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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 274 KB, 610x260, waywt logo..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7204807 No.7204807[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

talk shit post fit

>> No.7204819
File: 2.93 MB, 1920x2560, IMG_20131104_170244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty basic

>> No.7204824
File: 249 KB, 1280x1049, tumblr_mvwf692tQD1s7y6ddo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7204832


Muy bueno.

>> No.7204841
File: 242 KB, 1000x1500, IMG_6928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7204849
File: 192 KB, 1280x720, Picture 86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"why are u wearing clown shoes"
"lol arent those shoes for grills??"
"wow lol u should get a red clown nose"


>> No.7204853


>> No.7204856
File: 1.81 MB, 3264x1836, 20131107_102611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critique welcome and appreciated.

>tfw need black jeans

>> No.7204861

Wow this waywt isn't bad at all

>> No.7204862

don't let the bottom of the shirt show

>> No.7204865


>> No.7204866

Those look like the Shoes grills used to wear at my School

>> No.7204867

>4 posts in

>> No.7204868

Love it.

It's p good, not one for ripped jeans though

I'd get a different shirt, don't like the graphic on that one.

Don't like the shoes, I'd get black hitops or something

>> No.7204872

Not bad, could do with more interesting shoes.
Really nice. Still not feeling the ripped jeans though Tinny.
Also really good. Would prefer a black jacket.
Looks ok. Post a better image?
Agree with >>7204862 , otherwise not bad. Put some shoes on and post again.

>> No.7204871

was that sarcasm...?

>> No.7204874

>"lmao anon u wear faget skinny jeens"
>"rofl ur a faget"

>> No.7204875

nah. I didn't mean to quote you though.

>> No.7204885

w2c parka

>> No.7204889
File: 199 KB, 851x1838, IMG_20131029_230542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New fuccboi reporting in; repostan from old thread.
Destructive and constructive criticism needed.

yes I do know my shoes are shit, I live in a shithole and I'm looking for new ones as of right now.

>> No.7204888
File: 414 KB, 2418x712, Picture%20853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check ur priv misogynist scum

i changed out of it now because docs that arent broken in give are blister city but heres a pic showing the jeans fit

>> No.7204891


>> No.7204893

this was a good thread thanks fatty

>> No.7204894
File: 6 KB, 224x200, 1361117899077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice fit bro!

>> No.7204898

fugggggg wrong pic I wanted to post a cropped one. I can't even delete It cuz on phone right now.

fuck me

>> No.7204910

Mmm 5 zip
T by alex wang olive ls
Issey miyake baggy black cotton
john varvatos star usa suede boots

>> No.7204912

Ok man, you're on the right track and everyone starts somewhere. If you don't wanna spend the money but want to conform to /fa/ go for some all black converse hi-tops, and get some better fitting jeans, jeans that are a little tighter after the knee.
Shirt looks good.
Can't really tell what color the jacket actually is but its not bad, just not as good as you can be.

>> No.7204916


>> No.7204917
File: 96 KB, 480x640, IMG_20131107_073616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7204922

im sorry tinny but i dont like geobaskets on you
also the jeans just look like you cut the knee wih scissors, would look better if it looked more of a natural rip

>> No.7204920

i like ur fit fam, w2c jacket?

>> No.7204923

nice trips

>> No.7204926

bandit vs sieg
lets go

Also thanks for posting a fit sieg, I actually thought that your trip was stolen. So you're telling me, you're actually sieg?

>> No.7204929

what pants dude?

>> No.7204931

top man spray-on kek
pinrolled btw

>> No.7204933

yup, im still here was here last night too

>> No.7204950

ty bruv, i'm running to grab some better jeans this weekend and I'll see if there are any good converse black hi tops around

>> No.7204947

Are you the same person who's been posting here a lot recently?

>> No.7204951

probably about 20 posts in the last 3 days, why?

>> No.7204972

cool. What parka?

