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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 147 KB, 640x960, cheeky chappie ain't he.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7069194 No.7069194[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fashion disasters thread?

>> No.7069202

Sorry OP, I don't have any of ur fit pics :^)

>> No.7069207

w2c good creepers for under 100?

>> No.7069245


Fuck you OP, you are just a bad person. Stop worrying about other people because I guarantee you dress like shit too. If not then post a fit to prove it you faggot, or stop shitposting. Your autism is showing.

So tired of seeing retards always starting shit threads like this or "GO 2 FB / MFA BRING SUMTHIN BAK LOL!!!11!!1!1" when I haven't seen any better from 99% of the anons on this board

So yeah fuck you

>> No.7069268
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>> No.7069289
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>> No.7069300
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>> No.7069309

post a fit

>> No.7069325

Talk shit post a fit nucka

>> No.7069337


Nice attempted dodge, faggot.

>> No.7069361

OP this kind of behaviour is probably one of the most pathetic things seen on the board. While you dwell upon trying to hide your insecurities by making fun of others, other anons are spending time bettering themselves and gaining a deeper understanding of fashion and themselves.

So do you really want to be stuck in a completely un-/fa/ mindset aka pleb status? It's your choice man, I'm just saying this because I think this behaviour is self detrimental. Where does it get you? Nowhere. It just sinks you deeper into a reassuring state of ignorance.

>> No.7069366
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>> No.7069372
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>> No.7069397

>deeper understanding of fashion and themselves
Where the fuck are we reddit? Where upvotes are given away like free fuckin cups of water
Jesus fuck
Go live in your delusions about "improvement" with other reddit fags like youself

>> No.7069403

look like a cool dude

would like to talk about politics with him
-Matt Helders is a 24 year old creative living and working in north west england. Matt is passionate about solving problems and is inspired by the architecture of manchester and his parents "Currently i'm enjoying the work of John Cage and the works of Raging Stallion Studios.

>> No.7069434


"Omg someone here actually cares about fashion and being truly /fa/ instead of shitposting, they must be from reddit"

Just because we're on 4chan doesn't mean we have to think and act like ignorant assholes

I don't think I'm the "delusional" one here. If you truly think that then I pity you as fashion has obviously not become a positive thing in your life, when it can be something very beautiful.

>> No.7069447

yeah this

>> No.7069450
File: 49 KB, 944x909, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.7069454


>> No.7069474


matt what exactly ARE you? i've been on this board for as long as i can remember and i seriously don't understand you

is your persona on fa an elaborate troll? a way to have some fun? a joke? i just don't understand please respond

>> No.7069481

how mad are you? :^)

>> No.7069508


please can somebody photoshop a funny pic of me thati can use on my facebook wall picture thing

>> No.7069503

yo matt i saw you in town the other day, I was gonna shout fuccboi or something but i was with a girl so it would have been weird, I just burst out laughing and explained that I'd just seen a tripfag to her.
ur pretty as fuck irl btw, jesus

>> No.7069507


>> No.7069517

Dumb, matt hasn't been here for years nucka

>> No.7069518

he's fat and autistic what more do you need to know?

>> No.7069519



>> No.7069523

Beautiful like this?>>7069202
Where you try anythin and go "LELE FASHION IS EXPRESSING YOURSELF!!!!"
like the faggot's who wear dresses and goth ninja thinking they look good?
I know what I look like and I know what looks bad and good
And what fuckin op posted look fuckin horrible
just looks really bad
like how bad art is bad? and good art is good?
How somethings are not shit and something are good?
Do not go tumblr on me and tell me "EVERYRTHING IS GOOD!!! OPINIOSNNSNS!!!"

>> No.7069527

nahhhh man!!! fuck, sick! where was i (and you)

you should have said somethign!!! no one ever says anything!

ooh i know, was it mon or tuesday? i was in manchester i was watching a court case thought i could mention it in my uni interview (which was last wednesday)

got a work exp placement in a mig law firm in manchester starting a week today actaully

damn thats cool. damn how oldare you?

what was i wearin? (nbs?)

>> No.7069541

this post is makign me laugh and im trying rly hard not to laugh

>> No.7069535

how can you be so desperate to cling onto your vision of 4chan culture you've probably been consuming since your early teens that you can say that optimism, positivity and expression are bad things?

>> No.7069537

and what werre u wearin?

>> No.7069544

You have to understand, you're coming off like just one more person who thinks their way is the only right way.

