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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 55 KB, 570x400, ozweego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7104766 No.7104766[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: post #nxtlvl items of clothing that you don't understand the appeal of, other /fa/ggots attempt to explain why they're so great to you

pic fuckin related, adirafs are horrible

>> No.7104774

Shoes like that, as far as I'm concerned are the kicker for predominately monochrome outfits - where you really add a dash of contrast with your shoes

No other point, ultimately

>> No.7104776
File: 115 KB, 952x1428, 32287M050001_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you picked the worst ones

anyway, i like them cuz they make me think of esthar from ff8 and the future

>> No.7104787

if u ask me i think they adhere to the same ideology that geo's do but from a different perspective
when i look at geos i see them as both a homage and caricature of retro massive high tops that people used to rock
adirafs give off the same vibe but instead of focusing on the size they focus on the colours and materials
u telling me u didnt wear some crazy sneakers when you were like 8?
just my opinion

>> No.7104789
File: 37 KB, 620x413, raf simons adidas white sliver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like the colors but the silhouette and everything else is horrible

but the new adirafs look more futuristic and aren't awful

>> No.7104785
File: 109 KB, 800x525, Adidas%20Jeremy%20Scott%20Panda%20Bear[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another adidas colab

>> No.7104802

I think they also add a bit of nostalgia to an outfit.

I know I wore shoes that looked like that when I was in elementary school. the jelly looking elements on adirafs remind me of the light up parts on kids shoes.

they are whimsical looking and ugly/interesting which serves a nice contrast in monochome fits and a nice compliment in japanese streetwear fits

>> No.7104808

This would go pretty well with some azn street goth cutsey fit.

>> No.7104818

real talk Jeremy Scott is not #nxtlvl

>> No.7104813

ramone boots
rick shoes in general

>> No.7104821

Don't always believe that silhouette of what you see online - a lot of athletic shoes will look better when they are actually on your feet

If anything, be concerned about excellent silhouettes before they're even put on (use your best judgement - that's a generalization)

>> No.7104819
File: 108 KB, 646x500, adidas-attitude-x-jeremy-scott-3tongue-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are over-the-top, in an amusing manner
this pair reminds me of my razor

>> No.7104834

not really next level but whats up with the stickman clownfooted look? i feel like half the fits i see posted here are slendermanlets in clownshoes and it looks rediculous. its called shoulder day, faggots.

>> No.7104867

6'1", size 12 masterrace reporting in

Got to start clowing you all for having small feet, because making you feel bad about your height, lack of jawline, and lack of muscle structure isn't enough

>> No.7104879

i wish those didn't have the blue and red :(

>> No.7104890

i think the blue goes nice with the white but yeah, the red isn't too great

>> No.7104883

6'3, size 13. Average /fa/ shoes clownish on me. Boots are the only thing that look natural on my huge fucking feet.

>> No.7104886

dude i posted
and i have those same stats
*internet hi five*

>> No.7104920

When is this collection coming out?

>> No.7105237

my perspective on the ugly shoe trend (NB's, Adidas x raf, lanvin) is that plebs have adapted to realize it's unfashionable to wear ugly running shoes, so now designers are a step ahead of them by putting them back into style because plebs can never be /fa/

>> No.7105250

spring 2014 i believe

NBs aren't ugly though?

>> No.7105265

tfw 5'11' size 11.5-12

>> No.7105266

I don't like that colorway, but the red/black/green ones are dope. I've always considered them to be a reaction to the minimalist running shoes that have gotten popular recently (nb, roshe, flyknits, etc.). He basically did the opposite of those and completely over designed them, but the muted colors kept them from being too gaudy. They're definitely a "fashion statement".

>> No.7105337

tfw 5' 11" size 9

>> No.7105344

>Ctrl+f "Warriors"

>> No.7105349

OP here, i think warriors are p sick

lookin all futuristic and shit

>> No.7105370

I agree but they get so much hate too I was surprised.

>> No.7105877
File: 710 KB, 1656x754, sold out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand this

>> No.7105904


i would imagine that they sold those 3 in store tbh

>> No.7105907
File: 142 KB, 959x639, the library.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they only bought one of them in a single size.

>> No.7105909

holy shit id love to see the fatass in the xl 60k

>> No.7105917

for the other jacket they only display one size. for this one they show three other sizes "sold out". maybe that's a mistake on their part, but maybe there are some people out there with more money than sense

>> No.7105918
File: 47 KB, 600x897, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would only fit approximatelya 42" chest, 36" waist. that's fashion fat at best, hardly fatass level.
given rick's customer, it'll just as likely end up on some swole millionaire

>> No.7105928

whats wrong CAD fag is 52k a lot to imagine someone paying for a jacket?

