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/fa/ - Fashion

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7092637 No.7092637[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you develop personal style effay?

>> No.7092688
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Amazing question man. This is actually the only reason I visit /fa/. I have always had a hard time breaking fashion "fopas" and have always longed to be fashionable but was born into poverty and even though I work 50+ hours a week I cant hardly afford new clothes. So instead of just bending over and buying all of the new Raf and Rick stuff that comes out I use /fa/ to help me design my own style and still look good doing it. If you are still interested I will delve more into what I am talking about.
Pic unrelated.

>> No.7092709

Would like to see outfits made

>> No.7092718

Go ahead! I'm interested in hearing, similar situation for me, I find so many different styles interesting enough to wear but don't want to come off as somebody wearing costumes/a trend hopper so made me wonder what others do.

>> No.7092726

HAHAHAHA did you mean "faux pas"??

>> No.7092736

Sure. English isnt my first language so cut me some slack.

>> No.7092747

isn't it a french phrase anyway

>> No.7092749

>if he's not english he must be french

>> No.7092751
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PERFECT! I am so happy you said "somebody wearing a costume" because that is where you have to start. I found that having confidence is the biggest key in looking effay. Sure not wearing dirty disgusting cloths will HELP aswell but tthere are people who make the Heroin schik work.
As for styles you find interesting just go for it. I shop at a lot of second hand places ( ohmuhgod pleab I know) and if I see a certian style of clothing that I like I just cop it because I like it not necessarily because its effay. What I ended up doing was after accumulating enough clothes that I liked I started to work around them. For example I had this one sweater that I really loved but it looked awful with everything in my wardrobe so I asked a few question on /fa/ and found a good pair of pants to go with it and a nice under shirt and now it looks fantastic!

>> No.7092757

>tell me how to be myself
you will know in time

>> No.7092770

I have this jacket lol

>> No.7092772

>English isnt my first language so cut me some slack.
>the mistake you made wasn't even in English

is that enough greentext for you to get it?

>> No.7092774
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This aswell. Not a lot of what I can tell you on here will be displayed more clearly then this. When you say " [I] dont want to come off as somebody waring a costumes] that is your first mistake. You need to have confidence in yourself and what you are wearing and do not view it as a "costume" or a get up. View it as something you are wearing because you like how it makes you look and you think it looks good.

>> No.7092778
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Interested in selling it? I have been looking for one like it fro sooooo long.

>> No.7092783

Developing style is something that i've been trying to do. What has helped me is browsing websites and looking at people whose styles i admire.

shoes are the most important thing in developing style.they pretty much set the tone for your outfit. so i would encourage you to first find shoes/boots that you like, and then build your wardrobe based on your footwear.

i, for example, when dressing myself, keep in mind what shoes i will be wearing. i never dress myself then decide what shoes i will wear.

e.g. if i'm going to be wearing rugged boots for wet weather, i will wear heavy dark denim with a thicker jacket.

i would not wear flimsy jeans with a light shirt when wearing "rugged boots" because, for me, boots and rest of my outfit would clash.

Honestly, the biggest words of advice I would have for anyone seeking to develop his style is observing how others dress and the styles found in magazines and other fashion outlets.

One final note that i would add is that good fit and taste are assumed.

>> No.7092789

If you stick around for long enough I will go take some pictures. I cant right now because I am not at home.

>> No.7092791

I just took a good look at my lifestyle and made my clothes fit it. I'm an upper-middle-class white guy, so naturally prepwear fits my environment better than streetwear.
I use /fa/ to learn useful fashion jargon, learn about brands and designers, and get inspo.
Just think what makes the most sense for you to wear, learn from /fa/ how to wear it, and you'll have a style.

>> No.7092796
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I really like this. I admire what you have just said. /fa/ needs more YOU. Keep on posting the good posts. Thanks man.

>> No.7092804

how do you develop personal style? stay the hell away from /fa/.

