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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.26 MB, 1484x794, hoodie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7084024 No.7084024[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>why do you do that?
>do what?
>that thing with the hoodie, you look very feminine
so apparently the way I walk while wearing a hoodie is girly. I do it like A. if I do it like B (aka the relaxed/typical way) the hoodie looks like shit because it looks like it's being attracted to the ground by gravity n shit.

so i came to the conclusion that these pockets aren't really functional, are they? they are pure aesthetic and weren't designed to be used because in one way i look gay and in the other i look like shit.

just making the thread so someone can confirm that when wearing a hoodie i'm supposed to put my hands in the pockets of my pants, right?

>> No.7084035
File: 188 KB, 1200x800, img_1278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no idea what to make of this thread.

>> No.7084068

You should relax your shoulders and elbows when putting your hands in your pockets. How is this a question? Are you new to pockets?

>> No.7084072


>> No.7084079


>> No.7084105

the fuck are you talking about

>> No.7084104
File: 464 KB, 1784x2772, fucking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean like pic related? because... well, in the pic it looks fine, but irl it's like i'm pulling it down with the force of a thousand suns.
"what" as in "nigga wtf u doing u r supossed to relax your arms"
or "what" as in "i didn't understand shit"?

>> No.7084123

ppl complain his elbows stick out when his hands are in his pockets and it's girly. but he doesn't want to lower his hands because it stretches the hoodie. i feel ya op.

solution: stop wearing hoodies. they're pleb 99% of the time. get a better casual jacket.

>> No.7084131
File: 49 KB, 820x461, sakamoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


best thread 2day

>> No.7084138

>you mean like pic related? because... well, in the pic it looks fine, but irl it's like i'm pulling it down with the force of a thousand suns.
Don't jam your fists into the pocket, your shoulders should naturally fall back and your elbows will come close to your trunk if you are standing with good posture.

Am I barred as fuck or is this guy fucking asking us how to use pockets?

>> No.7084156

what as in wtf are you talking about. im so confused

>> No.7084153
File: 515 KB, 700x1320, 1381512064208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ppl complain his elbows stick out when his hands are in his pockets and it's girly. but he doesn't want to lower his hands because it stretches the hoodie.
fuc man that's exactly what i was trying to explain in the op.

so what's the solution beside not wearing hoodies? i don't have money at the moment and i barely have any decent clothes so can't really buy anything else for now.

>> No.7084159

what? you dont have to pull down, you can have your arms in that position while still supporting them with your muscles and not the bottom of the pockets. were you just grown in a lab and not know how to use your body?

>> No.7084179

Pockets are made for putting stuff on them, that is their function.

>> No.7084189

i think he actually does not know how to use pockets

>> No.7084200

Just buy a pair of mittens if it's a problem.

>> No.7084194
File: 66 KB, 400x400, battenwear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well just save up, man. you don't have to cop a really expensive jacket, but something different than a sweatshirt goes a LONG way. hoodies+jeans are ultimate blend in mode. get a decent harrington or bomber. depending on the weather in your area you may need a hood, in which case i'd recommend a nylon (blend) parka or anorak (pic related). small yet drastic improvement over hoodies. i try never to wear them anymore.

>> No.7084191

OP, have you ever considered that maybe you just look gay? 'cause I don't have that problem. 8)

>> No.7084201

Top kek

>> No.7084211
File: 36 KB, 360x450, Baracuta - G9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol what would you consider to be the single most popular light outerwear garment? they're overworn and utterly commonplace. i'm just tryna help elevate op's game.

>> No.7084230

hoodies dont work for you OP. either buy longer hoodies, or dont buy them cause you probably have long ass arms and a long frame

>> No.7084233

>its popular, must be pleb and shit i cant ever wear it again
this is a true fuckboy mentality

>> No.7084245

Overworn? Ok but 99% of people don't wear them nicely anyways

What's the most common/popular lightweight casual footwear? Sneakers. Does that mean sneakers are also pleb?

What's the most common lightweight casual top? Probably basic tees. Are basic tees pleb?

