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/fa/ - Fashion

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7138337 No.7138337[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i think people who post on pol are probably the worst pieces of shit ive ever seen on the internet

>> No.7138342

*tips fedora*

>> No.7138344

*lifts top hat*

>> No.7138360

I love pol

Got to reddit or Gawker you little shit

>> No.7138365

fallback nerd, back to pol

>> No.7138369

*pivots trilby*

>> No.7138385
File: 14 KB, 93x31, ~sage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta give em a chance bruh, at least they're talking about stuff thats relatively important.
/r9k/ is where the worst posters come from.

ps u get the leo haircut yet?

pps polite sage for very meta thread

>> No.7138387

no, abbo subhuman sum

>> No.7138397
File: 45 KB, 625x352, leo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he looks so sexy in that pic

>> No.7138405


>> No.7138430

"flips bowler hat"

>> No.7138485


They're the kind of people who were massive nerds about military history and role-playing games in high school.

>> No.7138502

As someone who has played d&d a few times and really enjoyed it, I resent that

>> No.7138537

exactly the pol zeitgeist

>> No.7138576

They're definitely right about some stuff.

>> No.7138584

where can i go to play d&d?
never played b4 but it looks cool

>> No.7138586
File: 8 KB, 200x240, 1370480375197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you need friends to play D&D

>> No.7138593

go talk to people at comic book shops, there are lots of public DnD nights

or get some friends, steal the books online, and play with the,

>> No.7138597

/r9k/ posters are really bad, like if they sense an ounce if confidence on you they'll attack.

that being said i i think anyone who still posts on /b/ are the worst posters.It's basically scene kids, kids who really want to be edgy, and other annoying people all mixed together

>> No.7138599

y-you guys wanna start a /fa/ D&D campaign?

>> No.7138603

k ill try and find one thanks m8
if i dont like it i can just leave but it sounds p.cool
>find friends to play with
all my friends do is drugs + go to the pub
they used 2 play vidya but now all they play is skyrim and gta V altho i did get them into dark souls which was cool
>tfw no friends who like jrpgs

>> No.7138605

broken clock etc

>> No.7138621

confirmed for liberal faggot

>> No.7138618

Scene kids, wannabe edgers, and annoying people are worse than people so desperate and insecure they attack anyone with an ounce of confidence? Really?

But /pol/ users are the worst. Like the impotent rage of the Stormfag mixed with the even sappier self-pity and weakness of the /r9k/ite.

That said, I haven't touched /b/ or /r9k/ in eons. Or /pol/, ever, except when it first dropped and a couple times to pull information out of it. Egh. Enough.

>> No.7138620


that is a good thing

>> No.7138763

i vote /v/ for being even worse
like a dog eating its tail
r9k is a dog eating itself from inside out,it doesnt know it but its killing itself
/v/ is just ergh

>> No.7138801

>not /v/, /a/, /vg/ /vp/, /mlp/ or /jp/

>> No.7139071

All except /a/, /v/ and /mlp/ are fine

/a/ is on a path of internal self-destruction
/v/'s been a shitpile for a while
/mlp/ is a containment board