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7095242 No.7095242 [Reply] [Original]

do you tip your hairdresser? tailor?

>> No.7095261

Of course. I see no reason not to.

>> No.7095269

Yes. As far as I'm concerned, the only people who don't tip are bitter autists who live in their moms basement and have no clue how the world really works, or people who've never worked a tip-based job (and these 2 usually tie together)

>> No.7095277

or because my hairdresser isn't making less than minimum and therefore there's no reason to tip

>> No.7095275

it would be really weird to do so in my country

>> No.7095278


No because service charge is included in Australia

I only tip if service is really really exceptional

>> No.7095286

I tip 10% most of the time cuz my service always fucking sucks

also obligatory

>> No.7095282

You tip to guarantee great, above-and-beyond future service, and to show appreciation for service that exceeded what was required.

If you aren't getting that kind of service, get a new hairdresser/tailor.

>> No.7095296


>> No.7095299

in america do youtip everyone for everything or just for certain things

like what kinds of things are tipping things

can I have a bit of a list

>> No.7095309

uh, lets see.

food, both in restaraunt and delivery

I'm sure I'm missing a lot

>> No.7095306

barber/hair stylist usually around 2 to 3 bucks.
waiters/waitresses usually whatever the percentage is idk.
certain staff at hotels, luggage people, bell hops or whatever a couple bucks

>> No.7095307

>tip based job

rofl americans are so fucking stupid

"ohhhhhhh i cant survive without tips i only get payed 2$ an hour"

your employer is legally forced to pay you minimum wage if your tips dont pay up to it you stupid bitch, you get payed as much as the bussers, the dishwashers, the cooks, whether i tip you or not, shut the fuck up

>> No.7095308

Always tip restraint servers, beyond that only tip if the dude is black.

>> No.7095313

>white guilt at its finest

>> No.7095315

Something like over 40% of all food service employees get paid under the table, even front of house employees. For some waitresses if they don't get tips they don't get paid, period.

>> No.7095316

why would you not tip

honestly it doesn't even matter how much money they make when someone's job involves doing something for you personally you tip them

what does their salary even have to do with anything?

>> No.7095321

do u tip the casheirs at walmart? ur bus driver? lmfao

>> No.7095326

that would be awkward here, we dont have bills below 5, and I dont want to give all the staff at the hotel I interact with a fiver

but any other stuff?

why black

Only things you really tip for here is delivered food and restaurants

there's no guidelines though, I generally just let them keep the extra

like if a pizza is 30 I'll just give 40, or if I spend 68 or something at a restaurant I'll just leave a hundred

>> No.7095328

Why the fuck do Americans tip? It's their fucking job! Also, minimum wage policies are fucking retarded as well. Fucking Americans.

>> No.7095331

I've heard that you tip at bars? How does that work? Say you have ten drinks, do you end up paying for fifteen?

>> No.7095335

those are completely different things and you know it

idk i guess it just depends on ur upbringing so there's not much point arguing

>> No.7095336

yeah the whole concept of tips is fucking retarded, u have a nice cushy job all u have to fucking do is write down what i order on a notepad and wring it thru a machine, meanwhile some poor fucker has to scrub the toilets every night, i dont tip him why the fuck would i tip u u greedy bitch?

>> No.7095339

oh yeah I forgot that one.

I think the guideline is tip a dollar per drink.

>> No.7095347

I feel like that should be the logic if you had a choice on whether or not you can accept their service. Kind of like valet. Youre kind of forced into being served by a server.

>> No.7095344

i tip for services and restaurants. the restaurants i go to, i am a regular. the only service i pay for is a haircut done by the same person for years so why the hell not tip.

>> No.7095348

Always tip your barista unless it's like a Starbucks or something, fuck them.

>> No.7095349

Even in clubs? What if you dont? This shit fascinates me

>> No.7095355

if you don't when you go back there next time, you'll probably get shit service.

>> No.7095356

I only get small black coffee or a cherry Italian soda.

