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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 21 KB, 542x602, 1351632182159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7194242 No.7194242[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fashon feels thread niggas

>tfw awaiting 4 days for new shoes to come
>tfw every day when you're not wearing them is hell

>> No.7194245

>tfw style block

>> No.7194253

>tfw see all the trendy asians on campus in cope fits
>tfw you can never pull that shit off

>> No.7194259

>tfw meet bunch of qt3.14 next weekend
>my velcros are coming next week
>feel uneasy every minute

>> No.7194281

why does everyone in /fa/ say "nigga"
pretty sure most people on 4chan are white?

>> No.7194286

go to fuccboi thread fuccboi

>> No.7194290

what, did you think white people don't say nigga?

>> No.7194293


I don't know, I'm not american nor is english my mother language, never really see white people saying nigga except for wiggers

>> No.7194297
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>tfw over a week since shoes were supposed to come in the mail
>tfw no hope left and they're probably lost

>> No.7194298

this so hard

>> No.7194300

>tfw ill
>tfw copping new threads to ease the pain

>> No.7194318
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Mfw asians tryhard to peacock because they have no discernable features
mfw see asian in tweed overalls with pinrolled legs and a crew

Seriously had to restrain myself from laughing

>> No.7194325

>tfw have cops in the mail
>tfw super anxious
>tfw 1-3 day delivery
>tfw 3rd day
>tfw shipping to college mail room
>tfw they better hurry and sort that shit and email me its here already.

>> No.7194328

Lol, my friends and I say nigga or nigger every other word when black people aren't around.

one of my friends has a black stepdad so he and his siblings used to call each other nigga when they were growing up

I told him it's not right for a white guy to get a black dad when black guys don't even have them

>> No.7194366


>> No.7194370


>> No.7194376

>tfw lost y!jp auction
>tfw 5 hunna stuck with jauce

>> No.7196148
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>> No.7196166


>tfw get email from campus parcel center on friday after they close
>tfw have to wait till monday

>> No.7196198


Call 'em porchmonkeys and refer to broken beer bottles as nigger knives.

>> No.7196217

u can refund ur money u know

>> No.7196260
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tfw I see a pair of hs kids I used to know and they're both wearing floral short sleeve shirts, 5 panels, chinos while looking edgy with their cigarettes
I actually cracked out loud, I couldn't hold it in

>> No.7196454

But /fa/ dresses just as stupidly. Monochrome rapes waywt threads every day. That and 16 year old bodies wearing black skinny chinos with pull over sweaters and an oxford- usually maroon. Just awful.

>> No.7197697

>tfw started browsing /fa/ 6 months ago
>realized i was try hard as fuck with no basics
>tfw lurking on /fa/ everyday
>tfw slowly acquiring basics and some nice pieces
>tfw i know exactly how i want to dress but lack the money to attain it
>tfw walking around judging everyones fits while super insecure about my own because i'm still a pleb beginner into fashion

why can't the beginning transition into /fa/ be faster

>> No.7197704

>tfw can't find the exact piece you're looking for
>tfw judging everyone's fits and realizing how much of a pleb 99% of your everyday people are

>> No.7197714


I know that feeling, I had a ton of money to drop and picked up /fa/ approved basics but I still feel super insecure about literally everything

>> No.7197733

I spent a few evenings trying on every possible combination of my pieces, taking pictures, and writing down on a notebook which ones went kind of well and what occasions they would be appropiate for. Then I submitted 2 or 3 of the best to a WAYWT to get second opinions.

Do you even insecurity?

>> No.7197749

>anonymous internet board approved oversized t shirts and sneakers

Why are you letting yourself be dressed by these people, jesus.

>> No.7197762

>tfw order shipped a week ago
>tfw postman didnt think it was safe to leave in in mailbox
>tfw at the post in bumfuck nowhere
>tfw open mon-fri 7-10am and sat 8am-12pm
>tfw have to wait until saturday because school

>> No.7197765
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>> No.7197770
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>> No.7197796

>browse /fa/ post breakup with first love
>now dating my first love
>wow anon you dress so nicely!

It's like i haven't seen the sky until today

>> No.7197802
File: 183 KB, 800x505, 1338398662350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then why are you here

>> No.7197801

you got back with your ex? why'd you break up?

