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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 41 KB, 600x399, this-is-where-keep-my-genetics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7173253 No.7173253[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what are you're top/bottom 3 genetics?

>stay skinny while eating whatever I want
>good hair with decent hairline

>blotchy skin
>dark circles around eyes
>slightly crooked nose

>> No.7173271

>beautiful hair that all the qts be mirin
>interesting face (I'm a third native american) that girls apparently like to some degree

>huge forehead
>5'8 ;_;

>> No.7173281

Grandparents Immortal, absolutely no medical problems in mid-90s
No balding
6' at 19 still growing

Dick could be bigger i guess? 7" currently
bipolar from my mom
I have crazy cowlicks in my hair, if i figure out how to take care of it though it could be a blessing...

>> No.7173284

this is a stupid thread and you should feel stupid

>> No.7173304


>fucked up hairline at 21
>weak beard growth
>huge ears
>brown eyes

>> No.7173318

not really genetics come up all the time on /fa/

i'm just curious about y'all

>> No.7173328

>good coloring (very pale with blue eyes and almost black hair)
>good proportions (37"-24.5"41)
>clear skin

>large nose
>ears stick out

>> No.7173324

wow you fucked this up completely

>> No.7173330

do you mean traits?

i think you mean traits

>> No.7173335

>Great thick hair
>Long fingers, good fingernails

>Look feminine
>Can't gain weight
>Light scoliosis+kyphosis

>> No.7173337

okay sure

>> No.7173339

i can't really gain weight either, I stay pretty skinny. but I don't consider that bad necessarily.

how skinny do you stay?

>> No.7173342
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>nearly perfect vision
>can easily stay thin
>gorgeous legs

>5'6" manlet
>hairy ass I have to manscape before anyone goes back there

Not the worst

>> No.7173353

128lbs or something near

> I don't consider that bad necessarily
Me too, but I'm ashamed to undress in front of my gf or any people, she says, that she likes my skinniness, but it's still uncomfortable for me

>> No.7173359

there are no hard gainers, only bad eaters.

man the fuck up and count calories. i constantly hear people saying "gurr durr i eat tons of what ever i want and i stay skinny." and im having a hard time not punching them in the face

you bitches aren't special. the human body works as it's supposed to:
if you eat more calories than you burn, you gain weight.
the muscle/fat ratio depends on your lifestyle.

>> No.7173364

yeah you're right, i shouldn't have said that i can't gain weight. I meant I can eat shit as I feel without becoming a lard ass. I also watch my intake and try not to binge too much

but yes if I wanted to gain I could as you said

>> No.7173373

I have no money to eat a lot of food, can you write something about diet for poors ? lel

>> No.7173380

>broad shoulders

>awful hairline
>pores like potholes

>> No.7173383

check out some videos on youtube then.
there are ways to get a lot of calories without getting to full.

i like shakes with frozen fruit, oats, some dairy products for protein and whatever i feel like adding in there.

>> No.7173390

> gain muscle easily naturally
> mostly clear skin, decent facial structure
> 6' (good enough)

> have to work my ass off like hell to get moderate bf% eat right and all that shit, just naturally shitty metabolism
> scoliosis, early stage arthritis, other shitty bone shit
> no facial hair @21

>> No.7173402

>6'3" master race
>blue/grey eyes
>thick luxurious hair

>slight gyno
>terrible skin
>anxious/depressed constantly

>> No.7173405

>6' (I'll take it)
>naturally tan skin
>big-ass brown curly hair that gets compliments

Bottom (implying I have 3)
>pig nose
>overhanging forehead
>vitiligo on face
>stretch marks (just from puberty, they're fucking everywhere and I never take off my shirt)
>wide feet

>> No.7173416

nice thanks for the tip

>> No.7173422

oh man I'm 25 and I get really shitty facial hair. Bad coverage. So I have to keep clean shaven and I look young anyway, so I end up looking like a manbabychild

>> No.7173433

>metabolism of a god
>don't tan anymore after some steroid cream i took as a kid
> bags under my eyes
> jew nose
> freckles/birthmarks
what do you do with your hair, anything i do "looks stupid"

>> No.7173439

>190 cm
>blue eyes
>thick, wavy medium brown hair

>"hello I'm 14 y/o" facial hair growth (i'm 21)
>aphakia (absolutely shitty eyesight even with contacts)
>my skin has no "tanned" state in-between pale and red

Honourable mentions:
>perfect nose
>colon cancer runs in the family

>> No.7173449

slowly realizing everyone here is a fuccboi just like me and no one is /fa/

>> No.7173457

>good eyes(in looks and seeing)
>6', at least I'm not a manlet and I got broad shoulders
>super thick hair tho I don't know what to with it cause it gets greasy fast

>my nose is too big(my dad got an oversized roman nose, I only inherited one of those traits)
>slightly big lips which I don't like
>weird feet, small (would be 8.5 I guess), very broad, super high instep, I actually wear 10-11)

>> No.7173463

>>dark circles around eyes
That has nothing to do with genetics nigga that's an Iron deficiency.
Eat more irons.