>> No.7105936

no of course not

>> No.7105951
File: 137 KB, 952x1428, 32232F099003_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe that's a mistake on their part, but maybe there are some people out there with more money than sense

why the sour grapes? do you think they pulled the price out of the sky? it's incredibly expensive to secure hides like that, especially of that size and quality, and there's only a handful of artisans that can do professional work with them, so the labor cost was much higher, to speak nothing of the opportunity cost of doing small runs of something like this compared to just doing huge runs of the regular leathers.

notice how the women's jackets, which use significantly less material, are about 60% of the price. normally material consumption doesn't make a huge difference in costing because they use the savings on small stuff to do runs of the big stuff, but in the case of this material and the limited size run it actually added up to quite a lot.

luxury fashion labels are still price competitive, and luxury shoppers still hunt for bargains, they're just playing a different field than you. if louis vuitton decided that their bags were worth 10 times the price, not many people would continue to purchase them; they would go to chanel or prada or another competitor.

>> No.7105984

reminds me of cyberpunk
man i wish i had size eleven feet

>> No.7105992

hey guess what
ur an idiot

>> No.7105987

I don't care if it's made out of the skin of dead US Presidents. $52,000 for a JACKET is fucking insane. For some people, $52,000 would be a huge improvement in quality of life. If for you, $52,000 is a jacket, that's a disgusting excess.

If that's sour grapes, then I am fine with sour grapes.

How you can defend this is beyond me.

>> No.7106002

hipster pls :(

it costs a lot 2 make u know its not like they can sell it for less

unless this isn't u

>> No.7106012
File: 223 KB, 560x820, PATTERNITY_Issey-Miyake-Irving-Penn-Visual-Dialogue-Exhibition-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

throwing money at poor people won't solve their problems, and even if it would, $52,000 isn't nearly enough to do anything about it. you need to fix the issues that cause poverty. and that's ignoring that poverty isn't relevant at all to these jackets, your point is just non sequitur.

>> No.7106009

you're the one browsing luxury fashion retailers, disgusting excess is the name of the game

the ultrarich people that you're so upset at aren't browsing /fa/ anyway

>> No.7106025


>> No.7106036


>hurr thats not how you fight poverty

that's besides his point moron

>> No.7106046

does rich people spending 52,000 on a jacket hurt the very poor any more than regular people spending 50 dollars on a jacket? id say it probably has less of an effect...

sure, capitalism is completely evil and needs to be destroyed. I am interested in thinking about how to do that. But I would say that purchasing cheaper items is not even relevant to that. Thoughts?

>> No.7106051
File: 86 KB, 590x881, Pink Flamingos High Res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's his only point, and it's not relevant.

>> No.7106054

I'm not asking them to sell it for less

I'm not asking the people of the world to not demand alligator leather jackets

it is no consolation to me to know that it took a ton of man power to make one guy's jacket

I'm not asking anyone to "throw money" at anybody.

My position is made up of two small parts.

The first is that $52,000 of work has gone into making one jacket, and that is one of the sadder truths about the way the product of labour is distributed in the world, if an unavoidable truth; I'm a capitalist, but that doesn't mean I don't lament that there is such an inequality.

The second is that if you want to spend $52,000 to wear something symbolic of this problem you are a narcissist and a jackass.

>> No.7106075

what extension do you need to filter someone?
this is the first time i've ever wanted to

>> No.7106077
File: 19 KB, 220x270, 220px-Foucault5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have a problem with the world's best artisans being paid a wage that reflects the rarity of their immense talent? you realize this is crab in a bucket horseshit, right? the answer isn't to drag the most talented people down, it's to raise the skill of all workers so that they can demand better wages by producing better results.

>> No.7106087
File: 363 KB, 725x979, issey-miyake-lope-navo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top right hand of the screen under settings.

>> No.7106091

twerk, that has very little to do with Foucault's thought. he was v. anticapitalist actually, even though he was often critical of marxism

>> No.7106101
File: 700 KB, 2048x1249, Gustave_Courbet_018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was using him as a reaction image; anyway, i'd be surprised if foucault would object to encouraging laborers to develop their skills.

>> No.7106110
File: 56 KB, 600x400, qtguthrie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thnks. filtering the other guy not u btw bb

>> No.7106121

I've never understood why people think the Adirafs are ugly or ultra nxtlvl.