>> No.7069549

the real matt left 4chan in march 2012, ive been posting as him since so im basically the new matt

the old matt is nial, thats where the joke comes from (even though he just posted on /mu/ and didnt canwhore or anything)

>> No.7069551

was he short as fuck i heard he is really 5'4/5 but lies about his height

>> No.7069557

i only noticed you juuust as you walked past me, and it took me a couple seconds to believe it... idk, some blue pea coat or something? like i said, if i was alone i would have just looked at you and said "post a fit" or some dumb shit like that.. i'm barely 18 tho yo, it would be weird to hang out right? you're like 24 or something

yeah it was def monday or tuesday

>> No.7069567
File: 396 KB, 575x591, swag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im 18 turned it like 3 months ago

and lol yeah, i was wearin a duffle coat as seen in this pic Lol :P

>> No.7069563

whats wrong with this one

>> No.7069564

lol he's 18

>> No.7069565

Well I hate the tumblr whale mindset this faggot is expressing and I don't give a fuck
Bad is bad good is good
There isn't a middle line of :"understanding" that some faggots can look good even though it looks bad because they are "trying"
Fuck no
Know your limits and wear what you can put off

>> No.7069575

ahwww fuck im imagining how id react if some dude said 'post a fit' at me in the street

would be the funniest thing

>> No.7069576

i saw tinfoil at a death grips gig but i was rly drunk and thought i imagined it but then he said he was there lol

>> No.7069586

tumblr is a bloging site lol
stop thinking that the representation of other corners of the internet you see on /v/ is real lol
>Bad is bad good is good
you sound actually aspergers, this is a very common trait

>> No.7069584


hey cool filenaem, i saw that word on tumblr

>> No.7069585
File: 68 KB, 612x612, 14bd0e280a9511e3aacd22000a1f932c_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres a guy in one of my classes that really obviously goes on /fa/ should i say a meme at him or what

>> No.7069597

thanks but im using it meta post ironically. You wouldnt understand. But thanks anyway.

>> No.7069598


they don'tsay anything becuz they are lying

no one has seen u

>> No.7069599

I take it you're from mfa? And I'm not just saying that as an insult, I actually think it might be true.

peacoat is way oversized, and has fur. pants are too baggy. Boat shoes are ugly. He's wearing socks with boat shoes.

even if boat shoes weren't ugly, they're a summer shoe. He's wearing them with long uncuffed pants and a jacket.

On the other hand his color palette isn't terrible.

>> No.7069603


if i was him i would of punched u in ur fetal alcohol cro magnon head

>> No.7069601

and 4chan is an anime image board what's your point?
Didn't you read I said tumblr whale? The fat acceptance bitches? Who say "you need to understand our fatness don't make fun of our fatness"
You sound like those people who say "you got to understand our bad fashion because we are expressing ourselves don't make fun of us"

>> No.7069604

>not affect

anyway how do you know he goes on /fa/?

>> No.7069605

they have, i never believe them until they say where they saw me and get it right

eg this guy is legit, knew what i was wearing and i was in town on that day (and i dont go into town a lot)

stop pissing on my bonfire you little shit

>> No.7069612

no you wouldnt

honestly im fast as fuck reflexes (took test in natural history museum, beat mum and dad by miles) and ive watched videos. I'd be able to block it, then id floor you (easy) and put you under citizens arrest.

I've done it before.

>> No.7069619


ur an idiot and so stupid

he has obvs seen that stupid blue duffle coat b4

people here are weird u dumb ass upturned motherfucking bitch he lied he lied ok, just accept it, no one has approached u becuz no one HAS seen you

>> No.7069627

damn thats crazy
does he look good irl

>> No.7069622


i saw it twiter do u go there?

>> No.7069639


the natural history museum was shite the royal air force museum was epic just simply epic they had this bunker thing and u could walk through it and it smelt like the war and it was awesome like trenches it was fucking sick and they had this london bombings thing u could walk through i nearly shit myself lol

>> No.7069632

damn you know you don't have to say rude words like whale and bitches just because you're upset. and yeah i think they're silly but they should be able to do whatever makes them happy it's all good with me :)
i don't want to make anyone feel bad ever i just wanna make a positive impact like oxfam ya know why bring negativity into the world just spread love ya know stop being so upset you fucking idiot lol

>> No.7069634

gr8 h8 m8 i r8 8.8/8

>> No.7069635

Hey lelders nice to see you again you don't know me because I am an anon but we chat on here a lot.
I copied one of your fits (the funny duffel coat/fly knits)

>> No.7069640

im blazing through this pizz

your jealous
everyone can see that
reply to this post with 1 if you can see it too

>> No.7069641

I did PCP at a party like 2 weeks ago, and I was just sitting there with my girlfriend looking through my pictures.
And then a close up of your face showed up.
Then I turned to my girlfriend.
Then we went into the hostess's room.
Then we had fucksex.