>> No.7173467

iron deficiency or vitamin d?

what are some good iron foods

>> No.7173478

Blood contains a lot of iron m8. Ask your qt 3.14 gf to sabe her monthly yield. Should be more than sufficient.

>> No.7173482

>Great skin
>Amazing hair/hairline
>Strong shoulders and collarbone

>Shit vision
>Poor jawline
>Cancer. Cancer everywhere

>> No.7173480

> no receding
> Skinny, Eat Whatever never gain weight
> Attractive Face

>sometimes acne
>moderate social anxiety and shitty depression

>> No.7173488

r u me?

>> No.7173501

>Can eat whatever I want and not get fat
>Thick hair

>Big stupid nose
>You can see my veins through my skin
>My dick is crooked

>> No.7173510

>socially prevalent, everyone knows me having been raised where I go to college
>nice jawline and high native american cheekbones
>can drop or add weight however I please
>thick hair with nice hairline
>very in shape
>light blue/green eyes
>6.5in penis
>one of my eyes looks crooked to me, other people don't openly notice.

>> No.7173513

and still just got dumped by qt redhead GF of two months :"(

>> No.7173515

>half Japanese
>good hairline, and naturally auburn hair

> half Japanese
>knock knees
>bird chested

>> No.7173520

great eyes
amazing eyebrows
blonde hair

ugly jew nose and slight overbite
thin hair straight hair
small head with broad shoulders

>> No.7173534
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>prettier eyes than most girls
>aquiline nose

>redness and a small scar or two on face(thanks pimples)
>way too skinny

At least my shit-tier stuff can get changed/will change.

>> No.7173536

>6'1 + broad shoulders
>naturally very skinny
>great skin. in the rare chance i get a pimple it would just go away by itself
> honorable mention: thick hair

>half of my right eyelid is lighter than my natural tan skin-tone. you can't really tell unless you're like inches away from my face but i still hate it
>some stretchmarks on my back from growth spurts. looks like someone whipped me

>> No.7173559

I can't think of a single good thing at the moment

>> No.7173569
File: 130 KB, 617x627, 1382349652054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there must be something bb

>> No.7173582

>strong jaw with a cleft chin
>great nose
>decent hair

>gain weight easily
>bad skin. medium acne with mild psoriasis

>> No.7173584

>Broad shoulders
>Good facial aesthetics

>Broad hips
>Really thick hair that is hard to controll
>small hands

>> No.7173586

>white but not pale, tan easily
>will keep hair forever, nobody in my family has ever gone bald
>good metabolism, body naturally looks pretty good no matter what

>wide hips, narrow-ish shoulders
>bitch nigga skinny forearms / wrists
>super-thick hair, can never get it to do what i want

>> No.7173588
File: 89 KB, 883x990, feelingthingspeoplewouldn'tbelieve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Awesome stubble
>Defined Apollo's belt
>Naturally straight teeth

>5'9" manlet
>Barrel Chest
>4" penis

>> No.7173591

> Nice eyes
> Healthy, thick, good looking hair
> Impervious to weight gain

> Jew nose and painfully visible ears make me look like a rat on bad days
> Bad teeth, but not bad enough for bracers.
> 175 cm

>> No.7173593

no acne I guess

>> No.7173598

>wide shoulders, good build without much excercise
>7.5 inch dick

>slight underbite
>difficult to control hair
>get ecsma on hands in winter

>> No.7173597

>Thick, wavy, long, very dark brown hair
>God tier metabolism
>Naturally tanned

>Dark circles around eyes
>Hairy as fuck

>> No.7173610

>My dick is crooked

Which way, from what I understand, a slight curve upward is good.

>> No.7173612

>good looking and symmetrical
>patrician blond hair
>skeletonmode even when i drink beer and eat pizza
>moderately intelligent

>only 5'9"
>social retardation
>boring personality

>> No.7173618

oh and i forgot
>7" dick

>> No.7173733

>have dark circles around my eyes
>girls always comment about them, say it makes me look cute

I hate them... yet it's the only thing women seem to notice about me ;_;

>> No.7173744

>7.5 inch dick

lel fuck off

>> No.7173767

>Beautiful hair
>Eat what i want and dont gain weight

>Shitty skin
>wide hips
>nose too big

>> No.7173784

>Easy muscle gain
>Ok jawline

>Too much hair
>No ass

>> No.7173818

>great hair
>big dick
>great face

man even narrowing it down to just 4 is hard

i dont think i have anything in the bottom for genetics. maybe allergies.

>> No.7173817

>tfw everyone in your family (except women of course) have great facial hair while you can only grow sideburns, moustache and a bit of chin fluff

>> No.7173822

>cute face
>cute smile
>cute voice

>face not entirely clear
>bad eyesight
>bad hearing

>> No.7173823

holy shit 4 inches hahaha i'm bigger than that flaccid

>> No.7173841

>atheltic trim build
>thick black hair, will never recede

>no ass
>get greasy blackheaded nose
>shit knees

>> No.7173883

> 5'11


> maintain low weight pretty easy, low appetite


> age 21 and my hairline already receding


Can I be bald and effay?

