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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 10 KB, 244x73, 929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7214140 No.7214140[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why are the quality of outfits on /fa/ so much worse than superfuture and style zeitgeist and mfa?

there are so many examples of good outfits on the internet, so why does /fa/ have so much trouble learning from them? learning disabilities? not being able to comprehend colour? what do you think is the problem? just autism?

>> No.7214143

most people start browsing 4chan /b/ and /v/ when they're 13-14
after they had a shit time in highschool because of their autism they want to get their life in check and "get /fa/"
that's why /fa/ is just poor teenagers
people on other forums tend to be older and have a more lifelong interest in style and fashion, and have the money and experience to support it
also, because of the ratings system on sufu (some might say it's a bad thing but i like it) fits with shitty photography just get negged to shit whereas most of /fa/ are too lazy to take a decent pic so fits that had the potential to look nice just look like shit in muddy mirror pictures

imo /fa/ should have really strict rules for posting pics like /p/ so we actually have good content

>> No.7214148

Being a 4chan board.
Many people flock here from other boards, lurk for a few hours and start posting without even having basic knowledge about anything.
Anonymity helps them, on a forum like sufu you have to register an account, thus you wait longer because you don't want to be seen like a big retard.

I like it here tho

>> No.7214151

its an open forum with many unique visitors, requires no registration process, anonymity etc

and it's on 4chan of all places. how is this so difficult to grasp?

>> No.7214158


>I like it here tho

but doesnt the poor content and constant misunderstanding of fashion overwhelm you at times?


>after they had a shit time in highschool because of their autism they want to get their life in check and "get /fa/"

you think that this a common reason people develop an interest in fashion on /fa/? sort of an escape from their "uncool" past?

>also, because of the ratings system on sufu (some might say it's a bad thing but i like it) fits with shitty photography just get negged to shit whereas most of /fa/ are too lazy to take a decent pic so fits that had the potential to look nice just look like shit in muddy mirror pictures

i think this is really important, the rating system tends to weed out many producers of poor content

maybe anonymity makes fashion forums overall worse in terms of quality?

>> No.7214165


so you think /fa/ would improve if everyone had to register before posting?

>> No.7214166

i don't like this whole accout and upvote system. anonyimity might be shit, but it's also brutal and honest, you could consider it 'raw'.
Upvote systems make you automatically pander to the hivemind that exists in those places

>> No.7214171

sufu is a huge fucking circlejerk
reputation is everything fits mean little
people can and will neg you for fuck all because you can neg 50 times a fucking day

>> No.7214173
File: 39 KB, 1230x138, Screen shot 2013-11-08 at 18.33.07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no impetus to be good on /fa/

if someone gets etherd on sufu theres a visible record of that happening w/ rep, whereas on /fa/ most fits are forgotten within a few days unless someone saves them

also on /fa/ there's like 3 waywts a day and on sufu and sz(?) there's 1 big thread 4 everything, as well as user pages w/ the content they've posted etc

also as >>7214148 said theres a lot of shit that comes in from /b/ or w/e

/fa/'s nice imo cuz there's consensus, but not rigid orthodoxy like on sufu. ppl can feel free 2 voice their opinions regarding clothes w/out being worried about getting negged for not being concurrent

>> No.7214178
File: 39 KB, 1224x136, Screen shot 2013-11-09 at 09.45.15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moot can u stop swapping my imgs plz

>> No.7214177


but the apparent upside of it is that it pushes good content to the top and improves overall quality, isnt that worthwhile (unless you are trying to cultivate a poor quality community, which is possible)

>> No.7214186
File: 46 KB, 867x263, Screen shot 2013-11-09 at 09.48.23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like look at this shit

can u rly tell a person 2 go back 2 reddit when ur entire forum n culture is based on clicking red or green

repping = upvoting
negging = downvoting

but he gets +1000000 sufu points for saying 'get back 2 rebbit xD!' and they can't understand that its the same fuckin thing

chinesegold i know ur here too

>> No.7214185


its true, but at least you can see who approves of an outfit, and read who they are to see if they have credibility.

the thing about /fa/ is that if an anon critiques an outfit, you have no way of knowing if they have any validity or have enough knowledge to take the critique seriously

>> No.7214191


>> No.7214190
File: 998 KB, 1199x830, 14SR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

attempted 'objective' intent for grading design content is like the antithesis of design
it just provokes this sort of collective hivemind mentality that continually feeds into itself while subtly giving you little boosts of dopamine in the form of green blips to ensure your continued patronage
it's really sort of insidious

although sz doesn't have a similar system the community there is very toxic...VERY toxic

>> No.7214192


yeah but isnt it a well known problem that the reddit people move over and pollute other sites?

maybe thats why he got rep point for it

>> No.7214193

as moot said, thats one of the great things about anonymity, everyone has a say and everyones words are equal unless you're some attention seeking faggot trip

>> No.7214194

Your swapped image worked better imo.