And I imagined it was you the whole time.

>> No.7069645

There is a limit, there is a point at which everyone can agree that an outfit is terrible. But there is also a grey area where you might not like something that a lot of other people like. Take bean boots for example. Or techwear.

I don't like streetwear, I think most of it looks really bad. Doesn't mean I'm right.

>> No.7069665

thats gay

>> No.7069659

Who's saying who's right and wrong
I'm saying I can point to you and laugh if you wear a black dress to school because I think it looks fuckin horrible
I don't care if im right or wrong
It looks bad I'm going to say it looks bad

>> No.7069660

it might have been that museum, i dont remember were it was i just remember trashing my parents at the reflex test and they said i should be a pilot

i dont like smell museums, i remember going to one that had tiolet smells lol, it was the history of toilets(not making this up)
I like rreal museums. the 1s that make u think
wow your gyay

ha!! gaaaaaaaaaaay!!!1!

>> No.7069663


no one cares about ur trog girlfriend u dumb idiot

>> No.7069671

ya because that works out really well being always fuckin positive to each other

>> No.7069669

honestly though i bet she was too

>> No.7069670


You completely missed the point. I never said anything about the fits being posted in the thread being good or bad, or to be more open minded about different styles. I don't know where you got that.

If you actually read my posts you would know that I was telling OP that this type of ego-feeding behaviour reeks of insecurity and is completely pointless and encourages negative mindsets.

>> No.7069672

what's the war museum that has the halls that smell like shit
i was always too afraid to go in it cause it smelled like shit

>> No.7069674


Lol stop getting so angry over something I didn't even say or imply in the slightest. You need to calm down and go read over my posts again.

>> No.7069683

your a fucking plonker

>> No.7069685

1 (one)

>> No.7069688


sorry got it wrong the royal air force museum was kind of shitthe only good thing was that fucking machine that u sit inside and it goes through a roller coaster

you know what i mean? they use to be really popular and the machine is like a small room with seats and a big screen and it twists around with a projection on the screen and the projection was anything man those were epic

im talking about the imperial war museum here look


the trench stinked like shit and was scary

>> No.7069689

She wouldn't bench me while blowing me though :'(
I know you would Matt... </3

>> No.7069701

It's not negative mindset
It's stating things our "feels"
We are on a fuckin imageboard what are we going to do not talk about fashion?
How can we talk about improvement without talking about the bad?
So don't talk about bad fashion at all?
Where is the spectrum?
Accepting negative comment encourages people to don't dress like shit

>> No.7069712

>Where is the spectrum?
your fucking on it thats for sure

>> No.7069721

fuck off you tripfaggot piece of shit
pls b in london

>> No.7069722

shut up you idiot this post sucks

>> No.7069741


>It's not a negative mindset

Well the way it is presented or spoken here sure sounds negative. There is no positive content that comes out of these threads, just pointless circlejerking their fragile egos over (obviously and blatantly) bad outfits. It's not even like "This could be better if x was y" or "This is bad because x", it's just angry teenagers posting pictures of their facebook friends. I've been there so I know it.

>what are we going to do not talk about fashion?

Scroll up, see if there is any actual meaningful discussion of fashion in this thread or any of this type of thread (hel-looks, lookbook, mfa, fb, obvious "hi guys is my outfit fa" troll threads), only bitter expression and insecurity.

Your argument is weak

>> No.7069740


>> No.7069750

is matt helders even ur rl name i thought that wus arctic monkeys drummer ????

>> No.7069759

but where is the spectrum?

>> No.7069764

Saying negative things is better than saying false positive things that isn't true
I rather have people say i'm a faggot than people who pretend to laugh at my jokes
I'm saying even this mindless "lels, hurr derr mfa" is better than a "POSTIVE" (reddit) site that encourages asspie behaviour and outfits saying "ya ya that flaming shirt looks great"
This is a 8/10 thread and your a fag for saying it's not

>> No.7069771

oh wow yeah call the police two niggas got the same name. SMH im named after him

>> No.7069784


post a new pic ofur sister

>> No.7069785


Nice strawman, please stop putting words in my mouth. I never said anything about "saying false positive things" or mentioned anything about the "mfa" mindset being better than anything. You're completely missing my point, go back and read my posts again, slowly.