>> No.7173900

>Can I be bald and effay?

post face

>> No.7173929

>nice full lips
>really good jawline
>great eyebrows

>too scrawny/not very muscular
>big round nose
>can't think of anything else

>> No.7173943

Actually looking at everyone else's I remembered that I don't have an ass either

>> No.7174054



>> No.7174074

eyes are purdy
eyebrows are neat/dark
skinny I guess

average height ;[
wideish hips
big feet

>> No.7174085

>face shape

>stretch marks
>small teeth
>too big adam´s apple

>> No.7174086

Assuming looks only..

>great arse
>look much younger
>pleasantly short

>man jaw
>midget hands
>poor eyesight

>> No.7174093

>Scandinavian master race
>Intelligent, also family is immortal (my grandfathers died at 92 & 95 and my grandmothers are still alive and both are 90+)

>get fat really easily
>Average-small size dick

>> No.7174101

i remembered more good ones

>in shape
>great ass
>look young/fresh/

This thread unexpectedly cheered me up and realized I'm a catch actually

>> No.7174104

>blue-grey eyes
>8" dick

>upturned nose
>weak jaw
>probably balding

>> No.7174126

>martial artist physique
>10/10 jawline

>5 inch penis
>big mole next to my nose
>super hairy

>> No.7174177

>anglo/nordic as fuck looking
>6-7/10 face
>6'2" and broad shouldered
> 90th percentile smarts
>7" d
>good smile with dimples

>angry looking face when blank faced
>cheekbones too big
>wide hips
>astigmatism and very few glasses fit my head

People think I'm an asshole by default because of the height, good posture, good outfits, and decent body. I look like I'm revolted by the world. (I am but I don't want to look like that) smile almost makes up for it though.

gonna be techno viking mode at the end of this cut

have about another year of buying clothes to have a decent wardrobe

>> No.7174196








eating on a budget is fucking easy; cheaper than mcdonalds if you arent dumb

>> No.7174212

>thick straight hair with good hairline
>broad shoulders, slim waist, long legs
>dont put on fat easily

>brown eyes
>asymmetrical face

>> No.7174222


>> No.7174235 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 291x268, 2013-11-01 14.06.26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your nord face. I want to see what you guys really look like. I'm a american mutt but I'm golden blond and 6'2". Family is from northern scotland, ireland, and austria. I look like my mom and her family is from northern scotland and all the men in her family are 6'1" to 6'4" and every 3rd or fourth kid is blond.

>> No.7174243

>good facial aesthetics
>deep, masculine voice

>small dick syndrome
>flat feet

>> No.7174270

>naturally skinny and proportional
>thick full hair
>manly jaw

>big ears
>can't grow a beard

Looks like my dad's beard genes skipped me :(

>> No.7174278

>good bone structure
>clear skin

>30" inseam
>hairy ass
>bad vision

>> No.7174295

>model-tier body
>pretty hands
>proportional face

>asain ))):

>> No.7174308

>proportionate body
>good health overall

>gapped teeth and small mouth
>very pale skin
>boring and common features overall

>> No.7174334

protip: blue eyes isn't healthy

>> No.7174340

>Bone structure
>Dont get fat from eating shit all day
>Decently toned voice

>Cant grow a proper beard
>Short (5'8" without shoes)
>For some reason the left side of my face and body is notably more masculine than the right side of my body

>> No.7174342

>10/10 eye and eyelash shape
>very intelligent
>perfect skin with little effort

>bitch hips/carry fat in very bad places
>very poor jawline/chin
>hairline receding

>> No.7174353
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>tfw don't have poop eyes

>> No.7174370

>Still have nice boobs and ass
>Pale skin that tans well

>Look like I'm 13
>Ugly teeth even after braces

>> No.7174380


> Blondie blue eyes (Aryan)

> smarter than average by a margin

> 6'1


> dick only 6.5"

> lazy

>> No.7174389

>can into music
>decent facial bone structure

>large nose

>> No.7174410


>tanning easily
>not being able to stay white and pale as fuck, turning into an effay shade of pale grey in the summer

get on my level

>> No.7174407

>Broad shoulders
>thick black hair
>green eyes
>naturally strong
>ok cheekbones/jaw

>Lots of moles on face
>wide as fuck hips
>super long legs
>some face asymmetry
>bit of a paunchy stomach despite working out
>super tiny forehead
>giant head

>> No.7174424

>smart, physically able

>bad eyes (-6, -6.5)
>have some acne
>make noise whilst sleeping

>> No.7174430

>good teeth and thick, dark hair, good hairline
>easy to keep fit

>also easy to be unfit
>skin problems arise occasionally
>severe headaches/migranes a few times a week

>> No.7174437

> gr8 eyebrows and facial bone structure
> nice hands and feet
> strong eyes

> balding
> 177cm
> awful fat storage placement (above 10% I start to get bitch thighs)

>> No.7175250

>slightly crooked nose
thats a pretty indifferent thing. you're not symmetrical, but unless its really crooked it works in your favor imo.

