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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 82 KB, 405x779, 1382186858033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7144097 No.7144097[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>ride bus
>most beautiful girl ever sitting there
>easily a 10
>stare at her the entire ride
>she gets up
>fat body
this makes me so angry! why do they do that?
i thought about approaching her and get her to date me and become skinny

>fat chicks who could be a 10 if they lost weight general

>> No.7144098

dont be mean

>> No.7144099

If her face wasn't showing fat her body is probably fucking rad

>> No.7144101

her face was really skinny

>> No.7144102

this image cracks me up

>> No.7144110

Ya there is this girl at the cafe I go to that is like that. She looks thin and wears dresses year round and we were talking about weight and she was like 185 but she looks around 140 and she's like 6 foot.

Chubby girls are getting their makeup and clothes game down

>> No.7144115

>Chubby girls are getting their makeup and clothes game down
it's an industry who profits off of telling them that being fat is desirable and bodies should be different
>i thought about approaching her and get her to date me and become skinny
not going to work anon
fat girls are fat for a reason

>> No.7144124

the left pupil is bigger than the right on the bottom pic it's bothering me

>> No.7144141
File: 53 KB, 1024x679, AqeYOYfCQAA_Zj8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flirt with a girl from Facebook
>meet her in a caffee drinking a tall ass latte
>cute girl easily 7.5/10 or can pass as a 8/10
>Something she says, does or implies completely turns me off
>She doesn't notice that but I get distant from her rest of the date
>We end up fucking anyway
>She tells "I love you" in the second fuck
>mfw I break up with her after that


>> No.7144154

Shush, your new is showing.

>> No.7144160

i'm on 4chan for 3 years every day and i still laugh at that guy

>> No.7144716

>see 9/10 andro qt3.14 guy on subway
>moves to gets off on the same stop as me
>omg does he go to my uni
>he stands up
>5'4" manlet

>> No.7144748

>tfw I probably am that guy

>> No.7144750


>meet chicks in hostel bar
>go out at 12
>go home at 12.30
>goodbye next morning
>never see again

Good times living on a tropical island with shitloads of young tourists.

>> No.7144755

why would it matter how much she weighs if she looks thin? autism detected

>> No.7144763

You broke her heart, Anon.

>> No.7144792

where2c life anon?

>> No.7144800
File: 127 KB, 393x400, 1336980569997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I was on /r9k/ for a second....

>> No.7144799

1. This belongs on r9k or fit at the least
2. She would have left you long before she became a 10 because 10s don't date 4s
let's be honest actually
he probably wouldnt date you as she is

>> No.7144833
File: 21 KB, 400x413, 1382785015129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute guy on bus 10/10 husband material
>we both get off the same stop
>mfw he is shorter than me

>> No.7144841
File: 576 KB, 599x328, tony.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why u gotta be like that

>> No.7144856

do u lurk /tv/?

>> No.7144864
File: 45 KB, 344x497, unser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7145317


>> No.7145361

>this happened

>> No.7145395
File: 27 KB, 535x340, 1365169462407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a chef
>morning shift, baking some bread
>dough all over my hands
>the most qt girl i have ever laid my eyes on walks in the kitchen
>she's a new waitress
>comes to shake my hand
>"my hands are dirty" while i'm grinning like an absolute tool, cause she was so pretty
>she looks at me with this sly smile and just says "so am i"
>we shake hands

i'd really like to ask her out, but you don't date your workmates.

>> No.7145405

She wants the baguette.

>> No.7145404

>you don't date your workmates
if so pls link her fb or something

>> No.7145739

Just do it mate, it's not like waitressing is a long-term, set for life, career-path.

