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/fa/ - Fashion

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7088992 No.7088992 [Reply] [Original]

hey /fa/, /fit/ here. how does it feel that we have 10 times as much sex as you guys do?

>> No.7088996

10 times 0 is still 0

>> No.7089005
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irgeda the

>> No.7089007

wow cool you can sleep with 100 slutty ugly women and catch aids and die. wow heres an award.

im saving myself for a qt virgin japansese girl who will love me for me, not my superficial steroid laced muscles.

quality over quantity.
now go back to /fit/

>> No.7089026

/fit/ is homoerotic steroid using skinnyfat/obese manlet mediocrities with bodies inferior to mine

but yeah collectively as a board they might get laid more

>> No.7089024

>im saving myself for a qt virgin japansese girl
shes gonna go batshit crazy bro, just be prepared

>> No.7089039


starfucks you talk about chicks you bang all the time

are they actually top-tier or what

>> No.7089044

epik :)

>> No.7089050

I have a STRONG feeling that if you picked a random from /fa/ and a random from /fit/, the /fa/ will have slept with more women.

Personally, I'm /fit/ and /fa/, but not really up to /fa/'s standard.

I've slept with 2 women in the past 3 months.

>> No.7089055


that is the most /a/ thing I've ever read on this board.

>> No.7089061

>go on /fit/
>its people complaining about being ugly and posting feel threads

your muscles will not save you from your insecurities >:D

>> No.7089068

post fit faggot

>> No.7089095
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>> No.7089101

lol @ people claiming they post on fit like its an accomplishment, if u actually looked good u would post a collage of your body pics with ignorant writing all over it instead of saying: fitizen here, nerd

>> No.7089122

why would u fuckn say that now every retard from fit who posts here is going to spam pics of their huge fat """""""""bulking"""""""""" bodies

>> No.7089118

people really do wait for that though.
they'll never find it, and just grow more and more frustrated, but they'll refuse to have realistic expectations.

i'll never forget the /adv/ thread that went "is it possible to be a stay at home dad if my wife if japanese? also where to find japansese virgins in america? is ok cupid good?"

>> No.7089128

you first.

>> No.7089156

i know a virgin irl, or used to know

she's 6'3"
25 years old
socially awkward
tap dances
anime obsessed
acne time to time

weird as fuck, constantly bitching about studnet loan debt

keeps talking about working for pixar one day, after getting a lame ass media arts degree from a 5th rate college.

only jobs she's held are at a fucking trampoline park, halloween popup store, and teaching kids (poorly) ballet

weaboo to the core, keeps bitching about how expensive kingdom hearts figures are, but keeps buying them

and bitches about how no guys will date her.
and is hella attention whore like.
she'll pester you and shit until you respond
then once she has your attention stops talking to you.

bitches constantly about not being able to afford a tv to play her kingdom hearts on ps3. her dad out of his good graces, lets her play on his flat screen, but then she bitches when he wants to watch what she calls "stupid football"

has a shit tier laptop, cries about not being able to afford a macbook

you don't want virgins

>> No.7089166

she browses 4chan, /cgl/

i hope you read this
you know who you are

>> No.7089177

u should hit that seig 2/10 is 100% better than ur 1/10 gf

>> No.7089200

my 1/10 ex-gf was fucking disgusting
i was in it becuase i like being fucking disgusting in bed

random clumbs of deodrant in that bitches armpits, mustache hair, super fucking fat, flip flops, baggy stone washed jeans, and flip flops with a stained tank top everywhere


loud mouth bratty bitch smoked every 30 seconds

actually broke a chair one time (those plastic lawn chairs) at a party
everyone laughed at her, incl me

only thing that was more disgusting was her morbidly obese chain smoking mother

>> No.7089211

what did you do to her?

>> No.7089219

he fell in love with her and drove her away with his neediness and over emotional behavior.

>> No.7089226

everything i could think of, have her best friend piss on her

fuck other women in front of her. i got bored about 5 months in and couldn't keep it hard if we went 1 on 1 so

we started the open relationship there.

then when she wanted to fuck some 40 year old loser. i called it cheating and broke it off with her.

i was tired of keeping her dead weight around, and she kept pushing my to buy her a car because she couldn't afford one

i had to pay for all her meals and shit becuase she had less than $200 to her name

i felt embarassed on v-day so i bought her a Helmut lang dress to wear out to dinner

(i am not eating in newport beach with a bitch in a tank top)

>> No.7089233

my god
also smoking fatties are the worst kind of people.

>> No.7089246

aww how romantic and dramatic
sorry man, i only cause drama/insults on here to fuck with peop because i like to keep my real life drama free

hence, no friends, no gf, no family within 500 miles

except my little bro, he's welcome anywhere
i have a room for him in everyhouse i live
i spoil that little shit, becuase he didn't get any inheritance from the deaths.

living on a sailboat i bought, driving a car i bought, and has degrees in which i paid for

i hand him a few grand cash every once in awhile if he gets behind on bills/food

>> No.7089251

> "is it possible to be a stay at home dad if my wife if japanese?"

What most weaboos doesnt realize is that japanese women go batshit insane right after getting married (if they were not crazy before), and forget about having sex ever again. This is why a lot of japanese married men cheat on their wives and their wives are ok with it.
Also in a japanese marriage, the woman handles the money and if the man gets lucky he'll get some kind of allowance

>> No.7089261

not true at all
my mother is japanese and is nothing like that

>> No.7089297

Is she americanized?
Or maybe shes one in a billion

But Im not bullshiting. I lived in Japan (not among expats), I have family (not through genetics tho) there, I KNOW.

>> No.7089316

she is living in america, but still a japanese citizen and goes back 3-4 times a year....

u jelly of hot azn gurls?

dat pale skin
the thighest pussy in the game

and they know that men hate it when women talk to they cover their mouths when they laugh

/amy schumer

>> No.7089326
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Hey /fit9k/, /fiat/ here.

you're a nerd, cunt

you dress like shit and aren't cut

you still like cartoons

you're a sad cunt

>> No.7089333
