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/fa/ - Fashion

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7147693 No.7147693 [Reply] [Original]

>the lunarcore trolls haven't left yet

>> No.7147702

you're forgetting the stupid ass oversized bomber and the stupid ass paladiums for the poorfags who can't afford yohji

>> No.7147698


i know man, seriously seeing their stupid ass y-3 shoes tucked into their stupid ass cargos trousers make me cringe so badly

>> No.7147704

poet won

>> No.7147711
File: 125 KB, 500x1560, 1382899605137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to start reporting them. This is really /cgl/ territory at this point.

>> No.7147719

People are just trying to force a new "gothninja."

The lunarcore shit will die out because unlike wearing all black, dressing like an autistic 110lb astronaut isn't timeless.

They'll drop it like a hot potato once they start getting laughed at in class at uni for looking like a battle star galactica extra.

>> No.7147729

someone jelly of my comfy

>> No.7147737

u look like shit. for some1 who frequents a fashion board and has the audacity to trip as well you look like a fucking clown.

>> No.7147745
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>implying I left the comfort of my desk/couch like that

>> No.7147774



>> No.7147791

tight fit, w2c lunacore shirt?

>> No.7147815

I don't know if you were here when "gothninja" started catching on, but it faced similar opposition. I wish I still had some content from that era saved. It was pretty hilarious.

IDK, found it at Against All Odds on clearance for $5 and bought it as a joke. It's from Boeing.

>> No.7147837

Lunarcore isn't my style, but how can you not respect it? It's people making an affirmative decision to actually style themselves to express their aspirations and outlook on life.

Nobody's trying to "force" anything. They're making something happen *for themselves*. Yeah, sure, there's a lot of uncertain people without the knowledge or confidence to innovate much dickriding poet and copying the formats of his fits but that's... every fashion thing ever? You haters think you're sui generis in Acne and Common Projects, or Boris and CCP, or 'Preme and Nike, or T&A and CDBs, or whatever you're on?

And it's not giving them enough credit, either. This shit is incremental, always is.

And to call >>7147711 "cosplay" is just so high up on the "are you even looking, fuccboi" scale. That's maybe the least costumey space-related fit I've seen on here - what astronaut wears an all over print of a space shuttle? And it's also markedly different from anything poet ever posted.

Just give up on hating, since you're putting so little effort into it anyway, and go do your own thing. Stunt on the stunt pilots.



Obvious samefag, and

>calling Y-3 Yohji
>implying they're in the same price bracket
>misspelling Palladium

lawl gaiz let's laugh at teh stupid ass fuccboy troll with his stupid ass attempts to shore up his self-conception by pretending its better than others lawl fuccobi, cosplaying as a businessmen or whatever the fucc

>> No.7147852

>typing over 250 words in response to a 4chan thread

>> No.7147863
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some people are and will, but for me and whoever else who wants to speak up, we genuinely like the style. we aren't trying to force anything, the opposite is true: we're doing what comes naturally, because we enjoy the look.

if i get laughed at, so be it. who cares?

and stop trying to say this is the next gothninja. who fucking cares. why do people get so hung up on the name? fashion is about what you look like. its about enjoying the way you look.

tl:dr people are gonna do what their gonna do so take it easy on the buttmad its kind of embarassing that you guys are so emotionally invested in this

>> No.7147877

Haha i was being satirical but I've got a space in my heart for your fit, i have no idea what about it but it does look tight.. what're the joggers? I like your style kid

>> No.7147890

good post, man.

fuck /fa/, just let people fucking do what they want, no one's taking over anything

>> No.7147933

>Lunarcore isn't my style, but how can you not respect it?
1. because out of about 20 people who have attempted to create a fit in line with this style, maybe 5 have succeeded in not looking like total mongs, and only 2 have done it genuinely well
2. for most who attempt, it's just the flavor of the month

now, i'm not going to act like this rate of success isn't reflected by most styles, but lunarcore is just too flimsy with too poor of a track record as of now to gain my respect

i don't respect newborn babies for shitting all over themselves just because they're young, and i'm not going to respect lunacore just because it's in its infancy

lunarfags, you must earn respect

with that said, i'm working on a fit myself that could be painted as lunarcore and do like a lot of the stuff the style draws inspiration from, so it's not like i have a bias against the idea itself or anything

the colloquialism does irk me, though

>> No.7147935

this isn't /cgl/
it's just profoundly pathetic and contrived

>> No.7147942

that looks pretty damn good actually

>> No.7147954

why do you care how other ppl dress?
worry bout urself man, it'll make u a happier person

>> No.7147956

>i don't respect newborn babies for shitting all over themselves just because they're young, and i'm not going to respect lunacore just because it's in its infancy

You know this thread was started by miserable fagets just trying to get a rise but I actually agree with your post.


