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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.78 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20131021_130023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7108870 No.7108870[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>took this one on the plebeian bus this morning

>probably a browser from /v/ he was playing pokemon

>> No.7108873
File: 1.60 MB, 1944x2592, 3shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>3 different shoes
>3 different people

>> No.7108882

dont care about the dude you're taking pics of but your legs look fucking fat and your shoes look like fast fashion deadcore pieces of shit

>> No.7108886


jesus christ get a life

he probably has an infinitely more fulfilling life than you

>> No.7108891
File: 88 KB, 717x1173, squatsmorepls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I swims 3 times a week and squat everymorning thx to have concerns for my legs
>My boots probably cost more than your whole garde robe

>> No.7108897



>> No.7108899

that's not what a fuccboi is idiot...

leave other niggas alone
post a fit

>> No.7108900

youre easily the worst person on this board

im near certain you dont have friends and if you did you either dont act like this infront of them or they hate youy

>> No.7108901


>l-l-look guys, I found someone more p-p-p-pathetic than me

>> No.7108898

hahahahahahahahahaha you look like a sausage

>My boots probably cost more than your whole garde robe

Unlikely with that ikea mirror


This. It's always the most miserable people that do shit like this

>> No.7108902


oh god

>> No.7108903

you look 4 feet tall

>> No.7108905


Not him but I take pics of people all the time and I have plenty of friends.

Who cares?

>> No.7108911

You have autist friends

>> No.7108909

there's nothing as pathetic as OP

>> No.7108915


>ugly shoes
>ugly legs (I'm from /fit/)
> you can't be more than 5'5
> IKEA mirror (ikeas not bad but that mirror is like the most plebsonian you can find there)

>> No.7108916

that's probably the same thing the guy who photographed would think

if you told him that his fit is shit he'd probably not care because he didn't try

don't force your beliefs onto other people you fucknugget

also the new pokemon is fucking rad

>> No.7108913

>implying the price of your boots means anything

>> No.7108918


Not really. You guys act like this is a rare thing that only losers do. I've seen my girl friends take pictures of weird people all the time. There's even an entire site called "the people of walmart" for people to post weirdos

Stop acting like you guys are superior

>> No.7108921
File: 568 KB, 1200x1600, 1380141150419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT op gets an ether enema

>> No.7108923

manlet taking his rage out on the world

>> No.7108924

lol your girlfriend sounds like trash

and so do you

I am superior to you because I don't have autism and take pictures of "weird" people

>> No.7108933

not acting :)

>> No.7108931

what are they? they don't look that good.

>> No.7108953


>> No.7108950


you cunts are just mad that you're the weirdos people enjoy taking pictures of

>> No.7108957

Nah, keep deluding yourself trash boy

>> No.7108959


Looks like wings and horn to me

>> No.7108963

no they don't

>> No.7108972

just started working out recently
how to avoid these legs
I think he doesn't really squat, only does exercises for calves, is that right?

>> No.7108976


>> No.7108975

he's just fat and really short mate don't worry

>> No.7108978

Jesus Christ who cares.

>> No.7109002

lel I'm actually 5'6"
trying my best to hide my genetical disadvance

>> No.7109011
File: 56 KB, 390x470, sides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm actually 5'6"

>> No.7109021

>still alive
lel wut ru doing with ur life

>> No.7109027
File: 39 KB, 240x249, yallgettingtroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yall getting trolled saw these pictures being post weeks ago on a waywt

>> No.7109042

how come they aren't in the archive? faggot

>> No.7109080


I don't know about first post but the legs were certainly on a wayet

>> No.7109094

they aren't

>> No.7109111

you're mom aren't

>> No.7109121

I admire people like OPs pic. I'm not one to label people but "nerds" or w.e are truly the happy people in our diverse society. They are content with their status; wealth, health, social.
A grown man is confident enough to enjoy a hobby (Pokemon for one!) of his out in public...
nerds in general can be social outcasts but they don't care. All those cringeworthy bronys don't care, they are happy. anime weaboos, /v/idyadrones, etc...

true happiness man...

>> No.7109142

looks like Smough.

>> No.7109151

op, do you know what fuccboi actually means or r u one of those ppl who've come here from mfa?

>> No.7109156

I know guy who mostly wears polos with kashmir jumpers and dark chinos. He wouldn't look particularly bad if it weren't for the fact that he invariably wears running trainers with the whole thing.

>> No.7109160

I disagree.

In have nothing against video games, or Pokemon in particular for that matter. I feel that as more instant entertainment is produced and introduced to people, the less cultural progression and the colder society becomes. As a place with less and less ties with other members of society it doesn't promote personal growth as much as it did in the old days.

Obviously we've come so much further in technological advances than our ancestors, but I feel the population is becoming way more divided due to more and more people becoming oblivious zombies addicted to instant entertainment like tv, video games, etc... This might mean they are happy on a very surface level emotional state, but in reality are they satisfied with their life becoming a simple consumerist based lifestyle as apposed to building ones life through experiences, achievements, and acquiring knowledge?

Now I'm not proposing the typical "born in the wrong generation" mentality, but at the same time what do you think Shakespeare would have to say about this matter?

- end of ramble

>> No.7109203

shakespeare spent his time writing homoerotic love letters m8

du looks old he's prob. playin brin age or someshit anyway

go to nyc and check out all the people playing games on their phone or sudoku

pokemon is less of an "instant entertainment" medium than angry bird cause u gotta do more work

- end of autism - autism line

>> No.7109212
File: 469 KB, 1600x1200, IMG00011-20120907-0457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey there, boys

>> No.7109222
File: 1.91 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

passed by this guy lmao

>> No.7109239

typical facebook deadbrain.
i agree with >>7108924
you and your girlfriend are trashy as fuck

>> No.7109242

Op you are faggot that likes taking pictures of boys. A guy that look absolutely fine, and is completely just enjoying himself without a fuck given to what you think. You on the other hand scratch and claw for attention as much as you can (hence you taking a pic of yourself without pants, fag) Please do the world a favor and fuck off or die.

>> No.7109247

Don't you guys feel bad taking pictures of other people behind their backs?

>> No.7109249
File: 2.04 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7109253
File: 30 KB, 602x468, do-want.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Joy Division tank top

>> No.7109254
File: 2.40 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just dumping all these creeper pics

>> No.7109264

is this real?

>> No.7109265

literally retarded

>> No.7109270
File: 1.63 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7109272


>> No.7109273

Holy god.

>> No.7109292

This is pretty fucking pathetic guys. grow up.

>> No.7109298

I genuinely like taking photos of people, purely in a observant way.

>> No.7109306

Sure buddy. Do you think they would mind? Especially since you come and post them on a fashion board. In a mocking thread.

>inb4 hurr durr I'm sure they don't mind.

>> No.7109321

I dont care lol, I didnt accidentally post u did I?

>> No.7109339

no you didn't. If I did happen to find out that random strangers were mocking me on the internet though I'd feel pretty fucking bad about it. I like to think that I don't care what others think but it would still be in my mind. It's fucked up man, but in your own words you "don't care" so whatever. Enjoy your shitty life.

>> No.7109345

Not sure why a picture was needed for this guy. Looks insignificantly average.

>> No.7109373

>being this mad at strangers on the internet

>> No.7109396

OP are you from Croatia ?