>> No.7092805


>> No.7092809

anyone with a half decent eye (which you can develop with training, just be thinking about other peoples clothes constantly) can clothe themselves with stuff from charity shops and look /fa

>> No.7092814
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This is false. Do not listen to this guy. What I think he ment to say was that /fa/ is full of pretentious Rick worship but the amount of inspo that one can get from here alone is amazing.

>> No.7092827

Just wear what you think looks neat. I just looked at a bunch of styles from images here on /fa/, fashion blogs, movies, etc. and would wear things I discovered that I thought looked good. I also have to wok within the means of my body type though. After you've been exposed to that stuff, you start to know what works together, what colors go with what, etc. and it's easy to find things that fit your style.

>> No.7092831

but the amount of inspo that one can get from here about dick ovens alone is amazing

>> No.7092835
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Just wear stuff you like
Its that easy

>> No.7092838

not the one you responded to, but intrested

>> No.7092839
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Hahah I do have to agree. At times though it seems like 98% of /fa/ is either Ricky or die.

>> No.7092845

the thing is that he can't pinpoint what he likes yet. that's why he needs to pay attention to others and form some taste first.

>> No.7092851
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As much as I agree with you I dont at the same time. People who wear fedoras like them and are the farthest thing from /fa/ possible. Just wearing clothes one likes takes a lot of work to make it /fa/.

>> No.7092850


>> No.7092868

By this frame of reasoning, north face jacket + jeans + sneakers are the epitome of personal style.

Wear what you like, but keep taste in mind.

>> No.7092876

If you want an actual awnser OP then i'd say
Lurk a lot and look at a lot of diff styles
Learn what colours work and what doesn't
Learn about proportions and how to make yours work
Then when you see something that catches your eye for one reason or another then factor in all the above and see if you could put it in a fit
Soon you'll know what you like and why you like it
Have fun

>> No.7092897
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You post under the ID Yawn. Is there any reason for that? I havnt been here for very long but I have only seen very few good "trips" as I think everyone calls them, and so far I have only seen good and constructive posts from yourself.

>> No.7092911

What do you guys feel about using multiple styles?

I have some tech fits, sometimes I wear more goof style, and sometimes I wear a flannel with chinos and boots. I think the fit different environments or moods of mine. While I would love sticking to one aesthetic, I am having fun and I still feel like they all fit me.

>> No.7092921

I'm tired 24/7 'cause of my job and college
(Chef + training to be an even better chef)
I'm glad you like my posts m8
I'll post some new fits soon
Broke atm tho lol

>> No.7092927

staying with one style is pleb

>> No.7092929

are you going to school to be a chef?

>> No.7092934
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I'm a level 2 professional chef atm
Aiming for level 3
I go to a p.sick college , not gonna name it but it's one of the best in the world
Shits intense but im doing aight
>random fruit tart i made ages ago

>> No.7092951

I don't care for multiple styles.
I think it looks like you're playing dress up, or you are indecisive in nature.

imagine a guy coming dressed completely different each day.

Sunday: lounge-wear
Monday: lumberjack
Tuesday: techwear
Wednesday: clean cut classic ivy
Thursday: techwear
Friday: goofninja
Saturday: classic american man

it makes you look as if you're chasing trends and perhaps too eager when it comes to dressing up--in the bad way, not a good way.

>> No.7092972
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What about a mix of dadcore and streetwear, that's what I do mostly

>> No.7093006

Yeah I know what you mean, but I feel like most my fits are pretty subtle or basic so they too extreme from each other.

How is the money? Does that mean you are really skilled? I want to own a burger restaurant but suck at making food.

>> No.7092997

I'm a chef and I've developed my own personal style that every knows. I'm almost always in my chef uniform, but when I'm not I'm unique.

White undershirt with an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt over it. Black steel wristwatch and a bike-chain bracelet with my name engraved on it. Hair in its own unique style, sometimes wearing a leather Stetson cowboy hat. Lucky brand jeans, brown leather belt, and flip flops. Usually brown leather flip flops.

