pill is taken from the Matrix.
Blue pill is the world you were RAISED in. The one you were conditioned to believe.
This is a world where girl's act how they seem in Disney movies, and nice guys finish first. This is a world where putting your heart and soul into a relationship will bring you true love and happiness.

Red pill is the "reality" of life. It's understanding and accepting that life is a game and relationships aren't based around logic and equality. It's taking a step back and analyzing actions, thoughts and interactions from women and men.
It's accepting that generalizations are general for a reason and that even though every "rule" has an exception, that exception is rare.

Basically blue pill is for the "special snowflakes" red pill is for the guys who can understand people are pretty damn predictable.

"manosphere" is an umbrella term used to describe any blog or writer discussing "red pill" ideas.

>> No.7224908

Yeah dawg
I engraved that shit into my skin with a piece of glass I found. She watched, and smirked.

>> No.7224996


L'm talking about the shit I saw out there and to a lesser extent here in the US.

See this is what I saw working in a cafe seeing some of these people daily.

>Independent men and women who did't fixate their sole existence on the opposite gender and open to dating.
>Immature men and women in terms of mentality
>Immature women more concerned about appearance and control than anything else

They all interacted in various ways some dating, some avoiding it, but many of the women, you wouldn't know it until you see what they do in relationships, were not just immature but highly self centered.

It just saddens me to see that shit. Relationships aren't based off of one persons interests and desires. You can't force people to change or expect a relationship to work when you hate all of your other's hobbies. And that's primarily what I saw.

Me being the optimist I am thought that this had to be the minority. Men of all different ages and a few mid 30's + women talked to me here and there and they basically confirmed that it's pretty much wide spread among women.

I'm not in the line of thought that the digital waifu thing is healthy, but to quote a Ms.Mikawa on something that applies to everyone

"When one becomes so closed minded to think, no, to believe that no one of a particular gender should have something in particular as an interest because they believe it is childish then they are truly the childish ones."

What sane person wants to be in a bullshit relationship where they get disrespected all the time for who they are?

If it goes to the level of bad habit then yes that should be something they abstain from. But none of them were at that point.

Most hilarious thing was that a chick attempted to shit on the fact that this dude drew as a hobby while also trying to get hi to date her. He told her why it was bullshit went back to drawing and ended up with some business woman a few weeks later who took and interest BECAUSE of his drawing.

>> No.7225010

In no way am I against women empowerment. And I personally think it's worse when the dudes do this because in all honesty girls get more fucked up by the shit than guys(in general) because they are more emotional(in general).

But the fact remains that having the quality of being a self-centered everything revolves around me bitch, regardless ofgender, at the fore-front of yur culture is gonna dissuade many from even dealing with those that act like it.

It ain't even about asserting yourself it is, ironically enough, their self-centered attitude that is truly childish.

>> No.7225031

Why does this girl always get posted when people want to discuss beauty? She's average at best.

>> No.7225046

>What sane person wants to be in a bullshit relationship where they get disrespected all the time for who they are?
The stupid thing is most guys don't, and never will, realize they are being disrespected.

They grow up watching their dads and being taught it's ok for women to talk disrespectfully to you because that's just how women are...

and it's true, that is just how women are....
when you allow them to get in a position of authority over you. see:
> Women are masters at emotional warfare and the moment a woman senses that you are wholly dependent on her for emotional support, she will remorselessly use it as a weapon against you.

Get used to the idea that girls are walking paradoxes. They attempt to undermine exactly that which they most desire. Women desire dominant men who have earned “hand” over them, but they will work tirelessly to prevent men from achieving that hand, or they will work to exert the force of their own hand. If you think this is crazy, understand that a woman will feel as if she has failed if she did not adequately test a man for his strength of hand.

>> No.7225092


She looks extremely approachable and thus people get butthurt because they think she's the best looking girl they're able to get.

>> No.7225103

That's why I pointed out the JP thing. People call other beta all the time here and while many Jap males are 4chans definition of beta there are just as many Alpha's and/or Betas with self-respect enough that they walk away from the bullshit.

The whole topdown argument that proved that women can do that to that extremity is why I cited it as the reason Japan is the way it is.

Her going so far with it is what prompted me to make that comparison. Well that and the co-worker from back when I was working at the cafe was on skype(fun chick nice to talk to from time to time) with me earlier talking about how she still sees it going on. For all I know she could've been in the thread since I told her it's what I was looking at.

I don't expect everyone to admit to being wrong out loud but male or female aside if you can't admit that to yourself you need to grow up.

And to that second point I know what you mean.

>> No.7225112

Homie we don't disagree but asian countries have probably biggest percentage of beta males...

i get what you're saying, and you're right, but asian girls flip ASAP.
as in, once you marry them they become the "dominant" one quickly if you aren't careful.

they not pull as much shit when you are dating them, but they want exactly the same as western girls.