I don't see why it's necessary to continue this. It's just sad that people like you will be stuck in this self detrimental behaviour and not be /fa/ in a long, long time.

>> No.7069789

You sound a little bit way too eager to try and fit in here, and you're obviously trying to do so by poking fun at people that are obviously outside of this group. That didn't work, and now you're resorting to childish name-calling and trying even harder to vie for at least someone's attention and/or respect.

In the process, you have made an entire ass of yourself. Very much non effay. Regardless, you seem to be suffering from a host of psychological problems by acting this way in an essentially anonymous board, and I'd recommend you get professional help.


>> No.7069796
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>> No.7069802


hey man im sitting here high is a kite and i look at ur arguing online it jsut seemz so minscule and really irrelevant why dont u just takea momenet to chill out or something it doesn't matter this argument doesn't matter right now dude u think about allt he buses that drive at night and u think do they care about ur argument ..no well the answer is no to be quite frnak with u like the busses drive beside eachother and discuss current affairs do u fthink they discuss ur argument no they do not just leave it out and go to bed or something plase please plase do not waste time on this puny peron u are better than that ok my life u are better i believe in u now go get it !! go get it i believ in u and U my friend U can make it RIGHT now RIGHT now not tomorrow not next week NOW now now now now do u understand me, get out there and DO it!! anrold schawrdsnezegger baby jason genova the DARK lORD sith lord dark lord spaniard sickening sickening down with the sickness baby zomby- float i no no no with floatttt!! oh baby sickening

>> No.7069816

Ya I know what you said
"MEANINGFUL" mean shit because no one here actually knows "fashion"
If we are filled with a top notch fuckin art school faggots who graduated from fashion school I will say "fuck it anon youre right"
Youre meaningful helpful thread is nothing more than posts of infopics and saying "ya it looks good.." , "looks okay", "8/10" or reposting 100 pictures OVER AND OVER AGAIN
Actually help /fa/ can give is the hard truth, The "NEGATIVE" mindset you call it that actually say "that looks fuckin gay" or "mfa"
Those kinda of comment actually make anons realizes "maybe I'm a faggot"
You're not going to get your "discussion" and I didn't even see any "discussions" in the catelog because we are all fuckin 18-20 year olds who barely knows fashion

>> No.7069813


Although you're high I completely understand what you're saying and I agree. Sometimes we need to step back and look at the bigger picture and think about how important things are on a "cosmic" scale.

Good post man and 420blazeit

>> No.7069815

What's the problem here?

>> No.7069824

was the girl hot?

if she wasnt we could have doulb teamed her

>> No.7069845

ur basing your entire argument on the idea that the fits posted in these threads are originally from fa, while they're not your argument is invalid and learn to not type like an autist it's a pain to read your shit
theres enough critique in the waywt so if u think thats good go there and do that dont encourage these threads though theyre objectively bad and theres been plenty of good discussions here before you just havent seen them

>> No.7069850
File: 81 KB, 768x1024, just wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7069858

the ops of these threads start it to calm their insecurity and 2 feel better about their shitty selves, not to 'show why some fits are bad' you are really really stupid and have the mental capability of a 12 year old i mean seriously just look back at your posts lol what the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.7069859

>we are all fuckin 18-20 year olds who barely knows fashion
Not really.

>> No.7069860

It doesn't matter if it's from here or from my high school
Actually help /fa/ is going to give is telling you how bad it looks
Also you type like a retard yourself

>> No.7069866

Poet you didn't even go to college and talk about "buying land" to make money
I really don't take you that seriously

>> No.7069871

What's the problem here? Of course, it might look very awkward for anyone under the age of 30, but the look isn't THAT bad.

>> No.7069872

>you didn't even go to college and talk about "buying land" to make money

you amuse me, child.