>> No.7146106
File: 6 KB, 168x178, riso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did not expect to spit all over my screen browsing /fa/

>> No.7146114
File: 11 KB, 210x240, sad35325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7146131


im 6'3 and you qt grills on the bus and train still never try and talk to me

so fuck off and stop complaining

>> No.7146138
File: 42 KB, 558x419, 9468899040277762042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7146140
File: 86 KB, 480x496, u wot m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitches be crazy
>10/10 Housemate throws a party
>End up with another 10/10 in my bed
>Been in my room for ages and half way through fucking her
>My housemate comes in
>We stop fucking and this girl gets on top of me whilst my housemate walks over
>They have a little kiss and then she gets in with us
>Starting off with threeway kissing whilst they rub my cock, I adjust my position to fuck the girl I'd already started on
>Giving my housemate attention while I get back on top of this girl
>Start fucking the chick while I touch and kiss my housemate
>I can tell my housemate wants it in her because she keeps grabbing at my cock
>Pull out to switch girls, slide it in her
>She let me do it but once it's done she freaks out and starts giving me a lecture on why we can't fuck because we live together and shit will get awkward
Bitch don't kill my vibe
>I tell her to leave because she doesn't shut up
>Fuck her friend who didn't seem to give a shit about what just happened
>Next morning, everyone has gone
>Walk the girl to the door and get her number
>As I close the door my housemate walks down the stairs
>We both say good morning and head to the kitchen together
>Make breakfast in silence
>Eat breakfast in silence
Shit got awkward
>Saturday night and we both get in after hanging with different people all day
>I actually didn't think anything of it at the time but when we saw each other I started up a conversation
>Sit down with our dinners and put on the Notebook I soon remember the awkward morning
>We're both still chatting so I forget it again
>Film is near the end, she has been getting closer to me throughout and I've been noticing
>I tried to hold it back but I eventually just gave in and took her to the bedroom
>We fuck
>Sunday morning, she's not in
>Send her a quick text saying I'm going for a run
>Get back an hour later to find her waiting by the door
>Starts to lecture me on why we can't sleep together, we fuck on the stairs
We now fuck on the the regular

>> No.7146141



why do you like her so much sieg?

>> No.7146143
File: 71 KB, 558x744, 5108380269099973557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7146152

You have very low standards mate

>> No.7146155

nice hair/eye contrast
with pale skin

random /soc/ visitor
then she posted..>>7146143


>> No.7146159

lol sieg nigga wtf

truly your 8 degrees could get you better than this bunk ass bitch

>> No.7146165


>> No.7146166


she is ugly as fuck in the first pic

and obviously fat because of the super close up

>> No.7146176


yes it can be.

>> No.7146181

you're probably ugly or fat

>> No.7146184
File: 11 KB, 400x300, -2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't bang, and I fuck everyone.

>> No.7146190


neither m8

catch girls mirin all the time but they are always too shy to do anything and i am too autistic to do anything

>> No.7146193

yeah butthe leggings, ugs and the tight shirt
this bitch is showing off every roll she has..

>> No.7146200


>you would fuck everyone given the chance

>> No.7146203

Yo dude, most girls like a bit of fat on their men. I know it sounds weird but I've lived with a lot of women and they always want me to put on weight even though I'm built. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of girls who prefer skinny guys but I do think the majority of them prefer a larger feller.

>> No.7146207

lmao ok I belive you anon

>> No.7146215

>you don't date your workmates.
uhhhhhh fuck THAT

>> No.7146218

Yeah, thanks for correcting me. I was known in my hometown for fucking so many butters girls but I guess my standards have improved since then, thinking back I had worse.

>> No.7146225


dont be mad because no girls ever check you out anon

>> No.7146229

>appreciating and recognizing the nuances of dry humor

>> No.7146238

you're a lying piece of shit. the fact that you seem there's loads of 10s just wandering around confirms this.

>implying any friendship group has 2 10/10's. faggot

>> No.7146245
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, drive_dirtyhandsclip_hd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"my hands are dirty

>> No.7146246

not that guy but when I was 18 I dated a girl I worked with at a restaurant. we were both waiters and had to work closely in the team so we went out got together early on in the summer. I got drunk one night soon after and stupidly slept with another girl. word got round so she broke up with me. we had to work together for several months, I used up all my sick days so fast but couldn't give up the job.

