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/fa/ - Fashion

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7162636 No.7162636[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

post your /fa/ confessions/thoughts/whatever here

>i think tripsk is an ugly indian bish who couldn't compensate for that fact with the best personality/style in the world

>> No.7162654

I have no idea why newfags are suddenly praising tinfoil, is it really the geos?

>> No.7162657

Rick dunks are abominations

>> No.7162663

I hate basedprophet. Every fit of his has been objectively shit.

>> No.7162661


is it /fa/ to sneak into your roommates closet and take their panties/bras to fap?

>be at uni in vancouver living with 2 guys and 2 grills
>beta asians are my roommates, i'm white tho
>one of the grills is qt3.14 as fuck azn
>when nobody is home i raid her panty drawer
>have no interest in her otherwise because she's religious as fug and has never even kissed
>qt as fuuuu legit 9.68/10
>panties smell gr8

>> No.7162674

>is it /fa/ to sneak into your roommates closet and take their panties/bras to fap?
that shit is BEYOND /fa/

only if she's hot though

>> No.7162680

tripsk is ugly. Any one who claims to the contrary has probably never had a girlfriend and clings to any form of female interaction they can, or they're so ugly a 3/10 looks like a 10/10.

There are about 3 tripfags that have good fits. 1 dude, two girls. The rest are just horrible (read: sieg)

It's not /fa/, more /h/.

>> No.7162690

Mifune is right. I dunno jack shit about rick, sftm and bbs. I just bought cool goth ninja stuff on sale at some local boutiques because /fa/ influenced me way more than I thought. I can't even be bothered to learn more because I'm too poor to continue coppin these kinda stuff. I'm going to take a 6month break from fashion, work out so I can be skinny-fit and not skinny-fat and hopefully I"ll find some brand later on in the future that I can identify with,makes stuff that appeals to me,is easily wearable while still being within my price range. I know it's probably some obscure Japanese brand in the backstreets of harajuku.

Gonna go pack away my goes now.

Bye /fa/

I got sruli wrekt

>> No.7162692

Sieg/whoever is using the trip constantly samefags and is responsible for most of the shit posting on the board.

>> No.7162694

didn't you leave?

>> No.7162700

I want ena to be my gf.

>> No.7162705

is even reading this thread still i can post a pic maybe

if theres interest

>> No.7162708

anyone have face pics of ena? or jolien?

>> No.7162719


>> No.7162727

I wish i were more sociable
I regret passing up on every article of clothing /fa/ has advised me to

i regret every purchase /fa/ has advised me to get. I still secretly want clarks desert boots but they no longer fit into my wardrobe

Casemods, always was and always will be better dressed the me, regardless of what the name on the label of my shirt says.

I am not lying when i say that curlgurl is legitimately the most beautiful woman who stepped foot in this place. but not in a sexual way. it's sad our best looking trip is a /fit/ trip.

I regret spending all that money and all those years in college. It has done nothing for me. I secretly advise others to go to college who are not in it to put them through the same bullshit i was forced to. 100% honest, calculus 101 doesn't help you flip burgers any faster.

when you get out of college, every job tells you that degrees don't matter.it's all about experience. but the truth is, it was ALWAYS about experience, never about certifications or degrees

>> No.7162740

What size geos?
>All hail based Sruli

>> No.7162768

>regret passing up on every article of clothing /fa/ advised
>regret every purchase /fa/ has advised


Also, everyone on this board always was and always will be better dressed than you, regardless of what the name on the label of my shirt says.


these guys know whats up

>> No.7162787

I'm worried about the future. My interest in fashion just went on full swing lately but I only have 2 years to go until I graduate and get a decent paying job, meaning i have to cop some disgusting biz caz bullshit instead of stuff that I actually like.. And when can I wear my sick fits when I get a job? Will I be obligated to go out every weekend just so I can get dressed and take a selfie on some reflective glass at some shopping wall so I can get mad rep from the sufu gods? Maaan this fashion shit is getting in my head someone talk to me pls

>> No.7162790

pics of panties + grill pls
i will cum on my geos

>> No.7162794

im a fucking gawd, out

>> No.7162800

im a fucking gawd out

>> No.7162805


ur fit was fine

geos with pods and long tee are how rick intended them to be worn and they are very versatile sneakers that are cohesive enough to fit into any streetwear centred outfit

u dont need a degree in fashion design to wear designer shit

being a fashion nerd and caring about stupid clothes beyond how they look and fit u personally is straight wack

>> No.7162807

i've never even kissed a girl but everyone i know thinks i'm some sort of go to resource on all things to do with getting laid. i'd quite like to be honest with them but i'm buried under a web of lies

>> No.7162812


>> No.7162809

theyre asking for advice ironically. they know

>> No.7162811

tomorrow i will, check back promise m8

>> No.7162853

I waste way too much time on /fa/ and I honestly don't know why I come here anymore, other than the occasional interesting threads or Anorak posts there's not much left to learn from /fa/. I should probably be doing something more productive with all my free time.

I'm out of a job right now and really need to get off my ass so I can build on my currently shitty wardrobe and save up for school.