>> No.7147963

if everything was black /fa/ would have a hardon for this fit

>> No.7147979

>why do you care how other ppl dress?
because i like to discuss aesthetics
it's one of the main focuses of the board in case you haven't noticed

why do you care about me caring about how other people dress?

should we not criticize anything because someone might criticize us for caring? wait...

>worry bout urself man
i already do, my friend
luckily, my worrying isn't a very limited resource



>> No.7147982

You're saying, sampled over the whole population, that more than 25% of people don't look like total mongs and more than 10% dress genuinely well?

Or that most people aren't "flavor of the month" to some degree?

That's my point. This is just humans being humans, and deserves at least some baseline, standoffish respect.

>> No.7147991

ok thank you, this is actually a good reason.

but it can also be applied to any other style, because for anything there's a low percentage of good stuff and a high percentage of friggin amateurs. eg "i hate menswear because of dadcore faggots"

>> No.7147993

>tfw I don't know how to hide threads
>tfw instead I just make shitposts complaining about things people like that I don't like

>> No.7148018

you can discuss aesthetics without being condescending.
do you really give a shit if some stranger listens to top 40 music? do you really care if transformers 3 is someones favorite movie? It doesn't effect you at all.
If someones asking for advice or for recommendations, then sure, discuss all the aesthetics you want, but hating on a style is like hating on a whole genre of music. lame as fuck.

>> No.7148024
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>tfw lunarcore will die a quick death because poet wad its heart and soul

I actually really liked the look though

>> No.7148043
File: 251 KB, 400x400, 1351813373771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happen to poet?

>> No.7148052

/fa/ is such a piece of shite

>> No.7148049

>You're saying, sampled over the whole population, that more than 25% of people don't look like total mongs and more than 10% dress genuinely well?
that's actually the complete opposite of what i said
>now, i'm not going to act like this rate of success isn't reflected by most styles

>Or that most people aren't "flavor of the month" to some degree?
>the some degree
this is the most important part of your sentence, and it's what sets lunarfags apart from the general population and most fashion enthusiasts in general

>That's my point.
what is?

>This is just humans being humans, and deserves at least some baseline, standoffish respect.
the idea (independent of the community) has my respect
unfortunately, i can't separate lunarcore's community and the contributions of that community from lunarcore itself
it just doesn't make any sense
can you separate impressionism from impressionists?

>but it can also be applied to any other style
>eg "i hate menswear because of dadcore faggots"
i'm aware
people like OP are mongs, too

>do you really give a shit if some stranger listens to top 40 music? do you really care if transformers 3 is someones favorite movie?
no, and here's why: both of your examples are so far out of the realm i can appreciate that it's not worth discussing
i don't discuss people who assemble basic fits from F21 or H&M for the same reason

>but hating on a style is like hating on a whole genre of music
i made it clear in the very first post i made in this thread that i don't hate the entire style and don't condone doing so
honestly, if you can't read entire posts, then don't bother responding

he was quite literally bullied out

>> No.7148058

Me too anon.

I hope he returns.

Did he say that he was going away forever?

>> No.7148063


poet pls go

>> No.7148070
File: 152 KB, 1556x262, boardculture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the reason it gets hated on so much is that it isn't a defined aesthetic yet. There aren't designers producing specific pieces, pop culture hasn't spotlighted it yet, and as far as media goes, it's pretty much restricted to /fa/, a couple tumblrs, and maybe a smaller forum or two. Besides Poet, Knoch, and maybe a few others, there aren't many people who have really nailed down the look yet and given certain elements credible aesthetic value with which to build off of.

It's not like other styles, such as gothninja, where you can go buy out Rick's full line and post shit like "rick hat, 2x rick asymmetrical tees, rick jawns, rick geos" and get compliments like SICK FIT BRUH 10/10 KILLIN IT. You have to put thought into it. It isn't defined. Right now it's an abstract idea, with elements from an array of different styles compromising experimental fits that all emit a certain feel.

See above. Aesthetically it isn't flimsy at all; most fits draw heavily from military/tactical sources, which have been in style for ages, with a dash of weathered techwear and occasional drapey/distressed cloth (which is high fashion right now). It is, however, fairly flimsy in its definition. Because of all the ideas coming together at once, there really isn't a one yet. At this point it's just a bunch of ideas getting thrown around, with a focus on using bleakly futuristic fits as inspiration.

Pennant sweats.
Not a serious fit but thanks haha.

He left because he was tired of the toxic culture here. He was nothing but nice to people and they responded by completely shunning his and others' attempts at innovation and creating something new. See pic.