I made it just by wearing different things I like.

>> No.7093026


this is how women dress.

>> No.7093039
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It's you

>> No.7093045

Level 3 is a p.rare and hard qualification to get but once I get it i'll b 1 step ahead of every1 else
Only like 5 colleges or something offer it in the UK
Money is aight depending on where u work
I get like £8 an hour cause i run the kitchen for this food stall at concerts and festivals
Mainly do it cuz its fun plus free entry and food + can work buzzin/drunk
Looong hours tho
When you get into proper places u can earn a ton of cash but i have to work 12 hours minimum
Hard work but rewarding

>> No.7093046


Not yawn but other chef

Here's a tip: Don't open your own restaurant

Bad idea right now. But running one or owning an already-built restaurant is good. Money is gud too. I'm not much for restaurants, I'm more into catering. And catering money is fucking ridiculous it's like Scrooge McDuck's money vault.

>> No.7093058


Oh fuck Guy Tierri I fucking hate him

No, my hair is nothing like that.

>> No.7093076


graphic designer-core

>> No.7093103

I was thinking of somewhat copying another restaurants idea and making a very simple burger menu. Basically fast food but a little nicer, maybe I could incorporate a way to sell weed there too because it is now legal in my state.

Anyways, just an idea at the moment. Maybe I will look at franchises or something more stable.

Why is catering so good? Is it because it doesn't cost much to run it and you always get larger orders?

>> No.7093117


No, catering can cost a lot to run it. But for catering you usually charge a set price. Like, I charge $20 per person that will be there, for example.

I was doing a party with finger-food for 140 people. That totals to $2800. I spent about $150 on the food. The rest went in my pocket.

Of course, I only do food at the moment. Caterers that do decorations and such charge more for the decorations and whatnot.

>> No.7093116

do a happy meal where you get a blunt instead of a toy

>> No.7093126

weed is still illegal on the federal level and people have been arrested for it. so still be careful with the weed.

>> No.7093123

Developing personal style is a mixture of design and self understanding.

Understand the principles of design (dominance, similarity, rhythm, texture, direction and contrast). Then you must understand yourself, how you move, how you act and your context before you can design for those things.

There are no rules to understanding yourself, that part is up to your intelligence and awareness, hence why there are many fuccbois and few with actual style sense. Fuccbois either have no smarts or no personality, so they steal other peoples'.

Just like with any other field of design, there are trends and there are unerring principles. Inspiration will only take you so far and it's easy to overdose on it (it's addictive because it's easy and instantly gratifying), hindering any progress you make in developing your style. Limit your use of inspiration sources.

Not many know themselves and it's hard to know when you finally do. I don't know if I do. Do you? If not, do you know what it means to know yourself?

Fashion is harder than most other art forms because the elements you're using are less granular, i.e. with paint as your medium, you have thousands of strokes to express with, each with their own nuances, in fashion you have 7~15 elements you can use for effect, and each one can be hard to obtain (cost, limited choice).

Understand yourself (the why), understand design (the how) and you're set. Don't design for who you want to be (it never works), design for who you are.

The problem with things like this is that if you need to be taught this, you're unlikely to be capable of learning it. Self understanding is really an innate ability, not really attainable via an intellectual process.

>> No.7093132

Parents just opened up their own catering business
They don't know much atm tho so its kinda lagging
but once i can concentrate on it hopefully it'll b as good as urs

>> No.7093152

put weed in the food. it'll make the customers hungry again and you'll clean up

>> No.7093161

haha nice

Awesome, so do you run your own business then? How many people do you need to operate?

Good point, still not sure how things will work out but people will be selling weed in stores soon and there are already a ton of medical places.

>> No.7093211

Should I listen to people who say, you are too short to pull of X, or you don't have the face to pull of Y?