>> No.7106137

hip$ster, I appreciate what you are saying about the way labour is distributed being insane, but if you think that fancy jackets are the worst excesses of capitalism, I think your priorities are really wacky. On the one hand you have artisans doing complicated work for a very select group of people. On the other you have millions employed at wages that can't really even sustain their physical existence, in order to produce clothes that will only last a couple of years, and will never even look nice! If you ask me, the future communist society should look more like the former than the latter

>> No.7106181


ur a faget

>> No.7106192

I have a problem with the world's best artisans being at the service of one guy who needs an alligator leather jacket. I don't know what the answer to that is, and I would never even think of intervening in the market; but I think the first step is calling someone a jerk when they buy an alligator leather jacket.

And there are charity organizations that do a lot of good, actually. "Throwing money" at problems can fix them if the money is provided voluntarily and used effectively.

Both ends of that spectrum are undesirable. The fact is that this alligator leather jacket is not really being produced efficiently. It's the equivalent of 5,000 hours of minimum wage work. That's not efficiency. It can only exist partially because the people who can pay for it are the ones who are benefiting from the system that exploits those workers who can barely sustain themselves &c &c.; there are, however, companies that make their products ethically and efficiently. Red Wing might be an example of that; I don't know enough about the inner workings of Red Wing, so I can't say for sure, but that's a guess.

>> No.7106204

foucault often wrote about the ambivalence in the fact that various institutions in our society discipline man so as to increase his "skills" or "capacités" while at the same time capturing his activity so that it serves ends that are not his own. the way that he talks about it is actually sort of similar to the way that Marx talks about alienated labor, although Marx is less attuned to the fact that laborers' skills are increased and more focused on the development of the modes of production themselves.

although foucault was certainly interested in the development of skills, he recognized that under capitalism this alone does not necessarily do anything to emancipate us. in fact it may do the opposite. he writes about this a lot in Discipline and Punish, and the course lectures on neoliberalism, "The Birth of Biopolitics"

also I like your fits generally

>> No.7106197

Oh, whoops, I made a typo. That should be "I AM asking for the people of the world to not demand alligator leather jackets"

>> No.7106206

>I have a problem with the world's best artisans being at the service of one guy who needs an alligator leather jacket. I don't know what the answer to that is

Then who should they be in service with? They are getting paid for their work which is why they do it. They aren't having their families put into cells only to be released when they make enough ultra-expensive jackets... You're a fucking retard.

>> No.7106218

also, I see what you are getting at by posting the stone breakers. its a great painting. my favorite thing by courbet is burial at organs

>> No.7106214

I never said it was Rick's fault. I'm pointing my finger at the purchasers of the jackets, not the makers of the jackets

>> No.7106245

ornans* excuse me

you can't really "point your finger" at a specific sector of society as being responsible for the way in which labor is organized. that's just silly

>> No.7106253

Oh man all I said was that if you buy a $52,000 jacket you're an asshole

not that you're the sole source of all the world's problems

>> No.7106262

the fact that you are saying that the production of "the equivalent of 5,000 hours of minimum wage work" is an example of commodity fetishism. the two are only exchangeable in terms of the abstraction of $$$. in reality, you can't actually "redistribute" the labor of a handful of artisans in order to put clothes on the backs of thousands of people.

>> No.7106263
File: 125 KB, 390x596, Raymond_Duncan_with_his_wife_and_child_1912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you familiar with raymond duncan, brother to isadorah duncan? he espoused that labor should be primarily for the benefit of the laborer, secondarily to produce beautiful work, and making money could perhaps be a distant nonpriority. he wore classical clothing and built himself a greek style villa to live in.

>> No.7106288

no but that sounds very interesting, I will look him up

ok, but, I'm still not comfortable w/ that claim. I think that capitalism should be destroyed, but in the meantime I think that nice clothes are one of the more innocuous things you could waste obscene amounts of $$ on, if you are really wealthy

>> No.7108784

It cost nowhere near that much to make

>> No.7109209

rick increase applies unfortunately
he cant make it the same price as other alligator jackets obv

>> No.7109817

Bump for some solid discussion, and to see bizarro clothes that aren't Adidas sneakers or Greek robes. (Although Raymond Duncan does sound awesome.)

>> No.7109844
File: 15 KB, 300x300, img-thing (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so gr8 <3 Nasir Mazhar

>> No.7109860

What type of alligator did they even hunt for this? If I was disgustingly rich I would cop just for the sake of it.

>> No.7109886

yup im going to cop a pair in a different colorway soon.

but i havent seen any review vids. normally i wouldnt care but i want to wear them to the gym and running so i ned to know if they hold up.

>> No.7109898

They have a card in the box to say that due to the unique materials used that they shouldn't be ran in. Buy some shoes that are actually made for the gym tbh. I haven't worn mine much and tried to keep them as clean as possible, but they'll hold up fine.