1. twerk is really cool, behind his cute persona on /fa/ he's a pretty intelligent and helpful guy. He has lots of knowledge to share but not many good opportunities because /fa/ is 90% shitposting and "pls help me" threads. Used to think he was somewhat irrelevant compared to my other 2 favourite trips below because he wasn't in school but now it looks like he's back in school and enjoying it, good for him

2. User and Anorak have my respect and gratitude forever because of the knowledge they've shared and their work / dedication in their education and career

3. Turnleft knows alot of things too but most of the time he comes off as asshole-y and sharing it for the sake of "proving others wrong", also his writing is too incoherent to really follow and learn much from. His fits usually look the same, If that's his uniform that he feels comfortable in then good for him, but personally they are a bit too plain for my taste

>> No.7162861

i think thats why I keep coming back to /fa/. its a place filled with absolute shit most of the time but every one in a while magic happens where there's an actual discussion related to fashion which most of the time is really engaging (example, the whole made in china visvim shebang).

I don't fuck with trips but anorak and user keeps this place alive. Fuck the other ones. trunks is a major fuccboi but a good use for cheap humor because how can you not laugh at his patheticness?

>> No.7162874


Cont'd, random thoughts

I've learned and know more in general than the average /fa/ poster but I am a big hypocrite in many ways, I don't have the outfits to "back up" the advice or critique I usually give to others and I often do not follow my own advice either.

I've made alot of mistake purchases in the past 6 months that I started getting designer pieces

I'm terrible at managing my money, I made 3K this summer and right now I have 35 cents in my bank account, owe my mom 500, and have no real impressive pieces in my wardrobe because I spent 800 on a new pair of glasses when I could have spent that money working out and improving my facial aesthetics instead of hiding it under a pair of big frames

I am preparing to go to school for Fashion Design but my city is pretty shitty for it. I am debating taking another year off for a total of 2 years and just continuing sponge mode and learning as much as I can before I go. I'm still not sure where I should / can go which is scary. Another friend is at Central Saint Martins this year and I feel like absolute shit about myself because I'm not making full use of my opportunities and free time. I have alot of self doubt and while I may have alot of resources to learn from, I'm scared that at the end of the day I won't have the natural creativity or vision to succeed.

>> No.7162892


>trunks is a major fuccboi

I am connected to and have talked with him a few times because we are living in the same area and planning to major in the same field.

I can see how he comes off as this way but genuinely he seems like a nice guy, 4chan just makes people shitpost and brings out the worst in you. I know because as much as I try to contribute, I shitpost and flame people like fuck as anon alot of the time as well. So I don't really blame him or think he's a bad guy or anything, it's just that a negative image of him has been created both by him and the anons. Whenever he actually tries to help people just shit on him which is counter productive to everyone involved.

Everyone just needs to chill the fuck out most of the time and reflect on what they're saying here including me, I've been a huge asshole on here many times and in retrospect it's really fuccboi of me but with this being 4chan etc i think most of the time people just post whatever first comes to mind

Fuck it's 4am and I'm still not sleeping and I don't even know if all of this makes any sense

>> No.7162901

dude spent a pretty penny on a pair of baby blue hi tops. i mean its cool if you know how to rock them but that fucker fails

>> No.7162908

threads on fa suck
i find most enjoyment in bullying trunks and flirting w/ twerk
i masturbate to posts about me on fuuka in the morning

>> No.7162911

do you post on other forums? i frequent at the usual shit like SF and sufu but ive never seen you

>> No.7162915

ternlef on sufu im -18 or s/t @4 posts
i post on one other id rather not mention

>> No.7162917
File: 413 KB, 539x574, 1378719569525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've also applied to Fashion Design but I'm in the same position as you in regards to the
>I'm scared that at the end of the day I won't have the natural creativity or vision to succeed.

>> No.7162919

he's on sufu, idk how much he posts, but he added me as a friend :)
>threads on fa suck

>> No.7162920


Also I feel trapped and frustrated as hell that I don't really have someone to relate / talk to about fashion on the degree that I would like to irl, my other friend who went to design school is pretty hopeless and naive to say the least. I do have one friend who has modelled for Lad Musician in Japan and runs a great fashion blog who dresses very well and is the only one irl who I can probably talk to about these kinds of things but he lives far away and has his own life and own job so there is not much to do together.

It's just very depressing knowing that there are incredible and talented people all around the world in fashion and art capitals living the dream and attending great schools while I'm stuck in fashion wasteland where the only boutique that carries RO, CdG, Julius, Guidi, Raf, Damir, and a bunch of other brands happens to be owned by a wealthy tasteless couple whose clientèle consists of nouveau riche 2nd generation asians. God damn I would work full time for them for free if they let me do the styling, visual merchandising, and curating. There is so much motherfucking potential for that boutique and it's such a shame to see it like it is now.

Wow I drifted into like another thought in that last paragraph

But anyway I always dream of being in London or NYC etc and attending school and enjoying life but everything seems so far away and out of my grasp for now.