>> No.7069874

>It doesn't matter if it's from here or from my high school
uh yeah it does holy shit how fucking retarded are you i refuse to believe that someone is this retarded
ur saying that this shit is good because it tells anons what looks bad so they can have a better idea of what looks good when that isnt the case, the fags who post these threads or these pictures do it to feel better about themselves and dont give any commentary on why its bad or any intellectual opinion
just shut up

>> No.7069881

>ops of these threads start it to calm their insecurity
Are you a mind reader?
When did op say that?
>"oh he implyied it"
At least I'm not talking about things that was "implied" I talking about the thread as a whole
Posting bad fits and saying shittty things is about 10 times better thread than posting 100 pics that's been reposted before

>> No.7069884
File: 41 KB, 600x450, 482111_447340281966908_571350632_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7069889

poet do you think im cool serious question do you think im clever

>> No.7069899

>the fags who post these threads or these pictures do it to feel better about themselves and dont give any commentary on why its bad or any intellectual opinion
>"they are IMPLYING"
Oh ya that makes TOTAL SENSE
At least I'm talking about waht's ACTUALLY happening in the thread than assuming what anons are doing

>> No.7069906

Because two anons are shitting on me
Needed to open my mouth twice

>> No.7069900

are you retarded why did you just post the same thing twice

>> No.7069916

lets stop this its pretty clear that you're just straight up stupid
you win anon lol
ignorance is bliss

>> No.7069920

I've seen you make some pretty intelligent posts. I think you have a lot of intellectual potential that you don't exercise because you'd either rather have people sleep on you (often a smart move) or are afraid of coming across as tryhard.

Either that or your sense of humor just rules the roost when it comes to your own behavioral choices.

>> No.7069947

And being a stupid retard who say shit like "oh I don't want to play any more I don't want to lose"
means how stupid you actually are
>"but anons implied their insecurities"
I hate people when they "assume" it just shows they lack any ability to actually carry on an argument
>inb4 "you win I DONE lel You win"

>> No.7069974

That's fuckin will smith

>> No.7069991

nvr change



>implying there's anything wrong with normal people dressing like normal people

this thread for people who think they're lookin fashionable.

>> No.7069992

This would look good if he lifted.
This is a girls outfit.
Nigga needs some different shoes but I like the coat
This would look good if he wasn't fat.
This one is legit icky

>> No.7069985


i just post like this cause its fun or something. usually i cant be arsed trying so this is the most stream of consciousness way of posting for me i think of jokes when im typing and dont change things after ive typed them i hardly ever press backspace

onyl sometimes can i be arsed actually trying with the posts i make, and its virtually never about fashion cause that isnt worth the effort

would be interested for someone who has seen my posts millions of times to meet me irl and see what thtey think

>> No.7069998

>not being an insanely negative narcissist

you don't belong here

>> No.7070017

I think its the combo of jeans, lack of tie, and pocket square

I'm certain that pocket squares indicate an increase in formality.
The pants are ugly too imo

>> No.7070214

Oh, so you enjoy dicks?

>> No.7070276

i really want to fucking meet you but i live in america.

i kind of want to talk to you on skype but am worried you would be bothered.

do anons bother you on skype?

>> No.7070328

no man hit me up

im bored 95% of the time hit me up chilldude372

>> No.7070338

i added you on skype a while ago and talked to you a few times on steam once

not the guy you replied to but yeah you seem like a bro

>> No.7070336
File: 115 KB, 538x692, 1374274503453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7070370


why arent u adding me bro

>> No.7070453

fabrixquare-tier sweats + neckline on shirt isn't flattering on his bodytype

>> No.7070768

donte is that you

>> No.7070770

ok, thanks.

>> No.7070806

Those are rick sweats. Josef's a good dude, and he pulls off that look. Chill.

>> No.7070825

that isnt josef

>> No.7070859
File: 236 KB, 380x331, 1376844634651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just ordered fabrixquare sweats
I don't even know any /fa/ people so no one will point me out for it. Plus I'm just trynna be comfy and not look Walmart-tier

>> No.7070885

Lol age lol
Hilarious bruh

>> No.7071194 [DELETED] 

>someone laughs at your fit so much he saves it and posts it in a bad fit thread

h-hold me effay

>> No.7071211
File: 223 KB, 1552x964, 1381532502042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when someone laughs at your fit so much he saves it and posts it in a bad fit thread

h-hold me effay

On the other hand, someone on the internet acknowledges my existance

>> No.7071248


The outfit itself isn't bad, the kid is just an awkward faggot with a shit haircut

>> No.7071280


Your outfit wouldn't be bad if you're pants weren't so fucking tight. I wear skinny jeans exclusively but you're fucking taking it way too far. At least somewhat embrace your masculinity.

If you weren't standing there so awkwardly and your pants were better, your pic wouldn't have been posted.

And if you're a chick then you seriously look like a man but I doubt it

>> No.7071354


I explained in that cop or not thread that those pants are shitty cheapo disposable skinnies from primark (...from the women's section) which I only wear for college because I didn't want to wear out a decent pair. That's not an excuse though.