>> No.7205006

did you just cut a hole on your knee it looks awful

>> No.7205031
File: 406 KB, 910x1920, tumblr_mvw7cvEGMo1rvhwhbo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7205030
File: 61 KB, 432x300, JR_Bike6532-432x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7205042
File: 342 KB, 758x1562, fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7205044


>> No.7205054

I have that shirt lol

Not digging the jacket color. It kinda throws off the color palette, but other than thats it looks nice. 6.5/10

>> No.7205112
File: 1.13 MB, 640x960, jfddkds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7205119

lol you look shittier than I thought

>> No.7205120


>> No.7205130

something's off about those velcros

and ffs you didn't even velcro them properly how lazy can you be?

>> No.7205136

Knew this was gonna get hate but w.e

>> No.7205148

P. lazy
I've been to 1 class this week

>> No.7205160

this should look like shit but for some reason i love the trashiness of it

>> No.7205164

well it does not look good

flecktarn is out of place, proportions of the whole fit are shitty and the velcros just look ugly and don't fit with the rest

>> No.7205171

That's what I'm going for, a stupid looking outfit that makes ppl go wtf

>> No.7205176

>lel I was just pretending to look like shit

>> No.7205189

Look at all my fits they're all the same haha

>> No.7205184

Only good fits ITT

>> No.7205186


>> No.7205200
File: 250 KB, 403x1327, 1381323447935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow you're desperate as fuck

>> No.7205204
File: 889 KB, 1176x1062, IMG_23 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other thread is ded. x_x

>> No.7205202

w2c pants?

>> No.7205205

Um ok? I was referring to the fact that they all feature stuff that's "out of place"
I really don't care that people laugh, I wear what I like how I want to

>> No.7205210

>I wear what I like how I want to

That's called being clueless.

>> No.7205214

No it's called doing things the way you want and not giving a shit

>> No.7205219

Nope, that's called being delusional.

>> No.7205220

>not giving a shit
you don't sound like you don't give a shit
>i-i-it's j-just a j-j-joke hhaha-he ;___________;

>> No.7205239

This thread sucks, where is the lazy shorts guy?

>> No.7205235

I'm obviously not going to be able to convince you guys of anything, I mean it's 1 vs 1000 here, especially on 4chan
The fit wasn't a joke, but it's being received as one so w.e I guess u win some u lose some

>> No.7205238

>says guy posting fit on the internet asking for the approval of anonymoose strangers.

>> No.7205242

Wasn't asking approval of anything I like posting my stuff here and getting feedback

>> No.7205243
File: 288 KB, 996x3145, 110713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7205244

>gets feedback
>pretends not to notice all the feedback is bad

>> No.7205245
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1327480352423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7205249

There's been one compliment out of a bunch so obviously I realize it's bad feedback
That won't stop me from wearing it tho

>> No.7205252

the compliment was a joke....

>> No.7205253

you look lovely :3

>> No.7205256

sell me those ramones they look awful on you

>> No.7205263

he's asian

you'll never be as good as those little asian boys

>> No.7205276

O sieg ur too much

>> No.7205285

Would b aight if u rolled ur trousers down to just over the shoes or stacked over them with a black t and black socks imo
cool hair tho

>> No.7205286


i like it a lot

>> No.7205293
File: 157 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7205299

bad don't bother with 2

>> No.7205304 [DELETED] 
File: 180 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7205313

get another chord for your headphones, not because it looks bad but because ik how annoying it is. lol...nice fit though.

>> No.7205308
File: 64 KB, 640x480, RICKS BITCH LAUGHING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat jacket
>boat shoes

also i cant see anything

>> No.7205311

Ty b
pants usually cover, I just stood up tho and I was too lazy to tuck them back in

>> No.7205317

so funneh joke outfit

>> No.7205332


> i dont get it

thats the point

>> No.7205341

so sick

>> No.7205350


All you can see is your silhouette which is awful

>> No.7205351

w2c shoes?

>> No.7205354


y-3 qasa

lurk more

>> No.7205356
File: 110 KB, 641x794, Fuccboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cus the other one is dead

need to step my jeans game up + get some black timbs.

>> No.7205367


idk but they're all shit and contribute nothing

>> No.7205362

what's with all these new tripfags like seriously.