>> No.7225124

Get this abomination of a thread off /fa/

>> No.7225139

Shit considering how much flipping I saw before any of them got there I can only imagine how much worse it'd be.

Reminds me of all the black grills in high school.

>> No.7225173

There's hope anons.

I kept thinking shit like "man, she'll never like someone like me, just look at her" but I never stopped trying, did everything I could at my best.
And I did it, I still can't believe I fucking did it. It's been only a few time since we went steady but it feels so insanely unreal I keep waking up multiple times at night in fear it's just a dream. I'm so fucking happy.

I wish most of luck to all of you anons.

>> No.7225186
File: 104 KB, 467x700, 1333693375618[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw she will never spit in your mouth after she steps on you with her rick dunks

>> No.7225693

Like that girl has even heard of Rick Owens

>> No.7225719

ok I'll take the bait if it is bait, is she really a porn star? Source?

>> No.7225718

>tfw crush on this chick
>she dresses well and looks qt af
>tfw I find out her name and go through all sorts of crazy nonsense in attempts to meet her but usually bitch out
>tfw one of my plans was to ask her to go trick or treating with her and her friend as creepy as it sounds, but from what I'd seen, she was one of those quirky chicks who probably would have said ok
>tfw at school soccer game and informants tell me she likes me
>tfw we get united on a group chat
>tfw shits going great
>tfw text throughout the weekend
>tfw kiss on like the first day we meet face to face, first kiss holla
>tfw invite her for pizza and shit and she says I'm cute in the sweet sense and the frick frack sense even hot and I'm like who the fuck r u talking about (I don't say this)
>tfw she says things are going too quick and she wants to slow down
>on bus to school soccer game, can't control myself, kiss her neck, her cheek, her lips
>mess around at the soccer game
>says in can be her boyfriend for the day and then it's over
>uhhhhh whyyyyy
>she says she's confused
>k, on the bus ride home we hardly talk, get off at school and go home
>text her
>she's still saying all sorts of wanting things and says how she loved how I kissed her neck and all that
>be my gf
>let's be friends for now I think we were going too quick
>but I like you you like me wtf ;-; ok

I wanna marry her

>> No.7225722

No. She is not a pornstar. You have been baited. Carry on. . .

Trust me, I've looked into this.

>> No.7225723

After I buy her some she will.

>> No.7225724


You sound like your 13

>> No.7225730

here's the episode of MTV's MADE in question


>> No.7225733


2 weeks ago i was sitting in a park reading a book while drinking some coffee after work, some chick walked up to me and started talking to me randomly.

>> No.7225743
File: 301 KB, 800x533, d4ea8dc689c781f1f6d8f1dd3681ab0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go through all sorts of crazy nonsense in attempts to meet her
>informants tell me she likes me

You're doing it all wrong. You are supposed to dress in camouflage or all black and you are supposed to sneak into her house Solid Snack style. This is how you gain intelligence, the espionage way.

>> No.7225745

>people disrupting your reading
only the dead can know peace from this evil

>> No.7225747

Two weeks ago this girl came up to me and asked what my name was.
>"Name's Anon. . . What's up?"
>"Oh, nothing. Just wondering."
>*Gracefully walks out of the building.*

>> No.7225751

I think she didn't like your voice man, I suggest you be very conscious of this in the future.

>> No.7225752


Yeah usually it's a real bother but she was qt so it didn't bother me too much.


I met up with this girl 2 times after that random encounter, she's pretty fun.

>> No.7225755
File: 444 KB, 620x877, breakingned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im 20

Lol, thinking that you reach your prime-pussy-catcher peak at 20.

I'm 25 and it gets better every year.

Back in HS all I had on my side was sports and confidence.

In college I had a decent body and confidence.

Now in the real world I have money, a better body, confidence, and more wisdom.

> yfw you turn 40 and are banging more 20 year olds that you could dream of now
>not realizing that women prefer older men
>not realizing that your money and knowledge will put life on easy mode

You just need a good job and to take care of your body.

You'll be fine, brah.

And if you really wanna get cheered up:


>> No.7225760

100+ women and I'm only 5'8. You must be doing something wrong.

>> No.7225770

Carrying on, but she looks like a girl I used to know back in college and I had a big thing for her.

>> No.7225772

9000+ men and women, and I'm only 5'6". Step up, manlet.

>> No.7225774

What's your job, anon?
And do you rike it?

>> No.7225779

0 women, 0 men, 6'0".
Step down manlet.

>> No.7225781

How Asian do you have to be to even have an accent in writing.

>> No.7225783

Very asian, my rovery friend.

>> No.7225823

Is that supposed to sound cool?

>> No.7225845

No, it's supposed to sound like a beta femdom-fetishist who buys the very shoes with which he will be stepped on.

>> No.7225916

Oh fuck you, she's adorable and there's nothing wrong with her.