I want to pack up and just leave for a few weeks, planning a trip to NYC next year and hopefully that will blow some life and motivation into me

Sorry for treating this as my personal blog /fa/

>> No.7162926

*junior sent me a friend request and i accepted him out of pity
dont get it twisted, i am a paragon of good faith

>> No.7162930

holy fuuuuuuuuck u r a drama queen

u retire for 6 months and sell ur shit bcuz someone said something mean to u on the internet? holy fuck thats beta

u dont even need to know anything about a designer to cop their shit thats bs

>> No.7162932

>tfw you're happy for Junior's small victory only to see it taken away from him

>> No.7162935

i feel like fashion has become some kind of sick multiplayer online game. fuckers cop the #rare pieces gets the level ups and popularity while the bottom feeders oogle over designer shit that they cant afford and hoping for the day when they'll get that sufu star on their fit as they work shit jobs for the easy money

>> No.7162936


Yeah man I know I probably shouldn't be so worried especially this early on when I haven't even properly designed something or have the experiences, knowledge, or ideas to draw references from but seeing other people's amazing work I often find myself thinking "Wow I could never see myself designing something as amazing as that"

I guess (hope) we are just being too harsh on ourselves, you are your own worst critic (is that even how this saying goes)

>> No.7162942

t-thanks anyway turny
i s-still think your cool
hey trunks
those dbss are killer pieces, stop styling them so conservatively
take a look at some older DBSS lookbooks

>> No.7162945

dbss look good but i just dont get why you got that colorway like what???thats like the hardest color to rock and doesnt go with alot of other things was that the only color available or somethin

>> No.7162948

damn dude thats some heavy shit

hmu if u ever need 2 ily bro

>> No.7162951

yeah i defs will in the future, ive only had them for a couple days i will defs post more fits w/ em

>> No.7162953

r u rich

>> No.7162955

i have a few k in the bank

>> No.7162956

I buy shirts from kmart

>> No.7162964


Lol thanks man im still rethinking my plans and wondering if I should take another year off then try applying to international schools and whatnot but it's still looking like I'm going to do 2 years here can't wait until we're in school together making #gothninja clothes and 420blazingit every day


>> No.7162983
File: 95 KB, 500x667, DBSSEASTPAKFORUM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean you got the skrilla to drop on footwear
maybe buy some better clothes as well?
I feel like those DBSS would go really well with shorts, something with a rather relaxed fit and wide leg opening. Not something dropcrotch though, just some flowing relaxed shorts, maybe in heather grey.
this is the only fit I have with that colorway saved, and it is pretty conservative but I feel the shorts work way better than your slim jeans.
Stop styling them so boringly

>> No.7162986

oops those are cropped sweats, but either way, I think they work better than jeans

>> No.7162993

lmao those arms holy hell
dude can spend mad green on kicks but not a fucking gym membership LOL

>> No.7163015


>gym membership

huh good one

>> No.7163036

What tee is this, looks pretty comfy

>> No.7163045

>caring about stupid clothes beyond how they look and fit u personally is straight wack
did that come out wrong or do u really believe that?

>> No.7163052

u're overthinkin it bby
even mifune goes goober gabber at times and still has mensewear shizz for bizness
peace ;)

>> No.7163059
File: 79 KB, 600x800, null_zps6bf73904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just now
>guy finally responds about ervell sweater and folk cardigan
>work a deal out with him and paypal
>realize I sent him $10 extra
Oh well, I feel stupid, but I hope he enjoys it
On the bright side, new sweater

>> No.7163061

you better fucking deliver. Will leave this open.

>> No.7163062

the fuck? just ask for it back you autistic fuck

>> No.7163068

it's $10, I'm not gonna make a hassle about it
it's just that I feel silly for doing it
my maths is so the bad
my england not strong either

>> No.7163071

Ask him to put some candies in the box.

>> No.7163090

This. I have no problems with someone taking an almost masturbatorial interest in a designer and their works but using it at as an excuse to put down others interested in buying that stuff from that designer because they think it looks dope is just straight up being an asshole.
Not all of us have fashion degrees or can afford to spend all day thinking about how I can form a 3edgy5me meaning with my Rick Owens thong

>> No.7163118

you might be right but obviously i know them better than u do and i think they're sincere

>> No.7163151

>threads on /fa/ suck

it's a fashion advice board all over again,not bad per say but imagine if armstrong rode a tricycle at 2km/h all his life and only biked on weekends,dat wasted potential.anyway people will shit or ignore any thread that isnt a staple of /fa/,generally droning about the same thing and not wanting to experiment or move on and evolve ,i mean there is humour then there's being a hypocrite calling others fuccbois when u urself indulge in fuccboi tendencies.also circlejerking here is wack as hell

thx for the memories

>> No.7163156

>dat lighting
eh eheheh dnt get scammed du

>> No.7163160

I don't know if you're serious or just acting like a little girl.

But I will apologise if I came off too strong for ya. Don't take it personally, even though I aimed a few broad statements (fake geos) at you. Just take it one step at a time, we were all there once.

I'm one of those rare people on /fa/ that won't attack you as a person for a fit. I didn't think that t shirt worked, that doesn't mean you're a sub-human. I just didn't like the t-shirt.