>> No.7148074


i only wonder if the people who dedicate their time to targeting these guys feel any remorse

i'd like to think they only feel the kind of remorse that a cat does when it finally kills the prey it was playing with, but bullies tend to be very insecure people, and insecure people tend to feel very insecure about their choices in life

>> No.7148081

>It's not like other styles, such as gothninja, where you can go buy out Rick's full line and post shit like "rick hat, 2x rick asymmetrical tees, rick jawns, rick geos" and get compliments like SICK FIT BRUH 10/10 KILLIN IT.
You're an idiot if you honestly think this is how "gothninja" works. All you have to do is look at teddy and countless other moderately wealthy failures to see how that worked out for them.

>> No.7148095

No, I'm not that unintelligent.

That was simply to highlight the fact that there are designer pieces that hold value in the gothninja aesthetic, as well as any other defined style. It's not so much that they're GOING to look good together, it's just that they were MADE to look good together. Lunar has no defined designers or pieces. Nothing here was made to be combined. It's a collage of different styles, all aimed at producing a certain image.

>> No.7148141
File: 132 KB, 627x576, 500gbfeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See pic

Oh god poet. It didn't have to be like this.

>> No.7148146

what is "unwoven"?

>> No.7148155

hi poet
i though you said you were going to leave /fa/ for good?

>> No.7148157

From what I've gathered, all the SZers that left their home site out of frustration with the mods(namely Faust) got together and created Unwoven.

>> No.7148207

I literally cannot find it

>> No.7148208
File: 94 KB, 1935x953, poet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7148227

It's still in its infancy, and (while I'm not saying your presence wouldn't be beneficial) I'm not sure if it should be found at this time.

>> No.7148229


oh wow how did I miss this

>> No.7148230



>> No.7148244


>> No.7148256


>> No.7148260

please let poet rest in peace

>> No.7148267

what are SZers?

>> No.7148271


ya srsly it's like they're defacing his carcass or s/t :^(

>> No.7148283

minus the bit about teddy
i.e u sound like a bigot

>MADE to look good together
dig that hole
dig it

>Lunar has no defined designers or pieces. . Nothing here was made to be combined. It's a collage of different styles, all aimed at producing a certain image.
i honestly think you know nothing about the history of fashion

shit thread tho

>> No.7148292
File: 11 KB, 231x576, hip$ter pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drama goes on >>>/cgl/, friends


>> No.7148355

Ok... I'm not sure what you're disputing.

Are you saying designers don't construct their pieces to work with each other?
Or that there are indeed designers who are currently producing pieces with the Lunar aesthetic in mind?

I'm saying it's not defined yet, as opposed to more concrete styles. While you could argue semantics, I'd say that's a pretty accurate statement.

>> No.7148367

just that "there are no lunarcore designers" is not a valid dismissal of lunarcore.

>> No.7148405

What do you mean by dismissal? I wasn't trying to dismiss it, I'm just saying that it hasn't evolved into a product yet. It exists as an idea of an aesthetic, but does not have many defining features or brands yet.

>> No.7148411

...a short-lived trend started by an anorexic 32 year old comic book loving pseudo-intellectual who wrote elaborate fantasies about hustling and strugglin' in the mean streets of 52nd and park and captivated the underage audience through his verbose antics, making him a god to be worshiped in their eyes

laughing my butt off

as much as it pained me to read his posts, i'll give credit where credit is due: if the soundcloud he claimed to be is indeed his, then he's an all right producer

peace kid

>> No.7148476
File: 21 KB, 315x290, ArcadeMachine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lunarcore is the shit.
If you can't see it, keep it with your basic bitch fits and stfu.

But space stylin' is the next big thing. Trust me.

>> No.7148474


Oh man too fucking true.

Link to the Soundcloud?

>> No.7148482

that aside, gothninja is not a predetermined subset of styles, it's determined by those the engage, just like lunarcore or w/e etc etc just like everything in the industry, largely conceived by those that engage, later interpretated by industry to produce etc etc down up up down

the fact that you dont get this idea is kindve really indicative of how naive you are...?
>Are you saying designers don't construct their pieces to work with each other
no...im saying no one produces a collection with 'GOTHNINJA' in mind (maybe boris and zb but idk) you only perceive it as that because well...youre an idiot.
often they just produce what they like and feel like and want just like any designer, the mass will consume what they feel like in accordance to their desires but i dont think it's ever entirely thoughtfulness...
like you're whole discussion is some preconceived stigma towards people that wear rick owns or s/t trying to imply their fits are any less thoughtful because they employ garments from popular designers??

like idk, you sound incredibly stupid
it sounds like the reason you like lunarcore is because u think 'LOL THIS IS THE HARDMODE OS FASHUN EVERYTHIN ELS IS CASUAL' and/or want to be recognised by poet or s/t
opposed to a natural draw towards certain designs etc etc (personal interest).

there's really a lot to say about why your perception is completely ridiculous but tbh i dont have the time to go through every facet and explain it so if you could just specify what you dont get???

you were trying to say that it's production is more credible than others because you think it's harder to source when in reality their are a lot of 'sci-fi' and historical sources you can ref to for ideas
it's not accurate.

there are designers who produce garments that could be considered 'lunarcore' imo.
hl, aitor, bbs, rick, julius, sr, dd
just like their are no 'LUNAKORE' designers there are no 'GOFNIJA' designers it's just how you perceive them.