sorry to hear dude

>> No.7175260

>symmetrical face
>great hair

>small dick
>lots of hair everywhere

>> No.7175266

>great hair/hairline, receding hairlines dont run in my family
>high cheekbones
>nice jaw

>slightly asymmetrical ears, nobody seems to notice but it pisses me off to no end
>overbite( fucking hate my life literally worst thing ever, my teeth look normal but from a profile my upper lip sticks out ahead of my lower lip and i look like an autist)
>get fat easily so i gotta watch what i eat

tl;dr - nice face | overbite,weird ears, bad metabolism

>> No.7175273

whats the 41

>> No.7175277

i wish my face was symmetrical :/

question: i look symmetrical in the mirror but when i take a pic in the front camera of an iphone,my jaw like goes to one side more than the other. what does this mean? how do i actually look to others? please answer its making me self conscious

>> No.7175278

Top 3

>149 IQ (Mom's smart af too (Something like 90+% of a boy's intelligence comes from the mother's x chromosome)
>Strength to mass ratio (benching 315 @ 155)

Bottom 3
Honestly can't think of anything

>> No.7175290

>Thick, dark hair
>blue eyes

>Hair becomes greasy as fuck by the end of the day. Go a day without shampoo? look homeless.
>overbite makes my jaw look weak.
>Chest is hairy as fuck, nothing on my face or arms

>> No.7175292

Yeah - the mirror is not how you actually look

The "awkward" unfamiliar version of you in an iphone camera is how other people actually see you

Don't let that bother you, though - everyone you know is used to it, and loves you for it - you only see it in passing when you feel like it

>> No.7175294

6' even btw. Only because of strength to mass, brucleemode

>> No.7175309

thanks :)

>> No.7175319
File: 57 KB, 506x567, 1344079057086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pretty/young looking face, I got most of my mothers looks
>Superior post human immune system, no allergies, no health issues, pretty impossible for me to get sick, never been to the hospital
>Thick luxurious hair, tan easily

>All my blood relatives have either been committed or take medication for mental health issues
>Don't know anything about my fathers side of the family, he was a gypsy
>Only 6'0

All my other issues like personality are unrelated to genetics, nature vs nurture yo.

>> No.7175327

>Worst thing about yourself
>slightly asymmetrical ears
oh you ghastly beast

>> No.7175328

>tfw getting fit for invisalign, orthodontist doing facial examinations
>"Face confirmed for symmetrical"

Oh god I came, I have it in writing too.

>> No.7175461

>Yeah - the mirror is not how you actually look

Says who? It's a smart one, though, 'cause you can't neither prove nor disprove it. I believe that the mirror is how you actually look like, but you can believe what you want.

>> No.7175468

If your face is even remotely asymmetrical - what you see in the mirror is not what others see

Take a picture of yourself in paint and choose to flip it horizontally - one will be what you see in the mirror, the other is how others see you

>> No.7175492

>good facial aesthetics
>good hair
>deep voice

>an inability to grow a beard
>skinny fat (just started working out though)
>hair on upper arms that I have to shave
>slightly asymmetrical eyes that I obsess over

>> No.7175503

>nice jaw/chin
>5' 11''
>7'' cock

>big broken nose
>slightly knock kneed

>> No.7175505

One, the iphone front camera is fucking shit and everyone is aware of it. Two, photos can change a fuckton depending on angle, lighting and the lens (and we already established the iphone front camera is shit). Three, it's hard to take a decent picture of yourself. And four you get used to how you look in a mirror, so when the image is flipped, all the flaws stand out to you.

Really, the best way to judge your looks is based on other peoples reactions to them. If you get a lot of compliments, then you're probably good looking.

>> No.7175518

broad shoulders
naturally straight teeth

shitty thick asian hair
wide nose
round face
wide hips
thick lips
muscular legs

i hate myself

>> No.7175573

>good jaw and facial aesthetics
>no balding, thick hair and good hairline
>good eyes, aesthetically (blue with a gold ring) and in terms of vision (I can read shit from further away than any of my friends)

>wide hips
>dick too big (length is great but my girth hurts girls)
>fucking cowlicks

>> No.7175597

>straight, thick, no-maintenance hair (+can pull off bangs)
>perfect teeth
>5'10" + long legz (female)

>have to spend like 23/hrs a day on skincare to not have terrible acne
>shitty vision
>only gain weight in weird muffin-top/stomach area

>> No.7175604

>naturally muscular

worst 3:
>small hands/ feet
>receding hair line/ hair consistency is awful
>terrible fat distribution (when I was fat)

>> No.7175635

other pros and cons to me because fuck "3"
>nice teeth

>5.5", ugly dick
>bad skin
>extremely hairy

>> No.7175640

>attractive for the most part (I have a nice body too)
>great hair, very thick

>semi-large nose (a lot of people think jewish)
>left ear substantially larger than the other

>> No.7175659

>stay skinny while eating whatever I want
>good hair with decent hairline

That's called being a teenage male.
Not impressive.

>> No.7175666

Dick could be bigger? Fuck you bitch I hope a raccoon attacks you and bites your weewee off.