>> No.7205373
File: 713 KB, 1520x2688, IMAG1084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7205374

the "cool" tripfags left/hardly post, so now we have some uncool nerds trying to take their places

>> No.7205377
File: 7 KB, 225x250, 1380297346842s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude no offence our something but i don't even recognise your trip.

i want poet back :( and banana and tomato were are they :(

>> No.7205381
File: 208 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't include NB sneakers because they support my fucked foot and
>new balance

>> No.7205402


I think I saw those shoes on sale in Lidl.

Good cop.

>> No.7205400

might be good but can't see shit
clothes seem to fit alright at least you didn't do bad
listen to rick owens, get fab hair and expensive shoes and you'll be more fashionable than majority of ppl on this forum

>> No.7205422

nigga's right

I wear hanes tees with my raf b

>> No.7205477

I like coil cords, whenever my phone drops it just kinda bungees back.

>> No.7205510



rest is shit

>> No.7205529

lol just having nice acne and a cos tee fit and just moved money to my pp account to cop velcros :p
dunno what hoodies have nice fit though, it's too cold to use just a tee even inside the house
been wearing AA and fits best I have had but apparently it's shit regarding to /fa/

>> No.7205562

Look how strong this niggers hand is.
#brokemyphone #notagaiiiin lel

>> No.7205592

No way. I saw you today downtown

>> No.7205591
File: 164 KB, 1272x1048, top kike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you made it tinfoil congrats, first fit I ever liked by you.. ever

>> No.7205605
File: 2.68 MB, 2592x1944, DSC02425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7205608
File: 8 KB, 149x124, top kikes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

np m8

go live ur lyfe now

>> No.7205613


>> No.7205617


>> No.7205629

the chicken parts of that video are really cute
my friend lives in an area like that and we always hang w/ the chickens

>> No.7205633

Y didn't u say Hi to me?

>> No.7205647
File: 246 KB, 720x1280, http%3A%2F%2Fimagescale.tumblr.com%2Fimage%2F1280%2F7f818c30521e4f5d38d3cc48d3d5d113%2Ftumblr_mvwowr4LTy1qhbol5o1_r3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in a quest to take the nastiest fits i've snapped one in a train lavatory.

>> No.7205648


>> No.7205656
File: 181 KB, 500x750, 1368363357219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is spicy

what shoes

>> No.7205652


i thought you were bald

like a young poet

>> No.7205661

Because I didn't know who you were and you were with a girl. It would've been weird. I'll say something next time though. I'm pretty sure I've seen you around other times too.

>> No.7205657
File: 73 KB, 392x588, 50HA AW11-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mosquito tits

>> No.7205658
File: 170 KB, 331x319, pizza mozzarella.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like a young poet
oh my kek

>> No.7205677
File: 60 KB, 480x640, twerk great fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7205692
File: 437 KB, 640x562, nerd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7205699
File: 68 KB, 500x593, mark-mcnairy-norse-projects-wingtip-brogues-ss2011-shoes-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool say something next time

>> No.7205704

prepare to have memes shouted at you faggot

>> No.7205707

they've moved on to other boards

it's over

>> No.7205710
File: 188 KB, 1280x720, http%3A%2F%2Fimagescale.tumblr.com%2Fimage%2F1280%2F82c852107df32b261bc1798fb5acf119%2Ftumblr_mrr8ziKB521qhbol5o1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my hair has been visible in several pics b4

achilles hi

>> No.7205716
File: 2.24 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7205720
File: 2.27 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going to be hard looking for this same pair once they wear out
Perforated CPs

>> No.7205724

has this been one of the best waywt considering /fa/ ?
coloured socks dnt work well here
nice dubs,stop falling into the /fa/ ethere squad trolls post and gtfo
thsi doesnt look good
qt legs for once!!!!!
like .... /ck/

>> No.7205726
File: 2.15 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jacket is by a brand named chambers, don't know much about them, I thrifted this piece

>> No.7205734

?? TP why did u switch up ur trip from the cool font?

the trolls feed me
although looking back i probs shouldn't have posted the fit, i knew it would get #rekt

>> No.7205765

>fit posts
then whats the point of posting on /fa/ m8? continue posting fits dont mind the idiot character assasins they dont have the power to build and break anyones persona here,its annoying understandably.