I think there is some valid criticism but maybe it is more personal than that?

>> No.7093388


I sort of do. See, I'm a teaching assistant at a culinary school. When I do a catering event that requires servers and such, I just hire some of the students. I usually can do all the cooking myself though.

To give you another idea of the money in catering... I catered an event once. Just food. It was a $300 ticket dinner. I paid my servers $15 an hour.

>> No.7093520

no guy does this. Best way to do multiple styles is to use subtle parts of each style. Just basic pieces that mix well together.

>> No.7093541

personal style is hard to get. It takes a lot of knowledge of what looks good on you and how clothing should fit. This takes a shitload of trial and error.

>> No.7093572

/fa/ is fine and you can learn a lot here, just take everything with a grain of salt. Realize that /fa/ likes a certain style and many people on here a beginners. Its easier to follow a style when starting to dress better. Along the way you learn what looks good on you and what doesn't.

>> No.7093568

Colors: what makes me feel comfortable and defensive - black , grey , autumnal colors (burgundy, forest green)
Silhouettes: what to me expresses that same defense. I like oversized fits, big jackets with slim fit basics.
Think of the Pokemon cloister, think of a hard outer shell with a soft inner. That to me is what I want.
For accessories I stick to Christian imagery because I am a Christian. I wear a gold chain with a gold cross.
I like creepers a lot for shoes. They are so imposing and dominant, perfect for stomping demons during the apocalypse lol.

Crusader chich

>> No.7093578
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That was supposed to be chich lol
But yes my style if it were to be pigeonholed would be pretty close to why tisci was doing in fw 2008

>> No.7093596
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And yes that includes the rhythms of a Latin lover <3

>> No.7093597


Interesting to hear how your personal theology plays into your style.

If you ever lost religion would you relinquish the cross?

I also like the feeling of big boots, but I characterize them as crushing boundaries, which is sort of a Hindu reference - crushing the obstacles that stand in our way.

>> No.7093624

By dressing however you like. I tuck my pants into my socks, it's just something I do to be different.

>> No.7093658
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I stopped believing in God a long time ago, but I think aesthetically and spiritually I will never escape the Christian Mindset. I had a friend and we used to talk about this for hours. We felt like we were forever destined to search for god or at least the idea of god. And it's not like we are chained or anything, we WANT this.

I will always be a Christian. I will always have that want to be showered by the light of the messiah. I look for this kind of beauty everywhere in the world, especially on women and womenswear.
I don't like talking about this in real life however because I feel the immediate reaction would be to call me a liar and someone who falsely claims a religion. I don't think that's the case at all an is rather not get into it.

Also I like hearing your perspective on heavy footwear. I have little to no roots in any kind of eastern religions so its hard for me to immediately gravitate towards that kind of reference. Do you see what I mean about me always being Christian?

>> No.7093710
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I'm agnostic but I see the inherent value in religion as a community. It took me a long time to see it but now I am mature enough to understand that some people need that. So in that sense I don't begrudge you your religion. Even if you've long since relinquished the practice of addressing a personal God, you can still live in the ethos that Christ espoused, or find his words (such as they have been transcribed and translated) beautiful and meaningful.

I find Lao-Tzu to be more aligned with my philosophy but I don't practice tai-chi or chi-gong or any of the other rituals of Taoism, nor is it my background (I'm 100% caucasian).

>> No.7093756

buy what you like and what functions for you and stop thinking about it so god damn much

>> No.7093784

Are you the real natalie portman

>> No.7093792
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Yes I am. Right now I'm at lunch with my son Aleph(I named him after my fave video game: shin Megami tensei). I'm at some Italian place

>> No.7093814

Yes, there are physical limitations you can't overcome with any amount of design.

You're free to interpret what they say but don't try and kid yourself. Style comes with knowing what you can achieve.

>> No.7094199

Nice taste in vidya nat, too bad you are a fat cunt though.