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/fa/ - Fashion

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7166273 No.7166273[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

whats the most /fa/ city? Vancouver, bc here, lots of hipsters and yoga fags. in some parts people are wearing designer stuff

>> No.7166287

Kingston Ontario atm for uni
Newmarket Ontario in the summer

where are you niggas
i know there's people from both locations here

>> No.7166323


The asians girls are a joke in Vancouver

>> No.7166408

I live in Montreal. I've also lived in Toronto and London ON. I've noticed people dress reasonably well in all three - the median quality has definitely gone up.

The average student in Montreal dresses pretty classic /fa/, But like anywhere, there is a lot of variation between people. Of course, it wouldn't be Montreal without tons of hipster bullshit - I've seen a lot of bad mustaches, bicycle hats, intentionally badly dyed hair, and gold-chain necklaces.

If you live here for awhile, eventually you will learn to deal with people at parties talking at you about "all the ideas" they have for "experimental, non-narrative, feminist films," and other incredibly self-serving topics.

Adults//Yuppies in Montreal dress really well. The standards seem to be pretty high in the average workplace.

Plus, what does /fa/ even mean anyways? It's 2013 guys.

tl;dr: no city is 100% /fa/

>> No.7166412


Paris, Milan, Tokyo, or NYC
that's it

>> No.7166435

lol new trip /10

>> No.7166471

>thinks I'm new here

>> No.7166525

never said you were new i said you were a new trip

>trying to impress people

>> No.7166541

>being a trip at all

responding to a trip

>> No.7166555

realized he was new, new trips never last

>Plus, what does /fa/ even mean anyways? It's 2013 guys.

haha you can't be a trip if you don't even know what /fa/ means

>> No.7166740


>> No.7166751


Vancouverfag here where u guys at post fit

>> No.7167323


another one here. most girls in vancouver are basic bitches what a shame. except for me

>> No.7167343

no u guys will dox me

>> No.7167339

prove it, fashion killa~

>> No.7167347

He's not new. He used to go by "Be Considerate." He's been posting here since he was in high school.

I might go to Berlin next summer, but I've heard it can be pretentious. What to expect? Is it worth spending a summer or is it more of a weekend-trip place?

>> No.7167354

that's not even possible. and i'm in victoria, not vancouver. so i don't even care that much anyway. god.

>> No.7167361

im just kidding gawd

>> No.7167373

/r/ pic of your 501 levis fades again
he posted here with his friend in high school.


>> No.7167378
File: 347 KB, 800x418, Flagstaff_downtown_SFmtn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in flagstaff, AZ. hipster mountain college town, very white, liberal center of AZ.

its bretty good. all four seasons, get to dress for em. cool down town, lots of bars and cuties.

I hate a lot of things about California, but whenever im hgih and drving i wanna see lights on the mountains, i think I want to live in San Diego area. warm, and near the water. I think I could be pretty fa there with a qt3.14

>> No.7167382


san diego prolly encompasses a lot about what you dislike about cali tbh

>> No.7167392

california girls are shallow.

the mountain passes and the vivd starry night gets boring.

mexican girls aren't pretty
mexican half breeds aren't pretty

the beach gets boring

the beach reaks of salt water

>> No.7167393
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first fit in like 5 yrs for me

>> No.7167396
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>> No.7167399

no, it's totally not me.

>> No.7167397


>> No.7167403

lol ive seen you around

>> No.7167404

vancouver is pretty /fa/ but its so expensive ;-(

asian girls are ugly and going to ubc sux

>> No.7167407
File: 350 KB, 1600x1200, Eva Kerekes Wallpaper 25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are probably right. I think it just seems magical because i've spent a lot of the happiest times of my life their, but im still young (21). I never lived there except when i was a baby, but i spent a lot of my first times out of the house with friends and some of my most romantic and loving experiences are there.

It;s like this magical piece of our geography that I was just always happy in.
I couldn't afford to live like that all the time anyway.

man this has actually made feel more than a gf thread ever did....

>> No.7167413
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>> No.7167420

gastown, main st

>> No.7167434

as i said, i live in victoria. it's probably not me. do i have a doppelganger?

>> No.7167441

o, also, one/two of a few is the best store in van.
got all my chronicles of never shit there
and my first droppies

>> No.7167445

your evil twin i guess

>> No.7167448

yeah that's a nice store. good service too. i got a nice vintage dress from there once. i think two of a few closed?