>> No.7163169

eh looking at his other pics his stuff is legit, and he's sold a bunch of stuff already
also paypal always sides with the buyer B^)
it was only $65 as well
cardi was $45
feeling pretty good rn

>> No.7163185
File: 270 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_2721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw in xs
>tfw wanted smth dece to rock with timbs next winter

oh well
sage for off topic

>> No.7163193

What size are you blud?
I saw two EG flannels for $125 each in small
want me to link you?

>> No.7163194

i range med-small

>> No.7163199
File: 234 KB, 600x800, 48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Measurements fitting somewhere in between medium and small tho B^)
cotton flannel, but so was that Junya overshirt, would make great mid-layers for fall/winter

>> No.7163208

thx bro evn the gods bless u with dubs

>> No.7163300
File: 10 KB, 275x183, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ is the worst fashion forum on the internet yet I'm still here. I think I'm addicted to the internet and not fashion and nothing gives me a good dose as much as 4chan.

Its like how much pic related repulse me so much with their hair and outfits yet I absolutely want to wreck them a new asshole

>> No.7163313

it should just be called 'people who dress in all black and look like shit'

>> No.7164493
File: 388 KB, 1470x1024, Helmut04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genuinely don't understand this whole culture, (which obviously isn't exclusive to /fa/) surrounding trips.

I'm not saying this in the sense of "oh boy i really hate those damn tripfags", I don't particular care either way, i'm just curious at the reasoning behind it and the almost celebrity (don't blow that word out of proportion, you know what i mean) status a lot of them obviously carry.

Like anyone can trip, I naively assumed when first seeing one that trips were mods or at least exclusive in some aspect.

Some of them don't even bother to trip properly and just fill in the name field (see: Aboriginal_Thug or what I've just done for this post).

Marginally ashamed to admit I spend an hour or so on /fa/ every other day and while you do start recognizing some of the names after a while I know that most trips aren't on 4chan 24/7 and that there's definitely anons who are on /fa/ more often than a good portion of tripfags here and they'll be some who know more about what's /fa/ than a lot of them to (or too? my english is shit).

Pretty embarrassed asking this in as much depth, but yeah.

Help me out /fa/, what's it all about?

>> No.7164511

Who is twerk, what gender are they, how old? Where does twerk live?

>> No.7164583

it's too

>> No.7164603

I have great skin and hair, great clothes, plenty of great friends and lots of money...

...but I'm still not happy and I don't know why.

>> No.7164611

The reason tripfags are shit is because they want to form an identity to show themselves off, despite the entire beautiful aspect of 4chan which is that we're all anonymous and equal.

>> No.7164613

I like to street goth aesthetic.

>> No.7164607

I don't think he knows himself what gender he is.

>> No.7164631

Stopped dating a nice, pretty girl because she dressed pleb as fuck. That was literally the only reason, we hit it off really well, had fun together, she was hot etc.

I don't mean that she wasn't interested in fashion or anything, she clearly picked carefully what to dress but ended up choosing terrible shit. She liked leopard print and shit.

>> No.7164649

it's me again, getting pics in like 20 mins when im back home

>> No.7164655

he's tall and thin

>> No.7164656
File: 188 KB, 920x1377, 1_Haki920.jpg.CROP.article920-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think ive settled on it now

>> No.7164661

I absentmindedly but unironically replied "I know" when a girl told me I was handsome.

>> No.7164665

you're probably fat and ugly since you didn't seem to mention either of those

>> No.7164676

Hey man, I did not mean to imply it's a bad thing. Good you've got it all sorted out though.

>> No.7164677

I'm underweight and maybe 6/10.

>> No.7164678
File: 27 KB, 240x360, next level hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help me come up with some indecipherable pronouns

>> No.7164685

shell probably wanna fuck u now, u did good

>> No.7164687

so you're skinnyfat
>maybe 6/10
so you're 4/10

>> No.7164691


cheers dude

>> No.7164694

don't disappoint m8

>> No.7164701

i did that to a bitch once when she said i looked as if i lost weight even though i did. Apologised str8 after tho

>> No.7164710

ur not a he or a she but a ~me

>> No.7164711


I was thinking along the lines of it being a purely egotistical thing but I didn't think anyone who's a trip would admit (if it's the true) that there just going under a name simply for the purpose of being a name.

I mean is being recognized here something people are proud of?

>> No.7164722
File: 110 KB, 600x344, 811659745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7164724


Got anything on this?
Doubt i'll ask again.

>> No.7164733


My bad.


>> No.7164746

i think mango is the worst dressed trip on this board. the shape of his chest is just so ... weird

also, i kinda like sieg

>> No.7164748

The post was a joke m8. Curlgurl the most beautiful? We can think of at least 3 anon girls that were leagues better, and erika.

