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/fa/ - Fashion

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7101652 No.7101652[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which western country is the most /fa/, and which is the least?

Let's ignore the eastern ones because Japan is easily the best since the rest are shit.

>> No.7101655

northern european countries are the most /fa/.

>> No.7101666

Italy & France is a bit dadcore tho

>> No.7101674

it's certainly not australia, that's for sure

>> No.7101717

lel no

>> No.7101723

E-England... I mean London

>> No.7101727

Confidence in looking bad it tots Rick Owens material.

>> No.7101728

please tell me you're not serious

>> No.7101732

Sweden > Switzerland > Germany > shit

>> No.7101737

top lel nice try bud please mire more

>> No.7101743

australia is possibly the least /fa/ place in the world, dont even try
incomparable to european countries like france and italy and sweden, where designers flourish
nothing flourishes in fuckign australia, not even plants

>> No.7101749
File: 92 KB, 640x613, fuuma 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best? France
Least? Australia
I wonder what Belgium is like, I've never been

>> No.7101765

the fit would be good if he wasn't so ugly

>> No.7101768

I as an australian resident can agree that australia has absolutely horrible fucking fashion unless you live in melbourne

>> No.7101769


France is not /fa/, Paris is.

But i guess you can say that about most countries in the world.

>> No.7101770

I've been to brussels once, I mostly saw veiled women (I think that the french speaking part of Belgium is shit)

I'm leaving in France atm (Lyon), people are well dressed you rarely see someone with an obvious lack of taste

>> No.7101774


flanders is much nicer tbh (gent/leuven/antwerp)

brussels is a shithole unless youre in the business districts, its not a nice city, sometimes there is good art exhibitions but thats about it

>> No.7101775


yeah, the french part is shit

>> No.7101785

Belgium sucks ass.

It's the worst country of western Europe, hands down.

>> No.7101791


agreed, tied with austria, holland, and switzerland

all terrible tbh

>> No.7101794

typical uninformed post

>> No.7101796

inner sydney centre isnt that bad m8

>> No.7101811

>tfw no one ever mentions your country

small and insignificant general?

>> No.7101815

Lichtenstein, is that you? You aint /fa/

>> No.7101817

Swizerland in't that bad.
If you have a job here, you can move somewhere else, and you are rich, compared to the others. Everyone likes employing swiss people

>> No.7101818

Because Malta is filled with old and ugly faggots

>> No.7101824


Leder Hosen are /fa/ as fuck

>> No.7101838

Fucking Sweden.

They start trends and everything trickles down from them. I know, I lived there, they are the most /fa/ people ever, even when going to the shops.

>> No.7101841
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>> No.7101903

hurpy burpy let me generalize about places i have never lived.
fuck off.

If your view of what is /fa/ is just where designers live and publish and which has the most history then you have an amazingly simplified view of the world and a simple taste.

>> No.7101972


u mad faggit ill womo u dead nerd

u used to be cool but u a bunch of pussies now

>> No.7101986

Probably Italy

>> No.7102006

Lol, not even a little

maybe 2000 years ago

not now

italian cars are too flashy looking

italians themselves dress like trash

italians themselves are trash

>> No.7102010

Have you ever been there? No.

>> No.7102037
File: 19 KB, 500x375, paypal-vend-nike-shox-tn-r3-gucci-adidas-marktgigant2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>rich history
>culturally distinct
>more /fa/ ppl per square mile than any yuropoor country
>sometimes mysterious

>> No.7102042


>> No.7102043
File: 89 KB, 640x968, MV5BMTUzNjQzNjYyMV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTU5MDYyNQ@@._V1._SX640_SY968_[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sometimes mysterious

>> No.7102047

italian brands are my favorite though

whatever piece of trash I buy from them will smell like flowers AND be extremely comfortable, softened

where I buy indie products from sweden and they make that shit uncomfortable as shit, with sharp edges and never with any padding

>> No.7102054


that has nothing to do with how fa the country is

Italy had always been associated with great products in certain areas (see some of their marquee car brands, clothes etc) but the country itself is a fucking dump run by crooks

>> No.7102093

Londoner here. I visited Stockholm and I was overwhelmed by how fashionable the average person is. It's a country where completely normal people care about clothes and thinking about it almost brings a tear to my eye.