>> No.7148516

dude wtf i used to h8 you but i liked one of your fits a few days ago, and now i like this post of yours

are you growing on me?
nah, but i agree with you 100%

dont remember it was like king's something? maybe? idk.

>> No.7148519

whether or not designers create pieces for a certain 'style' is irrelevant.

Consumers will purchase clothing pieces and wear them in a certain way creating trends/fashion etc. These trends inform designers whose work in turn informs trends/fashion.

>> No.7148571 [DELETED] 

I always thought you were a faggot but this post is alright with me (´・ω・`)

>> No.7148604

>It's people making an affirmative decision to actually style themselves to express their aspirations and outlook on life.

AAAAAnd that's where you're completely wrong.

That's true for poet and meta maybe, but the rest have just been anons who have jumped on it because it's "new" or trips have started to dress that way.

Poet was always interested in space and related elements which is why it makes sense for him to develop such a style, but the rest have just been fuccboi anons trying to give themselves a sense of false identity.

>> No.7148612 [DELETED] 
File: 677 KB, 320x222, 1382754792618.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the goobs are destroying the lunar fags ITT


>> No.7148624

>it sounds like the reason you like lunarcore is because u think 'LOL THIS IS THE HARDMODE OS FASHUN EVERYTHIN ELS IS CASUAL' and/or want to be recognised by poet or s/t
>opposed to a natural draw towards certain designs etc etc (personal interest).

HOLY FUCK FUCKING THIS seriously. This is the problem I have with it.

I have deep respect for poet and how he has developed a style truly "personal' to him, drawing from the core elements of what interests him.

The rest seem like posers and bandwagoners.

>> No.7148678

I see what you're saying now.

No, gothninja is not predetermined, but in order for something to be labeled as gothninja, it must display the characteristics that warrant that label.

Such as:
monochrome or all black
drapey fabrics
interesting hoods or scarves
distorted proportions

It has been engaged and interpreted, as you said.

I'm not trying to bash on anything. I'm just saying certain brands and characteristics have become staples of the style. I have absolutely no preconceived stigma towards it; I'd absolutely own "gothninja" style pieces if I could afford to pull off the aesthetic without buying cheap shit that doesn't look right.
Would it have been less irritating if I used a different archetype as an example?

What? I like it because it combines military, tech, future, and (in my interpretation) grunge aesthetics in a neat way. I've been into military stuff for a while and this is just an interesting extension of that. Plus it's warm and functional (again in my interpretation). Nice for winter.

If I wanted recognition, praise, or attention, wouldn't I stick with a "safe" style that is accepted by those around here? Poet's gone; there's no solid positive recognition left.

Indeed it's how you perceive them, but again, in order for something to fit a style it must fit that style's criteria. I'm saying there are no defined criteria for this aesthetic yet; it's vague and nebulous. There are very few examples from which to draw common elements and create a definition.

It has not yet been engaged and interpreted in any recognizable scope.

Hopefully that makes sense?

I'll readily admit that Poet and Knoch pioneered the idea, but if "posers" and "bandwagoners" didn't follow it and try and push it in new directions, how would it evolve? This applies to EVERY style and idea in general. If it was just two people, it would not have a name.

>> No.7148749

you are so naive, and that's the light/nice way to put it

take a moment to consider logging off from tripping

>> No.7148798

Enlighten me then.

>> No.7148911

the label is fabricated
the characteristics you think define it are imposed by your preconceived internet education.
they dont exist otherwsie, seriously i would feel so sorry for you if you actually used gothninja in a serious context anywhere, let alone outside of 4chan.

>Such as:...
lmfao, that's YOURE perception which is completely fucking nuts.

>m just saying certain brands and characteristics have become staples of the style.
*in your crazy warped opinion where youre too uneducated to comprehend nuances and would rather bag the whole thing into 'GOFNINJA' opposed to actually educating yourself like what poet does through looking at real sources and researching (albeit a limited extent)
the irony is the exact thing youre speaking out against is what youre practicing.

>Would it have been less irritating if I used a different archetype as an example?
it wouldn't have mattered because you dont know what youre talking about so youll just as ignorantly bag it into 'X-CORE' without any real appreciation of the context and/or design.