>> No.7164762

it really isn't hard to understand why people trip, even if it isn't a good reason. a lot of trips start out simply by adding a name, then are pretty much forced to start tripping when somebody starts using the same name.

some trips probably didn't even start doing it for attention. they did it because, right or wrong, they felt like they had something to contribute and it required an identity attached to it.
The problem is that they keep their trip on and continue posting, as if their opinion on ___ matters more than someone elses.
Then there is is the circle-jerking, political games, and attention seeking that comes with tripping which makes the experience somewhat addicting and exciting.
Yes, it does ruin 4chan, but at the same time it brings a certain level of accountability.

There is a lot that can be said about it, but pretty much every aspect of tripping is bad, and comes from a selfish place.

>> No.7164763

Why else would they form an identity on a website which both requires none and encourages having none?

>> No.7164780
File: 152 KB, 478x720, dat fukken shoulder mmmmmmhhhhhmmmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anonymity isn't the purpose of 4chan, it's a feature of 4chan. you aren't encouraged not to have a persistent identity, you're allowed to post without registering.

fwiw i only use twerk on /fa/ and /lgbt/ where it has some relevance. i don't use it when posting on the other boards.

>> No.7164781
File: 201 KB, 1600x904, $T2eC16R,!zUE9s38+H(pBR7,8eZF8!~~60_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was just thinking about making this thread today, but i wanted it to be about clothes instead of board gossip

>tfw you hate the jingling sound that the zippers on rick's sneakers make

i've been chalking it up to him samefagging

asking if something is /fa/ doesn't make your post on-topic

get the fuck out

>> No.7164789

I think rick owens is overrated as shit, geobaskets are interesting but most people just look hilariously autistic in them

>> No.7164796
File: 2.22 MB, 1660x3514, Cowgirl_model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fukken love jangly metal noises
makes me feel like a cowgirl B^)

>> No.7164797
File: 1.30 MB, 2000x2000, helmut07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sounds pretty sad.
Each to his own, I suppose.

Thanks for clearing that up somewhat.

>> No.7164799

I strongly disagree, but you are a trip so I really don't care either way.

>> No.7164810
File: 14 KB, 391x400, olivier-theyskens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What is 4chan?
4chan is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images. 4chan's collaborative-community format is copied from one of the most popular forums in Japan, Futaba Channel. Different boards are dedicated to different topics, from Japanese anime, manga, and culture to videogames, music, and photography. Users do not need to register a username before participating in the community.

How do I post anonymously?
To post as "Anonymous", simply do not fill in the [Name] field when submitting content. Information such as your personal IP address is viewable only to the administrators, and is not made publicly available.

Can I register a username?
No user registration process is available. If you're worried about somebody impersonating you, consider using a tripcode to help validate your identity.

Tripcodes can help verify a user's identity to others, and are a type of pseudo-registration. To use a normal tripcode, place a hash mark ("#") followed by a word or short phrase after what you've entered into the [Name] field (ex. "User#password"). Upon submission, the server will generate the hash unique to that particular word or phrase. The previous example would display "User !ozOtJW9BFA" after being posted.

Important note: A tripcode is generated only using the text entered after the hash mark. Your entered name, IP address, cookie information, etc. do not affect the output. Normal tripcodes are not secure, and can be cracked with relative ease. For a more secure solution, see secure tripcodes.

What is a "secure tripcode"?
A secure tripcode can be generated by placing two hash marks in the [Name] field, as opposed to one as with a normal tripcode (ex. "User##password"). Secure tripcodes use a secret key file on the server to help obscure their password. The previous example would display "User !!rEkSWzi2+mz" after being posted.

>> No.7164819
File: 678 KB, 656x444, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw walking through the library during exam period and the jingl janglin of your shoe zippers seem that much more louder

>> No.7164828
File: 437 KB, 1280x825, Helmut18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Didn't think you'd reply, but since you have.

>where it has some relevance

Can you explain what you mean by this?
I know the english meaning of the word, i mean in the context you used it in.

What relevance do you have on /fa/ and /lgbt/?

>> No.7164830

And what do you want me to do with this copy-pasted faq?

>> No.7164841
File: 127 KB, 600x800, Rytm2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recurring discussions about fashion to which i have a lot to add.

ctrl+f "encouraged"

>> No.7164847
File: 129 KB, 345x518, Screen shot 2013-10-30 at 2.02.58 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean is being recognized here something people are proud of?
it's pretty ironic, but i'd say yea.
in my case it's a little different but it's easy to see how i fit in.
one thing that's surprisingly clear is people do care about trips. it isn't (always) samefagging. people talk about you and say shit about you, so you feel like your presence matters.

what most people don't realize is the absurdity behind it, because there are so many users on here, and new people post everyday.
you could say literally the exact same posts, day after day, and whole new audience would read it for the first time.

that's the crazy thing, because nothing really matters. like the great Chester Bennington of Linkin Park said in his poem, "i tired so hard, and got so far, but in the end it doesn't even matter."

is it something people are PROUD of?
fuck no. or at least i hope not.
i don't think any tripfag would be PROUD if people IRL saw his stuff, especially considering how it is presented.

idk, it's a pretty stupid thing but i understand why people trip, even though i hate the reasons.
and i trip too, so i see how retarded it all is.

also let me be clear, i'm not trying to win any points here. i'll never be doing that.
i fully realize how hopeless being a trip can be.

i had a positive reason for doing it, and i'll continue to post for that reason, but i also fucked it up for myself by leaving my trip on for more than i should have.
also there will be people who hate and try to cause drama even if you are doing nothing wrong. it's just how people are.
it's inevitable.

