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/fa/ - Fashion

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7114175 No.7114175[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


join up fuccbois

>> No.7114208

i said join fags

>> No.7114212
File: 242 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2013-05-01-17-52-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't play video games tho

>> No.7114216

Wow ur a fukken nerd

>> No.7114214

have u found that shirt yet mane

>> No.7114221

trunks noone wants to play vidya with you

>> No.7114219

m8 update your avg antivirus

>> No.7114227

Do I have to fucking play Dota2?

>> No.7114229

casey does :)

>> No.7114238

Nope. People keep trying to get me to buy/use their bootlegs of a bootleg tho.

>> No.7114233

i dont want to play dota 2 tho

>> No.7114235

I would join, but I don't really play videogames anymore.
Gotta have time over for starving myself.

>> No.7114249

why do u want it so bad

when did u start wanting it, where did u first see it

>> No.7114259

join the chat room /fa/gs

>> No.7114261

any1 else on xbl/psn

how many free games are there on steam

>> No.7114272

im playing GTA on PS3 right now.
i found out there is a glitch where you can resell a car over and over and i've been doing it all day.
the boy stacking out here.

>> No.7114273

you guys are probably all noobs lmao

>> No.7114279


rockstar cottoned onto that and banned ppl

>> No.7114286


post psn id

>> No.7114282

wait, what?
that glitch was supposed to be fixed on ps3.
when i tried it i only got to sell it like 2 times, and then it teleported me out from the car.
how are you doing it?

>> No.7114292

if u want to add me bruh then my id is HumanMethGame
going to get on ps3 a little bit later tho

>> No.7114299

Uhhh. Growing up in NYC, I used to see bootleg Simpsons shirts all the time. Too young to really care/buy one. Then around two years ago, I saw the design somewhere online and that specific design really called out to me. So, I spent about half a year looking for it all the time with no luck ( just ended up learning all about bootleg/black Bart shirts). After a while, I decided to start asking /fa/ while searching to hopefully reach out to someone who might have found it in a thrift store, owns one, knows someone who owns one, etc. No luck.

>> No.7114301

>sup im a dude and i play video games dont hit on me tho
>if u r usually dressed in raf simons and rick owens then this is the group 4 u
so pretentious it hurts.
trunks, pls kill urself.

>> No.7114304

wait, are you fucking serious?
you seriously want to buy a simpsons shirt?
/fa/, what the fuck?

>> No.7114303

Ignore the two no lucks and any other terrible word/phrase choices, haven't slept in over a day.

>> No.7114307
File: 40 KB, 375x500, mandela shi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. B - )

>> No.7114308

it still works, or there is a different way to do it.
i don't think anyone got banned based on what i read on /vg/ earlier.

even though it's an exploit i've had a ton of fun playing today because of all the people trying to kill me and start shit outside of LS Customs.
using the exploit to get a ton of money is actually pretty fitting for Rockstars vision, ironically.

>> No.7114313

>windows vista
>le funny tabs xD
>itunes as your music player
fucking kill yourself

>> No.7114311

could you describe the way you are doing?
or maybe you were following a video or something which you could post?
or thread on /vg/ or something?
thank you in advance bruh

>> No.7114314


this, so much this

>> No.7114319


that first bit you're just paraphrasing poet

>> No.7114322

>being a massive nerd over software which makes very little difference to your life

go look at ur ponies lmao

>> No.7114328

il add you when im playing fifa/pes
fucking normalfig casual scum,i bet you only play on hard and not extreme

>> No.7114329

ok here's how i did it:
>order any vehicle less than $50,000
at first used a motorcyle called Bati then switched to a truck called Sandking
>get the most expensive upgrades available
this raises it's resale value. repainting won't affect the value, so don't bother. if you aren't a high level or don't have a lot of race wins there isn't much to upgrade, but even the most expensive horn adds value. don't get the bombs though. it won't work if you do.
>once you've added all the upgrades exit the garage and wait for the gold saving icon at the bottom
>drive back into the garage and select "sell." it will ask are you sure. you are.
>as soon as it says vehicle sold, press pause and go to Online then Swap Character
>choose the same character, and you should respawn in the same car, near LS Customs with however much you made selling the car in your pocket

i don't have many race wins, but i'm able to get 40k every time i sell this truck. i've made probably 3 million so far.

>> No.7114332

but if my handwritten custom guide isn't good enough, ask for a vid on /vg/

i was surprised how easy it is.
as soon as you sell it, press pause and go to switch character.

>> No.7114340

thanks bruh

oh shit mang thanks, i will definitely try it later on

just had a lil bit o giggle m8
checked my social club's character
there's this circle which shows you how have you made all of your money, you know?
like, missions and stuff.
and there's also "cars sold" displayed on the circle.
i mean, wouldnt it be obvious if the "cars sold" would make up most of the circle?
it also displays how much you have actually made from selling the cars.
i mean, having sold like 3-4 million worth of cars in one day should raise a little bit of alert over at rockstar, dont you think?