>> No.7175717

>British Accent (livin in aus now)
>Slim (69kg)

>smallish eyes
>brown eyes
>mediocre skin
>somewhat long neck

>> No.7175783

>built like a fucking ox
>can fall on jagged rocks and walk away unscathed..probably (have twisted so many limbs so many times that i've gotten a very high pain threshold as a result)
>fairly gracile dinaro-alipnid otherwise

>not best genetic specimen but I'm a native Med and we consume mostly unprocessed shit making us more robust in the longterm

>no anglo-saxons in fam, i consider this a plus

>> No.7175792

>blue eyes
>good jaw line
>thick hair

>bags under eyes
>wide feet
>very sweaty

>> No.7175796

stop /b/ing on this board

>> No.7175802

asian hair
okay cheek bones

thick asian hair

>> No.7175799

I'm not even a /b/tard
I'm above that shit

>> No.7175809

>no balding/ sickness in family
>nice fingers

>skin/ hair gets oily if I dont wash it everyday, have to wash face several around lunch to avoid
>chin is a bit round, nose a little bit big (by about 3mm)
>tailors bunion
I didn't even know I had the tailors bunion till I was 16

>> No.7175811

>good cock
>solid jaw
>no epicanthal fold (asian)

>huge crooked nose
>shit beard
>losing hair because of increased androgens due to manly lifestyle

am I Jewish?

>> No.7175815

>sharp jaw
>above average intelligence (not going to throw around IQ)


>debilitating migraines at least once a month
>inconsistent mental stability
>6" dick (only saving grace is being so thin by mere contrast seems more impressive than really is)

>> No.7175826

>nice jaw line
>heroin chic body
>wavy hair

>tan skin
>hooded eyes
>long sharish nose

>> No.7175860

>tan easy
>fast (11.56 seconds in 100m)
>7/10 face

>rosacea on cheeks
>slight t-rex mode (big legs, skinny arms)

>> No.7175872

>tan easy fast (11.56 seconds)

>> No.7175873

read that as

>> No.7175874

i think you're me man

>> No.7175883

>perfect teeth
>skinny/broad shoulders; eat what i want
>deep voice

>decent jawline
>unusual, somewhat handsome face (1/4 samoan)

>shit hairline
>wide nose
>huge forehead

>> No.7176008

>Fantastic eyes
>Perfect skin

>Hayfever like fuck
>If my mouth was a little wider, I'd be a 9/10
>Dick is 6" and rather thin.

>> No.7176025

>ubermensch tier jaw line
>great hairline
>great nose

>bad skin
>dark circles

>> No.7176053

>Fast metabolism
>Nice cheekbones

>Bad Skin
>No boobs
>Ugly nose

>> No.7176145

I have 3 good things
>over 6"0
>thick eyebrows
>thick hair

4 bad things
>hair is like an uncool version of bob dylan's or william reid's
>mild acne
>squinty drooping scottish eyes (people keep thinking im half japanese)
>teeth ground down to half normal size due to anxiety

>> No.7176155

5'11 at 18 still growing
large ears
Bushy eyebrows

Face could be smoother
Hairline fading back a bit, not like my white friends though (Half black/half native american)
Nail are discolored, no doctor knows why or even has a clue why.

>> No.7176221

>strong jaw
>broad shoulders and great physique from playing water polo
>blue eyes
>6.5" dick (is that good)?
>thick curly hair master race

>neanderthal brow
>huge bulbous nose
>skin is pretty unhealthy
>massive bags under my eyes at 18

>> No.7176229

>amiguous shade of brown from over 5 ethnic backgrounds
>collarbone, deltoids, trap, neck muscles all clearly visible
>pronounced cheek bones, wide jaw, well proportioned face

>super hard to get under 185 lbs at 6'1"
>shitload of body/facial hair (could be good, but the pube growth requires alot of care so i say negative)
>host of genetic disorders like depression, adhd, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, increased risk of heart disease and diabetes

i might be fat and brown but everyday i thank god im not a socially awkward manlet

>> No.7176279

im perfect a genetic marvel of sorts, shouts out to me

>> No.7176446

>permanent skellington
>great face

>permanent skellington
>minor phimosis

>> No.7176638

>broad shoulders, long legs

>> No.7176663

>wonderful hair thick straight hair
>literally never sick

>bad haircolour and widow peak
>wide hips
>big thighs (8 years of field hockey)
>no high cheek bones

I hope that I am loosing the thigh muscles when I loose more weight and also get a more refined face

>> No.7176673

> Fabulous hair with mysterious ability to mimic salon style job even if I've just rolled out of bed and not touched it
> incredibly sensitive sense of smell
> beauty mark just under my lower lip

> super dark body hair
> enormous wide feet
> teeth refuse to be straight

After seven years of braces, my dentist told me I had to sleep with a retainer in every night for the rest of my life to keep them aligned; I lost the retainers in short order and now two of my lower teeth are starting to overlap. Fuck it.

>> No.7176682

your teeth move?

>> No.7176700

Yeah, they're fucking migrating. Slowly but gradually, like tectonic plates. My orthodontist said basically my mouth is too small to contain all my teeth.