>> No.7102098

Clarification: this only applied to the ethnic Swedes. Their immigrants are super plebs.

>> No.7102172

generalisation. i live in sydney and the guys in the graffiti/urbex scene dress really well.

>> No.7102178

come to dubbo were /fa/ as fuck
aboriginal heroin chick is totes in

>> No.7102184

fuck oath

>> No.7102227

australia for sure, especially melbourne been to aus a couple times an melbourne is very unique an full of all different /fits/ a tad too many hitleryouth cuts tho imo

>> No.7102254


Most of the major cities aren't that bad. Melbourne is the most /fa/ though.

Everyone in this thread saying Australia is the least haven't actually been and/or are just thinking of the over-weight, bearded, wife-beater, board shorts, thongs and akubra stereotype that pop culture flogs.

>> No.7102273
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Worst = UK

>> No.7102275

fucking topshop bunnies

>> No.7102281

who's guy in OP Pic? i look like a slightly uglier version wtf

>> No.7102285

Perth is bad. There arw literally only.stores with decent wear

>> No.7102287

Gay pornstar Aidan Shaw.

>> No.7102288
File: 120 KB, 388x500, 1375630968833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rich history
>sometimes mysterious

>> No.7102295

>goes to Melbourne
>literally everybody has a HY and is wearing a pea coat
>men wearing pea coats
>women wearing pea coats
>children wearing pea coats
>see a man walking dog
>dog has a HY
>and a pea coat
>see a little girl with an ironic moustache

>walking to Flinder's St Station in a duffle coat
>I feel the glares of the masses
>Horse and Cart driver distracted by my lack of buttons crashes into a coffee shop
>Horse is wearing a pea coat


>> No.7102296
File: 694 KB, 900x1255, tumblr_mdhpgwwCkI1qdvtuwo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Belgium is quite /fa/ in places, a few people wear Ann D

>> No.7102306


>> No.7102369

stockholm's pretty /fa/. a lot of people are dressed sort of monochromic with black, white and grey elements.

negative: lots of middle easterners and africans that dress like the biggest swag faggots though because they're inspired by the american negro culture. also a bunch of "edgy" tumblrwhores

>> No.7102384

I've traveled quite a bit through Europe. Surprisingly the capitals aren't the most fa places imo.
Best so far were Bilbao and Gothenburg.

>> No.7102390

>"edgy" tumblrwhores
for my dick ofc

>> No.7102650

>ctrl+f finland
>0 results
What's wrong with you people?

>> No.7102658
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>> No.7102664


>> No.7102739

Why are there so many fucking australians on this board.

pls go

>> No.7102745

Finnish people are ugly. It doesn't matter what they wear they always look derpy as fuck.

Same for most slavs.

>> No.7102789
File: 208 KB, 717x1024, 20130908_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mongolian ancestry
>ugly language


>> No.7102804

>mongolian ancestry
le epic meme

>> No.7102836
File: 218 KB, 717x1024, 20131005_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7102968

Finland has somekind of siberian ancestry but mongalian? No. Also lots of Sami people look like eskimos.

>> No.7102992

Are you retarded? It's scientifically proven.

>> No.7103044

Denmark is most /fa/


>> No.7103052 [DELETED] 

>still believing in the mongol theory

>ugly language
Bitch, we speak Elvish.

Well, yeah, I agree. Those Helsinki cunts are insane.

>> No.7103061

>still believing in the mongol theory

>ugly language
Bitch, we speak Elvish.

Well, yeah, I agree. Those Helsinki cunts are insane.

>> No.7103096

Yes to the same small extent every single of European peoples are, but more than that. 19th century anthropologists categorized lapplanders and sami peoples of all Nordics as part of mongolian tribe due to their looks, which are like mix between caucasians and inuits. There is about 5000 samis in Finland nowadays. Otherwise the whole thing has been debunked like 60 years ago.

>> No.7103109
File: 214 KB, 717x1024, 20130503_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so can anyone explain why they generally are so fucking ugly compared to swedes, danes and norwegians?

>> No.7103156

lol what are you on about m80

>> No.7103157

Are they? You can cherry pick whoever you want from any country. When it comes to Hel-looks, they are random people not models. There are good amount of good looking people there too considering the fact that they are just picked from streets or some hipster festivals.

