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7154007 No.7154007 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ interiors thread

>where do you guys buy your furniture?
>what style of interior design do you follow?
>is budget more limiting than it is with clothing?
>is leather furniture fedoracore?

>> No.7154031
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>> No.7154036

how can i train myself to do minimalism? i really love the look of it, but then when it comes to designing my room IRL or in a game or something i always like to make it super busy -- not like messy, but just lots of stuff everywhere

>> No.7154041
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>> No.7154050
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have a place that looks great without anything in it is a good start

>> No.7154055

Take the Bauhaus approach, remove anything that's not being used. Keep it for practicality not decoration.

>> No.7154079
File: 231 KB, 486x254, large_front_Baroque-M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go Baroque. If you have the money for legit wood furniture that will probably outlive you.

>> No.7154099

You'd think that having a limited budget would lead to minimalism, but it seems like most people with totally modern, minimalist home are actually rich. I think this is because they can afford to do things out in their community rather then at home.

For example, if you stop at a coffee/tea store every morning, you don't need a coffee maker cluttering up your kitchen. If you know you can afford to rent camping equipment, then you can just wait until something comes up rather then letting old stuff take up closet space.

Though it's possible (and probably a good thing) to be minimalist on a low budget, it's a bigger leap of faith. Getting rid of 80% of your stuff is a much bigger deal if it takes you months to afford all that stuff. To pull off minimalism on a budget, it needs to be your plan from the very beginning.

>> No.7154121

High low mix,

high being MCM
low being college kid ikea tier

with warm textures, tones and soft lighting

anything with a MCM tie in, forexample, floor to celing soft lighting tower filtered with paper ala noguchi

budget is very limiting in decor

leather furniture is nice, but im not into the whole cheesey cow skin rug, lc2 or eames lounge look

>> No.7154117
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>> No.7154168

>how do I do minimalism
>go baroque
what are you going on about

it's because being poor often comes with a lack of education which generates a very stupid idea as to how the rich actually live. They'll think a large screen tv and 5 cars and an alligator skin wallet is being rich, and really anything gaudy as fuck, then attempt to emulate that within their means. Except, obviously, it's nothing like that at all. The only rich people who actually do shit like that are those who went from poor to rich in their own lifetime and never really grasped what it meant to be rich. The idea of 'taste' is completely lost on them.
And then of course you have consumer goods, at the lower ends, appealing to these people with their misunderstood concepts of being rich and thus come with large branding, additional nonsense, tasteless garbage. So then a consumer who does recognize this, despite looking for something simple and effective, as to go past this sea of shit and come upon the rich man's land where products are no longer trying to appeal to mindless thinking and are now attempting to appeal to those who actually have taste, at least in some sense. Of course there are still those who appeal to poor-to-rich and other super-rich idiots with their gold threaded suits and mcmansions but these are no longer the only major sellers. (although there are still a few who sell cheap and good quality, but they seem to primarily stem from Japan)

>> No.7154208

looking for cozy things
not really sure what i want but it needs to be v cozy

>> No.7154339

The fact that as much as minimalism is a cool aesthetic worthy of admiration, baroque is cooler, less played out, and just as aesthetically pleasing if done correctly, imo. Plus there's the added benefit of getting real furniture that actually grows in character the older it gets, and will never really get out of fashion.

A wardrobe can be easily changed, year after year, almost painlessly. Not furniture. It's way more of a commitment, and you might want to think about getting something that will last.

>> No.7154388

>baroque is cooler, less played out, and just as aesthetically pleasing if done correctly, imo
I won't argue whether or not this is all true, but at the very least I think its safe to say that it is substantially more difficult to do well and thanks to the obviously higher costs, this leads to significantly greater risk to try to play around with. If the dude has such a weak understanding of minimalism that he has to ask /fa/ for help, then it's probably safe to assume he has a weak understanding of interior design in general. It'd be really stupid to send him off to baroque. And regardless, if we assumed he was actually interested in the minimalist aspect of minimalism and not just the immediate simplicity of learning it (from a glance) , then you've suggested the complete opposite of the aspect the guy had found most endearing about the style.
And then finally you have the idea that it's not so played out, but baroque also reflects an entirely different mindset than minimalism. Where baroque was built on religious themes used to build an overwhelming environment imposing on any visitor, minimalism builds on a far more humble foundation that eliminates all non-essential forms to create a far more basic, but still powerful environment.
I mean fuck
The dude's asked for feudal Japan and you responded with medieval europe
That's downright stupid you can't even compare the two they're so fucking distant from each other in both space and design

>> No.7154430

They're both styles of interior decoration, stemming from Europe, and when well executed look powerful. Both have been recently revitalized, both are the current dears of interior decorators in general, and both have changed quite a bit since their inception.

They're comparable, and as much as you want to try and feel smart by insulting both me and OP, you're a little bit over your head here. I'm not talking about 17th century French baroque here, I'm talking about 21st century neo-baroque and the overall connotation that the word baroque itself has gained over the years (read: decorated and affected). I'm not talking about cathedral decoration, I'm talking about a legit adaptation of the style to interior design.

Plus, most personal interior decoration isn't supposed to be "powerful", it's supposed to be homey in at least some level. Not really sure where you came up with that.

>> No.7154528
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>why not have both?.gif

syd mead described a futurist architecture style defined by sleek, simple minimal modernism overlayed with classical design theory and inset with ornate decoration

he called is 'supersonic baroque'

>> No.7154543

>>is leather furniture fedoracore?
No, you fucking dumbass.

>> No.7154564

I really wish to see it executed in real life. I've seen it in Deus Ex Human Revolution by Eidos, who happen to be quite good at design in general. The mesh between Baroque/Renaissance themes and futuristic architecture was just awesome.

