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/fa/ - Fashion

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7176438 No.7176438[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>/fa/ is slowly becoming my homeboard
>tfw fat neckbeard

>> No.7176453

you dont belong here

>> No.7176456
File: 69 KB, 1024x634, feelseverywhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw want to get a sense of fashion
>tfw fat
>tfw have to lose all this weight before I can even think about looking good

I've got a ways to go..

>> No.7176460

pls go

>> No.7176464
File: 34 KB, 499x254, you can't out train.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>3 years ago
>fat beta neckbeard
>rules dictate it is completely impossible to be /fa/t
>fuck that shit, I wanna be /fa/
>eat some fruit and shit for breakfast, and some grilled or baked chicken for dinner
>picked up smoking (whoooooops.png)
>drink black coffee, which definitely helps supress hunger

Now down a shit ton of weight, qt's start mirin, actually get compliments bretty often.

Just get your shit together OP

>> No.7176471

I'd rather do that without the running. Maybe lift some weights and shit instead.

>> No.7176472

how to (maybe) be /fa/:
1. lurk and save
2. get skinny and spend

>> No.7176477

Learn to count calories and get into running or lifting. People make this big deal about losing weight, it's not hard - You just have to be dedicated to it.

I was skinny fat a year ago, so I worked on getting /fit/ and lurked /fa/ - If anything, I'm glad I did. Your taste in fashion will develop and change, just lurk and learn in the meantime.

>> No.7176642
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>tfw want to get a little more fit
>tfw to autistic to go to the gym or run outside

>> No.7176649

>too autistic to run outside
how is that even possible

>> No.7176653

I will look stupid when I run, p-people will look at me

>> No.7176664

and they will think
"woah, this guy looks stupid. thank god he is motivated to try and look better"

>> No.7176667

>lol look at that fat shit
And then 30 secs later they wont remember you at all
ur not as important as you think u r

>> No.7176705
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this board is disgusting. if you cant dress a fatman in fancy clothes and make him look good, what use is fashion?

>> No.7176711

How fat are you, op? You sound obese

>> No.7176709

fat people are not attractive.

>> No.7176718

dude everyone looks fucking retarded when they run so don't fucking sweat it. If you go running in the morning like everyone else you will see 12 other morons with their stupid lazy looking paces and you will realize that it's pointless to worry about.

>> No.7176722

I-I'm not obese at all I'm 70 kg at 185, I got a little muscle mass, but too much body fat

>> No.7176742
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plenty of fat celebs to copy...

yeah I guess it just doesn't work if you're too big

>> No.7176756
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183cm 80kg and I don't look fat, but since I'm ex fatty (111kg) I'm struggling with my hips. It hurts everyday

>> No.7176757

I feel the same way, probably because nobody would ever expect me to run. Im not even fat

>> No.7176761

I felt the same when I picked up running, but believe what Yawn said. People who don't run will not care, maybe you'll inspire them? And other runners don't give a flying shit. Just run, cop some good shoes and enjoy mother nature my friend

>> No.7176765

iktf don't even know what route to run either.

>> No.7176772

This thread is actually really motivating.
Thanks guise

>tfw wide hips

>> No.7176776


start running ya fuck or else you won't be able to

and always shave the neck

>> No.7176784

yohiji yamamoto

>> No.7176826
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Make your own fuccboi or just run. It doesn't matter what route you take, it's all about being outside and running

>> No.7176850

I would run if there weren't fucking people everywhere
and frolic in nature without a hint of anxiety
fuck these overpopulated areas

>> No.7176868

time to visit /fit/ m8

>> No.7176878

Dude I live precisely in the middle of one of the most busy tourist traps in America, and I still make it a point to go run. If it's too crowded to even walk on the sidewalk, I'll wait until night. Quit making excuses.

>> No.7176916

The kind of asshole that shouts "run forest run" and then giggles to his inbred buddies over the dead horse he just pummeled should have no goddamn bearing on what you think. If I saw a fat dude running down the sidewalk, even if it were right in the middle of fucking downtown, I would have mad respect.

Those fuckers in their little segway club though... I'm just waiting for one of them to lose balance and bust their ass while they try and do their stupid tricks.

>> No.7177049

thanks for all the inspo then

>> No.7177123

oh, quick point. Running is terrible on your knees especially if you're heavy. Try swimming, even though that may take considerably more courage, though take heart! Most people at public pools look stupid too and are too concerned with their own shit generally.

>> No.7177219

And your spine, too.
You should at least have good back muscles, before you take up running.

>> No.7177247

My feels have left orbit.

>> No.7177255

>not being a vegetarian

enjoy your cancer

>> No.7177287

what the fuck are you doing on /fa/ then,
go on >>/fit/ bro

>> No.7177367
File: 234 KB, 1247x818, KHucaTQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have a body most of effay would be jealous of because I'm unable to put on weight or muscle mass due in part to an overactive thyroid
>tfw this doesn't translate to attractiveness in real life and i've been hit on by men more than women

>> No.7177372

starve yourself, shave

>> No.7177404

gay guys have better taste than women imo and thats depressing

>> No.7179907

Is there any way to fix the hips issue? I mean it's bone, so probably not. God damn, I just wish I'd not been such a fatty when I was younger

>> No.7179933
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>overactive thyroid

Excuses are for basic bitches bro.

>> No.7179941
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this x10000
It's because gay guys see the world through male eyes. They just like dick. Women see the world as "where can I get the best free ride?" They see power, money, etc. Men however, see the world and say "where is the best place to lay my seed?"

That's why gay men have a better taste than women. Because gay men are attracted to men. Women are attracted to social status.

INB4 white knights

>> No.7179953


>start running
>start smoking

ummm nah you're just retarded

prob still fat top

>> No.7179955

i like the sound of this. it explains a ton of other differences between men and women in other fields, like fashion for example
>men: i got this jacket because it looks good on me, it's warm, and it has pockets
>women: i got this jacket because the magazine told me it's this season's hottest buy, it's trending, it'll impress my friends

>> No.7179964


A fat guy actually trying to lose weight is way more respectable than just being fat in general

If it really bothers you that much just go to a small local gym in the mornings

>> No.7179973

>>women: i got this jacket because the magazine told me it's this season's hottest buy, it's trending, it'll impress my friends
i never actually heard a women say this, and i've talked to at least 3 different women in my life

>> No.7179980
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this progress was after 1 summer

better get started

>> No.7179983

i don't think they'll actually say that, but it's my guess into their thought process

>> No.7179990


damn son

sooooo much better

>> No.7179994


I don't run ever. Hell I don't even exercise. Instead, I just don't eat. I have at most one meal a day, smoke cigarettes and drink coffee all day. It might be unhealthy but at least my corpse will look nice and skinny.

>> No.7179993

i think people who make theories like this >>7179941 don't actually interact with women
or maybe it's just different where your from

>> No.7180010




I fucking shat bricks when I saw him at the end. If that's not motivation I don't know what is

>> No.7180457


smh no they don't
do u even go outside

bottoms/queens are bigger bitches than women could be and have just as bad taste

>> No.7180473

iktf. i biked a shitload until i was at a weight were running wasnt so funny looking. do that.

>> No.7180817

you autistic fuck

>> No.7181026

This. Just get a fucking back. Biking is so much fun it doesn't even feel like exercise.

>> No.7181037

seriously. since going to college the biggest thing i miss is the all-country cycling my farm town afforded, just the beautiful vignettes of nature when i was cruising through gravel access roads in fields miles from home. now everything within 15 miles of me is developed and i rarely get the opportunity to get away from it all.