i had to detrip when i posted on some spaz board since they become v butthurt when it's a name other than "anonymous"
thx for reminding me

>> No.7205762


wtf are you drawing?

looks shit

>> No.7205790
File: 196 KB, 1200x805, Point-Break.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha that's the thing, I actually don't care what ppl think about my fits. I've worn this plenty of times irl and ppl always go "wow shoes cool w2c" "wow so jacket"
i will continue to post my fits bc I know ppl do enjoy them
it just p. would've been better not to post it

nice i like it better that way

>> No.7205795
File: 68 KB, 960x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol not going to share if you are mean

Just recently started to really try and become better at drawing. I'm crawling at the moment but I won't give up til I am great at it

>> No.7205813

>dem dad jeans
hhhnnggg winter cannot come faster,i dont want to wear t shirts & and light button downs everyday

>> No.7205822

change your trip to Mind Freak.

>> No.7205830

wtf m8 i thought u were in london
how can u still wear a t-shirt
isn't it cold

btw twerk may i fuck u

>> No.7205852

topest of all lels

>> No.7205859
File: 135 KB, 430x184, 1379884066311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7205873

its a yes r no question

>> No.7205876

he thinks you look like chris angel, mind freak

>> No.7205903
File: 12 KB, 262x77, location.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm anywhere i want to be

>> No.7205917

yeah, you don't actually care
that's why you have to immediately start telling us about the plebs who compliment you

who do you think is gonna buy your bullshit?

watching you clumsily try to shoehorn yourself into this clique is embarrassing

>> No.7205921
File: 8 KB, 100x100, qpr-home.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya i can see the reason you'd leave london with the r's comin back next year

>> No.7205931


>> No.7205929
File: 1.41 MB, 1456x2592, WP_20131107_013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

preparing for shitstorm

>> No.7205935


dats hot if i saw you in the clubs id deffo grab you by the hips and dance with you

>> No.7205945

do compliments on things have anything to do with me caring? no. i'm not trying to sell u anything nor do you need to buy anything from me

shoehorn? i talked to ppl on here b4 i started naming, i'm sure u talk to ppl too. Does that mean you are also trying to shoehorn your way into an internet clique?
i didn't realize there were such things as cliques on /fa/ man it's an anon internet board
sure there's ppl on here who you talk to more than others but i don't think there's any cliques

go back to where u came from and quit #ethering me

>> No.7205956

how much do you charge / hr

>> No.7205964

So Russian I can feel the perestrojka and glasnost all the way over here. A shame since it looks like you have a nice body.

>> No.7205970


>> No.7206004


Do they still sell that parka? I can't seem to find it on their website.

>> No.7206016

>do compliments...
the compliments being made don't
you getting defensive enough to post about them does

you're hardly talking about anything at all
you're trying to establish an alliance by sucking dicks
even twerp doesn't want to indulge your bumbling attempts

>i didn't realize...
again, who do you think is gonna buy your bullshit?

>> No.7206014
File: 21 KB, 480x342, 21945f664b2111b010279256d5fe0b2b1a7329ca_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea pretty sure

its called common jacket on the website

>> No.7206019

U got a nice bod
Pls post bikiny and underwear fits only
Or nekkid, nekkkids good too

>> No.7206025

le autocorrect face

>> No.7206057


You are right, I'm afraid I wasn't searching properly. Thank you.

>> No.7206095
File: 232 KB, 704x1160, ledirtymirorfaec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mm mm tinny going ham

>> No.7206171

acg karst from a few years back

>> No.7206187

>I actually don't care what ppl think about my fits.
>i will continue to post my fits bc I know ppl do enjoy them

Your motivation for posting is that you "know" people enjoy your fits, yet you claim you don't care if they enjoy them (...)

>> No.7206194

>nerd glasses on table

I'm sorry

>> No.7206255
File: 618 KB, 1536x2794, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7206262
File: 734 KB, 876x686, neckman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a small man living in your neck

>> No.7206268
File: 992 KB, 1408x3355, IMG_9282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like experimenting with fashion

>> No.7206269



>> No.7206272
File: 1.37 MB, 1200x1600, dbss gradient chino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those r my dads dont b mean



>> No.7206275
File: 52 KB, 403x403, 1383734009159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tinfoil literally swallowed le feelsieman

>> No.7206280

You look like shit you fucking fuck.