>> No.7214196


true, but at the end of day, the end result is a huge increase in good quality content, regardless of the means used to achieve it

>> No.7214202

do you really think the number of upvotes you have = credibility???

like you're saying that the number of upvotes isn't credible it depends on the person
but then you identify credibility on the number of upvotes
so in the end you do hold their opinion depending on upvotes even if you claim otherwise

having said that i don't take any anons critique seriously B))))))))))))
the banter is fun tho

>> No.7214199
File: 78 KB, 500x507, 1382047521613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that guy probably isnt even from reddit
he justa accurately understands the neg/rep system as being no different to reddit's up/downvoting

yh mayb

>> No.7214201


but why is that great if it makes a website/board worse overall?

>> No.7214204


>having said that i don't take any anons critique seriously B))))))))))))


>> No.7214206

this is a myth

>> No.7214205

good content in your eyes is not good content in another persons eyes
so the population that think its good content will continue to think its good content while others who disagree (read: it doesn't mean their opinion is worth less) will continue to get side lined

it's really bad and kind of destructive but it doesn't matter since the whole sites eco is almost dependent on the upvoting system (hence how the subscription works)

>> No.7214207

for a fashion board i guess thats a downside but to be fair this is a much more fun place and easier to access and etc
because of anonymity you can be yourself, not who you want to be and you can tell the truth because why lie if nobody knows who you are
for a fashion board its a bit meh but i like it
without anonymity 4chan wouldn't have flourished, if you had to sign up for it it wouldnt have as many people

>> No.7214211

upboating kills debate

>> No.7214212


>good content in your eyes is not good content in another persons eyes

true, my idea of good content is well composed, well photographed outfits, a site with lots of information/discussion/analysis from people who are passionate about their interest.

but i dont think that is an uncommon point of view.

>it's really bad and kind of destructive

in what regard? how will it destroy anything?

>> No.7214215

sorry i mean...
i don't take anyones critique seriously*

at the end of the day a 2d image in poor lighting with me standing (unlikely i'll be standing idol at all all day) is communicating very little and what it is communicating is done poorly.
it's hard to really critique anything outside of colour and shape tbh.

im narcissistic tho so ill continue whoring on it, if not just for the funny responses

>> No.7214217


why is debate useful in the case of something so subjective like fashion?

>> No.7214219


>> No.7214223


then why do you care about upvote/downvote systems if criticism is meaningless to you? why not continue using a site with that kind of system regardless of the response, if it is purely narcissistic?

>> No.7214227


there isnt anything really to argue about considering how subjective taste is.

its basically just "like" or "dislike" in fashion, you can explain why you like or dislike something sure, but its no more valid or invalid than anyone elses point of view.

>> No.7214229

well photographed is your opinion and is subjective
good composition is subjective
my favourite compositions are close up crotch shots showing the fabric details of several pieces in good lighting, albeit a bit blurry.

it harms progression of other novel ideas and stomps on any attempts outright if not paying tribute to circulated ideas
its really bad because it's effectively a positive feedback sort of system
>do good, get green blip, repeat, copy, repeat etc etc etc, amass green blips, assume authority.

tl;dr this^

^assuming authority based on blips

>> No.7214231

imo the problems of /fa/ and all 4chan boards could be solved if people stopped having this idea of "4chan culture"

the most significant hindrance to any real content or discussion is the idea that to somehow fit in with 4chan culture you need to have an extremely negative, dare i say "edgy" persona where you pretend to not like or care or want to help anyone

i think being on /fa/ which is one of the more progressive boards, we might forget how bad it is on other boards. people on some other boards will flat out not respond to you if your tone or style doesn't fit in with their idea of chan culture, it's so gash.

but i think that the existence of boards like /fa/ shows that with enough good posters we can rise above "culture" if enough people want to

>> No.7214233


>^assuming authority based on blips

assuming authority based on post history and basis of knowledge/aesthetic taste

>its really bad because it's effectively a positive feedback sort of system

but its good to be encouraged if you do something right

>well photographed is your opinion and is subjective

true but apparently lots of people agree, so many people here post pictures of outfits/content from other websites.