>> No.7095357

if you don't want someone to serve you food don't go to a goddamn restaurant

the tip is what you pay for having someone bring your fucking food to you

>> No.7095359


How is that the customer's problem? The person knew the conditions before he accepted the job. It's absolutely morally grotesque to make that a claim on third parties who should somehow be punished for someone else's decisions. If the job is too hard or too "ugly", do something else!

>> No.7095366

Shit service like how?

>> No.7095369

how do you do that like pay for your drink and then give money to the person that gives it to you after?

>> No.7095370

the dude scubbing toilets gets paid 10.25

the bitch serving my food gets paid 10.25

why should she deserve more than that? im not fucking tipping her

>> No.7095371

Tipping is fucking dumb, why don't they just charge more.

>> No.7095379

because you aren't a socially retarded asshole (oh wait)
not tipping is such a fedora move it's not even funny

>> No.7095393

but i dont ask them to do that, thats just the way its done. i eat there cause thats the only place they serve the dish i want

>> No.7095394

they have to make your Italian soda, and if it's a good place they make your coffee too.

>> No.7095395


You don't "deserve" any amount of money. There's no "fair" price for anything because it's impossible to calculate. What's the "fair" price of a loaf of bread? It's impossible to say. You negotiate before you get the job, and if you agree, you accept it. Don't accept it and then start whining and transfer your bad decisions to people who did not take part in them. If you want to tip, tip, but don't force others to do it as well.

>> No.7095400

lol oh no, she took 2 seconds longer to open my beer and walk two steps!

never tip a bartender if you're ordering a beer

>> No.7095401

>implying those greedy bastards dont have that fucking tip line when I get carry out and pay with my card

>> No.7095402

haha are you even serious?
think this through again

>> No.7095398

Nothing terrible. They aren't going to spit on your drink or anything.

But if it's busy, they will probably avoid you and serve you last in the group of people.

>> No.7095406

i dont give a fuck whether i piss off some stranger im never seeing again who thinks shes entitled to my OPTIONAL tips

i piss off some complete cunt (servers are cunts 100% of the time if uve ever worked with one u will know this) and i get to keep an extra 5$

its a win win

>> No.7095409

>obligatory tipping
oh americans

>> No.7095417

the restaraunt pays them to bring the food to me

the government pays for construction workers to fix the roads

fedex pays the fedex guy to bring me my parcels

im not tipping any of them

>> No.7095413

There are oodles of restaurants who choose to pay their servers. No-tipping is a policy in many 5-star restaurants who can afford to pay a living wage but also lower-end chains like Noodles and Company.

Restaurant tip culture places the economic burden of employment on the consumer rather than the employer, what other industry is like that?

>> No.7095422

did you not read what i wrote? or are you replying to the wrong person

>> No.7095419



I'm not American. What happens if you don't ever tip? Do you get a fine or something?

>> No.7095421

If you have to rely on a tip to get more money, then you should consider getting a better job.

I have never tipped, and I never will in my life.

I once saw that I was overcharged for eating at a diner one time. I called the diner and it turns out that the woman had written down an amount to tip that I never did. It was my fault of course because I had forgotten to draw a line through the space like I normally do. Anyway, I showed up the next day after finding out to make sure that they gave me the money that the woman had written down as a tip back and she was fired right in front of me. She cried and begged because she had kids apparently.

I didn't feel anything.

It was 5.00 she wrote down.

>> No.7095423

just stuff a dollar or some change into the tip jar, that's what it's there for.

>> No.7095430
File: 68 KB, 214x226, 1379025233228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok congratulations i guess?
what are you arguing about if you already don't have to tip man
does it upset you when other people tip their servers or something

>yfw my family gives our fedex guy money on holidays

>> No.7095428


I started replying to you, but then I just went on to reply to everyone.

>> No.7095431


But why? It's his job.

