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/fa/ - Fashion

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7109523 No.7109523 [Reply] [Original]

>usually wear monochromatic fits, some uniqlo basics, raf simons/margiela sneakers and acne black skinny jeans etc you get the idea
>no one usually gives a shit about my fits but niggers, who sometimes compliment my raf velcros

>the other day, about to go to a party
>most of my clothes were dirty and I didn't bother washing them
>wear the remaining stuff, OCBD, cardigan, slim chinos, brogues
>many girls mired my fit that night, and two even said that they loved my style

I don't know what to do /fa/. I love designer stuff etc, but I got so much more positive feedback with my basic bitch fit that I'm thinking about giving up the designer game and going back to well-fitting conservative clothes, while keeping my most basic-looking designer stuff.
Have you encountered that problem ?

>> No.7109541

it really depends on why you're even into fashion.
if you want to impress other people and get girls, designer pieces are definitely not the way to go. you'd be better off saving that money and get a fuckton of Ralph Lauren shirts and an occasional Dior or Prada piece on ebay for next to no money and be happy with the money you saved (use it on travelling).

how old are you and what are you doing for a living (or studying)?

>> No.7109544

well, you're the image of /fa/ right now. You wear basics and safe designer gear. You ended up switching to stuff that, even if #mensweary, has more personality than some acne jeans, basic designer sneakers, and basic tops. Also, it's more approachable to girls because that kind of stuff is considered "fashion" to people that don't follow it. Do what you want dude, but it sounds more like you need to take risks and try and wear more interesting stuff in general. That is if you're only dressing for other people though. If you don't dress for girls/attention why does it matter?

>> No.7109615
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I'm 22, student, and I have a decent job in a bank while I'm studying in economy/insurance.
The thing is, I can't make a choice. I love the best of both worlds. I mean, I wear suits every day of the week, and designer shit at night and during the weekends. If I had the money I'd cop even more interesting stuff, like rick, jil, undercover, etc.
But the more I think about it, the more I think that it doesn't fit my lifestyle.
Don't get me wrong, I love some stuff considered "weird" by others, it's just that my colleagues would laugh their asses off if they saw me in my dropcrotch sweatpants with my rafs and my marble apc tee. And about grills, it's not that I want to impress them, but just like everyone, getting a compliment is always a great pleasure.

Is there a way out of this ? Being able to express myself while not looking ridiculous or bland to the others ?
Or do I have to make a choice between one of those ?

>> No.7109651

just reconcile the two

you can wear cool shit while keeping your fits relatively low key

>> No.7109665

>hardly get compliments IRL
>at a party everyone's drunk and just wants to talk to me so they say "hey I like your _____" even if it's lame

>> No.7109679

That's life OP, people on average prefer conservative stuff on the opposite gender. Even if it's not because they've seen it most, it's because that way they can compare you to other people more accurately. I have more than once noticed someone was actually much more attractive than I'd realized when they toned down their outfit for a day so more attention went to their face and body than the bigger picture of them in striking clothes.

>> No.7109678

what if they really like it
remember they are plebs

>> No.7109702

but aren't the clothes a part of your persona too ?

>> No.7109712

It sounds like you want to be a /fa/core conservative type kid (acne, common projects, apc, raf velcros and such) but also get attention for being well-dressed and also fit in with your more formal work colleagues.

I dunno, it's a lot. I'd just offer the suggestion to stop giving a fuck about people in general (or rather what they think of you and your choices) and see how that works. Also, don't underrate textures dude. You can get some wild stuff that from afar looks normal but up close really pops. People will notice and compliment and it wont look weird, just interesting.

If you want to go like, full Rick or something, yeah you'll get looks. I don't see why a lot of Jil would be that weird though. Maybe you just don't have a clear idea of what you want in regards to clothing. Like, you browse the internet and consume so much that you like it all but haven't found something that really vibes with you enough. I dunnnoooo.

>> No.7109716

no. people are attracted to other people, not articles of clothing

>> No.7109725


This, I personally believe in this sort of setting that it's best to have a balance between more conservative #menswear fits and your avant-garde ones. Because most people are not used to your designer fits they have nothing to compare it to so they can't make up their mind as too whether it looks good or not if they don't have an interest in fashion.

I like to pepper in two or three days a week where I just go with a #menswear look, even if I would prefer to go monochromatic and I've found that after people praise said look, they tend to compliment my "nxt lvl fits" as well over the following days.

>> No.7109742

They are, and I can feel attracted to someone's sense of clothing because it reflects (or implies) a kind of personality that intrigues, but that's not the same as purely judging someone's face and physique. Bland articles of clothing don't draw attention away from those and make it easier to compare especially the body to that of other people. Even if the fit is rather tight an exceptional design will often get more attention than your actual bodyshape, which is unfortunate if you have a good one.

>> No.7109757

point I was trying to make (I know I didn't word it correctly b/c I was in a rush) was niggas are intimidated by me, like several people have told me that I was v intimidating at first.