How about denim? Wouldn't you say that's fairly common? Maybe even over worn?

>> No.7084279
File: 95 KB, 448x600, mfnriK8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying so hard right now
jesus christ, not everything popular is bad. i'd wear a rick hoodie if i could afford it, and i wear jeans. i was offering a simple alternative to hoodies that would make a noticeable improvement. admit it, wearing a bomber instead of an AA hoodie makes you stand out.

>> No.7084277

honestly if some nigga commented on the angle that my elbows make while I'm wearing a hoodie then I would immediately cut contact with that person

>> No.7084296

you should have called the bitch out that said that an autistic fucking cunt that deserves to die if she believes in something such as "femininity"

what a typical yuppie piece of shit that was priviledged and raised without any hardships in her fucking life and is completely sheltered from the real world where real problems exist with REAL PEOPLE

>> No.7084315

your argument here >>7084211 was literally "its popular, so you shouldnt wear it." and standing out doesnt mean an improvement. wearing a bomber completely wrong would, yes, make you stick out. you'd look like a moron. but yes, it can also look good. its not as simple as "A is better than B" for the most part.

>> No.7084321

This is amazing. This is literally a spectacle.

>> No.7084334

Whats the matter OP, too insecure to be walking with your hands out of your pockets?
If you're wearing just a hoodie it cant be that cold, do you feel awkward about your hands?

>> No.7084350

this is literally the definition of autism


if you look in the dictionary and look up autism it will say

"asking people how to angle your elbows when putting your hands in your pockets"

whats next are you going to ask what faces you should make when taking a shit?

>> No.7084385

It took me for-fucking-ever to understand what you were talking about.
You should have mentioned the black lines represented your arms, I thought the two sweaters were different and I just stared and stared till I figured what the fuck was the difference.

>> No.7084384

>what faces you should make when taking a shit

Hm, now I wonder, what face do I make when Im taking a shit? Would the face look effay if someone came in and saw me shitting?

>> No.7084380

Hoodies are dumb

get some sweaters and cardigans

>> No.7084391

All of you literally need to stop using the word "literally".

>> No.7084399

>not shitting in public restrooms and leaving the door wide open making costanza faces

>> No.7084414

your mom is literally sucking my dick right this very minute

>> No.7084419

might as well buy a dress

>> No.7084432

If you don't lift and have a babbybitch body, maybe.

>> No.7084434


>> No.7084442

I'm picturing an overweight bulky nerd from /fit/ wearing a tight cardigan buttoned up all the way and laughing really hard right now

>> No.7084445

nah cardigans r feminine as fuck and look retarded if you have musculature

>> No.7084470

no, if you have big shoulders and a v-taper it can look good

>> No.7084466

It took me like 5 minutes to figure out what your question was.
If someone comments, tell them they are fucking retarded for making that observation.

>> No.7084479
File: 36 KB, 520x693, cn6944330-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't look feminine to me.

>> No.7084482
File: 408 KB, 968x1519, dcraig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>these faggots projecting their own effeminacy

Cardigans are only effeminate if you're a skinny little bitch who has no resemblance to a man.

>> No.7084489

lol that guy looks like a flaming homo

>> No.7084493

I just wanted to say that cardigans are grandpa sweaters. that is all.

>> No.7084516

Craig's cardigan here is actually a decent, masculine one. It's thick, but fitting. If I ever see a male wearing one of those paper thin ones, I just assume he's a homosexual.

>> No.7084523

So just get chunky shawl collar ones. And don't have a bitch body.

>> No.7084527

Your mom is literally and figuratively RIDING your dick right now. Check mate, euphoric atheist.

>> No.7084528
File: 80 KB, 500x751, 1354157658214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, I've found the same thing: chunky/cable-knit cardigans that aren't too slim-fitted are the way to go if you're going to wear one.

>> No.7084538

Why would you wear a sweater with shorts?

>> No.7084536
File: 20 KB, 240x360, 100099090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those thing wrap cardis r goat tho

>> No.7084546

Ur gay though, your opinion is valueless to people who like being masculine

>> No.7084544

Look up fashion in the dictionary

>> No.7084554

If I stop and think "that isn't functional" then it's tryhard. End of story.