>> No.7167451

well i already don't like you

>> No.7167466
File: 93 KB, 672x900, 900x900px-LL-141b4161_IMG_0847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, it did. i did a tour of all the high end fashion places in van a few years ago. they all had the same shit. mostly dadcore or strangely expensive and boring canadian brands. there's a store here called four horsemen that's pretty cool. i got this there.

maybe there's cooler stores now, idk

>> No.7167471


>best store

lol have you even been to Haven or Roden Gray

>> No.7167472

i find it extremely difficult to find good womens stuff around here. however there are a lot of interesting mens stores in gastown but all kind of look the same. i like neighbour a lot but nothing for me unfortunately.

>> No.7167476


just go to Carnaby Street

>> No.7167477

NYC here, oh and to answer your question...NYC.

>> No.7167481

i honestly haven't been recently enough to even really be a judge. haven looks menswear-y. roden gray looks really cool. good selection of stuff.

>> No.7167491

stores in van are pretty spread out. the ones worth visiting, at least. i like gravity pope a lot. there's his super fucking lame cheapo gothninja place next to it. gastown's only good for the vapor lounge imo

>> No.7167513



ohboy.jpeg not even close you are sooo far off

go check out their new location. mindblowing techwear and workwear brands, honestly they are way too good for vancouver right now

>> No.7167520
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i been wanting some techwear

my skype's uffiesbangin if anyone is interested in organizing a meetup of some sort. seems like there's at least a few BC ppl here.

>> No.7167525


You actually have them mixed up, Roden Gray is "Menswear-y" if anything. Good brands but too "Safe" of a selection in my opinion, can't blame them because it's Vancouver. Haven on the other hand is revolutionary and I honestly have no idea why they even have a store here, It doesn't really seem like anyone in Vancouver is intrested in the amazing pieces they carry

>> No.7167526

so much hipster shit. A lot of cool work wear. even from some of the students.

>> No.7167555

Haven's thing is outdoorsy streetwear. It doesn't bear *zero* relation to menswear, mostly because the "outdoorsy" bit brings in a lot of heritage, retro technical clothing, but it's using them to very different ends.

Most of that "heritage" stuff? Made by the children of the people defeated by the people who wore it. That creepy, reactionary white male element you see in a lot of the workwear-#menswear stuff is completely absent.

They're really a great store, although I'm just judging by the web experience. Have to make it over to the PNW someday.

>> No.7167567

what is a 4chan meetup like. i'm scared.

>> No.7167585

it's whatever you make it
at least /fa/ is semi tame compared to most boards
as far as weirdos go

>> No.7167603

rly tho, we'd probably just go shopping and act like fags around the city

>> No.7167608

I live in Las Vegas, caters to tourists and the rest is mexicans. I live in a bad neighborhood too, so in high school I was like one of 5 white kids.

>> No.7167614

true i guess. ive been to a couple of other internet meetups and those were p fun. i'd be down to grab a couple drinks too afterwards or something idk

>> No.7167630

it wouldn't be a /fa/ meetup without alcohol
add me on skype

>> No.7167665

alot of kids wearing low end clothes, nobody is going to chime up with "hey how come nobody actually wears designers?"

they will afterwards.
but realistically there are about 5 of us here who regularly wear designers. myself removed since i just wear old shit i copped awhile ago since im tired of shopping/copping and have been for years. and i am at hoarder level NWT designer clothing in USPS large flat rate boxes stacked floor to ceiling in an unused bedroom
and am trying to sell it off.

but since people that tend to buy used clothing are poverty level poorfag it's pretty difficult to get a dollar figure worth my time measuring, orgainzing, and shipping everything.

apperantly when you're a college kid, buying a NWT dior homme piece for $65 you want every seam measured and every little detail outlined becuase thats alot of money to you kids?

it's not like the piece retailed for $365 right?
and that im doing you a favor at selling it cheaply becuase i know your living situation...nope

better take that ROAK and fucking scrutinize it and put me through loops to get a meager, meager sum of money from you

but i digress
most of /fa/ is poor.
nobody will show up in high end clothes. nobody will be dressed well

>> No.7167681

Hey sieg, how do you afford all your stuff? I think in another post you mentioned you had some quality stuff back in high school too. You're only about age 24 too right?

>> No.7168813

Hey, any Vanfags know if the crazy halloween party is happening in Dunbar tonight??

They've done it everyone halloween for 10 years, but I never know if its actually happening

>> No.7168848

I live in the UK (Liverpool) up North, quite fashionable in some ways considering the majority of teenagers are spoilt as fuck. Kids walking about in Monclers, Canada Gooses and wearing Givenchy polo's like it's nothing.

>> No.7168895

That logic kinda falls apart when by those standards, sandniggers fathered by oil tycoons and nouveau riche gooks should be making Dubai and Guangzhou pretty /fa/ places.