>> No.7214235

i dont use sufu anymore for that same reason, the threads don't appeal to me for the most part and what i am interested in isn't discussed there
furthermore a lot of the humor i just dont get or i think they're kindve inside jokes so i have no idea
also, i dont like the community for the most part - they literally circle jerk for the sake of circle jerking

>why not continue using a site with that kind of system regardless of the response, if it is purely narcissistic?
that system will always proliferate that sort of response, one that doesn't, doesn't exist
also people on 4chan are pretty funny a lot of the time - definitely credit to some of the insanity.

>> No.7214246
File: 2.75 MB, 2592x1944, DSC02428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

green blips dont indicate knowledge or aesthetic taste

doing something right in regards to design is kindve hilarious
>if youre doing something right that means you have the potential to do something wrong, a nerd over the internet doesnt have that sort of authority

>apparently lots of people agree, so many people here post pictures of outfits/content from other websites
that's really neat, perhaps you should go back there and continue circling your cool mindset
please excuse me while i take 8 more closeups of my wooly cock

>> No.7214241

on other boards (not /b/) you can expect reasonably intelligent-sounding discourse.

I can't tell wtf anyone's trying to say on here half the time partly due to them being idiots and part due to the random slang. It's like AOL speak ver 2.0 over here w. all the abbreviations and junk.

>> No.7214244


ah i see, i can understand your perspective when you put it this way, if you find /fa/ funny or the humor here amusing then it makes sense that you spend more time here.

i just find myself spending less time here because it seems like the sources of images and interesting things about fashion/brands are better found on sufu/sz, but if you find no value in that i can understand that you dont find value in those sites.

>> No.7214248
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as long as fewgale never comes here I'm happy to keep things as they are

>> No.7214249

the designer archives on sz are actually pretty cool imo, i fnid myself sinking heaps of time into it

>> No.7214252


>green blips dont indicate knowledge or aesthetic taste

other people with knowledge have decided they do, and consensus among the knowledgeable is good enough for me i suppose

>that's really neat, perhaps you should go back there and continue circling your cool mindset

im just explaining how it shows the value of the content that people from other places on the internet use it as a personal resource, but i think i will

>> No.7214260

> people with knowledge have decided they do
i think you're just proving that sort of vicious cycle routine.

>> No.7214258

>I can't tell wtf anyone's trying to say on here half the time
i think that's a good thing because it's about the actual message and content over anything
i don't want to have whatever im saying ignored because i used a smiley face or something lol

>> No.7214269


its similar to how academia works, it can be used like a peer review system on a smaller scale, you can see who forms a consensus on a given post, and depending on who those people are, you can assess the credibility/validity of the post.

>> No.7214276

no its not
academic merit is based on meaningful achievement
green blips do not discriminate meaningful achievement
it's literally clicking a pixel

having said that the peer review system is crazy stupid and most academics acknowledge this but there isn't anyway of getting around it - its flaws (which are critical) are similar to that of the upvote system

>> No.7214281


unfortunately its the best we've got, and results in (what i consider to be) the best content

>> No.7214285

perhaps consider forming your own opinion opposed to relying on the opinions of others?

you cant correlate scientific perception with design perception

>> No.7214299


no ones opinion is formed in vacuum, everyone has outside influence on their perspectives, unless you live in the mountains and never contact anyone i guess.

id much rather select information that i find valuable to inform my opinions

>> No.7214307

that doesnt mean you should collaborate with people who all share the same opinion when trying to analyse design...?
in the end you'll just represent them opposed to representing yourself
but whatever dude if that's how you want to approach design - by all means

>no ones opinion is formed in vacuum
that doesn't mean ideas free from interference are bad...
if anything that would probably be ideal

>> No.7214310


>in the end you'll just represent them opposed to representing yourself

no, because you only take some information, some ideas. it will be an amalgamation of lots of different information/ideas from lots of different people

thats how new ideas develop, from the evolution of previous ones

>but whatever dude if that's how you want to approach design - by all means

yeah i just think its the approach that creates the most innovation from building on ideas/aesthetics, but not everyone has the same goals/motivation of course.