>> No.7197814

Being virgins we really weren't sure how to begin sex. She's very submissive and me- not understanding the power dynamics of sex- thought sex had to be equal. When she told me she felt uncomfortable (later i realized she was uncomfortable because she wanted to be held down and fucked senseless) we stopped sex and I felt an awful amount of sexual rejection. It took a couple years to overcome that. That event combined with her clinical depression and arguments that stemmed from that day lead to the break up. Now that we're older we're trying it again. Feels so cathartic man.

>> No.7197818

the asians at parsons all wear fake givenchy and raf with zara sweats and neon, studded hi top chucks. Like all of them.

>> No.7197824

how i dress

>> No.7197827

I'm from the deep south, and I've never heard the term "nigger knives." So I applaud you.

>> No.7197831

so how many dicks she took during this "break"?

>her clinical depression
run while you still can

>> No.7197834

a fair amount i imagine. Not that I'm bothered.It's been years,ofc we needed to fuck other people.

>> No.7197838


Are you from Argentina

>> No.7197853

>tfw 2 week shipping

>tfw new socks and underwear

>tfw no clean underwear because you're too lazy to use the free laundry facilities

>tfw your gf says you wear too much blue

>tfw shes now your ex and you just wear grey/black

>tfw your hair is too long in the back and it bunches up against your hoodie when you sit

>> No.7197850
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>tfw 6'4" with 29 inch waist

>> No.7197851
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Shoes are 43.5
Pants are EU50

Everything for sale if interested.

>> No.7197858
File: 106 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shoes are EU43

>> No.7197863

>tfw you notice no one around you wears jeans that fit

>> No.7197874

Why do you ask?

>> No.7197876

>tfw go to the only good high fashion stores in your city
>they never have anything you like and if they do it's far more expensive than the online price (like 2X)
>you keep going just in case they've restocked with some good stuff
>they never have

Guess I'll have to keep paying for shipping and continue not supporting local businesses...

>> No.7197880

>live in un/fa/ area
>only inspiration is the internet
>my fits are still mediocre at best
>still skinnyfat
>eating Halloween candy
>fucking hate everything about where I live but lack the funds to get out
>too afraid to get out
>too afraid to do anything
>Why do I even exist?

>> No.7197900

Why are you afraid, anon-kun

>> No.7197927


>thinking girls will be impressed by ur velcro retard shoes


>> No.7197945

Because I don't know. I just like the safety I have right now.
>Small group of new friends since I started college this year
>Most of them extremely autistic and annoying (double-standard feminists, big bang "nerds") but still enjoyable people.
>Live at home with my parents still. I love them to death, and can't imagine not having them in my life

I mean, I do want to move to New York or something and pursue my life goals... (major in physics, help humanity reach the stars) but I'm just so used to what I have and I like it. Kinda hard to take the plunge.

>> No.7198075


jw, cos im from Argentina

>> No.7198089

Leaving your comfort zone is hard, but it's necessary for change in your life. It won't always be positive change, but the negativity comes far less frequently. Some might tell you to just jump right in, and while It's good to have a goal like moving to NY, don't go all in like that right away when you're unsure of yourself even in more familiar places. Find opportunity around you--yes, it's out there--to build up that confidence--yes, that's there too. Comment about a lecture to someone as you walk out of class. Talk to people during lunch. Since it's your first year, I'll assume you live in the dorms, so look for the events your RA spams your email about and go to some. You don't even have to talk to anyone. Small steps. It will suck at first. It's just like going to the gym--your body hates it, but eventually you get used to it, and eventually it becomes enjoyable and leaves you feeling better than ever before.

I know it's generic advice but socializing is really key to those sort of issues.

Don't worry about your fit, as a /fa/g it's probably better than most people on campus, no matter how basic.

Where do you live anyway?

>> No.7198091

bs as?
no im not but a couple of my exes are <3

>> No.7198098


ye hmu nxt time u come ;);)

>> No.7198107


oh yeah bb argentinians are like my kryptonite
>dat accent

Also they have the biggest dicks of all latins, not that ive been with many but thats what i heard

>> No.7198114


u wont b dissapointed (;

u better dont b chilean or bolivian doe

>> No.7198120
File: 32 KB, 544x409, new_york5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck that, I can make whatever accent u like cuando regreses bb

>> No.7198122

>>tfw awaiting 4 days for new shoes to come
>>tfw every day when you're not wearing them is hell

This is how consumerist muppets actually live their empty, shallow, lives.

Must be grueling being a materialist sucker, always having to buy the new flashy thing that marketing agents peddle on you.

>> No.7198127

all of my feels

>> No.7198124

You'll never do it, don't worry.