>> No.7084556
File: 99 KB, 497x750, tumblr_mgt9gwpZU61qb501fo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how often do you go outside?
if it's chilly and warms up, or if it's warm and it's going to be chilly later, you can easily remove the sweater, but it's going to be a little awkward to change your pants.

masculinity seems to be pretty delicate.

>> No.7084568
File: 110 KB, 370x350, 1381719206699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's going to be a little awkward to change your pants.

thats why u get those pants form like sears n shit where it has like a zipper around the knees so u can transform them to shorts

used to wear those all the time lmao

>> No.7084571


>masculinity seems to be pretty delicate.

this is what I'm talking about. You have no business telling normal people how to dress because you don't live in the same world as them

>> No.7084575

Pants are dawned before sweaters. There is no reason. I live in a climate like that. No reason.

>> No.7084595
File: 48 KB, 497x700, 1304949613508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rick please make these
srs tho i was thinkin bout gettin some huge socks to wear with pods for this reason so i could just scrunch em down when it warms up
or if they were legwarmers i could just take em off
rick already made these too
holy shit based rick thank you for liberating my legs from ankle length bifurcated oppression

>You have no business telling normal people how to dress because you don't live in the same world as them

earth colonists go home
keep theta for thetans!

>you should stop doing things that i would not do!

this is not a very good way to convince me to stop wearing my sweaters with my shorts

>> No.7084628

I say that you live in a different world because you do. Most of us are playing the game of life normally, trying to get good jobs, trying to be successful, eventually get a wife and have kids and retire. We obey social rules because that's how to be successful. You are 3deep5everyone and you don't play the game you just say fuck it I don't wanna and whine about the rules of the game. Old people are not accepting of being feminine looking and guess what they're your boss. You live in a little fantasy world where dressing like a woman and being a twig is something to be happy about.

basically, grow up and stop being the edgy 15 year old who thinks he knows more than adults and could run the world better and conform so you can actually play the game and have a good run

>> No.7084639
File: 80 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mml77auJ1b1ricy61o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever works for you.

>> No.7084691

10/10 best new thread

>> No.7084694

Nothing is concrete when you're 15, is it? Everything is relative and about feelings. When you thought everyone could be happy and do anything they wanted and could be anything they wanted. I miss being 15. Just wait until you meet the real world.

The game is rather fun, by the way. I am so good at getting boomers to love me.

>> No.7084711
File: 145 KB, 500x688, tumblr_md3025zxi11r9zfqto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but did u ever learn ur model walks? do u even know how to wear heels? how do you expect to survive in our toxic (to humans lmao) environment without chopines to lift you above the sludge? you wouldn't last one day on theta.

>> No.7084715


The "normal" game of life you described doesn't apply to people who work in fashion just letting you know.

>> No.7084721

>work in fashion

>> No.7084726

Your dad did a bad job.

>> No.7084731


Congratulations you know how to read

>> No.7084730
File: 31 KB, 600x364, tumblr_mcxc0h7VgT1qb9skuo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my species doesn't reproduce sexually

>> No.7084736

You'd already be gay, so none of it applies to you.

>> No.7084742

Is this your first fuxking hoodie? Don't put your hands in there it fucking stretches the fabric and after a couple of wears the pockets sag and the whole thing is shit.

Found this out in gr 10 for fuck sake

>> No.7084745

Was that around the time you found out you were gay

>> No.7084743


Lol ok anon I guess I'm gay now because you told me I am better go suck some dicks

>> No.7084758

I'm fairly sure it's impossible for homosexuals to reproduce at all.

>> No.7084764

Number one you aren't going to get a job. Do you know how flooded the market is with girls?

Number two why in fucks name would you decide to go into fashion?

my sister has a fashion degree and works for h&m setting up new stores in the west btw

>> No.7086108

OP think of it as a wake up call. It is okay to come out of the closet. It is not your hoody, it's you, your gay. Deal with it.

>> No.7086144


Pleb means the "commoner," so literally common things are pleb, yes