>I like it because it combines military, tech, future, and (in my interpretation) grunge aesthetics in a neat way.
wow, youre a retard and i hate you
what are these buzzwords? do you even know how rooted military is almost all designs in the 21st cent? ofc. not, you don't know shit.
'tech, future, and grunge' - okay, i cant breath.

> I wanted recognition, praise, or attention,
no because there are other retards like you which poet (maybe unconsciously) has cultured to just perceive real novel shit for the sake of it being novel - like idk if youve ever seen lunar threads but people like, await the presence of poet so they can all just circle jerk him and by proxy each other. it's probably the only true circle jerk on /fa/.
what you define as spacecore just look like normal guys in MA-1's wearing ostentatious white boots to me, you only label it as spacecore because it's convenient and helps to aggregate the circle

>> No.7148971

the idea that poet is the crux of the style further promotes my point that he was kind of the sole pioneer and everyone else just wanted his attention.
yes maybe they contributed however not for personal development but rather recognition from poet on their 'SICK CADET IDEAS'
i cant say this is true for all of them and i dont know, nor do i care but it certainly seems to be true of some (maybe even u).

yes there are people that go w/ design choices because they want recognition but not all people design themselves around other peoples perceptions.
like...people can actually like things by following their instinct opposed to the dictation by their peers

>fit a style it must fit that style's criteria.
lmao, youre a retard
the criteria is self imposed, there is no authority for this criteria, it's absolute bs.
> I'm saying there are no defined criteria for this aesthetic yet; it's vague and nebulous
wtf, no you arent
wtf - you went out of your way to try define 'GOFNIGAS' several times in this thread.

>There are very few examples from which to draw common elements and create a definition.
>It has not yet been engaged and interpreted in any recognizable scope.
if you're talking about the inspiration for lunar or w/e yes it has
do you watch movies?
alien, predator, terminator, dusk, star wars, battle star, star trek, historical space endeavours
SO MANY references which are really accessible.

poet and others in spacecore threads or w/e even reference these things

>> No.7149111

C'mon man. For one, this whole attack comes off as utterly conceited.

>the label is fabricated
>the characteristics you think define it are imposed by your preconceived internet education.
>they dont exist otherwsie, seriously i would feel so sorry for you if you actually used gothninja in a serious context anywhere, let alone outside of 4chan.
Of course it's not a serious term. If I wanted to be exact/proper I'd refer to the aesthetic as avant-garde. Labels are, by nature, fabricated. It's a descriptive term that has been invented to group entities with similar characteristics. That's how humans communicate ideas. If my description is nuts, then how do you classify anything?

You can argue that "Oh nothing fits labels everything is up to interpretation", but, generally, everything fits a label.

>it wouldn't have mattered because you dont know what youre talking about so youll just as ignorantly bag it into 'X-CORE' without any real appreciation of the context and/or design.
"X-CORES" are fabricated labels that describe certain combinations of aesthetic elements. They're juvenile terms but they convey the general ideas of specific aesthetics.

>what are these buzzwords? do you even know how rooted military is almost all designs in the 21st cent? ofc. not, you don't know shit.
Buzzwords? I can't use descriptive, relevant, identifiable terms? Of course it has elements in many designs because that's how things evolve; older styles fuse and create new ones. Do I need to break aesthetics down into their basic elements every time I want to explain something?


>> No.7149146

god shut up ur embarrassing

>> No.7149173

dude, you're in the right here for sure, but its not even worth arguing anymore. No need to waist your time man.

>> No.7149231

>await the presence of poet so they can all just circle jerk him and by proxy each other
Many people appreciated his content, original ideas, knowledge, and input. He was positive and just enjoyable to be around. People were interested to see what new directions things would take. If being positive and constructive is circle jerking then I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

>what you define as spacecore just look like normal guys in MA-1's wearing ostentatious white boots to me, you only label it as spacecore because it's convenient and helps to aggregate the circle
I didn't define shit. Bombers seem to fit well with the aesthetic because they're featured in many sources that are drawn from, as are various types of boots.

>the idea that poet is the crux of the style further promotes my point that he was kind of the sole pioneer and everyone else just wanted his attention
It's pretty well known that he was the major force in starting it. Each individual to come after him will have their own reasons for picking up the idea. It doesn't matter whether it's for acceptance, attention, or personal interest. As long as they're coming up with new ideas and contributing to the evolution of an idea I see it as a positive. This applies to all styles and movements.

>lmao, youre a retard
>the criteria is self imposed, there is no authority for this criteria, it's absolute bs.
There are most definitely criteria. A Labrador Retriever is a dog because it meets the criteria for being a dog and not, say, a reptile.

>I'm saying there are no defined criteria for this aesthetic yet; it's vague and nebulous
>wtf, no you arent
>wtf - you went out of your way to try define 'GOFNIGAS' several times in this thread.
I was referring to Lunarcore. There are few real-world examples by which to draw defining characteristics.