>> No.7095433

oh ok i always do that just because i don't like carrying change lol

>> No.7095434

dude this is a discussion about whether u tip or not

and ur getting mad at me for discussing?

lol? dumbass

>> No.7095440


I agree with Trunks, tipping is bullshit. Why should we be guilted into supplementing their wages because the system is flawed? And why only certain services? Why does a waitress deserve more pay than a cashier simply for doing her job?

I tip but its only to keep up appearances, there's a big stigma with the idiot masses about people who don't tip so if I'm with my brain dead friends I do it. Its honestly sickening hearing waitresses speak, they're so entitled. Anyone who has a friend that does this knows it to be true.

>> No.7095437


He's arguing about the notion that it's somehow your duty to tip.

>> No.7095448

I'm an ausfag, but I was in american for a holiday last week. I've seen youtube videos of people in restaurants having the cops called on them for not tipping, because a gratuity was compulsory or something.

That's probably bullshit though. Generally it's customary to tip 10-15% to waitstaff because they earn such low wages. Not tipping is highly frowned upon, but I don't think it warrants a fine. If I were back in America, I would only not tip if the service was absolutely shit

>> No.7095449



How is that funny? It's a simple question.

>> No.7095451

Scrubbing toilets? Why would I give a shit about that, cleaning is fucking easy. Servers are on their feet all day, constantly moving and carrying shit in and out of the dining area, juggling tasks and information while maintaining a certain level of their presentation of themselves. Not showing fatigue is important because otherwise people will think you're lazy and not tip you.

>> No.7095453

Its a really stupid question.

How exactly do you think johnny law would find out someone never tipped?

>> No.7095456

in some restaurants the tip is included in your bill, so presumably the people were refusing to pay all of their bill

>> No.7095461

>implying any fucking body wouldn't rather do all that than scrub someone else's shit and puke off the toilets

Go suck a lemon, there are plenty of more difficult jobs than serving that pay less and don't warrant tipping.

>> No.7095462

ok so the issue is that you feel compelled to tip even though you don't?
is this really that big of an issue for you?

also guilt has nothing to do with it, i want to tip my servers

>> No.7095458

in some restaraunts a tip is added onto the bill so yeah not paying it would be illegal technically. unless they didnt tellyou before the meal or something. but most places, nothing, ppl will give u dirty looks

>> No.7095459


So Justin Bieber gets paid more than some coal miner, so what?

>> No.7095472


It's not a stupid question. American laws get more retarded and restrictive every day. It's not hard for a woman to convince a court that she got raped even if she didn't.

>> No.7095473

If you want to tip than good for you, but have you ever thought about the fact that you only tip people who you've been told deserve tips?

Its an issue because most people look down on people who don't tip, like you do, and get all morally superior about it. You assume its something completely personal but its a principle more than anything.

>> No.7095475

What does the difficulty of the job have to do with anything?

>> No.7095484

wah i have to smile a lot and bring you food
i deserve muh tips cause without them i dont make 30 dollars an hour

>> No.7095477

servers have the easiest fucking job oh my god

life of a server

1. bitch at kitchen for not working fast enough
2. read their book
3. whine at the manager to try to convince them to let them go home
4. bitch about customers
5. make fun of customers accents
6. bitch about their boyfriends
7. try to make the kitchen give them snacks
8. take hour long breaks
9. text
10. spend all day crying and eating ice cream because they fucked their boyfriend and theyre christian and were supposed to wait until mairrage
11. try to convince bussers to do their jobs for them
12. search for more people to bitch at
13. go over to the bar and get drunk and then be hungover the next day and call in sick
14. fuck up orders
15. act like its someone elses fault that they fucked up orders
16. drop shit on the ground and make the dishwasher clean it up
17. ect

servers are the scum of the earth

>> No.7095479

lmao stupid americans
having the customers pay more than they need to because the employers are too jew to pay them minimum wage
also i guess while i'm at it
>2013 or in fact any time in any place
>using the imperial measurement system

>> No.7095482

to be clear i've never met someone in real life who doesn't tip (presumably they don't get out much) so it seems like a really strange idea confined to steve buscemi and 4chan

>> No.7095485

Come on it was kinda stupid, man

>> No.7095493

if it was actually a hard job i might choose to tip them

servers are the laziest bitchiest cunts in the world tho, fuck them

>> No.7095492

There's the stigma.