It could be worse, I could have buckteeth or a gap or an overbite or something really heinous. I'm not that bothered.

>> No.7176719

>gr8 hairline
>perfect skin

>teeth moving out of place
>sweat like a pig
>chin too far back

>> No.7176720

>thick and healthy hair
>young face
>lack of body hair

>scars all over legs
>ectomorphic body
>blotchy skin.

the skin just needs more TLC, I need to get off this bad coke/soft drink habit, but the scars I'll never be able to get rid of. :(

>> No.7176725

>thick, wavy hair
>can grow one hell of a mustache

>little to no beard

>> No.7176747

>Can sing and play guitar quite well

>Jew Nose
>Face and body acne
>Slight gyno
>Awful tight curly hair
>Slight receding hairline
>Dark marks on dick
>Round face
>Shit vision
>Small grey eyes
>No top lip
>Huge ass and thighs
>Can't grow facial hair
>Bum chin
>Annoying speaking voice

>> No.7176748

Nope, that's it.

>Awful metabolism
>Skin that goes purple with red spots at temperatures less than 15C
>Receding hairline

>> No.7176754

>london look
>small teeth

>> No.7176788

>thick hair
>good proportions
>perfect boobs (imo)

>brown eyes
>really dry skin everywhere

Tallness is only a plus if you look like a model. That's why I must try harder than short girls to look great.

>> No.7176796

p-post pics

>> No.7176800

Nice, Green eyes
Thick wavy hair
Nice legs (lul srs)

Low cheek bones

>> No.7176808

>great facial structure
>top-tier metabolism
>naturally well toned body


>> No.7176816

>Ripped body with no effort

>Really thick hair with cow licks
>moderate acne
>Can't tan

>> No.7176821

>look cut without even hitting the gym
>high energy and charisma that I'm a hundred percent certain I got from my dad
>My skin isn't to bad

>five ten, I feel bad for the people who are worse though all my boys are manlets
>weird ass hair that flows great but it looks like I'm going bald even though both my grandparents have great hair
>ADD? Idk

>> No.7176822

>Blue eyes that get me complements from random strangers
>Great hair that can be as curly or straight as I want it and is thick enough to style without gel or anything

>Man hips
>Bad skin, need to drink several liters of water a day to keep it clear
>Some form of tourrettes that makes my eyes twitch and blink oddly

Not top/bottom, but my mother's family is all immortal (not a single relative died of natural causes before 60, most lived into their hundreds) but my grandmother was addopted so I missed those genes and don't really know how long I've got to live. Also all my grandparents have really great hair (grandfather on dads side had a perfect pompadour until he died in his 80s) but my dad went bald at 30 so I'm either fucked or going to end up with amazing hair.

>> No.7177095

chicks w/o breast are beter imo

>> No.7177183

>>permanent skellington

>> No.7177501

>Strong jaw
>Incredibly healthy hair

>Extremely dry skin
>Gain fat easily
>Will probably lose all hair by the time I'm 30

>> No.7177544

>low/good hairline
>natural thin

>huge nose
>no cheekbones/weak jaw
>shitty skin

>> No.7177568

>11.5 inch dick
>perfect skin

>horrible social anxiety
>tiny mole below my left eyebrow
>lanky skeleton

>> No.7177590

>implying being 6'7 isn't a huge inconvenience

>> No.7177608
File: 222 KB, 1241x1600, RealHumanBean3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big penis

>kidney disease

>> No.7177615

>>11.5 inch dick


>> No.7177641

>Good head of hair, thick, really dark
>Really hard for me to gain weight, but not skeleton
>Pretty eyes

>Unable to tan in any way
>Skin's not great
>Hair on my dick

I think the bad outweighs the good.

>> No.7177644

>naturally thin (irl im skinnyfat but thats only because i dont do shit and i eat constantly)

>bad skin
>thick head

>> No.7177718

Nope, you're me.

>> No.7178351

>good body
>no health problems

>huge nose
>flat forehead
>short chin

I guess except for my head everything is perfect -.-

>> No.7178364

>6'3/4" (haven't measured myself in a while, not sure which one it is)
>can eat as much as I want without putting on weight
>good hair

>pig nose
>show too much gum when I smile
>weak jawline
>no muscle mass

>> No.7178372

yeah, you're me

>> No.7178375


>> No.7179535



>> No.7179583

>Naturally perfect skin

>Slow metabolism
>Sheep hair means I have limited hairstyle choices

I'm not using slow metabolism as an excuse for being fat, I'm actually almost underweight, but it just means I have to watch what I eat carefully or risk becoming a whale

>> No.7179595

>Somewhat muscular
>Very healthy
>Descended from warriors, nobles, and even a few leaders

>Curly hair when it gets too long.

>> No.7179598
File: 39 KB, 680x786, 1383190425026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a manlet
>thin af
>green/hazel eyes
>dad is almost 60 with minimal balding ty
>bad chest development

i have lots to be happy about

oh damn my gums are like that too when i had braces they were covering so much of my teeth

>> No.7179607

Also forgot 28/15 vision, I see at 28 feet as well as someone with 20/20 sees at 15 feet.

