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/fa/ - Fashion

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7068191 No.7068191[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is makeup necessary for a girl to be /fa/?

I can't decide whether I should be wearing it or not. And assuming that I should, I don't know the first thing about what to use or how to apply it, particularly not within a respectable timeframe.

Any help for a beginner? Not sure how off-topic this is, so sorry if it's inappropriately placed.

>> No.7068264

Can pretty much make you two to four point/10 prettier but I very much prefer girls with natural or no makeup since it's not such a disgusting mask

>> No.7068272

So, that's a... no on the makeup?

>> No.7068281


it becomes a crutch for most grills

a girl that can look cute/attractive without makeup will usually look fucking incredible the seldom time they do put on makeup

the opposite is true for girls who wear makeup all the time and then stop. they look abysmal

>> No.7068299

better without makeup, but few girls look good without it

makeup does help a lot though and can make girls look a lot better even though its deceiving

so a yes to makeup unless you are naturally really pretty

but always less than more, dont go overboard

>> No.7068301

Yes, you must be pretty autist if you're 18+ and haven't worn makeup.

>> No.7068367

I've worn it on rare occasions in my life. Think I've worn it once this year. I'm not 'autist', though I am extremely Plain Jane.

>> No.7068372

Got it, cheers.

>> No.7068375

wear it but don't overdo it

>> No.7068409
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>Is makeup necessary for a girl to be /fa/?
Yes definitely. Anyone says girls look more attractive without make up is a complete moron.

>> No.7068491
File: 2 KB, 250x250, 1381592817934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It boils down to what this anon said >>7068281 and this anon >>7068299

If you're an uggo: don't wear that much since everyone will (want to) puke when they see you without
If you're a qt3.14: less is better

Some qts can also turn out to look a bit "worse" when they go full make up, so that's also something to take into consideration.

>> No.7068535


this, and that picture is entirely accurate

>> No.7068564

Know half a dozen girls who don't wear makeup and are not ugly.

This holds true for most girls though if you don't know jackshit about makeup

>> No.7068589

Well some girls need it because they aren't pretty without it but it doesn't mean there aren't girls who are gorgeous without make up. Full face make up will always be a turn off tho.

>> No.7068605
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>Full face make up will always be a turn off tho.
This, and even more of a turn-off when they are gorgeous without.

>> No.7069468
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I like simple so I emulate her look
>anti acne face primer
>liquid eye liner
>lip balm
>tinted lip balm

>> No.7069485

If you wanna get my dick you've gotta be /fa/. Make (up) your own mind up. You want some sweaty loser? sure, wear whatever you want. You want me?

Bitch you better be /fa/ as fuck.

i just realised i misread your post but whatever. i added the (up) after i noticed it ofc

>> No.7069704

>implying anybody wants to fuck your chubby babyface

>> No.7069729

thats why i rape them instead xD

>> No.7069836

do you rape only effay guys? or fuccbois too?

>> No.7069844

when im in the zone ill rape anyone who gets in my way

>> No.7069999

No you dont need to wear it to be /fa/. Many well known /fa/ people wear close to no makeup (ie my goddess Emmanuelle Alt)
But some girls need to wear makeup cause they are ugly as fuck and/or they have fucked up skin

>> No.7072575
File: 870 KB, 930x581, Mua-Mily-Serebrenik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use makeup for self-expression, not to "conceal" "flaws."

Just be confident and take care of your actual skin.

>> No.7072604

tfw ugly bitches slapping on makeup to look average and think they're worth my dick

fucking uggos, i see through your mask.