Fucking drones man, right on cue.

Must. Adhere. To. Status. Quo.

>> No.7095497


>> No.7095494


I just explained why it isn't.

>> No.7095499

i'm actually laughing out loud imagining someone typing this post out

>> No.7095506

this makes me wonder how big the correlation between mens rights activists and people who don't tip is

can people itt who don't tip confirm?

>> No.7095518


>hair stylist

sux 2 b living in a backward ass obesity ridden country

in new zealand hairdressers make about 20 dollars per hour per hour plus commission

per hour is give or take depending on how posh the salon is but usually no less than 17 even as a salon assistant

>> No.7095516

Almost everyone tips, but anyone who doesn't think its nonsense that its basically become obligatory just hasn't put any real thought into it.

There are plenty of people who see that its flawed but we usually reserve saying it aloud to other people who might also see this, because the majority of people will immediately react with

>cheap fuck

instead of giving it a moments thought. As is obvious in this thread.

>> No.7095522

Its not really a good comparison, I highly doubt there will be a correlation.

>> No.7095528 [DELETED] 


I don't know what "men rights" are supposed to be.

>> No.7095529

I tip pretty good. I usually throw an extra $10-20 for my haircut because ive been going to the same lady for years and she always does a good job. I generally tip 20-30% on meals. If I found a great tailor I would tip him as well. I work for tips as a valet, so maybe that's why.

>> No.7095530

i bet it would be higher than you think
both of them are commonly held viewpoints on reddit (this isn't an insult they actually are)

>> No.7095539


Would you get your son gifts and money for every B+ he gets in school?

>> No.7095544

Ok so if a server doesn't make minimum wage with tips for the day, then they're paid minimum wage by her employer.

If they're making over minimum wage with tips, then they're paid a lot less per hour.

Therefore, if i don't tip, there's no real loss for them, so I never tip

>> No.7095550


that shouldn't be your motivation. it's a matter rights and principles. what happens to them should be a marginal issue or just not considered at all.

>> No.7095552

No, and I don't really see the comparison. I'm not constantly rating the people around me, I just like to be nice when I go out.

>> No.7095553

If there wasn't a tipping system the menu price of your food would be ~15% more. So the only difference would be cheap fucks like you couldn't get away with paying less than everyone else anymore.

>> No.7095558


The comparison is that you're rewarding people for doing what they're supposed to do, even if they're doing a "good job", which is what you should at least expect from them anyway.

>> No.7095559

I'm not from a faggy land where tipping is compulsory, but I do hope tipping is taxed just like other income. If not then it's even dumber

>> No.7095566

i get to pay less than everyone else

i dont realy care if u bitch at me for it, if dumb cunts like u let me pay less for my meals because of ur stupid social stigmas, awesome, more $$$ for me :)

>> No.7095567

If everyone in america stopped tipping tomorrow the system would have to change so that everyone is making a decent wage, since the consumer wouldn't be supplementing it.

Since everyone continues to tip, employers can continue to get away with paying them almost nothing. If you keep supporting an unjust system it will never be fixed.

This is what we call a PRINCIPLE. Choosing not to do something we are told we should do simply because we see thst its unfair. In the current scenario as it applies to waitresses and the like the waitresses lose, the customers lose, and the employer gains. One party ends up exploiting the rest.

There is nothing wrong with tipping if you feel someone deserved a little extra, but it shouldn't be made to feel like an obligation, as it currently does.