>> No.7214322
File: 2.73 MB, 2592x1944, DSC02424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but in the end of the day you'll be most attracted to a certain idea...
just how your attracted to a certain photo image shared by a large aggregate
because you enjoy one of these ideas your more likely to enjoy another one of their ideas than something completely random
even if the source is different the direction is likely to be the same
so yeah, perhaps there might be one or two novel features but looking from the outside-in they'll be so miniscule it'll be sort of negligible

>> No.7214331

wow thats a bad fit

>> No.7214330
File: 101 KB, 532x700, 2007-08-08.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbh all forums have their problems, sufu is no exception, it's incredibly insular
you can post a shit fit that will get +repped just because of your reputation alone
that and it's ridden quite a few waves in its time, just look at the WAYWT in 2006 vs the WAYWT in 2009 vs the WAYWT in 2011 vs the current one. From Raw Jeans and Supreme to Rick & Number (N)ine to the current Technical Wear trend. Just look at Ordo. Used to dress like a dad (picture related), now he's every day in NSW, Veilance and Acronym.
sufu used to be a lot more vicious, it's a lot more docile now as well
but that being said, I think their WAYWT threads are better than /fa/'s simply because of more investment of both time and money into clothing than most of /fa/ does.

Also I miss the sufu wearing more high fashion outside of monochrome stuff

>> No.7214339


internet fashion people are really arrogant, elitist and catty.

/fa/ is anonymous and has one of the worst reputations on the internet, so nobody who can actually dress themselves wants to be associated with it.

>> No.7214342
File: 103 KB, 638x691, D1WPVj2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


MFA has recurring WAYWTS, like twice a week or something and it produces fits like this (in addition to awful crap but it's Reddit so that's unavoidable)

>> No.7214350

/fa/ should have a pics only sticky waywt
and then the reg ones for banter and convo

>> No.7214348
File: 89 KB, 525x250, 146322.forestfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it is, and that's what passed for good on superfuture in 2006~2007
Now Ordo's heavily into techwear
It's kind of interesting to see the opposite though - people moving away from gothninja stuff and fruteswag to more reserved, low-key menswear.
I guess people just stop caring about fashion and being outlandish, and frankly iktf

>> No.7214353

wow this fit is great
4chan sucks

>> No.7214361
File: 55 KB, 500x750, 9os5xC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In addition to this, /fa/ has no coherent style so to speak of.

Stylezeitgeist has the dark and drapey gothninja, Sufu has designer streetwear, MFA has "workwear" and people wearing New Balances with Green Parkas, fuk.co has visvim/workwear inspired streetwear

This is also the reason Styleforum is so shit. It is spread too thinly.

There is also no way to gauge whether or not a person who is giving advice is worth their salt, due to anonymity.

/fa/ is also very brand obsessed, moreso than any of these other forums- this is shown by incessant hatred of Vans, Chucks, and any other item that is seen as "pleb" even though all those other boards think they're good shoes (Sufu has tons of great fits with chucks and vans)

>> No.7214374


>/fa/ has no coherent style

how is this a bad thing in any way u moron

>> No.7214375

Sufu doesn't have an overiding style
It's like styleforum
They have jap streetwear, they have the strong masculine gothninja and the more femine style, technical wear, heritage workwear and menswear, fruteswag, the streetmix style you're talking about
sufu is a lot more varied than people give it credit, although there are definitely overriding trends

>> No.7214377

>kind have
Kind of

Nigga how did you even get so wrong

>> No.7214380
File: 64 KB, 378x648, 1373074144490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


have you ever looked at an /fa/ WAYWT


>Sufu doesn't have an overiding style

> although there are definitely overriding trends

>> No.7214385

> /fa/ has no coherent style so to speak of.
this is a good thing for proliferating a community

>There is also no way to gauge whether or not a person who is giving advice is worth their salt, due to anonymity.
seriously if youre so uncomfortable with what your'e wearing that you depend on some weirdos over the internet to dictate your design then perhaps you should take a step back, undress, slip back into your pjs and go to bed.

>lso very brand obsessed
not true, user noted on pretty interesting differences for when he threw on his raf sneakers and posted on sufu and when he didntt wear them, remarkable difference iirc
only cunts think chucks and vans are less but they exist on all forums - just seem to be more vocal here because anon.

