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/fa/ - Fashion

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7203043 No.7203043[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How many of /fa/ are thin?
>Tfw being skinny reveals my stupid Popeyes like bones

>> No.7203054

used to be auschwitzmode, now skinnyfat

biceps are 10.5" around flexed

>> No.7203060

I 172cm and 54kg, waist is 64cm, am I thin???

>> No.7203070
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I'm pretty thin.

>> No.7203077

138lbs at 5'6 at 12%bf
I have 16inches biceps flexed.
I want to cut down to 9% but I don't know if it will be easy to retain that weight and bf.
>inb4 manlet
Tell me something I don't know

>> No.7203086

Thank you hungry skeleton

>> No.7203087

fuck that shit is not attractive at all

>> No.7203103

Have you tried eating?

>> No.7203221

i'm 120lb at the same height
and i'm borderline fat
i mean come on man

>> No.7203404

>Hello fellow skeleton

5'10, 108lbs.

>> No.7203733

bmi says im underweight, dont feel underweight

>5,5ft 99lbs

>> No.7203758

I just realized I was about ten pounds lighter than I really thought I was, being about 140(63.5kg) at 6'2"(188cm)

Not really a skeletor but that's a lot lighter than I thought I weighed.

>> No.7203769

5'9" 180lbs

>> No.7203840
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>6'1" 125lbs
i have pectus tho

>> No.7204174

you are a skeleton. i'm 136 and 5'11, and i'm pretty skinny.

>> No.7204193

why is it so hard getting to 10% bodyfat ;_;

>> No.7204201


183m for 72kg.
That's about the lightest I'll ever go.
How do you go so skinny?

>> No.7204205

and? if you have a high bf% height and weight mean nothing

>> No.7204213

6'1 and 128 lbs. still want to get a little bit of fat off my thighs though. i might start lifting on a deficit rather than just starving myself like i usually do. otherwise i would get really, really thin

>> No.7204222
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>this thread

>> No.7204240

>be skinny
>have smooth as fuck skin

Am I the only one, I feel like a cute girl ;3cc

>> No.7204252
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>> No.7204262


>> No.7204316

Diff guy, but the way I did it was this:

Glass of juice for breakfast
Cup of coffee for lunch
Small bowl of cereal for dinner

All of that with a fuck tonne of smokes and a fair amount of physical activity and you will drop weight like a stone.

For example, I dropped from 75 kilos to 55 kilos in six months, and I'm 6'3

>> No.7204355
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your parents must be proud. next time eat some protein, the protein sparing modified fast exists for a reason.

>> No.7204364
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>those arms

>> No.7204386

I'm skinny but have wide hips. Pretty much lost the genetic lottery. I'm a skinny white guy with the bone structure of a black woman.

1,85m 55kg

>> No.7204399

w2c willpower to starve? how do you guys do it?

>> No.7204407
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Holy shit you have the exact same stats as me.
I thought I was the only one.

>> No.7204405

nobody here actually starves themselves

just lift weights and eat less

>> No.7204415


>> No.7204417

>forearms smaller than elbows

I think I'd kill myself.

>> No.7204420

5'10 123

is this /fa/ or just basic bitch??

>> No.7204544

ok I knew something was funky, 166 pounds(75kg)

My bad, checked this time with a dumbell and the scale must have been messed earlier. It'd been a loooong while since I've checked, I KNEW I wasn't a skeleton, my thighs are fat as fucking hell kill me.

Least it ended up teasing some advice out of a fellow anon

>> No.7204553

171cm 61kg

forever >60kg

>> No.7204556

maybe you should anyway

>> No.7204570


>> No.7204583

solution: start going to the gym and do upper body workouts only

>> No.7204605
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Also some people tell me i look like a grill

>> No.7204611


>skipping leg day

>> No.7204632

wow, yeah. i'm sure u look rly good in slp denim, m8

>> No.7204651

I have child bearing hips, the amount of gay people that hit on me is insane because of this.

>> No.7204799
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mfw the last guy i was with was saying my body was smooth and delicate

ara ara

>> No.7204803
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>gay people
>looking for child baring hips

u wot m989

>> No.7204817
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>tfw cycle everywhere
>tfw every day's a leg day

>> No.7204818

That's not how that works.

>> No.7204850

M8 that's hardly leg day

>> No.7204873

you have naturally skinny legs dont say anything

>> No.7204880


>> No.7204883



>> No.7204892
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so will your flesh grow back or are you stuck a spooky skeleton

>> No.7204896

You weigh like 6 pounds

>> No.7204899
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183 cm
58 kg

>> No.7204907
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Nah, I aman adonis

I cud snap yor fukn arms backward

das how bitch u is

lol, fag

>> No.7204918


>> No.7204924
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>> No.7204928

so im guessing you eat out of the bowls behind you

>> No.7204935
File: 70 KB, 500x500, AefNCnYCAAAKX8l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

177 cm
52 kg

I consider myself pretty skinny, but not wild-ride level

>> No.7204938

no matter how skinny we get, our arms will always look awkward compared to our chests

>> No.7204986
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>Tfw almost all people i know and new people i meet think im gay.