>> No.7179713
File: 695 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what to make of myself.

>good beard

Pic related it's me

>> No.7179744

I'm a grill
>never get acne, only get a pimple here and there
>small feet (size 7 US in most shoes.)
>nice face, have been called a solid 7
>shitty metabolism
>any weight goes to my stomach
>shitty teeth, needed braces to correct.

>> No.7179749

>green eyes
>perpetually skinny

>mouth askew by several degrees
>same with eyebrows

>> No.7179753

>5'11 and growing
>can eat fuck all and not get fat.

>Acne fucking everywhere!
>Can't gain muscle
>dry skin

>> No.7179765

Eating less makes you lose weight :)

>> No.7179775

>beautiful long blond hair
>I've been told that my voice gives boners
>small hands and feet
>nice skin

>20 extra pounds
>lazy as fuck
>can't dress for shit

someone hold me

>> No.7179782
File: 2 KB, 115x125, 1381012822208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I have been doing that.
>tfw only .9 away from a healthy bmi
>exercises on a daily basis

>> No.7179793

Good job

>> No.7179837


>> No.7179838

>bad metabolism
>gain fat easily

Educate yourselves fatties. You'll never get anywhere if you keep making excuses.

>> No.7179844


>> No.7179868

>spotless, acne-free skin
>moderately tall (for an asian - 5'9")
>no health problems, disabilities, syndromes, allergies, etc. whatsoever

>crooked teeth
>bone structure; round baby face, no jaw, no cheekbones
>legs are short. despite my height i still need 30 inch inseam pants

>> No.7179875

post a picture

>> No.7179883

>Implying I won't be called cow

>> No.7179885

Well your ancestors would've loved you, they really did have a fetish for big foreheads

>> No.7179891

>6.4 inch dick
>can stay skinny eating anything although quite feminine natural body, although thats why I workout so now you cant see it
>HUGE forehead, like really if my forehead was dick size i'd probably be able to go on porn with 9-10 inches
>huge nose
>large chin
>fat lips
>thick as fuck fair hair
Somehow girls still think I'm attractive though. Hmmm...

>> No.7179896

What's your weight

>> No.7179902

>good body (between ottermode and built)
>good jawline

>only 5'7"
>shitty hairline

>> No.7179912

I don't look like it, though. My legs are muscular which fucks me up.
>Latina ass and tits
>Shit legs
>thanks for nothing mom.

>> No.7179915

>good facial structure/features (jawline, cheekbones, large masculine nose etc)
>fast metabolism (skinny but could be /fit/ if i cared)

>average/small penis
>some acne scarring from high school years
>i have a sort of long neck and it makes me look awkward occasionally

>> No.7179919

Acne scars are the worst.
I feel you, bra

>> No.7179921

>great facial hair
>lean but can still put on weight/muscle
>good smile

>average height
>skin always has a reddish hue to it, very pale
>my voice sounds like sandpaper against your eardrum. Extremely monotone

>> No.7179926

That's not 20 extra pounds, it's 60 at least. Anything over 100 lbs on a 5'2" frame just looks overweight.

>> No.7179942

i've been putting vitamin E cream on my face which helps a bit to take away the redness of the scars, evens out the tone of your skin as well

>> No.7179950

>Nice green eye color
>Always skellington no matter how much I eat
>Fairly tall (6'1")

>Acne everywhere
>Worst fucking hair ever, like it just looks like shit no matter what. Not to mention it grows like a weed
>Shit facial structure/aesthetics

>> No.7179952

Like I said, I have muscular legs and my frame is very small so I hide the fat.

>> No.7179985

>fairly nice cheekbones
>overall nothing is out of proportion

>red hair
>bad skin (improved w/ accutane)
>host of mental problems

>> No.7179991

>big eyes for someone who doesn't have double eyelids
>big boobs for an asian
>good skin
>resistance to alcohol

>> No.7180009

>shitty low metabolism
>scars everywhere, even for scratching mosquito bites
>constantly complaining from my mom

>> No.7180048

>blue eyes
>thick, wavy brown hair that stays in place without product
>Nice butt (n-no home)

>small dick
>small jaw, makes me have a double chin anytime i gain some weight

so my genetics overall are not great, but I get by.

>> No.7180281

>easy to get in shape
>nice hair

>horrible acne/scarring
>easy to get out of shape (still stay skinny tho)

>> No.7180319
File: 756 KB, 241x182, 1383138769677.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when you can't even come up with 3 good traits

>nice-shaped eyes?
>recessive chin
>nose too wide
yeah, i pretty much got fucked

>> No.7180333

Show us the front

>> No.7180453

>Big, blue eyes
>clear skin
>nice bone structure

>extremely slow metabolism

>> No.7180503

>great eyes
>great hair
>Somewhat muscular


>bad skin

>> No.7180621
File: 59 KB, 400x400, 32577339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 6'
> Thick, brunette hair
> Hourglass figure (proportionate t&a)
> Model-tier bone structure
> Blue eyes
> Full lips

> 6'
> Moderate acne from the waist up (chest, back & face)
> Gains weight extremely easily
> Slightly large forehead
> Generalized anxiety
> Looks green when not slightly tanned

>> No.7180676

>natural blonde hair
>stay skinny no matter what

>hair takes ages to grow
>bags under eyes
>terrible fucking arthritis, cant open/close my right hand properly (and I'm only 17)

>> No.7180681
File: 94 KB, 720x960, 1377931596199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost everyone is 6ft+

>> No.7180689
File: 80 KB, 1024x768, Zach_Braff_in_Scrubs_TV_Series_Wallpaper_1_1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i realized i have zach braff lips i think

how fucked am I?

