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/fa/ - Fashion

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7167141 No.7167141[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Use this thread to talk about ideas, outfits, and fashion that relate to this fun holiday.

>> No.7167161
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>tfw dressing up as friend for halloween

>> No.7167183

Get mustache and go as evil twin.

I don't know which anon posted that the other day, but you are a genius.

>> No.7167185
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Just posted in another thread, but this is more related.

I'm just being a ghetto swagfag. I'm a pasty white upper class student, so dressing as a black guy with the attitude is out of my element and quite a bit of fun when you play in character.

Really simple and people get quite a laugh from it.

It's not really /fa/ but I still think I pull it off nicely.
Why does /fa/ think, prolly shite or something?

>> No.7167206

Here in Australia we haven't fully adopted halloween yet, so getting a costume together is kinda difficult.

I was thinking of going as Jack Skellington, but now I think I'll just go as a mummy

>> No.7167212

go as Jonah Takalua pls

>> No.7167243
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>Celebrating a 'Murican holiday in Australia

>> No.7167270

you'd get the bash from some fob islanders who thought you were being racist.

>> No.7167278

so many little kids knocking on my door right now, it feels very rude tbh

>> No.7167286

i need something simple, something basic bitch. i saw jehovah's witness earlier and thought that was good, but what are my other options?

>> No.7167294


You're a really really terrible person. Like wow.


>> No.7167307

fucking stupid

>> No.7167329


i'm using halloween as an excuse to get some friends over to my place and get drunk. We'll probs play some halloween themed drinking games and be wearing shitty half-assed costumes, so it'll be fun.

>> No.7167324
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>mfw people from american actually think that show is funny

>> No.7167337

just thought of a few more easy ones:
construction worker
white girl
homeless man

>> No.7167340


Grab a bedsheet and do a toga and be greek. That's what i'm doing

>> No.7167348

Going as a fuccboi from space.
Got my shady Korean king cat in space shirt, black cardi, skinny sweats, and Roshes. B^)

>> No.7167360

Carry a Miller light, wear sneakers and you're a frat guy

>> No.7167364

thought of this, but i dont wanna offend the frat houses ill inevitably end up at. think im gonna do terrorist.

>> No.7167371
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kittys comin back
might wear the hat to school 2 but i will skip the tail and probably wont paint whiskers either :v

>> No.7167377
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Did this last week but unsure of what I'll do tomorrow. Maybe just ballerina again.

>> No.7167383

It'll never be fully adopted, I moved from Canada to Australia when I was kid and the drastic change in Halloween was soul-crushing for me, parents are so anti-american overhere its ridiculous, I still trick or treated up until I was 17 though, and the house is all dressed up for the kids tonight :)

>> No.7167384

i get the slutty cat, what are the other two? slutty luchadors?

>> No.7167388

>bring blanket and pillow
>going as the "comfy" guy

>> No.7167395

you get laid?

>> No.7167394

It's from spring breakers dude

>> No.7167401
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nice idea.
i never dress up for a few reasons.
but when people ask i make up something on the spot and they believe me.

it doesn't really matter.
>tfw "im a drug dealer"
>tfw "i'm a womanizing drug addict"
>tfw im a "cool thug"

the costume in pic is the coolest idea.

>> No.7167415

yea that could be a nice one too.

>> No.7167412

...you're such a loser...

>> No.7167417

N o t t h a t k i n d o f g i r l

>> No.7167443

>implying i haven't known you for almost 6 years, saw what you posted on your facebook, and you bragged about shuffling 4-5 guys some who were boyfriends your freshman year of UT through text
cmon, i am legit curious

>> No.7167449

that show fucking sucks dick

>> No.7167455

she didn't have sex, but she did make out and heavily felt up.
that's as far as it went.

>> No.7167462

I'm a senior now. I've grown up. I have a long-term boyfriend. I am as loyal as they come

>> No.7167475

im gonna wear these terrible old ninja pants i bought 3.5 years ago when i didnt know what goofninja was, and black button up shirt, really cool thai buddha shirt peeking out from underneath and black calvin klein jacket my friend found in the street and go as a business ninja. oh and cover my face with tshirt ninja mask upon arrival to party, occasionally hide half of face with shirt . have this pen knife that i'll say like, "i dindt want to bring a sword prop but the pen's mightier anyways (get embarassed laughter from whoever at my terrible costume excuse) and do you have any contracts to sign?" and break it apart and show the knife within as a gag for the party hosts and no one else. do it for no more than 2 ppl. willl post pics tomorrow

>> No.7167485

interesting, because that costume screams
"im here to fuck, and my boyfriend is gone"
plus, you were with your sorority sisters

and sororities are like the female version of dick measuring contests, whoever is the biggest slut wins neo feminist of the house award

>> No.7167487

>implying it's an American holiday
I guess we shouldn't be celebrating Christmas, Easter, New Years, or any holidays for that matter, since they're not Australian.

>> No.7167494

>>7167394 at first i thought this was pussy riot and rif raff.

>> No.7167498
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>my boyfriend is gone
seems like her boyfriend is always gone bro

are you in a long distance long-term-relationship?

>> No.7167501

>tfw i want to dress how i want to dress
>tfw i dont want to be the party pooper

>> No.7167759

yeah but seig heil you're fat so by default you're a loser

go visit /fit/ pls

bahha #rekt #shotsfired

>> No.7167764

Ausfag here. I know what you mean, people are like "wtf" when they say kids walking around trying to get lollies.

I went to an early halloween party and most of us dressed up. Made a little film too.

We pretty much just wore skate clothes and put on makeup/masks etc

>> No.7167835

Im takeing some halloween makeup and makeing it look like I got beat up really bad. Just wearing my normal clothes, they are pretty costumie as is