I like to think for that price, Rick hunted the alligator and skinned it himself.

>> No.7109906
File: 21 KB, 570x419, adidas-y-3-qasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want some so bad and i don't even know why i do

>> No.7109917


Get a load of this tryhard pleb

>> No.7109928

that's stupid.
i was really hoping i could use them for the gym since i already have really ugly New Balance that are comfy as fuck but also ugly as fuck.

how do you wear yours?
and post pics

>> No.7109953
File: 45 KB, 150x150, MIAPJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to wear something symbolic of this problem you are a narcissist and a jackass.

You're on a /fa/shion bored retard. That's the whole point.

>> No.7109966

Could someone explain Pyrex in general? Is there any reason people buy it beyond it being overpriced Champion shit and "OMG KAYNE WORE IT #HYPE XD"

>> No.7109988
File: 2.29 MB, 1394x1859, photo (35).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it shouldn't rly matter what shoes u wear to the gym, unless u go running, in which It should be head 2 toe Gyakusou.

I wear mine with black pants/adidas trackpants and turtlenecks, I only have a black one atm, buying more. I have no fits atm oops

>> No.7110005

5"8' size 8,5 masterrace reporting in.

>> No.7110012

w2c good turtlenecks

>> No.7110031

Uniqlo or anywhere rly

>> No.7110051
File: 417 KB, 933x1400, Fall+2010+Models+LY24iRJVk6-x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've explained it so many times
the markup is proportionate

yes, you are paying way more for the jacket than it costs to produce, but that goes for anything that you buy

$50 x 10 = $500
$5,000 x 10 = $50,000

it might tickle you to know that many exotic skins are really not that difficult to secure in comparison to staple skins at all, and alligator is actually among of the easiest nowadays lol

i'll be impressed/offended when rick makes an elephant jacket

there are only 2 living species of alligator alive: the american and the chinese
chinese gators are usually smaller and are considered to be threatened, so he probably got these gators from somewhere in the southeast US where they're basically overgrown pests and are in no danger of dying out

>> No.7110056

Raf Simons, Issey Miyake, MMM

>> No.7110063

>living species of alligator alive

you know what i meant

>> No.7110073

Damn. I thought there were at least a dozen. Is crocodile more expensive then?

>> No.7110092


>> No.7110111

i got the pyrex working with the white girl in it.
no questions marks or commas, nigga i gots commas when we through with this batch we going out to the bahamas.

>> No.7110121

idk honestly
there are lots of different crocodiles still around, so it may vary from species to species

these articles have a lot of info about other things that factor into the price like legality, quality between species, false or misleading labeling, etc.


>> No.7110134

tbh if that jacket was like 1k instead of 53k i'd totally cop cuz its sick af

>> No.7110140

>$50 x 10 = $500
>$5,000 x 10 = $50,000
best post in the /thread

>> No.7110162

I think it's fairly clear that capitalism destroys human life on a mass scale, and severs our connection to wild nature. surprised that you do not see this also

>> No.7110169
File: 84 KB, 634x832, article-0-186DB3F0000005DC-422_634x832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pyrex in general

>It's used in making crack.
>Pyrex can be boiled without shattering, and as we all know, in order to make crack you have to put your cocaine/bicarbonate slurry inside a glass jar of some sort, then boil a pot of water with the jar in the middle. The slurry hardens into crack.
>Normal glass will shatter when you heat it like this, but Pyrex will not.
>The wonderful thing about crack production is that with a bit of pyrex and a minimal amount of effort, you can turn 1000 dollars worth of cocaine into at least 2000 worth of crack. Maybe much more, I forget the numbers.

>I wonder if this isn't a commentary on the modus operandi of the crack game as applied to fashion. Basically, Virgil Abloh is taking nickel & dime champion shorts, and with the help of a little pyrex, he's flipping them into a huge profit. He is the dealer, and we, of course, would be his customers.

- poet

Before realizing that would be on fuuka, I was doing some Googling so I could restate it well, and I found out something interesting: Pyrex is no longer used in making crack. It got sold off to a company that switched its temperature-swing-safe borosilicate glass to a cheaper sodalime glass that'll stand up to any kitchen use, but can't handle crack production.

I wonder if there's something to that - now Pyrex is too cheap to use for crack, he's using cheap shit blanks, etc.

>any reason people buy it

Three reasons: one, some of the Pyrex designs look good, or at least cool. There's no getting around that. It wouldn't have taken off if they didn't.

Two, yeah, a lot of people buy it because of the hype, to signal they're with whatever.