>> No.7206307


Did you try Cheap Monday's one? Which one would you suggest?

>> No.7206315
File: 2.74 MB, 2448x3264, foto_no_exif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go

>> No.7206324

jacket fits like butt

>> No.7206329

you look fine

>> No.7206330

i feel this mang
keeping it classy with the sweater, fusing this with the seemingly contradictory techwear leggings/shorts combo, showing basic bitches how scarves are supposed to be worn, being bold enough to dare wearing sandals(with NO socks!) and accentuating the whole fit with some streetwear influence through the bracelet
simply next lvl

>> No.7206343

I think this is actually cool, but I'm not feeling the pattern on the scarf thing and I think you should push down your sleeves a little

>> No.7206352

thanks bruv, needed the self-esteem boost

>> No.7206355

What a prick.

Is fine... But I no like. Seems cheap quality...

>> No.7206367

you should be lurking and not posting
or just leave this board altogether as long as you can

>> No.7206364
File: 711 KB, 500x1323, fucc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7206377

damn those dreamboxes look like shit with that fit

>> No.7206379
File: 245 KB, 397x962, 2013-11-07 14.05.59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7206383

They're for streetwear
street bottom
work shirt
military jacket

What is happening here?

>> No.7206392

>they're for streetwear
do you know what streetwear is? or that rick owens is the exact opposite of streetwear?

>> No.7206393

really really really bad

it's like you decided to slap together the first 3 things you saw on /fa/

>> No.7206395

Instant hype m80
Shirt has some shit pattern but camera didnt wanna show dat

>> No.7206399

No it doesn't it's not that bad.

>> No.7206397

not feeling the jacket but rest looks good just because you spent so much money

ps give me your fucking shoes

>> No.7206398

oh my god why does someone this stupid own dreamboxes

>> No.7206401

that image size is the data equiv of ur chances

>> No.7206405

it's not working
esp the shoes +lace or the pant print +lace+bag it's not working

>> No.7206413


>> No.7206428
File: 2.07 MB, 2448x3264, 1107131427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow natural light looks so much better

>> No.7206439

so what do you do all the time anyway

>> No.7206441


>> No.7206442

you have crazy arm hair

>> No.7206444

what legs?

>> No.7206445

Would be good if your top half was black. Those colors, however, don't really mesh well.

>> No.7206448

To add, you've be better with some slim fitted jeans and all-white Svenssons.

>> No.7206455

I could literally smell that oh god what is wrong with me..

>> No.7206462
File: 277 KB, 371x344, 1381240492036.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you look fresh outta auschwitz, mayn

>> No.7206461

you totally get me bro

>> No.7206464
File: 18 KB, 400x333, zak-bagans-pose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


go away I don't want to hustle bones anymore pls ur scaring me

or ill call Zak bagins to curl you to death inn affliction tees because he doesnt get spooked

>> No.7206474

What the hell is going ON!?!? is this real life??

>> No.7206477

i work from home and i also am an introvert so i just stay home when i'm not working too.
what about them? i can pull my shorts up higher next time i post a fit if you want
yet surprisingly my chest and upper arms are bare. what a ripoff

>> No.7206488

>i work from home and i also am an introvert so i just stay home when i'm not working too.
goddamn, i should probably start proofreading my posts.

>> No.7206540
File: 171 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7206555
File: 1.15 MB, 1000x1500, IMG_2454_829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talk shit post fit

>> No.7206565

gr8 as always

>> No.7206571


one of the best personalities /fa/ has had in a while

>> No.7206576

do you sometimes get dressed up in those just to taket hat pic

>> No.7206582

would drink a beer with/10

>> No.7206584

>not recognizing shit ripped striaght off knoch's tumblr today

>> No.7206589

That doesn't change the fact that his fits are good.