This isn't really meant to be a proper fitpic either, I just wanted to know if I should cop the jumper.

Also, losing weight.

>> No.7071559

oh shit didnt even notice the jeans

>> No.7071607

its ironic, because ive never been violent

until im with the homies

>> No.7071626

No it isn't since you're a man and should not be buying from the women's section

>> No.7071633

just riding
just riding

>> No.7072735

matt got suckered into this e-persona role on /fa/,it nearly consumed him but it seems as if he's getting control of his non computer life,which im relieved for.idk to elaborate lol

>> No.7072792

when you get more economic freedom,order the real thing bru,dont end up in the cycle of ordering from there continuosly.

>> No.7072802

this thread gave me hope that atleast a portion /fa/ realizes the authenticity/mentality of the board and board culture

>> No.7072813

These pants look fucking ridiculous

>> No.7072815

>suspenders over the vest
Holy fuck my sides

>> No.7072821

the vest is a graphic tee.

>> No.7072846

dont plan on it but its better than nothing

>> No.7072858

call him a fuccboi.

>> No.7072864

We need a universal signal that won't be misinterpreted. Everyone pronounces fuccboi differently, and some people actually use it as an insult

>> No.7072932
File: 88 KB, 684x342, Hitlergruss_dpa_1703[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The effay-salute is performed by extending the right arm to at least eye level, and straightening the hand so that it is parallel to the arm. Usually, an utterance of "Heil Rick Owens", or "fuccboi" will accompany the gesture.

>> No.7072988


>mfw when Millenium Square, Leeds

It's currently got a big tent with The Lady Boys of Bangkok in at the moment

I think it's a caberet act

>> No.7073299
File: 46 KB, 320x480, 183274_garden_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7073309

Top button undone
No tie
Shirt has buttoned collars, yet the collars still stand up straight
Sleeves were never tailored
Shoulders (And thus the whole suit) doesn't fit
No pocket square
Light brown shoes out of nowhere

>> No.7073313

where u from yung yung

>> No.7073329

shirt doesn't fit
jeans don't fit
jacket is too long for this look/shouldn't be buttoned up if you're wearing with jeans

>> No.7073360

>everyone is amazed by will smith
>doesn't notice vin diesel on the left

>> No.7073386

reminds me of the downy drug dealer in the steroids episode of southpark

>> No.7073395
File: 114 KB, 350x960, 4987598473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7073436

10/8, m8

>> No.7073542


Wtf kind of look is that homo even going for

>> No.7073547

"ladyman" direct quote from him/her/it

>> No.7073610
File: 83 KB, 500x667, 1564654987621587651547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This person posted this with the words:

>Lookin fly

and if you dare to say anything bad about it dumbass tumblites fucking fellate the OPs silicone dick

>> No.7073654

Bradford Cox core

>> No.7073749
File: 528 KB, 1125x1997, DSC_0076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I can add myself to this list.

>> No.7073757

He atleast pulls if off. Marfan's syndrome is pretty /fa/

>> No.7073937

>yung lelders *B.H.A* *SttB* ~*#BuCkEtBoiZ*~ -Hymen Buster Helders- [#ether gang

are you yung lean?!

>> No.7073943

no just another ugly fat fuck

>> No.7073973


0mg gotta give u sum upboats for dat one good sirr :))

>> No.7073991

Seriously though, the point is we don't want to become a culture like Reddit because that place fucking sucks for any type of critical discussion. Mfa is one of the safest places to post because everyone's so fucking nice and non-critical all the time, which is of course driven by the dictatorship of the upvote.

I'd rather have /fa/ any day, where if someone posts a shit picture, they will be harshly criticized in anonymity and where people don't just win discussions by collecting more upvotes.

>> No.7073990

i hate seeing kids walk around with their backpack holding up their clothes so i compulsively pul down the back of my clothes, especially when im wearing a backpack.

>> No.7074205

I think he's trying to pull the pre-1912 Chinese look.

>> No.7074288

>pre-1912 Chinese
>them shoes
>the beanie

oh god hahahahahahahaha

>> No.7074309

Threads like these teach people what not to wear.

Ideal situation: someone posts a bad fit that someone else thinks looks good.

Person who thinks it looks good asks what's bad about it.
Gets explanation.
Understands more about style.

>> No.7074324

bottom half looks fine

>> No.7074603

That looks a lot like millennium square in Leeds.

>> No.7075172
