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7205743 No.7205743 [Reply] [Original]

I'd like to truly lose weight in my thighs and a bit in my calves.

My the latter just need a little less fat, but my thighs are just big and make me look like shit in anything else than straight fit jeans.

I saw a guy today with thighs just a little bit bigger than his calves; not even hungry skeleton mode, and he looked damn good.

How do you do that? Are there specific methods you can use to make your legs thinner in general apart from starving yourself?

>> No.7205794

bump for interest

>> No.7205800

w2c chiseled jawline

pls don't say "starve yourself"

>> No.7205808

>spot reduction

Kek you should post in /fit/ so that we can have a nice laugh

>> No.7205826

spot reduction isnt possible
your best bet is eating less calories and jogging/biking
if youre biking to avoid putting on muslce instead of losing fat, set your bike on a gear that makes it easy to pedal and go long distances.

>> No.7205836

w2c that starved, heroine chic look? plz dont say "starve yourself"

>> No.7205841

by living the lifestyle of a drug addict

>> No.7205845

Well, how else are you going to look like you're starving?

>> No.7205877



>> No.7205892

i know exactly how you feel. only way to resolve it is to start doing some cardio. i started a few weeks back and im already seeing results + i feel a lot better. just eat right do exercise and everything else will fall into place, friend

>> No.7205895


Are you actually seeing results or just convincing yourself you are.

Genuine question

>> No.7205904

Does it matter? The whole point of working out is to make yourself into something you want to be. If he thinks he's getting there, then he's getting it. It wouldn't matter what other people think because he's changed in his point of view

>> No.7205915

my thighs arent touching anymore so thats an improvement

>> No.7205916


Well I started running last week in an attempt to lose the last bit of fat I have. But I know that multiple times ive just convinced myself that ive lost weight when I havent because im thinking about it so much.

>> No.7205925

Keep it up then dude, good luck to you.

>> No.7205933
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that's called delusion

>tfw lose 30lbs
>down to 12%
>only 5-10 more to go
>start lifting harder because I look tiny
>stop losing weight muscles getting bigger again
>core getting thicker
>can't tell if losing fat
>p sure I fat loss plateaued and am gaining muscle again while staying 12%
>tfw will never be 10%

a-at least you can see my top 4 abs defined if I flex r-right?

>> No.7205946

If I lose weight and lift, will my thighs become smaller?

I don't want to look like hedi's models but I want them to be thin

>> No.7205951

yeah just don't pick up /fit/'s routine of squatting heavy 3 times a week

>> No.7205952

I did the same thing a couple years ago as you OP

go on Keto, and do cardio w/ some lifting if you desire. It will work wonders. You'll notice differences so fast that you won't wanna stop.

honestly that's the best way to it, unless u starve yourself but that's dumb and only shorterm

>> No.7205957


Anyway how do hedi's models manage to have such thin thighs man

not op but what's Keto
sorry if it's a stupid question

>> No.7205962
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these are my spin bike legs

I can only wear slim fit, not skinny. Not so bad.

If you want to be a twig just don't eat very much and take caffeine pills to keep going

>> No.7205973

keto is where you only eat about <30 carbs a day while eating lots of fats. Your body goes into a state of ketosis in which it burns fat instead of carbs. You get leaner and lose weight much faster than any other diet aside from starvation

>> No.7205966

Keto blows ass. Just eat half of what you eat now.

>> No.7205969

Will that really work bro
I'm not really sure of that whole starving thing

>> No.7205978

You cannot lose fat in any portion of your body. Your body burns fat wherever the fuck it wants to.

>> No.7205979

I like keto
i still don't eat much carbs

i guess it's all in what you like though.

I could eat chicken caesar salads, bacon, steak, almonds all day er day

>> No.7205976


No shit dude, you think I didnt realise that fairly swiftly.

>> No.7206003

Yes. I lost 30lbs eating pizza and burgers. I used to eat a large. Now I eat an xl slice and drink water. I used to eat a double western bacon burger with fries and a drink. Now I eat half a single with water and no fries. Also I do 30 min cardio.

>> No.7206007

Keto ruined eggs for me forever.

>> No.7206009

>not wanting to have powerful, muscular legs to hold the weight of your lover while you pin her to the wall

OP pls

>> No.7206039

you're probs skinny fat though. eating shit like that also does not do anything good for your body. The cardio helps but I guarantee you'd be in 10x better shape if you did the exact same thing minus carbs. Sorry if i sound like I'm trying to sell it

yeah, did it for me too sorta. I just don't eat breakfast anymore

>> No.7206170
File: 597 KB, 840x969, 2013-10-28 12.25.23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still fat but definitely not skinnyfat.

>> No.7206173
File: 281 KB, 580x829, 2013-11-07 13.34.29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw bitch hips lead to overly large adonis belt that /fa/ thinks is fat because /fa/ knows nothing about working out

>> No.7206182

Damn bro. You looked way better at 210, more even proportions. But if you stick to your cut, you can get that pesky thigh fat to go too.

>> No.7206189

It's hips dude. I've already hit bone. Best bet is to get some cobra lats to try ti counteract it.

>> No.7206208

My legs thinned out first, actually. I'm officer dangle earlier in the thread.

>> No.7206223

Those jeans don't fit well, your wearing the rise too high, that's why I think it looks weird.

>> No.7206244
File: 137 KB, 615x1000, total emaciation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw emaciated

>> No.7206263

I got them before I lost the weight and had them taken in. The thighs balloon out because of this as well. Went from 36 to 33 waist.

I'm going to get a new pair at christmas and just use these for hiking after that. I foresaw this and got cheap jeans. I'll get some apcs or something next. My friend said there's a place near here with discounted raws. Price sounded too good to be true and he wears even cheaper jeans than mine - rigid dragon 511s. So I'll have to see for myself. I plan on getting some black 511 commuters, a pair of japanese selvege, and maybe some fjallraven trousers for hiking (and use these as grub jeans after).

>> No.7206295


regards, fit

>> No.7206380
File: 1.12 MB, 3264x2448, photo (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont ever exercise OP or you'll end up like me, unable to fit into slims and squatting and doing distance runs to ease the horrible pain

>> No.7206384

ps i'm 6'2" my legs are just that proportionally retarded

im like a manlet scaled up instead of taller

>> No.7206423

lose weight and grow a beard, it makes ur jawline look better

>> No.7206434
File: 392 KB, 936x923, dolph-lundgren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lose fat. It's fat. I'm dangle from earlier. I'm 6'2". Believe me, if your legs are more conical than cylindrical while standing then you've got fat legs. I thought I had big legs before I lost fat.

>> No.7206497
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>> No.7206574

you're maybe right but im standing on a bathtub so wide stance

>> No.7206615
File: 67 KB, 270x282, 2013-11-07 15.13.08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and you should see some definition

after you cut

>> No.7207270

starve ur mum