I'd rather somebody repost good fits than timestamped bad fits

>> No.7206614

w2c jacket

>> No.7206622
File: 64 KB, 365x324, 2013-11-07 15.15.58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw smarter than you


>> No.7206633

What up Ryan?

>> No.7206639

More importantly, tin looks like shit.

>> No.7206656
File: 136 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I do okay friends?

>> No.7206662

what is knochs bumblr?

>> No.7206690
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>> No.7206698
File: 2.61 MB, 418x300, 1372369345584.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody pls destroy my fit comeon

>> No.7206696
File: 151 KB, 1224x1632, 20131107_171655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'm wearing this today

>> No.7206701

lol did u get ur whole wadrobe from h&m or smthin

>> No.7206705

It's edgy and dumb. I would snicker at you with my friends if I saw you irl.

>> No.7206722

i thought it was p tame comparatively
i'm a tiny asian so you would morelikely not notice me at all

>> No.7206728


uhh, its kinda faggy/edgy/overly goth i guess
wouldnt be great for everyday wear
perfect color-coordination tho lol
also looks like everything fits well

>> No.7206731


can't really see shit man
the neckline is kinda low for a dude

>> No.7206736


Only the pants actually

>> No.7206739

ive been mistaken for a girl more than once tho

i dont wear that shit every day

>> No.7206744


Nothing is from there actually

>> No.7206751

pants and jacket?

>> No.7206750

No he doesn\t

>> No.7206755

White people just think you're compensating for being indistinguishable by peacocking when asians look tryhard.

>> No.7206764


so so bad

>> No.7206767

Yeah I have let 7 year olds dress me too its okay

>> No.7206771

that's a fair point, plen asian fashion is like that esp. with the short ones. i promise you i don't look that out of place irl, it's not my intention to stick out

>> No.7206786

Don't take it to heart. I'm just not a fan of the edgy monochrome and frail look this board loves.

>> No.7206792
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>> No.7206817

even worser shoes
pants r better
jacket+jumper need to go for something slimmer and better in quality

>> No.7206825


the pants are not new>>7206690

>> No.7207105

No, everything I've ever posted is what I am actually wearing.

Actually one time I posted completely naked with just an apron on. I doubt anyone remembers it, that was the only time I have specifically dressed up for WAYWT

>> No.7207132

wow, it's like you and teddy are trying oh so hard to be bai. everything is a failed mimic, even down to his furniture decor.

>> No.7207151

this fit is so bad

>> No.7207157

you usually kill it but i'm not really feeling this one, upper half looks off but also could be the funky angle.
not a fan of the hoodie

>> No.7207212

Nicki Minaj/10

pls b in my pants

>> No.7207382

top half eh
bottom half terrible

>> No.7207417

That fit is so bad I wanna fuck her dry

>> No.7207491
File: 108 KB, 367x1439, dicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7207500

did u shit yourself kekekeke

>> No.7207501

you look ridiculous. youre mixing two different styles, and very badly at that

>> No.7207510

is that hoodie beige? or grey?

>> No.7207512

hey bb i didnt know you had long hair, thats one of my weakness you just went up in my book xoxo <3

you need to lose at least 7 lbs from each leg, or liposuction the shit out of dem fat thighs

>> No.7207514
File: 181 KB, 700x613, keck observatory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this year
>not looking like you shit urself

>> No.7207520


Best grill fit this year

>> No.7207521

would prefer a light gray tee over dark gray but dark gray's not bad

horrible from the ankles down
really awful
weak choice of color for the socks, even as an high-contrast accent piece

>> No.7207531
File: 16 KB, 300x300, thights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat thighs
>implying pic related is more attractive

>> No.7207538

no its not but a inner thigh gap is always welcome.
No one wants to have thighs that touch each other when you walk, bleh

>> No.7207544

but theyre nice when you fuck

>> No.7207548

Eh her legs are fine

Her body is the least of her worries, I'd say

>> No.7207554


I liek 2 foockkk fat grillz too!

>> No.7207569
File: 21 KB, 228x381, 1254615922873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw we never have thinspo threads anymore

>> No.7207571

pretty good waywt. Haven't seen a nice one in a while

>> No.7207573

>you need to lose at least 7 lbs from each leg

>if i'm ugly, everyone needs to be ugly!!

