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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 78 KB, 306x640, 1378071053825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7121023 No.7121023 [Reply] [Original]

got any inspiration for heroin chic/beatnick/people who enjoy looking like a tramp?

>> No.7121056
File: 370 KB, 364x800, 1382224939294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not me

>> No.7121072

Find a decent-fitting (!!!) leather jacket, get some cheap monday jawnz (they rip pretty quick due to shit quality), some hoodies (the ones by All Saints are pretty thin, so good for the layering) and some Doc Martens or Boots n Braces boots. Then, check your local punk/hardcore venues for hardcore shows. Not the "life is so horrible and I'm so sad" hardcore, but the "life is so horrible so let's beat each other up" hardcore. Mosh as much as possible. Also, cut out all fat from your diet, you'll need to attain dem cheekbones and shit's hard without heroin/speed. Ideally, you'll start a band, that shit ruins clothes fast. And well-fitting ruined clothes is what you want, right?

>tfw describing current lifestyle

>> No.7121088

post fit?

>> No.7121098

hey thanks. im skinny with high cheek bones and good jawline. alcoholic, do almost any kind street drug so far. not into hardcore tho, but could give it a try
i like this fit

>> No.7121102


i don't think OP wants to look like a dumb metalhead

dr martens haven't been cool for many years. the other steel toed clown boots you recommended look like shit and are only worn by neckbeards. and oh god, you actually recommend all saints and cheap monday. you know, you should abstain from giving advice on this board.

>> No.7121104
File: 133 KB, 500x750, 1379859452625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7121112

damn w2c pants?

>> No.7121123


>> No.7121131
File: 1.62 MB, 3264x2448, 1382289239683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7121112i dunno i saw the fit one day and liked+saved

>> No.7121146
File: 144 KB, 500x667, tumblr_miogg0wnXC1rn0zu4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a year ago, I'd prolly put together one with more layers now.

>> No.7121145


you can't get slim fitting pants in a surplus store. are you the dumb metal fag?

>> No.7121148

very avant, my dude

>> No.7121151

Post fit+timestamp

>> No.7121182
File: 52 KB, 206x465, 030207b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7121204

no, im op. what is wrong with you boy?

>> No.7121213
File: 84 KB, 556x534, SECRETS ARE UP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sides now wood

>> No.7121223

>slim fitting pants

>> No.7121233

cmon that not good fit at all
>that belt buckle
its like you are trolling

>> No.7121323

hair looks like a mushroom or the head of a penis

>> No.7121352

to be fair he was recommending stuff that would fall apart quickly

>> No.7121360

this is a bad fit, but following >>7121072 will make you look stupid too

>> No.7121393

My roomie has been pulling this look for years.

I'll try to snap a pic of him when i get home.

I'd post myself as well but he has a /fa/ body that would put my chubby belly to shame.

>> No.7121408

I thank god everyday I wasan't born ugly

>> No.7121429

Nice fit. Is that a leather or denim jacket? Also could I get sauce on that tee?

>> No.7121519
File: 44 KB, 720x480, dvd_snapshot_01.14_[2013.06.01_02.45.51].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7121614

Waxed denim, though severely ripped by now. Shirt was a gift from ex, no idea where she got it from.

>> No.7121628

ask user. this is his fit

>> No.7121685

These are Julius afak
Good luck affording that shit

>> No.7121692

first off, julius is cheap as fuck if you're not being an idiot and buying it from atelier or hlorenzo or whatever
secondly, those cargos don't even LOOK anything like julius. are you fucking blind or retarded? they're number (n)ine. jesus christ i hate this fucking forum so much

>> No.7121707


>> No.7121711

They're actually julius, user answered this before.
>getting this mad

>> No.7121729

Not even that guy, but that's not possible. They actually are n(n) cargos.


I have to agree with him, though, they don't look anything like any model of Julius_7 cargos I've ever seen.

>> No.7121908

Forgot to ask this before but where'd you cop the jacket?

>> No.7121941

>cut all fat from your diet
One of these retards.

>> No.7121982

like it


>> No.7121996

Titus Berlin, limited edition Emerica, was like 250€.

>> No.7122554

Look up crustpunk.