>> No.7205004

Then clearly you talk like a fag, walk like a fag, and dress like a fag.

>> No.7205487
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177-179 cm
~76 kg

i think

wouldnt mind weighing less but idk what the fuck my shitty body is up to and working out is so not my highest priority right now

>> No.7207043
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>> No.7207167
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I am a willing skellington for my almighty lich.

>> No.7207239


>> No.7207315

definitely hot!

>> No.7207321


>> No.7207359



>> No.7207388

Why aren't you all traps yet you would all be perfect cock sleeves but only as qt traps.

>> No.7207406

hey mang i have pectus too. lots of my girlfriends thought it was cool as fuck. do you have it inwards or outwards?

>> No.7207409

Because my friends would laugh at me if I shaved my legs.

>> No.7207456

hnnng moar plz bb

do it anyway. fuck your friends

>> No.7207494
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am i doing okay /fa/?

>> No.7207522

r u fking stupid m8
muscle weighs more than fat

>> No.7207525

Hows sophomore year of highschool

>> No.7207546
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>tfw practically a twig

>> No.7207560

delicious, post more, show legs, some boxers perhaps

>> No.7207577
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my ak47

>2 months at the gym

>> No.7207582

very nice collar bone shoulder area

>> No.7207583

god damn, lose some bodyfat%

>> No.7207590

everyone you pass on the street thinks you're a dickhead

>> No.7207606

>136 lbs
>hourglass figure
i get told i look like a girl alot too

>> No.7207607

pls squat

>> No.7207670
File: 598 KB, 1095x1460, DSCF0016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i a hungry skeleton or not?

>> No.7207686

no you have a legit body quit trolan

>> No.7207693

I could break your spine like a fucking toothpick.

>> No.7207694

not trolan

>> No.7207703

you better not want to be a hungry skeleton
you look gr8

>> No.7207711
File: 96 KB, 765x1227, 1369445697234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o-ok, that makes me feel better!

>> No.7207715

ottermode, nice veiny arms

cannot. my achilles tendons are shorter than they should be, and it makes me very aware. like if im doing a squat i would start thinking about "that" scene from Hostel. it gives me the jeebies

>> No.7207730

man how dumb are you though to seriously think you are hungry skeleton
you look like a beast dude, in a good way

>> No.7207743

i dunno, how some /vg/ nerds said I was.

they are possibly really fat though, making their views skewed when it comes to bodyweight. or they were just "le trolling"

>> No.7207757

man you look great keep it up
people here strive to look along the lines of that

>> No.7207765

jesus imagine that guy walk-flopping towards you at the beach

>> No.7207771
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really not sure, everyone says i am scrawny but i have never felt that scrawny.
>Look at twinks, feel fat as fatass
>browse fit, feel like hungry skeleton

>> No.7207769


>> No.7207777

is this "skinnyfat"? it looks life you did a bit of lifting and then cut a bit w/ cardio you would have great definition

>> No.7207784

that is indeed skinny fat
cardio plus lifting and eating whole foods will get you out of there

>> No.7207789

post workout pls

>> No.7207793


actually, im kidding

join organized sports and work out with teamates/coaches

helps with motivation and is really fun, and if you're actually competitive it's a really effective routine

>> No.7207801

btw dont do SS+GOMAD
gives you huge as fuck thighs, and then you can't wear skinny jeans well :(

>> No.7207840


>> No.7207848


workout with coaches? hm

>> No.7207845

>that glorious cock

would let fug my boypussy

>> No.7207869


know what i mean

i hear that personal trainers don't actually know their shit most of the time though from /fit/, so maybe you want to stay away from that

>> No.7207881
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/fa/ I'm about 5'6 and weigh around 115, what's the healthiest and if possible fastest way to gain a bit of weight? Just looking to fit into clothes better, not so much that I get too big for them

>> No.7207886

eat, lift.

food is expensive and it's a lot of work.

>> No.7207888

muscle weighs more than fat

>> No.7207903

Hey guise.. I am 6'3" and I weigh 58kg.. I eat 3 adult meals a day.. and I know I need to eat 6 to gain weight and join a gym.. the only problem is.. everyone will judge me when I join the gym because I'm too thin. wut do?

>> No.7207925


>> No.7207940

this is my goal

>> No.7207994

6'3" 145lbs 30" waist. I was 162 first day school (late august). It's a hollow victory tho, adderall means I have no appetite. But damn I coming to terms with not being skinny you guys are sticks. But I can't say shit I'm still skinnyfat.

>> No.7208077

Nice body bro, no homo. You should so something with your hair though.

>> No.7208111

goal body

>> No.7208116

>You should so something with your hair though.

come help me at >>7208011