>> No.7226044
File: 88 KB, 1200x780, perf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes perfect.

>> No.7226084
File: 196 KB, 1280x720, The-Last-of-Us-Ellie-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does she look like ellie

>> No.7226085


Am I the only person who finds Ellen Page gross?

>> No.7226096
File: 38 KB, 439x640, sad wolverine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is she?

>> No.7226100

yes, you're such a unique individual

>> No.7226103

She's like the one girl in a group of friends and you secretly want to fuck her at the sleepover.

>> No.7226108


Don't get me wrong I love tomboys, but I think she's just too much like a 12 year old boy who is confused about their sexuality/gender.

>> No.7226120

oh that explains why im gay and thought she was strangely attractive

>> No.7226151

A youtuber iirc

>> No.7226181

Her face is hot. Her body is hot. I think you're missing the main point of finding someone attractive.

>> No.7226209

source pls

>> No.7226237


>> No.7226404

>tfw go on date with most attractive london qt ever seen who dresses really uniquely
>date is bad we have little in common and lose interest
>see her again and remember how qt she is
>ask her out
>she is 'busy'
>obviously she rejected me but tfw she still keeps trying to talk to me during the day and be friends

>> No.7226418


Then be friends. Friends are great.

>> No.7226439

she is too attractive and well dressed to be friends with as a heterosexual male even tho it would do wonders for my standing in society
dont think i could get over not having her while hanging out or something

>> No.7226461

Do you remember the damage counters that you got when you bought a deck of Pokemon cards? When I was 7 or 8, I stuck a few of those things up my asshole. True story.

What I'm trying to say is she's already made up her mind about you. Don't think that she will change her mind. Sorry.

What do you know? Hang out with her and meet her friends. Maybe you will find somebody wonderful.

>> No.7226497

>tfw i'll probably never be with a gril this attractive

>> No.7226516

is it not dodger?

>> No.7226523

>id probably wife her up
I like how men say this like she'd give 2 shits about you in the first place.

I think she just wouldn't have anything to do with him at all.

>> No.7226579

>having sex with gf
>cum inside her
>gf freaks out
>gf calls me an asshole
>she cleans out her pussy in front of me
>gf breaks up with me
>that feel

This is not the first time I've shot inside her, either. W-what gives?

>> No.7226586

You have caustic splooge.

>> No.7226629

autistic beta faggot detected

>> No.7226626
File: 52 KB, 533x795, ss (2013-06-28 at 03.52.56).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't you at least ask?
jesus, simple fucking question
"hey baby, can I cum inside?"

>> No.7226638

>tfw she looks just like a teaching-assistent that I'm sure has an eye on me.
How do you even start in a situation like that?

>> No.7226644

I want to know too.

I'm too shy.

>> No.7228659

this is beyond the worst post i have ever had the displeasure of reading on this or any site.


>I know that "pua" is going to forever be viewed as pathetic and negative
yea for good reason you fucking misogynist

> a lot (not all) of people writing PUA advice are speaking about social dynamics, not just how to fuck girls.
stopped reading.

just kill yourself.
dress in all blue and run as fast as you can down a street in a big city while listening to a bad Offspring cover band and try to flip cars by hitting them with your body.
i know you know what i'm talking about you retarded virgin aspie.
you obviously played sonic adventure 2 stupid faggot

>> No.7228664

I seriously hate all of you guys. I am a loser, fuck me I ama huge faggot. I hate misogyny because /r9k/ and 4chan. Fuck you all. Fggot PUA bitches.

>> No.7228709
File: 75 KB, 500x667, 1384200203600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking about grill drama helps when you're among autistic /fa/ anons who share the same problems for the most part. On boards like /r9k/ that are full of retards it's a stupid cancerous thing though.

>> No.7228714
File: 125 KB, 720x405, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I browse 4chan since a couple weeks now. I have a crush on a girl and she mentionned that place during our conversations. She is more the type of looking at anime and cosplay boards but I think you all can help me.

So we talk a lot and I feel something goong on but she is at the same time really distant and wont begin the conversation, she is never looking at me when we are in the same class. Even tho she is truely happy to talk to me...

Does she expect me to be more agressive and alpha? or do you guys think I should play it more autistic like she is?

>> No.7228950

until they've proven themselves different.

>> No.7230339

>dat impending bubble
holy fuck i do not think i can handle becoming any hornier.

>> No.7231602

>And if you really wanna get cheered up:
Ah, so you're talking out of your ass because these guys filled you up with hot air?

>> No.7231615

>On boards like /r9k/ that are full of retards it's a stupid cancerous thing though.
it's even more cancerous on here because the board has a real subject

>or do you guys think I should play it more autistic like she is?

the graph is literally saying men at 36 have the same "SMV" as women at 23
think about all the 36 year old men you actually know and have seen
do you think the graph is accurate?