>> No.7180702

> intelligence
> people say my curly hair, but I dunno why
> strong as fuck sense of smell and hearing

>5 inch penis
> type 1 diabetes

Fuck you mom your family never should have made it this far

>> No.7180712

>blonde hair (#rare)
>green eyes (#rare)
>naturally straight teeth

>asymmetrical ears that stick out
>busted nose (possible deviated septum)

>> No.7180714

and i am weaked chinned like him


>> No.7180725

great proportion
that golden ratio
my personality commands respect
great hair
long fingers great nails
average penis 6.5 ;/ but looks big on my frame so girls actually say its big XD
good skin
low bodyfat
nice muscle
great smile
master manipulator
5'5'' in b4 this is bad quality... i see no problems with it. but maybe its just the way i carry myself. banged a girl taller than me last night, she wants more shes a pretty 25 year old elementary teacher.
young dumb girls fall in love easy with me
older women that have been played fall in love with how they think i really care about them
gold diggers fall in love with my money
the women get hotter
the sex gets better
my body gets stronger
me mind get wiser
only thing in my life getting fatter are my pockets
on my way to a girls house shes a 6/10 but she knows how to suck dick GREAT she even tells me stories while she sucking on it.

>> No.7180728

>6´2 too
>surpisingly toned even though i dont exercise at all
>never had a pimple

>chins kinda fat
>horrible thick hair that grows in every direction
>above average size nose

>> No.7180739

> 6' maybe 6 and a half with shoes on (nobody is ever going to see me without shoes on)
>blue eyes and good hair (eyebrows like sean o pry)
>pretty decent face

>dark circles under eyes
>complexion looks okay if your not close enough to be examining my face, if you are close to me pesky blackheads and bumps everywhere very far from clean
>gap in teeth and 6/10 teeth overall

>> No.7180741

>green eyes people always compliment me on
>eat whatever i want, don't gain weight
>good hair

>huge nose (at least its straight and not crooked/hooked)
>weak jawline (partially my fault probably)

>> No.7180953

>althetic medium otter mode
>cheeks, jaws
>light brown eyes
>deep voice
>face sucking lips
>well informed
>substantial amount of cash in and out of bank exceeding $10,000 each
>musically inclined piano, guitar, sing
>athletic prowess kickbox, parkour, rock climb, swim, lift
>social butterfly

>5 penis

>> No.7180781

>Large build
>Alright Jawline

>Everything else is fucked

>> No.7180972

>eat whatever I want, stay thin
>thick brown hair
>dark eyes

>eat one small morsel of sugar or something (M&Ms and coke are the worst) and I get breddy bad breakouts on my temples and nose
>poor vision but muh glasses are effay as fuck

>> No.7180996

baldness is from the mothers side dickweed enjoy your patch

>> No.7180997

white skin
african features

>> No.7180852

> Nice feet
> Mustache
> Good immune system

> 5'4
> Ugly face
> Wide hips

>> No.7181192

>stay skinny while eating anything
>strong square jawline

>eyes don't make sense
>no facial hair, just a shit load of gross hair from my feet up to my ass
>my whole head is square not just my jaw

>> No.7181200

>eyes don't make sense

post pic pls

i have literally no idea what this could possibly mean

>> No.7181201
File: 2.02 MB, 3888x2592, DALTON_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my eyes don't fit the rest of my face, i always wear sunglasses because i don't like my eyes

>> No.7181204

>fab long, black curly hair
>arched eyebrows

>5ft 3" (i'm a girl)

>> No.7181214

I don't like your eyes either. Basically, when the outsides of your eyes face downwards, it's a symbol of fear, weakness. When they're at a positive slant, its seen as a symbol of courage and power. Not much you can do about it unless you wanna dish out like 2k for surgery.

>> No.7181220

>eyes that people mistake for being contacts, a greenish color
>relatively skinny
>clear skin

>about 4'10, i will never be tall amazonian waifu
>eyebrows are kinda fug
>lips smaller than what i want

>> No.7181272

I have a thyroid condition that I am taking medication for. I eat 1200 cal and walk 2 miles a day. There's no junk food in my house.
The only times I lose weight are when I'm stress sick or have c diff.
5'1" 145 not sick
5'1" 135 sick
I want to /fa/ so badly but I hate my body.

>> No.7181293


>> No.7181296

Looks like we got a chad thundercock up in here