>> No.7149244

is tigerrug the new poet?
as long as he doesnt infest people with lunarcore lmao

>> No.7149280

>if you're talking about the inspiration for lunar or w/e yes it has
>do you watch movies?
That's costume design. That is not a real-world application. Those are outfits designed and displayed in fictional environments. They are references from which elements can be drawn, but many are way too fictional to bring into the real world.

Lunarcore (imo) is about combining those references with real-world, contemporary design in order to create an aesthetic that evokes a futuristic feel without being drawn into costume territory. Eventually it'll evolve to become bolder, but for now it walks the line between reality and fiction.

With that I'm done. It's been an incredibly long weekend, and I really should have spent this time writing things that matter instead of arguing about societal complexes and fashion trends with strangers on the internet.

>> No.7149299

And what reason do you have to doubt any of what he said? None of it was at all implausible.

>52nd and Park
Dude was all about Brooklyn and you're talking 52nd and Park, what?

King's County Lighthouse.

>> No.7149326
File: 14 KB, 300x462, helmut 99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur so fucking clueless, theres numerous designers who've done 'lunarcore.' helmut lang did a whole collection, it even had astronaut helmet. ur a dumb faggot who doesnt know anything. u morons havent stumbled onto anything new, u just dont know these things have existed for a long time so u think you're on the cusp of some wonderful discovery.

>> No.7149341

okay this is getting a bit long

>C'mon man. For one, this whole attack comes off as utterly conceited.
suck a dick. if you cant handle being called an idiot for stupid ideas then you shouldnt be posting on 4chan.
these are stupid posts and you should feel bad for them.

>Of course it's not a serious term.
then dont use it in a meaningful context
>nted to be exact/proper I'd refer to the aesthetic as avant-garde
lol, you're just switching one bag you dont understand for another - nothings changed but the sound
> It's a descriptive term that has been invented to group entities with similar characteristics.
not true, and especially not true for gothninja or dadcore or whatever terrible words youve tried to rationalise.
>If my description is nuts, then how do you classify anything?
what? youre an idiot, just because i dont define artistic expression doesnt mean i cant define other things...(dw ill bring your idiocy full circle in a second).
>but, generally, everything fits a label.
also, lol. okay m8, cool opinion.
>describe certain combinations of aesthetic elements. They're juvenile terms but they convey the general ideas of specific aesthetics.
nah m8, shouldve just said 'juvenile terms' and stopped.
>Buzzwords? I can't use descriptive, relevant, identifiable terms?
'tech, grunge, future' SO DESCRIPT, WOW
>Do I need to break aesthetics down into their basic elements every time I want to explain something?
>positive and constructive
fair enough - i didnt really spend a lot of time looking at lunarcore threads or w.e since i simply dont care for it.
>I didn't define shit.
that's exactly my point you tard
i dont care for the aesthetic nor do i spend time learning about it so to me all the nuances are lost but im not going go out of my way and say 'HAHA LUNARCORE IS THE TRUE SUPERIOR FASHUN AND I AM A PARAIGON OF FASHUN - IF U DNOT UNDERSTAND IT UR SIMPLY INFERIOR HAHAAH' like you have.

>> No.7149351
File: 691 KB, 500x681, jelmut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lunar epic discovery we're skeletonising a nebulous concept, such discovery, trailblaze, cultural revolution

>> No.7149390

if you think that's bad, dr mario typed over 2000 words about some tripfag and linkin park last night. it was like 6 posts of pretty much incoherent autistic rambling.

>> No.7149404

furthermore i truly think you know less than i do about 'lunarcore' or w/e since you've failed to provide any sort of meaningful reference or idea aside from randomly pulling what you think (probably spoonfed) work.
> after him will have their own reasons for picking up the idea.
perhaps, idk i dont care but looks like circular jerking~ to me and youve done nothing but prove it - all you need to do is read through your own posts and/or fuuka.
>Labrador Retriever
>protip: this is the full circle idiocy i was talking about.
even then animal phylogeny is hugely debated and reconstructed quite frequently.
>There are few real-world examples by which to draw defining characteristics.
soz u just contradicted urself agen
read up.
>That's costume design
10/10 well done!
it doesnt mean you cant break down and digest facets of a costume and integrate them in a way you feel is comfortable.
jesus christ youre really dense
>many are way too fictional to bring into the real world.
this is the difference between you and people like poet who can draw inspiration from all these sources and still produce something coherent that pays tribute to these ideas
meanwhile you wait for his doctrine so he can tell you 'YES I HAVE CONFIRMED JULIUS PANTS ARE LUNARCORE, IT IS LUNARCORE VERIFIED!' followed by a uproar from the lunarcore fans as they fail their limp wrists in the air ('THANK U POET').
>combining those references with real-world, contemporary design
10.10 v.contradict, wow.
>walks the line between reality and fiction.

i really think ure the kind of nerd that goes through a waywt with a checklist slowly ticking things off..
'r thoos OCBDs 0/10'
'wow lok @ thos paladiums 8/10, v.lunar'
'haha a gofninja scarf. 3/10'
'overl 7/10 u r a spac recruit, betr luk nxt waywt xD'

>> No.7149478

Why do you type so much? You got straight up roasted last night, and it's happening again.
Your insecurity is showing intensely.