>> No.7154594
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wait where the hell did I insult OP I didn't even reference him
I didn't even insult you, I insulted your proposal but you are not your proposal and I never said (and only vaguely implied but nothing truly insulting) anything about you
I did insult /fa/ however but not in a manner that you should have found yourself offended
don't do that

But yeah I'm probably over my head here as I only have a basic understanding of both styles of interior design. I'm not entirely sure why you said baroque first and then posted an image more in the style of 17th century france than in the neo-baroque style (At least from what I gather neo-baroque to be which seems like some sort of hybridization of baroque and more controlled forms with a slight retreat from religious usage and greater push towards utility and simplicity. like an overall toned down baroque)
And then the reason I went to powerful is probably because most interior design I deal with are those found in interior design mags (which are obviously not representative of "lived-in" designs) and film (which again, is the same), as well as random images sporadically found in books, /fa/ interior threads and just all over the internet. But of course given the lack of actual examination this results in a mindset headed towards preferring the more powerful rooms, the ones with the most eye-grabbing attention thanks to bold imagery, colors and styles.

>> No.7154626

>where do you guys buy your furniture

Craigslist, eBay, building supplies stores,

>what style of interior design do you follow?

Take old, beat-up space covered in the dried resin of time. Overlay a minimal and carefully chosen practical set of the best of modernist design, castoff industrial furniture, and a few items that have a story, or feel like it. Be sure to include a traditional Japanese futon for sleeping, a standing desk, and DIY, space-shaped bookshelves. Proceed to slob all over the place and stuff it with cool stuff.

Worry about harmony precisely zero in all of this. I hate places that seem too pat, too settled, not ad hoc, not like they arose from a life.

>is budget more limiting than it is with clothing

Not more limiting. If anything, less: you only need one set of furniture. Furniture is more durable than most clothing and often wears better, so second-handing is usually easier. Plus, no fifty things in XXL and none in S.

>is leather furniture fedoracore

Is leather clothing fedoracore?

>> No.7154636


Kinda like this, but grungier, with a contemporary or forward-looking kind of complexity, and way less orderly and more playful.

>> No.7154664
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however I think baroque (17th century) pretty clearly was after very powerful, very overbearing designs. And given that this was a style for the super-rich and churches, the idea of it actually being homely and comfortable doesn't really come to play at all, I think. Of course assuming that first sentence was actually meant to be in reference to 17th baroque & minimalism and not neo-baroque & minimalism
and then just to continue on that assumption you can't really put 17th century baroque and minimalism together on the basis that they're interior decoration and both stem from europe. (which I don't think is necessarily true for minimalism? Japs have been playing with the idea of stripping excess and focusing on silhouettes, geometric forms and light, furnished design for centuries. And given that I really haven't seen much from which minimalism would have stemmed from in what I've seen of european art history, and given that minimalism as an umbrella term is a 1950/60+ thing, I really doubt that it's primary influence was europe as neo-baroque would be.) baroque and minimalism are still pretty damn far apart from each other in approach and design

>> No.7154690

what a horrible plant

>> No.7154700

Does anybody have the picture of the really comfy looking bed on woodblocks with the cambridge blue colored blanket?

>> No.7155035
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>> No.7155106
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ef/fa/y as fuck

>> No.7156372


>> No.7156415

anyone know of any good books pertaining to minimalist design?

>> No.7156674

Probably lives in New York City. Very hard to find a place to store motorcycles there.

>> No.7156842

>where do you guys buy your furniture?

Straight from the manufacturer.

>what style of interior design do you follow?

Some would say minimalism.

>is budget more limiting than it is with clothing?

No, furniture is for live and if carefully picked doesn't go out of fashion.

>is leather furniture fedoracore?


>> No.7156881
File: 149 KB, 1440x1920, DSCF0229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, remember me?

>> No.7156886
File: 451 KB, 2048x1536, DSCF0264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wanted to ask, how am I doing?

>> No.7156927

going to check out a vintage pollock chair later today :)

>> No.7157600

I buy about half of my furniture from thrift stores, I make the other half myself.

Eclectic mostly, warm homey cabin in the woods, lots of interesting knick nacks but not cluttered, a little industrial salvage, rusty gold.

No, deffinately not, with clothes, if you buy cheap, thy can look cheap and you can't fix that, you can allways upcycle shitty furniture with a few bucks, a little time and some good old ingenuity.

I don't think leather furniture is fedoracore as a rule of thumb, but it certainly can be.

I helped a friend who was trying to do a minimalist room last year, we just used a bunch of clever out of sight storeage, in the floor, nice clean cupboards that took up an entire wall, we lost about a foot or so from the room, but it really hides all the stuff.

Look at Japanese interior design, that's where we drew a lot of inspiration from.

>> No.7157605

yeah. what'd you do with that light shade in the end?
poorly. but it looks functional so that matters more than aesthetics in reality

>> No.7157651
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There isn't much you can do with 8 m2, lampshade got swapped with a rice-paper lamp. Cheap, but it fits the room. Keep in mind the clutter is there because we're still doing shit to the other rooms

>> No.7157652
File: 1.03 MB, 3264x2448, DSCF0268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scored a design-couch for free though, it's a van Gispen. Chair and table are placeholder cause we just need something to sit on for now

>> No.7157664

w2c free furniture

>> No.7157677

The floor, TV stand and coffee table are hideous. Everything else though is pretty nice.

>> No.7157685
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My uncle found it on the side of the road a few years ago and said I could have it. There's no chance he's getting it back now. :^)
Pic is someone else's, without plastic for paint-protection.

>> No.7157694


Did he put it in the elevator or something?