>> No.7114344

they will patch it out but i doubt they will ban anyone, even less likely will they go into every persons seperate accoutn and take money out, thatd be so much work

>> No.7114345

Well, slightly. He called a few things right about me in his posts. I'm way younger than poet though so I only barely remember the tail end of the Simpsons craze.

>> No.7114346

Calling a few things right as in the reasons why anyone would want the shirt. Well, at least I think he did. Haven't read the posts since the day he posted them.

>> No.7114351

also, did you turn your internet off or what?
and in what mode were you doing it?
invite only or in solo mode?

>> No.7114352

ha the funny thing is, i don't think R* will punish people who abuse it but if they do, that is the price we pay.
"don't do the crime if you can't do the time" etc.

that's what i meant when i said it was an ironic way of portraying Rockstar's vision.

>> No.7114373


>> No.7114370

they probably won't but i've been spending money as i get it to make sure i'm safe.
that's what i do IRL with drug money too.
get it to spend.

i can't think of what to buy next, so i'm just stacking for the fuck of stacking at this point.

i've been in free roam, but it would have been a lot easier to just do it in solo. it should work in solo.
it's funny because when i first started i was worried about losing 15k to buy that bike, but now 15k is nothing to me. make sure you save occasionally by repairing the truck and leaving the garage. you'll see the gold thing spin at the bottom right.

>> No.7114379
File: 59 KB, 479x720, 1381658928473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'tis quite funny, good friend :)

>> No.7114386

okay what now

>> No.7114391

yea im online.
we need to get some other guys from /fa/ and get a deathmatch going.

>> No.7114421

anyone on /fa/ good at fps?

>> No.7114425

who TF2 here?

>> No.7114427

Ye m8. You in aus?

>> No.7114482

i play css but i blow at it

>> No.7114510
File: 1.62 MB, 350x190, cheetah-rain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw finish gta story mode and the world just feels lifeless afterwards

happens with every open world game. kinda suited red dead tho coz i guess isolation and emptiness was part of the setting

oh well playing thru ninja gaiden sigma now and its sick

>> No.7114514

sfiv niggas ww@?

>> No.7114525

I'm usually pretty decent but I haven't really played any multiplayer fps since tribes.

>> No.7114528

hmu in the group if you're in oceania

don't you live in NZ?

>> No.7114530

lol no im from canada

>> No.7114539

fuck of kent. Everyone knows you bought that shirt from trade me.

Me and turnleft are gonna come beat you up.

>> No.7114553

what are some good games with character/clothing customization?

>> No.7114555


>> No.7114606
File: 22 KB, 500x599, 89796.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got nothing to look forward to now that i finished gta v

i really need to "get a life"

>> No.7114635

>tfw too afraid to join because my friends will make fun of me for being in a fashion related gaming group

>> No.7114640

>having friends
>having irl friends
>having irl friends on steam
>playing games with said irl friends on steam

>> No.7114641

ill report him to the government for terrorism. and then teddy wont have a roommate. why would u want teddy to not have a roommate u sick fuck? what did teddy ever do to u???

>> No.7114642

make fun of them for playing video games. fuckin losers.

>> No.7114657

any1 ever plays Killing Floor?

>> No.7114654

your point is?

>> No.7114650


you mean the-arm

dude he will kill you he has fingers all over the net and drones and shit

have u seen his biceps too

>> No.7114662

y-y-you f-fuccniggas wanna play D-d-dota

6.79 pubs sucks ;_;

>> No.7114663

ur not effay~

>> No.7114669


>> No.7114666

dang you played more dota than I spent playing games altogether and I thought I was bad

>> No.7114667

i got mad when i found out htat the objective wasn't to shoot the floor the most and quit >:(

>> No.7114672

>I thought I was bad
Lucifer please go

>> No.7114678

>doesn't know how to use meme arrows

>> No.7114680

thats a shitty joke

>> No.7114684

le funny stand up guy xDDDDDD

>> No.7114688


*tweets while updating facebook status asking if anyone can sell me some adderall*

>> No.7114690


>not being post internet kawaii

its like u dont even want 2 b fash~ (っ◕‿◕)っ ✿

>> No.7114700

oh look, you can add numbers

>> No.7114762
File: 124 KB, 960x720, 1376954666321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>about 2 join
>see basedprofit
>minimize thread

>> No.7117185

trunks post pc specs
everyone else do so too

>> No.7117192

>don't game much
>join /mu/ steam group
>come back a month later
>a zillion group requests
pls no