When I'm at a party I dress down b/c I don't want people to spill shit on my clothing and ofc all the drunk bitches start telling me how gr9 I look

just because people don't say anything about your fit doesn't mean they don't dig it you feel me?

>> No.7109774

Thanks bro. I'll try to stop giving fucks, and I will try to find nice textured stuff for my next cops.
Any ideas of where to begin ?

>> No.7109778

>If you want to go like, full Rick or something, yeah you'll get looks. I don't see why a lot of Jil would be that weird though. Maybe you just don't have a clear idea of what you want in regards to clothing. Like, you browse the internet and consume so much that you like it all but haven't found something that really vibes with you enough.

This dude seems to be on the money. I think it's to do with consuming so much fashion media over the internet, I get the same way sometimes, and it's only made worse by copping stuff that's good quality but not exactly out of the ordinary, I mean my favourite item of clothing atm is a plain our legacy sweatshirt.

Also if people don't spend as much time obsessing over italian leather sneakers as we do, they're not going to realise the beauty of common projects, for example. They will, however, correlate "omg a smart shirt" with dressing up, with quality, despite the actual quality. Most people aren't fussed by mother of pearl buttons or stitching techniques, but they do recognise chinos.

I don't really know what I'm getting at.

>> No.7109780

w2c good compromise between aesthetically inoffensive and pleasing to bitches, and actually well made designer stuff

>> No.7109790

That's because no one wants to talk to the guy in edgy monochrome. Because dressing like that makes you look like you have problems.

>> No.7109818

Lol, no wonder no one talks to you. You look edgy as fuck.

>> No.7109830

Wow you're me at age 17.

>> No.7109879

As annoying as it may be, >>7109615 is pretty much right. People generally dont know what to think of #nxtlvl fits, as mentioned earlier, so they wont engage with you. Either, as previously mentioned, you can not give fucks, go more conservative, or tone it down and add texture.

>> No.7109982

of course you could always find a girl that's into fashion

>> No.7110002

That's not really what I was asking.

What's the style that's universally considered as "dressing well" by most people and impresses the most?

From that, how can I construct a wardrobe that isn't pleb but stays within said style?

>> No.7110526


>> No.7110545

honestly? it's probably mfa. business casual.

you have to be dress like a pleb to impress a pleb.

>> No.7110552

Why would buisness casual be plebeian?

Also I'm not trying to come off as dressed up or over the top. I want casual enough shit that impresses.

>> No.7110562

>I want casual enough shit that impresses.
tbh you sound like a faggot with no personal taste. if you actually liked designer stuff and wasn't just wearing it because of the internet, you wouldn't give a shit whether or not some random person was impressed by it

>> No.7110573

I dress to look good. I don't dress to express myself. That's what art is for.

>> No.7110584

well then it's obvious what you should do, change your style to get the reactions you dress for.

>> No.7110593

I'm not op, I just disagreed with your statements.

>> No.7110596
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This. But I don't see why many people cannot simply mix dadcore/ menswear with a huge dose of personal style.

You use traditional menswear pieces and silhouettes as a template and then mix with whatever you like. It's a great and simple way to stay "presentable" and yet look stylish.

Like the other anon said if you are fucking up with Jil you are doing it wrong.

>> No.7110617

well, plebian compared to most of the stuff on /fa/. I guess I was really going for conservative.

The problem is that most people won't really be impressed by casual stuff. Oh, the way you dress can add loads to your perceived character, but to achieve outright conscious acknowledgment that you are dressed well you either have to be a tryhard (or otherwise have a piece that alerts people to the fact that you don't just naturally look that good), or you can dress more formally.

Dressing more formally works because the masses see dressing formally as dressing better, and dressing casually as dressing worse.

Unfortunately a key part to really dressing well is making it look natural, like you didn't meticulously pick out every detail of your outfit. This is how a lot of fuccbois fail. This is why getting dressed by the internet is a bad thing. This is why you have to develop your own style, find out what works for you.

Because a good outfit subtly influences the way people see you, it's often very hard for them to identify your outfit as the thing that makes you attractive; what you are wearing just seems to be a part of who you are.

The last option I can think of that might work is that you could surround yourself with people who care about fashion and who have trained themselves to recognize what you're doing that works so well.

sorry for the long winded reply, I wasn't sure how to phrase this so it made sense.

>> No.7111480

Can a comfycore workwear relaxed outfit be pulled off by anyone?

I cop mainly stuff from White Mountaineering, I own some Visvim stuff, a bunch of cashmere knits, cardigans, sweatpants...

Is it a kind of outfit that nobody will think is weird?

>> No.7114012

post a fit, I wanna see this designer shit you don't get complimented on

>> No.7114082

u look cool OP
remember to wear clothes just for you and only you
if you're looking for compliments do something that merits a compliment not wear something
if people dont like who you are then so be it but if it's your friends you should get some new ones

>> No.7114285

OP I like how you dress if that's you. not so much the hair but that's just my taste, it's not a bad hairdo

>> No.7114489

>drops crotch, raf, marble apc t
>hurr durr my monochrome
You tasteless internet-bitch

You're not expressing yourself, you're comsuming fast fads.