>> No.7146262

There were about 20 girls in the group, I'd rate 3 of them 10/10s and probably like half of them 4 or 5/10s. Of course I can't prove it's true but your post is illogical anyway.

>> No.7146275
File: 8 KB, 352x271, wells1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give her the andouille.

>> No.7146281

that just confirms your plebby standards. there's probably only 3 10s in the whole world. be a bit of a coincidence if they all ended up at your shitty party.

>> No.7146283


did y'all fools never heard about the don't shit were ya eat rule.

i mean i would never ever in my whole life date someone that was in the same class / workplace, cause after a while it yust get totally

>> No.7146285


pick one.

>> No.7146311

I think you're gay mate

>> No.7146321

this is because they are insecure about their own weight, they don't actually want fat guys

>> No.7146361

>not setting standards to an actual bell curve
>being an idiot

>> No.7146372

They try to sabotage so they they have more power in the relationship because they're insecure. If you look that good then they think you could cop another girl in a heartbeat so they try to bring your sex appeal down lower than their own so they can own you.

>> No.7146387

This seems to stroke with my experience with relationships.

>> No.7146391


I'm only 7/10 though. And when they approach me directly I almost have a panic attack.

when I'm drunk I'm mad social but I don't like to do it because it's bad for my body that I work hard for that makes me more attractive in the first place

I love Dennis.

>> No.7146411

>see cute girl on OKC
>has a 10/10 cute face which makes me insta horny
>think she is only chubby but actually is fat
>can't resist and still go out with her
>realize she has daddy issues
>play hot & cold
>we fuck on the 3rd date
>I continue to treat her bad, make her cry etc.
>she always runs back to me
>feel bad and end it up
>she deletes me from everything
>after a month I realize I've made a mistake
>message her and tell her I'm sorry etc.
>she tells me to go to hell
>after 2 months she messages me out of the random and says she hates me
>adds me again on everything
>we continue talking even though she always puts me down
>at the moment I'm seeing this other girl who adores me and is average
>still I want to get back with this fat chick with a cute face

What is wrong with me ?

>> No.7146426

tfw girl with a nice face but fat body

>> No.7146442

Losing weight is very easy if you actually want to. I have lost 30 pounds in two months eating pizza and burgers. I just eat less and work out every day.

at 210lbs I would eat a large pizza for lunch with a 32oz soda

now I eat a slice with water for lunch

>> No.7146444

the thing is, you can work on your body but not your face (much)

>> No.7146453

And for the burgers I skip the fries and the soda and get a single rather than a double. I can't even finish a soda without feeling a little sick now.

>> No.7146456

lmao I was talking about another girl not myself
fucking context meanings

>> No.7146465

How is that a problem?
Step 1. Work out
Step 2. Be hot after working out
Step 3. Female privilege ensures you're set for life as long as you marry within your sexual market peak value years

>> No.7146472

You missed your chance to do that after post 10.

>> No.7146886


3 years on 4chan? That's new.

Try being here since 2004 you retarded cuntmuscle.

>> No.7146896 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 1270x756, feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meet heroincore qt at party and get her number
>talk all night but never hook up or anything
>will probably never see her again

>> No.7146901


Agreed, new people on 4chan are stupid.

>> No.7146902

you wasted more time here than everyone else. good job.

>> No.7146909


Keep telling yourself that, fucknugget.

>> No.7146913


You don't belong here.

>> No.7146917

but i'm right. this is not like claiming you're done kung fu since '04. i love being on 4chan but come one. there is nothing resourceful bout any of this.