>> No.7095571

ur really dumb m8

servers get paid at least minimum wage no matter what theyre tipped

its the law

>> No.7095573


Then less and less people would eat there and eventually they would go out of business. And no, the "only difference" is that charging more is morally right, while expecting a tip as a duty isn't.

>> No.7095574

that's fine with me man
you keep right on being a cheap fuck and i'll keep right on thinking that you are one
that's the end of the argument i guess

>> No.7095580

u keep being a pussy

and ill keep makin gwop

thats the end bitchhhhhh

>> No.7095583

Who cares if they deserve it or not. Being a poor, cheap, Jewish fuck is not /fa/. Period.

>> No.7095588

youll be the pooor one if u keep wasting ur cash on tips like a beta bitch :)

>> No.7095593

i could tip 100% everywhere i went and still have more money than you ever will bb

>> No.7095596

i tip 10 percent
less if i don't like you
never more
if i feel a person did nothing to deserve it, then i also don't tip

>> No.7095614


what would you consider 'deserving it'? what could she do to deserve it? smile a lot? the only thing i could see someone as 'deserving' a tip is if they were giving away stuff or having big tits.

>> No.7095628

In what places are you expected to tip in America? When I was over there, I had to keep asking my friends who lived there whether I had to tip or not.

>> No.7095633

i tip 10 percent automatically
if i'm at a busy bar and i'm just waiting for a person to hand me a beer, i wouldn't consider that worthy of a tip, a vending machine would have been more convenient

>> No.7095678

Retail cashiers have to do that all and they don't get tipped.

>> No.7095698

And you could still tip
1. There are no-tip restaurants that stay in bushiness, Noodles and Co. is one. 2. We're talking about changing the system to make it illegal to pay someone $2 an hour

>> No.7095969

tipping hairdressers is a common thing over here but tipping a tailor would be awkward

>> No.7095999

I tip my hairdresser if I go to a completely new one, say if I'm away on vacation, and they do a good job.
My tailor knows me, usually fixes my stuff up cheaper than other customers.

>> No.7096019

i never tip because i'm just 19 years old.
feels good

>> No.7096020

this is a myth

tipped employyees make roughly 9/hr+tips

alot of employees perpetuate this in order to get more tips

being taxed on $9/hour and taking home $30-40/hr is pretty good living if you have never been to college

>> No.7096028

haggle barber

>> No.7096038

No, because in swizerland waitrsses get paid at least 60'000, which is more than my poor ass

>> No.7096071

my country doesn't tip because tipping is a retarded system

>> No.7096098
File: 90 KB, 493x750, tumblr_mlxxu9UkJQ1ronlkfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol try the luxury service game brah

9/hour si what
average 150-300 a day

serving royaly? dinner with east-asian oil tycoon family, they lov u

EXTRA tip from dubai oil tycoon fam

denmark royalty meh

thailand princess staff tips aight

get chosen for handsome butler crew for sultan, few days, split $10,000 5 ways

instagram-rich-kids, free booze and some here and there

generally well informed old money man, CEOs, once in a blue moon actor/actress, artist

>> No.7096100

it's £50 already so i'm not going to tip

>> No.7096664

Uh, no they don't. If they're tipped over a certain amount each month, they get 2.13 an hour. They have a different minimum wage

>> No.7096675

read the laws fuckhead

if their tips come out to less than minimum wage their employer has to pay the difference

>> No.7096771

they wouldn't go out of business, just make less profit and pay themselves less niceties because they actually have to pay their employees

>> No.7096861

Don't most European restaurants include a service charge? How is that different from mandatory tipping?

>> No.7097323

This might sound stupid but is this trunk tripfag supposed to ironic or funny (in general not exclusive to this thread) or is he actually for real?

>> No.7097370

tipping for anything apart from meals isn't really the done thing here. usually i'll only tip if i particularly like the waiter or the food was particularly good (a lot of the places i've been at everyone including the kitchen staff share the tips). seems a bit hypocritical, but there you go

>> No.7097378

They don't. It's common courtesy but not mandatory, and not too frowned upon if you don't tip.

