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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 26 KB, 634x314, dark-eyes-open.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7084710 No.7084710[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

well, /fa/, I did it. I'm skeleton mode

now I only have one question (inb4 trolling)

is there any way to enhance circles around eyes w/o heroin or not sleeping?

>> No.7084718

get a hold of your self. it would be fun when you're D E A D

>> No.7084723

Don't consume any protein or anything with iron in it. Basically try to give yourself anemia.

>> No.7084725


Holy fucking shit. I believe you took fuck boy to a new level

You can rub your eyes all the time like a dumbfuck, or wear makeup to get that appearace

>> No.7084738

ehh, yeah I might not do that

I bet you all the money in the world you look like of a fuccboi than me

>> No.7084757
File: 410 KB, 336x630, woolparkablackfit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post a fit

>> No.7084773


>> No.7084804
File: 222 KB, 895x960, readandweepfuccboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the closest to a fit pic I have, just my Fb pic

wearing black skinnies and 1460 docs


>> No.7084840
File: 637 KB, 960x1280, 20131005_123735_20131005125342928_20131010014127115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on my way to super skeleton mode.
5'10" 155lbs down from 165lbs. I havent eaten a single calorie since I was 165. Im not eating again till im 120lbs.

>tfw gonna have dat skeleton face at 120lbs if I look like this at 155lbs

>> No.7084845

Good luck getting dark circles, pussy

>> No.7084858

There's this kid I work with that has anime hair (black, long and styled bangs) with crazy dark circles. I thought he was a qt girl the first time I saw him.

I talked to him and brought it up randomly, he said he has a blood iron deficiency or something and he'll look like that regardless of his sleep. Also said that he can't donate blood because of it.

>> No.7084865




6'3 here and im pushing 145

>> No.7084871

yeah except he's probably better looking than you, so it doesn't matter as much

>> No.7084878

ANY food that isnt meat, organs or bllod (yeah yeah the blood that comes in liver containers, nom) makes me sick, liquid shit, puke ect.

my body cant proccess anything but the above mentioned food. I dunno whats up... I might have an iron deficiency because ... you have no idea how much I love liver, it makes me feel really good. Like a nicotine high.

>> No.7084875

Holy shit you're fat as fuck
I'm 5"10 and 130

>> No.7084886


lol manlet

>> No.7084890

Am I a skellington yet?'

>> No.7084893

I know dude. Why do you think im doing this

even though I cant handle most food, I guess I eat too much fatty meat and fried liver.

but, to be fair, I also lift and deadlift 315lbs. So some of that weight is in muscle.

>> No.7084896

no thats pretty fuckn fat for a 6 year old

>> No.7084900

yeah, a friend of mine has the same sort of deal I think. there was a rumor that he was gonna die at a young age because of whatever he has (HIV maybe?) but it's probably just anemia

>> No.7084902



>> No.7084903
File: 17 KB, 828x746, XD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7084904
File: 709 KB, 1035x1070, 1371154667163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be uni student who stays up late into the night working and studying
>have massive bags under my eyes that I'm self conscious about

A-am I /fa/?

>> No.7084906

jesus fuckn christ how can u be 6' tall if ur only 6 years old wahts wrong with u

how are u even typing this were u born on a leap year? i dont know any 6 year olds that can type

>> No.7084907

Woah. I'm 6 foot 5, 150 and I had no idea I qualified for hungry skeleton tier

>> No.7084910

possibly, I wouldn't be self concious about it

>> No.7084919

this picture kind of reminds me of that one Aphex Twin interview

i.e., you're p attractive

>> No.7084923

>Dark circles like no other.
Thing is, I'm trying to get ridd 'em

>> No.7084927

Thanks. Im hoping for better cheeks/ect. After I hit like 130lbs.

>> No.7084965

You are the hungriest of all skeletons. Auschwitz inmates wish they were that thin.

>> No.7084973

Why would you want dark circles?
>A lack of sleep can cause paleness of the skin, allowing the blood underneath the skin to become more visible and appear bluer or darker.
Try staying awake at night, and sleep during the day, somehow that makes me stay up longer than usual- if I slept at night and awoke during day.

>> No.7084975

First it was intentionally trying to get yellow teeth and now it's intentionally trying to get circles around your eyes. I can only imagine what 2014 will bring.

>/fa/ how do i get a shorter dick
>how do i become fatter
>what's the easiest quickest way to get shorter
>how do i into acne

>> No.7085005

Now you're getting it.

>> No.7085022

>dark circles
>yellow teeth

i'm almost /fa/!

>> No.7085052

I think you should try exercising to lose fat and still retain some muscle. You look like you could end up AIDScore instead of heroin-chic.

>> No.7085059

>Im not eating again till im 120lbs.

Lol nigga you're going to end up weak as shit. No girl pr guy is going to fuck with a dude who has to take a breather after walking fifteen feet.

>> No.7085086

Thanka for the advice, but im confident my strength will be more than fine. Dl 315, bench 225lbs, I have too much muscle anyway.

ill still be strong and have decent lbm at the end of this.

How many times do I need to say that I lift?

>> No.7085124


u need to be draped in rick and ghostly white from lack of circulation after living in slp jawns before eyebags are gng to look good on u