>> No.7164848

>What relevance do you have on /fa/ and /lgbt/?
Dunno about lgbt but on a website with such a vast user base where you're giving out advice/critique/etc like on /fa/ then at least you know where the advice has come from. Obviously you'd take twerks comments a lot more seriously than that kid in the WAYWT with levis, uniqlo flannel and cdb. I see it on other boards where trips/ names can be singled out. but when giving critique it makes all the difference. not that anonymous critique is bad - its just nice to sometimes know where it came from tho

>> No.7164851
File: 1.79 MB, 1704x2272, Bibliotheek_Binnenstad_Universiteit_Utrecht-5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw shoes with soles that can practicaly be used for tapdancing they're so loud
>unexpected walk trough Louis Napoleons palace a.k.a. the school library

not a good feel, but damn our library is a palace
did i mention, that our school library, is a fucking palace.

>> No.7164855
File: 1.21 MB, 390x574, tumblr_mo3j91yNvx1s9pk0no1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that thunderous clop of heels striking the ground


>> No.7164856

why wont it let me do imgur pics?

w/e, heres a link


>> No.7164862

wow here name is in the image file.
why are you doing that?

don't be a dumbass.
also starfucks doesn't post here anymore. his trip was leaked.

>> No.7164864

>like the great Chester Bennington of Linkin Park said in his poem, "i tired so hard, and got so far, but in the end it doesn't even matter."
I love how you always bring up a sorta good point and then put something ridiculous like this in.
I'm always on the edge of; is he serious or is't he.

>> No.7164869
File: 1.01 MB, 1346x2000, Helmut02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Discussions you can't have as an anon?
I imagine this is getting tedious now but as I've repeatedly indicated before (i won't say it again as I assume it's getting equally tedious) english isn't my first language.

Can you elaborate at all?

>recurring discussions about fashion to which i have a lot to add.

So you know your way around fashion and like people to know this fact.

Am I on the ball (on the money?) here?

>> No.7164872

Ah man I love that sound, but not when I'm studying. Usually pretty bitches too who've got the most commanding heels.

>> No.7164873

So you really are as stupid as you seem, huh?

>> No.7164876

it's a fucking 1st name

if someone sees the pic and knows her, they'll know by her face. they won't look at it and then be like "oh shit m8, i know a girl named ___!!! wait..thats HER"

>> No.7164880
File: 444 KB, 397x550, tumblr_mjkc6v6DRB1qiyc7jo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

considering that they regularly start by people posing questions in response to my posts, they probably wouldn't occur if i didn't use a name.

quite a lot more than that

>> No.7164883
File: 816 KB, 2560x1920, Faculty_of_Medical_and_Health_Sciences,_University_of_Auckland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 2-3inch wooden soles where the pitch is significantly off (thank u avant garde) and exposed steel nails which have the biggest clop to them ever and seriously sound like cow wedges or s/t on stone
so glad i sent that fucker to the cobbler this week, getting them back today B)))
and it just occured to me i forgot to take pictures of the sole pre-cobbler .______________.

sick library
>tfw library architectures used to be sickkkk brutalist but facist univ directors just don't know what the fuck they are doing design wise and are trying to reinovate it into this lame af rainbow coloured travisty
fuck em'

>> No.7164885

actually deleted it cuz reverse search brings that shit up instantly

>> No.7164893
File: 139 KB, 1015x1024, Helmut09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why is that though?

I'm not trying to belittle whatever "credibility" any trips might have under their belt but have nay of them done anything to suggest they know more about fashion than any other poster?

>> No.7164896
File: 17 KB, 422x200, corlear[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahw man I love brutalist style but people just don't get along with it so I kinda understand wanting to change it as a principal. But still, get some experts in it, or don't fucking touch the design. That stuff get's me so angry, my high school was pretty cool when it was totally new but they just started fucking it up gradually.

>> No.7164898

and just for the record, it's gonna be on the archive and it STILL shows up ITT if you haven't refreshed the page.

now learn a lesson and get good.

>> No.7164904
File: 247 KB, 1360x1024, Helmut08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So first impressions were pretty accurate, more or less.

At least you seem genuine about it.

Egotistical but not necessary a cunt.

>> No.7164906
File: 36 KB, 476x338, 4702832+_354d482ea0f1c351e3842f81aaab5e98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


stop posting

>> No.7164913

you can't reverse search it on this page even if you haven't refreshed it, though.

Searching the file name brings up some site with a bunch of pics on photobucket though

>> No.7164920
File: 260 KB, 1034x1000, Helmut17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You seem very naive.

However in saying a little you have explained a lot. Most of it from my personal assertions than anything you explicitly said.

Thanks anyway, I think.