>> No.7097391


>> No.7097397

I'm in the UK and I don't too unless the service is great. We have a national minimum wage that is the same regardless of job. Why should I tip a waiter and not tip a sales assistant on the same wage.

I think tipping is a really American thing. Also I wouldn't tip my hairdresser because I pay him £30 for an hours work. That's triple what I'm on an hour.

My tailors I don't tip either because all the staff are immigrants, most likely illegal and the whole business is a front for money laundering.

>> No.7097421


>> No.7097420

why does your hairdresser take an hour to cut your hair

>> No.7097937

because £30 is a lot to pay for a haircut

>> No.7097950

LOL fucking cheap ass restaraunts" IF you cant afford paying our staffs wages!!! then you cant come!!!!!!"

>> No.7097970

Yes, 20%. If the job is divided it goes like 5% to the girl who washes, 10% to the girl who colours or cuts, 5% to the person who blow dries.
For a manicure or brows at a cheap divey place, like 15%, for a facial or waxing or something about 20%
No, because my tailor is my mother.

>> No.7097991

I usually tip my barber/waiter, because I use to wait tables when I was 16(worst time of life). Now am wondering, if Im also suppose to tip my tailor. I never knew, I always just go In to get my Raw jawnz tailored

>> No.7098029

i almost never tip


>> No.7098049

it's not the resturants/business owners saying that.

it's the teenage kids who want to sit around and get more free money on tumblr

a tip, is a gratuity in exchange for above par service

not the norm

you should not be tipped if your boyfriend is texting you while taking my order, so you fucked my order up.

>> No.7098077

I worked as a server for years and I understand what a horrible, thankless job that is, so I always tip. Unless the service is absolutely terrible.

I tip hairdressers 5 bucks or so, I don't have a tailor.

>> No.7098104

lots of cheap fucks worried about saving 5 or 10 dollars when they go out to eat. i hope u know that anyone who doesnt tip gets shit on behind the scenes by the employees and often times management. Usually i personally just give the bare minimum since they dont want to pay for anything above that. if you want refills, a new drink, something isnt prepared properly for you and u wanted to send it back i suggest you tip. otherwise i just forget about you and go help someone i know i will receive compensation for my time from.

>> No.7098108

my friend always makes sure to tip the waitress when shes hot.

its totally pointless and desperate not to mentions hallow

>> No.7098115

Oh wow you refuse to do your job because you don't get extra money??

>> No.7098147

yup for someone who wont tip, why wouldnt i?

>> No.7098148

This is False Consciousness, your management is turning you against the customers (other Proles) when really your situation is 100% the fault of the management.

>> No.7098155

You're supposed to tip them also. Even your butcher.

>> No.7098157

maybe if i worked in a place where all of the management made decisions together. but what is common in most places is either the GM makes changes or a board of directors will, not some PM shift supervision manager... this isnt 1984 the book bud

>> No.7098173

to have some pride in yourself and your job performance?

>> No.7098184

you don't seem like a very intelligent person, so my suggestion of "don't like it go to college" won't fit your specific needs as you will most likely fail at it.

if you don't like your wage, (not the customer's fault, your employers fault) why don't you just start your own business?

selling 'we hate non tippers" pins for low end waitresses, and min wage workers

you are not supposed to live on minimum wage, it actually is there and low to motivate you to be a contributing member of society

nobody treats you with respect, because you bring people drinks and food while others are out saving lives, or changing the world

>> No.7098188

now they definitaly wont tip, how do you know they wont tip? like regulars

>> No.7098214

changing the world like u huh sieg?? If you claim yourself as a productive member of society id rather not be a member of said society

>> No.7098243

i never said i was a productive member of society
i was never invited to particupate in said society

i just got lucky and have enough respurces to live by doing nothing but slothing

>> No.7098247

at least they get more respect then a fat fuck like you

>> No.7098258

so basically you projected everything you felt about yourself onto others?