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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 41 KB, 406x270, will-ferrell-top-11-zoolander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7183662 No.7183662[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Since being more /fit/ and /fa/shionable, I've been more and more confused with gay. So many times recently:

>omg i thought u were gay
>so hot
>now im interested in u anon

While I feel this is positive... they keep saying it is a good thing, that it means I'm well dressed and groomed, I can't help but to feel like the other 90% just aren't saying anything and I'm missing out.

>> No.7183673
File: 30 KB, 512x512, im_not_gay_im_just_partying_t_shirt-r1b4c02c5110942a29d50e183d23248d8_8nax2_512[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just cop this t shirt yeah?

>> No.7183678

also i like how you post boobs to prove you're not gay

>> No.7183692

I don't understand what happened, look at filename, that isn't what I uploaded?

>> No.7183699

step one: accept that you are gay
step two: fuck some butthole

nah but seriously just have sex with one or two of these chicks and word will get around

>> No.7183700

save that pic and use it as your desktop background. people will know you're straight.

if you don't use your computer in public, start.
find a starbucks, a park, a pizza hut, anywhere and pull up the chan.
shitpost, have debates, have lulz, whatever you need to do.
just be absolutely sure people see that pic on your background.

also if you want to take the more direct, alpha route, start watching porn on the go. that's what i do. works great.

yea i've gotten arrested and now it's on my permanent record: sexual misconduct.
perfect. notice how it doesn't say HOMOsexual misconduct?
clears up all doubt right away.

>> No.7183739

why do you even care?

honestly the current perception of gender and gender roles are so fucking skewed and behind what the times

people are still stuck to rigid Men/Masculine Women/Feminine and what constitutes as such mindset when Men and Women are pretty much required to do 90% of the same things, basically modern society requires both Men and Women to do the same things but people still think sewing or cooking is feminine

also whats wrong with sucking a dude's dick? doesnt mean you dont like pussy

>> No.7183748

>why do you even care?

>god knows how many women disregard advances because i'm just the nice gay guy

>> No.7183756
File: 19 KB, 667x680, 1365554753274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also whats wrong with sucking a dude's dick?
omg. i was reading and agreeing to this post until i got too the last line. fucking loled

>> No.7183751

sounds like you live in some small flyover state or backwater shit or something

This shit doesn't really happen much in the bigger cities at all, in my experience.

>> No.7183762

This is not untrue. Time to move.

>> No.7183769

i hate it when people in cities act big because they live in a city. none of that post hints he lives in a rural area. get off your horse, you're not as important as you think

>> No.7183785

to be honest, your problem is more with being the "nice" gay guy. most guys who are seen as gay is for the same reasons. it's happened to me before (in big cities too).
i've actually typed up some solutions before, but to summarize it all comes down to how you present yourself.
you need to project more confident, masculine body language, and take up space.
i know that it can easily get taken out of context by thinking im saying to be the stereotypical "macho" man, but i'm not. there are a lot of differences.

the thing about "taking up space" is important because it shows your dominance, even in a subtle way. the submissive person is going to make himself as small as possible to not get in anyones way.

i know there are dominant/alpha gay guys too, but that isn't what you are being mistaken as.
to a lot of people being gay means being soft, and quiet.

it really makes no sense, since gay guys are some of the most obnoxious people i've ever met (no offense), but it's how it is.

>> No.7183800

4chan switches images occasionally

>> No.7183797

people get posts like yours confused. for some reason they think being seen as gay means people don't accept gays.

>> No.7183855
File: 252 KB, 511x428, 1383151434584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excessively hit on girls you meet

>> No.7183900

I think its posturing too

its more of a response to body language than perceived gender roles

acting submissive, soft spoken, or otherwise "soft" means feminine to most people because alot of women are and do act that way, its subconscious

its the same if you have a naturally aggressive body language, people will notice how aggressive youre posturing yourself and react, I think I have a naturally aggressive face and posture so people talk to me differently (I noticed) no matter how nice I try to be, people will either find me frightening and become submissive or they get defensive and act aggressive also (ofc Im generalizing, you wont notice most of the time) , conversely, my friend who is 5'8 and has a really passive posture often complains how women dont find him masculine enough and men treat often see him as a little bitch

>> No.7183905

>tfw went through a phase of trying to get women and end up looking like a pervert

I end up cringing and hating myself every 2 years

>> No.7183959

body language is key.