>> No.7198136
File: 65 KB, 500x483, 1380572378803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dis kid telling me he's selling his Raf Velcro's because he needs money.
>Fuck yeah, been looking for white high top velcro's for ages.
>Changes his mind today.


>> No.7198138


shut the fuck up nerd

>> No.7198135

I would have killed myself if I was born in Chile

No boom-boom with soul brotha. soul brotha too beaucoup

>> No.7198144

>walking to exam room
>walking against seas of people because fucking arts student dont do exams and just bum around
>notice a black/grey tote
>see the guy holding it in full black fit
>trying to angle myself to see if it's a rick tote
i will never know
demolished the exam tho

>> No.7198225

Omfg same here man. They won't show up untill friday. You let me down canada postal service...

>> No.7198239
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>> No.7198315

turnleft ur applying to grad school for bio/bio-related topics right? whats your gpa like? im a second-year thinking about doing bio...is a 3.5 average for my first two semesters going to ruin my chances for a good grad school?

>> No.7198324

>walk into jcrew in tailored chino's/bb shirt/ cordovan brogue
>get asked to work there
>get asked to work at abercrombie
>get asked to work at basically any upper-end fashion store just based on the way i dress and because im young

don't they wonder how i can afford these clothes? it's not by working min wage retail

>> No.7198329

>tfw shittons of /fa/ knowledge
>tfw not enough money to cop anything
>tfw i judge everyone's fits i see
>tfw i look like a total pleb

>> No.7198349

I feel ya brother. I bought some german army trainers off german ebay 2 weeks ago. fuck these past 2 weeks

>> No.7198351

if you guys dont know how to be /fa/ on a budget, then you aren't /fa/, youre just as bad as a mindless trendwhore and you have no real aesthetic of your own

>> No.7198359

Knowledge of fashion or knowledge from /fa/? Because if it's the latter, you'd look like a pleb anyway.

>> No.7198366

> tfw brazil has the worst stores ever and everything is expensive as hell

plb feels

>> No.7198368

>tfw when NEET so ain't got nowhere to go to show off my fits

feels bad...

>> No.7198459

unfamiliar w/ 'grad school' terminology

oh postgrad
3.5gpa is like B-C?
you'll probably want atleast B-A (pref B+) but the thing with sciences is i dont think theyre as picky as during your post grad you're effectively a free researcher so i think 3.5 will be okay
check w/ uni tho.

>> No.7198463


>topman and zara are the most "high end" stores.

>> No.7198496

>tfw accidentally order wrong size from uniqlo and have to decide if it's worth $14 in shipping to exchange a $30 sweater

>> No.7199080
File: 19 KB, 339x331, only the dead can know peace from this chusma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw American Apparel, H&M, C&A, and Banana Republic are the most /fa/ things in your country and even then there's few of them.

>> No.7199090
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>> No.7199107

Christ, where do you live.

>> No.7199109

>step out of shower
>style hair and let dry
>go put on sweater/crewneck/whatever pullover item
>hair remains styled
thank you nopoo

>> No.7199128
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>tfw just found the perfect styling product for my curly hair

>> No.7199211
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>hair is silky as fuck
>tried no poo for a while, GOAT hair but got dandruff
>already tried tons of products but none is right

>> No.7199333

>tfw all your friends are tumblr goth dark lords
>finally cop rick leather
>still the worst fit in your whole crew

>> No.7199380

that happened to me, you have to stop taking hot showers.

>> No.7199474

>using grease as a hold

>> No.7199522

Ugh it's high fashion. You wouldn't understand.

>> No.7199538

because that wasnt what you liked
just cuz it's internet approved doesnt mean it's you approved
same with people copping everything in an inspo thread,you'll feel insecure cuz u didnt work for that level it's just not you,do u be u and u'll be better than the rest (except bootcut jeans and r9k core)

>> No.7199537
File: 1.53 MB, 240x135, perplexed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw that's how I dress.

I wouldn't go near 5 panel caps and smokes though

>> No.7199557

>wear what I think is a great fit
>walk to class through a busy area
>people turning their heads when I walk by
>can't tell if they are 'mirin or hatin

such is life at George Mason.

>> No.7199571

post fit.

Also link to the shoes. I've been on the hunt for a good pair of brogues.