>> No.7207574

>tfw I hat anorexic gurlz bcuz they always dry down there
fuck lube

>> No.7207575

w2c jacket

>> No.7207579


shut up you fat stinking gook

my legs are fine

>> No.7207580

Seriously though, what jacket is this?

>> No.7207586
File: 10 KB, 289x174, fins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>my legs are fine

>> No.7207593


You're cherry picking legs that look nothing like hers. Just because you want to be disgusting doesn't mean every girl needs to

>> No.7207596

(i) thanks for the critique guys, appreciate it!
also >>7207579 theyre my fat legs not yours

>> No.7207601
File: 66 KB, 500x571, 1254632529217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7207602


aren't you fucking ugly tho?

get out

>> No.7207618

ty bb <3

>> No.7207612


you're a fucking shitskin. you're going to be fat by age 30 anyway

>> No.7207613
File: 17 KB, 310x310, 470_2678334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all you bitches calling me ugly and asian and whatever else are talking out of your ass, ive never posted a pic of my face before so shut it.
last time im posting about this ITT cause its off topic


>> No.7207621


LOL pyrenees u nigga, you're fatter than she is

trust me bitch, I've SEEN that shitty fit with the riding boots you posted a few years ago, and you posing in those dumbass leggings you wanted to show off.

>> No.7207629 [DELETED] 
File: 2.15 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7207627

you p. jack off to that to this day m8

>> No.7207636

srs tho how to cop a jacket like this

>> No.7207633


lol thirsty as fuck

>> No.7207634


>implying I'm male

fuck off

>> No.7207650

gotta get me some pyrenees to drink what can i say

you said nigga so i assumed you're a male

>> No.7207667
File: 818 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7207680

it's fine man

>> No.7207684

where do u buy these hats?

>> No.7207685

i like mbv too

>> No.7207705

still waiting for a waywt thread taht doesn't turn to shit fighting

>> No.7207714

ur a qt get snapchat pls

>> No.7207794

wow its like you are so butthurt because your poor and can't afford anything they have.

>> No.7207806

fukken rekt

>> No.7207818
File: 158 KB, 600x690, 5140ab01dhHhnF18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all sorts of diff places
idr where this blue on came from ive had it for two years and i ripped all the tags out

im sure theyll come in when i hit puberty
4 now ill live it up as dfc (◡‿◡✿)

>> No.7207815

looks great man

not sure why you're getting hate
I usually think your fits are bad but this is dope

>> No.7207824

looks good homie

>> No.7207868


>> No.7207884

looks gr8 m8

>> No.7207892

shit colorwork

>> No.7207920

looks good

>> No.7207997

fair enough. i have just been looking for a nice kinda slouchy one and yrs always look so comfy. do u have a specific shop youd recommend?

>> No.7208014
File: 377 KB, 200x200, 1382146639090.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dem skellington feet

>> No.7208434

fat manlet scum

>> No.7208442

don't be thirsty hoe.

but where did that snapchat thread go?

>> No.7208640
File: 795 KB, 640x960, .photo37487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets just take a moment and talk about my outfit.

>> No.7208690

r u a grill or boy

>> No.7208702


>> No.7208763
File: 1.14 MB, 640x960, photo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sporty spice

>> No.7208949

>dat hair
>dat chin
>dem hips
r u sure?

>> No.7209002

Yeah I got them hips tho. I have a fucking buttchin, so I don't know what you are talking about there.. and I love my hair. Its /fa/ as fuck

>> No.7209026


>> No.7209033
File: 1.07 MB, 646x862, 1383898614669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my face

>> No.7209041

now you look even more female

are you gay

do you like the dick

>> No.7209050

and no

I feel like this was actually a really good outfit, for the little amount of thought that went into it.

>> No.7209156


You wanna fuck bish?

>> No.7210717

ISAORA & acne cash, taken in at the lower leg.

>> No.7210754

H&M plebrace skinny jeans reporting in

>> No.7210757
File: 79 KB, 640x426, Photo on 08.11.13 at 19.34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7210763