>> No.7164924
File: 53 KB, 486x750, yves-saint-laurent-le-smoking-suit-im-strange-L-q7VitJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you have ysl's smoking suit tagged with helmut's name?

>> No.7164925

would destroy and sniff

>> No.7164926
File: 19 KB, 418x278, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah from a commerical point of view brutalist is definitely not that friendly and probably way too 'obscure' and uninviting.
ikr fuggin like they're seriously going from one of the most aggressive and powerful design philoso. from the 20th cent to god damn playground tier colour scheme were they are literally just building over the rough textured designs with coloured panels and steel framing

>> No.7164927

>twerk it
>a real trip

>> No.7164930

w/e haha it's a fucking first name as i said earlier

i don't get what you don't understand about that. if someone sees her fucking face and knows her, they'll know right away. seeing the FIRST NAME doesn't change anything m8

>> No.7164933

fuck brutalism

>> No.7164936

that actually sounds pretty awesome

>> No.7164938


also, she has a twin sister (seriously) so...could be either one i actually am not even 100% sure that one is her

they're fucking exactly the same, it's weird. but hot as fuck.

>> No.7164943


It was part of an album.

I never put a great deal of thought to it.

You're saying he is not the photographer?

>> No.7164944

gimmie more pictures

>> No.7164950
File: 407 KB, 1600x1195, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck u

colour blocks trying to disguise aggression?
idk maybe for some but it kid of pisses me off since the uni is stingy af so it comes off cheap.

>> No.7164951
File: 257 KB, 607x911, photo1 (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the true /fa/ people are the ones who buy vintage shit and look great. gets really boring seeing fits where it consists of brand new shit

>> No.7164952

because they were the cheapest pair that no one else wanted
I'm not being condescending
I'm telling you why he bought them

>> No.7164953

that pic demonstrates why i should KEEP posting.

the bad thing is i'll always be seen as posting with an ego, but i don't think i am a lot of the time.
i'm an absurdist, so it makes it hard for me to "fight" for approval, or anything.
i know how things are, and i know how people interpret things.
anything can, and will, be taken out of context if someone wants to do it. you can give 100 different excuses but it won't change how things actually are.

i'm having fun, but i also have a lot to say.
and plus, i have nothing else to do.

>> No.7164955
File: 110 KB, 504x678, helmet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably not, just a guess though

>> No.7164958
File: 157 KB, 1012x1024, Helmut11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It turns out he is the photographer.

>> No.7164963
File: 259 KB, 1605x1024, Helmut05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Helmut Newton.

It's the 3rd photo that appears under his name in google images.

>> No.7164967

>i think mango is the worst dressed trip on this board
plenty of anons dress better than him

>> No.7164968

just the idea of an attempt to disguise the true nature of a building with small additions and the motivation someone would have for doing that

i could probably explain myself better if i wasn't exhausted sorry

>> No.7164970
File: 66 KB, 786x594, 1-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's only one helmut, i refuse to acknowledge any others

>> No.7164974
File: 115 KB, 800x1208, 1379861533999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twerk bb there's more than one person named helmut

>> No.7164978

fukken rekt

>> No.7164979

Ah motherfuck yeah
The original architect wanted our building to be gray, and then have the people make the colour.
Now they put in chairs in all-fucking neon-colours and whatever. Infuriating, no respect for art and the original architect.

>> No.7164984

It actually makes sense in the context of a fashion board. Like if a well dressed trip talks about something you can put more weight in it than a nameless fuck who is just talking shit for no reason. Or if i know a trip is a shithead I can disregard them.

The only issue comes from anons spazzing out about them. If you don't like it dont acknowledge it its that simple

>> No.7164990

>that convo

Did you ask her if you could post her nudes on /fa/ to prove you know what you're talking about or something?
If that is what's going in that pic props for asking her

>> No.7164991

a building is not only a piece of artwork, it's a space that's meant to be used and adapted by the people in it

>> No.7165000

yeah but all the fittings are cheap so it doesn't really do the buildingjustice
idk man i dont like it >:(

u@grafton fuqr?

>> No.7165003

do you honestly not know who helmut newton is and the incredible influence he's had on fashion photography and advertising

wow...i'm actually speechless

>> No.7165008

>It actually makes sense in the context of a fashion board
Word. Trips are good on boards discussing intensely subjective topics.

Easy to follow example would be a trip on /mu/. If they like other albums you like, you can guess you'd like other albums they like.

>> No.7165012

>have nay of them done anything to suggest they know more about fashion than any other poster?
Plenty of them have.

Plenty of them have proved that they actually know less too.

That's why they're useful.

>> No.7165018

This can be done without brutalizing (eyyhhh) the original meaning of the architect. There where chairs, pretty chairs, they where all greyscale, now they're all neon, superbright colours and it clashes with the building itself.
They actually spend money to make the whole design more in-congruent.

>> No.7165028
File: 5 KB, 569x510, 1379188666952.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing full rick
>jacket pants and shoes making me sound like a mobile during a storm

>> No.7165029

ha no that's not it.
if i'm not gonna post pics of myself i'm definitely not gonna post pics of a girl.
i really don't care about proving anything that much.

there was some pressure put on me, so i embraced it before anything could happen.
despite what would happen to most people, i played it off perfect and by the end of the night she confessed she's never felt so strongly for a guy before and she's only been MORE open to me.

it shouldn't have gone down that way, but that's why i say i'm pro.