>> No.7199626


>step out of barber and cross the road
>wearing sick fit with new clothes
>new sunglasses
>hair freshly cut and styled
>2 qts crossing road the other way look at me
>one says something to her friend, I can't make out what she said
>hear other one say "that's awkward" because I was within earshot of when her friend said something
>didn't know if it was awkward because of a compliment or a criticism

I spent the rest of the day feeling lousy.

>> No.7199633

>at work
>wearing ok fit
>see 2 girls walk in
>come up to me and ask if they can use the fitting room
>smile at them and let them into a fitting room
>they go in
>hear one of them say something to the other
>2nd girl says "but i liked his pants"
>they laugh
>tfw first girl probably said i was ugly and had terrible hair and the second girl just liked my pants

>> No.7199635

>wear full rick expecting plebs to laugh at me
>"damn anon you wear the coolest clothes you look like a designer"
i'm doing something wrong

>> No.7199653

>caring what plebs think

>> No.7199666

on the OP pic there is a undercut?
or how this one is called?

>> No.7199664

>tfw korean
>hate fobs and popular korean culture
>everyone keeps asking about k-pop
>koreans giving me shit for not exclusively hanging out with them

>> No.7199702

I live in southern Colorado. A little town called Pueblo Colorado. I go to a smaller branch of Colorado State University in Pueblo since its wear I live and I wanna focus on getting my grades good before I move.
I'll give it a shot I guess. I'm trying to get less hours at work so I can go do some college stuff. The honors class I'm in does these get togethers every once in a while, so maybe I'll go to one.
Thanks for the advice anon.

>> No.7199712

>tfw drop from 160 to 135
>tfw clothes dont really fit anymore but cant afford new ones

>> No.7199721

>tfw 21, been neet since 16
>just got my first job like a month ago and, because of curcumstance, I'll likely be working for myself within a year
>almost all my money has to go into my bussiness but next week I'll start becoming more fashionable without spending a dime on clothes (getting a boxing membership)
>tfw things are finally moving foward for me

>> No.7199725

If you're a girl, you're still more effay than you were before
Start copping AA or something

>> No.7199811

>see a guy with model tier genetics
>he's dressed like an autist
>all of my jelly

>> No.7199823

>tfw perpetually depressed and lonely, but also really awkward, anxious and overly self-aware so can't really ever do anything about it
>tfw you are doomed to be alone

not really fashun related tho

>> No.7199849

me too. Im thinking of giving up on people and focusing on trying to be less miserable on my own

>> No.7199889

I have social anxiety and /fa/ is the only way I can get out of the house (i like seeing people's reactions to my outfits and stuff)

It's helped me a lot in being able to just walk around somewhere and be around people. I got a trust fund so I can basically buy whatever

>> No.7199901

>tfw can't afford the clothes you really want to wear
>tfw buy new clothes and then go off them in a matter of months
>tfw my skinny jeans are no longer skinny because lost weight
>tfw friend won't give you his soviet army jacket

>> No.7199902
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>Never post in WAYWT unless im speeding
>Post fits with tons of confidence in them
>Send fit pics to friends in text messages
>tfw coming down the next morning and realizing all this

Its like pure shame /fa/.

>> No.7199931

>tfw ebay auction finishes while im in an exam so i won't be able to snipe

>> No.7199952

It's called manbun

>> No.7199957

>no friends
>not qt gf
>tfw the only thing you have is clothes

>> No.7199986

>tfw sitting here browsing /fa/ in my best shoes because i have no life and so don't wear my clothes enough

>> No.7200041


>Caps lock is cruise control for cool

>> No.7200068

>tfw ill never have long glorious asian hair because im white

>> No.7200078

>closet and drawers are full
>tfw you feel like you have nothing to wear

>> No.7200101

>Mother tongue
>Native laguage

Choose one

>> No.7200106

>tfw im edgy and i know it

>> No.7200156

they're pseudo edgy people and wiggers.

>> No.7200161
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>one of your grails is for sale right after you spend your disposable income on something else

>> No.7200172

Ohio state has that exact same thing going on it's obscene.

>> No.7200217

Food is for pussies, anon.
There is also no shame in sucking dicks for sick fits.

>> No.7200222

sell my car for BBS jacket y/n

>> No.7200265

Do eet. Walking and biking will also make you thinner.

>> No.7200453

>tfw only white person to ever bother talking to asians
>tfw everyday I hang out and play chess and go and smoke cigarettes all day with some chinese immigrants
>tfw getting to wear dope fits without looking out of place

>> No.7200490

Ever since I watched Bloodsport, I've wanted to join in illegal gambling in a shack behind a restaurant full of smoke and boisterous immigrants betting their fingers and eyes on a hand of cards (or a kumite).