Go pick people from street in random city of 500k people in Sweden, Denmark whatever and equal % of them will be ugly. Especially if you can only pick people who dress funny like hel-looks does. That's pretty tiny sample group.

>> No.7103203

>they are random people not models
i know.. i'm not comparing those on hel-looks to models obviously.

just look at the archive and you'll see that most of them, are in fact, ugly.
I've been to Helsinki myself twice (last time late 2011) and yes, the majority of the people i saw had very goofy facial features, like if someone repeatedly smacked them in the face with a frying pan over and over again, others had very long faces. I didn't come to Helsinki with this mindset in mind, but damn.

I've also been to norway and copenhagen and they really didn't have any features that appears out of the ordinary in comparison to those in finland.

>> No.7103214


>Uppsallalalobobob bebopbebop hammellsealla sella

That's what your language sounds like.

>> No.7103229

>Are they? You can cherry pick whoever you want from any country

shhh they'll know

>> No.7103416

well why do you pick the photos of which's ppl are ugly?

I mean im not that ugly

>> No.7103774

You're thinking of Swedish.

>> No.7103804

>the majority of the people i saw had very goofy facial features, like if someone repeatedly smacked them in the face with a frying pan over and over again
I chuckled. I'm Finnish and I can verify this is the most accurate description of us.

>> No.7103828

>I've been to Helsinki myself twice (last time late 2011) and yes, the majority of the people i saw had very goofy facial features
This is true for literally any city but fins do look particularly weird because they have light skin and mong eyes.

>> No.7103835

Switzerland is God's country

>> No.7103847

>2000 years ago

Italy has been relevant and contributed more to civilization than whatever Northern Europe Nordic Snow Nigger wasteland you probably blow your load to

>> No.7103865

Not much point in putting it that way. It might make sense to ask which cities, though.

It sounds wrong to say the US is fashionable but you can't just ignore New York City, for example.

Even then, it varies from one part of the city to another.

You know, it's really just a stupid question

>> No.7104004

any south america :)

>> No.7104420

The Dutch dress abysmally. If it wasn't for the immigrants, it would be the least /fa/ country in the world. Hands down. Far worse than the Belgians.

>> No.7104563

Have you ever lived there? It's not /fa/ at all. It's a beautiful, safe country but neither the people or the cities are /fa/

>> No.7104805

What the fuck are you talking about, Vlaams ppl have the most awfull tast you could ever find in the country. Waloon at least do care about their look but Brusselers are on top. Most of them look like this NL fag http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCvuCrseI0o

>> No.7105223

>implying it's not Vatican
much monochrome
so drape
wow history
so architecture

>> No.7105980

Because they don't have Nordic ancestry. The Sami people are indigenous to Scandinavia and look like fucking Eskimos. Maybe they keep fat in their face because of the cold. Anyone saying they're Mongols is just b8.

Not all modern day Finns are Sami, a lot are just Nords that migrated.

>> No.7105994

I'm learning Finnish randomly but Peter Jackson's Elvish was mostly Welsh.

>> No.7106008

>Suomen naiset ovat lyhyitä ja rasvaa

>Finska kvinnor är korta och fett

they both sound like shit

>> No.7106063

" An interesting note for readers of the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy is the use of many Estonian sounding words in the Elvish language developed by Tolkien. Admiring the beauty of the language, it is said that Tolkien was inspired to use many Finno-Ugric words for development of his “High Elvish” (Drout 2007)."

>> No.7106158


My bad. You realize Finnish sounds nothing like Elvish from LoTR right?

>> No.7106183

>Suomen naiset ovat lyhyitä ja rasvaa
<The women of Finland are short and grease

that's keks regards kekkonen

>> No.7106332


considering dense population zones

>high disposable income
>import shitload of international fa clothes
>hitleryouth is a trend
>high standard of education
>huge coffee culture
>huge research/entrepreneurs/design industry
>multicultural is future fa
>fa fits are vast - heroin chic to dadcore
>literally wifeys everywhere 9/10

>europe economic climate sucks
>asians look teh same
>canada i dont get you
>dimiss third world unless armycore

and mainly
>fa posters majority are aussie
>probably the good posters too

gtfo u backwards plebs

>> No.7106341

did i mention melbourne most livable city

my niggaz

>> No.7106355


>> No.7106896