>> No.7146924

i can tell by your language
you're the kind of person who goes to anime conventions and screams shit about mudkips like this retard

>> No.7146934


Not him, but by being here for that long he's probably an expert on more things than most of his irl friends if he's browsed a variety of boards over the years.

I've been here since '05 and I know more shit than any of my friends. Before you give me

>but knowledge is overrated

I'm here to tell you it's not. Most people consume disposable media day in day out as a form of escapism, while I've spent my time here learning new things I wouldn't have otherwise. That's because I spend my time in various boards here.

>> No.7146940

>by being here for that long he's probably an expert on more things than most of his irl friends if he's browsed a variety of boards over the years.
that's a sign of autism

>> No.7146954


Didn't watch your shitty video, but I imagine you think I'm some obnoxious moron. Newsflash, I'm not. I just hate when people post stupid shit on 4chan.

And who fucking shares their lives like an open book irl? I keep my rl business and my online persona apart, like anyone should.

>> No.7146944

>I've been here since '05 and I know more shit than any of my friends. Before you give me
like what? you could have spent that time at a proper school

>> No.7146956

>>but knowledge is overrated
why the fuck would i say that ? all 4chan has ever done to me is make me an elitist asshole who thinks he's superior to others based on his pysique, taste in music and how he dresses.

>> No.7146970


Are you fucking retarded? When did I imply I spent my entire free time here? I've graduated, created a passive income generator in the form of an amazon associate site and live a comfortable life. Instead of posting on facebook or watching the latest HBO garbage I come to 4chan however, since '05. How is that a crime?

>> No.7146983


>complaining autism
>on 4chan of all places

Don't know about you, but I'd rather be autistic on knowledge that wouldn't be able to be found elsewhere because of how politically incorrect conversations are discouraged in public.

You can go back to reddit though, we need less casuals on /fa/

>> No.7146992


Elitism here is justified, considering once you leave 4chan everyone irl is a casual who never give it any effort because of "muh responsibilities"

>> No.7147008

why are you swearing so much?

>> No.7147004



>> No.7147015

nice samefag

>> No.7147031


Forgot to eat my mandatory Sunday donut for today anon. I'm better.

>> No.7147037

you're just friends with retards

>> No.7147039



>> No.7147044


4chan is filled with retards lately. Why couldn't they stay in rebbit?

>> No.7147050


>> No.7147062


Lately as in the last 5 years.

>> No.7147074

lol you got bitch logic man, you only want her because now she is acting like she doesn't want you.

>> No.7147081


Yeah, but I don't care what you think.

>> No.7147090

Not judging and i mean woman logic when I say bitch logic. You asked what is wrong with you and I was just saying I hope you realize you only want her now because she is pretending she doesn't need you. Though I now realize that is apparent and you were more lamenting your inability to avoid the situation even though you understand it.

>> No.7147095


Are you black by any chance?

>> No.7147114


Nice samefag.

>> No.7147117

About as white as possible though I got an A in african american studies class.

>> No.7147125


That explains a lot actually.

>> No.7147151
File: 44 KB, 1368x617, wut m8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure why i would lol

arent you supposed to samefag to make yourself look cooler or something not just argue with yourself like a schizoid fuck?

>> No.7147157

His choice of words doesn't affect the truth behind them though

>> No.7147164

I don't get it.

>> No.7147169


I didn't expect you to.

>> No.7147176

Enlighten a brotha (now im only having a laugh if thats ok massa)

>> No.7147212


A cat can't teach a mouse how to run anon, you all people know that.

>> No.7147232

and platitudes cant teach a man to fish

>> No.7147257


>> No.7147275

Man how do i approach a girl on fb that ive never talked to before

it is real easy for me to talk to girls in public but online they never write me back it's frustrating because im out of options in my town so i have to resort to fb

>> No.7147284

look at interests
look if u share same interests
talk about interests
voila u made it in her social circle

>> No.7147287

keep it, it's all yours friend.

>> No.7147346

sacré bleu, mes côtés