>> No.7165035

I've come to the conclusion that fashion doesn't matter in the slightest. As a very good looking guy I've found that women don't give a flying fuck about what I wear because I look good in anything. I don't understand the point of this board's existence. If you're an ugly motherfucker, clothes will NOT change that. Hell, all I wear are jeans, (usually dirty) sweaters, and filthy running shoes and women ALWAYS notice me. Likewise, I couldn't give a fuck if a girl is wearing some sort of expensive clothing because that's not what makes her sexually attractive. Hell, I've even had women give me complements on my clothing style and I wear poorly fitting, dirt cheap clothes. You know those commercials where a well dress guy gets one of those looks from a hot woman walking by? Happens all the time for me, regardless of what shit I'm wearing. I think that the fashion industry as a whole is a huge joke and I don't see why any of you people spend your time and money trying to make all of these outfits and shit when they don't matter in the slightest.

>> No.7165036
File: 243 KB, 1039x1024, Helmut15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for shedding some light.

>> No.7165044


It's subjective innit.

I don't think it doesn't matter completely, just not as much as people make it out to.

For example I find a woman more attractive if she's wearing blue, don't know why, it's just a thing.

Aesthetics nshit man, what they all about?

>> No.7165045
File: 29 KB, 480x306, helmut lang, holzer, bourgeois 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually lang regularly cited newton as an influence on his work and, in fact, they collaborated on what i think was an advertising campaign (...) of course i can't find the images now, but they're on tfs somewhere.

>> No.7165047

i don't understand why people continue to make these posts


>> No.7165054

Post a face pic or gtfo

>> No.7165057

Thank you for your opinion.

>> No.7165074
File: 110 KB, 560x777, newton_sumo2_edited-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They were in Newtons "Sumo" album i'm sure.

>> No.7165079

I wore a leather jacket once and I liked the way it looked on me. Don't tell Bandit, he'll hit me.

>> No.7165136
File: 2.89 MB, 350x192, you will never feel like this again.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not criteria for happiness b

>> No.7165146

>posting with an ego
from what i gather you're pretty self assured but not egotistical,anyway dont bring ur ego into the trip a lot,look what happened to poet,he is human after all

>> No.7165444

Why did she have your belt? Is she the same size as you?

>> No.7165460

Poet left because the shitposters got to him. He took the board to seriously and expected too much out of it

At the end of the day he cried about people making fun of him, without realizing how much the actual posters liked him

>> No.7165533

I adore the tumblrcore and twee aesthetics and rue every day that they're so fucking played out by people who are just bandwagoning.

If I see a qt girl in full twee-uniform IRL part of me is scornful becuse she is almost certainly just following trends with no imagination, but most of me wants to cuddle her and make her my gf

>> No.7165542

tripskank dosn't have a good personality though, she's ugly, horrid personality, and dos not dress well

in 6 years ive seen 2 fits that she looked good in

>> No.7165554

whats tumblr core and twee uniform? can someone post pics

>> No.7165556

In 23 years ive seen 10000 fat dudes who look better than you

>> No.7165551

what happened? how did /fa/ come up in convo?

btw I'm Marine World guy and my internet crapped out on me

I fuuka'd your reply though and it made me laugh

I live in Marin

>> No.7165920


>> No.7167362

answer this now that you're back. faggot

>> No.7167387

i actually had to gain weight so we could share a belt.
we are both very poor so it just makes sense financially.
it's a really nice authentic Fendi belt.

>> No.7167423

what does it take to apply CSM?
does my plan to study barchelors in my country after HS and then apply to CSM for higher degrees sound bad?

>> No.7167460


Depends, what are you planning to study

>> No.7167607

when he tripped he brought on more and more of his irl ego to stick it to shitters,idk why
tbh leaving this boardisnt such abad thing ergh

>> No.7167860

I've come to the conclusion that music doesn't matter in the slightest. As a very good looking guy I've found that women don't give a flying fuck about what I listen to because I look good when listening to anything. I don't understand the point of this board's existence. If you're an pleb motherfucker, music will NOT change that. Hell, all I wear are jeans, (usually dirty) sweaters, and filthy running shoes and women ALWAYS notice me. Likewise, I couldn't give a fuck if a girl is listening to some sort of experimental shit because that's not what makes her sexually attractive. Hell, I've even had women give me complements on my taste in music and I listen to plebby, nagging music. You know those commercials where a well dress guy gets one of those looks from a hot woman walking by? Happens all the time for me, regardless of what shit I'm listening to. I think that the music industry as a whole is a huge joke and I don't see why any of you people spend your time and money trying to listen to all this music and shit when it doesn't matter in the slightest.

>> No.7167948

there's an anon on the /fa/ snapchat that i think is p. cool and would not mind meeting up with, but then when i think seriously about it my pockets become full of spaghetti.