>> No.7214393

overriding trends that influence people as you'll see certain styles fall in and out of fashion, but not to where the entire board has one overriding style like you claim it does.
See: the fall of fruteswag and the rise of techwear. I still wouldn't say sufu is all techwear or all gothninja or whatever, that's an overgeneralization

>> No.7214394



the quality of the fits has nothing to do with having a uniform 'coherent style', which is probably the worst thing u can have in a fashion forums. it's the reason mfa waywts might be better quality overall but ultimately monotonous and safe

and why sufu brand group think gets so irritating

please spend more than 5 mins on these forums and the internet generally before you comment further

>> No.7214470


it speaks of a lack of understanding of how to compose a good outfit

when you are unable to successfully style your clothes, it makes your outfit look very badly put together like in the /fa/ waywt threads

>> No.7214482


that's not what he was trying to say

>> No.7214486
File: 7 KB, 275x183, 17SR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ isnt a person fren

u can go back 2 big brotha sufu now

>> No.7214509


its a collection of people who exhibit similar characteristics

>> No.7214514
File: 96 KB, 640x480, 80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are u implyng im a inbred?

>> No.7214533
File: 419 KB, 1058x1600, Rei Kawakubo Comme des Garcons 1983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like that fit

scust carpet tho

>> No.7214597
File: 185 KB, 960x540, ortism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just seem to be more vocal here because anon
that and they wish to "integrate" even further with some imaginary board consensus.

people just dont want to be themselves,instead they feel safer amongst a community idea or if a really popular person does something then they'll follow too.i can bet a cheeky 5iver that if Void/merz wore vans/chucks ,there'll be even more people feeling comfy to wear the same shoes they had in their closet but didn't want to admit due to some opinion a few people have on an imageboard,also replicating a certain fit/style some users have is what others have done all over these forums and they simply dont understand

hybepeast suffers from an even worse strain where they repp each other for forcing memes in places where they really dont have much place for (it's a structured forum) and if they can't recognise or acknowledge something that doesnt fit into the hb uniform then goodluck getting something other than a thumb down from passive aggressive teenagers fresh from /b/ and supreme campouts.
case in pint was some thread where some1 asked for the name of a designer and every post with a reposted joke was thumbed up and a response with the designer name was negged.
i give the thumbs up .... a thumbs down

>> No.7214602

is that a minecraft server?

>going on hb for anything other than fit battles

thumbs down 4 thumbs dwn

>> No.7214611

>not backing wehate london and the oldman everytime
its minecraft yeah but not sure if server ,just grabbed pic from /v/

>> No.7214613

i dont go to hb but a fren of mine that works in a local store tels me boud that shit and ernestly supports ppl
i just laff at him and call him a retard shts dum

>> No.7214615

>Upvote systems make you automatically pander to the hivemind that exists in those places

/fa/ has always been a massive hivemind without the help of a voting system.

>> No.7214639

it is,but i sure as hell aint gonna reregister on niketalk to talk about sneakers
atleast it hasnt rached /v/ level hivemind
right /fa/ ? ;_;

>> No.7214641

fresh deadstock trip

>> No.7214658

I dont think it's autism or even the outfits. It's the shit photos.

>> No.7214665

Bot really a hivemind. There are seeral formidable groups with different opinions and styles. The difference between fa and sufu is fa forces you to actually explainyiur opinion even if the explanation is just "ur a faget" whereas sufu encourages mindless bandwagons of up/downboating. Users end up acting like a pack of hungry dogs and 50 people participate and have a say in a discussion that actually involves really just 2 or 3 people.

>> No.7214673

ThTTYe way forums in general have been turning into mini tumblrs with rep systems annoys me

>> No.7214683

SuFu has wealthy Asians and NYers.
/fa/ has people beginning into fashion.

>> No.7214721
File: 33 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mvyxln74N71qzcm07o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fits with shitty photography just get negged to shit
>shit photos.

>> No.7214727
File: 45 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mvyxln74N71qzcm07o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

44 rep. Can't see shit in either photo.

>> No.7214734

because we actually post what we wear here

we don't buy and sell costume pieces with less than 5 wears on them to pose with them and DIY photoshoot dress up for the internet

also I think 4chan is filled with people that actually know the internet and what happens on it matter little so we just fuck the fuck around

I know I sit there and insult fuckers on tumblr like my life depended on it

>> No.7214738

you're missing so many important factors

if you're LE MOD taking a shitty photo in LE BIG CITY with LE MONOCHROME and LE RAF, then of course you're going to get rep

the photos are shitty, but they're shitty in a stylized way

>> No.7214742
File: 344 KB, 304x698, 9AS0XJz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it just me or have users fit declined in quality since hes been posting on sufu ?