In reality, every time I go to an Asian market in the OC, I get mad jealous of the sense of community they have. Fucking extended ass families fighting over the best batch of fish from the fishmonger and having the best time in a market.

>> No.7200516

Cars are mad overrated. Money guzzlers.

>> No.7200614


That samefagging...

>> No.7200637

How tall are you? I'm 6'2" 160lbs and want to go for like 130

>> No.7200644

>tfw it's fucking hot and humid outside
>tfw Houston

>> No.7200651

>tfw how the fuck do you guys get money for all those clothes if you are students?

>> No.7200671

Iktf. It can't be shitty for a day it has to be for the entire week

>> No.7200699

Dear God, 99% of the people on this board are narcissistic anorexic faggots.

>> No.7200710

Get a part time job, you lazy cunt. You can study and make money if you manage your time correctly.

>> No.7200751

1% are plebs. U R the one percent.

>> No.7200768
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>tfw spray starch on you raws to get the desirable combs
>tfw wide hips

>> No.7200846

Can someone explain this fucking balding shit every damn picture has this

>> No.7200853


>> No.7200854

but for what purpose

>> No.7200879

the bald god requires another sacrifice of hair

>> No.7200886
File: 66 KB, 1500x754, cm620scy_nb_02_i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw waiting for these to come in
The wait is killing me

>> No.7200896
File: 46 KB, 272x227, jack d ripper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw sick hair genetics
>tfw the bald one will never claim your flowing locks

>> No.7200916
File: 972 KB, 2000x2047, 1369374907470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>copped something online
>few weeks later realized it was a bad cop
>can't decide if I want to pick it up at the post office
Maybe tomorrow.

>> No.7200954

Just resell it on ebay or something.

>> No.7201047

>tfw i bug all my k-friends about kpop
>tfw my k-friends' friends don't like me

>> No.7201105

We're on 4chan still, aren't we?

>> No.7202436
File: 145 KB, 977x977, nike-flyknit-trainer_-black-white-532984-010-2_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walking around my campus to my car
>see group of swagfags, mostly pleb shit like bbc
>"yo check out these nigga's flyknits tho"
>"oh shit this is literally the first time i've seen those flyknits irl"
>"isn't that shit like 250 on ebay?"
>mfw smug face

>> No.7202463

those nignogs pay like $300 for jordans though

>le jew disguised as blackman face

>> No.7202457
File: 19 KB, 396x385, 1383666838617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw girls actually look at me, and flirt without knowing me when i dress /fa/

>> No.7202478

did you buy em for retail?

>> No.7202480

>tfw no effay korean gf

i want this more than a 4.0

>> No.7202571

>tfw no qt3.14 /fa/ bf with yellow fever

>> No.7202579

>tfw work in an office
>tfw have to wear ocbds and chinos erry day, which is not my preferred style
>boss is fairly young and into 'pleb' fashion
>occasionally get to wear hifashun items to work because of this (usually on Fridays)
>every time I buy something new she tells me wear it to work one day
Working in an office may suck, but at least my boss is pretty chill.

>> No.7202600

she clearly wants to fuck you in your geos anon.

>> No.7202621
File: 122 KB, 1200x1200, Gareth Pugh hightops pony hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I don't have Geos.
I have the Gareth Pugh hightops with the pony hair. Which I've worn to work a few times before. Stock pic related
I don't think she does but either way she's older than me and kinda chubby. I ain't into her.

>> No.7202628

I hate you

>> No.7202684
File: 76 KB, 680x460, 1322616142734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw slowly acquiring basics and some nice pieces
>tfw i know exactly how i want to dress but lack the money to attain it
>tfw walking around judging everyones fits while super insecure about my own because i'm still a pleb beginner into fashion

I know this feel all too well.

>> No.7202721

>work at men's clothing store
>have to weer a suit and necktie everyday
>pretty good pay, commission too, and great employee discounts
>have excuse to wear suit every day, and I'm in a relatively urban part of my Houston suburb, so I don't stick out much amongst the white collar masses
>my store is next to local mall, so I can smoke cigs and look moody with other angry looking retail employees when I head there to get lunch
>area lights up with life (and sluts) every friday and saturday
>get to look fly for the honeys

Nothing but good feels here, friends

>> No.7202727

>tfw she says I could fuck her while wearing Geos
>tfw finally get Geos and she's moved on