>> No.7149489

>You got straight up roasted last night
by who

>> No.7149515

i think he means this?
(the dr mario posts)
idk i read it over breaky and it made my morning
it's p.crazy and by no means accurate but i appreciate the effort

>> No.7149521

I'm guessing he's talking about that long ass post by Mario last night. Pretty sure he was going for some weird "ironic" joke, and/or was just really fucked up but he made some really good points in the beginning.

>> No.7149603

This is fucking retarded. All of this shit is fucking retarded.
Every last bit of it.

>> No.7149785

>hello, I'd like my /fa/ short and stupid because I'm illiterate and now somehow wasting time here anyway.

>> No.7149800

Holy christ I had to stop reading because the autism was leaking out of my computer and assuming physical form. Like this gooey ectoplasm made out of pure essence of autism. Like that pink goo from Ghostbusters. Remember in Pi? When the dude's computer becomes God and starts leaking organic goo and ants? It's like that.

>> No.7149808

I love that you're afraid of a little vocabulary. Which board are you fresh from?

>> No.7149806


stop trying to be anorak

you don't have the knowledge to back up your posturing

>> No.7149838


shut the fuck up you four eyed nerd

when have u ever contributed shit to this place. u dont know shit about fashion cept logging onto lncc every week weeks and spending ur depressed mums money

u just sit in ur room and sadfap on tinychat u desperate lil cunt

kill yourself

>> No.7149848


>> No.7149849


>> No.7149855
File: 332 KB, 1152x720, 1375857766355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must not be familiar with his other "work"

looks like he's out of retirement.

>> No.7149894

Officer Mario is right, he just had to be more simple in his wording.

People use this board like they do in real life: a social game.

Tit for tat.

What's funny is that if you bring this up, people just can't understand it because they are on autopilot or something.

>> No.7149902 [DELETED] 
File: 383 KB, 1008x1152, 1376422398652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this one.

>> No.7149905

stop copying no lol you cant pull it off

>> No.7149913
File: 45 KB, 939x409, turnleft nice fit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lmao this jew tryna be /fa/'s fierce warrior

look at this nigga attempt to be mature and poetic on unwoven

pathetic tho

log off turnleft u lost

>> No.7149923
File: 52 KB, 1131x268, Screen shot 2013-10-24 at 11.57.46 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone as asking how to pull off a fedora.

>> No.7149927
File: 604 KB, 427x640, elole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7149932
File: 100 KB, 1200x468, Screen shot 2013-10-24 at 12.11.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone posted an infograph, and someone asked who would make an infograph.

>> No.7149942



>> No.7149949

>people can't tell that this dude is just fucking around

>> No.7149966


i honestly wish tl would post a fit now and then but just not say anything

at least when anorak is around he shuts up coz he realises he actually knows fuck all

>> No.7149979

what point is trying to be made here
that mario does sarcastic and deadpan jokes?

>> No.7149983

>as though you're gardening
my fucking sides

>> No.7149994
File: 152 KB, 800x427, new_orleans_jazz_funeral_mike_hirshon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, these are the kind of threads poet warned us about.

Life's too short. Why tear each other down instead of affirming the good?

>> No.7150029

because we don't get our self worth from fucking /fa/. If you get your feelings hurt here gtfo honestly.

>> No.7150035
File: 45 KB, 1151x296, Screen shot 2013-09-01 at 7.22.41 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, he's seriously stupid. search the archive. all he does is give really shitty relationship advice and post completely autistic things.

>> No.7150049
File: 45 KB, 925x288, Screen shot 2013-09-01 at 7.21.45 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7150139

That actually is good advice, even without knowing the full context.
Why are you saving all these posts?

>> No.7150144

g2b starfucks
this has been the shittiest day in /fa/ history.

>> No.7150180

you know
costanza said the same thing
and it worked out for him

>> No.7150189

shah is god damn amazing
merz and jin are too

what point are you trying to prove?
idgaf about being poetic, just think they're cool dudes.
there is equally stupid rambling from me in other threads.