Three, the people with money? They're saying something different: they are the hype, they run the hype, they know Virgil, they know Kanye, they're wearing this beater Champion shit their friend DIY'd, that they paid $300 for, and not giving a fuck. In a way, it's the ultimate hype game x high-low game move.

>> No.7110183

You had me until

>severs our connection to wild nature

[Elaboration needed].

Please don't take this to some dopey primitivist place.

>> No.7110188

>Three, the people with money? They're saying something different: they are the hype, they run the hype, they know Virgil, they know Kanye, they're wearing this beater Champion shit their friend DIY'd, that they paid $300 for, and not giving a fuck. In a way, it's the ultimate hype game x high-low game move.

lmao faggot I bet Yeezus is your AOTY

you're reading way too far into this shit

>> No.7110190

>actually arguing about the validity / magnanimity of spending 52k on a jacket
nigga if you're going to act like you shouldn't spend exorbitant amounts of money on things than own up to this shit
if you think that buying a 52 grand coat is any different than buying geobaskets you're fucking wrong

why? cause you can buy a product that will help your life in the same / similar way in terms of functionality, for less money, and if you're going to pick ONE item to be mad at for people purchasing, why pick that one?
why not pick an item like a rolls royce, or a veyron, or a yacht, or a mansion, or a 200grand bespoke suit, or anything that costs a relatively huge amount of money.

you can't say "i think anyone who spends this much on a jacket is an asshole" when you could be doing the same thing by buying $100 shoes

it's all relative nigga

if a guy is worth $50 million
and you're worth $50 thousand
and he buys this coat
.1% of his wealth went into this coat
and if you buy a $500 jacket, .1% of your wealth went into that jacket, but i don't see you going out of your way to call people assholes who buy $500 jackets

get your fucking ideas str8 nigg

>> No.7110196

check out marx's theory of alienation dude.

>> No.7110198

$100 isn't a lot for shoes though

did you mean to type $1000?

>> No.7110205

yes, sorry

>> No.7110235
File: 28 KB, 317x475, 418MZY8JFBL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7110259

Yeah, I know Marx's theory of alienation. Where does it tie (in Marx) into alienation from nature beyond human nature?

Marx was all about technological development. He would've loved the full-bore anthropocene we have today.

I think it's more than legitimate to talk about humans destroying the biosphere, to talk about the ways capitalism alienates us from the world and our humanity, etc. but I got the distinct impression you were talking in that old way that doesn't treat man as a part of nature.

>> No.7110278
File: 43 KB, 480x720, 26384377532118028514858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if u have a lot of money it makes sense 2 spend it how u want tho

if u make £1000 weekly and spend £100 on a jacket its not rly that different 2 the baller that makes £10,000 a week and spends £1000 on a better jacket

>tfw no no blistered mollino

>> No.7110349

according to marx, alienated (aka externalized) labor separates man from his species-being. what he means by this is that at one point we had 'conscious vital activity', separating us from 'animal vital activity.' alienated labor, he says, "reverses this relationship so that, just because he is a conscious being, man makes his vital activity and essence a mere means to his existence." in other words he is contrasting the types of labor required of us by industrial capitalism, to the freely chosen labor done by primitive man. according to marx, we used to "fashion things according to the laws of beauty." no longer...

you're right, this passage is at apparently at odds in some ways with some of his later writing, although I'm convinced he would be dismayed by how his predictions re the progress of industry have affected our lives and the planet

>> No.7110354

touched a pair of these at the y-3 store, no idea why I didn't cop

>> No.7110370

I forgot to add that in this passage, I think its clear that marx's understanding of our alienation from our own nature is connected to the mode of production, in that being fully human required unfettered, unmediated access to the natural world.

as for your last point, I did definitely adopt some marxian language in explaining this (hard to avoid, even if you don't agree with all of his philosophical assumptions)

>> No.7110492

>capitalism is evil
Muh freedoms
How would you adjudicate resources without property rights? Someone has to control the resource-a committee isn't going to pull every lever

>> No.7110517

go read a book for once srsly

>> No.7110653

Got any fits for them?

>> No.7110970

You NEVER show a fit with them, just always a stupid fucking foot picture - and you've had months to come up with something decent.

Conclusion: You wear them terribly and you are afraid of showing /fa/ how stupid you look.

>> No.7110997

they share the chunkiness of ugly shoes. You probably understand what he meant. They're not sleek.

>> No.7111560

That room is /fa/ as fuck, is it yours?

>> No.7111570

God you missed his point

>> No.7112068

it's not the whole point for me

yeah, I was actually wrong to say "more money than sense", in fairness. some people have enough money that it could make sense for them