>> No.7150207

these two sound legitimate and they're not entirely wrong, but they do come from an extremely negative and just as over-generalized standpoint as the ideas he's trying to go against

these two are obviously jokes, like it's not even debatable. The whole thing is humor. I mean fuck does it even get any more blatant than "CommandV", "Violin, you've got your.." and "pixels are squares from NES"

Given that you've somehow got the idea that they all come together to prove this point you're trying to make, that he's an autistic fuck, despite the very clear differences between the two kinds of posts (two different personalities for his two different trips? I don't follow this dude at all) I'm leaning towards projection.

>> No.7150218

you made more posts like that?
that's a really shitty posting style
you don't pull that shit here
why there
it's even more important there, shit doesn't vanish if its not screencapped
it's not like they post like you did
are you consciously choosing to act like a faggot when you're on forums
or are you consciously choosing not to act like a faggot (as much?) on chans

>> No.7150227


point is ur a rambling deferential faggot over there

and a useless cunt here

why cant you be nice and collaborative here

>> No.7150249
File: 440 KB, 1000x806, ;akljsdf 181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm this guy.

i only have a couple things to say

1. i really wish everyone would just chill the fuck out.

2. i agree with a lot of what turnleft has been saying, and i'd like to distill the general thoughts he was trying to get across, along with my own, by saying that people need to think and learn a lot more and that mindlessly following any idol is inherently fucking retarded. poet is a guy. he's an awesome guy, but when you idolize someone you devalue both the person and yourself.

the biggest problem i had with all the lunarcore threads in the past is that as it started gaining momentum and attention, this 'circlejerk' started. the reason i agree with calling it a circlejerk is because of the mindless idolization going on. bump limits started being hit before image limits. kids all went out to buy shit that were posted in these threads without actually thinking about how to combine them or how to make something new.

like turny was saying, it started becoming a checklist to people [x]palladiums [x]cargos [x]bomber yup its spacecore! instead of it being a creative process.

3. a lot of the above applies to myself and i am not trying to make myself out to be any better


>> No.7150281

SF has given me some really good advice and I don't think he is coming from a negative place. A lot of times he goes back and clarifies stuff that seems negative and breaks down how it makes sense. I think in this situation you need to see the posts he is responding to.

He's the only person i've seen who gives relationship advice while providing proof of it working (text messages) and that has helped me to be more confident. I've gotten dates from his advice.

>> No.7150288

for a fashion board you fuckers seem pretty regressive and unnaturally aggressive.
go make acccounts on other forums to call them fuccboi's and display your superior sticky level information and wait for designere and "qualififed" taste curators to define your style.cacs

>> No.7150295

haircut looks so much better now dude

>> No.7150297


who the fuck are u talking to u spastic cunt

>> No.7150307

r u seriously still doing this shit 24 hours later

>> No.7150347


yer real funny


>> No.7150348

that's my fit when i'm lounging around the house all day lol. Why does this dumb fuck always do this pose and have his phone out

>> No.7150378

Can someone give me the link to "Unwoven"? I can't find it anywhere. Aboriginal_Thug pls

>> No.7150383

got u kids are lame

>> No.7150385



>> No.7150386


Thx mane

>> No.7150394

i respect their reasons for not wanting the URL posted here, since they don't want the same community, but i also love spreading wisdom and cool truth to the world.

i'll give you a hint:
it ends with ".org"

don't bother with it though, it's just a bunch of people talking about clothes.

>> No.7150420

Thanks homie.

You can say whatever you want about my advice, but saying it's negative is wrong. there's pretty much two types of people on 4chan who give advice:
frustrated guys who hate women (they see ONLY negative)
"nice" guys who have no clue about women (they see ONLY good).

I give realistic advice, because I see both sides. I've been both of those guys (never extreme on either side), and i've also experienced and learned a lot of things through relationships. I don't hate, because i don't believe you can hate once you see the full scope of something.
i used to be pissed and sad when a relationship got fucked up, then i started thinking about WHY.

Generalizations are important to consider when dealign with relationships. There is a reason they became generalizations, and understanding that reason will help you fairly figure out if it applies.

>> No.7150495

du, where is kickstarter capmpaign?
progress? something sunstantial? dont be a cac

brb hypebeast forums time

>> No.7150513

haha i cancelled the project.
after some research it seems like it isn't the right time. people aren't ready yet.
It would better to wait, slowly build up hype, and release in say, 2 years. Right now it's too advanced of a concept.

>> No.7151372

>i.e u sound like a bigot
>defending teddy because you know you look as shitty as he does

>> No.7153749

lmao du's, so much drama up in here

>> No.7153780

me n teddy wud style on u neday fat as

>> No.7155329

Holy shit you guys actually think this is serious.

>> No.7155407
File: 63 KB, 728x718, 1370412789919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of these Anons talking about how wise and cool Poet was are probably just Poet posting without his trip tbh.